5 minute read

The love we share with our pets is like no other. They are our steadfast companions that provide us with infinite amounts of love without asking for anything in return. Their love is unconditional and makes us feel loved and accepted, no matter what. This unique, enduring relationship helps us combat feelings of stress and sadness and make us feel better when they’re around. Having pets enriches our lives in so many ways and can be extremely beneficial to our emotional and physical health.

With so many stressful situations to deal with in our everyday lives, it is SO helpful to have a pet companion to introduce some much-needed comic relief. Without even trying, our silly pets come up with ways to make us giggle and laugh. The site of your pup zooming down the hall with your favorite bra dangling precariously from his mouth will most likely help you forget your troubles. Their crazy sleeping poses, silly noises, and goofy antics are certain to bring you out of a bad mood and help you focus on the joy of the moment. No matter what kind of pet you have, you will undoubtedly experience many comical moments that put a smile on your face.

Our pets not only provide us with timely humor, they are also acutely in tune with our moods. When we are unusually sad or ill, our pets intuitively know that we need their comfort. A silky-soft purring kitty on your chest or a welcome warm snuggle from a concerned pup is the best medicine for whatever is ailing you. There is no substitute for this human/animal bond we have with our pets. They comfort us and attend to us to the best of their abilities and unknowingly help us to release a variety of hormones that DO help us feel better! The simple act of petting cats or dogs (or other pets) triggers our bodies to release endorphins –the hormones that are our body’s natural feel-good, painrelieving hormones. The presence of pets can also increase our dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin levels, which naturally boost our sense of happiness, pleasure, and love. This is one of the reasons companion animals have been so beneficial to those suffering from a variety of emotional and physical disabilities. Therapy animals have been particularly effective in helping those dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other debilitating conditions. Our pets may not realize it, but their attentiveness and caring affection goes a long way in making us feel better.

Without question, having pets enriches our lives and makes us happier and healthier overall. The relationship we have with them is sometimes much easier than relationships we have with other people. Our pets don’t judge us on our appearance, our income, the car we drive, or where we live. They are great listeners, even though they probably don’t know what we’re talking about most of the time. For the elderly or those that live alone, the presence of a pet(s) can make an immense difference in the happiness in their everyday lives. They provide companionship, comfort, and a sense of routine in a sometimes lonely, detached life void of daily human interactions.
Our pets provide us with a lifetime of love and irreplaceable companionship. Their quirky, individual personalities keep us laughing and fulfill our lives in ways that are immeasurable. Through it all, they love us unconditionally and only want one thing in return – our love. It is our responsibility to return that love and ensure that they have everything they need to keep them happy and healthy. For their physical health, nutritious food, clean water, clean bedding, vaccinations and veterinary check-ups are all essential. For their emotional happiness, it is important to set aside some time each day for playtime, belly rubs, and all of the things you know your pet enjoys. Most importantly, let your loving companion share some special moments with their favorite person in the whole world –YOU!!

Between SEPTEMBER 1 and OCTOBER 31, send us your Halloween pet photo and you will be entered to win a $50 Gift Certificate

to Lazy Dog Restaurant!
Email your photo to contest@lvpetscene.com. All entries must contain all of the information below to qualify (one photo/entry per person):
• Pet’s name • Your name • Your email address • Your phone # CONGRATULATIONS

P e t S e l f i e
Photo Contest
Each Winner Received a $50 Gift Card to Lazy Dog Restaurant!
Frankie Luna Moon Phoenix
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