A Few Dollars Short
Merry or Marry or Simply Both
or most of us, this is the time of the year that we say Merry Christmas. One letter in a word can make such a big difference and still be related to each other. This year the “merry” as in Christmas has a deeper meaning because of the word “marry” for two special people. For the two you are about to meet, the word “marry” means a new life for two people who were separate but who now have joined together to form a life that
will last forever. It was about five months ago when Paul and Ruth came to me and asked me if I would marry them. I replied that I would just as long as we would meet and speak a few times prior to the holy moment of marriage. I asked if this marriage would be under the word of God and both replied, “Yes.” I must tell you this was my very first wedding and it was going to be a difficult one because I had to combine (Continued on page 11)
mom is walking down the street, she is tired because
she is nine months pregnant and has her other two toddlers walking closely behind her. She sees a bus bench and decides to take a little rest on the bus stop sitting down with her little precious family. Dad is working the day labor pool trying to make as much money as he can so the family can stay in a hotel for the night. Dad knows to check one of two places
Congratulations! Paul & Ruth
when he gets off work, the bus stop she is sitting at or in front of the local hotel with the backing of
Cathy’s Prayer List •
The Darlington Family Sharon • Jenna • Brian • Tommy • Hollywood • Joseph • Julie • • Roger’s Family Killingsworth Family • Owens Family • New Destiny International • Christian Center of Tamarac Kerri Fitzpatrick • Maria Rosales • Joe Middleton • Cathy • Frannie • • Carlos Alberto Dominique Francis Family • Sara • Sara--Lee Raul • Rudy • Lisa • John McLean • Darren •
Homeless man gets $25,000 award for tip
ark Spradley, the homeless man who helped police capture suspected deputy killer Michael Mazza, said Monday he was surprised to learn the size of the award he will be getting from Crime Stoppers, and hinted he's thinking about sharing some of it with the pawn shop manager who called 911. Broward Crime Stoppers announced Monday morning that Spradley would be receiving a $25,000 award, while Scott Kelly, the Hollywood pawn shop manager who called 911 when Spradley came into his store, will get $1,000. "This is overwhelming. I wasn't expecting that much,"
Spradley said. "But to tell you the truth, I think I deserved it." Crime Stoppers -- a private, non-profit organization that hands out rewards for anonymous information leading to arrests -- had offered a $25,000 reward Nov. 7 during the countywide manhunt for the man suspected of killing Broward Sheriff's Deputy Paul Rein. "Based on information given to us by law enforcement agencies, both men were instrumental in this case," said Ralph Page, president of Broward Crime Stoppers. "Spradley's actions were commendable; he did exactly what he had to do." Kelly said he
Call (954)
925-6466 X101
$89.00 for the night. However Daddy only makes about $64.00.
Even though he
only makes $64.00 for the day we must all remember there are some dads out there only coming home with $44.01 for the day because they may not be classified as skilled tickets.
This daddy was
what they call a skilled day labor tickets meaning he makes more
was disappointed he didn't end up with more. "I feel like my role was downplayed," he said. "People are under the impression all I did was call 911." Rein was taking Mazza to court Nov. 7 to face bank robbery charges when authorities say Mazza overpowered the deputy and killed him. The fugitive was (Continued on page 7)
than most day laborers. B ut let’s look at what others make in the real world and most people raising a family can’t even survive on if they made $100.000 per day or even $150.00 per day. For this family he was a lucky day laborer because he was paid for what they call a skilled ticket and the labor company can pay him a little more but nothing to raise a family on. He took his $64.00 to the hotel desk and asked the person work-
To add a name to the list call 954 954--410 410--6275 No monetary donations needed
How’s My Vending?
a national chain. The room is only
ing the desk how much a room for the night was. The parking lot was
The Ellen Show and the Homeless Voice
almost empty and even with low occupancy the hotel would not
Please go to www.HomelessVoice.tv/EllenShow to cast your vote.
budge. “I am sorry Sir; the room is
$89.00 plus tax.” Daddy picked
uring the month of November you can cast your votes/cheers for the Homeless Voice. There is a chance for Ellen of the Ellen DeGeneres Show to come and spend the night at the shelter and show the rest of America that the Homeless have their own community and are just like everyone else. Most of all tell your friends. Go to the section "Cheers" and if you like us, give us a vote by giving us a "cheer". Who knows maybe she will come to our shelter... We are unsure of all the rules now, however, many say the number of “Cheers/Votes” that the Homeless Voice receives may make an impact on the city that wins the contest. Please make sure that you only vote once and also send emails to all your friends of the actual link so they too can vote.
(Continued on page 9)
The Voice of the Homeless
Page 2
FRIENDS OF THE HOMELESS VOICE Mail check to: COSAC Foundation P.O. Box 292-577
For just $15.00 a month you can keep a homeless family off the streets for a day.
Davie, FL 33329 Please include on memo what name should appear in paper.
