Homeless Voice; Georgia's Story

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serving our community since 1997

If you received this issue of the Homeless Voice in your mailbox please go to pg 5 We have an Emergency! Part of the North American Street Newspaper Association

COSAC Foundation | PO Box 292-577 Davie, FL 33329 | 954-924-3571

Georgia’s Story sign on the wall in the Emergency Room that people would be prosDear Georgia Mae, ecuted who were acting poorly. I I am sorry that the system killed you and allowed you to die the way you did. There was no excuse understand their workers need to be for the system to do what they did to you. I am protected and I respect, that but not for a person with high sugar that sorry that Memorial Hospital wanted you to be causes a person to act crazy. I am prosecuted when your sugar was so high that even a saint would have went crasorry when I had meninzy and hit anyone that tried gitis and my to restrain you when you I am sorry Memorial treated you did not want to be touched. brain was I am sorry you were found like a criminal instead of a person infected I hit three doctors wandering in the hospital who was in medical crisis. when the hospital discharged at the Mayo clinic and you with high sugar and you hurt one real were still confused and then they readmitted you and then when they readmitbad and they treated me with respect because they knew my brain ted you your sugar was so high that you were out was infected and to this day those of control. I am sorry Memorial treated you like a criminal instead of a person who was in medisame doctors call me sir and Memorial called you a criminal. I am cal crisis. I am sorry when I pleaded with Memoso sorry the state attorney picked rial to drop the charges they insisted there was a Sean Cononie

This is our sweet little Georgia while in the hospital.

(Continued on pg 7)

Bed bugs not only a Problem for the Homeless By Ron Harrison, Ph.D., Director of Technical Services, Orkin, LLC

You may have heard a story or two lately about bed bugs making themselves at home in homeless shelters. Indeed, since resurging in the last decade, bed bugs have shown up in shelters and targeted their guests. But they haven’t stopped there. The truth is that these bloodsuckers target any facility where they can find a blood meal. Apartments, hotels, assisted living facilities and condos have not been spared. Like many pests, bed bugs are nocturnal, breed fast and can spread through a facility and travel along with humans to new destinations. They can hide in your personal belongings – or even on you – and hitchhike wherever you go. Once indoors, they can be extremely difficult to manage without the help of an experienced pest management professional. Unlike other pests like flies and cockroaches that are attracted to and thrive in unsanitary conditions, bed bug infestations have little to do with cleanliness — you can pick them up in the finest resorts, and they can get a lift into the cleanest homes. But you can help reduce your chances of a costly bed bug infestation by identifying them early. Bed bugs can be hard to spot, and not just be(Continued on pg 7)

Firework Safety kidshealth.org

With warm weather and family events, the Fourth of July can be a fun time with great memories. But before your family celebrates, make sure everyone knows about fireworks safety. If not handled properly, fireworks can cause burn and eye injuries in kids and adults. The best way to protect your family is not to use any fireworks at home — period. Attend public fireworks displays, and leave the lighting to the professionals. Lighting fireworks at home isn’t even legal in many areas, so if you still want to use them, be sure to check with your local police department first. If they’re legal where you live, keep these safety tips in mind: Kids should never play with fireworks. Things like firecrackers, rockets, and sparklers are just too dangerous. If you give kids sparklers, make sure they keep them outside and away from the face, clothing, and hair. Sparklers can reach 1,800° Don’t hold fireworks in your hand or have any part Fahrenheit (982° Celsius) — hot enough to melt gold. of your body over them while lighting. Wear some Buy only legal fireworks (legal fireworks have a label with sort of eye protection, and avoid carrying fireworks in the manufacturer’s name and directions; illegal ones are unyour pocket — the friction could set them off. labeled), and store them in a cool, dry Point fireworks away from place. Illegal fireworks usually go by homes, and keep away from the names M-80, M100, blockbuster, or Kids should never play with brush and leaves and flammaquarterpounder. These explosives were ble substances. The National banned in 1966, but still account for fireworks. Sparklers can reach Fire Protection Association many fireworks injuries. 1,800° Fahrenheit (982° Celsius) estimates that local fire departNever try to make your own fireworks. — hot enough to melt gold. ments respond to more than Always use fireworks outside and have 50,000 fires caused by firea bucket of water and a hose nearby in works each year. case of accidents. Light one firework at a time (not in glass or metal Steer clear of others — fireworks have been known to backcontainers), and never relight a dud. fire or shoot off in the wrong direction. Never throw or point Don’t allow kids to pick up pieces of fireworks affireworks at someone, even in jest.

