www.LVPetScene.com | Pet Events Calendar | Online Directory | Animal Rescue Organizations Celebrating Our Pets

Now! Fresh, Go! Natural & Gather • Annamaet • Orijen & Acana • Ziwi Peak • Primal • Vital Essentials • Sojo’s • Fussie Cat • FirstMate • Stella & Chewy • Zignature • Honest Kitchen • Savage Cat • Weruva • PetKind • Taste of the Wild • Open Farm • Tiki • Dr. Marty • Canidae • Koha • Small Batch • Wisdom • Answers Raw • Lotus and many more top quality foods. We know what a difference good nutrition can make in your pet’s life! We carry only top quality foods that are free of chemicals and artificial preservatives. None of the products we carry contain corn, wheat or soy because these are common allergens to many dogs and cats. We specialize in finding the right food for your four-legged friends, so when you want the best, shop at Healthy Tails!

3Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022 las vegas FRONT COVER PHOTOGRAPHY: Bark Gallery – Rick Vierkandt CONTRIBUTING WRITERS – Kelley Bollen, MS, CABC – Paula Jacoby-Garrett – Sheryl Green – Gail Mayhugh – Elizabeth Parker – Elizabeth Racine, DVM – Kimberly Reinhart – C.A. Ritz – Geri Rombach – Shannon Turpin Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine is published bi-monthly by Shasta Media Connection, LLC. All rights reserved. Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine assumes no responsibility or endorsement of the products or services advertised or featured. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we believe is incompatible with our mission. No portion of the Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the Publisher Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine is distributed throughout the Las Vegas area at grocery stores, local pet stores, animal shelters and rescues, pet hotels, grooming salons, veterinarian hospitals, libraries and pet events with no cover price. We welcome reader correspondence. Please send all letters, inquiries, photos and correspondence: Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine P.O. Box 31852 Las Vegas, NV 89103 Advertising in the Las Vegas Pet MAGAZINEScene(702)367-4997sales@lvpetscene.com is the way to reach pet lovers in Southern Nevada! Dedicated To Las Vegas Pets And The People Who Love Them SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 www.lvpetscene.cominfo@lvpetscene.com702-367-4997 Dogs u Cats u Birds u Reptiles u Horses u MAGAZINEFish Pet Scene Contents 5 OURCELEBRATINGPETS! 8 NIGHT HIKES AROUND LAS VEGAS 12 SAFE & STYLISH HOME FOR PETS 18 DISEASECUSHING'SINANIMALS 20 KNOWEVERYCOMMANDSDOGSHOULD 23 CATNIP FOR CATS 28 TIPS FOR LEASH PULLING DOGS 31 REFLECTIONS – TIME FLIES AND LIFE CHANGES 38 HOST HALLOWEENA PAWTY FOR YOUR PUPS! 40 PET BEHAVIOR - WHY DO THEY DO THAT? 43 ROMPS IN THE PARK - PARK ETIQUETTE 44-45 ORGANIZATIONSRESCUEANIMAL + ADOPTABLE PETS 46-47 PET SAVEEVENTSTHEDATE!! lvpetscenelvpetscene@lvpetscenelasvegaspetscene FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA

Check out the Calendar of Events to stay connected to the local “pet scene” & happenings. We update our website Events Page regularly. Check our Facebook and Twitter pages for event posts and updates.
September 22 is the official end of summer and the beginning of fall. However, Labor Day, still seems to be the “unofficial end of summer” and kicks off the beginning of outdoor activities and events. It is a great time for pet lovers to be in Las Vegas; cooler weather means more outside pet events with opportunities to have fun with family and friends. Many are pet-friendly so you and your pet can have fun together. The pet events are sponsored by local rescues and shelters for FUN and FUNdraising. Attending these events supports their efforts to raise the necessary funds to continue their work of saving the pets of Las Vegas.
Our passion is pets; our dedication is to the pets of Las Vegas and the people who love them. We are grateful to the advertisers who partner with us to make this free resource available to the pet community. We are thankful for the organizations and people involved with all aspects of pet adoption and rescue work including parenting and Ourfostering.shared commitment is making a difference for pets in our community! We look forward to our continuing journey together…..
4 Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022 Your friends at the Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine

unique, enduring relationship helps us combat feelings of stress and sadness and make us feel better when they’re around. Having pets enriches our lives in so many ways and can be extremely beneficial to our emotional and physical Withhealth.so many stressful situations to deal with in our everyday lives, it is SO helpful to have a pet companion to introduce some much-needed comic relief. Without even trying, our silly pets come up with ways to make us giggle and laugh. The site of your pup zooming down the hall with your favorite bra dangling precariously from his mouth will most likely help you forget your troubles. Their crazy sleeping poses, silly noises, and goofy antics are certain to bring you out of a bad mood and help you focus on the joy of the moment. No matter what kind of pet you have, you will undoubtedly experience many comical moments that put a smile on your face. Our pets not only provide us with timely humor, they are also acutely in tune with our moods. When we are unusually sad or ill, our pets intuitively know that we need their comfort. A silky-soft purring kitty on your chest or a welcome warm snuggle from a concerned pup is the best medicine for whatever is ailing you. There is no substitute for this human/animal bond we have with our pets. They comfort us and attend to us to the best of their abilities and unknowingly help us to release a variety of hormones that DO help us feel better! The simple act of petting cats or dogs (or other pets) triggers our bodies to release endorphins –the hormones that are our body’s natural feel-good, painrelieving hormones. The presence of pets can also increase our dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin levels, which naturally boost our sense of happiness, pleasure, and love. This is one of the reasons companion animals have been so beneficial to those suffering from a variety of emotional and Without question, having pets enriches our lives and makes us happier and healthier overall. The relationship we have with them is sometimes much easier than relationships we have with other people. Our pets don’t judge us on our appearance, our income, the car we drive, or where we live. They are great listeners, even though they probably don’t know what we’re talking about most of the time. For the elderly or those that live alone, the presence of a pet(s) can make an immense difference in the happiness in their everyday lives. They provide companionship, comfort, and a sense of routine in a sometimes lonely, detached life void of daily human interactions. Our pets provide us with a lifetime of love and irreplaceable companionship. Their quirky, individual personalities keep us laughing and fulfill our lives in ways that are immeasurable. Through it all, they love us unconditionally and only want one thing in return – our love. It is our responsibility to return that love and ensure that they have everything they need to keep them happy and healthy. For their physical health, nutritious food, clean water, clean bedding, vaccinations and veterinary check-ups are all essential. For their emotional happiness, it is important to set aside some time each day for playtime, belly rubs, and all of the things you know your pet enjoys. Most importantly, let your loving companion share some special moments with
CELEBRATING OUR PETS 5Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022

Email your photo to contest@lvpetscene.com. All entries must contain all of the information below to qualify (one photo/entry per person): • Pet’s name • Your name • Your email address • Your phone # Between SEPTEMBER 1 and OCTOBER 31, send us your Halloween pet photo and you will be entered to win a $50 Gift Certificate to Lazy Dog Restaurant! HALLOWEEN PET PHOTO CONTEST Each Winner Received a $50 Gift Card to Lazy Dog Restaurant!CONGRATULATIONS WINNERS!OURTO Photo ContestSelf Petie Frankie Luna Moon Cristobal Barney AkibatuPhoenix&PepperMink 6 Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022 • Abracadabra Carpet & Tile Cleaning ������� Inside Back Cover • Animal Emergency Center�������������������������������������������� 25 • At Your Service Pet Supplies ��������������������������� Back Cover • Bark Gallery Pet Portraits ������������������������������������������������ 4 • BarxParx 29 • CBD Source 21 • Companion Animal Hospital 19 • Compassionate Pet Cremation 19 • Doors 4 Mutts �������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 • Foreclosed Upon Pets ����������������������������������������������������� 39 • Geico �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29 • Gibson’s Canine Classroom ����������������������������������������� 10 • Happy Tails Pet Sitters ��������������������������������������������������� 49 • Healthy Tails Inside Front Cover • Hearts Alive Village 24 • Hearts Alive Village Animal Clinic 7 • Hearts Alive Village Cat Café 22 • Heaven Can Wait Animal Society, Wellness Clinic������� 37 • Heaven Can Wait Animal Society, Spay & Neuter ������� 11 • Hound House LV ��������������������������������������������������������������� 14 • Las Vegas Valley Humane Society����������������������������� 30 • Lazy Dog Restaurant ������������������������������������������������������� 48 • Marshall Injury Law 26-27 • M Diablo Insurance – Linda Nigma 19 • PALNV – Rescued Treasures Cat Cafe 16 • Paw Partners Unleashed 15, 36 • Paws Off The Table ���������������������������������������������������������� 21 • Rah! Raw! Rah! Pet Foods ����������������������������������������������� 4 • Realty One Group, The Malone Team ���������������������� 13 • St� George’s Anglican Church ������������������������������������� 17 • Simply Vegas Real Estate, Melinda & David Zolowicz ��������� 39 • Sunshield Patio Covers 13 • Trailwood Cat Hospital 41 • Trailwood Cat Mobile 23 • Trailwood Cat Resort 17 • URICIDE–Pet Odor Eliminator ��������������������������������������� 9 • Vegas Valley Dog Obedience Club ���������������������������� 21 • Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care ���������������� 50 Please support our great advertisers who make it possible to print and distribute over 30,000 full color magazines to hundreds of locations throughout Southern Nevada. ADVERTISER INDEX

