e-newsletter Easter Term 2013
Welcome to the Easter term Homerton College enewsletter. We bring you the latest College news and details of Roll events we have planned for 2013.
College News Dr Penny Barton to become Homerton's next Senior Tutor Dr Penny Barton has been Graduate Tutor at Homerton since 2002. She has been instrumental in taking forward the rapid expansion of our diverse Higher Degree student body, created from small beginnings in 2001, as well as acting as Tutor for the Higher Degree students, and Director of Studies for first year Physical Sciences undergraduates. She is also a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Earth Sciences, specialising in seismic imaging of the interior of the Earth's crust and lithosphere. Of her appointment to Senior Tutor Penny said “I am both excited and honoured to have been appointed as the new Senior Tutor at Homerton. The students are what makes Cambridge so special, and it will be a privilege to work closely with the fantastic student community at Homerton, as well as our expanding Fellowship and non-academic staff. It has been fascinating being here for the last decade of extraordinary change, learning from the senior team who steered the College through to its Royal Charter. We have climbed one steep slope and are now beginning yet another new phase, planning the route onwards and upwards! I’m looking forward to getting started”.
Homerton student fights back Gavin Garland is currently a 3rd year PhD student here at Homerton but Gavin's story started when he was a child growing up in Coventry. At the age of 15 Gavin was diagnosed with a malignant cancer, a B-cell lymphoma, which progressed rapidly spreading to lymph nodes within his neck. Following remission at the age of 16 he returned to school and, after much hard work, gained a place to study for a BSc (Hons) in Cell Biology at Durham University. During this time Gavin spent a summer at the University of Birmingham conducting research into Mixed Lineage Leukaemia (MLL, a predominantly childhood blood
London Branch News The Homerton Rollers summer event will be on Saturday, June 15th. We will meet near Hackney Central Station on the North London line before setting off with our Blue Badge Guide at 10.30am for our tailor-made walk. There will be a limit on numbers and the cost will be £10 per person. We take in both modern and Georgian architecture, with an emphasis on educational institutions of a similar age to Homerton Academy (long since demolished). After walking to / along the (much changed) Homerton High Street to see where Homerton originated and Sutton House - a National Trust property mentioned in Wolf Hall - we aim to finish by 12.30 - 12.45 at a suitable lunch location... If you are interested in attending please contact Stephanie Rogers.
research into Mixed Lineage Leukaemia (MLL, a predominantly childhood blood cancer). Having been bitten by the research bug Gavin then applied for a PhD project in the Deparment of Pathology at the University of Cambridge, where he works today. Read more...
Homerton College Allotment Society is blossoming Homerton College Allotment Society was set up in October 2011 by the Homerton Union of Students' then Environmental Officer, Heather Plumpton. From humble beginnings in a greenhouse on college grounds it has now expanded and is currently based on Holbrook Road where an allotment plot is rented from the Rock Allotment Society. The site had been neglected for several years so many a long hour has been spent ploughing, weeding and clearing. In true 'good life' fashion old desks and wooden pallets have been recycled in the form of compost heaps and a potential tool shed, which is still in the design phase. Read more...
Elizabeth Glanville (2005, History) has recently published her debut novel, The Imaginist, alongside her non-fiction book The Quarterlife Crisis, designed to help recent graduates get to grips with finding their way in the world after university. The Imaginist - which was long listed for the Sony Reader Award and exhibited at the London Book Fair this year - tells the stories of Louise and Ryan, both of whom have high hopes from life, but when faced with reality seek solace in self-destruction. The Quarterlife Crisis: Tips to Beat the Trials of the Twenties - thoroughly researched and based on real-life experiences - aims to support readers through the tribulations of twenty-something life in the twenty first century. The Imaginist and The Quarterlife Crisis: Tips to Beat the Trials of the Twenties are both available to buy and download on amazon.
The Northumberland and Durham branch of the association continue to meet twice yearly, in Spring and Autumn. On the 8th April eleven members met for a private tour of Trinity House, Newcastle upon Tyne. Initially we met for a warming brew of coffee before commencing the tour of this fascinating building whose origin can be traced back to 1508 when it was set up as a guild to collect dues from ships and assist its members. In Heritage week in September we plan to tour an historic property in the city which is normally closed to the public. We are a very welcoming, friendly group with wide interests and we would appreciate new members from training college to university days. We would be very happy to meet younger Homertonians who would take the association forward in new ways which would be of benefit to them. Why not come along and meet us, or alternatively contact me, Elise Wylie for further details.
Fellows News Dr AndrĂŠ Neves, Director of Studies in Biological Sciences and Fellow of Homerton College has been working with a group of gastroenterologists to develop a fluorescent dye spray which sticks to healthy cells in the oesophagus (food pipe) but cannot attach itself to cancer cells or those in the early stages of turning cancerous. Read more...