Our Purpose: To Help the Homeless Learn How to Help Themselves

(Continued on pg 8)

The Homeless Voice June 2013


~Monthly Angels~

Addias Eugene

Donna Galloway

Jeanette Goolsby

Amparo Penuela

Donna Jesudowich

John & Linda Evans

Angel Porras

Eduardo Bovea

Awake Inc.

Ralph Wickham

Virginia Bailey

Mark Targett

Roanne Cobuzio

Walton Brown

John Rahael

Michael Prokop

Sahily Castro

William & Barbara

Ellen Heron

Jorge Herrera

Michael & Patricia Renard

Scott Morey


Barbara Robinson

Eva & George Gorzkowski

Joseph Maiuro

Miguel & Mariana Mujica

Sean Campbell

Yasmin Leiva

Bill & Laura Fash

Evelyn Salerno

Juan & Antonieta Bofill

Patrice & George Shurland

Sean Cononie

Bobbie Given

Geoffrey & Jennie Falbey

Judith Tozzi

Phyllis Bebko

Suzanne & Joe Matsuura

Bryan Cole

Gerard Moraly

Julio Fernandez

Pin Osuji

Temple Aron Hakodesh

Charles & Tracy

Ginory Acha

Lois Cross

Presbyterian Women In The

Tom Thumb Food Stores

Jack & Anna Hadley

Loretta Mackle

Dalal Almeida

Jacqueline Levine

Maria Ortega

R K Campbell

Village Quick Pick INC.

Daniel Guevara

James & Bonnie Jean Lide

Maria’s Birthday Wishes for

R T Shankweiler

Victor Lanza


The Homeless



Thank you for your support Angels! Your support keeps our doors open! This year my wish for a good year is that we all pray for the Lord to send a cure down for all Cancers. Lord we ask you to give wisdom to all cancer researchers and scientists so they can come up with a cure. Lord allow the elected officials to declare war on cancer and make it a goal of the President to rid the earth of all cancer in the next three years. Lord we ask that you heal all people who are dying of cancer. Lord we ask this in Your name and we ask that it happen in the next three years. In Jesus’s name Amen

Donate Online: HomelessVoice.org/Donate

Donations are tax deductable & help South Floridas Homeless

www.homelessvoice.org/member/ or hvoice.org/member


About the COSAC Foundation

The COSAC Foundation was originally established in May 1997 to partner with other social service agencies, in the area, that provided help to the homeless population. COSAC also independently feeds the homeless. We have grown into a multifaceted agency that feeds, shelters, and arranges for each homeless person to receive the necessary access to social and noncompulsory religious services to enable a return to a self-reliant lifestyle. And for the small percentage of people incapable of living independent lives, we provide a caring and supportive environment for their long-term residency. Our Philosophy COSAC believes that to remain effective we must strive to remain flexible, and be ready to evolve to meet the needs of the homeless with equivalent services. Our Mission Statement To provide the homeless population access to shelter, food, employment opportunities or referrals, as well as access to social services all toward the aim of enabling their return, if possible, to self-reliance. To accomplish this COSAC is the hub organization. We developed the Homeless Voice newspaper, a COSAC funding tool, which has been responsible for employing homeless people and therefore giving them income to survive on the streets. Also, the “The Homeless Voice” is the means by which we advocate on behalf of the homeless population and to educate the public as to the true nature of homelessness and ways we can all work to eliminate the bias against this sector of our population and to help empower those affected by homelessness to regain or maintain their self-esteem and sense of self-worth during their transition through difficult times. The Homeless Voice became the official name of our homeless division, which operates four facilities in Broward County. We created the COSAC Quarters Hotel for the poor, a hotel with 21 rooms that serve the indigent or people with limited income. The clients receive three meals a day at Arnolds Café, named after the great homeless advocate Arnold Abbott. Another agency is the Day Labor Company, employees of which match an outside company labor request with a suitable shelter resident. Lastly, COSAC Foundation decided to become the South Florida County Food pantry. This service helps us provide food for those “nearly homeless” families. Our Vision To end discrimination against the homeless population and to develop such an effective network of services that we greatly reduce the time a person or family emerges out of homelessness back into self-reliance.