By Kimberly Reinhart and Paula Jacoby-Garrett Great guide with recommendations for more dog-friendly hiking trails within 3 hours of Las Vegas. Now get out and take a hike!
While(Sunday).several locations are prime for a night hike, a couple of our favorite areas are Lone Mountain for great views of the city lights and Frenchman Mountain for optimal sunset views.
George Carlin once said, “There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.” A full moon in the fall, when daytime temperatures in the desert can still be too hot to hike, is a pleasant treat and reminds us of great hiking to come when milder temperatures are among us.
• Exploration Peak in Mountains Edge (0.9 miles easy)
• James Brown Trail (3.6 miles, moderate)
• Lake Las Vegas Overlook (3.4 miles, moderate)
• Railroad Tunnel Trail (8.2 miles, moderate, look for bats in the tunnels)
• Cheyenne Mountain (1.5 miles, easy)
• Frenchman Mountain (4.4 miles, moderate)
8 Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022
Hiking at night is not only a way to escape the heat but adds variety to a familiar trail. It can even be a way to enjoy one of our spectacular sunsets. Night hiking is safest during the full moon when there is more light. This fall, the full moons are on weekends: September 10th (Saturday) and October 9th
Other popular night hikes around the Las Vegas Valley include (use alltrails.com for maps and directions):
For those new to hiking at night, here are some tips and tricks can make your experience more enjoyable. If you are unfamiliar with the area, hike it during the daytime first, making it easier to navigate at night. Use a headlamp to free up your hands and give your eyes time to adjust to the dark. Use the red-light feature on headlamps to reduce vision issues; the white light blinds other people you are hiking with and reduces night vision. Make sure to bring extra batteries and/ or a backup flashlight. For your dog, good items to have are a reflective vest and a lighted collar. And of course, bring the typical hiking gear like water, good shoes/boots, a layer of clothing in case temperatures drop, and a first aid kit. While many desert critters also enjoy being active in the nighttime hours, it is unlikely that you will encounter them; they are typically more afraid of you than you are of them. Just in case, make sure to have your dog on a leash to reduce the chance of encounters with coyotes or Whethersnakes.you are a newbie to night hiking or a veteran, seeing the moon and stars at night is a fantastic experience.
• Lone Mountain (1.2 miles, easy, note: shorter route to the bench, the summit may be hard to navigate at night)
• Permagrin and Flagpole Loop (7.4 miles, challenging)
Howling at the Moon: Night Hikes around Las Vegas
• Cliff Shadows Desert Park (0.8 miles, easy)
By Kimberly Reinhart and Paula Jacoby-Garrett

LAS VEGAS’ LONGEST ESTABLISHED LEASH TRAINER. 10 Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022 Calling All Rabbit Lovers! Take this fun quiz to see if you can guess whether these random facts are true or not. Answers on Page 49 Rabbit Facts 1) R abbits are rodents. True or False 2) A baby rabbit is called a kit? True or False? 3) The term for a rabbit of two or more breeds is mixed breed True or False? 4) Happy rabbits purr when they’re content. True or False? 5) A group of rabbits is called a warren. True or False? 6) R abbits’ eyes are on the sides of their head. True or False? 7) R abbits are social creatures. True or False? 8) Pet rabbits are most closely related to the European wild rabbit. True or False?

5 Animal Disaster Preparedness Essentials 321 45IDENTIFY EVACUATION LOCATIONS • Find places that can accommodate pets if you evacuate; consider pet-friendly hotels, kennels and/or loved ones • Write down locations and store them with your disaster kit • Practice loading your pets into carriers and your vehicle MICROCHIP YOUR PETS • It is the single best way to reunite lost pets and families • Update microchip registration when you move, change phone numbers or get a new emergency contact • Secure a sturdy, legible ID tag on your pets’ collars, too START A BUDDY SYSTEM • Exchange keys with someone who can evacuate your animals if you are not home when disaster strikes • Give your buddy your pets’ information and your emergency contact information • Make sure your buddy is comfortable handling your pets ASSEMBLE A DISASTER KIT • Assemble a kit for each animal in your household • Keep the kit near an exit so it is easy to grab in case of an emergency TAKE PHOTOS OF YOU WITH YOUR PET(S) • Photos can prove ownership if you are separated from your pets • Keep copies in your wallet and your disaster kit • Give copies to a loved one who lives outside of your area • Storing photos on your cell phone can also be VisitusefulRedRover.org to: • Find more disaster preparedness resources • Get disaster kit supply tips for various species • Order supplies and planning materials OCTOBER IS NATIONAL ANIMAL SAFETY AND PROTECTION MONTH 11Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022

4 ➠ FIRE FIRE Who doesn’t like cozying up to a roaring fire and candlelit room? The ambiance is romantic and relaxing but not if you must keep an eye out for tails or have pets that like to get too close. So, consider an attractive fireplace screen if you don’t already have glass doors. Instead of burning candles, there is a wide range of battery-operated candles that look and smell like real ones.
Many plants, including aloe, ivies, and amaryllis, can be toxic to dogs and cats. For a complete list, check with the ASPCA, aspca.org. If you are a plant-lover, set your greenery on sturdy bases so a hearty dog-cat chase won’t knock them over. Replace any plant at their level with artificial ones. There are great ones out there and the only way you know they are fake is to touch them. Also, no maintenance, which is perfect for a busy family.
I love pillows edged with decorative trim, but any fringe that dangles is an invitation to chew. The strings or beads can become a choking hazard. Instead, get pillows with a decorative cord.
We’re all crazy about our pets; they’re part of our family and home. We want them to be happy and safe, but we also want our home to look nice and stay in one piece. Here are six ways to keep your pet safe and have a stylish home.
One swipe of a tail over a low table, and your collection is in pieces—no difference from when your little ones started to take their first steps. Things should be moved out of their reach. So, move your breakables to higher ground and replace those delicate items with unbreakable accessories made from resin, metal, and woven materials. You can do a lovely grouping with a resin vase, leather-bound books, and greenery in a metal container.
Gail Mayhugh supports animal rescues and shelters through her non-profit, www.SeniorsToTheRescue.org
12 Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022
5 ➠ TRASH DAY How many times have you come home with tissues scattered down the hall? What is it with pets that they love to dig the tissues out of the bathroom wastebasket and eat them? Plus, there are other things you don’t want your pet getting out of your bathroom trash that can hurt or even poison them. You can replace your standard wastebasket with something that has a top. There are cute ones with swing-top lids and pedals. Of course, keeping a top of your kitchen trash or in a cabinet should be common practice for a pet-safe home. Keeping it in a cabinet eliminates them pushing it over, unless you have a Houdini dog.
I know proper training can eliminate problems, but they’re just like kids and sometimes push the boundaries, get themselves in trouble, and upset you. So, to keep harmony in your home, remember where your little one’s pet land is. We call it Maya and Maggie zone. What’s on the floor they can get into? What can they reach when up on the bed and upholstery? How good of a jumper are they? We’re still the experts in our home but remember whom we chose to share it with.
By Gail Mayhugh
Be careful of drapes and blinds with long cords and tassels that pets can wrap themselves up in. Electrical cords should be secure and well-hidden so they are not dangling free where they might look like a fun attraction. Fido doesn’t need to make them a chew toy and get an electric shock treatment.
Yes, this is my Cockatoo Peaches who ate a hole in the back of a storage cabinet by her cage. The little stinker has a ton of chew toys but obviously was tired of them this day. I was a bit upset but guess I should have known better than to leave anything destructible by her cage. I have to say I had to hold back from laughing while she was getting scolded because this picture is just too cute. The moral of the story is if you have a chewer move it or try Bitter Apple.

