Homeless Voice; A New Year., A New Life

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A New Year, A New Life


few months have gone by and we were waiting to hear the result of Alex Longo and his period of Boot Camp. Just as expected the young recruit made it. Him making it is the first time in our history at our shelter that someone has come in and left with a recruiter and got to the end. When his dad sent me the pictures of Alex at his graduation I have to tell you that I was as proud as I could be. I am sure not to the extent of his parents but enough for me to get all warm inside knowing that he did succeed

Cathy’s Prayer List •

The Darlington Family Sharon • Jenna • Brian • Tommy • Hollywood • Joseph • Julie • • Roger’s Family Killingsworth Family • Owens Family • New Destiny International • Christian Center of Tamarac Kerri Fitzpatrick • Maria Rosales • Joe Middleton • Cathy • Frannie • • Carlos Alberto Dominique Francis Family • Sara • Sara--Lee Raul • Rudy • Lisa • John McLean • Darren • To add a name to the list call 954 954--410 410--6275 No monetary donations needed

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925-6466 X101

and make it. We were going to try to make it to his graduation but Uncle Sam only gave each recruit four tickets for family and friends. Although Lois and I did not get to go we felt all the excitement when Alex told us he was graduating and he made it. After the excitement of his graduation wore off I got a Christmas card sent to me at the shelter and as I opened it up it looked familiar and there it was once again a picture of Alex Longo the newest member of the United States of America Navy. This once again made the statement that the Longo family was very proud of their son. Alex's next step will be going to San Diego where he will get some more training and then be off to the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) one of the Navy's newest super carriers and it is a privilege to

Chronic Homelessness According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness Chronic Homelessness is long-term or repeated homelessness accompanied by a disability. Many chronically homeless people have a serious mental illness like schizophrenia and/or alcohol or drug addiction. Most chronically homeless individuals have been in treatment programs, sometimes on dozens of occasions. This was a great gift to us at the shelter knowing that one of us became someone to fight for the safety of all of us and to allow each American the right to stay free.

(Continued on page 7)

GoodShop to Help the Homeless


s you all know we are trying to pay off our current mortgage, raise money for our monthly expenses, as well as expanding. With these plans it always becomes more difficult each and every year mostly because of the economy. So each and every day we plan and plan to figure out ways of first getting donations and secondly how can we produce income without costing the supporters one cent. First it was the Internet Search via Good Search where we make one penny everytime someone searches on the Internet. We did not do as well as we thought on this venture but we will continue to ask our supporters to search on the internet by going to GoodSearch.com. If every supporter just searches on the Internet using the same web search engines such as Yahoo search we will make one penny for every search and that can really add up. This month we have added the Homeless Voice Mall. This mall means you can go right from the World Wide Web and book your airline tickets via Delta. We will make $2.50 for every reservation. If you use Travelocity and Hotwire.com, we also make money for every reservation. The good thing about this is that your prices are still the same low price. If you need a hotel and use brands such as Wyndham, Sheraton, or Hotels.com we also get paid for

every booking. Need a cruise? Go to Carnival.com How about flowers for the wife, Flowers.com Are you interested in buying something at BestBuy.com? Please help the Homeless

The federal government’s definition of Chronic Homelessness includes homeless individuals with a disabling condition (substance use disorder, serious mental illness, developmental disability, (Continued on page 5)

Voice just from making your everyday purchases. Visit us and read below for directions. Thankyou! For more info go to our website at www.HomelessVoice.tv/ GoodShop -Sean Cononie

The Voice of the Homeless

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FRIENDS OF THE HOMELESS VOICE Mail check to: COSAC Foundation P.O. Box 292-577

For just $15.00 a month you can keep a homeless family off the streets for a day.

Davie, FL 33329 Please include on memo what name should appear in paper.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

The Cononie Family The Targett Family Patrick Helings John Bendor In Loving Memory of Uncle Joe & Nana Shannon Brooks Lisa Cebrat Pakita Price The Watsons Sean Cononie Sally Lister Judith Kelly Martha Roman The Baptista Family John Criasia Daniel Harrison The Martinez Family Amanda Reynolds Dolores R. Cerra Bob Hall Tressie W. Osborne Clark Rogers The Savir Family Corinne James Chris Sanchez Hugo DeCarpintini Mario Yuio Richard Friedman Diane Friedman Uylna Quadrino Arnold Reemer In Loving Memory of Peter Sullivan Maryann Springer Elaine Snaith Marshal Bugin Keith Yude Bruce Wethersoon Isabelle J. Henry Raul Cardenas M.D. Wendy Bryan Jacqueline McCarty Albert J Taragowski Darla King Paula King Richard Gomez Anthony Ralph Jennifer Hicky Timothy Lukehard Thomas Rua Justin Rowan Mary Green Morris Grazi Marvin Shatze Ronald Shafer Vance Gunn Adam Staler Allen Yancy Jimmy Daniels Mel Blount Carol Lockette Anna Marye Levier Magan Narduzzi Andre Johnson Antione Collins Eric Harrison Jessica Padilla Sheldon Jones Carlo Harrison Jason Emrik Dan Gilcert Amber Rowan

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Jackie Johnson Ricky Cambell Dorr’e Terry Samual Manery Marilyn Vokish Jenny Curic Amy Curic Lisa Jackson Jim Johnson Bobby Neal Erica Fulton Darren Nolf Erica Sanclair Steve Dillan Dallan Michele King Bobby Ore Casandra Thomas Tara Hunter Mark Faber Nichole Faber Kevin Britt The Cable Family The Maione Family Barbara Strong Grace Marth Regla J Ferrer The Baldwin Family Russell J. Ferguson Marjorie G. Rhines Jamie F. Flores In Loving Memory Of Thomas Gasbarro Cathy and Kids The Davis Family Graham R. Mitchell Essential Oil Healthline Amparo L. Korey John’s Plumbing Service Thank You Winn Dixie Ms. Marilyn Smith Albert J. Taragowski Ruth C Grey Mike Cross Tamara Southard Raul Cardenas MD PA Al and Annie Hurricane Prevention Inc Danny and George OTD Messenger, Inc M. Smith Yorick and Bonita Parrica Lee Russ & Delores B Mordon Robert Jesus Llanes Comet Couriev Proietto Family In Memory of Billy Corwin Josh Searles Patricia Lee Russ Delores B Mordon Mrs. Jenkins Everglades Moon, Covenant of Goddess, Elibet Hanson Judy B. Pascarella John Gaeta Michael R. Prokop, Jr. Jackie M. McCarty In Memory of Charles Horton In Memory of William F. Judge

