1 minute read

1. In a large bowl, mix together all the dry ingredients.
2. In a small bowl, mix together all liquid ingredients except the colorant and rose petals.
3. Gradually add the liquid mixture to the dry mixture and stir until fully combined.
4. Split the mixture into 2 bowls and add pink colorant to one of the bowls. Be sure to only add a drop at at time until you reach the desired color.
5. You should now have two mixtures, one white and one pink. You can then use these mixtures as you wish. You can either take a tablespoon of each mixture and pack them on top of each other in the mold to create a marbled effect, or you can make separate white and pink bath bombs. Whatever color option you choose, make sure you pack the mixture into the molds as tightly as possible.
6. Leave the bath bombs to dry out overnight. Once set, gently tap the molds and remove the bath bombs. Be careful as the bath bombs may still be a little fragile. Courtesy of www.louisegraceblogs.com.
• 1 cup of baking soda
• 1/2 cup of citric acid
• 1/4 cup of corn starch
• 1/4 cup of epsom salts
• 2 tbs of fractionated coconut oil
• 2 tbs of rubbing alcohol
• 10 mls polysorbate 80
• 10 drops rose essential oil
• 1 tbs of dried rose petals (optional)
• Couple of drops of pink soap colorant or mica