My First Santa is coming to Newcastle

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It’s Christmas Eve and Santa Claus is loading up his sleigh.

He’s heading off to Newcastle and must be on his way!

way g n lo a ’s it ta, (Hurry San th Pole to Newcastle!) or from the N

He tugs upon the reindeer reins and shouts, “It’s time to fly!”

The reindeer all start running and they race into the sky. (Come on r ein you can stildeer, make it to l Newcastle by midnight!)

He turns round to his helper elf and says, “Jump in the back!

I’ve got a special present and it’s somewhere in my sack.”

ent! s e r p l cia (A spe onder who I w for?) it’s

“Is this the one?” the elf calls out. “It’s very small and round!”

! f o Wo


“That’s for the dog,” laughs Santa Claus, “a ball to throw around!”

er ( Dogs all ov barking are r a e W d n a e Tyn tails!) ir e h t g in g g and wa



“Could this be it?” he asks again, “the box that’s big and blue?” “No, that one’s got bananas in– a present for the zoo!” ( Thos e in Kir naughty kle mo won’t y Hall Zoo nkeys Can y settle do just ou hea w r themn! ?)

Oo-oo! ! o o Oo-


“Ah yes, I think I’ve found it now. It’s orange and it’s squishy!”

“I think you’ll find that’s for the cat– that’s why it smells so fishy!”

( The cats on Town Moor are purring!)



And then the elf finds something and holds it in the air, in ( The squirrelsk Leazes Par t a are chucklingts!) Santa’s pan


And Santa bellows, “Ho, ho, ho! That’s my spare underwear!”

The elf pulls out a big red box tied with an orange bow.

“Well done!” says Santa. “That’s the one! Now, hold on, down we go!”

(Yay! Santa’sto sleigh made it!) Newcastle

The sleigh arrives in Newcastle where, quiet as a mouse,

The special gift’s delivered... can you guess where?

for Santa!) y a rr (Hu

To your house!

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