Homeless Voice; Teens Live Homeless For a Night

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Teens live 'homeless' for a night

GoodShop to Help the Homeless

The brave spend a cold night on the old courthouse lawn


organton - More than 300 teenagers bundled up and gathered together on a windy and frigid night to spend a night on the Old Courthouse Square. The teens were participating in the annual Homeless Awareness Lock Out, and had already engaged in a day full of mission work. Suzy Fitzgerald, a HALO coordinator, said the event has been going on for the past 10 years and allows the teens to raise awareness about the homeless. Fitzgerald said several church youth groups participate in the event, and various denominations take part in the lock out. The day started with mission

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work throughout Morganton, including building handicapped ramps, clearing trees out of yards, painting the soup kitchen at Burke United Christian Ministries, landscaping for Habitat for Humanity, participating in projects with New Beginnings and cleaning houses for the disabled, said Fitzgerald. The Meeting Place fed the teens after they met up at Burke United Christian Ministries. Fitzgerald said participants from 2007 had performed mission work for the Meeting Place and in return they wanted to prepare dinner for the 2008 participants. From there, they continued to the Old Courthouse Square, where sleeping bags littered the lawn. Hoards of teens lined the street and held signs encouraging passing drivers to help the homeless. On the other side of the square a stage was set up and Seal the Deal, a band consisting of teenagers, entertained the crowd. Fitzgerald said the itinerary for the evening included food collection, building shelters from cardboard boxes and an "Amazing Race" game. On Sunday morning, the event concluded with a devotional. The teens then spoke to their respective congregations about the experience.


s you all know we are trying to pay off our current mortgage,

raise money for our monthly expenses, as well as expanding. With these plans it always becomes more difficult each and every year mostly because of the economy. So each and every day we plan and plan to figure out ways of first getting donations and secondly how can Jennifer Frew (The News Herald)

Aaron Hayworth, 16, came with North Morganton United Methodist Church and said he has been participating for the past four years. Hayworth said, "besides helping the homeless, you get first-hand experience and it is especially mind blowing." Lindsay Bess, 17, and Emily Young, 14, did not come with a church group but were there because many of their friends were participating. Bess and Young were especially excited about the band's presence, but were wary of the cold weather. Despite that, Bess said it was a great way to raise awareness about the homeless. By Julie N. Chang morganton.com

we produce income without costing the supporters one cent. First it was the Internet Search via Good Search where we make one penny everytime someone searches on the Internet. We did not do as well as (Continued on page 7)

The old man in the run-down car


he world's first food bank was almost out of money. What

could this mysterious stranger in the threadbare clothes possibly do to help? John van Hengel watched the noisy,

State dangerous for the homeless

run-down vehicle stumble along Central


er cries for help were ignored and no one bothered to call the police, or an ambulance, after her attackers had left her for dead. ''I don't like thinking about that day,'' said Carol, a 62year-old homeless woman who says she was beaten and raped by two young men seven years ago while sleeping outdoors along Broward Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale, not far from City Hall. Her story is all too familiar to homeless advocates who say Florida leads the nation in the number of reported crimes against the homeless. Consider: In 2007, 25 homeless people in Florida were beaten and seven were killed, according to a joint preliminary report by two Washingtonbased organizations -

Avenue in South Phoenix and stop in front of the old bakery building that housed St. Mary’s Food Bank. He’d been waiting all day for the old man who finally stepped out of his jalopy looking, in his threadbare clothes, more like one of the needy than the donor he claimed to be. Van Hengel tried to hide his disap-

the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty and the National Coaltion for the Homeless. California ranks second with 24 attacks, followed by Nevada with 14, and Ohio with 13. The report will be released on March 10 in Washington. But experts say the scope of the problem is far greater because most homeless victims of violence never report the crime to law enforcment authorities. ''Generally speaking, the homeless

are often wary of the police, and do not turn to them for help,'' said Tulin Ozdeger, civil rights director for the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty. Weeks later, when Carol was finally able to get medical attention for her injuries, she learned that she had been infected with the HIV virus, which has now become diagnosed as AIDS. Since that day, she has not ventured far from the Broward homeless shelter she (Continued on page 11)

pointment. He had hoped, when the man called earlier in the day offering to make a donation to the food bank, that he would receive at least enough to keep the doors open for a while longer. He wondered, now, how the man could (Continued on page 5)

The Voice of the Homeless

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For just $15.00 a month you can keep a homeless family off the streets for a day.

COSAC Foundation P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, FL 33329 Please include on memo what name should appear in paper.

NEW!!! Sign up Online: www.HomelessVoice.org click on “Online Store” Please include in comments what name should appear in paper.

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The Targett Family Patrick Helings John Bendor In Loving Memory of Uncle Joe & Nana Shannon Brooks Lisa Cebrat Pakita Price The Watsons Sally Lister Judith Kelly Martha Roman The Baptista Family John Criasia Daniel Harrison The Martinez Family Amanda Reynolds Dolores R. Cerra Bob Hall Tressie W. Osborne Clark Rogers The Savir Family Corinne James Chris Sanchez Hugo DeCarpintini Mario Yuio Richard Friedman Diane Friedman Uylna Quadrino Arnold Reemer In Loving Memory of Peter Sullivan Maryann Springer Elaine Snaith Marshal Bugin Keith Yude Bruce Wethersoon Isabelle J. Henry Raul Cardenas M.D. Wendy Bryan Jacqueline McCarty Albert J Taragowski Darla King Paula King Richard Gomez Anthony Ralph Jennifer Hicky Timothy Lukehard Thomas Rua Justin Rowan Mary Green Morris Grazi Marvin Shatze Ronald Shafer Vance Gunn Adam Staler Allen Yancy Jimmy Daniels Mel Blount Carol Lockette Anna Marye Levier Magan Narduzzi Andre Johnson Antione Collins Eric Harrison

