extracurricular GUIDEACTIVITY Pages 20-25 CHATTAHOOCHEE VALLEY SEPTEMBER 2022 Wise Choices for Moms & Families We love kids. Moms love us. Register your visit from home.See SponsorCoverPg. 9

Wise Choices for You & Your Family22 Local Allergy & Asthma Relief In Columbus, GA Professional care from a Board-Certified Allergist is closer than you think. Request an appointment today to get relief from allergies & asthma - and get back to living! Scan the QR code or call us to find relief! 706.397.7849 Now part of the Allervie Health network!

Giving kids responsibilities to complete daily house hold tasks is a crucial step in their development. The teachable skills are endless, such as cleanliness, mon ey management, measurement, organization, creativity, problem-solving and engineering. It can also help them feel a part of a team to keep your home running smooth ly so you all can create more available time for leisure. However, introducing a new responsibility is not always easy and some parents may begin to think it’s easier to do the chore themselves than to try to motivate their child to complete it. Here are some tips for assigning chores, motivating your child and gaining their cooperation towards success.
The Chore
The tasks need to be very concise and age appropriate. For a toddler, a chore description like ‘clean your room’ is much too broad and is not realistic. Provide two or three specific tasks instead, such as ‘Place dirty clothes in the hamper’ and ‘Clean up toy cars.’ When you assign a new chore, offer to help him get it started and perform it side-by-side with him. Even older kids, who have the skills and maturity to understand and perform a chore like ‘clean your room’ or ‘clean up the kitchen,’ may need the chore broken down into subtasks for accountability purposes. Your child will feel a sense of accomplishment when he shows you a completed checklist along with the results of his work.
Instead, set clear and realistic timelines when assigning chores. Especially for young kids, it is helpful to integrate chore deadlines with their daily routine and use milestones, such as meals, as chore deadlines.
Play a toy clean-up game or pretend to be on a cooking show while preparing dinner. Break down the large chore into specific tasks and assign your child one or two tasks. Praise him when he performs the tasks well. Rotate the specific tasks each day to help your kids learn all the skills involved and to avoid frustrations such as ‘How come I always have to load the dishwasher?’ If your tween has learned a large chore, such as preparing a meal, give him the opportunity to take to lead when performing it.
For example, you could assign the task ‘Pick up LEGOS in playroom’ to be completed by dinnertime. Along with the deadlines, assign consequences for missing them, such as having a reduction in screen time for the evening or having a certain amount taken out of your child’s weekly allowance. Setting a clear deadline means that you do not have to follow behind your child reminding him to complete his chore.
Enjoy working together to complete larger chores by turning the chore into something fun. Emphasize that chores are a way for everyone to work together to keep the house tidy
While teaching your child to clean up after himself is necessary, he also needs to understand that the family is a team and helping each other out is important. He may be asked to help sort laundry or sweep the kitchen floor after a meal. If your child asks why he must do the chore, take a minute to explain the importance of teamwork and point out the positive results of completing the chore. ‘If you sort the laun dry, your dad will be able to find his clothes and hang them up, so he has them for work tomorrow.’ Asserting control and authority with a statement like ‘Because I said so’ is likely to encourage defiance.
Avoid bribing your child to get chores done in a timely manner
Create a chore list that is kid-friendly
4 Where to Find www.FamilyAndKidsGA.comHOO? Check your local kid-friendly doc tors, dentists, attractions, retail shops & restaurants; or see our interactive distro map at: familyandkidsga.com/get-a-copy FamilyAndKidsGA TO SUBMIT AD OR EVENT: Tammy Usie, 253-212-7270tammy@familyandkidsga.comPublisher Follow us @FamilyAndKidsGA Win cool prizes, socialize & stay in the know! The Scoop!4

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) does not recommend the use of smart baby monitors to track breathing or heart rate, as they have not gone through the lengthy FDA approval process to prove they meet the required criteria for ac curacy and performance. According to the AAP, smart baby monitors may not be accurate and may in some cases create a false sense of security, where parents trust the numbers and assume everything is OK even though their infant is not feeling well, or they may provide false alarms and lead to unnec essary trips to the ER that subject a healthy infant to unneeded testing.
5 Smart
Many new parents consider adding a Wi-Fi smart baby monitor to their baby gadget wish list. These monitors can let you check on your baby from your smartphone and provide video and handy data such as sleep tracking. Some smart monitors even let your track your baby’s vital signs, through a wearable monitor or one that is contactless. However, there are some risks associated with these smart baby monitors that you should consider first.
A Smart Choice?
Brantley, 4 Salemyears JD, 5 FortsonyearsMaurice, 3 Columbusyears Baby Monitors
Currently, there is no research that shows that smart monitors that track a ba by’s vitals help prevent SIDS. If your infant has a health issue that requires an apnea monitor at home, your healthcare provider will select a medical grade device for him and they will instruct you how to operate it before you leave. Any device that connects to your Wi-Fi can put you at risk for being hacked, and someone may be able to listen to or see your baby. For prevention, ensure that you have changed your password on the device from the default pass word. Also, install any software updates that are available for your monitor which can help correct hacking vulnerabilities.
HOO’s tips

