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Shareable Fruits & Veggies for Your Pets

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BLUEBERRIES are loaded with healthy antioxidants, nutrients and vitamins. They also contain tannins which help prevent urinary tract infections. You can add blueberries when making their cookies or biscuits. Frozen blueberries added to your dog’s water bowl make a cool summer treat.

APPLES are a powerful antioxidant rich in potassium and vitamin C. Peanut butter spread on an apple slice creates an irresistible healthy treat for your dog. Apples should be ripe and soft rather than hard and green. Dogs should not eat the seeds or core of the apple.

CUCUMBERS are great hydrating treat because their water content is 96 percent. They also low in calories and sugar. They’re full of vitamins and minerals: Vitamins K, C and B1, potassium, copper, magnesium, and biotin. Great energy boosting snack on hot days. It is recommended to peel them and remove large seeds.

PEAS are becoming a very popular treat for dogs. They can be added frozen or thawed right into your dog’s food dish. They are a good source of vitamin B, Thiamin, phosphorous, and potassium.

GREEN BEANS are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, C, and K, calcium, copper, fiber, folic acid, iron, niacin, manganese, potassium, riboflavin and thiamin, as well as beta carotene. An excellent veggie for us too!

WATERMELON is very popular on warm summer days. It’s a sweet, nutritious and healthy fruit. Comprised of 92% water it is a wonderful hydrating dog treat. Rich in antioxidants, potassium, vitamins C, B6 and A, lycopene, and fiber, it is beneficial for supporting vision, healthy kidney and heart function, regulating fluid levels and reducing inflammation. It can be offered fresh in small pieces or pureed and put into ice cube trays and frozen for a cool treat. Remove the seeds and rind to avoid intestinal blockages.

NOTE: Treats should make up less than 10% of your dog’s daily diet. Add one food item at a time in case your pet has an adverse reaction to new food. Always cut food into manageable bite-size pieces to prevent choking. Check with your veterinarian before offering fruits and vegetables to your pet if they have any medical conditions.

Our CatCafé Sessions& Events

We offer sponsorship opportunities, gift items for you, your best friend, and your pets, free WiFi, complimentary beverages and snacks, fun events, and best of all adoptable cats and kittens!!

Open Wednesday through Sunday, 11am to 6pm! We also have added birthday parties, business, club meetings, and special events! Check out our Events Calendar for upcoming events.


We have kittens here at Rescued Treasures Cat Café for adoption! We are adopting by appointment only at the café. Call 702-629-6351 for more information.

to animals. It is our belief that these loving animals reciprocate to us by creating a supportive bridge to recovery and emotional stability for mentally and physically challenged humans desperately in need and shelters to build a humane community that promotes compassion and seeks to strengthen the human-animal bond.


The weather was unusually cool the last couple of months, my family thinks I’m crazy that low 90 degrees are cool, but the Dog Days of summer are here. So, what does “Dog Days” of summer mean? In short, it runs from July 3rd to August 11th. The ancient Greeks and Romans tracked the seasons by looking at the star Sirius. It was known as the “dog star” as they thought it was shaped like a dog’s nose in a constellation. When Sirius appeared before the sun, it marked the start of the hottest days of the year. With our quick history lesson over, here are some ways to keep your dog safe and happy this summer.

KEEPING IT COOL Most pups love water to play and keep cool in; but with our severe water shortage, we must be careful how much we’re using. A pool is normally their number one choice, but what if you don’t have one? Consider a water sprinkler or a partially-filled kiddy pool. These allow them to play in water and keep cool.

If any type of pool is not your thing, maybe Emma would like a fountain. They’ll have fun trying to catch the water while you enjoy watching them and listening to the serene sound of the flowing water.

No matter what water fun you use, always practice water conservation and as with any water play, your pups should always be supervised.

WATER ACCESS I believe that pets should always have access to water; my girls have three different places. What dog doesn’t like to play with ice in their water bowl, but they don’t last long outside, so try a cooling ceramic dog bowl. The bowls are made from a unique ceramic material that keeps the water cold for up to six hours.

COOL DOGGIE HANGOUTS It’s essential to provide proper shelter and shade when your pup is outside to cool down and prevent sunburn. They sunburn just like us, especially short-haired dogs.

Trees and patio covers are great, but not every yard has them. Portable sunshades, shaded pet beds, and pop-up canopies are perfect for creating shade in yards. Cots are also a good option as they provide extra cooling and air circulation, being it’s elevated off the ground. You can also put a wet towel on it to keep them a little cooler.

If your pups rather hang out on the patio, there is some great dog furniture you can buy. Want to make it yourself; take a trip to the thrift store or look for yard sales. An Adirondack chair can be adjusted to most pet heights by cutting the legs down. Ottomans also make a great place for them to lay. If there is fabric on it, recover it with a fabric made from Crypton. What’s great about Crypton is that water runs right off, making it perfect for pets, especially outdoors.


Whether you take your pup for a walk or they like spending time outside, remember dogs regulate body temperature through their paws and panting. They don’t sweat as we do. A cooling collar is good for walks and for pups who love to run around the yard, like my Maggie. For those long walks or breeds prone to overheating, a cooling vest will keep them cooler longer.

Time for a nap? A cooling bed is perfect for providing additional heat relief.

Gail Mayhugh supports animal rescues and shelters through her non-profit, www.SeniorsToTheRescue.org.

EntEr thE ContEst!

1. What is one fruit or vegetable that you can share with your pet?

2. How are you keeping your pet cool this summer? Submit by August 31, 2023.

Stay cool with your dog this summer with a few simple items. Can you find the names of these things that will help you and your pup beat the heat?

The words may be in any direction: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forwards or backwards.

❄ Hose ❄ Sprinkler

❄ Ice ❄ Towel

❄ Iced Treats ❄ Toys

❄ Kiddie Pool ❄ Water

❄ Nozzle ❄ Shade

Bonus Word: Pet Scene

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