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• • • • • • • • • •

Jessica Padilla Sheldon Jones Carlo Harrison Jason Emrik Dan Gilcert Amber Rowan Jackie Johnson Ricky Cambell Todd Palgon The Morabito Family Todd Palgon Holly J. Andrus Dorr’e Terry Samual Manery Marilyn Vokish Jenny Curic Amy Curic Lisa Jackson Jim Johnson Bobby Neal Erica Fulton Darren Nolf Erica Sanclair Steve Dillan Dallan Michele King Bobby Ore Casandra Thomas Tara Hunter Mark Faber Nichole Faber Kevin Britt The Cable Family The Maione Family Barbara Strong Grace Marth Regla J Ferrer The Baldwin Family C.R. Gallagher Jonathan Burger Russell J. Ferguson Marjorie G. Rhines Jamie F. Flores In Loving Memory Of Thomas Gasbarro Cathy and Kids The Davis Family Graham R. Mitchell Essential Oil Healthline Amparo L. Korey John’s Plumbing Service Thank You Winn Dixie Ms. Marilyn Smith Albert J. Taragowski Ruth C Grey Mike Cross Tamara Southard Raul Cardenas MD PA Al and Annie Hurricane Prevention Inc Adriana Fernandez Andrea Brown The Kunicki Family Danny and George OTD Messenger, Inc M. Smith

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Yorick and Bonita Parrica Lee Russ & Delores B Mordon Robert Jesus Llanes Comet Couriev Proietto Family In Memory of Billy Corwin Josh Searles Patricia Lee Russ Delores B Mordon Everglades Moon, Covenant of Goddess, Elibet Hanson Judy B. Pascarella John Gaeta Michael R. Prokop, Jr. Jackie M. McCarty In Memory of Charles Horton In Memory of William F. Judge In Loving Memory of Florence & Nat Popkin Tailored Advertising, Inc Claudia K. Tapolow Margie Jones In memory of Wesley H. Woodall Maria M. Riveiro Gottlieb & Blair Family Pioneer Middle School Youth Crime Watch Rhenals-Mei Family The Strikowski family Margie Jones & Friends Ronald Prescia In Memory of Brian Groleau Laura Flash Jacqueline M. McCarty The Herrmann Family The Monserrate Family Madeline Butera Jennifer S. Nickel Marilyn R. Smith David Thawley On Behalf of Matthew Lambert Mustafa Mehmet Gokoglu In Memory of Scott Paul Cooper Robert and Ruth Baal In Memory of Melba DeSanto In Memory of My Mother Pearl McCann, Love Teresa Barbara Desanto Leah and Ray Michael & Michale Rhett Marie Sutera Floyd and Luana Coats Doug Boucher Family Kevin Jones Dorothy Griffith Family In Loving Memory of Kris Soltan Kevin “KJ” Jones Douglas Boucher The Swartout's Ivonne Fernandez The Verny & Stewart Families In Loving Memory of Frances Klein The Herrmann Family

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In Memory of C.T.R. Thank you so much, Sean & Lois, for all your help. –Joan Futscher & Kids McAvoy Family The Geise Family Mrs. Jenkins Richard & Margaret Martin Kenny Angela Adriana N. Quila Elizabeth P. Sublett Barbara N Robinson Mark E. Johnson Adrienne and Mike Julio A. Izquierdo Ann M. Hamilton Nicole Lee Nelson Anthony Rhodes Susan P Brady Christine M Wilson K.J. Williams Renato and Malika Vasconez Christine McAuliffe In Memory of Chief George J. Hodges Real Breakthrough Solutions Hartford Property Connection, Inc. In Loving Memory of Rex Lichtenberger In Loving Memory of Jose A. Estruch, Jr. Ronald & Cathy Walker Ms. Evelyn Salerno Nicole Lee Nelson Al & Barbara Liebmann In Loving Memory of Isabel Grimany Dr Mary Michaela Farren In Memory of My Good Friend Pat Gibson Fred T Verny JR Nicole Lee Nelson In Memory of Dan Holland Sheila Holder Merav & Ezra Alexander In Memory of Maxima Oakland Park Elks Lodge # 2407 J. Coffee In Memory of Stanley Smolen In Memory of Martin Grey God Bless Florence Menard Sebastian Parks Kellie Jones Jesus Diaz Virginia H. Bailey Naomi Ross Deborah H Green In Loving Memory of Giankarlo Squicemari In Loving Memory of My Daughter Melissa Lurz In Loving Memory of Charles J. Youngman In Loving Memory of Martin E. Grey Sabrina Thorton, Former Ms. Ft. Lauderdale

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In Loving Memory of Shirley Coulson

John C. Burt Albert Taragowski Renato & Malika Vasconez

In Loving Memory of Donald Fraser

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Volume X, Issue 4


P.O. BOX 29 2-577 DAVIE , FLO RIDA 33 329 FAX TO : 9 54-9 26-20 22 E M A IL : in fo @h om e le ssv o ic e .o rg


n Broward County alone, there are at least 100 homeless families still living in the streets per day. If four churches got together and each donated a total of $600 per month we could open up one family unit that can house four single moms with their children. We need funds to help re-model the shelter and the group homes we are buying. We also need home depot gift cards. If you are a church or a business and want to sponsor a Homeless Family Housing Unit, please contact us at 954-924-3571. This means we can start making a difference. -Mark Targett


To re ach us call

954-925 -6466


954-491-BED S The below represents an estimate of an un-audited glance until final figures are calculated. Program Services, includes donations we give to our international programs such as the orphanages in Haiti as well as 14 different homeless social service agencies such as our shelter system. How do we do it? Most of the top staff are full time volunteers and we only have a very small paid staff. The paid staff gets below the normal salaries in the world of not for profits. We had a mission to do and we did it and will continue to do it living by the rules of the founding fathers.