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Todd Palgon The Morabito Family Todd Palgon Holly J. Andrus Lois Cross In Loving Memory of Florence & Nat Popkin Tailored Advertising, Inc Claudia K. Tapolow Margie Jones In memory of Wesley H. Woodall Maria M. Riveiro Gottlieb & Blair Family Pioneer Middle School Youth Crime Watch Rhenals-Mei Family The Strikowski family Margie Jones & Friends Ronald Prescia In Memory of Brian Groleau Laura Flash Jacqueline M. McCarty The Herrmann Family The Monserrate Family Madeline Butera Jennifer S. Nickel Marilyn R. Smith David Thawley On Behalf of Matthew Lambert Mustafa Mehmet Gokoglu In Memory of Scott Paul Cooper Robert and Ruth Baal In Memory of Melba DeSanto In Memory of My Mother Pearl McCann, Love Teresa Barbara Desanto Leah and Ray Michael & Michale Rhett Marie Sutera Floyd and Luana Coats Doug Boucher Family Kevin Jones Dorothy Griffith Family In Loving Memory of Kris Soltan Kevin “KJ” Jones Douglas Boucher The Swartout's Ivonne Fernandez The Verny & Stewart Families In Loving Memory of Frances Klein The Herrmann Family John C. Burt Albert Taragowski Renato & Malika Vasconez In Memory of C.T.R. Adriana Fernandez Andrea Brown The Kunicki Family Thank you so much, Sean & Lois, for all your help. –Joan Futscher & Kids McAvoy Family The Geise Family Richard & Margaret Martin Kenny Angela

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Adriana N. Quila Elizabeth P. Sublett Barbara N Robinson Mark E. Johnson Adrienne and Mike Julio A. Izquierdo Ann M. Hamilton Nicole Lee Nelson Anthony Rhodes Susan P Brady Christine M Wilson K.J. Williams Renato and Malika Vasconez Christine McAuliffe In Memory of Chief George J. Hodges Real Breakthrough Solutions Hartford Property Connection, Inc. In Loving Memory of Donald Fraser In Loving Memory of Rex Lichtenberger In Loving Memory of Jose A. Estruch, Jr. Ronald & Cathy Walker Ms. Evelyn Salerno Nicole Lee Nelson Al & Barbara Liebmann In Loving Memory of Isabel Grimany Dr Mary Michaela Farren In Memory of My Good Friend Pat Gibson Fred T Verny JR Nicole Lee Nelson C.R. Gallagher Jonathan Burger In Memory of Dan Holland Sheila Holder Merav & Ezra Alexander In Memory of Maxima Oakland Park Elks Lodge # 2407 J. Coffee In Memory of Stanley Smolen In Memory of Martin Grey God Bless Florence Menard Sebastian Parks Kellie Jones Jesus Diaz Virginia H. Bailey Naomi Ross Deborah H Green In Loving Memory of Giankarlo Squicemari In Loving Memory of My Daughter Melissa Lurz In Loving Memory of Charles J. Youngman In Loving Memory of Martin E. Grey Sabrina Thorton, Former Ms. Ft. Lauderdale Beth Farans, Saks Jewelry Designer Margaret D. Neverdousky Sandra L. Wilhelm The Schneider Family John Dinielli Dorothy Kay Garbutt YOUR NAME HERE

In Loving Memory of Shirley Coulson

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Volume X, Issue 1

HATE CRIMES ISSUE The below represents an estimate of an un-audited glance until final figures are calculated. Program Services, includes donations we give to our international programs such as the orphanages in Haiti as well as 14 different homeless social service agencies such as our shelter system. How do we do it? Most of the top staff are full time volunteers and we only have a very small paid staff. The paid staff gets below the normal salaries in the world of not for profits. We had a mission to do and we did it and will continue to do it living by the rules of the founding fathers.

Please notice our GoodShop Ad’s throughout our paper. These are some new ways for the shelter to raise money. It will take a few seconds to learn and to remember to follow the steps before you make your purchases online.

25%-37.5% donation of eBay's Revenue (not item sale price) on ALL Winning Bids or “Buy It Now’s” (BINs). Percentage based on volume. $12.50 - $17.50 donation per new active user. A new "active user" is an individual who: (a) registers for eBay for the first time; (b) confirms his or her registration with an eBaysupplied password sent by email; (c) then goes onto eBay and places a bid or uses Buy-It-Now to purchase an item within 30 days of their original registration.


P.O . B O X 2 9 2 -5 7 7 D A V IE , F L O R ID A 3 3 3 2 9 F A X T O : 9 5 4 -9 2 6 -2 0 2 2



M a i l to : H om e les s V oi c e PO Box 2 92 57 7 D a v ie , F l 33 32 9

C u t t he c e rt i fic a te a n d se n d it w ith a c h ec k o r m o n e y o rd e r f or $50 $2 4 NAME


E M A I L : i n f o @ h o m e le s s v o ic e .o r g A L L D O N A T IO N R E Q U E S T S IN T H E H O M E L E S S V O I C E F O R A N Y C H A R IT Y A R E A D V E R T IS E D IN C O N J U N C T IO N W I T H T H IS W O R D IN G A C O P Y O F T H E O F F I C I A L R E G IS T R A T IO N A N D F IN A N C I A L IN F O R M A T IO N M A Y B E O B T A IN E D F R O M T H E D IV IS I O N O F C O N S U M E R S E R V I C E S B Y C A L L IN G T O L L -F R E E IN T H E S T A T E 1 -8 0 0 -4 3 5 -7 3 5 2 R E G IS T R A T IO N D O E S N O T IM P L Y EN D O R SEM EN T, A P PR O V AL, O R R E C O M M E N D A T IO N B Y T H E S T A T E T H A N K Y O U F O R H E L P IN G T H E H O M E L E S S C o s t o f p a p e r $ .2 5

T o r e a c h u s c a ll

24 Issues

9 5 4 -9 2 5 -6 4 6 6


9 5 4 -4 9 1 - B E D S

Business Directory

G o T o

O n o u r h o m e p a g e , c l ic k o n s p o n s o r s , t h e n g o to a ffili a te s .