* Lois * Robert Tansey * Veronica & John * Carmen Cononie * Mary Summers * Cassandra Wilson * Charlene Duarte * Rusty Columbo * Devon Bailey & Family * Maria Dragon * Vemonda Lane & Family * Charlie * Mr. Mike * Tiffany * Dvora * Ed Giampietro * Kristan David Perez * Tommy & Joe * Geralyn * Little Ryan * Earnest Bowens & Family * Ed & Ruth * Rudy * Lisa

Cathy’s Prayer List

To add a name please call 954-410-6275, no monetary donations needed

If you received this issue of the Homeless Voice in your mailbox please go to pg 5 We have an Emergency!

Donate Online www.homelessvoice.org/donate

Homeless Voice Newspaper Staff Publisher Sean Cononie Editor in Chief Mark Targett Executive Editor Sara Targett Contributing Editor Lois Cross Photos Cynthia Waters www.HomelessVoice.org/contact

Please Donate Gift Cards from

THE Home Depot or Lowes Call 855-410-6275

Needed: Towels! Call 855-410-6275

We need Publix gift cards! 855-410-6275

Please help feed our guests!

The Homeless Voice June 2013

Our Homeless Voice readers:

The Homeless Voice June 2013


Dear Homeless Voice Readers: We are the small non-profit that runs the #1 emergency and response shelter in South Florida. We serve, house, and care for 500 homeless every day, and have costs like any other business: water, power, rent, programs, staff and legal help. The Homeless Voice is extremely effective. It is a place where anyone in need will get help. It is a safe place for people to go when they have nowhere else to turn. We take no government funds. We run on donations averaging about 33 cents. If everyone reading this paper gave the price of a cup of coffee, our fundraising would be done. If helping people is important to you as it is important for us, take one minute to go online to www.hvoice.org and become a monthly angel. $15 per month is what we need from You. Please help us forget fundraising and get back to Serving the Homeless. Thank you.

The Paradoxical Commandments Dr. Kent M. Keith

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway. The biggest person with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest person with the smallest mind. Think big anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People really need help but may attack if you help them. Help people anyway. Give the world the best you have and you might get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you've got anyway.

We Have Been Removed From The Streets... For any new readers to our paper, I’d like to explain a little on how we support ourselves. We run on 100 % generosity of our readers. We are not funded through the government and depend solely on the communities we serve. Distributing the free Homeless Voice newspaper has been our way over the last ten years to collect donations while providing a job and money to the transients of South Florida. By not accepting government funding we are able to accept people of every age, race, criminal and mental background with no limitations on how long they can stay or how much we can help them. It is very important for us to bring the news to you as well so we can reduce the number of homeless people in the community. The more people who read our newspaper, the more we can educate and then help fix the problem of homelessness. However we are in serious danger of losing that freedom. More and more cities are taking our vending rights away while sending more people to our shelters. Our supplies are running low and our bills are piling up. If you have received this free issue in your mailbox, thank you for taking the time to read about us and the people who live here. We are a full service shelter and offer three meals a day, a bed to sleep in and the opportunity for counseling and assistance in applying for benefits and jobs. We offer much more and when the opportunity allows we often provide emergency assistance and aid in the surrounding area.We are in desperate need of people who can donate every month. We love vistors to come by and see what we are all about. Please see below on ways to donate, thank you!


theracehome.org Prayer for Religious Liberty O GOD OUR CREATOR, from your provident hand we have received our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You have called us as your people and given us the right and the duty to worship you, the only true God, and your Son, Jesus Christ. Through the power and working of your Holy Spirit, you call us to live out our faith in the midst of the world, bringing the light and the saving truth of the Gospel to every corner of society. We ask you to bless us in our vigilance for the gift of religious liberty. Give us the strength of mind and heart to readily defend our freedoms when they are threatened; give us courage in making our voices heard on behalf of the rights of your Church and the freedom of conscience of all people of faith. Grant, we pray, O heavenly Father, a clear and united voice to all your sons and daughters gathered in your Church in this decisive hour in the history of our nation, so that, with every trial withstood and every danger overcome — for the sake of our children, our grandchildren, and all who come after us — this great land will always be “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