who love trivia, traveling and competing with one another! Every Friday, they give a three round trivia challenge that varies from pop culture, video games, Disney and more! So study up, tune in, and play along in the car with The Family Road Trip Trivia Podcast! Family Road Trip Trivia APP FREE* KIDS EAT on Sundays (AKA YOU DON’T HAVE TO COOK) 5555 Whittlesey Blvd • Columbus, GA 6516 Kitten Lake Dr • Midland, GA *One free kid’s meal with the purchase of an adult entrée of $6 or more. Kids must be 12 and under. Cannot be combined with any other offer. LLC-550344SPVFranchisorMoe’s©2021 6
Wise Choices for You & Your Family6
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Blueland helps you say bye to plastic with reusable bottles and nifty cleaning tablets that dissolve in water. Clean your house and help the planet at the same time. Depending on the cleaning kit, you’ll receive reusable cleaning bottles and vegan, cruelty-free cleaning tablets and/or powder for dish washing, laundry, or multi-surface cleaning. You can receive refills every month or sched ule your delivery out as far as every four months based on your cleaning needs. She’s the creator and producer of some of the most groundbreaking television today. Her iconic characters live boldly and speak their minds. So who would suspect that Shonda Rhimes is an introvert? With three children at home and three hit television shows, it was easy for Shonda to say she was simply too busy. But in truth, she was also afraid. She had to embrace the chal lenge: for one year, she would say YES to everything that scared her. BluelandYear of Yes
podcast was created by three
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• Cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and other genetic conditions
Learning to walk is a big milestone in your baby’s development. Some babies walk as early as 9 months of age while others master the skill closer to 18 or 20 months. If your baby is younger than 18 months, there are several reasons he may not yet be walking on his own.
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ENVIRONMENT: Encourage your baby to walk by toddler-proofing your home. Babies learn to walk by first learning to pull themselves up, and unsecured objects could tip over and injure your toddler. Also, ensure the area where he is practicing walking is uncluttered and free of tripping hazards.
PERSONALITY: Your baby’s personality can influence when he starts walking. If your child has a relaxed personality and is content to sit back and play with the toys in front of him, then he may not feel a need to try to venture out. However, he may be more likely to feel the need to get moving if he is in an environment where the other babies are working on taking their first steps.
• Calcium and Vitamin D deficiency.
• Rickets, a bone disorder caused by a calcium and Vitamin D deficiency
• Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)
HOO’s Healthy
• Motor skills delay or a learning disability.
Schedule play dates for him with other babies his age to encourage him to try walking.
Most of the time, a delay in walking will resolve itself. However, if your child is not walking by 18 months of age, he needs to be examined by a doctor. There are several medical conditions that can delay learning to walk that need to be ruled out.
NEEDS MORE PRACTICE: Once you have a safe area set up, praise your baby when he tries to walk and encourage him to practice his skills. You could turn it into a game by asking him to try to take a few steps to you to get a toy. Re member that learning to walk involves developing balance. It is normal for your child to fall. Stay calm, comfort him and encourage him to try again.
Resources: https://www.medicinenet.com/what_causes_delay_in_walking_in_babies/article.htm

MOE’s Southwest Grill
5-9pm: Kids eat for $2.19 on kids menu (M-TH)
Saturday 4-10pm:Denny’sUp to two free kids entrées with adult entrée for kids 10 and under sunday
The Simple Greek Kids 12 & under get half-off kids bowl with purchase of regular size bowl, not to be combined
Every day 219 On The Lake
Dining Deals for Kids
Free kid’s meal with purchase of adult entrée
Bruster’s Ice Cream
Tuesday Chicken Salad Chick Free Little Chick Meal with purchase of adult meal 4-10pm:Denny’sUp to two free kids entrées with adult entrée for kids 10 and under Jason’s Deli 5-9pm: Free kid’s meal for kids 12 and under with each adult entrée; dine-in only with “Kids Cash” Ruby 5-10pm:TuesdayKids12and under eat free with adult entrée Wednesday HalfApplebee’soffkid’smeal per adult entrée. Limit: 4 kids to adult Your Pie Kid’s meal $1.99 (pizza, drink & gelato) w/ adult meal Red Robin Kid’s meal $1.99 w/ adult meal for kids 11 and under
All locations are Columbus, GA unless noted. Specials are subject to change without notice, so please verify them directly before dining. Send kids deals to
Do you offer a Kids’ Dining Deal, restaurant Let
or know a
that does?
us know at familyandkidsga.comtammy@
With deals this good, save the mess
MONDAY FreeBarberitoskid’smeal with adult entrée after 4pm
Kids under 40” get free baby cone Kid’sMcAlister’smealsare $1.99 with dine-in order Tammy@FamilyAndKidsGA.com. and dine
5-8pm:Sapo’sFree kid’s meal with adult entrée

