When we start our families, we envision our children bonding with their siblings and becoming the best of friends, available to each other through all life’s ups and downs. It can be very difficult to see your children continuously fight and even bully one another. Here are some steps you can take to help your children mend any rifts between them and improve their relationships.
First, it is important to remember that sometimes siblings have personalities that are polar opposites. Spending a lot of time together without a break can lead to irritation and bickering. Also, children that are at different points in their development often lose patience with each other. For example, a two-year-old who cannot yet self-regulate and is still learning how to share may not be very good at ‘playing fairly’ with his four-year-old brother. Provide opportunities during the day for ‘solo play,’ where your child can focus on an activity, such as playing with clay or painting on his own.
It is true that sometimes kids will be kids and have spats between them, but then continue playing as if nothing happened. If you find that your kids are getting along harmoniously after having a break from each other, you probably do not have to worry as much. However, if the arguing and bickering are continuous and your child does not feel loved and supported by his sibling, there may be a cause for concern. It is heartbreaking to hear your children fight and treat each other with disrespect, but with intervention from you, the siblings may be able to heal any hurts and put their relationship back on track.
lFirst, consider your behavior. Your children learn social behaviors by watching you and other adults. If children listen to their parents argue often, they may copy this behavior. Model speaking in a respectful, calm and caring manner even when you are frustrated or angry.
lQuickly put a stop to any hurtful name-calling and physical bullying. Take each child aside and talk to him to see what may be behind the aggressive, rude behavior. Once you have heard both sides, let your children know that hurtful behaviors such as yelling, interrupting and name-calling are not acceptable. Explain to your children how sad it makes everyone feel to have to listen to it. Draw a line in the sand by creating written ‘house rules’ and clear consequences for any unkind behavior.
lBe careful not to play favorites. Keep discipline consistent with the house rules you established.
lNow that you have discussed why the behavior is disrespectful and how it makes others feel, your child may be willing to apologize and take steps to heal his relationship with his sibling. It may take time if the hurt has existed for a while but keep encouraging your children to work out a way to heal and move on. Support this process by praising your children when they treat their siblings in a kind, caring manner and get along well.
lSet up weekly fun activities that allow your children to spend time strengthening their relationships. Choose activities they both enjoy, such as riding bikes or fishing. If your children seem to always be quarreling due to intense competitiveness, choose some activities such as camping or building something that can help teach them to work together.
lRemember that change takes time. Don’t give up if you don’t see improvement right away. Just stay consistent. If the discontent continues or becomes more aggressive, consider seeking the advice of a professional counselor.
Anew dad is expected to take on the task of keeping the household routine running smoothly while helping care for the new mom and new baby, all while getting very little sleep. Here are some ways you can support a new dad and help him through the exciting but exhausting first few months.
Everyone likes to joke that new babies do not come with a manual, but there are some very good resources for new dads that help them feel more comfortable and confident in their new role. Choose an inspirational book for the new dad that provides encouragement and an emphasis on just how important his new role is, along with some resources that provide how-to tips. Encourage the new dad to read even before baby’s arrival. Feeling confident and prepared will help when it is his turn to take on a 2am feeding or diaper change.
Other gifts that help dad prepare for his new role include a dad journal, where he can write down his memories and thoughts, a keepsake box, and a book of dad stories he can read to the new baby. Reading to a new baby is an excellent opportunity for dad to bond with the new baby.
Selecting the right gear can help dad feel comfortable when he is caring for the new baby. Get dad a special sportylooking ‘man bag’ that he can take with him when he is out with baby. Also, when choosing items for the baby registry, let dad select a baby carrier, wrap or sling that he feels comfortable wearing for extended periods of time. When selecting a stroller, consider choosing a jogging stroller system that dad can use on his daily run or when the family decides to take baby on an outing. Look for a stroller that is easily adjustable and provides a smooth ride.
Bringing a newborn home is exciting but can be stressful. Give dad time alone with the new baby to bond and to mentally process the life change he is experiencing.
These fruit and veggie pops are colorful and fun, frozen and delicious, and make the perfect healthy snack on a summer’s day.