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The Cononie Family The Targett Family Patrick Helings John Bendor In Loving Memory of Uncle Joe & Nana Shannon Brooks Lisa Cebrat Pakita Price The Watsons Sean Cononie Sally Lister Judith Kelly Martha Roman The Baptista Family John Criasia Daniel Harrison The Martinez Family Amanda Reynolds Dolores R. Cerra Bob Hall Tressie W. Osborne Clark Rogers The Savir Family Corinne James Chris Sanchez Hugo DeCarpintini Mario Yuio Richard Friedman Diane Friedman Uylna Quadrino Arnold Reemer In Loving Memory of Peter Sullivan Maryann Springer Elaine Snaith Marshal Bugin Keith Yude Bruce Wethersoon Isabelle J. Henry Raul Cardenas M.D. Wendy Bryan Jacqueline McCarty Albert J Taragowski Darla King Paula King Richard Gomez Anthony Ralph Jennifer Hicky Timothy Lukehard Thomas Rua Justin Rowan Mary Green Morris Grazi Marvin Shatze Ronald Shafer Vance Gunn Adam Staler Allen Yancy Jimmy Daniels Mel Blount Carol Lockette Anna Marye Levier Magan Narduzzi Andre Johnson Antione Collins Eric Harrison Jessica Padilla Sheldon Jones Carlo Harrison Jason Emrik Dan Gilcert Amber Rowan
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Jackie Johnson Ricky Cambell Dorr’e Terry Samual Manery Marilyn Vokish Jenny Curic Amy Curic Lisa Jackson Jim Johnson Bobby Neal Erica Fulton Darren Nolf Erica Sanclair Steve Dillan Dallan Michele King Bobby Ore Casandra Thomas Tara Hunter Mark Faber Nichole Faber Kevin Britt The Cable Family The Maione Family Barbara Strong Grace Marth Regla J Ferrer The Baldwin Family Russell J. Ferguson Marjorie G. Rhines Jamie F. Flores In Loving Memory Of Thomas Gasbarro Cathy and Kids The Davis Family Graham R. Mitchell Essential Oil Healthline Amparo L. Korey John’s Plumbing Service Thank You Winn Dixie Ms. Marilyn Smith Albert J. Taragowski Ruth C Grey Mike Cross Tamara Southard Raul Cardenas MD PA Al and Annie Hurricane Prevention Inc Danny and George OTD Messenger, Inc M. Smith Yorick and Bonita Parrica Lee Russ & Delores B Mordon Robert Jesus Llanes Comet Couriev Proietto Family In Memory of Billy Corwin Josh Searles Patricia Lee Russ Delores B Mordon Mrs. Jenkins Everglades Moon, Covenant of Goddess, Elibet Hanson Judy B. Pascarella John Gaeta Michael R. Prokop, Jr. Jackie M. McCarty In Memory of Charles Horton In Memory of William F. Judge
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Todd Palgon The Morabito Family Todd Palgon Holly J. Andrus Lois Cross In Loving Memory of Florence & Nat Popkin Tailored Advertising, Inc Claudia K. Tapolow Margie Jones In memory of Wesley H. Woodall Maria M. Riveiro Gottlieb & Blair Family Pioneer Middle School Youth Crime Watch Rhenals-Mei Family The Strikowski family Margie Jones & Friends Ronald Prescia In Memory of Brian Groleau Laura Flash Jacqueline M. McCarty The Herrmann Family The Monserrate Family Madeline Butera Jennifer S. Nickel Marilyn R. Smith David Thawley On Behalf of Matthew Lambert Mustafa Mehmet Gokoglu In Memory of Scott Paul Cooper Robert and Ruth Baal In Memory of Melba DeSanto In Memory of My Mother Pearl McCann, Love Teresa Barbara Desanto Leah and Ray Michael & Michale Rhett Marie Sutera Floyd and Luana Coats Doug Boucher Family Kevin Jones Dorothy Griffith Family In Loving Memory of Kris Soltan Kevin “KJ” Jones Douglas Boucher The Swartout's Ivonne Fernandez The Verny & Stewart Families In Loving Memory of Frances Klein The Herrmann Family John C. Burt Albert Taragowski Renato & Malika Vasconez In Memory of C.T.R. Adriana Fernandez Andrea Brown The Kunicki Family Thank you so much, Sean & Lois, for all your help. –Joan Futscher & Kids McAvoy Family The Geise Family Richard & Margaret Martin