Business Directory

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Need flyers passed out or other temp labor?

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The Voice of the Homeless

Page 4



ACI supports the Homeless Voice and the Cosac Foundation in raising awareness and providing solutions to homelessness in our neighborhoods. ACI knows that lending aid to human beings in need is good for our souls, our communities and is simply the right thing to do. ACI would like to thank all people who are actively engaged in helping humanity here on the blue planet. God bless the Cosac Foundation Commercial, Industrial, & Government 2-way Radio www.advantage-com.com

Mark Lavallee, President 954-961-2642

Shopping Smart with Donna WAYS WE CAN HELP YOU


have been a single Mom for a long time and have to make the dollar stretch far beyond it’s ability. Being responsible for feeding my three boys and myself is a task that I still endure and used to be such a burden that I decided to take control over it and not let it control me. I have learned to be creative, fun and let the children know that just because it is tough it can still taste good, be healthy and fun. Always try to eat your meals together without the TV and I hope these recipes bless you and watch for more tips and recipes and remember when going shopping it is their job to tempt you into buying more than you intended, so take a deep breath, say a little prayer, use a list and be of good courage! -Donna Jean Peach Bread Pudding • • • • • • •

5 Eggs 1 loaf of bread 1 large can of peaches (Drained and save) 4 cups of Milk 1 Tablespoon of Vanilla (Optional) dash of Nutmeg or Cinnamon 4 Tsp of Butter

Combine Eggs, Milk, Vanilla and Nutmeg or Cinnamon together. Cut Bread into 2 inch pieces or 9 pieces per slice and add to Milk and Egg Mixture and stir lightly. Then add Drained peaches slices but save the juice. Top with 4 pats of butter. Place in baking casserole dish at least 3-4 inches deep. Bake for 30 minutes on 350. and until golden brown on top. Remove from Oven and let cool. Serve warm and drizzle saved Peach Juice over the top. Tips: You can serve with Ice Cream, Nuts or Powered Sugar.

Excellence in Radio

Entrepreneurship should be encouraged for homeless in career training


or most millionaires and billionaires becoming their own boss led to their success. In an unstable economy entrepreneurship may be the best option, or the only option for some homeless that have difficulty finding work. Everyone has something unique, or a talent that can be transformed into a money making opportunity. Mobile vendors, Internet businesses, and service business offer inexpensive ways of starting a company. Providing the background skills and knowledge will be vital in how successful the results will be. Career training can be done inexpensively through workshops taught by volunteers at places in South Florida. For instance, the Department of Business Development has many branches that are affiliated that offer services. Entrepreneurship offers flexibility, more control of their financial future, and a greater responsibility in the U.S. economy. Flexibility will equate a better way for the homeless to get their financial situation back on track. Perhaps, the hours and the location will be more convenient. This could create more success when there is less stress concerning the work schedule. Also, entrepreneurship offers more choice in what the career will be. Choosing a career that fits the individual will typically lead to a better job done and increased revenue for the business. Increased control in the financial future will empower anyone, but especially someone that has lost confidence in their ability to influence their

situation. This could be rewarding personally, and create more initiative in building a strong business. Today, there are so many options online to build a business and become successful almost overnight. Homeless that are educated can be successful and start with nothing and seek funding by being connected with organizations that assist them. Greater responsibility in the U.S. economy will create jobs for others, and decrease the need for public assistance. If more funds were put into entrepreneurship training as a career would enable more people to be self sufficient. In turn, this will produce less opportunity for the revolving cycle of homelessness to continue. After all, statistics have shown in the National

Coalition for the Homeless that many return to the system without any help. The participation in the economy at a higher level than casual employment will hopefully provide a more stable foundation. In conclusion, entrepreneurship along with education will help to eliminate poverty of those capable of working. According to some statistics, up to 25% of all homeless are military veterans, and these are a group of people that once had skills that could be enhanced. It is time to go beyond traditional job training and go for entrepreneurship. Business is the backbone of all communities, and fosters creativity for everyone to enjoy. By Jamie M. Kisner

Yes The World Can Be A Better Place


fter reading the articles from Catholic Digest about St. Vincent DePaul and the flood as well as the food bank story one could imagine what they can do to help out strangers. We here at Cosac have had a food bank now for about seven years. Families come two days a week to get their box or bag of food. Lately we have seen them come out from all sorts of communities and our food stash is low. You can help us feed our sheep as well as the sheep in your communities. We take food donations all the time. The shelter needs ground beef, baked beans, vegetables, spaghetti and rice, sugar, and eggs. These things we spend a lot of money on. As for the food pantry for the community, bring what ever you don't need from your food pantry. We always buy stuff that we have no need for and has been there for a year or two and is perfectly good. Or the very next time you go to the grocery story, you can buy a few cans of soup and bring them over to us so we can redistribute the food to others. I urge each and every one of you to remember it does not just take Cosac to feed the people in our community. Start your own food pantry at your home or your home church. This is something that is very inexpensive to run and it puts a very beautiful smile on a mom’s face who’s trying to provide for her children. When we all go to sleep tonight let’s not forget every night in the world 30,000 people die of starvation daily. This means every day 30,000 people die because they can’t get what we throw away after we are done eating. We all can make a difference in the world. I challenge you all to start your own Cosac and serve any type of social issues there is in the world. Start today so many more lives can be saved. Whether it is global warming, or feeding the poor or public education about HIV, we all have a long hard job ahead of us. PS- If you don’t have that much spare time to go out and do your own agency remember that most grocery stores have gift cards and yes, a big yes we can use those as well. -Sean Cononie

Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"