Beet and Berries Pop
1/2 cup beet juice
1 cup frozen or fresh berries
Orange Pineapple Spinach Pop
1/2 cup orange juice
1/2 cup frozen or fresh pineapple
1 cup baby spinach
Pineapple Orange Mango Fruit Pop
1/2 cup frozen or fresh pineapple
1/2 cup frozen or fresh mango chunks
1/2 cup orange juice
Carrot Pineapple Pop
1/2 cup carrot juice
1 cup frozen or fresh pineapple chunks
Have fun and create your own version!
Courtesy of helloyummy.co
For each flavor, blend until smooth using a hand immersion or blender. Get a tall cup that can hold your one pouch. Use the silicone funnel that comes with the pouches to easily pour your blends inside. Do not fill over the line. Zip tight and try to get as many air bubbles out. Lay flat on a pan and freeze until firm, at least 3 hours.
• Ice pop pouches or popsicle molds
• Fruit and veggie juices
• Frozen fruit
• Blender or hand blender
• Baby Spinach or greens
• Flax or chia seeds (optional)
The Food Mill is a nonprofit multi-functional food ‘farmacy’ in Columbus that works toward removing barriers to healthy food and preventing diet-related illnesses. In 2019, the Piedmont Community Health Needs Assessment estimated that 43,000 people in Columbus are food-insecure, and 1 in 3 of those individuals is a child. To combat this food insecurity, The Food Mill provides strategic programs, such as farm-to-table healthy meal distribution, The Food Mill Café, farmto-school programming, farmers and mobile markets and Mindfully Tailored Meal program, which connects Columbus residents to nutritious, locally sourced food.
The Food Mill Cafe’ is open to the public and is located on the corner of 2nd Avenue and 38th Street in Columbus. The proceeds help fund the Food Mill’s programs.
Mindfully Tailored Meals is a program that provides meals for patients in the Columbus area that specifically match the diet the patient is on due to a medical condition such as diabetes. Patients can order the Mindfully Tailored Meals through the Food Mill website. Community partnerships that the Food Mill has established foster a health-minded culinary culture that enriches our local
economy through on-the-job training and creates employment opportunities in the hospitality industry.
This month, Chattahoochee Valley area families can help support the mission of The Food Mill by attending The Mater Mania, a tomato-themed weekend street festival that will be held on June 25 from 3-7pm at 3802 2nd Avenue, Columbus. The event will feature live music, water activities for kids, a ‘biggest and ugliest’ tomato competition (bring yours with you), crafting opportunities for kids and food trucks. Admission is free and the proceeds from the festival directly support the Food Mill’s food security outreach programs.
"The more we work together, the closer we come to a healthier, equitable Columbus," said Anna Sims of The Food Mill. If you or your organization would like to partner or volunteer with The Food Mill, email info@thefoodmill.org.
Apples brown in a process called oxidation. Oxygen in the air combines with iron in the apple to form iron oxides. Enzymes in the fruit make this process go faster. You can reduce browning by slowing oxidation in three ways:
1) Cook the apples 2) reduce exposure to oxygen or 3) reduce the pH of the fruit. Covering the apple in an acidic liquid is the best way to it from turning brown without cooking. But which liquid is best? Let's experiment!
MAKE THE SOLUTIONS (each in a separate cup):
For honey, dissolve 1 tsp in cup of water. For lemon juice, mix 1 tsp with 1 cup water. For salt, mix 1/2 tsp with 1 cup water. For Vitamin C, mix one crushed tablet with 1 cup water. For others, apply full strength. Cut one apple into 8 slices, approximately the same size. If you use more than one apple, you’re adding variables to the experiment as some apples may brown at different rates than the others. Then set out 8 bowls big enough to cover the slice completely with the solution. Label each bowl so you don’t mix up the solutions. Place an apple slice into each bowl. You can use the core as the control. Immediately cover with each solution, one per bowl. Then wait 5 minutes to observe and conclude.
Pour off the solution and inspect each apple for brown color. Record levels. Taste apples and record impressions. Observe which ones rusted. Which ones kept the apple the whitest. Which ones tasted the best? Considering which solution kept it from browning and didn't impact the taste negatively, the winner is…HONEY! The apples weren’t quite as white as with salt and lemon, but the taste was sooo yummy.