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Kenny Angela Adriana N. Quila Elizabeth P. Sublett Barbara N Robinson Mark E. Johnson Adrienne and Mike Julio A. Izquierdo Ann M. Hamilton Nicole Lee Nelson Anthony Rhodes Susan P Brady Christine M Wilson K.J. Williams Renato and Malika Vasconez Christine McAuliffe In Memory of Chief George J. Hodges Real Breakthrough Solutions Hartford Property Connection, Inc. In Loving Memory of Donald Fraser In Loving Memory of Rex Lichtenberger In Loving Memory of Jose A. Estruch, Jr. Ronald & Cathy Walker Ms. Evelyn Salerno Nicole Lee Nelson Al & Barbara Liebmann In Loving Memory of Isabel Grimany Dr Mary Michaela Farren In Memory of My Good Friend Pat Gibson Fred T Verny JR Nicole Lee Nelson C.R. Gallagher Jonathan Burger In Memory of Dan Holland Sheila Holder Merav & Ezra Alexander In Memory of Maxima Oakland Park Elks Lodge # 2407 J. Coffee In Memory of Stanley Smolen In Memory of Martin Grey God Bless Florence Menard Sebastian Parks Kellie Jones Jesus Diaz Virginia H. Bailey Naomi Ross Deborah H Green In Loving Memory of Giankarlo Squicemari In Loving Memory of My Daughter Melissa Lurz In Loving Memory of Charles J. Youngman In Loving Memory of Martin E. Grey Sabrina Thorton, Former Ms. Ft. Lauderdale Beth Farans, Saks Jewelry Designer Margaret D. Neverdousky Sandra L. Wilhelm The Schneider Family YOUR NAME HERE
In Loving Memory of Shirley Coulson
Page 3
Volume IX, Issue 11
HATE CRIMES ISSUE The below represents an estimate of an un-audited glance until final figures are calculated. Program Services, includes donations w e give to our international programs such as the orphanages in Haiti as w ell as 14 different homeless social service agencies such as our shelter system. How do w e do it? Most of the top staff are full time volunteers and w e only have a very s mall paid staff. The paid staff gets below the normal salaries in the w orld of not for profits. We had a mission to do and w e did it and w ill continue to do it living by the rules of the founding fathers.
The main message we are trying to convey in this months issue is LOVE. It is so easy to get caught up in all the holiday fuss that “doesn’t matter.” For us Christians this season is all about the birth of Christ, and for all religions this season is about hope and LOVE! Love thy neighbor, figuratively and literally. We wish everyone the best holiday this year, may you all know you are loved and feel it– Happy Holidays and may peace be with you!!
P.O. BOX 2 9 2-57 7
God Bless, Mark Targett
DAVIE , F LO RIDA 3 3 32 9 FAX TO : 9 5 4-9 2 6 -2 0 2 2 E M A IL : in fo @h om e le ssv o ic e .o rg
M a il to : H om e les s V oi c e PO B ox 2 92 5 7 7 D a v ie , F l 33 32 9
C u t t he c e rt i fic a te a n d se n d it w ith a c h ec k o r m o n e y o rd e r f or $50 $24 N AME
To re ach us c all
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The Voice of the Homeless
Page 4
ACI supports the Homeless Voice and the Cosac Foundation in raising awareness and providing solutions to homelessness in our neighborhoods. ACI knows that lending aid to human beings in need is good for our souls, our communities and is simply the right thing to do. ACI would like to thank all people who are actively engaged in helping humanity here on the blue planet. God bless the Cosac Foundation Commercial, Industrial, & Government 2-way Radio www.advantage-com.com
Mark Lavallee, President 954-961-2642
Shopping Smart with Donna WAYS WE CAN HELP YOU
have been a single Mom for a long time and have to make the dollar stretch far beyond it’s ability. Being responsible for feeding my three boys and myself is a task that I still endure and used to be such a burden that I decided to take control over it and not let it control me. I have learned to be creative, fun and let the children know that just because it is tough it can still taste good, be healthy and fun. Always try to eat your meals together without the TV and I hope these recipes bless you and watch for more tips and recipes and remember when going shopping it is their job to tempt you into buying more than you intended, so take a deep breath, say a little prayer, use a list and be of good courage! -Donna Jean
Holiday Shopping Tips 1. If you don't get a flyer for a particular store call the 800 Toll free # and ask to be put on their mailing list. 2. Use store vending machines for coupons. Hold for a week or so when prices change and usually go down after promotions. 3. When cutting coupons, cut out those that also may help others and place on shelf near item if you notice them, baby products are the most popular and appreciated. 4. Pray before entering the store to help keep you wise because you are walking into a place geared to temp you into buying and let your children here you.