Page 5

Volume X, Issue 4

HOMELESS VOICE The telemarketer, the phone call, and the flood

The Law, by Bill Barner


Get Off My Property: Trespass and the Homeless


he Florida trespass statute (810.09) was born with good intentions. Simply put, it gives the property owner the right to determine who can and cannot enter or remain on his/her property. It speaks to the very core of one’s fundamental right to own property in a capitalist society. Nevertheless, it is often used as a tool to criminalize poverty. The homeless, who have no place to go, are often arrested simply for having no place to go. Fair or not, the law is what it is, and we must abide by it. In order to avoid a trip to the county jail, one must first understand what is (and what is not) criminal trespassing. 810.09 forbids entering or remaining on another’s property. However, it only rises to a criminal level if the trespasser has previously been warned. Warning can be actual (i.e. the owner or police previously told the trespasser that he/she is not welcome on the property). However, warning may also be established by posting. Warning by posting means there is a sign warning everybody that they are not welcome on the property. The lesson to be learned: Prior to “hanging out” on any piece of property that does not belong to you, check for a “No Trespassing” sign. If you see one, move it along. If you do not, you should avoid any unpleasant run-in with the police. -Bill Barner Bill Barner is a former Broward County prosecutor, and is currently an attorney with the law firm BarnerRossen P.A. He can be reached at BarnerRossen@gmail.com

call from a telemarketer came into the Saint Vincent de Paul shop a few days before Thanksgiving. This common annoyance turned out to be a rather unusual event. First, the young man didn’t try to sell us anything, and second, he wanted to know if we were located anywhere near Lawton, Michigan. To our President, Walter, he admitted that he was calling from Tennessee, and then went on to tell a strange story about a phone call he had placed that morning during the course of his work shift. “I dialed the number of an elderly lady who lives in Lawton, Michigan, and she was so grateful to talk to me that I could hardly get a word in edgewise. From what she told me, she is in the middle of one awful mess. It seems her kitchen faucet is broken and won’t shut off, and coincidentally, the drain is plugged in the sink. She’s been hauling the water out of her house in a bucket for the last three days, pretty much nonstop. She hasn’t slept, and the water is still gaining on her. The kitchen is flooded, and I’m afraid she’ll slip and fall lugging that water to the back door.” Walter was a little slow on the uptake. “You’re a telemarketer? And you’re calling me from where?” “Tennessee,” he repeated patiently. “You see, I wasn’t sure what to do for her. I knew the Saint Vincent de Paul Society helps with out-of-the ordinary problems around these parts, so I picked your number because it had the same area code as hers. If I give you her name and address, is there a chance you can check in on her? She’s 94 years old and hasn’t got a soul she can call on for help.” Walter wrote down the information and thanked the young man, even though he couldn’t quite believe the story. Pondering for a few minutes, he dialed our diocesan president, Fred, in Battle Creek to ask him for advice. Fred paused for a minute after hearing the unusual tale. “Well, doesn’t that beat all,” he said. “It just so happens that my son is a building contractor and he is working at a job at the Lawton High School today. Let me give him a call and see if he has some free time if he can check this out for us.” Fred’s son found the house on his lunch break and also found the state of affairs worse than described. The exhausted lady was up to her ankles in water, and the plumbing system needed more salvation than a building contractor carries in his truck. He phoned a local firm, which dispatched two plumbers who took seven hours to put the house in order. Their bill to the Saint Vincent de Paul Society was $360.00. Fred’s son invited the lady to his home for Thanksgiving dinner, and she now has someone she can call on when she’s in a fix. And the telemarketer? No one remembered to ask his name. But one thing’s for sure- we are all a whole lot nicer when unwanted sales calls interrupt our day. By Janet Knuth

The old man in the run-down car (Continued from page 1)

bring the extra fruit to the mission.

help when it appeared he needed finan-

Through his work with the poor, he’d

cial assistance himself.

learned about a single mother who man-

Until now, the St. Mary’s Food Bank —

aged to feed her ten children by rescuing

the first organized food donation center

damaged groceries — items that were

of its kind, started in 1967 by van

edible but not sellable — from the trash

Hengel — had run on donations. It wasn’t

bins behind a local market. She kept her

long, however, before the demands of

children fed and healthy with the fruit,

Phoenix’s poor outgrew the supply. The

vegetables, bread, and whatever else

old man’s phone call couldn’t have come

she’d find. Van Hengel liked the idea

at a better time.

and was convinced that more food could

John van Hengel told me this story

be saved and used in that way. One

some time ago. I first met him when I was

day, van Hengel was talking to a couple

12 or 13 years old. I don’t remember

of priests at his church about the needs of

tables. By the end of that first year,

how my parents came to know him, but

the poor. He suggested, “What we need

nearly 250,000 pounds of food were

he became a regular visitor to our home

is a clearinghouse for all the surplus food

salvaged and given to the hungry.

over the years, often spending Christmas

from various markets that just gets thrown

and other holidays with us. My brother,


When I heard that his newly established food clearinghouse was short of

two sisters, and I would always run inside

“Go ahead and do it,” one of the

canned food, I took a grocery cart and

and shout, “John’s here!” whenever we

priests replied, and before long van

began going door-to-door asking for

saw him drive up. We knew he always

Hengel had moved into the old bakery

donations of canned and packaged

had some little thing to give us, and he

building, and began contacting manag-

food. Shortly after the grocery cart inci-

was fun to be around.

ers of local grocery stores who agreed to

dent, someone took a photo of me and

food was being donated and the hungry

He was a lifeguard at the local pool, in

“deposit” food into the clearinghouse he

John and it was used in a poster to pro-

were being fed, the food bank needed

his 40s and volunteering at a soup

established. Initially, markets gave bro-

mote the food bank idea.