• large apple
• 8 small cups/ jars
• honey
• salt
• lemon juice
• vitamin C tablet (crushed in water)
• carbonated water
• clear soda
• tap water
PANS (pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric syndrome) is a disorder that causes the acute onset of OCD symptoms. Researchers currently agree on the theory that it develops when an infection triggers the immune system to attack healthy brain cells, leading to the sudden development of mental health symptoms similar to OCD.
Someone who is diagnosed as having OCD develops the condition over time. In contrast, a child with PANS develops OCD symptoms suddenly. The acute onset of OCD symptoms such as obsession with a task (such as washing hands), sudden decrease in food intake, irritability, aggressive behavior and depression can be frightening to parents. The patient may suddenly start wetting the bed and have difficulty with academics in school. PANS may also cause the patient to develop tics, which are behaviors he cannot control.
Researchers are continuing to study the causes of PANS and have found that infections such as strep, influenza and varicella may trigger the disorder. However, PANS is not contagious and is thought to be an autoimmune
disorder. While one child can transmit the virus or bacteria that causes the underlying infection to another child, PANS cannot be passed from one child to another. Most children will never experience PANS. There is some evidence that some children are genetically more vulnerable to infections triggering the autoimmune response that leads to PANS.
If your child has a history of PANS, he could develop another episode. Teaching your child good hand-washing habits can help reduce an infection that could trigger another PANS episode.
A combination of medication and therapy is used to treat PANS. Antibiotics may be used to treat the underlying infection along with anti-inflammatories, such as steroids, which help calm the immune system. Cognitive behavioral therapy is used to help a child with PANS manage the symptoms of OCD.
The humidity is back! You can find relief at your Chattahoochee Valley Libraries. Boredom-busting books, the sweet chill of indoor programs, and more educational resources to help prepare your kiddos for the next school year!
Take a dip into these library tips to help your summer stay bright and sunny!
These reads will make the summer days pat swiftly. Build anticipation because some of these reads aren’t even released yet! Place your holds now, they will be a hot commodity!
For Kids: Rebel Undercover: The Forgotten Five Book 3 by Lisa McMann Creatures of the In-Between by Cindy Lin
For adults: The Haunting of A’egandra by V.Castro Happy Place by Emily Henry
entertainment: Summer Reading Challenge! Read books and earn prizes… it's that simple. Visit CVLGA.org for more information about how to log into Beanstack, log your books, and earn those prizes. All ages may participate. Too hot to do much- take a page from our book- read!
Dads and Dinos: A Father’s Day Dinosaur Dig. Do you know what makes Father’s Day even better? Dinosaurs! Bring your paleontology passion, a healthy dose of discovery, and maybe your dad! Visit the Columbus Public Library on June 20 to dig into fun. Bring a Dad for extra fun.
Unplug, for Chess’ Sake! Every Tuesday at 4:30pm, drop by Mildred. L. Terry Library to try your hand at this strategy game. Masters are welcome, although no skills are necessary. Fun for the whole family, and what better way to combat the summer slump than to sharpen your mind with cunning moves and battle plans!
We don’t stop at recommending books- let us put together a custom book bundle so you can always have a good book handy. Scan this QR code to place a book bundle request that our libraries will package and have ready for pick-up- lickity split!
Rain, Shine, or sizzling heatthe library is your one-stop summer destination.
Hearing loss can happen at any age, even in newborns. When any part of the ear or the auditory nervous system does not work, hearing loss can occur. There are several types of hearing loss.
• Conductive hearing loss is caused by a condition that affects the outer or middle ear.
• Sensorineural hearing loss occurs when a condition affects the inner ear.
• Mixed hearing loss is caused by a condition that affects both the outer and/or middle ear and the inner ear.
While conductive hearing loss sometimes responds to treatment, sensorineural hearing loss is usually permanent.
Hearing loss can be present at birth (congenital loss). This hearing loss can be due to a genetic defect, a syndrome (such as Down’s syndrome), prematurity, prenatal use of alcohol or drugs or injury during birth. About 1 in 2 cases of infant hearing loss can be attributed to genetic factors and some of these infants may have family members who also have a hearing loss. Hearing loss can also occur later in childhood due to a head injury, a blockage or an infection such as meningitis.