PROTECT YOUR PETS Screen Room Enclosure Temperature Controlled Insulated Enclosure e Keeps Predators Away e Pet Resistant Screens e Secure Your Patio Area e Protect Your Furniture e Keeps Flies & Mosquitoes Away Perfect For Cats, Dogs, Birds, Rabbits, Reptiles And More! Pet Enclosures – Shade Covers – Privacy and Shade Panels Lic#21367 Serving Southern Nevada Since 1974 (702) www.lasvegaspatiocovers.com451-1445Call now for a FREE quote! Excellent Standing with BBB and State Contractors Board – Yelp – Angie’s List 10% Of SaleS Will Be DOnateD tO HeartS alive village Or animal reScue OrganizatiOn Of YOur cHOice.➠ 13Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022 REALTOR®, PSA Lic. MaloneRealtyOne@gmail.com#S.0177713 StephanieMalone Go to our website at www.MaloneRealtyGroup.com to view our current listings. REALTOR®, SRS Lic. JMalone@RealtyOneLV.com#S.0059206 JoyceMalone Call the MALONE TEAM at 702-289-2803 or 702-277-7356 Today! [ A bigger kitchen to cook that holiday turkey? [ A bigger dining room to feed all the family and guests? [ A bigger driveway to fit all the cars? [ A bigger yard for all the pets and kids? THINKING OF BUYING? DO YOU NEED… We Have ✔ Lender Special Financing ✔ Title Company Discounts ✔ Free Home Warranty WE CAN HELP WITH THAT! OVER 20 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE! Don’t trust the biggest purchase of your life with a new or part time agent. Our service is free to you!!

We Help Rescues New & gently used supplies.pet Help us make a difference for pets in need. Join us! We have many ways for business & individual donors to help those in need. Contact us to find out ways you can help! Donate Volunteer www.PawPartnersUnleashed.orgSponsor/Supportinfo@PawPartnersUnleashed.org Paw Partners Unleashed collects and donates pet supplies to animal rescues, provides pet related educational information and resources, and assists community organizations to help pets in need. 15Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022
Great advice – thank you Paris.
Meet Paris, a Great Dane, who is celebrating a major milestone on September 6th when she turns 12 years old. According to the American Kennel Club, Great Danes live between 8 to 10 years, with some living only 6 or 7 years, and a few lucky ones living to 12 years.
Happy 12th Birthday to an amazing Great Dane!
We reached out to Paris and asked why she thought she reached this major milestone. Her first response was “I am spoiled!”. When asked for a few examples she shared this: “When I am too tired (lol) my mom will bring my dish to the couch and hold it for me to eat my food. I get new toys all the time to play with but they need to be big like me or I don’t like them and won’t play with them. I love my doggie ice cream treats too!”
A typical day for Paris includes playing with her two brothers, Moose and Beans, and her favorite toys. However, no one is allowed to play with Big Puppy except her. She also loves eating and sleeping on mom’s bed. We asked her if she had any advice for younger dogs or for their parents. Totally loved her response: “Play hard every day! And if you get in trouble for doing something naughty just deny, deny, deny and give puppy dog eyes and they’ll never stay mad”. Her mom stressed the importance of a good diet consisting of the right foods as extremely important for their overall health. Paris is fed dry dog food for breakfast and a homemade dinner consisting of chicken, brown rice, carrots, eggs and parsley.

~ Cats ~ always amazing and amusing!
Interestingly, cats do not have collarbones – the have a “free-floating” set of bones in their shoulders which allows them to squeeze into any space that is large enough for their head. It also gives them the ability to move in almost every direction.
Sadly, our funds for veterinary service and care of the community cats coming into our program are nearly depleted. We have, recently, had major surgeries costing $2500, along with the typical diseases like ringworm and upper respiratory. Can you help us reach our goal of $3,000 to start off our 4th year of Rescued Treasures Cat Café?
Our Cat Cafe is 3 Years Old! Rescued Treasures Cat Cafe has taken in over 900 cats/kittens and adopted 841 since opening August 6, 2019! PALnv relies on donations to rescue and prepare cats for adoption to forever homes. Behind the scenes at Rescued Treasures Cat Café, we provide vaccinations, tests, spay/neuter surgeries, microchips, and other care to prepare cats for placement into the café, where they are available for adoption.
DONATE TODAY! www.palnv.org
CATS ~ their movements are graceful and supple. I love watching my cat as she stretches and moves. I’ve often wondered how cats can twist and stretch their bodies into so many unusual positions. Have you ever wondered how they could sleep in such uncomfortable spots? One reason for this feline flexibility is the thick cartilage discs between their vertebrae. It is the elasticity of these discs that gives cats their unique flexibility. They are capable of rotating their backs up to 180 degrees. This is why they can adjust their bodies in midair and land on their feet.
The Flexible Feline
Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022 PALNV’S TREASURESRESCUEDCATCAFE Dedicated To Saving Our Community Cats! OPEN WEDNESDAY THROUGH SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 6 PM Rescued Treasures Cat Program is the main focus of PALnv and has been serving our community cats since 2019 We offer sponsorship opportunities, gift items for you, your best friend, and your pets, free WiFi, complimentary beverages and snacks, fun events, and best of all adoptable cats and kittens!! Our CatCafé Sessions& Events Open Wednesday through Sunday, 11am to 6pm! We also have added birthday parties, business, club meetings, and special events! Check out our Events Calendar for upcoming events. Adoptions We have kittens here at Rescued Treasures Cat Café for adoption! We are adopting by appointment only at the café. Call 702-629-6351 for more information. 4155 N Rancho Drive #150 Las Vegas, NV 89130 (702) 629-6351 www.palnv.org
Also, have you ever wondered how they can fit into impossibly small spaces?

Where Every Cat Is Special To Us! 17Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022 St. George’s Anglican Church 7676 W. Gilmore Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89129 www.stgeorgeanglican.org | Church Office: 702-395-4576 | Email: frhines@stgeorgeanglican.org The Blessing of the Animals The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi Saturday, October 8th, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm FREE PONY RIDES AND PETTING ZOO GAMES FOR CHILDREN!!! In celebration of the Feast of St. Francis, we invite you to join us at 9:00 am for a service with the Blessing of the Animals. We encourage you to bring your pets to the service for them to be blessed. “Until one has loved an animal, A part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” Anatole France

Cushing’s disease is a common condition of middle-aged and senior dogs. Although Cushing’s disease can occur in cats, it is uncommon and usually occurs in conjunction with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. Cushing’s disease can make your pet look and feel poorly, so it’s important to recognize the common clinical signs of this condition and seek treatment quickly if you suspect your pet may be experiencing this disease.
How is Cushing’s Disease Treated?
Cushing’s disease is commonly treated with a medication called Trilostane. Trilostane is a synthetic steroid analogue that blocks the adrenal gland’s production of cortisol and aldosterone. Trilostane is dosed once or twice a day, depending on the pet, and must always be given with food. After starting Trilostane, your pet will need to have a test called an ACTH Stimulation Test (ACTH Stim), which helps your veterinarian determine the best dosage of Trilostane for your pet long
Companion Animals
For dogs with pituitary-dependent Cushing’s, the prognosis is good with treatment. Trilostane therapy is highly effective for most dogs with PDH, and studies report an average or median survival time of 2-2.5 years following diagnosis.
Your veterinarian may also recommend a special test called a low dose dexamethasone suppression test (LDDST). This test evaluates your pet’s response to the administration of a steroid (dexamethasone) and can help distinguish pituitary- vs. adrenaldependent Cushing’s disease.
Cats, unfortunately, have a poorer prognosis. Some cats respond well to Trilostane therapy, while others do not. Cats undergoing surgery for adrenalectomy have a high rate of postoperative complications. Those that survive surgery have the best prognosis.
What is the Prognosis of Cushing’s Disease?
u A pot-bellied appearance u Excessive drinking and
What Are the Symptoms of Cushing’s Disease?
with adrenal-dependent Cushing’s disease, surgical removal of the affected adrenal gland is possible. This surgery is difficult and has a high risk of complications. Patients must be hospitalized for 24 hour care and close monitoring following the surgery.
18 Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022
For dogs with adrenal-dependent Cushing’s, prognosis depends on whether the tumor is benign or malignant, and whether it has metastasized (spread) to other tissues at the time of diagnosis. For dogs undergoing adrenal removal surgery, studies report median survival times of 1-4 years.
What is Cushing’s Disease?
Cushing’s disease is the common name for hyperadrenocorticism, a chronic condition in which the body produces excessive amounts of steroid hormones, also known as glucocorticoids.
In about 80-85% of cases, this occurs due to a tumor in the pituitary gland, a tiny gland at the base of your pet’s brain. This gland is responsible for signaling the adrenal glands – two small glands situated behind the kidneys – to produce the steroid hormone cortisol. When a tumor occurs on the pituitary gland, this signal can be sent out too often, leading to an overstimulation of the adrenal glands and an overproduction of cortisol, resulting in Cushing’s disease. This is known as pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism Less(PDH).commonly, a tumor can occur on one or both adrenal glands and can produce excess cortisol on its own. This occurs in about 10-15% of Cushing’s disease cases and is known as adrenaldependent hyperadrenocorticism (ADH).
How is Cushing’s Disease Diagnosed?
Your veterinarian may suspect Cushing’s disease based on your pet’s history, symptoms, and physical examination findings. In addition to a full head-to-tail physical examination, your veterinarian will likely recommend some additional diagnostic testing to evaluate your pet for Cushing’s disease. Unfortunately, there is no single diagnostic test for Cushing’s disease, so we must gather data from multiple tests in order to accurately diagnose this condition. Your veterinarian will likely recommend blood work and a urinalysis to further assess your pet’s health. Your vet may also recommend an ultrasound to evaluate your pet’s liver and adrenal glands, which can aid in the diagnosis of adrenal-dependent Cushing’s disease.
The symptoms of Cushing’s disease are related to the chronic excess steroid hormone in the body, and include signs such as: urination a disorder in which calcium salts are deposited into the skin, causing firm, irregular plaques on or under the skin.
In some cases, Cushing’s disease can be caused by exogenous steroids – those coming from outside the body. This can occur due to administration of steroid medications either orally or topically. This is called iatrogenic Cushing’s disease, and is typically resolved by reducing or gradually discontinuing the use of steroids.
u Excessive panting u Increased appetite u Lethargy u Hair loss u Muscle weakness u Thin skin u Comedones u Urinary incontinence u Recurrent skin or urinary tract infections u Poor hair regrowth u Calcinosis cutis –

19Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022 Linda Nigma • Mt Diablo Insurance 3557 Mt Diablo Blvd, Lafayette, CA 94549 925-357-7954 Las Vegas Office 702-498-8595 COVERAGE INCLUDING: ✓ Pet Groomers Professional Liability (covers pets while they are being groomed) ✓ Animal services and Animal Bailee (covers pets while they are in your care, custody, and control) ✓ General Liability ✓ Business Income ✓ Business Personal Property ✓ Commercial Auto including the conversion costs ► Pet Groomers ► Animals Rescue Groups and Association ► Mobile Pet Groomers ► Pet Supply Stores ► Kennels ► Day Care ► Pet Sitting ► Pet Walkers Don’t be caught not having the correct coverage; it can be ACCIDENTSOOPs!!costly!HAPPEN! License Number: CA-0F27222NV-3523074 Specializing in providing insurance coverage for the Pet Industry including: Compassionate Pet Cremation, LLC You Love Them – We Care! Personal, Professional & Confidential 401 Mark Leany Dr., Henderson, NV 89011 • (702) 565-5617 Email: www.CompassionatePetCremation.comAPetCremation@aol.com MEMBER IAOPCC • Walk In, or Pick Up at Home or Vet with our Hearse • Individual Cremation with ID Tags • Memorial Urn and More • Servicing Entire Las Vegas Valley & Boulder City 555-5555LOSTPET If you have lost your pet, place a yard sign in front of your house, with a photo of your missing pet and your phone number. People who find a pet often will walk or drive around the area, trying to find the pet’s owner.

Let’s start with a few examples. Stay! Come! Simple enough, but these short commands are necessary. In a perfect world, dogs are leashed and the leash never comes off. In reality, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes the collar might not be as snug as we had thought, or the leash snaps in half. We lose all control the moment the dogs are out of our grasp. That’s when it becomes imperative to issue commands...and have them obey! By ensuring that your dog knows stay and come, you can enforce either one – depending on which better suits the situation – and remove them from danger. For example, suppose you are walking your dog and they notice a rabbit. As your dog begins to chase the rabbit, the leash breaks and at the same time, a car is approaching. If your dog knows and listens to the “come” or “stay” command, you have a fighting chance to save your dog from the oncoming car. Another command which can save both them and/ or another dog, child, adult is “Leave it!” and “Drop it!” In our household, we always have more than one dog. While we are careful not to drop food, sometimes it happens. The command we teach and enforce is “leave it!” which basically tells our dogs “do not touch it” or “drop it” which tells them to drop what they just picked up. It’s also helpful when taking dogs on hikes where they might find a piece of candy, chicken bone, pill, etc. out in the wilderness. The command is a great way to safeguard your pet from getting into something that can be potentially hazardous to their health. In addition, this command can be the one that saves two dogs from getting into a scuffle over a piece of fallen food or a toy. Or, if a child is present and drops their snacks, if the dog knows “leave it!” they will leave the item (and the child’s hands) alone until you can secure the Anothersituation.necessary command is “Off”. It is sometimes overlooked, but definitely important. While it might only be a nuisance if a dog jumps on a person, it can be harmful to an elderly person or a young child if a big dog jumps and/or knocks them over. In addition, if your dog happens to be a counter surfer, issuing the command “off!” will not only keep them off of the counter, but away from a scorching hot stove!
These are definitely fun commands, however, dogs should know important commands as well. These are the ones that can be the difference between life and death.
By Elizabeth Parker
Elizabeth Parker – Author of Finally Home, Final Journey, My Dog Does That!, Bark Out Loud!, Paw Prints in the Sand, Paw Prints in the Sand: Mission Accomplished, Unwanted Dreams, Phobia, Evil’s Door and Faces of Deception. Available on Amazon.com!
20 Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022
Just a helpful note…
When training your dog, it’s important to practice distraction training. Many dogs demonstrate that they understand commands while in their own home without distractions. The real issues arise when they are loose and/or there really is a rabbit running directly in front of them. They need to hear your voice above all else, so teaching them their commands WITH distractions (in a safe environment) will help later on when these safety commands do become a necessity.
High Five! Shake Hands! Play Dead!

Vegas Valley Dog Obedience Club (Approved By The American Kennel Club) Training For All Breeds & Mixed Breeds Anon-profitorganization Visit Our Website www.VVDOC.org or Call 702-368-0656 CLUBINFOUNDED1964 We Obedienceoffer:TrainingPuppythroughAdvancedLevelsThefunofyoulearninghowtotrainyourdogandtheclosebondthiswillcreate! OBEDIENCE AND RALLY CLASSES: Three sessions per year – 6 week classes January – April – September SeptemberREGISTRATION:1st at 7:00 pm PROOF OF SHOTS REQUIRED! Please do not bring dogs to registration. WHERE: Cynthia Cunningham Elementary School – 4145 Jimmy Durante Blvd. CLASS PRICE: $100 per dog (cash or check only) (subject to change) H Ask about Senior & Military Price CLASS SeptemberDATES/TIME:15thtoOctober 20th First Class at 7:00 to 8:30 pm All following classes are from 7:30 to 8:30 pm CLASS LOCATION: Dog Fancier’s Park - Area 2 (Behind Horseman’s Park) 5800 E. Flamingo Rd. Monthly Meetings: The first Tuesday of the month 7 PM. (Please do not bring dogs to meeting) 1600 E Desert Inn Rd. Room 240 $10 OFF Our 6-Week FALL 2022 Training Session! Bring this ad to registration and receive *Coupon applies to full price registration only. Cannot be combined with other offers. 21Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022 CBD Source 702-731-2663 • CBDSource702@gmail.com CBD Products for Your Pets DOG & CAT CBD ChewOilsTreats with CBD CBD Shampoo’s 4109 W. Sahara Avenue • Las Vegas, NV 89102 TRUE HAS PAWS

euphoric high in cats. It is worth pointing
9691 Trailwood Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89134 www.TrailwoodCatHospital.com Trailwood Cat Housecall Services CALL NOW: (702) 637-0475 Where Every Cat Is Special To Us! 23Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022
all felines are responsive to catnip,
Is Catnip Safe for Cats?
minutes. HOW TO TELL IF YOUR CAT IS EXPOSED TO CATNIP Some cats completely change their behavior when they sniff catnip. If you notice the following behavior in your cat, it’s probably high: • Rolling around • Running raps around the house • Chasing after random things • Climbing stuff for no reason • Staring • Lying around
IS CATNIP Catnip is herb that goes by the botanical name Nepeta cataria. It contains an essential oil called nepetalactone that
all cats
WHAT can cause a out not will completely change not an estimated 80% of from 5 to 20
have the same reaction with catnip. Some will
Dr. Anna Daffara, DVM is a feline veterinarian at Summerlin Cat Hospital with an unrelenting passion and curiosity for feline www.SummerlinCatHospital.comcare.
their behavior for a while and run laps around the house while others will just sit and drool all over the place. WHY DO SOME CATS BEHAVE OUT OF CHARACTER WHEN EXPOSED TO CATNIP? As mentioned earlier, catnip contains nepetalactone. Although
cats do feel a euphoric high that lasts anywhere
SO IS CATNIP SAFE FOR CATS? Catnip is completely safe for your cat. It is natural and nonWithaddictive.that said, exposure to catnip will stimulate their brains into behaving differently. Excessive exposure to catnip may cause diarrhea and your cat will leave behind a mess for you to clean up. To wrap up, catnip can be beneficial to your cat if utilized properly. In fact, catnip-infused products can make their life more fulfilling and give them a positive experience.
By Dr. Anna Daffara, DVM