money to operate. Without funds coming

kitchen where he often ate, when he

ken packages of sugar and rice, dented

During summer vacation, and whenever

asked local homeowners for permission to

canned goods (some without labels), and

school wasn’t in session, I would volunteer

pick from their citrus trees so he could

loose potatoes, carrots, and other vege-

to help at the small warehouse. Though

in, the future was beginning to look dim. (Continued on page 10)

The Voice of the Homeless

Page 6

HOMELESS VOICE A real-life RoboCop patrols Atlanta’s streets


for making the neighborhood safer is ollywood might have had Rothe latest manifestation of a lingering boCop, but the real world now controversy that has engulfed this has a robot more attuned to the proprized patch of real estate. saic realities of the street. The perpetrators, he says, The Bum Bot. are the residents of the massive That is what Rufus Terrill emergency homeless shelter nearby calls the rolling, remote-controlled invention he uses to flush out the at Peachtree and Pine streets. Terrill says the shelter attracts the kind of prostitutes and pushers who gather people who have bronear his midtown Atlanta ken into his bar, bar, which is two blocks O’Terrill’s, and harfrom the city’s largest Terrill said assed and mugged his homeless shelter. the robot neighbors and clients. “This is actually has done a Known as Peachtree the Bum Bot 2000,” Terrill good job of and Pine, the shelter has gently corrected on a recent scaring off amassed other critics, evening as he switched on including the adminithe device. the law law-stration of Mayor The Bum Bot, like breakers. Shirley Franklin, a Dethe homeless people it pomocrat whose father lices, is a creature of handwas temporarily homeless. me-downs. The wheels are from one Debi Starnes, the mayor’s of those scooters for the elderly; the policy adviser on homelessness, said PA system is a walkie-talkie wired the shelter, which can accommodate to a home-alarm speaker. The rotat1,000 people per night, is too big to ing turret is an old Cajun meat be managed properly. It is run by the smoker. nonprofit Metro Atlanta Task Force The cylindrical smoker for the Homeless. gives the Bum Bot its R2-D2-ish Anita Beaty, the task profile. But its black armor — made force’s executive director, said the of exercise mats — and the stenciled shelter is misunderstood. She says it letters spelling out SECURITY lend provides employment referrals, menit a menacing air. tal health counseling and other serAn infrared camera and a 2vices. million-candlepower spotlight are The problem, she says, is mounted on the turret under a homethat local government has not come made cannon, which squirts jets of to grips with the magnitude of its cold water at up to 200 pounds per homeless problem. square inch. Beaty is convinced that the Using a twin-joystick recity is trying to move the homeless mote, Terrill usually sends his robot off Peachtree Street, Atlanta’s signaup the street to the parking lot of a ture thoroughfare. day-care center, where a drug“The emphasis has always dealing crowd congregates after been on beautifying Peachtree to get dark. The police sometimes round them up, Terrill says, but soon, it rid of those poor homeless people, to get them out of town,” Beaty said. seems, they are back on the street. “We say there’s no way to do that. So Terrill speaks to them It’s just inhumane and silly.” through the Bum Bot, transmitting Beaty said the Bum Bot his voice via walkie-talkie: Move doesn’t help matters: “Not everyalong, he tells the loiterers, or get body outside our building is a drug wet. dealer, and when they are, we want Sometimes he tells them them arrested as much as (Terrill). A that he’s capturing them on video: robot is not the way to solve anyThe Bum Bot’s camera feeds into a thing.” big-screen TV back at his pub, givBut Terrill said the robot ing patrons a hyper-local dose of has done a good job of scaring off reality TV. The street people tend to the law-breakers. run away. “It scares the bejesus out Terrill said he consulted the of ’em,” Terrill said, smiling. police before rolling out his robot His home-grown strategy

Feeding Intolerance: Cities Cracking Down on Groups Feeding Hungry Report Details Policies Penalizing Groups Feeding Homeless People; Offers Alternatives

“I’m not into capture. I’m into dispersal, ” Rufus Terrill said of the remote controlled robot he uses to disband prostitutes and pushers near his bar. about six months ago. At first, he wanted to arm it with a stun gun or paint gun. “But they said if I shot someone I could technically be charged with assault,” he said.

Meanwhile, back at home, Terrill has worked up plans for a Bum Bot 3000. By RICHARD FAUSSET Los Angeles Times

Burglar Prevention What does a BURGLAR like? Experience has shown us that burglars like many things (mostly other people's things), but two conditions are preferred by most thieves:

• • •

An invitation, and A fast, easy, undetected entry and exit Burglary invitations aren't stuffed into envelopes as are birthday party invites; nor do we hang signs on our doors - "BURGLARS WELCOME" - the way we attach balloons to the mailbox. However, invitations are sent and signs are posted which are equally effective. Have you observed the pile of newspapers or how the mail overflows from your mailbox? Other invites you might recognize include:

• • • • • •

Non-maintained yard. Keys left in your vehicle while you run into the store. Dark or concealed hiding areas. Windows left open when you are away. Notes left on exterior doors explaining where you have gone. The spare house key on top of the door jam. (Did you think no one knew that key was there?)

• • • • • • •

Messages on answering machines stating you are away. An open garage door. Sliding glass door, without auxiliary locks. A house unlit night after night. Privacy fence. Flimsy door latches and locks. Basement windows. After receiving his invitation the burglar also looks for a quick, unde-

tected entry and exit. He will choose the path of least resistance, which affords him the best chance of getting away without being caught. For this reason, most burglars work the night shift hiding under the cover of darkness. This is an opportunity afforded by nature; other access and escape opportunities, which we provide include:


he National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty (NLCHP) and the National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH) have released a new report entitled Feeding Intolerance: Prohibitions on Sharing Food with People Experiencing Homelessness. The report details how local governments across the country are using a wide variety of ordinances, policies, and tactics to restrict groups that share food with poor and homeless people. The report also offers examples of more (Continued on page 9)

• • • • • •

A large shrub in front of a window A dark alley behind the residence A privacy fence around the yard An unlocked door or window A sliding glass door An exterior door without a deadbolt lock These are just some of the reasons that Crime Shield, USA made the deci-

sion to offer safety protection supplies for the public. Most people don't stop to think about their safety. If you know someone that could use these safey tips please pass them along. Also please pass along our website location so they can see the special safety kits we packaged for them.