Excellence in Radio
Seeking Natural Remedies? Try the Grocery Store
ith the amount of money we pay in doctor’s visits, whether or not we are fortunate enough to have insurance copayments, poor health can still be costly. A popular trend is to find “natural” remedies from the health food store. Rearranging our diets and selecting other items to shop for may provide the best natural remedies around. Acute problems have to be addressed with a doctor, as you make your way toward using natural means. Changes in diet and eating habits may provide you with fewer trips to the doctor and a “natural cure”. For example, the individual who has occasional experiences with gout (a type of arthritis from too much uric acid in the system), will often hear their doctor griping about them changing how they eat. Since favoring high protein items will increase the uric acid, a look can be taken at the dinner plate itself. Is over half of it filled with fried chicken and the other half with macaroni? Instead of hollering “Where’s the BEEF?” it should be asked “Where’s the vegetables?” If cholesterol numbers have your doctor measuring his own blood pressure, think about what’s going in your mouth to help cause it. Grocery stores have larger choices these days for sugar free, fat free, low cholesterol, and anything else with the exception of reducing your tax payments. Take advantage of some of them and consider what options will work and what simply
Individuals in our homeless center get as well rounded a diet as possible. Old habits ARE hard to break especially if you have been living on the streets. Instead of worrying whether or not the dollar you spend on our publication goes to a fast food restaurant, think of the individual. When they come back to our center, they have more options than on the street. We will accept donations of canned goods and other supplies to help our kitchen out. If you have an overstocked pantry and want to bring in some items, you can check with our staff if you question how appropriate it is. We work very hard to balance out every meal to keep our vendors and their families as healthy as possible, before they move on to a new life and take your good wishes and their good health with them. won’t make a regular visit to your dinner table. Cost is the number one reason we make the food choices we do today. Habit runs a very close second. We’re concerned if we spend $3.89 for that “better” butter, we’ll lower our financial content before we lower our cholesterol content. And we’d be right many times. This is where the famous backyard party comes in. Sure, you have the lady down the road brining you drenched-in-creamery butter pecan pie. The recipe makes it to your dinner table several times, it’s so good. But can you consider trying for a “health food style” picnic where everyone brings something that is clinically acceptable AND tastes good? A great chef can take three ingredients and make you certain they added many more. Convenience figures in to our diet, too. Habit strikes because we’re used to meals that quickly go together. Again, working with one
Thank You Miami Subs for Feeding Our Homeless!
or two neighbors can result in healthier lifestyles if schedules and energy mix. One family style meal shared by two families (or a single person who has “no one to cook for” can provide and/or be guest) may do the trick at least once a week or two. Changing what you buy in the grocery store can be as simple as getting more raw foods (some of which are conveniently pre-sliced). Making spaghetti dinner? You may not like the taste or be able to afford the wheat variety of pastas, but you could toss those raw vegetables in with the pre-cooked chicken from the package. You’ll have it salted and seasoned (from the chicken), with crisp veggies. Try it with no sauce, or sauce served on the side. If you’re willing to make a change here and there, you may be on the road to naturally healing yourself just by going to the grocery store for some celery---not a bottle of celery pills. -Cheryl Ellis
Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"
Page 5
Volume IX, Issue 11
HOMELESS VOICE TV’s portrayal of homeless may be harmful and what to do about it
understand how people become veryone tends to enjoy a sitcom homeless, and who typically is leadon TV. However, do some ing the homeless population will shows cause a harmful depiction of possibly bring more empathy. After homeless? Well, popular shows like all, there are more families becomSouth Park are notorious for poking ing homeless, and they may need fun at the expense of others. Alspecial considerathough, these shows tion at local are not fully responschools during the sible for the recent holidays. A clear violence against “Not everyone has picture of the huhomeless all over the seen these shows, so manistic side of country. Not everyit begs the question, becoming homeone has seen these why has there been less may help shows, so it begs the avoid further vioquestion, why has an increase in lenc e ag a inst there been an inviolence against homeless. The crease in violence homeless?” youth may feel against homeless? more compassionWell some may conate toward a clude that it could stranger’s homestem from the lack of less situation, and realize that they respect for the homeless typically are people that deserve respect. popularized in comedy sketches. Hopefully, this will eradicate the There are ways to combat the long possibility of youth deciding to act history of depicting homeless as a on something seen on TV. drunk male bum. For instance, Public places, like office changing how we educated the youth buildings are known to call the poconcerning how people become lice on sleeping homeless in the homeless, mandate public places to doorways. The homeless that rest treat homeless with disrespect, and there are considered to be nuisances, create more incentive for the youth so they are disregarded in some to volunteer to assist at shelters. cases as people with special needs. The holiday season is the There are some buildings known to perfect time to consider the plight of call the police on a daily basis beother less fortunate. Therefore, talkcause employees refuse to ask the ing to youth can fit easily into the homeless to leave politely. There is festive activities. The sooner youth
some fear, or misunderstood reality of the condition of being homeless in large metropolitan areas. All in all, more education about homeless may help those that encounter situations similar consistently. For example, Miami Beach does not have a shelter, so homeless tend to make sleeping quarters in doorways of businesses. It must be frustrating to see all the prosperity surrounding them. Lastly, creating volunteer Shows like South Park incentives for discredit the homeless. youth to volunteer at shelters may give more empathy to the situations tion is fundamental in creating a facing homeless. It will put a name better environment for the homeless. to a face of a real person for youth to Moreover, it will create a better socibecome acquainted with. Most high ety for everyone. TV will always schools, and some colleges insist on have controversial shows, so more volunteer hours, so possibly more understanding will be key in combatincentives can be given to those stuing the lack of respect toward the dents that volunteer at shelters. homeless. In conclusion, more educaby: Jamie M. Kisner
Are we there yet?