Call for AD Space 954-920-1277

Need flyers passed out or other temp labor?

Call 954-920-1277 Call our contractor referral line. Call us and we will get you the person to do the job much less!


The Voice of the Homeless

Page 4



ACI supports the Homeless Voice and the Cosac Foundation in raising awareness and providing solutions to homelessness in our neighborhoods. ACI knows that lending aid to human beings in need is good for our souls, our communities and is simply the right thing to do. ACI would like to thank all people who are actively engaged in helping humanity here on the blue planet. God bless the Cosac Foundation Commercial, Industrial, & Government 2-way Radio www.advantage-com.com

Mark Lavallee, President 954-961-2642

Shopping Smart with Donna WAYS WE CAN HELP YOU


have been a single Mom for a long time and have to make the dollar stretch far beyond it’s ability. Being responsible for feeding my three boys and myself is a task that I still endure and used to be such a burden that I decided to take control over it and not let it control me. I have learned to be creative, fun and let the children know that just because it is tough it can still taste good, be healthy and fun. Always try to eat your meals together without the TV and I hope these recipes bless you and watch for more tips and recipes and remember when going shopping it is their job to tempt you into buying more than you intended, so take a deep breath, say a little prayer, use a list and be of good courage! -Donna Jean

My Mom's refrigerator cake! My Mom made this for us and we still make today! 1 Box of graham crackers 1 Large box of the instant chocolate pudding or the kind you cook it doesn't matter. The kind you cook is actually better but then you have to wait for it to cool before you start layering. 2 bananas sliced. In a shallow square baking dish put down a layer of gram crackers and then a smooth layer of pudding, a few banana’s slices, and repeat 3 or four times. Finish with pudding and bananas as the top layer. Refrigerate before serving. You can add nuts, granola, chocolate chips. Be creative!!!

Excellence in Radio

Shelter rules leave homeless out in the cold Outside, the weather is sweaterworthy, but even by South Florida standards, 50 degrees is not cold enough for some shelters to open their doors to the homeless. In Broward, temperatures have to dip to 45 degrees before big shelters such as the Broward Partnership for the Homeless and the Salvation Army will serve more people. “It has to be an emergency declared by the county,” said Sally Gress, development director of the Salvation Army of Broward County. “We have people who stay with us two years. It's not an in-and-out kind of thing here.” Right now, the Salvation Army is serving 80 single men and women and 26 families. They are clients who are referred to the social service agency. “We are not a shelter but more of a program,” Gress said. But if Florida's temperatures were to turn drastically cold, below 45 degrees, then the Salvation Army could open its doors to 80 more people temporarily. Much like the Salvation Army, the Broward Partnership for the Homeless typically doesn't take people off the street. It's considered a residential facility where clients may stay about 60 days. They get workforce training, drug counseling

Norma Albritton rests her head on the shoulder of her on-and-off boyfriend, Richard Simmons. ''He's OK at times, but when he's drinking, I can't handle it. I wish someone could get him help, but every time he gets help, he don't want it. I've tried and tried and tried. It's eating up his liver, but he don't care.''

and medical care. It has 200 beds. “We are always at capacity,” said Katie Foster, chief development and communication officer for Broward Partnership for the Homeless. “We can't take people off the street unless it's a weather emergency.” However, Sean Cononie, director of the Homeless Voice in Hollywood, said he was able to handle about nine extra people at his

shelter because of Sunday night's cold snap. “If they come in overnight and they are good and don't cause a lot of problems, we let them stay,” Cononie said. By Natalie P. Mcneal Reprinted from the Miami Herald

What Is the Solution to Chronic Homelessness?


nding chronic homelessness requires permanent housing with supportive services, and implementing policies to prevent high-risk people from becoming chronically homeless. Housing The most successful model for housing people who experience chronic homelessness is permanent supportive housing using a Housing First approach. Permanent supportive housing combines affordable rental housing with supportive services such as case management, mental health and substance abuse services, health care, and employment. The Housing First approach is a client-driven strategy that provides immediate access to

an apartment without requiring initial participation in psychiatric treatment or treatment for sobriety. After settling into new apartments, clients are offered a wide range of supportive services that focus primarily on helping them maintain their housing and improve their lives. The Homeless Voice Shelter is a Prevention good model for a permanent housing. The vast majority of people who become chronically homeless interact with multiple service facilities, substance abuse treatment systems, providing a multitude of opprograms, prisons and jails. portunities to break the cycle by preventing a recurrence of homelessness. Promising strategies focus on people who are leaving hospitals, psychiatric

Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"

Page 5

Volume X, Issue 1


HOW IT STARTED Widespread homelessness did not al-

Chronic Homelessness?

ways exist. Prior to the 1980s the sight of

Although chronically homeless people

people living in cars, churches, shelters, on

represent a small share of the overall home-

the streets, or out in the woods were a

less population, their effect on the homeless

distant memory of the Great Depression.

system and on communities is considerable.

After World War II, America had a hous-

Chronically homeless people are ineffi-

ing market and system of public supports

ciently served by the systems they interact

that allowed all but a handful of people to

with, including emergency shelters, emer-

avoid homelessness. In most cities, there

gency rooms, hospitals, and police depart-

was plenty of affordable rental housing,

ments. These systems in turn are adversely

including very inexpensive single room

affected by chronic homelessness.