On Spirituality...Trust Jesus I trust in you. So many of us make this short phrase part of our daily prayer. Jesus I trust in you. The more we say it the more we believe it. The more we repeat that prayer the more it changes our life. Trust is at the heart and soul of every good relationship. It is the basis for deepening our involvement with another. We can say “Jesus I trust in you” more easily than we can say that to another human being because as believers we know that God knows all things, therefore God knows all things about us. When someone knows everything about us, we need to trust that they will be discreet and kind with that information. Many of us have been burned in our lives with trusting another and the pain of that is not something we easily forget, making trusting again very difficult. I think what is crucial is that we find a way to trust again. Life cannot be lived to the fullest if we are holding back. Our joy and happiness is not dependent on another but is enhanced by others in our lives. The richness of our lives are our connections with our God and others. Family and friends are our wealth. They are worth investing huge sums of time and energy, because the return is great and cannot be duplicated by any other thing in the universe. Be careful my dear friends with what you do with a secret someone shares with you. Be careful. Love is sharing our lives with another, trusting them. Be careful not to break that trust. Jesus I trust in you, Jesus I trust in you. Deacon Bob

"Care to Help the Homeless?" Does your store, offfice, or place of business want to say, “Care to Help the Homeless?” We would like to offer you the chance to put our bucket and papers in your place of business so you can collect funds for us and then once every ten days we will be by to pick up the funds. This is to help us stay in business as the cites such as Miramar and Pembroke Pines make laws that no longer allow our paper to be sold on the streets. Please show your support in Helping the Homeless and “host” one of our buckets! Call 954-924-3571 for your bucket today!

The Homeless Voice June 2013

We have an Emergency!

The Homeless Voice June 2013

Such a BIG heart tucked behind two little pockets

currences would brighten any one’s day because she always kept people laughing: her sense of humor was absolutely conI have lived with Georgia in Room 220, the Psyche Ward, tagious. since 2005. She and I had so much in common with our birthWhat I remember most about Georgia is how generous and days in April - only six days apart – so much “fire” in one big her heart was. She was always observing the girls in the room. In a room filled with nothing but girls, one second we room, what they needed, what they did not have, finding it, and were celebrating our birthdays together with a “room birthday then placing it on their bunk. Someone who had so little shared party” filled with treats, cards, music, singing, and dancing and so much. If someone asked her for something like a cigarette, the next second our relationship was feisty wanting to beat each a lighter, Kleenex, lipstick, or to borrow money, she always other up. We always made certain we celebrated our birthdays found it…..right in her bra – left or together each year. She’d steal my right cup. I call it her “bra pockets.” make-up, deny it, and then wear my We all tried talking her into carrying colors tomorrow. She’d get into one Someone who had so little shared a purse, but she never bought into of her moods and keep the room up all night long with her shenanigans so much. If someone asked her for the idea. And having the contagious personality that she had, Georgia just because she could. While she’s something...she always found it… converted sssssooooo many girls into sleeping the daytime away, we had to storing items in their “bra pockets” work our jobs absolutely exhausted as well including myself. Recently because we got no sleep. But it was I was asked, “Why don’t you get a all ok. Georgia knew how much I purse?” I replied, “I travel light. It’s convenient. And my loved her and would protect her against anyone. I am even Mom taught me.” unable to count all of the times she said, “Cynthia, baby, you Georgia, you are loved by so many. Be at peace and watch know I love you.” And I always replied, “Yes I do, Georgia. over and protect us all. You will be sadly missed along with And I love you too!” You just couldn’t help but love her!!! ALL of your shenanigans. Georgia was always on the bus visiting her family. On one I love you very much! particular day, I happened to hop on the same bus. We sat together and talked about her visit, her day, and just her remembering. Her sense of humor about life and day-to-day oc-

(Continued from pg 1)