of course, that we finally did arrive. re we there yet? I remember We all should have goals, on one particular trip that and to me personally the most imwould have us on the road for about 3 hours. Diane had just gotten a new portant one would be our spiritual goal; and how we reach it truly dewatch for Christmas…she was learnpends on our actions right here one ing to tell time. The expression “every 5 minutes” didn’t hold true, earth. Thanksgiving and Christbecause she asked how much longer mas. Look at the two words and see every 2 or 3 minutes. So every time how they are so she asked, she had a connected. Both lesson in telling time, are family celebrawe her parents had a tions. Both are lesson in patience “Thanksgiving worldwide celeand understanding brations, holidays. and her older brother and Christmas. The one that and sister had a lesLook at the two comes in Novemson in math because words and see ber started years they had to figure ago…you know how long we were on how they are so the story of the the road for, how far connected.” Pilgrims giving we had come and thanks. Thankscalculate (with help) giving is not just how long before we about thanking, “get there”. On the but about giving also…just plain way to our destination there were giving of ourselves. Christmas is constant interruptions though…potty only a month later and is really a breaks, lunch breaks, gas fill-ups, a holyday rather than holiday. If you stop along the way to view some beautiful scenery, a slow-down be- look at the fourth letter in the cause of an accident…all sorts small word….one has I…(me) and the other has y…(why)….why is this and large instances, but you know,
Homeless Shelter Wish List • Clothing • Coffee Cups • Canned Foods • Diapers & Wipes • Medical Supplies • Personal Hygiene Items 1203 N. Federal Highway Hollywood, FL 33020 24/7
particular day special? The word Christmas superimposes the word thanksgiving….that’s what it is all about. Christmas is thanksgiving. Is a good Christian or non-Christian anything but the human form of Thanks and Giving? Isn’t that really what Christ taught? I think so. You can’t really have thanks and giving without love…and He was love personified when He was born on that Christmas Day and all the time He walked this earth. We have moved other holidays on the calendar for convenience i.e. the Monday celebrated holidays. I think that we should move Thanksgiving back 5 months so that we have 6 months between the two. Six months to practice what we had just celebrated. Instead we run that rat race for two months to prepare to celebrate something that should be enjoyable and relaxing and love oriented. Up north we had that fall cleaning; you know the time when all the summer stuff is packed up and put away until next year and do a thorough housecleaning to prepare for the holidays and the winter. We need to spring and fall clean our minds and heart and lives also and rid ourselves of the harmful junk that we hold…junk that will hurt us in the long run. But I’m getting away from my holiday calendar change. There isn’t a whole lot that goes into preparing for Thanksgiving. Dinner is usually always the same. Family is family…yes, it is….but some have
been so altered that it is heartbreaking. As soon as I typed those 3 words (family is family) I got a stab in my heart. It’s wonderful that we have new babies born and marriages and adoptions to expand our family, but so many have been just been shredded to pieces with losses of babies, children, loved ones due to illness, accident and war. My heart goes out to those who hurt, who grieve. I hope and pray that you will find peace to fill that hole in your heart. There are so many platitudes that are said but really can’t help. We mean well when we say them. I do know this, though, that God loves them so much more than we could ever have and unbeknown to us, He took them when He did because He knew it was the best time for them and for us. Why? That we will have to ask Him when we get there. As for the loved ones lost to war…I thank their families, friends and loved ones from the bottom of my heart. For one thing, I could not be sitting here writing this to be pub(Continued on page 10)
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The Voice of the Homeless
Thank You to all the volunteers who came out and helped serve food! Our Thanksgiving was a great success thanks to your time and efforts. thank-you!!
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Volume IX, Issue 11
Georgia & Willie
Homeless man gets $25,000 award for tip (Continued from page 1)
caught later that day at the Uptown Pawn & Jewelry on Hollywood Boulevard. Spradley, a Las Vegas resident living out of his car, had picked up Mazza in Hollywood and drove him to a soup kitchen, where the two had lunch. Spradley has said he took pity on Mazza because his shirt was bloodied and he was walking with a limp. "Wherever you want to go, I'm going," Mazza told him. The two drove to the pawn shop, where Spradley hoped to buy new car speakers. It was there that he recognized Mazza after seeing his mug shot on a store television set.
"When I seen that picture, I said, 'That's the guy in the car,'" Spradley said. "They did not believe me at first. I said call 911." Kelly, the shop's manager, said Monday it was his idea to call 911 and that he had Spradley go out to distract the suspect while police were called. Either way, Spradley said he was "just considering" sharing some reward money with Kelly. "If I had never come into that store, we would never have known [Mazza] was the killer," Spradley said.
Both men found out about the Crime Stoppers reward after the arrest. Technically, neither men got a "reward," said Page. "Rewards" are given to anonymous tipsters who call the Crime Stoppers hotline. "Awards" are given through a separate fund, and law enforcement agencies have to recommend them. It's only happened once before, in the 2006 case of two Wal-mart employees who called 911 to report a suspect in a triple homicide case.
