3 minute read
Board Decisions
The HWFC Board of Directors approved the following decisions at the 6 pm September 1 Board Meeting:
• Member-Owners investing time on the floor or in admin from Aug. 5 until the next meeting of the Board of Directors are to receive one-and-a-half (1.5) hours for each hour of time invested.
• The Board approved, until the next meeting of the Board of Directors, Employees who are not absent due to COVID-19 related reasons may access sick time accruals without the need to supply a doctor’s note other than for compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
• Extend until the next meeting of the Board of Directors the suspension of the one-year service requirement and the requirement for a doctor’s note for those with a personal illness to use the Leave Transfer Bank Policy with the modification that FFCRA eligible Employees are not eligible for the Leave Transfer Policy.
• On-site committee meetings are suspended until the next meeting of the Board of Directors.
Submissions Policy:
We welcome articles & contributions. • Mollie Lampi is the Board Liaison to the Environment Committee.
• Committee Report Inaccuracy Procedures are to be added to the Board Manual.
• The Meat & Poultry Policy revisions to the Food & Product Manual are recommended to the Membership for a vote at the Oct. 25, 2020 Membership Meeting.
• The Religious Accommodation Policy as recommended by the Personnel Committee was approved for inclusion in the Employee Manual.
letter to the editors
To: Honest Slate Subject: “natural flavoring”
My research yielded the explanation about how that ingredient came to be approved.
Flavorings industry (chemists) convinced the FDA to accept an artificial flavor IF the chain of molecules contained the same chain or part of a chain as one present in… Let’s say a blueberry. The so called “natural flavor or other natural flavor” has never been anywhere near “a blueberry, apple, cherry, etc.”
It’s fraud!!! Don’t buy anything that says “natural,” etc., flavor!!!! —Pam Harder, Member-Owner
Editors & Contributors:
Elisa Grimm Contact honestslate@honestweight.coop • The Finance Committee 2020-2021 work plan was approved.
• The Membership Committee 2020-2021 work plan was approved.
• The Anti-Racism Committee purpose document revision submitted by the Committee was approved as amended.
• The draft notice of the Oct. 25, 2020 Membership Meeting was approved as amended for submission to the GRC, pending inclusion of final info session dates and times.
• 2021 Membership Meeting dates are: • January 31 • April 25 • May 23 • October 24
The Co-op has money waiting for a number of individuals whom we cannot locate. If you or anyone you know appears on the following list, the Finance
Department urges you to contact the
Co-op at your earliest convenience:
Gillian Eastwood Eva Foitzik Timothy J. Cowper Maria Kuhsel Oliver Holecek Stephen Dornbush Hank Adams Laurel Holden Mark Pranys Nishi Beharry Lily Ringler Joseph Gietl Kimberly Truitt Elias Saifan
SeptemBer 2O20
• Preferred maximum length is 500 words. • Material is published at the discretion of the Honest Slate team. • Only signed work is accepted. • Items are edited for length, grammar, and style.
We may consider unsolicited material but encourage individuals to submit ideas or outlines first. Letters to the Editors do not require preapproval.
Susan Andrews David Bulnes Yevette Buddeau Joyce Chicoine Stephanie Conde Erin Donahue Lynn Huntington Georgia Julius Don Kennison Carol Ostrow Janet Sorell Tyler Varese
finance@honestweight.coop. with questions, comments, or suggestions.
Statement of Purpose:
Honest Slate is a platform for HWFC Membership, Staff, Management, and Governance: promoting transparency, reporting news without bias, and sustaining community.
Honest Slate articles are for informational purposes and are not intended to diagnose or treat disease. Opinions expressed in Honest Slate do not necessarily represent the views or policies of Honest Slate or Honest Weight Food Co-op. All contents ©2020 Honest Weight Food Co-op; no material appearing in Honest Slate may be reproduced in any form without the express written consent of HWFC.