Page 7

Volume X, Issue 4

HOMELESS VOICE GoodShop to Help the Homeless (Continued from page 1)

If you need a hotel and use brands

we thought on this venture but we will

such as Wyndham, Sheraton, or Ho-

continue to ask our supporters to search

tels.com we also get paid for every

on the internet by going to Good-



If every supporter just

searches on the Internet using the same web search engines such as Yahoo search we will make one penny for every search and that can really add up.

Need a cruise? Go to Carnival.com How about flowers for the wife, Flowers.com Are you interested in buying something at BestBuy.com? Please help the Homeless Voice just

This month we have added the Home-

from making your everyday purchases.

less Voice Mall. This mall means you can

Visit us and read below for directions.

go right from the World Wide Web


and book your airline tickets via Delta. We will make $2.50 for every reservation.

For more info go to our website at www.HomelessVoice.tv/GoodShop -Sean Cononie

If you use Travelocity and Hotwire.com, we also make money for every reservation. The good thing about this is that your prices are still the same low price.

Vote Set on Homeless Hate Crimes Bill


The Homeless Voice is now in Jacksonville


he first step is to educate the public about the issues of homelessness. We will do this by selling the Homeless Voice. The second step will to recruit volunteers to help feed and do outreach. This will open up the communication to actually get the homeless off the streets. The final step is to do exactly what we did in South Florida; and that is to open up a new shelter for the ones who do not qualify to get into other shelter programs. -Mark Targett

measure to expand protected groups under Maryland's hate crimes laws to homeless people is scheduled for a final vote in the Maryland Senate Thursday. Current hate crimes laws apply to a person's race, color, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or national origin. Attacks against homeless people got national attention in 2006 after two teenagers attacked three homeless men in Florida with baseball bats, killing one and injuring the others. The National Coalition for

the Homeless documented 142 crimes against homeless people across the country in 2006, including 20 deaths. from ABC 7 News http://www.wjla.com/news/ stories/0208/497798.html

For Video Coverage go to www.HomelessVoice.tv

The Voice of the Homeless

Page 8


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We want your old fruit!!! If you have a tree and the fruit is on the ground or your tree needs picking call us at 954-924-3571 x1277 Or simply bring it to our shelter at 1203 N. US1, Hollywood, Fl 33020 Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"

Page 9

Volume X, Issue 4


We Still Need Your Help!!!


Attention Homeless Voice Supporters We decided to run this story for several months because we wanted to let you all know that we finally "did it!” We have paid off the main shelter! My little granddaughter Lily taught me those words from Dora and her friends on TV. The day we paid it off, all I could say was the same words "We did it, we did it!" over and over. Sorry for having the same story the last few months but we all felt that we did not want any supporters to miss the story. Thanks again for helping us pay this place off. Sean Cononie


n the last two months we have been finally completing some well needed paper work to get all in order. As you all know I have been sick on and off with the effects of Meningitis and of course I still can’t get this weight off from the steroids I got while in my coma. However things are getting a little better with paying off the mortgage as well as one of the worst things I could be doing right now, expanding ever more. I say the word “worst” not in a bad way, it is actually all good but some say “Sean, slow down.” When I developed COSAC I knew we would have to do more than just help the homeless. I thought whenever we could help change a person or help to fix a social injustice such as homelessness we should do it with our all. You see, we all have the power to make the world a better place one step at a time, one problem at a time, and one agency at a time. It does not take a rocket scientist to make the world a better place it just takes a dream and then when you wake up, start the process. Look at Aaron Jackson from our sister agency Planting Peace, he is de-worming the country of Haiti. When we went there years ago I said to him, Aaron, it is going to take a lot more than what we can offer to fix this place so kids are not playing in sewer water and eating nothing and develop-

ing a belly full of worms. This month I made the executive decision to rearrange our finances. We paid off the mortgage. We used our “emergency”, “expansion” and “rain” money to do this. This will actually make us more stable. You might ask why? By paying it off, we save about $7500. a month in interest. As well as not having to make that monthly payment and the extra principal payments we have been paying each month. So what does this all mean to you who have supported us in this attempt to pay off the mortgage? It means a few good things. Finally we will have the “wall of fame.” This is the wall that lists every name that has helped us pay off the mortgage. This is also the time that you all send in your names to us if you have helped us. We lost a lot of the names when our office got destroyed by the several hurricanes we got a few years back. You can send it in by mail to, “Add my name” on the envelope or email it to us at myname@homelessvoice.org. Getting back to the campaign we had for the last seven years titled “Burn that Mortgage.” Since we have used some other funds we had to pay off the mortgage we will still keep our current campaign on until we have replenished the funds used to pay off the mortgage.