For Spradley, $20,000 comes from Crime Stoppers and an additional $5,000 comes from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. For Kelly, the $1,000 comes from Crime Stoppers, said Page. Spradley has already received a $2,500 cash reward from the New Jersey-based National Police Defense Foundation. The 35-member board of Crime Stoppers was originally scheduled to decide who would receive the reward money, if anyone, on Nov. 26 during the group's monthly meeting. But public interest in the case led to an earlier decision, said Page. Joel Marino Sun-Sentinel
The Voice of the Homeless
Page 8
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A l l W o r k F u lly G u ar a n t e e d
Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"
Page 9
Volume IX, Issue 11
HOMELESS VOICE A Few Dollars Short (Continued from page 1)
they do is say 10 percent off
shelter. Some even put them up
allow assistance to
up his kids and showed the ex-
and some even have the nerve
in a hotel for a few days and
these families when
pecting mom to the desk worker
to say, if you pay me cash than
some do offer the church for a
it can be controlled
and asked the worker if he
I can waive the tax, my re-
longer period of two to three
in an ordinary fash-
would give them a discount.
sponse is we don’t pay any tax
Daddy said, “If I can’t get this
as it is now.
HELP PAY OFF OUR MORTGAGE We need just 21,800 people to send in a check for $20.00, Or 8,720 people to send in a check for $50.00, Or 4,360 people to send in a check for $100.00, Or 436 people to send in a check for $1,000, Or Just one wonderful person or business to send a check for the entire $436,000; We will name the shelter after you or whomever you choose
I will also tell you that many,
For us Christians
Only one time in 12 years has
and I repeat many, will say I am
this Holiday season
any hotel been donated. I get
sorry but we are not a shelter
we should always
tried over and over to get the
better discounts telling them that
and then the family leaves and
remember that little
room cheaper than the $89.00
I am a Sam’s Warehouse Mem-
business as usual goes on at the
Baby Jesus was a
and kept on pointing out that his
ber. There are a lot of things
church except the one thing in
homeless baby and
wife was tired and just about to
that the private sector could do
business they forgot was the
mom and dad were
bring another baby in to the
to help out just for the night or
Book of Mathew. They forgot
even for a short term stay. The
about how Mother Mary and
when that beautiful
All he got was, “I am sorry
above family asked one more
little birth took place.
either pay or leave.” Keep in
time to the front desk manager,
mind the parking lot was near
could the family stay in the
empty so daddy even offered
room for my family it is the streets for the night.”
Remember the donation is tax deductible!! Please send your checks to:
The COSAC Building Fund P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, Florida 33329 We do thank you
It was
celebrate in December known
around from inn to inn trying to
cold out and they had no place
as Christmas, the birth of Christ
seek shelter at a local motel or
to go but some innkeepers let
we all got a great gift that day.
lobby or the well lit parking lot
what they called an “inn” back
them stay in what we call the
That gift was to have everlast-
to mop the floor or clean the
for the night and the clerk once
over flow room or for the hotel
ing life because of Jesus. What
parking lot, but Mr. No kept on
again said, “LEAVE.”
maybe the parking lot.
gifts can we give back in honor
They forget that a church
of Jesus, himself?
Finally the hotel
What has society come to
should be a place where a mom
We must take time each and
desk worker said “Leave, this is
when we are so self centered
and dad can sleep for a short
every day out of our busy
We can be kind to those who
not a bargain basement hotel.”
that we would want to see small
period when they are homeless.
schedule and pray for others
have not one person in their life,
Forget the lack of compassion,
innocent children sleep in the
Also you know who else forgot
who are sick, who are homeless,
we can pray every day for
how about the smart business
dangerous streets? Why would
about this? Our city politicians
who have lost a loved one or
God to give our researchers the
sense. Having an empty hotel
any grown up be so mean to not
who find out that a homeless
what about praying for cures to
wisdom they need to find new
room brings in no money but
even offer any sort of help to
family or homeless person is
diseases that take away our
cures, we can pray that anyone
filling it with a cheaper rate
this family? Well I am here to
staying at a church. Many cities
family members each and every
who dies that we pray for them
makes good business sense.
tell you that even churches turn
over the years have threatened
and their souls so they too may
Sometimes when we are short of
homeless families away.
to close churches for offering
saying no.
It is time we all start to pray
enter Gods great Kingdom. This
money at times and we have a
What should a church do
for cures for cancers and other
Christmas let’s all give gifts all
lot of families we call local
when it comes to a homeless
I guess I have one question to
illness such as HIV and any other
year long and we all can make
hotels some that are national
family if there are no family
ask these politicians, where does
disease that is terminal. On that
the world a better place.
brands and some that are fam-
units at the local shelters? Well
a family sleep that is homeless
day, that special day most of us
ily owned. I must tell you even
most of them call around still
when there are no beds for
when they are empty the most
trying to get the family into a
them at shelters and when the
shelter to the homeless.
• Free Weddings • Free Memorial Services • Alternatives to Abortion • Healing Services
COSAC'S CHURCH Come to the Church that is a Church of Service and Charity Learn of Jesus and learn how to put Gods' words into action.