occupancy housing. Throughout the 60s,

Emergency Shelters were originally de-

70s, and 80s that changed. Most single-

signed to provide short-term relief for peo-

room occupancy housing was lost as part

ple who had experienced a crisis and who,

of urban renewal strategies. Much of the

with some assistance, could move back into a home of their own. Shelters were not

affordable rental housing was converted


designed to address the extensive needs of people with serious mental illness or other

to higher priced housing, cooperatives, and condominiums. Hospitals for people with


disabilities. Without the proper assistance

mental illness were closed down in favor of a system of community-based housing and

such people tend to stay homeless in shelters for long periods of time, making them chronically homeless, while utilizing a disproportionate amount of shelter resources. For example, in Salt Lake City, Utah, chronically homeless people represented 12 percent of people who used the city’s largest emergency shelter, but they accounted for 57 percent of shelter use. This creates a paradox in which shelter staff struggle to serve people that their programs are ill equipped to help, while turning away many families and individuals that they could serve well because they lack the space. Health Care systems are also affected. Chronically homeless people utilize significant health care resources because they have mental and physical illnesses that are exacerbated by living on the streets and in shelters, and because when they become ill, they do not receive early treatment. Instead their illnesses progress until they are severe and expensive to treat. Even when an illness is successfully treated, homeless individuals stay in hospitals longer because there is no medically appropriate place for them to be discharged. When they are discharged into homelessness, their living conditions cause relapse into illness. These dynamics are costly. In Portland, Oregon, 35 chronically homeless individuals each utilized over


(Continued from page 1)

or chronic physical illness or disability) who have been homeless either 1) continuously for one whole year, or 2) four or more times in the past three years. Research reveals that between 10 to 20 percent of homeless single adults are chronically homeless. This translates into between 150,000 to 200,000 people who experience chronic homelessness. This figure is one that is different between geographic locations. For instance, homelessness is not just a person living on the streets. The ones who jump from couch to couch staying at their friends’ home is also in this total number of homeless in America. So providers are left with the feeling that there are more chronic homeless than the above stats. Also when dealing with research you must pay attention to certain words. For instance the above figure represents those homeless who are single adults. It does not include those who are married that also marry someone with a history of mental illness and several periods of homelessness which happens frequently. The above figure does not include those who are not adults who travel from one teen shelter to the next or runaways that go from one home to the next.

is affected by chronic homelessness. Police officers regularly arrest chronically homeless people for status offenses such as loitering, public urination, or public intoxication. These offenses pose little threat to public safety, but they use up significant police resources. The same holds true for courts, jails, and prisons, all of which were de-

Permanent supportive housing—housing linked with supportive services—is an effective strategy for ending chronic homelessness and it is cost effective. The Homeless Voice is one agency that has been criticized in the past for not moving them in and moving them out because we have seen this process of moving them in and out does not work for a large percentage of the homeless population. For someone who has a history of mental illness and has not reached the term chronic as of yet needs to be treated with a prescription of prevention. According to Sean Cononie of the Homeless Voice, “Ones who come here for reasons of poverty only with maybe slight issues and find a way to get a job, save money and make it out the doors with no assistance other than a short period of shelter, food and minimal case management these individuals are moved out to their own rental units. It is a matter of them knowing it is a normal thing to have their own place.” For others who seem to use the system over and over it just increases tax dollars and does nothing for them in the long run. Cononie added, “For the chronic, when they fall it is far better not to discharge them from the program but to put them into a different section/level of the program so once again they can try to climb to the top. Just throwing them out in the streets also causes a severe increase on health care costs because the homeless have figured out ways to get admitted to the hospitals for shelter and in some cases their short term hospital stays can be as much as $25,000 for chest pain which is a big one for them to get shelter.” Having a place that is designed for them and their issues is the way to go. In the late 90's Cononie (Continued on page 9)

signed to improve public safety, rather than to manage the multiple disabilities that afflict chronically homeless people. In Knoxville, Tennessee 3,800 to 5,000 people a year are arrested for public intoxication. Fewer than 80 individuals—each arrested six or more times—account for one-fourth of those arrests. Seven individuals had 100 or more arrests during the past five years. A significant number of these individuals are chronically homeless.

tive effects. Downtowns were revitalized, and for people with serious mental illnesses, community-based housing and care was a superior alternative to institutionalization. However, affordable rental housing became much more scarce. There are now 5.2 million more low-income households that need housing than there are affordable housing units. Furthermore, communities did not develop nearly enough housing and services for people with mental illnesses to replace the institutions they were closing. At the same time, other forces were reshaping the landscape for low-income Americans. Jobs requiring low-skilled labor were lost. New and powerful illegal drugs

$42,000 per year in emergency and institutional care. Even the Criminal Justice system

These changes had many posi-

came onto the scene. Public resources to assist low-income people did not keep pace with their growing needs. These forces combined to create widespread homelessness. Each year, as many as 3.5 million people will experience homelessness. Most will be homeless for short periods of time (several weeks to a few months), while others will spend months or years homeless, often cycling between homeless shelters, hospitals, jails, and other institutional settings. Over the past 20 years, researchers and innovative leaders in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors have learned much about homelessness and how to end it. By examining the characteristics of homeless people and the systems they interact with, they have learned that a small percentage of homeless people spend long periods of time— often years—either living in shelters and on the streets, or cycling between hospitals, emergency rooms, jails, prisons, and mental health and substance abuse treatment

Homeless Shelter Wish List • Clothing • Coffee Cups • Canned Foods • Diapers & Wipes • Medical Supplies • Personal Hygiene Items 1203 N. Federal Highway Hollywood, FL 33020 24/7

facilities. Furthermore, this small group of people, who have come to be known as long-term or chronically homeless people, are very expensive to public systems of care. There is a cost effective solution to their homelessness, and cities that are adopting that approach have reduced the number of homeless people living on their streets and in their shelters.

The Voice of the Homeless

Page 6

HOMELESS VOICE Ending Chronic Homelessness Is Cost-Effective A landmark study of homeless people with serious mental illness in New York City found that on average, each homeless person utilized over $40,000 annually in publicly funded shelter, hospital (including U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs




prison, jail, and outpatient health care resources. Much of the cost was for psychiatric hospitalization, which accounted for an average of over 57 days and nearly $13,000. When people were placed in permanent supportive housing, the public cost to these systems declined dramatically. The documented cost reductions— $16,282 per unit of permanent supportive housing—were nearly enough

Prayer for Peace Great God, source of life and hope, we praise you for your justice, your pardon, and your peace. We pray to you now, for all those who defend us, for those who are innocent victims, for all those who have lost their loved ones.

We pray especially for

our enemies, as your Son commanded us. Bring the wicked to justice, if possible, to repentance.