Children may also develop hearing loss over time due to exposure to loud noise. Parents should show kids how to protect their hearing from loud environments.
Most newborns receive a hearing screening before leaving the hospital. All infants should receive a hearing screening before the age of 3 months. Parents should also request a hearing screening any time they notice their child starting to exhibit signs of possible hearing loss. These include:
• Loud noises do not startle your infant
• Your infant turns her head towards you when she sees you but not when you are out of sight.
• Speech and language milestones are not being met.
• Your child turns up the volume on the TV.
Do not delay requesting a full hearing test if your child fails a hearing screening. Hearing loss can affect your child’s development of speech and language, making communication difficult if left untreated.
This homemade sand clay recipe is great for capturing a moment in time that can be treasured or shared with loved ones as a sweet gift.
Mix together the sand, flour and salt in a large bowl and slowly add the warm water, mixing as you go with a large spoon. If it feels too sticky, balance it out with more flour and sand. Once combined, knead it on a lightly floured surface, till it feels similar to play dough or salt dough.
Split the ball into four pieces (one part for each child) and then roll each into a circular shape about 2 cm thick and place on parchment paper or a baking pan. Have each child push their hand into the center of their piece. Parents may need to help push each finger down firmly, and remove hand carefully.
Then, decorate around the border using small shells from beach trips and party craft supplies for a real beach keepsake. Bake them in the oven at 250F for 4 hours. If you find they are hard on the top but not underneath, gently turn them over, and bake another 2 hours. Footprints could look great too. You can add a clay glaze to seal them if you like.
Makes 4 Servings
• 2 cups sand
• 1 1/2 cups plain flour (all purpose)
• 1 cup warm water
• 1 1/4 cups salt
COURTESY OF: theimaginationtree.com
Free kid’s meal with adult entrée after 4pm Sapo’s
5-8pm: Free kid’s meal with adult entrée
The Office
4-9pm: Kids 12 and under get a free kid’s meal with each adult entrée. Dine in only.
Chicken Salad Chick
Free Little Chick Meal with purchase of adult meal
4-10pm: Up to two free kids entrées with adult entrée for kids 10 and under
Jason’s Deli
5-9pm: Free kid’s meal for kids 12 and under with each adult entrée; dine-in only
Ruby Tuesday
5-10pm: Kids 12 and under eat free with adult entrée
Your Pie
Kid’s meal $1.99 (pizza, drink & gelato) w/ adult meal
Red Robin
Kid’s meal $1.99 w/ adult meal for kids 11 and under
Tuesday's Street Tacos & Burritos
Free kids meal with adult purchase; dine-in only
4-10pm: Up to two free kids entrées with adult entrée for kids 10 and under
The Simple Greek
Kids 12 & under get half-off kids bowl with purchase of regular size bowl. Not to be combined
219 On The Lake
5-9pm: Kids eat for $2.19 on kids menu (M-TH)
Bruster’s Ice Cream
Kids under 40” get free baby cone
Kid’s meals are $1.99 with dine-in order
The Food Mill
Kids receive half off a breakfast egg and cheese biscuit with the purchase of one full price breakfast item (M-F, 9-11am)
All locations are Columbus, GA unless noted. Specials are subject to change without notice, so please verify them directly before dining. Send kids deals to Tammy@FamilyAndKidsGA.com.
deals this good, save the mess and dine out!