Sunday 1pm to 2 pm 1203 North Federal Highway Hollywood Florida 33020
Did you know?
churches to provide emergency housing to families? I know that the city officials are trying to have some sort of order in their cities but we must
-Sean Cononie
You can set up payroll deduction through your employer to support the COSAC Foundation’s Homeless Voice • Your company might even match your donation • See your human resource or department manager
The Voice of the Homeless
Page 10
HOMELESS VOICE Are we there yet? (Continued from page 5)
licly published. The Homeless Voice could be banned or restricted in what we write. I couldn’t be getting ready to go to Mass in a couple of hours. In other words…we would not have the freedoms that we have. I’m certainly not a flag waver, but I do love my country and every time I go through the Atlanta airport on my way to Diane’s, I cry for these guy and gals in uniform who are shipping out. If I have the chance without making a scene, I will say “thank you and God bless you all” to one; Diane, on the other hand will go out of her way, tap one on the shoulder and thank and bless them. Thanksgiving is basically a one day deal. Christmas on the other hand, is 3 months in the making. This year everything is on sale early because they want to boost sales. (Too bad love and consideration isn’t on sale! Really? Bad choice of words….because it’s FREE. Doesn’t cost a cent!!). We’re off and running to buy gifts that will be thrown away or given away because it isn’t what we want. Some “too many” years ago when I worked at G C Murphy’s I saw this mother bring back a bottle of nail polish….a 19 cent bottle that her 6 or 7 year old bought for her. It wasn’t her color! Come that Christmas, I ran into the same thing in my own family. Mike had picked out a can of shave cream for his grandmother and, why, I asked him if he was sure.
He pointed to the picture of the lemon and said he liked that. No problem whatsoever. Grandmother, however, didn’t see it that way. “Oh honey”, she said and I will never forget the words, “Gramma doesn’t use shaving cream!” So I explained why he picked this out for her. The tap on the shoulder, the 19 cent bottle of nail polish, and the can of s h a v e cream….this is love. And by the way, there is a homeless man in Diane’s city that she and her friend Donna look out for. He will not eat opened food or home cooked food from anyone but them…Love? Trust? She yard sales with him in mind and actually invited him home to her house 2 years ago for thanksgiving dinner. He didn’t come though. So where are we going and how long is it going to take? Life is a journey. Life is a game, if you will...full of hits, strikes and errors, touchdowns, fumbles, and recoveries. It’s a team effort because we are not one man on an island. Are we running a rat race or stopping to smell the roses along the way? Do we even realize that we can do something for someone less fortunate all year long instead of just during the holidays? We look forward to growing up, getting married, having a family, having grandchildren, growing old together. Along the way we
God bless us all, Happy Holidays and have a Blessed New Year!!!
lose friends, family & spouses…as I am writing, we have lost yet another of our law enforcement officers. The statistics are way too high. I don’t know, but probably insurance and funds may keep the family stable and financially able to go on, hopefully comfortably. But what about that hole that has just been gouged in the family’s heart…in their plans…in their hopes? Has that journey come to a dead end? The answer is no, a very definite no. For the one who is gone, life is just beginning, although that is an awfully hard pill to swallow when you are grieving. Just the other day I came across a rather beautiful poem written on the subject…a poem I am giving to Joe here at the shelter who just lost his dad. Not to be morbid or force my views on anyone, but the day we are born starts the journey towards everlasting life and we can’t get into Heaven unless we die first. The families and friends left behind will have more hurdles and heartaches to conquer…but they too will succeed and will heal and continue their journey. As I said, birth is the beginning of the journey and so is Christ-
mas. If that little Babe in the Manger had not grown up, died and rose up He would have only been a great man but in His death and rising He brought salvation to the world… whether it is accepted or not…the Ultimate Goal! Hopefully we will think and act a little harder to make the goal of loving our brothers and sisters in this entire world our goal. Not just with lip service, with thoughts and word and work. My friend, Mr. Webster, defines compassion as “sorrow or the capacity to feel sorrow for another's suffering or misfortune.” Don’t let’s stop at the holidays or a week after…let’s keep it going the rest of our lives. The stars are bright! Roses have a wonderful scent. People are the glory of God!! All people!! God bless us all, Happy Holidays and have a Blessed New Year! Lois P.S. Remember, there but for the Grace of God go I!!!!