Protect your sons and

daughters, the people who cry out to you in their need.

Father, above all, deliver us

from anxiety, fear, and dread.

Grant us

courage, hope, and lasting peace, now and for generations to come.

We ask this

through Christ our Lord. Amen.

to pay for the permanent supportive housing. If other costs, such as the costs of police, court and homeless services were included, the cost savings of providing people with permanent housing and services would likely have been higher. In other words, the study found that it cost the public the same amount to house a person with serious mental illness as it did to keep that person homeless. But while the costs were the same, the outcomes were much different. Permanent supportive housing results in better mental and physical health, greater income (including




fewer arrests, better progress toward recovery and self-sufficiency, and less homelessness.

What Is Chronic Homelessness?


hronic homelessness is longterm or repeated homelessness. Virtually all chronically homeless people have a disability. Many chronically homeless people have a serious mental illness like schizophrenia, alcohol or drug addiction, and/or chronic physical illness. Most chronically homeless individuals have been in treatment programs, sometimes on dozens of occasions. The federal government’s definition of chronic homelessness includes homeless individuals with a disabling condition (substance use disorder, serious mental illness, developmental disability, or chronic physical illness or disability) who have been homeless either 1) continuously for one whole year, or 2) four or more times in the past three years. For the purposes of the federal defini-

tion, homelessness means sleeping on the streets or in a place not meant for human habitation or sleeping in an emergency shelter. It does not include staying in a transitional housing program. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services identifies five characteristics associated with chronic homelessness: 1. The near universal presence of disabling conditions involving “serious health conditions, substance abuse, and psychiatric illnesses.” 2. Frequent use of the homeless assistance system and other health and social services. 3. Frequent disconnection from their communities, including limited support systems, and disengagement from traditional treatment systems.

4. Multiple problems such as “frail elders with complex medical conditions, HIV patients with psychiatric and substance abuse issues....” 5. Fragmented service systems that are unable to meet their multiple needs in a comprehensive manner. Based on applications for homeless assistance submitted by Continuums of Care around the country, we estimate there were approximately 150,000 to 200,000 chronically homeless individuals nationwide in January of 2005. There are also indications that there are families with disabilities who follow a similar pattern of cycling in and out of homelessness.

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Volume X, Issue 1


A New Year, A New Life

Federal Policy Guided by research, Congress took

(Continued from page 1)

serve on this ship. When Alex was talking to me about what he wanted to do while in the Navy the topic came up that maybe he would become a paramedic in the service. He said he saw first hand at the shelter how the first responders actually were trained how to save someone's life and he said if he would have stayed at the shelter he would have wanted to join our first responder crew. If he decides to do his medical callings he is on the perfect ship. On December 15, 2007, The USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) carrier answered a distress call from a cruise ship off the coast of Baja California. A teenager whose appendix had ruptured while on a Mexican cruise was airlifted by an SH-60 helicopter to the Ronald Reagan, where an emergency appendectomy was performed by Navy medical personnel. Alex is also taking college courses as well to be a well rounded individual. They say Christmas presents come in all sorts of sizes and shapes and we all know as we get older that it does not matter of the price tag of a present, what matters is the value and thoughts behind the present. This was a great gift to us at the shelter knowing that one of us became someone to fight for the safety of all of us and to allow each American the right to stay free and to speak freely against things we don't like without getting hard core punishment or even death as some governments do when you speak against the government. We as Americans must never forget the freedoms we have are because our brave soldiers fought and gave us these rights. It is vitally important that we do not let what happened to the Vets in the Vietnam War happen again. In case some of you do not know of the things other Americans did to them I will tell you. Some of these Vets got spit on by other Americans. That is correct, when the boys got back many Americans gave them no respect and spit on their faces. We must remember even when we have our freedoms because of them this does not give us the right to spit on them or call them murderers. That is what makes them a soldier, a good soldier follows the orders of their Commander in Chief even if they do not believe in the orders. Some of them right now

several steps to end chronic homelessness by encouraging the development of permanent supportive housing. Beginning in the late 1990s, appropriations bills have increased funding for HUD’s homeless assistance programs and targeted at least 30 percent of funding to permanent supportive housing.

Congress has also en-

sured that permanent supportive housing funded by one of HUD’s programs (Shelter Plus Care) would be renewed non-competitively, helping chronically homeless people remain in their housing. In 2003, the Bush Administration committed to end chronic homelessness in ten years. Communities are succeeding because of the potential cost sav-

Alex Longo & Family Happy New Year!!!

ings, and the success of new strategies, several cities have launched initiatives to end chronic homelessness, and many are showing results. In some cases, the results represent reductions in the number of people living on the streets. Cities with more advanced data systems are able to track reductions in chronic homelessness for people who are living in shelters.

In most cases,

these initiatives are part of larger

Ronald Reagan displaces approximately 95,000 tons of water fully loaded, has a top speed of over 30 knots, powered by two nuclear reactors driving four screws, and can sail for over 20 years before needing to refuel. She is nearly as long as the Empire State Building is tall at 1,092 feet (333 m) and is 134 feet (41 m) wide at the beam and has a flight deck 252 feet (77 m) wide. The flight deck covers over 4.5 acres (18,000 m²). She carries more than 5,500 sailors and over 80 aircrafts. The ship is the winner of the 2006 Battle "E" for West Coast carriers.

in Iraq may not believe the war is correct but they are there carrying out their orders. And as each of them come back we as Americans should give them all the respect they deserve even if we believe the current war is wrong. Don't take it out on them, take it out in the voting polls and cast your vote for one candidate that will bring an end to this war. May we all pray this New Year that there be peace between the Middle East and with the current war in Iraq. May all political leaders come up with a plan to stop the war in Iraq. May we pray that Alex is

safe as well as every one else who serves. May we pray that many less soldiers die and that many more families are not destroyed over this conflict on both sides. May love fill the world so that war is put on the back burner and let us all learn that war should be the last option and let us all pray that love for fellow human beings bring more diplomacy to the table before any declaration of war is given in the future. -Sean Cononie

efforts to end all types of homelessness.

Denver, Colorado reduced

homelessness by 11.5 percent in the metro region including a reduction in street homelessness from 1,000 to 600 people since January 2005.


several years, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has reduced street homelessness by more than half.