1 LEGOS® in the Library. Families. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
1 Summer Cinema. 5pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
1 International Tabletop Game Day. 5pm. N. Columbus Library; 706-748-2855
2 Columbus Lions Football. 7pm. Columbus Civic Center; 706-322-3336
3 Chattahoochee Valley Daylily Festival. 9am-5pm. $5-$10. Columbus Botanical Garden, 706-327-8400
3 Smells Like Teen Science-Slime. 3pm. N. Columbus Library; 706-748-2855
3-4 Day Out with Thomas Train. 10am-4:30pm. GA Veterans State Park, Cordele; ticketweb.com
5 Movies & Munchies. 10am. N. Columbus Library; 706-748-2855
5 Kid’s Art Studio: Acrylic Painting ( 5-12). 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
6 Teen Painting Party. 3:30pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2811
6 Game Night. Families. 6:30pm. Mildred L. Terry Library; 706-243-2782
6 Little Sprouts. 10am (0-5yrs). $5/ family. Columbus Botanical Garden, 706327-8400
7 Write! Learn Cursive and Penmanship (5-12yrs). 3pm. Columbus Library; 706243-2813
8 Summer Cinema. 5pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
8-10 Judy Moody and Stink: The Mad, Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt. 10am. CSU Riverside Theatre; 706-507-8444
9 Columbus Chatt-a-Hoots Baseball. 7:05pm. Golden Park; 706-507-4625
10 Columbus Lions Football. 7pm. Columbus Civic Center; 706-322-3336
10-11 Day Out with Thomas Train. 10am-4:30pm. GA Veterans State Park, Cordele; ticketweb.com
11 Judy Moody and Stink: The Mad, Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt. 2pm. CSU Riverside Theatre; 706-507-8444
12 Kid’s Art Studio: Watercolor Painting (5-12yrs). 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
13 Budding Naturalists. 10-11am. $5-$7. Columbus Botanical Garden, 706327-8400
13-17 Judy Moody and Stink: The Mad, Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt. 10am. CSU Riverside Theatre; 706-507-8444
14 Father’s Day Storytime. 5pm. Mildred L. Terry Library; 706-243-2782
15 LEGOS®. Families. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
15 Interactive Movies. 5pm. N. Columbus Library; 706-748-2855
16 Columbus Lions Football game. 7pm. Columbus Civic Center; 706-3223336
16 Fingerpainting (3-11yrs). 3pm. N. Columbus Library; 706-748-2855
16-17 Columbus Chatta-Hoots Baseball Game. 7:05pm. Golden Park; 706-507-4625
Juneteenth Jubilee. Columbus Civic Center; 706-322-3336
17 Slimy Saturdays (5-12yrs). 3pm. N. Columbus Library; 706-748-2855
17 Juneteenth Celebration. 3pm. S. Columbus Library; 706-683-8805
17-18 Thomas the Train.
10am-4:30pm. GA Veterans State Park, Cordele; ticketweb.com
18 Judy Moody and Stink: The Mad, Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt. 2pm. CSU Riverside Theatre; 706-507-8444
19 Movies & Munchies. 10am. N. Columbus Library; 706-748-2855
19 Kid’s Art Studio: Oil Pastels (5-12). 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
20 Dads & Dinos: A Father’s Day Dinosaur Dig. Families. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
20-24 Judy Moody and Stink: The Mad, Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt. 10am. CSU Riverside Theatre; 706-5078444
21 Blippi: The Wonderful World Tour. 6pm. Columbus Civic Center; 706322-3336
21 Write! Learn Cursive and Penmanship (5-12yrs). 3pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
22 Family Fun Night. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
23-24 Columbus Chatt-aHoots Baseball. 7:05pm. Golden Park; 706507-4625
24 Watermelon Express. 10am. 11:30am. 1pm. 2:30pm. $10-$30. SAM Shortline, Cordele; 1-877-GA-RAILS
24 Independence Day Celebration. 5pm. Free. York Field, Fort Benning; benningmwr.com
24 Uno, Dos, Tres Craft! (4-8yrs). 3pm. Mildred L. Terry Library; 706-243-2782
24 Grand Fun-Stories & Snacks with Grandparents. 3pm. N. Columbus Library; 706-748-2855
25 Judy Moody and Stink: The Mad, Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt. 2pm. CSU Riverside Theatre; 706-507-8444
26 Ukulele 101. (5-12yrs). 3pm. N. Columbus Library; 706-748-2855
26 Kid’s Art Studio: Picture Collage. (5-12yrs). 4pm. Columbus Library; 706243-2813
29 LEGOS®. Families. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
29 Interactive Movies. 5pm. N. Columbus Library; 706-748-2855
30 My Mad Science Lab: Shark Week. Ages 5-12yrs. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
30 Columbus Chatt-a-Hoots Baseball. 7:05pm. Golden Park; 706-507-4625
Simple Steps Storytime: Babies & Toddlers (0-36mo.) 10am; Preschoolers (Ages 3-5yrs.)
