4 minute read
12 Co-opportunities:
by Yevette Buddeau, Member-Owner Coordinator (MOC) On the horizon we see the end of 2020 and in the distance between here and there we get to contemplate the substance of both the current and next years. It’s a doozie of a contemplation, right? Amongst all of the ups, downs, twists and turns, I have gratitude for the ability to be still in the contemplation. My wish for you is that gratitude may sit with you at times as we keep moving through the last few weeks of 2020.
Thanks to all who helped out with and attended the Membership Meeting on Oct. 25. It was a huge success! We are already planning for the January meeting and the Bylaws and Member-Owner Manual revisions to be proposed. Please attend one of the advertised feedback sessions to find out more and voice your feedback. Proposals are expected to be finalized for the December Board of Directors meeting, so November feedback sessions are the time to get any last feedback considered.
In October we lost one of our cashiers, Frank Tuttle. Frank’s last shifts were in September and his health declined rapidly; he passed peacefully on October 19. See his obituary here. We will miss Frank’s charm and relicontinued from page 11 opportunities for MO input. Zoom feedback sessions scheduled Sat., Nov. 14 (12–1pm) and Wed. Nov. 18 (7–8pm). Will ask Department Managers, Front End, All Staff for feedback. MC to revise and re-propose in December for January MM. •MO Manual Revisions—Anti-Harassment Policy, Trainings. Reviewed proposed revisions from January MM (previously invalidated due to ballot errors). Included proposed revisions for vote at January MM in report to Board. Is aware of Ad Hoc Committee’s footwork on Anti-Harassment Policy; prepared to revise if necessary for resubmittal to Board in December for January vote. •MO Scholarship Proposal. Discussed new MO’s inquiry. Responded encouragingly that more specifics needed before moving forward.
mEMBER-oWNER Announcements
ability on Register 10 and our condolences go out to family, friends, and loved ones during this very hard time. To announce the passing of Member-Owners, please email memberservices@honestweight.coop. Obituaries may also be posted on the Membership bulletin board at the store exit and will remain posted for 90 days.
Highlighted opportunities for time investments this month include: price checkers/shelf tag printers (StephenQ@honestweight.coop), outdoor counters/cart cleaners (DanH@honestweight.coop), and musicians with recording capabilities (Avery.hwfc@gmail.com). For complete details, see our Member-Owner Opportunities page on the website.
Don’t forget to schedule your shifts early for the 10-in-10 incentive! MOs who invest 10 hours in the store in the 10 days leading up to Thanksgiving will be entered into a drawing for one of three $50 HWFC gift cards [see p. 6]. The Co-op could use the help in the days leading up to our busiest holidays. Safety is important, so please watch for future incentives if the timing of this one is not right for you. •Requested Board include these items for vote at January MM regarding MO Manual changes: Accountability, inclusion of Anti- Harassment Policy, Trainings.
Governance Review Council (GRC)
•Accepted its own Sept. 2020 minutes. •Jim will continue to document historical records as a time investment. •Shared September Board meeting info. •Saul will share Proposed Bylaws Changes with Bylaws Panel: 461.1 •Discussed GRC coverage for Meet the Candidates sessions and vote count. •Next meeting 7pm Mon., Nov. 16 (Zoom).
Honest Arts Committee (HAC)
Planning 3 virtual shows: Renewal, Black Lives Matter, and Feast or Famine. Will invite previous artists to display their work in-store until regular exhibits are restored. Interested in joining Honest Weight Food Co-op’s Team as an Employee? Check out our Employment Page.
Get to know the details of the Co-op you own! Are there things you think Owners need clarity on? Send ideas to memberservices@honestweight.coop and we’ll put out info to promote clarity around HWFC’s structure and processes.
For example, do you know that we have senior Owners and senior non-Owners at the Co-op? Anyone aged 65 years or more is eligible as a senior at the Co-op. We offer a senior discount of 5% every day and 8% on Wednesdays for senior Owners, plus the additional discount of 5% off local program items. If you are an Owner at the Co-op aged 65 or more, you should be getting 5% (or 8% Wednesdays) off of your purchases. Please stop by the service desk or email memberservices@honestweight.coop to update your account, if necessary. No need for a new application or a new card, we just update the account with your new senior status. Our senior non-Owners do need to fill out an application to receive a discount of 2% every day or 8% Wednesdays, with no opportunity to invest time, vote, or receive the 5% additional local program discount. Good
to know! Shoppers can order turkeys from HWFC until Mon. Nov. 16. See our flyer for fresh, local, healthy options!
Bylaws Panel (BLP)
Finalized language as per Board requests regarding ENC responsibilities in Bylaws Sections 461, 420.3(a), and 420.4. Planned remote information sessions for feedback on all proposed language, scheduled Nov. 15 and 17.