1 minute read

Summertime SCHEDULES!

By C.A. Ritz


Summer break is underway. Do you enjoy being out of school? While you were in school, your pet ate, slept, maybe whined and waited for your return. Now that you’re home, your pet is less anxious but more rambunctious and ready to play. With all this going on, a daily schedule this summer will help your pet and you.

Do you get up, dress, eat, feed your pet, and do chores? Do you read to your pet? According to experts. staying on a schedule allows you to be productive and reduces stress. It is the same for your pets. Routines bring stability and allow needed time for health, safety, and bonding.

Boredom Busting Activities

One idea is researching your pets’ breed(s) and discover what’s natural for those breeds. There are toys and activities geared with each in mind. Is your cat a trapeze expert? Does your little creature love to run? Is your dog a digger or retriever? Planning activities related to their instincts will add to their joy and make your task of caring for them a daily delight.

Make a list of possible activities. Schedule a time your pet can count on daily. When determining your activity schedule, think about the heat. Some days may be impossible to go outside unless it’s early. Consider the temperature before you and your favorite pet-pal head out! It can be blistering in the shade and paw-burning on the patio. Avoid too much sun and make sure plenty of fresh water is available for you both.

By the way, this can be true for cats, too. Our Sammy Grey loves being outside on a lease if we stay with him. Of course, in the desert we’d never leave him alone since there are coyotes and other roaming creatures. Perhaps you have a wall or protective fence. Still, stay alert.


❖ Fetch or Toss a favorite toy.

❖ Follow the Leader with your pet.

❖ Build a fort for two or more.

❖ Keep your pet cool with a mini swimming pool if they like water.

❖ For a special treat, share frozen watermelon chunks.


❖ Draw or take a photo of your pet with their favorite toys.

❖ Practice public speaking by reading out loud to your pet.

❖ Keep a journal with your pet’s training landmarks.

❖ Write a story with your pet as the main character.

❖ Create a cartoon of your pet with a humorous or surprise ending.

❖ At day’s end, hug your pet and get a good night’s rest.

C.A. Ritz ~ Author & Illustrator cynthialeopoldritsko.com

Let’s count our blessings and cherish newly made memories with our pets this summer, both outdoors and indoors.

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