When they re-

leased their plan to end homelessness in December 2004, Portland, Oregon had an estimated 1,600 chronically homeless individuals.

During 2005,

they housed 660 of them.

Over a

three year period, San Francisco, California reduced homelessness by 28 percent, reduced street homelessness by 40 percent, and reduced the number of people who died while living on the streets by 40 percent from the prior year. In addition to documenting their success at reducing chronic homelessness, many cities are also docu-

Eat to Beat Stress

menting the cost effectiveness of their

Nine foods that will keep you jolly during the New Year


orget everything you've heard about stress-eating being a bad thing. If you put the right foods in your pie hole (i.e., not pie), noshing when your nerves are jangling more than the bells on Santa's sleigh can actually calm you down. And that's great news, because the last thing you need is more stress, which over time can increase your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity -and the odds that you'll go ballistic on Mom when she asks, for the third time, what your unemployed fiancé does for a living. These yummy, easy-to-find foods soothe stress and can counteract the damage that

efforts. Portland found that prior to entering the Community Engagement

chronic pressure does to your bod. Stock up on the lot of them so that when the tension rises along with the temperature in Grandma's kitchen, you can eat instead of freak. Almonds, Pistachios & Walnuts When all hell breaks loose, reach for a handful of almonds. They're bursting with vitamin E, an antioxidant that bolsters the immune system. Almonds also contain B vitamins, which may help your body hold up during seriously unpleasant events (like getting a year's membership to Match.com as a present). About a quarter cup every day is all you need. Another easy way to get a fix is to switch from traditional PB to

Program, 35 chronically homeless individuals each utilized over $42,000 in public resources per year. After enter-

almond butter on high-tension days. (We like All Natural Barney Butter Almond Butter, $7, barneybutter.com.) Sick of almonds? Shell pistachios or crack walnuts. Both will help keep your heart from racing when things heat up. “We experience immediate cardiovascular responses to stress because of the 'fight or flight' response,” says Sheila G. West, M.D., associate professor of biobehavioral health at Penn State. When stress strikes, the hormone adrenaline raises blood pressure to boost energy -- so (Continued on page 10)

ing permanent supportive housing, those individuals each used less than $26,000, and that included the cost of housing.

While making progress to-

ward ending chronic homelessness, Portland Oregon is saving the public over $16,000 per chronically homeless person.

The Voice of the Homeless

Page 8


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Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"

Page 9

Volume X, Issue 1


We Still Need Your Help!!!

Over 200 Cities Have Committed to End


n the next few months we will be hopefully paying off or down the mortgage. This move will help us continue to grow and serve this area as well as the other projects we are doing in Haiti as well as across the county. This is the time we all need to work a little harder trying to get as many people as we can to help by sending in their checks. We can do it and when we do we will have a big party and invite all of you to attend at the shelter. Also the names in our wall of fame will then go up. I ask each and every one of you to try to secure as many donations from friends and family members so we can raise the most we have ever raised in the next two months. Also remember that about 80,000 of you buy our paper each and every month and if you all raised about $5.00 each this month we are done. It can be done. Just remember to send in your checks because the check money goes to the mortgage and the money you donate to the buckets goes to our main program each and every month. Once we get that mortgage paid off we can expand as well as getting some well deserved rest. My friends we are getting very tired working these 100 hour work weeks and we need to slow down our work weeks to about 70 hours a week. The meningitis has made it very hard for me to be like I was before. Let’s all pray this New Year that God brings us down a cure for all Cancers, all HIV and other terminal illnesses that take our friends and families lives daily. Maybe with all of us praying daily He will send us a cure. Can I get a big Amen? -COSAC Staff

Did you know? •

You can set up payroll deduction through your employer to support the COSAC Foundation’s Homeless Voice • Your company might even match your donation • See your human resource or department manager

Chronic Homelessness “More than 200 cities and other jurisdictions have started 10 year plans…to actually end chronic homelessness. They’re getting community buy-in by including just about everyone on their task forces: businesses, foundations, religious groups, the media, and of course, social services.

They’ve found

that a stable residence, individual attention, and a certain independence are helping people turn around their lives, with some finding jobs and contributing to rent.

H E L P PAY O F F O U R M O R TG A G E W e ne e d just 2 0 ,8 5 0 peo ple to se n d i n a c he c k fo r $ 2 0 .0 0 , Or 8 ,3 4 0 peo pl e to s en d i n a ch ec k fo r $ 5 0 .0 0 , Or 4 ,1 7 0 peo ple to se n d i n a c he ck fo r $ 1 0 0 .0 0 , Or 4 1 7 peo ple to se n d i n a c he ck fo r $ 1 ,0 0 0 , Or Ju st o ne w o n d erfu l p erso n o r bu sin ess to sen d a ch ec k fo r th e e ntir e $ 4 1 7 ,0 0 0 ; W e w ill na m e t he s he lte r a fte r yo u o r w ho m e v e r yo u c ho o se R e m e m be r the do na tio n is ta x de duc tible !! P leas e s end yo ur c hec ks to :

T h e C O S AC B u ild in g F u n d P.O . B o x 2 9 2 -5 7 7 D a vie, F lo rid a 3 3 3 2 9 W e do t ha n k yo u

Called “housing first,” this approach differs from the more costly, managing-the-problem strategy of the mid-1980’s.