Cynthia Waters

Georgia’s sweet Christmas pose from our 2010 Christmas Edition

“We Called 211...” ning their programs yet the Homeless Voice has only home“We called 211, we called every place there is less people running their shelters but we can figure out what to help families, we called everywhere but no one to do when a family comes our way. Yes when this family could help us,” said a frantic mom and dad. The came to our doors a homeless person working the front desk mom and dad came in to our shelter at The Homeless checked them in, the shelter manager for the night who was Voice. The shelter that every city uses, every hosalso homeless put them in a location on the floor in a hallway pital uses and many other agencies use when they that was blocked off to give them privacy and the next day cannot find placement in the family met with a case manan emergency. The sad ager who was also homeless. The part of the story is that other shelters and their directors This writer, this director feels that the only way we fund I am sure would have wanted to ourselves is by selling a leaving a mom and a child on the streets help them if they could but bepaper in the same cities cause they get government funds that send their homeless is a disaster in itself and shelters need to they have to go by a set of rules in change the way they think. to us as if they owed us. which we do not. Chapter Two of the same Sure we get comments made sad story is that the cities about that send their homeless putting to us wants us to pay for all the services we use for a family on a mat on a floor but I their referral however we can only do that by selling volunteered for the Red Cross for this Homeless Voice Newspaper. Now for Chapter five years and when the shelters Three, these cities like the city Of Pembroke Pines were opened up for an approachand the city of Miramar outlaw our paper from being ing storm it was a mat on the floor. sold on public streets. The nerve of the city leadEvery disaster has folks living on ers to outlaw our paper from being sold then expect mats until the disaster is over with. us to pay for it all with no help from them what so This writer, this director feels that ever is just another example of how sad it is we have leaving a mom and a child on the elected officials like this making decisions for our streets is a disaster in itself and cities. This is why South Florida has been the most shelters need to change the way corrupt place in America for politicians. The feds they think. But what does not need are always busting them for one violation after anto change in the way they think? It other. They just alter the law, make new laws that is the supporters of this shelter for fit their needs neglecting federal laws. But the final you have made it quite clear that chapter is this. you also feel leaving a mom and a So what is the final chapter? The final chapter is child on the street is also a disaster you the readers, you the supporters, and of course and you donate to us because you you the person reading this story. When the story want us to take as many as we can starts off as a sad story it ends with the beauty of the safely house. hearts of all you who continue to buy our paper or Why have I written this story? I send in their monthly checks. You are the ones who want every supporter or every perallow us to take the most complex homeless cases son who prays and pays for our there are in the Tri County area. This family came to shelter to see what you have done. us because all the county shelters claimed they had Read the letter below and see just no room. We did not have the room but we made how important your support is. room. We made room because, “How could we This family that we took thanks not?” Shelters must always bend over backwards me and the people who work here. to take people especially when it comes to a child Now it is time to “THANK YOU.” in the arms of a mother or a dad. How can a place When you read this letter feel good like the Homeless Voice take a family like this when about what you have done and the main shelters that get all the government funding please share it with others. As we and have professionals and people with degrees runlose city streets where we can sell Sean Cononie

up the charges and I am so sorry that Archways Mental well, raw, Health was a joke when it came to your case. I have red, abrasions- bed never seen an agency work like this in 17 years of working 18 hours a day. For them to forget about you, to lie sores on to you, to doctor paper work and to make you think you your painful bottom were going to college at 58 years of age and having major medical issues when your death was near. I am sorry that from the hospital. I I do not recall one time that any person from Archways am so sorry ever gave you a professional to do sign language for you. I am sorry that when you were evaluated by the courts I they hurt so bad. I did not see one person speak your language, that is sign am sorry language. I am so, so sorry for this as well. I am sorry Archways mental health did not follow up on any of your that when I pleaded with your insurance carrier not to allow hospitalissues like they promised you but instead faked it. I am ists to see you anymore and that only one doctor should see sorry they never provided proof to me that the staff that was handling your needs was licensed by the state. I you only because every time you were in the hospital another doctor would come around and change all your meds. asked them over and over in an email to provide me with I am sorry for the fact that when the doctors talked to you a copy of their state license to deliver mental health services to you. Even when I was they thought you heard them. Yes Ms. Georgia Mae some of the docthe legal person to make deciI am very happy you came to us tors had no idea you could not hear sions for you they never proved to me that the people working because you were truly a good person them. your case were licensed and even who deserved much better than you I am sorry when I went to do a welfare check on you that the nursto this day I don’t know if they got here on earth had any knowledge in what they ing home had no sheets, no blankets on your bed and I am sorry were doing for you. I just can’t they had to put a mat on the floor so when you fell out of see a licensed person doing what they did. I am sorry that Memorial Hospital released you back to me with, bed you did not break too many bones but you still got

hurt. I am so sorry I did not file a law suit against all these providers who wronged you because of your high level of care I am sorry that The ALF’s thought you were too much to handle and because you called 911 too many times. I am very happy there were a few people at Memorial Hospital who did care about you. I am so sorry that all this happened to you but I am not sorry that I knew you and loved you. I am not sorry that you came in to my life in fact I am very happy you came to us because you were truly a good person who deserved much better than you got here on earth. However, I know for sure you are with God. Sweetie we loved you and we honor your name and will never forget you. Sweetie know that I am not done with your case. I am looking into it all to see how this continued to happen again and again. Love, Sean Scan this Code to Watch Georgia In Action!