11am. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
Astronomy Night with CCSSC. 9pm. Overlook Pavilion, Callaway Gardens; ccssc.org
Simple Steps Storytime: Family. 10:30am. South Columbus Library; 706-683-8805
Simple Steps Storytime. Babies & Toddlers (0-24 mo.) 10am; Preschoolers (Ages 2-5 yrs.) 11am. North Columbus Library; 706-748-2855
Kids Explore! (Ages 0-12). 3pm. South Columbus Library; 706-683-8805 (Not 27th)
Unplug…For Chess’ Sake! Families. 4:30pm. Mildred L. Terry Library; 706-243-2782
Summer of Fun! 10am, 11:30am & 1pm. $5. Oxbow Meadows; 706-507-8550
Oxbow Reads. 11am. Free. Oxbow Meadows; 706-507-8550
Simple Steps Storytime. Preschoolers (3-5 yrs.) 10am; Babies & Toddlers (0-36 mo.) 11:15am. Mildred L. Terry Library; 706-243-2782
Discovery Hub. Ages 3-5yrs. 11am. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
Lunch in the Library. Families. 11am. North Columbus Library; 706-748-2855
Library Games. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
Summer of Fun! 10am, 11:30am & 1pm. $5. Oxbow Meadows; 706-507-8550
Oxbow Reads. 11am. Free. Oxbow Meadows; 706-507-8550
Simple Steps Storytime: Family. Ages 0-5yrs. and Families. 10am. Columbus Library; 706243-2813
Let’s Get Together. Families. 3pm. North Columbus Library; 706-748-2855
Sight Words Support. Families. 3-5pm. 30-min one-on-one practice session. Mildred L. Terry Library; 706-243-2782
Get Your Game ON! (0-12yrs). 3pm. South Columbus Library; 706-683-8805
Summer of Fun! 10am, 11:30am & 1pm. $5. Oxbow Meadows; 706-507-8550
Oxbow Reads. 11am. Free. Oxbow Meadows; 706-507-8550
Simple Steps Storytime: Rhythm & Rhyme (05yrs). 10am. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
Summer Cinema: Movies & Munchies. Families. 2pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
Summer of Fun! 10am, 11:30am & 1pm. $5. Oxbow Meadows; 706-507-8550
Oxbow Reads. 11am. Free. Oxbow Meadows; 706-507-8550
Market Days on Broadway. 9am-Noon. 900, 1000 &1100 blocks of Broadway; uptowncolumbusga.com
Toddler Time (5 & under). 10am-Noon. $10. Launch Trampoline Park; 706-221-8680
Oxbow Reads. 11am. Free. Oxbow Meadows; 706-507-8550
Sunday Funday. 2-4pm. Columbus Botanical Garden; 706-327-8400 (Not 6/4)
Please call ahead to confirm dates, times and age-appropriateness, in case changes were made after the info was obtained.
Monday, May 30th - Friday, August 4th
*Pricing varies by location
Members: $80-$95/week
Non-Members: $120/week
Scholarships available for income-eligible families
Parents may register online or by visiting the Front Desk at any of our branches *Spots are limited
Planning to take your kids on a camping adventure this summer? Before you go, here are a few tips for your trip!
a Set up the tent out back for a night under the stars and/or create a blanket fort in the playroom. This will get kids excited and comfortable with camping. Don’t forget your flashlight!
a Pack with travel cubes to keep kids’ clothes organized.
a Pack kid-friendly camping snacks that are easy to eat on-the-go! Popcorn, pretzels, granola bars and trail mix are good options.
a Practice your meals before heading out on the trail. Tacos, cheeseburgers and pizza are simple campfire meals that can be cooked over the fire.
a S’mores are a must on any camping trip! Remember to pack wood, kabob sticks, graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows.
a Bring along a cooler for cold drinks and to keep the chocolate from melting.
a Let your kids help pack for the trip!