Then, cities built shelters

tied to health services, with the hope that after the homeless stabilized, they would find long-term residences.


some spurned group shelters, or never stabilized. Early returns show that the “housing first” approach to chronic homelessness is having an impact.


total, 30 of the 200-plus jurisdictions have reported homeless declines (some in chronic populations, others in their general homeless count)…” Christian Science Monitor


Chronic Homelessness

Chronically homeless individuals spend years or even decades living on the streets and cycling between emergency

(Continued from page 5)

had been scolded by other providers, the press and county officials because he did not discharge people for using drugs. Advocates across the county thought that Cononie’s techniques were extremely innovative and he seemed to curve the chronic numbers in a downward way. Cononie is still known for creating the Cononie’s Adaptive Training and Conditioning of Understanding Providers “CATCHUP.” The theory was simple when other shelters failed to get the chronic to change their behavior so they could

services for the homeless. Cononie achieve a suitable living condition still uses this same theory of Cononie thought that it was the pro“CATCHUP” and has successfully viders who needed to change their taken many behavior when chronic homedealing with the less people off chronic homeless Where main stream the streets. and to have an unshelters would One of the derstanding of the most famous homeless themdischarge the homeless cases is the selves. Cononie who did not take John McCorstated, “We had to showers or who had an mick Case, see become them and undesirable odor to Sun-Sentinel put ourselves in them Cononie would Archives under their shoes and the story name, make room for a not. “My Friend new pair of shoes John.” More over time. If they and more chronic were not homeless were use to peeing outside in the anymore because he took them in bushes because of long term ways, and his shelters made individual then let them pee outside in the rules for each client and they were bushes at the shelter. Then maybe not expected to follow the same next week invite them in to pee and rules of those who were not chronic. show them some type of benefit for doing so. You can’t take someone He was able to take long who has peed outside for over 20 term chronic homeless people that years and expect them to just pee have been homeless over 30 years inside overnight; and if they don’t, and create a safe zone for them. In do not discharge them for it. McCormick’s case, John was homeless for over 17 years and he has Even when county officials been stable since 1997. Even today seem to question his techniques they John does not follow all the rules gave him nick names such as ‘Patch and sometimes it is a chore to make Adams Jr.’ and ‘Collector of the sure he does not smoke in the buildForgotten.’ Cononie went out and ing. However, when he does smoke searched for Patch Adams and for all the staff try to talk to him in ways several years Cononie and Patch (Continued on page 11) Adams spoke on ways of improving

shelters, hospitals, jails, and treatment programs. 1- Chronic homelessness can be ended with permanent supportive housing, and better policies to prevent homelessness among people at high risk. 2- The public cost of ending chronic homelessness can be considerably offset by the savings of doing so. 3- Changes to the way communities approach the problem have led to dramatic reductions in chronic homelessness. 4- The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a leading voice on the issue of homelessness. The Alliance analyzes policy and develops pragmatic, cost-effective policy solutions. We work collaboratively with the public, private, and nonprofit sectors to build state and local capacity, leading to stronger programs and policies that help homeless individuals and families make positive changes in their lives. We provide data and research to policymakers and elected officials in order to inform policy debates and educate the public and opinion leaders nationwide.

The Voice of the Homeless

Page 10

HOMELESS VOICE Eat to Beat Stress Dear Editor, This morning on my way to work I spotted one of your homeless volunteers collecting donations on the corner near my home. When I saw the bright yellow shirt I immediately reached for my wallet to make a donation. I think that it is a wonderful thing that you do, giving the homeless some sense of purpose by helping themselves and others. I didn't even open the paper before I saw that precious little girl's face on the cover. I thought to myself "what a beautiful baby" and then was saddened as I read about the plight of her mom and her younger brother and sister who are also such beautiful children. The reason why this article struck me so is that I am a new mom to a sweet 3 1/2 month old little boy. He is my life and I can't imagine the anguish that the mother must feel on a daily basis when she has to worry about food and shelter for her precious babies. I have emailed my friends and associates to request some of the items listed in the paper that you are in need of. I hope that I receive lots of donations and that as a group; we are able to come to the aid of families and children that need us. I also wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the focus on child safety in this month's paper. It is our duty as parents to protect our children and so I feel that any and all information is helpful. I will keep the picture with those sweet faces on my wall at work to remind me each day how lucky I am. It will serve as a reminder to do what I can to help those in need, especially the little ones who can't help themselves. God bless your organization for the wonderful work that they do. Sincerely, Pam Poulin Lake Worth, FL

Nine foods that will keep you jolly during the New Year

Walnuts have also been found to lower blood pressure

(Continued from page 7)

you're prepared to run like hell if you need to. But because we seldom need to fight or flee (dodging your annoying aunt doesn't count), it's better to blunt the strain on your heart. A 2007 Penn State study led by Dr. West found that eating one and a half ounces (about a handful) of pistachios a day lowers blood pressure so your heart doesn't have to work overtime. Walnuts have also been found to lower blood pressure, both at rest and under stress, West says. Add about an ounce to salads, cereal, or oatmeal. Avocados The next time stress has you hankering for a high-fat, creamy treat, skip the ice cream and try some homemade guacamole -- the thick, rich texture can satisfy your craving and reduce those frantic feelings. Plus, the green wonders' double whammy of monounsaturated fat and potassium can lower blood pressure. One of the best ways to reduce high blood pressure, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, is to get enough potassium -- and just half an avocado offers 487 milligrams, more than you'll get from a medium-size banana. To whip up your own avocado salad dressing, puree a medium avocado with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and a dash of cayenne. Skim Milk Science backs up the old warm-milk remedy for insomnia and restlessness. Turns out calcium can reduce muscle spasms and soothe tension, says Mary Dallman, Ph.D., professor of physiology at the University of California, San Francisco. A glass of moo juice (preferably skim or 1 percent) may also reduce stressful PMS symptoms such as mood swings, anxiety, and irritability. According to a 2005 study from the Archives of Internal Medicine, women who drank four or more servings of low-fat or skim milk per day had a 46 percent lower risk of pre-period misery than women who had no more than one serving per week. Oatmeal Carbohydrates make the brain produce more serotonin, the same relaxing brain chemical released when you eat dark chocolate. The more slowly your body absorbs carbs, the more steadily serotonin flows, according to Judith Wurtman, Ph.D., a former MIT research scientist and co-author of The Serotonin Power Diet. The result: a less-likely-tosnap you. Because thick, hearty oatmeal is high in fiber, few things take longer for your stomach to digest, says Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D., author of Food & Mood. Wurtman also recommends topping it with a swirl of jam for a quicker release of serotonin. When you know it's going to be a doozy of a day, avoid heavily processed varieties (e.g., the sugary kind that come in packets meant for the microwave), which are