A turtle shell has 50 bones. True or False? All turtles are herbivores. True or False? Turtles can see the color green better than humans can. True or False? The largest turtle in the world is the leatherback turtle. True or False? Turtles are amniotes True or False? Turtles take care of their babies for 3 weeks after they hatch True or False? The smallest turtle in the world is the box turtle. True or False? A turtle’s outer shell is made of a thin layer of keratin. True or False?
24 Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022 Take this fun quiz to see if you can guess whether these random facts are true or not. Answers on Page 49 Turtle Facts! Calling All Turtle Lovers! 1)

www.lvaec.net We’re Here When Your Pet Needs Us Most. Call Us! Veterinary Dental Specialists and Eye Care for Animals are now working out of our facility! 25Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022

In addition to this ‘be a statue’ technique, it’s valuable to reward your dog when he is NOT pulling. Randomly when he is not pulling tell him he is a good boy and offer him a treat.
There are some nice tools available to help with pulling on the leash. One such tool is the front clasping harness (there are many different brands). With the front clasping harnesses, the leash clips to the ring on the chest of the dog. This causes the pressure of the leash when the dog pulls to turn his whole chest side-ways, making pulling more difficult. Even if you choose to use a tool that helps with pulling, you should still work on the training described above. Walking your dog is one of the most enriching things you can do for him. It’s not only physical exercise (for both of you), it’s also very mentally stimulating for the dog especially if you let him do some sniffing during the walk. A dog’s most keen sense is his sense of smell and allowing your dog to sniff things on a walk is like you reading the newspaper each morning. It’s their way of finding out what’s happening in their world. So if you are not currently walking your dog because he pulls too much and its annoying - try the above suggestions so that you both can have a great time strolling down the street on a lovely evening.
To resolve this annoying behavior your dog needs to learn that pulling (tension in the leash) stops all forward movement, and not until he slackens the leash will the movement continue. So your job is to stop as soon as you feel the tension in the leash and stand like a statue. Don’t say anything, don’t jerk the leash back - just stand there. Once the dog slackens the leash (and he will most likely do so because you have stopped moving and he wonders why) start walking again. Repeat this over and over and soon your dog will learn that pulling doesn’t pay.
28 Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022
By Kelley Bollen, MS, CABC Certified Animal Behavior Consultant, Principal Consultant – Kelley Bollen Consulting, LLC
The most common problematic behavior that dog owners ask for advice on is pulling on the leash. When your dog pulls on his leash, the walk becomes unpleasant and this leads to less and less walks. This is sad for the dog and for you as a nice walk is enriching exercise you Believeboth.itor not, your dog can’t help but to pull on the leash. That’s because dogs have what we call “opposition reflex”, which means that they pull against pressure. When there is pressure on the front of their neck as they walk they actually pull against it. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to us because we think they should learn not to pull due to the simple fact that they are choking themselves when they do. But they never do seem to learn that and they just keep pulling.

Limitations apply. See geico.com for more details. GEICO & affiliates. Washington, DC 20076 © 2020 GEICO 3315702-643-0057WestCraig Road North Las ¡Hablamosgeico.com/north-las-vegasVegasEspañol! 29Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022

CHANGE » Life is continually changing. Our areas of interests change as our lives change Looking back, I realize how many topics we covered. I read all the articles and found them interesting and informative. Recently though I realized that since adopting a cute little dog, my interest level has changed. It’s been a long time since I had a dog and though she’s a sweetheart she has some issues. I’m rereading the articles on training dogs to help me to be a better pet mom to her. She’s come a long way, well actually, I’ve come a long way! [Side note: all of our previous issues are on our website]
It is always a privilege and a joy to publish each issue but the September October issue always represents a meaningful milestone for us. This year represents our 11th year of publication. We always pause and acknowledge this milestone. It’s a time to take a deep breath, review and reflect and then move on. These reflective pauses are important. Looking back is always nostalgic; we’ve covered a lot of issues and topics. When we reflect on the past eleven years two words come to mind – time and change. Carl R. Rogers said What is most personal is most universal and often our personal thoughts, feelings and experiences reflect the feelings and experiences of other people. I’m going to share a few of my personal feelings and experiences about time and change.
TIME » We often hear the expression how time flies. The phrase probably comes from literary references: Shakespeare“the swiftest hours, as they flew,” and Alexander Pope, “swift fly the years.” Eleven years is a long time and yet they’ve flown by swiftly. Recently I read a Facebook post by Richard Paul Evans, author of The Christmas Box, and he asked “where does the time go? This is what is means to be a father, to know that one day I would turn around and my little girl would be gone. She’s grown up and I miss her”. I relate to his reflections as a mother, grandmother and also as a pet parent. October 1, 2014 was Gotcha Day for my cat Rowdy. He was a cute kitten, rambunctious and lived up to his name. He batted and chased balls around the house in true soccer ball style. He was curious and always getting into mischief. Turn around and the kitten is gone. He’ll be 50 in human years in October. Getting him to play is a challenge. I love the adult cat who loves to cuddle but I miss the playful kitten. Yes, swift fly the years – take time now to cherish and enjoy your pets.
Time flies and life changes quickly!
Celebrating the pets of Las Vegas and the people who love them!
Pet people have a unique relationship with time; they are keenly aware that a sad fact of life with pets is that they age at a very rapid pace. Agnes Sligh Turnbull aptly summed it up: “Dogs’ lives are too short, their only fault, really”. In spite of this sad and painful reality people continue to fall in love with pets. They open their hearts and homes to them and fully embrace them as family. The brevity of their lives makes their love and companionship even more precious. We celebrate the pet people of Las Vegas; we look forward to hearing from you – we love your pet photos and stories. We love you!
Time flies and life changes quickly!
31Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022

32 Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022
An extremely popular feature in each issue, our Pets of Las Vegas section has featured over 2,500 PETS since our premier issue in 2011. In addition, we create a photo album on our Facebook Page for our Facebook friends to enjoy! PETS!!
On this month’s chosen Theme. Makes a Good Pet Parent.” Let’s start with my parents Tony and Sandy Pipes They chose me for their very own Over dogs of many types! They feed me twice a day It’s always really good food, This keeps me slim and healthy And contributes to my good mood! They know the kind of toys I like And keep me well supplied, These are the most appreciated When I’m told to stay inside! each & every evening We take a nice long walk, We plan this time specifically To laugh, sing, and talk! The most important gift I’ve saved to the last, They give me so much love A very easy task!
PETS Las Vegas
Fido says, “Sit, Stay!”works when humans say it!) My friends all call me Fido It’s a common doggie name, But after you read my poems see I’m not the same! truly gifted staff At the Vegas Pet Magazine, Have asked for my opinion

One photo per family please!PETS Show Off Your Pet! Email: info@lvpetscene.com By submitting a photo, you are giving Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine permission to use the photo in our magazine, emails, and social media/facebook. Las Vegas COCO SHENELL SIMON JACK LIL ROO JAZZY NUIT BUDDY WINNIE LIZZY, SISSY & TURBOKHALEESISIR BENTLEYSNOWIE KODAGIZMOJUICEPENNY JAZMINE RUGER MR. WRUGGIES 33Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022


One photo per family please!PETS Show Off Your Pet! Email: info@lvpetscene.com By submitting a photo, you are giving Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine permission to use the photo in our magazine, emails, and social media/facebook. Las Vegas TANK HEIDI YUKI GIDGET ROSIE MILO KEIJI CHICAMINTAKAMINNIE & MARLEYJACK & JILLBOOTS DOLCE & VITACHEVELOUIEMAXX DON GRIGIO & LUNA BELLA 35Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022
NO SWEETS. Your dog or cat may beg for some Halloween candy but remember that chocolate is harmful in any amount. Be careful about diet candies - the ingredient Xylitol is in many sugar-free treats and is a serious danger for pets. Another popular Halloween treat to avoid for pets is raisins.
COSTUMES ARE OPTIONAL - If your dog or cat doesn’t want to wear a costume, don’t force the issue. A costume should never confine, constrain or aggravate your pet. Watch for loose parts and chewing hazards.
CANDY WRAPPERS , such as tin foil and plastic, can get stuck in your pet’s digestive track and make them ill.
HALLOWEEN Pet Safety Tips
KEEP YOUR PETS INDOORS ON HALLOWEEN NIGHT. Animals are at risk for cruel treatment by Halloween pranksters. Spooked pets can get lost. Microchip and tag them in case they get out.
BE CAREFUL OF GLOW STICKS. Great for child safety but they pose hazards for pets. They contain DBP, a chemical though considered low in toxicity some studies have shown that it causes problems and organ damage in younger pets. The inner glass vial and plastic casing create other complications such as choking.
BE CAREFUL ABOUT CANDLES AND LIGHTED JACK-O LANTERNS. They can easily be knocked over by a swinging dog’s tail or by a curious cat.