Ride a bike or scooter around campsite • Sidewalk chalk
Go on a scavenger hunt • Bubbles • Geocaching • Fishing
Kayaking • Hiking • Play charades • Read a book
Look for animal prints • Make leaf rubbings
Build a campfire • Flashlight tag • Sing campfire songs Play with glow sticks • Go for a night walk
FD Roosevelt State Park (1 hour away)
FDR is the largest state park in Georgia with over 9,000 acres. It offers hiking, horseback riding, fishing, and boating. Nearby is Roosevelt’s Little White House and Liberty Bell Swimming Pool fed by a natural Spring where Roosevelt used to swim. The spring water helped Roosevelt deal with pain from Polio.
Cottages, Tents, RV, and Backcountry Campsites
https://www.reserveamerica.com/explore/f-d-roosevelt-state-park/ GA/530153/overview
Providence Canyon State Park and Florence Marina State Park (1 hour away)
Providence Canyon is “Georgia’s Little Canyon” and was created by erosion from farming in the 1800’s. The park offers hiking in addition to astronomy and geology programs. There are more camping opportunities at Lake Walter F. George, a 45,000 acre lake, located 8 miles down the road from the canyon. Lake Walter F. George offers camping, backpacking, hiking, picnicking and beautiful photography opportunities for visitors.
Tents and Cottages
Kolomoki Mounds (1.5 hours away)
This State Park is known for its temple, ceremonial and burial mounds. It was home to Woodland Indians from 350-750 A.D. Fishing, minigolf, geocaching, kayaking, canoeing, pedal boating, swimming and hiking are a few of the activities at this location. In addition to a museum, sand beach and playground on site.
Tent, RV and Hammock Campsites
Stone Mountain Park (2 hours away)
Visiting Stone Mountain Park is like a blast from the past. Check out their website for scheduled evening laser shows! These shows are projected on the side of the mountain. Hiking, fishing, biking and golf are a few of the activities you can enjoy at the park.
Safari Tents, Yurt Rentals, RV and Tent Sites. https://stonemountainpark.com/camping-and-lodging/
Unicoi State Park (3.5 hours away)
Unicoi is located two miles from the city of Helen, Georgia. Lake Unicoi, National Chattahoochee Forest and Anna Ruby Falls are adventure spots in the area. Enjoy paddle boarding, kayaking, fly fishing, ziplining, archery, mountain biking or rent a boat to spend the day out on the lake. https://www.unicoilodge.com/ga-state-park/camping/
Most nuts such as peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pecans and Brazil nuts, etc., can be bought in the shell. You will never see cashews sold this way and for good reason. The oil that surrounds the shell is very irritating to the skin and can cause blisters. Cashews are in the same plant family as poison ivy. This makes harvesting cashews nasty work. Trying to shell these obnoxious little nuts at home would be a difficult task. Even roasting the shells causes disturbing smoke to be given off. So for all these reasons, the packager de-shells them for you. Another interesting thing about cashews is that they can prevent tooth decay due to the oil in the nut being so powerful that it has proven to inhibit the growth of plant-producing bacteria.
Resource: “The Book of Totally Useless Information" by Don Voorhees
Whether you’re trying to get pregnant, managing and tracking cycle-related experiences, or simply want to learn more about what makes your body tick, Clue’s got you covered with this period tracking app.
Google Photos provides unlimited storage of photos and video so you can free up space on your phone. With the click of a button, Google Photos will upload photos from your device, save them on Google Photos, and remove any duplicates on your phone.
Tab is the simple way to split a bill among friends. Snap a pic of the receipt and tap your items to claim them. Tax and tip are calculated for you. No more back-of-thenapkin algebra or typing in prices by hand! You can settle up with integrated Venmo.
Keeping your child safe is your top priority. With this app, you can learn how to protect your child inside the house and out, what to do in an emergency, how to stock a first-aid kit, where to call for help, and more.
Welcoming a new baby is one of life’s most joyous events. We know that compassionate quality care for you and your baby is one of the most important parts of your family’s journey. We’re here for your first step and all the possibilities after.
To learn more about our childbirth services or to schedule a tour call us at 706-320-8001 or visit online at MyStFrancis.com