In the words of Georgia’s friends... our paper we need monthly supporters to make a monthly pledge even if it is only $5 a month. When people make a pledge it allows us to plan better and to get more for your buck. When we can plan better it keeps us more efficient. If you cannot afford to help us then please pray for us. We need prayers as well because it takes a lot out of us to do what we do. THANKS AGAIN for getting this family off the streets. Please make your monthly pledge by going to www.homelessvoice.org or sending your check to COSAC P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, Florida 33329

Georgia, you were sick and tired and we all knew that God would soon come to take you. You fought so hard, so very long but through the pain you stayed strong. We all knew there would come a day when God would come to carry you away. It doesn’t make it easier to say goodbye. You made us each smile and lived to the fullest each day. So on this day we remember you, Georgia. Although you’re away physically you’re always in our hearts. From Jordana Stotz

When I first arrived, she made the most memorable impression on me. She was always so fiesty and had sudden bursts of energy when it came time to meds and money. She was always trying to sneak off property and sneak back with all kinds of sugary snacks. When she would see me it was always the same catch phrase, "hey sugar! Love you! Wheres my mango and round ice?" I loved her so much,she touched my heart deeply and will be greatly missed. I was blessed to know her. Angela Rivera

Georgia would always talk to people for it did not matter if she knew you. This is how I met her. I am deaf and it is hard for me to talk. Georiga was also deaf but she could speak with words. We talked by using our hands and we taught each other our universal sign language. When Ms. Georiga got sick it was me who took care of her all day and all night and I enjoyed it very much. It was a hard job but one of the most important jobs I have ever had. She also had a job of driving me crazy at times becasue sugar was her best friend. When you are a diabetic sugar should not be your friend. What does one say to a dying person, or what does one do to try to limit the sugar intake? If Ms. Georiga got coke to drink when she was not looking I would replace it with diet coke. If she was eating a bag of candy I would ask her for some and then throw it away with out her knowing. If she left her candy out I would throw some of it away. I did what ever I could to try to help her but she always had a way of getting those extra sugar snacks. I would let her have some to make her last days as enjoyable as possible. I miss you very much, Georgia. I am very sad you are no longer with us. You're a great friend to help others. God bless you! Written By Lynis

Bed bugs not only a Problem for the Homeless (Continued from pg 1)

cause the adults are about the size of an apple seed. Treating a bed bug infestation can be costly, but the They disappear during the day into mattress seams, box damage these pests can do – disturbing guests, causing springs and furniture. Even if they bite at night, many complaints about sanitary conditions and damaging your people don’t wake up with noticereputation – can cost much more. able red marks on their bodies. With this in mind, the best thing Nevertheless, they often leave you can do to help manage a bed calling cards. Look for small, inkbug infestation is to come forward colored stains or cast skins they if you experience any bed bug probleave behind on mattress seams, lems and call a pest management box springs, ceilings or under seat professional immediately. A proper cushions. bed bug solution involves a team If you think you spot bed bug effort. Residents, staff members activity, quarantine the area and Bed bug infestations have little to do with and pest management professionals contact a pest management pro- cleanliness — you can pick them up in the should work together to efficiently fessional immediately. A licensed finest resorts, and they can get a lift into the resolve the problem. Remember, cleanest homes. and experienced professional can the sooner bed bugs are identified, help properly identify the infestation and recommend the sooner you can start fighting back. an appropriate treatment plan for your facility. Ron Harrison, Entomologist, Ph.D., is Director of

Technical Services for Orkin and an acknowle d g e d leader in the field of pest management. Contact Dr. Harrison at rharriso@ orkin.com or visit www.orkincommercial.com for more information.

7 The Homeless Voice June 2013

Georgia’s Story


The Homeless Voice June 2013


Firework Safety (Continued from pg 1)

ter an event. Some m a y still be ignited and can explode at any time. Soak Instead of sparklers, Patriotic all firePoppers (available at Oriental works in a Trading Company) are a safe and fun buc ket alternative that shoot out streamers. of water before throwing them in the trash can. Think about your pet. Animals have sensitive ears and can be extremely frightened or stressed on the Fourth of July. Keep pets indoors to reduce the risk that they’ll run loose or get injured. If a child is injured by fireworks, immediately go to a doctor or hospital. If an eye injury occurs, don’t allow your child to touch or rub it, as this may cause even more damage. Also, don’t flush the eye out with water or attempt to put any ointment on it. Instead, cut out the bottom of a paper cup, place it around the eye, and immediately seek medical attention — your child’s eyesight may depend on it. If it’s a burn, remove clothing from the burned area and run cool, not cold, water over the burn (do not use ice). Call your doctor immediately. Fireworks are meant to be enjoyed, but you’ll enjoy them much more knowing your family is safe. Take extra precautions this Fourth of July and your holiday will be a blast!

