outside GET THEM
By Ashley Byard, BSE, Chattahoochee
kids can benefit from more wonder in their life.” -
Jill Winger
Children are born with an abundance of curiosity and wonder. They are experiencing everything for the very first time, so even the smallest details that we, as adults, have long tuned out, light up their senses - the feeling of mud, the sound of a Carolina Wren, or the scent of tea olives on the breeze. All of these simple things spark their imaginations in big ways!
But how do we continue to cultivate that curiosity as they grow up? How can we continue to provide opportunities that ignite their senses? What if the answer is just beyond the front door?
A recent study from Sanford Health News says that, on average, American children spend less than 10 minutes a day in unstructured outdoor play compared to seven hours in front of a screen. It’s undeniable that we live in the most technologically advanced time we have ever known, and the technology is rapidly changing all the time.
Kids need to be able to navigate all the gizmos and gadgets because it’s simply a part of their lives. But unfortunately, studies show children spend
a disproportionate amount of their time on screens, rather than engaging in unstructured play outside. Though technology can provide an incredibly realistic experience, it cannot replace what nature provides.
Being outside provides people of all ages so many mental and physical health benefits.
Young children especially need the opportunity to slow down, rather than race forward to the next milestone or activity. Their bodies and minds need time to build forts and shelters, learn how to use tools safely and appropriately, play in puddles, touch plants, see and touch insects, walk on logs, balance on boulders and so much more! Doing things like this has shown to improve everything from agility to mood. Time outside doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated. Given the time and space to do so, children can create whole worlds with found objects and a few friends.
We are now enrolling for Columbus’ only outdoor, nature-based Kindergarten, Wild World Primary. Visit ChattAdventure.com to learn more and attend our open house on August 20 mentioned below.
What are you waiting for? Set down the screens and let’s get outside!
Here are some great outdoor opportunities that Chattahoochee Adventure Company is offering in the month of August. All event locations are at our 3rd Ave Community Garden, located near 1622 3rd Avenue in Columbus, except for “River Explorer.” Visit us at ChattAdventure to register online for all events or learn more about our outdoor educational programs.
August 6 • 9:30-10:30am
Mud Kitchen
Texture-based play in our Garden Mud Kitchen. Let your child get messy and learn through their senses.
August 14, 21, 28
Garden Play
After school emotional regulation as we transition back into the routine of school. Give your child an opportunity to run, play, explore, and connect in nature. Unstructured, outdoor time is a perfect way to reset before family time, dinner and bed. Teacher-moderated and child-led, this offering gives all ages a chance to safely experience re-wilding.
August 15 • 9:30-11am
River Explorer
IRL Co-op Open House
$10/child • Ages 5-15 • Location TBA
Check out our homeschool co-op, meet our families and see what we do! We’re taking it to the river for education, adventure and stewardship. Please bring swimsuit, personal floatation device (PFD), and change of clothes.
August 17 • 10am-Noon
Our City, Our Classroom Back to School
$5 per person donation to support our garden project • All ages
Wild World
Open House
Free • Ages 4-6
Meet our teacher, see our space, and ask questions. We will have stations set up for exploration and lots of open play.
August 30 • 5:30-7:30 pm
Family Open-fire Cooking Night
$15/person 3+ • All ages
DIY cooking, water play, mud kitchen, nature exploration, crafts and more. August 20 • 5:30-6:30 pm
Communal-style cooking over the open fire. Help prep, cook and enjoy a meal with new friends. Space is limited.
Adventure Co. Outdoor Learning Co-Op