Things We Need....... • Toilet Paper We are in desperate need of toilet • Ketchup paper. Sometimes people do not like to do• Ham slices nate money and would rather donate prod• Ground beef ucts. We spend anywhere from $1500 to • Eggs $2500 a month on this product. It changes • Milk at different times of the year. We need this • Juice product donated as well as many • Pancake syrup other products. What some people have • Sugar done was to set up food donation programs • Coffee at the office or where they live. One • Spaghetti lady last year made a little flyer and passed • Spaghetti sauce it out in her community asking her • Veggies neighbors to buy a little extra when they • Fruit in cans went to the store and then bring it to her • Salt and pepper house once a week. Her little flyer said, • Tuna fish “When you buy that TP buy some for the homeless and bring it to me.” It was so • Oatmeal nice to see her show up weekly with a • Grits truck full of supplies. She would bring her • Garlic power kids who were young like maybe five years old weekly. She would tell her kids little things like, “You see this food it is going to kids who don't have any snacks or food.” Once in a while her kids would be eating their own snack and they would come up to us handing their little half eaten snack and say “here give to peeeeopple who hungy.....” She was grooming them for a life of giving to others. It was the cutest little thing. So today with no delay start a food drive at your church or office or even where you live, allow us to put your generous support in the form of smiles. If you are short on your time you can try to collect gift cards from Publix and send them to the: Put a Smile on A Face Campaign P.O. box 292-577 Davie Florida 33329
Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"
Page 11
Volume IX, Issue 11
HOMELESS VOICE Merry or Marry or Simply Both (Continued from page 1)
two faiths into one ceremony and being the first wedding I did I was a little scared. I wanted to make sure that I did everything correctly because they were taking their marriage very seriously and I needed to take my procedure as seriously as they were. I did not just want to marry them and say, "Do you Paul take Ruth to be your….” They too wanted their marriage under God’s presence. How could I do this with Paul being a Christian and Ruth being Jewish? Could I do a wedding that was moving for both individuals? Then I thought about how my whole Christian faith was built upon the Jewish faith. So where was the problem? Jesus was Jewish so all I had to do was stick to the real meaning of love and what it was to bond two beautiful people together. Then I was thinking of how much love Mother Mary and
Daddy Joseph had for each other and how they stuck together the day little Baby Jesus was born. Then I thought that Joseph must have really loved Mary so much because he stood by her knowing she was pregnant. Of course we know the story of the angel telling him not to worry (the Virgin Birth) etc., but that still left him taking on a challenge that would bring him/them the scorn of friends, family and strangers. That took faith in God, faith in Mary, and faith in the fact that they would be married and they were bonded under the love of God.
The words said at many traditional wedding include topics such as, “for richer or for poorer” and “in sickness and in health.” To many newlywed couples these words do not fit into place but for Paul and Ruth they were truly lived. Paul has rate for this new couple. After the been very sick and is truly disabled wedding ceremony, our driver took due to a very bad back, it is cripthem in my SUV to their new honpling at times. Ruth has provided eymoon suite. for him over the years when Paul To this new couple this could not work. His application for was their holiday. It was a wedding disability kept on being denied. At of two different faiths just as this times she would have to do everyholiday season brings many differthing for him. Then of course the ent faiths together. It does not matfact that both were living in our ter if you say Happy Hanukkah, shelter system meant they were livMerry Christmas or Happy Kwanza, ing the life as the poor but yet their it is all Merry, it is a season, a time relationship was probably much of year, a holiricher than most. day or holyday Why, because they because of had some severe isLOVE. sues of the future with “To this new In case you didPaul being so sick and n’t realize it, then the fact that they couple this was their there have been live in a shelter, Holiday it was a two challenges would it get better, wedding of two met and met does it have to get different faiths just with caring, better when love is in as this Holiday love and sucsight? What some cess but one couples face is how season is with many still remains. many years do they different people The challenge is want to finance their celebrating new house but for for you for this different holidays.” Paul and Ruth they Christmas seawould have to worry son. Just as I about if they could struggled with afford the medicine my dilemma Paul had to take. To me it was the and Paul and Ruth struggle with best wedding I have ever done, for theirs, there is still a world full of this one being the first it had to be people who don’t have the means or the best or maybe it was the best the family to share with. This is the based on the merit of their love for time we all should step in and give. each other. I will most likely do There are so many ways to help many more weddings and I think a from Christmas trees in the malls lot more couples will have a lot to with name tags to buy for or the so do to impress me as much as Paul many agencies that collect toys and and Ruth’s marriage did. food. These aren’t so hard to do; it Paul wanted his honeyjust takes a little thought and a coumoon to be special; somewhere he ple of dollars. A visit to a nursing and Ruth could have some home home or rehab with a few kids to cooked meals. So we found him a sing carols. An extra pie baked for hotel chain that offered a classy the neighbor who is a little less forplace like a four star hotel but that tunate. Giving a smile or a warm would also give them a chance to be hug to someone down on their luck like home. From being poor to livgoes a long way. Today I give you ing one week at one of Marriott’s the challenge to making someone in properties gave them the kind of need smile. honeymoon they wanted. We kept Try to make their holiday on calling hotels to get the best rate special or to at least pray for them to for this brand new couple. Some have a better year. just did not care that two homeless Congrats to Paul and Ruth individuals were getting married Weimorts! and some simply said, “How nice”. -Sean Cononie Well, we found the Marriott property and they gave us a very good
Please Send/Bring Cards to: 1203 N. Federal Highway Hollywood, Fl 33020
Home Drug Tests $12 954-924-3571
Help the Homeless Donate Online www.HomelessVoice.org
Custom Photo ID Cards 954-924-3571 Get yours today!