I just wanted to be honest with you all to let you know that we were indeed paying it off but we actually did not do it with all the funds we raised for that campaign. So we are still doing the “Burn that Mortgage” Campaign. I put the numbers in every financial program I could find and consulted many experts in the filed of debt consolidation to make my decision and I hope you understand why I made this choice. Now we can save money; and at the same time still try to raise the money needed to do as we originally planned to pay off the mortgage and of course, we still need to raise the money for all our programs we offer to the homeless monthly. However, now that the mortgage is paid off this also means that our monthly budget will be a little lower. We still need to sell our paper and raise about $100,000 a month to pay the bills for the electric, transportation, food, water, gas, and the homeless staff we have. Plus we have the most expensive part of our budget, the rents on the other six buildings we have to house the homeless people at our overflow shelters. So all this is great news and with all this we will continue to run our current programs as well as ex•

HELP PAY OFF OUR MORTGAGE We need just 18,688 people to send in a check for $20.00, Or 7,475 people to send in a check for $50.00, Or 3,738 people to send in a check for $100.00, Or 374 people to send in a check for $1,000, Or Just one wonderful person or business to send a check for the entire $373,750; We will name the shelter after you or whomever you choose Remember the donation is tax deductible!! Please send your checks to:

The COSAC Building Fund P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, Florida 33329 We do thank you

panding our properties so we can handle the influx of the elderly clients who can’t afford to live on their retirement benefits as well as developing new agencies to handle any problems we can help tackle. So join our campaign and help us finish the original plan by going below and decide if you want to send in your pledge and be one of those people on our wall of fame. By the way let me say “thank you” to all of you who have helped us in all those donations over the years. Without you there would be no shelter that takes the ones who are turned away by the other shelters. -Sean Anthony Cononie

You can set up payroll deduction through your employer to support the COSAC Foundation’s Homeless Voice • Your company might even match your donation • See your human resource or department manager

Feeding Intolerance: Cities Cracking Down on Groups Feeding Hungry (Continued from page 6)

constructive alternatives to these counterproductive laws. " P u n i s h in g c h a r i t a b l e groups and people for the 'crime' of feeding their hungry fellow human beings is appalling," said Maria Foscarinis, Executive Director of NLCHP. "It is also counterproductive: cities should be working with these groups, not against them." The criminalization of homelessness in the United States is a severe problem, with cities across the country implementing measures that ban eating, sitting, or sleeping in public. While these regulations have been on the rise over the past 10 years, laws targeting local churches and other groups who feed or shelter homeless people mark a disturbing new trend that threatens the wellbeing of America's most vulnerable citizens. "Restricting the feeding of homeless people in public spaces nationwide is just another veiled effort to push the visible poor out of downtown America," said Michael Stoops, Acting Executive Director of NCH.

The report covers a diverse list of cites around the country in which unfair restrictions on sharing food have been enacted and enforced. These cities are: Atlanta; Baltimore; Chattanooga, Tenn.; Cincinnati; Dallas; Denver; Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.; Gainesville, Fla.; Hempstead, N.Y.; Jacksonville, Fla.; Las Vegas; Miami; Orlando, Fla.; Pinellas Park, Fla.; Portland, Ore.; San Francisco; Santa Monica, Calif.; Sarasota, Fla.; Tampa, Fla.; West Palm Beach, Fla.; and Wilmington, N.C.

The report also offers alternatives to these restrictions, including steps that cities like Cleveland, Ohio have taken to combat hunger without criminalizing sharing efforts. "Constructive programs like Cleveland's suggest that alternatives to food sharing restrictions do exist," said Tulin Ozdeger, Civil Rights Program Director at NLCHP. "They show that local governments can successfully work together with homeless advocates to reach a common goal: ending hunger and home-

lessness." The report is available for download at www.nlchp.org and www.nationalhomeless.org. For more information on the report, contact NLCHP Civil Rights Program Director Tulin Ozdeger (Tozdeger@NLCHP.org, 202/638-2535) or NCH Acting Executive Director Michael Stoops (Mstoops@nationalhomeless.org, 202/462-4822). The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty's mission is to prevent and end homelessness by serving as the legal arm of the nationwide movement to end homelessness. To achieve its mission, NLCHP pursues three main strategies: impact litigation, policy advocacy, and public education. The National Coalition for the Homeless' mission is to end homelessness and poverty. NCH seeks to accomplish our mission through policy advocacy, public education, research, community organizing, and empowering the homeless population. National Coalition For The Homeless

The Voice of the Homeless

Page 10

HOMELESS VOICE The old man in the run-down car The bank was only a few blocks away,

(Continued from page 5)

That’s when the old man in the jalopy

and Van Hengel made it there in record


time. Shyly, he asked the teller to deter-

Van Hengel invited the elderly man

mine if the check was valid. She left the

inside and gave him a tour

counter for a few min-

of the building with its bare

utes. When she re-

floors, stark furnishings, and equipment in need of repair. After he explained how the food bank operated, he watched the old fellow draw a worn checkbook from the pocket of his shabby pants.

A few years later, van Hengel started America’s Second Harvest program

turned, she pushed the check,



across the counter toward him. Van Hengel stared at the back of the check. “You need to sign it,” she said. Then, seeing the still apprehensive look on Van

“That’s why I’m here … I’d

Hengel’s face, she re-

like to help,” the humble man said as he began writing with a

plied, “The check is good — very good!”

shaky hand. After he finished signing the

“The Lord doesn’t always show his

check, he placed it face down and

hand, but I knew He had that day,” Van

pushed the check across the desk to

Hengel remarked later. “I knew we not

where van Hengel was sitting.

only could, we had to go on with this

Curiosity was gnawing at him, but Van

crazy food bank idea.”

Hengel knew it wouldn’t be polite to turn

A few years later, van Hengel started

over the check and gawk at it, so he

America’s Second Harvest program, a

resisted until the man stood and made his

clearinghouse for food-bank information,

way to the door, climbed into his car,

and, in 1983, he began promoting food-

and drove off. Then, he returned to the

banking to Europe and the world. In

chair at his desk and was astounded

2002, he received the World Food

when he read the figure the man had

Prize, recognizing his contribution to

written: $10,000! Was it possible that

ending hunger in the world. Last year, St.

the meek, elderly gentleman who had

Mary’s Food Bank distributed more than

just sat across from him was actually

25 million pounds of food, and that

wealthy enough to give him a valid check

“crazy food bank idea” has been emu-

for that amount of money? Or was he

lated by hundreds of churches and non-

just an old eccentric who went around

profit organizations around the world.

writing bogus checks for phenomenal amounts to everyone? I guess there’s only one way to find out, Van Hengel thought.