Treats should be plentiful (though monitored) throughout the course of the party. Make sure they are accessible to humans, but not to the pups. This will limit the chances of doggos getting sick or becoming aggressive. If you want to go all out, bake or order a dog-safe cake for your guests to enjoy. Place plenty of water stations throughout the party and freshen them up every so often to avoid them becoming slobber receptacles.
By Sheryl Green
Sheryl Green is an author, writing coach, and passionate animal advocate. Find her at www.unleashedcommunications.com
Also, don’t forget the activities that your pets will love. Consider a Scavenger Hunt where delicious treats are hidden throughout the party to be discovered, or try Bobbing for Bones. All you need is a kiddie pool and a bunch of tennis balls or Kongs stuffed with peanut butter or cheese. Let dogs poke around to find their favorite surprise.
Host a Halloween Pawty for your pups!
While dressing up their pups and watching them play is plenty of entertainment for your human guests, you’ll still need to feed them. Keep things simple with Halloween-inspired appetizers or ask everyone to bring a dish to share.
Happy Halloween!
Dogs are often unpredictable so a controlled location like your home or backyard is ideal. Make sure that entrances are secured and anything you don’t want to be chewed up, peed on, or stolen and buried is out of paw’s reach. When it comes to décor, the higher, the better. Hang decorations from the ceiling or attach them to the walls whenever possible. Anything low and loose may become a snack or a choking hazard. Pumpkins are a fun option but stay away from lit Jack O’ Lanterns. Fire + happy dog tails = Danger.
Just like us humans, dogs have their own personalities and their own preferences regarding the company they keep. Make sure that all furry guests are dog-friendly, well-behaved, up-to-date on their vaccines, and fixed. You don’t want your party to turn into ground zero for unwanted litters. Now that, would be scary!
38 Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022
Three words… doggy costume contest. The humans will love it. The dogs will tolerate it. Encourage guests to select dogsafe costumes (no loose pieces, nothing that limits movement, vision, or hearing ability) and respect if their pet chooses not to be dressed up (Sometimes, “woof” means “no”). Have a set time for costumes so pets don’t have to wear them throughout the entire party.
Throwing a Halloween Pawty for your dog can be a wonderful way to gather friends (both four-legged and two) together to celebrate. Take precautions to keep everyone safe and you’ll be sure to create
Halloween can be a fun holiday for humans of every age… but have you ever considered focusing on your furry friends during the spookiest day of the year? A well-planned Halloween Dog Pawty can be a festive occasion for your pup and all their four-legged friends (tripods are always welcome!). As with any dog-friendly activity, you’ll want to focus on creating a safe experience for all the guests. Here’s how to throw the must-attend dog event of 2022.
There are a number of local pet bakeries in Las Vegas offering wicked-good treats for your favorite fur kids. Shop local and find healthy options for your little Franken-pups. You can ask for prepackaged treat bags or find festive yet inexpensive goody bags at your nearest dollar store.

FOSTERS NEEDED Phone: 702-272-0010 Email: forecloseduponpets@hotmail.com SO REWARDING! Allowing the pets to socialize, live in a home setting, adjust to change in a calm environment. # OUR RESCUE DOESN’T HAVE A PHYSICAL LOCATION, WE RELY ON FOSTER HOMES TO CARE FOR OUR PETS UNTIL THEY FIND THEIR FOREVER HOMES. More Fosters = More Pets Finding Happily Ever After https://forecloseduponpets.org/foster/ 39Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022

SPINNING AROUND IN THEIR BED – Dogs will often spin around in their bed several times before ultimately lying down. Why? This behavior has been passed down from their wolf ancestors that would make a bed in the grass or dirt. Spinning around several times would ensure that there were no snakes or bugs in their spot and would also smash down the grass and soften up the dirt. In warm temperatures, it would also help them get down into the cooler soil.
FACE RUBBING – Have you noticed that your cat seems to rub its face against virtually everything in the house, including you? This behavior is called “bunting”. Cats have pheromone (scent) glands on either side of their face, primarily around their whiskers. By rubbing against the objects and people in their home, they are staking a claim on thier space. Leaving their scent on these items lets other cats know that this territory has been claimed and it’s MINE.
THE SLOW BLINK – Does your cat ever look at you and give you a long, slow blink? If so, that’s a great sign! Cats use this blink as a way to communicate to other cats that they feel comfortable and at ease with their presence. In cat language, it means everything is GOOD! When your cat gives you the slow blink, he’s telling you essentially the same thing. Some believe that slow blinking at humans is a sign of affection and love. It is often referred to as a “Kitty Kiss”.
40 Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022
“Why Do They Do That?”
THE HEAD TILT – In addition to looking absolutely ADORABLE, the head tilt also serves a purpose. By tilting their head in different positions, it allows a dog to pick up sounds coming from different directions and helps them locate audio cues that may help them identify a sound. Some experts also suggest that tilting their head helps get their muzzle out of the way for a better view of our facial expressions and body language.
KICKING UP GRASS AND DIRT AFTER POOPING – Does your dog exuberantly kick up grass and dirt around his freshly made poop? This is perfectly normal behavior for both male and female dogs that also stems from their wolf ancestry. Dogs have scent glands under their paws and between their toes. When they scrape their paws on the ground, it stimulates these glands, leaving even more of their scent around their favorite pooping spot. The scent secreted from these glands actually lasts much longer than the scent of the feces itself. It is another way for your dog to mark their territory and claim it as their own.
Although we know the reasons behind some pet behaviors, there are still many that we don’t. In the end, only our furry friends truly know why they do what they do.
TOYS IN THE WATER BOWL – Do you ever find your Kitty’s toys sitting in the bottom of their water bowl? Believe it or not, your cat is hiding their precious toys in a place they consider to be safe. Although they may not be hidden very well, your cat is leaving them there because they sees his water bowl as being a secure part of their territory; they’re safe there until they are ready to play with them again. As an added bonus, their toys will undoubtedly come out a little cleaner!
Our pets are a constant source of entertainment. Their comical behaviors make us laugh and often make us wonder, “Why do they DO that”? While some behaviors are unique quirks of an individual pet, many “somewhat strange” things they do serve an actual purpose. Here are a few explanations of pet behaviors that many people find puzzling:

9691www.TrailwoodCatHospital.comTrailwoodDrive,LasVegas,NV89134 (North of Summerlin Pkwy, just west of Town Center Dr. on Trailwood Dr.) Monday-Friday 8am-6pm, Saturday 8am-4pm, Closed Sunday Call Now (702) 723-9931 Where Every Cat Is Special To Us! Dr. Anna Daffara SummerlinFormerlyCatHospital

EntEr thE ContEst! E-mail your answers and you will be entered to win! Contest@LVPetScene.com (Please include name and a phone number so we can contact you if you won.) 2 LUCKY KIDS will WIN A FUN EVENT AT ThE LAS VEGAS MINI GRAND PRIX! pizzA, driNks, gAmE TokENs & ridE TickETs For 5 GUESTS ($145 value) Delicious Pizza!! 1401 N. Rainbow Blvd - Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 259-7000 - www.lvmgp.com TheBestBirthdayPartyPlaceInTown! The Kids Scene 1. Why does a dog tilt his head? 2. Name one Halloween pet safety tip. Submit by 10-31-22. (Hint: Answers in this issue!) Answer Key on Page 49 • Brushing • Neutering • Cuddles • Playtime • Exercise • Toys • Love • Training • Microchip • Treats • Bonus Word: Pet Scene SHOW ME Love!that Can you find the names of these things that will help your pet stay safe, happy and healthy? The words may be in any direction: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forwards or backwards. 42 Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022