10 Ways to Get Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief Massage. Hands-on therapy can bring great relief to Chronic pain is the No. 1 symptom of rheumatoid arthritis muscles and joints, helping to relax and warm mus(RA), a chronic condition that affects about 1.5 million Americles that have become tense through chronic pain. can adults. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the immune sysMassage can also promote the release of endorphins, tem begins to attack the synovium, a thin layer of soft tissue naturally produced hormones that act as painkillers. inside joints that provides cushioning and lubrication. People Exercise. It is essential to stay fit, as strong muscles with RA experience inflammation and swelling that causes can better support joints racked by arthritis pain. joint pain and stiffness in the hands, knees, hips, and wrists, “Most joints [rely] on muscle,” Hadler says. “Part making it hard for them to move around, grip objects firmly, and parcel of joint inflammation is that the muscles and perform many other everyday tasks. around the joint get weaker, and then the joint is less When thinking about rheumatoid arthritis pain relief, it’s effective.” Non-impact exercises like water aerobics helpful to break the pain down into three different classificaare often best. tions.These categories include: Occupational therapy. An occupational therapist can Joint pain. “It runs in a range from mild to quite severe, alhelp you avoid pain by coming up with alternative most always is waxing and waning, and always tends to be ways to perform household and work tasks that rewhat we consider the biggest problem,” Dr. Hadler says. duce the stress placed on your joints. Joint stiffness. As the disease progresses, you may begin to Counseling. Seeing a therapist can help you deal lose flexibility in the affected joints, with issues like depression and the more flexibility you lose, the and anxiety that may stem “It’s a consequence of the more the joints hurt, says Hadler. from your arthritis pain. A Emotional pain. All this pain and compromise in personal effectiveness therapist also can coach you stiffness can begin to take an emo- — as in ‘who am I and how do other in coping skills that will altional toll on you. “It can be the domyou to better deal with people perceive me and what can low inant hallmark of the illness,” Hadler pain from arthritis flare-ups. I accomplish?’ For many people says. Here are 10 ways to help manMeditation. Meditation age all the types of pain that accom- with the disease, it’s this emotional can shift your attention pany rheumatoid arthritis. away from your pain by component that’s overwhelming.” helping you relax and focus Medication. There is a wide range of medication available to treat rheuon more pleasant things. matoid arthritis. Some agents, like over-the-counter NSAIDs Music therapy. Listening to calming or soothing muand prescription corticosteroids, help relieve pain by reducing sic has been shown to help relieve chronic pain and inflammation. Anti-rheumatic drugs like methotrexate treat the stress. Choose the music yourself or consult with a disease itself. credentialed music therapist. Diet. Losing weight by eating a balanced diet can reduce Support groups. It’s easy to become something of stress and strain on your joints. Some early research suggests a hermit when dealing with chronic arthritis pain, as that increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids by eating you don’t want to move around too much. Joining a fish or taking supplements may help reduce joint inflammasupport group can keep you from feeling isolated and tion. Limiting your consumption of red meat and saturated fats lonely. could help because they contain arachidonic acid, a fatty acid The pain of rheumatoid arthritis can lead to frustrathat promotes inflammation. tion, but these coping methods can minimize its efHeat and cold therapy. Applying cold packs or ice bags to an fects on your daily routine. aching joint can numb the pain and reduce inflammation and is particularly useful during an arthritis flare-up. By Dennis Thompson Jr.

Remember each day at 3pm, say this prayer

Mary Otto


If you received this issue of the Homeless Voice in your mailbox please go to pg 5 We have an Emergency!