Dr Richard Hickman, Fellow of Homerton College, did a short stint in Singapore as "Outstanding Educator in Residence" in March this year; a paperback edition of his recent book The Art & Craft of Pedagogy came out at the end of March. In April he had an article in the International Journal or Art & Design Education entitled A Phenomenological Case Study Focusing on Three Adolescents. In June, he will be presenting a Keynote lecture at the International Society for Education Through Art conference in Canterbury and on June 20th, he will be awarded this year's Pilkington Teaching Prize by the Vice Chancellor at a ceremony at Murray Edwards College.
Dr Louise Joy, Fellow in English, will be a visiting scholar at Princeton University on a 'Friends of the
Eastern Angles present Parkway Dreams - Nicola Pollard (2007 2010 BA Education with English and Drama) is working with Eastern
scholar at Princeton University on a 'Friends of the Princeton University Library Research Grant' for a period in 2013-14. During her visit, she will consult materials held in the Cotsen Library, a collection of early children's books and toys, as part of the research for her book 'The Affective Child: Eighteenth-Century Literature, Childhood and the Emotions'.
Drama) is working with Eastern Angles Theatre Company who are currently touring across the East of England with a new musical 'Parkway Dreams'. Eastenders writer Kenneth Emson has recreated the backroom story of the small historic Fenland city of Peterborough that turned into multi-cultural New Town, all told through the eyes of Mary, Jack and Peter a typicla London 'overspill family'. Matt Ray-Brown (1991 PGCE) stars as one of the cast. Click here for further information.
Homerton Roll Events For further information regarding all of our alumni events please see our website or contact Nicola Burgess via email or phone 01223 747280.
Formal Hall and Choral Evensong performed by the Charter Choir - 11 June 2013 The Roll invites you to enjoy Choral Evensong to be performed by the Charter Choir at St John the Evangelist at 6.30pm, followed by an opportunity to join Fellows and current students for dinner in the Great Hall at 7.00pm. To book your place please visit our website.
Telephone Campaign 2013 This year's annual telephone fundraising campaign will be taking place at the end of June. We will again be raising funds for the Charter Campaign, and we will be launching the Kate Pretty Fund.
Homerton College has local alumni branches in the following locations: Homerton Roll Family Day Parents and Grandparents are invited to bring along children and grandchildren to take part in an afternoon of craft activities, an archaeological workshop and lots of games and entertainment. You are encouraged to bring a picnic to enjoy in Homerton's lovely gardens and there will be free ice-cream, soft drinks, tea and coffee and strawberries and cream. More information can be found on our website but please feel free to contact Nicola on 01223 747280 for more details.
Cambridgeshire London Manchester Newcastle upon Tyne Oxford Wessex Southern California China Please refer to the College website for details of how to contact your local branch. If we do not have a branch in your region and you would like to set one up, do please contact us.
Homerton Roll Reunion 27 - 28 September 2013 We will once again be hosting the Reunion Weekend to coincide with the University wide Alumni Festival. Special Year Groups and year Group Co-ordinators are: Diamond Girls Going 1951-1953 Nicola Burgess, roll@homerton.cam.ac.uk, 01223 747280 Diamond Girls In 1953-1955 Alison Littlefair (nee Ratcliffe), alison.littlefair@gmail.com Special Request 55 Years In 1958-1960 Elise Wylie, elise.wylie@gmail.com Golden Girls Going 1960-1963 Angela Payne (nee Mortimer), angela@mulberry-farm.co.uk, 01359 244244 Golden Girls In 1963-1966 Margot Jacob (nee Coverdale), margot@chadwick.demon.co.uk, 01564 775325 40 Years On 1970-173/74 Nicola Burgess, roll@homerton.cam.ac.uk, 01223 747280 40 Years In 1973-1976/77 Denise Prosser (nee Crowley), prosser.denise@sky.com
The Roll News viewed on-line.
Denise Prosser (nee Crowley), prosser.denise@sky.com 30 Years On 1979-1983 Brenda Thompson, becjaytee68@aol.ac.uk, 01582 792102 30 Years In 1983-1987 Nicola Burgess, roll@homerton.cam.ac.uk, 01223 747280 25 Years In 1988-1992 Phil Coldicott, phil@philcoldicot.co.uk 21 Years In 1992-1996 Nicola Burgess, roll@homerton.cam.ac.uk, 01223 747280
Social Networking
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All who were at Homerton from 1992 Nicola Burgess, roll@homerton.cam.ac.uk, 01223 747280 10 Year Anniversary of the end of the B Ed Programme * We are looking for year group co-ordinators for those with Nicola's name next to them. If you wish to volunteer please contact the Roll and Development Office. As in previous years there will be both Friday and Saturday night dinners. Accommodation is available to book in College. Bookings will be open from 1st July to Friday 6th September. Booking forms will be sent out with the Homertonian magazine in June but we would encourage you to book online, details of how to do this will be available on our webpage from 1st July.
You can now follow us on Twitter.
You can contact us at: Development & Roll Office Homerton College Hills Road Cambridge CB2 8PH Tel: +44 (0)1223 747280/747270 roll@homerton.cam.ac.uk
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