C.A. Ritz ~ Author & Illustrator cynthialeopoldritsko.com
D. Never bring more than 3 dogs to a dog park.
B. Ask permission before approaching anyone else’s pet. C. Clean up your animal’s poop.
Did you know there are parks made especially for dogs with specific laws? In these specially designed places, your pet can play and get needed exercise. But, there are safety laws which you must observe. For example, park hours are between 6 AM and 11 PM. During these times you and your pet enter at your own risk, and you must have your dog leashed, have proof of immunization, and a license. You’re responsible for your dog’s behavior and any injuries your pet causes. Of course, cleaning-up after your pet also means refilling holes left from digging.
43Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022
Quiz Question 1: WHAT DO YOU DO?
There are polite habits in a park, like not littering and cleaning up after your own dog, but one basic rule of etiquette often ignored concerns petting animals without permission. You wouldn’t go up to a mom and pull her infant from a stroller. That would be rude and too close to kidnapping. Yet, children and adults reach out to unfamiliar pets without asking. Sometimes a child can be overheard saying, “Can I pet his dog?” or “Can I hold her cat?” Imagine a cat wondering why its personal space was being violated. The short answer is please don’t pet animals without permission.
A. Respect the personal space of animals, pets and wildlife.
D. None of the above! (HINT: PICK THIS ONE.)
Aside from the issue of respect, there is also safety. Even if you ask and get permission, be aware an animal can become frightened or nip if you move too quickly and appear threatening. Approach, if you must, carefully. Be wise, stay safe, and have a lovely walk in the park.
E. ALL OF THE ABOVE the By C. A. Ritz
Summer has sizzled away. Autumn’s temperatures now allow for park visits. Once there, you may see wildlife, stray animals, and pets on leashes. You may pass a dachshund digging, a bloodhound sniffing, or another pet herding her family. There are those lovable animals looking at you. You know, the turtles on the pond’s edge, hungry geese honking at you, and the one that’s hardest to resist… someone else’s dog!
A. Stare at the pet while running up to it and waving arms frantically.
To be clear, if your dog is unleashed outside dog park area, the fine is $250.00! Public safety is taken seriously.
If you picked E, you’re correct. Although you may not have known it before, up to 3 dogs at a time are allowed. So, now you know.
B. Stop, stare, then plead with the owner to touch their pet. C. Give part of your popsicle to a leashed dog while the owner isn’t looking.

SheltersRescues,Assistance,Animal 44 Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022

Raindrop is so sweet. She gets along well with other dogs and cats. She is pretty chill, but when she knows it is feeding time, she is all up ready to be the first to eat. She walks great on a leash. She is very social to humans and loves being held and cuddled. Y Hearts Alive info@heartsalivevillage.orgVillagewww.heartsalivevillage.org
Heaven Can Wait Animal Society Complete an adoption application at: www.heavencanwaitlv.org Meet Abigail, a 1.5 year old herandfamilySheawithallsheuptakesAbigailShepherd/HeelerAustralianmix.isashypupthatawhiletowarmtopeople,butoncegainsyourtrustit’sover.Shegetsalongalldogs,butisnotfanofcatsorkids.islookingforathathasthetimepatiencetobuildconfidence.
This is kitty Gray, approx.. 3-1/2 years old. He was recently returned from a very loving foster furrever home after his mom went into assisted living. He is a rare breed called an American Curl, however, he did not get the curly ears. He is very docile. He does not understand why he’s back, but he is the sweetest kid. We wouldn’t mind doing another foster forever for him. Y Gray Foreclosed Upon Pets Inc. Call 702-272-0010 to make an https://forecloseduponpets.orgappointment.
Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions
Pepper is a 10 year old kitty looking for some love. She loves people but would prefer to be your only feline companion! Want to meet this today!applicationangirl?adorableCompleteadoption
45Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022
Southern Nevada Beagle Rescue Foundation
702-463-9996 • info@homewardboundcats.org www.homewardboundcats.org/adopt
Local Equine Assistance Network For more
I am a young, outgoing adventure cat, always up for a good time. I will want all the attention until I decide I’ve had enough, and then I’m ready to cuddle. Looking for a sassypants cat to run your home? I’m your gal! Y Adoption Center open 12 noon – 6pm daily. 2675 E. Flamingo Rd #3 Picasso A Path 4 Paws, 232 N. Jones, Suite 170 Sat & Sun 10-4pm www.apath4paws.org 702-591-6469 | dogrescuelv@hotmail.com
Tonihttps://www.leanhorses.org/horse/toni/info: the pony: sweet as can be and loves to be groomed by little girls, Toni seeks her forever home. Nothin’ But Love Cat & Kitten
Contact: www.southernnevadabeaglerescue.com702-493-9779
Y AbigailRaindrop
Am I not just the cutest little girl ever? I am a 4 year old ShepherdHusky/mix.I am spayed, vaccinated and microchipped. My human family became sick and could no longer care for me. I was very much loved and always will be. I need a forever home. Y Petunia Buddy and Scooter are BEST BUDS! Buddy is an 11 year old Jack Russell mix. Scooter is a 10 year old Poodle mix. They are great around other dogs, cats and kids. Double the kisses and snuggles! We are both playful and enjoying life! Y Las Vegas Valley Humane Society info@lvvhumane.org |
Foster Sponsor Volunteer Donate Educate
Sgt. Grumbles is a 6 yr old male Lab/ Dane mix weighing 96 lbs. He is very social & is good with most dogs. He loves stuffed animals and playing in a kiddie pool. He is a strong puller so a secure yard will make it easier to exercise him. Adoption event on every Saturday and Sunday from 10-4pm! Y Sgt. Grumbles
Everyone can do something, large or small, to help save a life.

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 LAS VEGAS BIRD CLUB BINGO FUNDRAISER 12pm–3pm. Bingo starts at 1pm. Must be 21 to play. 100 seat capacity, 1st come 1st serve. $10/$20 bingo packs. Prizes will be gift baskets valued at $25 or more! Raffles prizes, Eldoradowww.facebook.com/Las-Vegas-Avicultural-Society-100246738317601too!Estates•4525W.TwainAve.
Please confirm event details with the appropriate venue as dates, times and locations may change without notice.
VEGAS VALLEY DOG OBEDIENCE CLUB’S FALL CLASSES 7pm Register today for VVDOC’s spring classes that will start on September 15 at Dog Fancier’s Park. www.VVDOC.org Cynthia Cunningham Elementary School • 4145 Jimmy Duarante Blvd.
The Space – 3460 Cavaretta Court
Gold Coast Center 4000 W. Flamingo
Run, walk and fundraise for Candlelighters Childhood Cancer
Dogs can register and be a superhero, too! SIGN UP TODAY! https://secure.qgiv.com/event/2su5/ Exploration Park
Mountain’s Edge –
14TH ANNUAL FUPI FUNDRAISER – AN EVENING OF JOY 5:30pm–8pm. Celebrating 14 years! Join Foreclosed Upon Pets for dinner, drinks, raffle & silent auction. $40 per ticket. For more information, contact Sandy Marsh at 702-279-2544. The Center • 401 S. Maryland Parkway
merchandise and more! Tickets at: www. southernnevadabeaglerescue.com Beagletopia • 285 Irvin Avenue SATURDAY,
24 PAWNANZA DOG POP-UP EVENT 10am–3pm. Celebrating Deaf Dog Awareness Week; Adopt-A-LessAdoptable-Pet Week; and National Dog Week. Activities will include a pet adoption, dog fashion show, trick contest, raffle prizes, DJ and more! Bring your dog and shop local pet vendors. Downtown Art District • 1025 S. 1st Street Pawlidays! SEPTEMBER » September 11 National Hug Your Hound Day » September 17 Puppy Mill Awareness Day » September 19-25 Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable Pet Week » September 22 Remember Me Thursday Happy, Healthy Cat Month Responsible Dog Ownership Month National Preparedness Month Animal Pain Awareness Month National Service Dog Month 46 Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022
Visit our website for event flyers, more events, updates and information: www.LVPetScene.com www.facebook.com/lasvegaspetscene
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 PINS FOR PAWS BOWLING FUNDRAISER 6pm–9pm. Great for all ages! Enjoy an evening of bowling fun while supporting animal rescues! Participants can look forward to bowling contests, goody at: www.pawpartnersunleashed.org
24 DOGGIE PADDLE & PLAY DAY 8am–2:45pm. Bring your favorite furry friend to the pool for a swim in the pool, which has graduated entry so dogs can walk in and out as they please. www.cityofhenderson.com Black Mountain Aquatic Complex – 599 Greenway Rd., Henderson SATURDAY,
PET Eventsupcoming
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 VVDOC – MONTHLY MEETING 7pm–8pm. Vegas Valley Dog Obedience Club invites the public to attend their monthly meeting. Upcoming guest speakers and topics to be announced. For more info, visit: www.VVDOC.org VVDOC Meeting Location • 1600 E. Desert Inn Rd., 2nd Floor #240 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 VPRP ~ BARK FOR BREWS 4 6pm–9pm. Come out and enjoy an evening of live music, adoptables, good food, raffle prizes and beer! The entry is only $20 and that incudes their annual bark4brews pint glass with 1 drink ticket and 1 raffle ticket. 18binwww.vegaspetrescueproject.com•107E.CharlestonBlvd.#150
bags, silent auction, great prizes, and more. Purchase tickets
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 SUPERHERO 5K 8am–4pm. Foundation. at 9600 S. Buffalo Drive
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 PAWSTA FOR PUPS! 5pm–8pm. Join the Southern Nevada Beagle Rescue for a fun filled Spaghetti dinner (regular & vegan options). Beverages and wine bar available. Raffles, SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER
HOPE CELEBRATION 2022 7pm–9:30pm. Join Michael Angel Paws for a night of laughter by Mr. Dirty, Gabe Lopez. The merriment will include adult beverages, food trucks, a silent auction, and much more! Purchase tickets at: www. michaelsangelpaws.org