With help from housing and assistance programs, homelessness has decreased slightly in the Washington region in the past year. Still, a total of 11,547 people in the region have no place to call home, according to the newly-released results of an annual count of the homeless in the Dis2.4 percent decrease from 2012, when 11,830 trict and its suburbs. The total includes people were counted as homeless. 3,246 children. Two Virginia jurisdictions, the City of AlexThe report found fewer homeless famiandria and Fairfax County, reported the largest lies and fewer people living outdoors in decreases in their homeless populations since campsites, alleys and parks than in 2012. last year. The District of Columbia, Frederick But the 13th annual survey, produced by County, MD and Prince William County, VA the Metropolitan Washington Council of experienced slight reductions in their home“They were getting ready to be successful and suddenly they Governments, warned that many families and indiless populations. Among counties that experienced got the legs cut out from under them.” viduals remain at risk of becoming homeless due to increases, Prince Georges County, MD and Arlington The county dipped into its own housing funds to avoid having the continuing regional scarcity of affordable housCounty, VA reported the largest. to cut off subsidies to an additional 150 families. ing. This year’s count identified 1,697 families among But that means less money for future assistance, Gross said. In addition, this year, across-the-board federal the homeless in the region, a four percent reduction “What do we do next year? We are eating our seed corn now.” spending cuts due to sequestration add another elefrom last year’s total of 1,765 families. Children and The sequester is also having an effect on District residents ment of uncertainty to the lives of the very poor. youth homelessness accounted for 28 percent of the seeking housing assistance. With the exception of special housThe supply of subsidized rental assistance vouchers region’s homeless population, also a four percent reing vouchers for homeless veterans, the District of Columbia used by jurisdictions to fight and prevent homelessduction from last year. Housing Authority stopped issuing ness is dwindling because of automatic cuts that went vouchers on March 1. We had 50 families that were about Overall, 36 percent of into place March 1. Across the country, an estimated adults in homeless families “We usually get 140 to 200 vouch125,000 individuals and families are expected to lose ers turned back in each year and we to receive vouchers. We said ‘Oops. reported they were workassistance provided through the federally-funded, issue them back out,” explained hous- The funding has dried up from the ing but percentages varied locally-administered Housing Choice Voucher prowidely across the jurisdicing authority spokeswoman Dena federal government. gram, according to the U.S. Department of Housing tions. In Arlington County, Michaelson. “We are concentrating and Urban Development. You can’t have them. VA, for example, 73 percent our efforts on keeping current clients “We have already seen the effects of sequestration of homeless adults in famihoused so we are not using the vouchin the lack of housing choice vouchers,” said DC lies said they had jobs, compared to 24 percent in the ers to get new clients.” Coalition for the Homeless executive director Mike District. At COG, housing program manager Hilary Chapman said she Ferrell, who presented the results of the annual homeThe survey also included 1,347 people living unis working to assess the wider effects of the sequester. less survey at the May meeting of the Metropolitan sheltered in places such as parks, campsites and under “We think there is pretty devastatWashington Council of Govbridges, an 11 percent decrease from 2012. The reing potential if it’s not rolled back,” ernments board of directors. port suggested that increased utilization of emergency said Chapman, who helped author Ferrell attributed much of beds and housing options may help explain the reducthe annual homeless report , which Beyond the bucolic trees and fields the region’s progress in adtion. provides a one-day “snapshot” of the dressing homelessness to the in his rural county, he found the homeless population within nine juThe count identified a total of 9,517 formerly homeuse of permanent supportive less people now residing in permanent supportive risdictions in the Washington region. shanties and tents of the housing and rental assishousing programs, thanks to local and regional efforts This year’s data were collected on tance programs. desperately poor. to move chronically homeless people off the streets, Jan. 30 and 31 by volunteers and The freeze could impact out of shelters and into safe and stable settings. The outreach workers who visited meal those efforts, he said. total reflects a 10 percent increase over last year. centers, shelters, parks and wooded COG board member PenelCOG board member David Gray said that participatencampments to interview homeless ope Gross said the loss of rental assistance vouchers ing in the count in Frederick County where he serves people about their lives and needs. has already taken a toll in Fairfax County Virginia, as a commissioner was an eye opener. The annual count collects ground-level data on the numwhere she serves as a supervisor . “I recommend every public official do this,” he said. bers and makeup of the region’s homeless men, women and “We had 50 families that were about to receive Beyond the bucolic trees and fields in his rural county, children, providing vital information to service providers and vouchers. We said ‘Oops. The funding has dried up he found the shanties and tents of the desperately poor. federal agencies that fund and oversee homeless and housing from the federal government. You can’t have them.’ “ “We look out the window of our car and we have an programs in jurisdictions nationwide. The decision was devastating for the county – and unreal feeling for the world outside,” said Gray. This year’s total of 11,547 homeless individuals reflected a for the families, Gross said.

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The Homeless Voice June 2013

2013 Homeless Count: Sequester Threatens Fragile Gains

The Homeless Voice June 2013


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11 The Homeless Voice June 2013

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