(S.R. Morris is a writer and teacher living in Arizona.) BY S. R. MORRIS

Things We Need....... • Toilet Paper We are in desperate need of toilet • Ketchup paper. Sometimes people do not like to do• Ham slices nate money and would rather donate prod• Ground beef ucts. We spend anywhere from $1500 to • Eggs $2500 a month on this product. It changes • Milk at different times of the year. We need this • Juice product donated as well as many • Pancake syrup other products. What some people have • Sugar done was to set up food donation programs • Coffee at the office or where they live. One • Spaghetti lady last year made a little flyer and passed • Spaghetti sauce it out in her community asking her • Veggies neighbors to buy a little extra when they • Fruit in cans went to the store and then bring it to her • Salt and pepper house once a week. Her little flyer said, • Tuna fish “When you buy that TP buy some for the homeless and bring it to me.” It was so • Oatmeal nice to see her show up weekly with a • Grits truck full of supplies. She would bring her • Garlic power kids who were young like maybe five years old weekly. She would tell her kids little things like, “You see this food it is going to kids who don't have any snacks or food.” Once in a while her kids would be eating their own snack and they would come up to us handing their little half eaten snack and say “here give to peeeeopple who hungy.....” She was grooming them for a life of giving to others. It was the cutest little thing. So today with no delay start a food drive at your church or office or even where you live, allow us to put your generous support in the form of smiles. If you are short on your time you can try to collect gift cards from Publix and send them to the: Put a Smile on A Face Campaign P.O. box 292-577 Davie Florida 33329

Open a new SunTrust checking account and they will donate $100.00 to the Cosac Foundation, Inc. (Homeless Voice). When you go to open up your new account, mention or show them this AD.

COSAC'S CHURCH Come to the Church that is a Church of Service and Charity Learn of Jesus and learn how to put Gods' words into action.

• •

• Free Weddings Free Memorial Services Alternatives to Abortion • Healing Services

Sunday 2pm to 2:45pm 1203 N. Federal Highway Hollywood Florida 33020 954-924-3571 x316

Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"

Page 11

Volume X, Issue 4

HOMELESS VOICE State dangerous for the homeless Maria Foscarinis, executive director for the National Law Center calls home. on Homelessness & Poverty, said ''I tell other homeless that there are more homeless people women never to sleep out in the nationwide than available shelter streets or to go out at night,'' said beds, and that the only way to solve Carol, a widowed housewife who that is a cooperative effort from both was evicted from her Hollywood the private and public sector. home after her husband died in 2000. And all experts agree Penniless, dethat encouraging pressed, unemployed, legislation to make and living in and out of violence against the various shelters, Carol Mercardo was a homeless a hate soon wound up on the professional crime, would also streets of Broward Jai Jai--Alai player help in creating a Boulevard. safer environment Then came the whose career for the poor. vicious attack. ended six years In terms of immediHer assailants ago due to ate safety, Laura fit the profile of most injury. Hansen, director of criminals who attack the the Hollywoodhomeless -- young men, based, Coalition to mostly in their teens, End Homelessness, according to national said that her organization provides experts. The attacks occur for a vari- the homeless with whistles and flashlights so they can summon for help. ety of reasons: Other groups provide cellThe homeless are viewed phones that can only be used to conas worthless. tact 911. Suspects come from homes But what promises to be the where parents do not nurture a sense most helpful are outreach efforts of compassion in their children. being done by her organization and Anyone sleeping on the The Homeless Voice, a Hollywoodstreet is vulnerable to crime. ''Ultimately, giving the based shelter, to teach school groups, families, and workplaces ``Homeless homeless a key and a door will help 101.'' keep them safe,'' said Michael Mario Mercardo, 39, who Stoops, acting executive director of lives at the Homeless Voice shelter, the National Coalition for the Homerecently did a workshop with other less. (Continued from page 1)

homeless people before a youth group in Kendall and at the University of Miami. ''Once young people learn that homelessness is an issue of extreme poverty, of not having any family or friends that can help you when you are broke, kids begin to get it,'' Mercardo said. Mercardo was a professional Jai-Alai player whose career ended six years ago due to injury. Depressed, he became addicted to drugs and alcohol, but is now clean. He is looking forward to one day leaving the shelter and embracing a new career as an educator. Sean Cononie, who directs Homeless Voice Shelter, which is supported by private funds and sales of the Homeless Voice newspaper, welcomes schools, families, and individuals, to take tours of the shelter and meet with residents, to understand what true poverty is all about. ''There is a tremendous fear when it comes to the homeless,'' said Cononie. ``Fear generates distrust, disgust, anger, and violence. There are many Americans who are a paycheck away from becoming homeless, and looking at them is looking at what you fear the most for yourself.'' By Roberto Santiago Miami Herald

In Broward County alone, there are at least 100 homeless families still living in the streets per day. If four churches got together and each donated a total of $600 per month we could open up one family unit that can house four single moms with their children. We need funds to help re-model the shelter and the group homes we are buying. We also need home depot gift cards. If you are a church or a business and want to sponsor a Homeless Family Housing Unit, please contact us at 954-924-3571. This means we can start making a difference.

Please Send/Bring Cards to: 1203 N. Federal Highway Hollywood, Fl 33020

Home Drug Tests


954-924-3571 COSAC

Custom Photo ID Cards Help the Homeless Donate Online www.HomelessVoice.org

954-924-3571 Get yours today!

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