PET Eventsupcoming
MONDAY, OCTOBER 10 PINS FOR PAWS BOWLING FUNDRAISER 6pm–9pm. Great for all ages! Enjoy an evening of bowling fun while supporting animal rescues! Participants can look forward to bowling contests, goody bags, silent auction, great prizes, and more. Purchase tickets at: www.pawpartnersunleashed.org Gold Coast Bowling Center • 4000 W. Flamingo Rd.
Register at: https://lvmpdfoundation.org/howl-o-ween/ Dollar Loan Center • 200 S. Green Valley Parkway, Henderson
Please confirm event details with the appropriate venue as dates, times and locations may change without notice.
Dog costume contest, bobbing for hot dogs, kissing booth, bootique dog treat bar, selfie photo station, raffles prizes plus so much more! Dog friendly, vetted dogs are welcome. Private park experience. Tickets $10 in advance ($15 at door) www. southernnevadabeaglerescue.com Beagletopia • 285 Irvin Avenue SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 2ND ANNUAL NEON DOG WALK 3pm–7pm. Enjoy a fun, family-friendly night of music, food, entertainment and more! Deck yourself and your dog out in glow-in-the dark swag and light the trail! Register to attend at: www.nevadaspca.org/events Sunset Park’s Dunes Loop – 2601 E Sunset Road Pawlidays! OCTOBER » October 1 Black Dog Day » October 1-7 Walk Your Dog Week » October 12 Pet Obesity Awareness Day » October 16 National Feral Cat Day » October 24 National Pil Bull Awareness Day » October 27 Black Cat Day Adopt A Dog Month Animal Safety & Protection Month National Pet Wellness Month Wishing Everyone a Fun Time! 47Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022
Visit our website for event flyers, more events, updates and information: www.LVPetScene.com www.facebook.com/lasvegaspetscene
THE FEAST OF ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI 9am–12pm. In celebration of the Feast of St. Francis, we invite you to join us for a service with the Blessing of the Animals. We encourage you to bring your pets to the service for them to be blessed. Free pony rides , petting zoo and games for children! www.stgeorgeanglican.org St. George’s Anglican Church • 7676 W. Gilmore Avenue
booth & food trucks, kids games, auction & raffles, multi-rescue adoptions plus blood Brucewww.pawpartnersunleashed.org/events/growl-o-weendrive.TrentPark–8851W.VegasDrive
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 GROWLOWEEN 10am–4pm. Dress up your pet and join us for a day of furry fun! Pet parade & costume contest, trick-or-treating for pets/people, pet activities & demonstrations, vendor
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 PET CPR AND FIRST AID CERTIFICATION CLASS AND FUNDRAISER 10am–1am. This class is designed to teach the average person how to administer emergency CPR and first aid to an animal until veterinary care can be ascertained. Register at: https://petemergencyeducation.com Hearts Alive Village • 3281 N. Decatur Blvd. in the Red Feather Plaza, Suite 185 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9 LAS VEGAS BIRD CLUB MEETING 1pm–3pm. Join Las Vegas Bird Club for their monthly meeting with a focus on Avian education. Visitors & birds welcome. Please bring something to share on the potluck food table! Eldoradowww.facebook.com/Las-Vegas-Avicultural-Society-100246738317601Estates–4525W.TwainAve.
HOWL-O-WEEN DOG PARADE 10am–12pm. Come join in on the fun as costumed canines let their alteregos shine to strut their stuff in the annual Halloween Dog Parade costume contest to compete for recognition as Top Dog, Best Dog & Hooman Duo, and Best Pack. Proceeds benefit the LVMPD Foundation.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4 VVDOC – MONTHLY MEETING 7pm–8pm. Vegas Valley Dog Obedience Club invites the public to attend their monthly meeting. Upcoming guest speakers and topics to be announced. For more info, visit: www.VVDOC.org VVDOC Meeting Location • 1600 E. Desert Inn Rd., 2nd Floor #240

49Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2022 Available FREE at over 350 locations throughout Southern Nevada! • Albertsons • Whole Foods • Vons • Veterinarian Hospitals • Pet Hotels & Resorts • Pet Stores • Animal Shelters & Rescues • Groomers • Libraries • Restaurants • Pet Events + MORE! H SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE H If you prefer a copy to be mailed to you, rates are: $15 for 1 year (6 Issues). Send payment to: Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine, P.O. Box 31852, Las Vegas, NV 89173 or call 702-367-4997 to order with a credit card. Stay Connected to the Las Vegas Pet Scene… We follow the local pet scene to keep you informed of local pet events in our magazine, on facebook – www.facebook.com/lasvegaspetscene, and our website –www.lvpetscene.com: Calendar of Events and On-Going Pet Adoption Events. NEXT ISSUE AVAILABLE IN NOVEMBER! To ADVERTISE in our next issue, sales@lvpetscene.com702-367-4997callor Las Vegas’ Source of News & Information For Pet Lovers! “While you’re away, home is where they’ll stay!” (702)www.happytailspetsitters.com450-0400Licensed•Bonded•Insured Whether you’re planning a trip or simply just want your pet walked, fed and loved while you’re busy at work, Happy Tails is the answer! Member, Pet Sitters International 50% OFF First visit with this ad. Three visit minimum. New clients only. Not valid with other offers or specialsforKeyAnswer 42PageonFind&Seek RABBIT FACTS Answer Key From Page 10 TURTLE FACTS Answer Key From Page 24 1) False 2) True 3) False 4) True 5) False 6) True 7) True 8) True 1) True 2) False 3) False 4) True 5) True 6) False 7) False 8) True

WE YOURTHEYKNOWAREHERO… COULD…BUT THEY BE SOMEONE ELSE’S? 24 Hr Veterinary Emergency + Critical Care VETERINARY EMERGENCY AND CRITICAL CARE 8650 West Tropicana Ave, Ste. B107 Las Vegas, NV 89147 Phone: 702.262.7070 | Fax: LVABB24@gmail.comwww.vecc24.com702.262.7099 REQUIREMENTS FOR YOUR DOG TO BECOME A BLOOD DONOR The Las Vegas Animal Blood Bank supplies life-saving blood products to patients that are in need of blood transfusions both in our critical care unit and to the veterinary hospitals in our community. We need your canine’s help in order to help save lives of those in need! This is where you and your pet come in as volunteers and leave as heroes. For every one donation, up to two different lives can be saved. Your pet may be eligible to donate every 2 months, which means your pet could save as many as 12 Iives a year! 1. Between the ages of 1-6 years of age 2. Minimum body weight of 55 pounds 3. Current on vaccinations (Bordatella not required) 4. Not currently on medications with the exception of heartworm prevention. 5. No previous transfusions 6. Good temperament ADDITIONAL BENEFITS FOR YOU AND YOUR PET! In addition to the satisfaction of saving lives, there are many other benefits to your pet becoming a blood donor. • Complete physical exams at every donation • Annual lab work that is sent to your regular veterinarian • Free blood products if ever needed • 10% off ER visits with Veterinary Speciality Center FRANKIE DONOR SINCE 2019 YETI DONOR SINCE 2016 MANGO DONOR SINCE 2018