3 minute read

BFT Fourstroke 250/200/150 HK

Ny kvalitetsmotor for en ny båtopplevelse

Drivstoffgjerrige og effektive arbeidshester som er blant de letteste i sin klasse.


Med Tohatsu BFT 115, 90, 75 og 60 HK får du markedets mest effektive og drivstoffgjerrige motorer til en pris som gjør det mulig å realisere en bedre motor enn du kanskje hadde drømt om.

60 HK 75 HK 90 HK 115 HK ANTALL HK

TOCS (Tohatsu Onboard Communication System)

Tohatsu Onboard Control System

(TOCS): Støtter kommunikasjon mellom annet standard elektrisk utstyr om bord med enkel Plug&Play-teknologi. TOCS supports communication between other standard electric devices onboard by simple plug and play.


ECOmo® - Superior fuel efficiency BLAST® - System improves acceleration at low speeds Variable Valve Timing and Lift Control

Lean Burn Feedback

20 1 8 1 6 1 2 1 4 1 0 Conventional Honda 30% Air Air Fuel Fuel AIR/FUEL RATIO

Lean Burn Feedback Control

system: Automatisk justering av luft-/ drivstoffblandingen for maksimal effekt ved alle turtall – og du bruker vesentlig mindre drivstoff på marsjfart. ECOmo® improves fuel efficiency by allowing combustion to operate on a leaner air/fuel mixture. At cruising speed, this engine runs on up to 30% less fuel* than others in its class. *Based on EPA Specific Fuel Consumption Mode. *ECOmo® is a registered trademark of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. Boosted Low Speed Torque, or BLAST, improves acceleration at low speeds. A quick movement of the throttle control activates the BLAST® system, advancing the ignition curve quickly. This will greatly improve “Hole Shot”. *BLAST® is a registered trademark of Honda Motor Co., Ltd.

ECOMode for redusert forbruk ved marsjhastighet. Et rentbrennende system tillater forbrenningen å skje ved tynnere luft-/bensinblanding for overlegen drivstoffsøkonomi. Variable Valve Timing & Lift Electronic Control system provides power where and when you need it. This gives you a broader, flatter torque curve and smooth power delivery throughout the engine’s operating range. The result is a superior combination of power, torque and fuel efficiency.


BLAST® - System improves acceleration at low speeds Variable Valve Timing and Lift Control TOCS (Tohatsu Onboard Communication System) ECOmo® - Superior fuel efficiency BLAST® - System improves acceleration at low speeds Variable Valve Timing and Lift Control

Boosted Low Speed Torque, or BLAST, improves acceleration at low speeds. A quick movement of the throttle control activates the BLAST® system, advancing the ignition curve quickly. This will greatly improve “Hole Shot”.

VVT & LC-system: For bedre kraft, moment og ytelse. Systemet gir variable ventiltider, som bidrar til optimal akselerasjon og effekt ved alle turtall. Det er det beste fra to verdener: Du får uhemmet respons, men med motorkulturen og den overlegne drivstofføkonomien bare en firetakter kan tilby. Variable Valve Timing & Lift Electronic Control system provides power where and when you need it. This gives you a broader, flatter torque curve and smooth power delivery throughout the engine’s operating range. The result is a superior combination of power, torque and fuel efficiency. TOCS supports communication between other standard electric devices onboard by simple plug and play.

BLAST–teknologi (Boosted Low Speed Torque):

Motorkontrolleren overvåker tenningstidspunktet og luft-/ bensinblandingen kontinuerlig og justerer motorens respons for å gi ekstra effekt og moment ved lave turtall. Motoren får bedre respons, og det er enklere å få båten raskt opp i plan. Variable Valve Timing & Lift Electronic Control system provides power where and when you need it. This gives you a broader, flatter torque curve and smooth power delivery throughout the engine’s operating range. The result is a superior combination of power, torque and fuel efficiency. ECOmo® improves fuel efficiency by allowing combustion to operate on a leaner air/fuel mixture. At cruising speed, this engine runs on up to 30% less fuel* than others in its class. *Based on EPA Specific Fuel Consumption Mode. *ECOmo® is a registered trademark of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. Boosted Low Speed Torque, or BLAST, improves acceleration at low speeds. A quick movement of the throttle control activates the BLAST® system, advancing the ignition curve quickly. This will greatly improve “Hole Shot”. *BLAST® is a registered trademark of Honda Motor Co., Ltd.

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