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digested more quickly, and take the time to make thick-cut old-fashioned oats, like McCann's Original Steel-Cut Irish Oatmeal ($6 for 28 oz, amazon.com). But if two minutes for breakfast is all you have, you can still do your mood a favor by opting for instant oatmeal over Cocoa Puffs. Oranges Fretting over a job interview or presentation at work? Pour yourself a glass of Florida's famous juice or peel yourself an orange. The magic nutrient here is vitamin C. In a study in Psychopharmacology, German researchers subjected 120 people to a publicspeaking task plus a series of math problems. Those who took 3,000 milligrams of vitamin C reported that they felt less stressed, and their blood pressure and levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) returned to normal faster. “Vitamin C is also a well-known immune system booster,” says Amy Jamieson-Petonic, R.D., a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. So don't be bummed that you got a fruitof-the-month-club gift instead of the video Nano -- you're going to need all those oranges and grapefruits. Salmon Stress hormones have an archenemy: omega-3 fatty acids. A 2003 study from Diabetes & Metabolism found that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids kept cortisol and adrenaline from geysering. Omega-3 fatty acids also protect against heart disease, according to a 2002 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association. “Eat a three-ounce serving of fish, especially fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, herring, and light tuna, at least twice a week,” Jamieson-Petonic says. Not a fish eater? For another omega-3 punch, buy foods fortified with DHA (you'll find this particular fatty acid in eggs, yogurt, milk, and soy products); but don't go out of your way for products that boast booming levels of ALA, another fatty acid, which may not work as well. Spinach Magnesium was made to calm holiday insanity. First, the mineral can help lower your stress levels, keeping your body in a state of relative ease as you kick off yet another round of small talk at the company party. Not getting enough magnesium may trigger migraine headaches and make you feel fatigued. (And almost seven out of 10 of us don't get enough of the stuff. No wonder we're cranky.) Just one cup of spinach provides 40 percent of your daily value -- so try subbing it for lettuce on sandwiches and salads. (And now you have an excuse to indulge in the spinach dip!) www.womenshealthmag.com

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Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"

Page 11

Volume X, Issue 1

HOMELESS VOICE Chronic Homelessness (Continued from page 9)

he’ll understand. They may take away his ciggs and tell him that he needs to try his best to follow the rules. Over time he does much better and when he slips staff shows him more attention. If he was in a main stream shelter the chances of discharge would be at about 85 percent and even in some cases he might be issued a ticket to appear in court. Where main stream shelters would discharge the homeless who did not take showers or who had an undesirable odor to them Cononie would not. He applied the law of scent to the scent of the normal every day person wearing perfume. The thought process was easy. Cononie remembered when younger wearing cologne, others would say five or six hours later that they loved the cologne he was wearing and Cononie realized he could not smell it anymore. This is just normal for all because our noses and senses do not notice the smell of our perfume after we have it on for a while, we simply don’t smell it anymore. He felt that as those who took showers we would smell the undesirable odors coming from some of the homeless. He made it clear that when the homeless were really smelly they were just use to it and they felt and smelled clean because they got use to the odors. Over time he would hear the ones who were smelly after taking showers that they smelled bad. It took him several years to understand why the homeless thought they were smelly when in fact they smelled fresh and clean. Then there were the mental health individuals who were afraid to take showers because they believed that the evil sprits were coming from the water. If he forced them to take showers than he was getting them to a point of being afraid and that was not fair. In some cases the homeless who were off their medication and at this state would be so afraid of being forced to take a shower they would run out the door of the shelter. Providers, city officials and other advocates would make comments to Cononie and others that he just allowed this behavior. In some cases they even would call protective services saying he was neglecting their care. Cononie was fast for asking the protective service investigator who ar-

rived if they would hold down the client while he forced them in the shower; at that time the investigator would be very fast to leave. Finally over time others would see that it was in the best interest of the client to work with them slowly. Even with the health depart-

“If he was in a main stream shelter the chances of discharge would be at about 85 % and even in some cases he might be issued a ticket to appear in court.” ment coming and trying to find a reason to close his doors he stood by his theory. He simply created an area in the shelter known as the noncompliant hygiene room. (NCH) room was for the ones who were afraid or uneasy about the clean experience that did not have the want and needs to say odor free. It would just take a matter of months to get them to a point where they started to take showers themselves. Then once they started to see the difference on their own they would come to the service desk and ask if they could be moved out of the room. For the ones who thought they were dirty after cleaning themselves up he would take them to someone else who might have had the same problem and he would point out the difference is odors. He would also play games such as remember when you were younger did your underwear have to be all white or what would mom say about having clean underwear if you got in an accident. According to most of the players today, you must continue to support the client at each phase of the recovery. And most importantly the availability of beds must be available for those who are new to the world of homelessness. If you don’t treat the ones who are just beginning their session of homelessness fast there is a chance that they can develop newly established problems such as drug or alcohol dependency and depression. The slightest little medical issue may become chronic and life threatening if they are left in the street with no

service according to a local nurse who works with the homeless in Broward County who did not want to be identified. “It is important to make sure the homeless have medical treatments right away or they may end up having a disabling condition which will lead them to a chronic cycle of homelessness in the future.” Cononie added, “it is a game of life for these people and we need to make sure we act like a college football team as these universities give the teams as much as they can to have the best team, we have to invest in humans,……… if a football team can spend millions so should the government spend the same amount of money on humans who are being left to die on the streets. It just makes sense, it makes human compassion sense and also financial sense because investing now will help cure later as their health declines therefore ending up costing tax payers ten times the amount of money to treat the homeless who are now chronic. Over time we save millions.” Cononie suggests as many HIV experts have said over the years, “we waited way too long to treat and find a cure for HIV putting us years behind because of lack of funding. If we fund problems correctly then there is more money in the pot so when something happens we can react fast and not take years of research to decide how fast we need to fund something. Waiting for years of research means the problems or the disease becomes smarter when trying to find cures. We treat HIV now but the virus has a high IQ and it figures out ways all on it own to change and trick the current medications.” Why wait to treat something more powerful, why not react, respond and attack the social injustice or the medical issue at first when it is weaker or less chronic. “It is easier to remove fat off of a skinnier person than one over weight,” Cononie added as he looks at his recent weight gain from the steroids to treat his brain swelling from Bacterial Meningitis. For Video Coverage go to our site at www.HomelessVoice.tv/LocalNews

-Mark Targett Homeless Voice

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