www.FamilyAndKidsGA.com 9 706-610-4503Reserveyour WATERSLIDE today! 9

Wise Choices for You & Your Family10 EDUCATION/CARE GUIDE10
Did you know music and reading go hand-in-hand?
visit www.cvlga.org/attend-it
By Lauren Wertz, Children’s Librarian, North Columbus Library
3. Introduce music from different cultures and languages.
2. Sing songs with lots of rhyming! Rhyming helps children break down words and syllables.
At the Chattahoochee Valley Libraries (CVL), we follow the five Simple Steps of early literacy: Reading, Writing, Talking, Playing, and Singing. These important practices are vital to a child’s devel opment, and singing is one of the best and most fun ways to learn!
Attending a storytime at the library is a great way to get a dose of music and movement in a child’s day. There are also musical instruments, such as ukuleles and xylophones, that families can check out free with a library card. For those who enjoy playing music and having dance parties around the house, CVL patrons have streaming access to a library of kids music on Hoopla for free! Whether it’s attending Storytime or checking out musical instru ments to practice at home, the library is a place that provides support and guidance to families looking for ways to incorporate early literacy practices at home.
For more information about upcoming storytimes,
1. Sing songs with heavy repetition, such as ‘Old MacDonald’ or ‘Wheels On The Bus’. These songs make early learning easier by helping children learn to memorize and recognize patterns.
Here are some other ways you can include singing, music, and movement into your family routine:
4. Get crafty and make DIY musical instruments like tambourines using everyday household objects.
5. Add some movement! Dancing is a great way to add fun to your child’s musical learning experience.
Tune InFor Storytime
From birth to age five, a child’s ability to learn and absorb the world around them is remarkable, and music has been proven to enhance a child’s development in early literacy. Incorporating music into a child’s daily life is a powerful way to foster great early learning habits, and the library is the perfect place to get ideas!

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Wise Choices for You & Your Family12 EDUCATION/CARE GUIDE12

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Diagnosis of PeV usually involves both a physical exam and a lab test, such as a PCR test, used to detect the presence of the virus within the body. In rare cases in which a newborn develops very severe symptoms, the doctor may keep the infant in the hospital until he is healthy enough to go home.
Parechovirus (PeV), according to the CDC, is a common childhood pathogen that most children have been exposed to, and infected by, before they reach kindergarten age. PeV is a member of a family of viruses called enteroviruses. An upper respiratory infection, fever and rash are common symptoms in infected children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years, although sometimes an infected child is asymptomatic. Most enteroviruses usually only cause a mild illness. However, a variety of PeV called PeV-A3 may, in rare instances, lead to a serious sepsis-like illness in infants 3 months old or less. The signs and symptoms of this serious illness include seizures, meningitis and meningoencephalitis (swelling of the brain). PeV infections are most common in the summer and fall months. PeV can pass from one person to another through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or by contact with an infected RESOURCES: https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2022/han00469.asp AND https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23496-parechovirus
Wise Choices for You & Your Family14 HOO’s HEALTHY What is:
Parechovirus (PeV)
person’s stool. There is no specific antiviral treatment for PeV or vaccine for it, but simple steps such as hand washing, limiting the number of children that come in contact with your infant and keeping sick people away from your infant can help prevent a PeV infection. Seek immediate medical attention for your infant if you notice that your newborn or infant is not feeling well, also has a high fever, is also inconsolable, or has episodes of unusual movements or lack of muscle tone that could be seizures. PeV is especially dangerous for newborns less than one month old.

Choose a small, old paperback book, preferably with yellowed pages. Remove the front and back covers. Using one of the covers, draw a template for your apple and cut it out. Find the approximate center of your book and open it up so it lays flat. Use your template and trace around it on the right side. Using an Exacto knife, carefully cut on the apple outline. You will want to press firmly. Once you have cut around the outline, remove the remainder of the book page. Continue until you have cut through all pages on the right side. Protect your work surface with a cutting mat. Now repeat the process on the left hand side. When finished, run a bead of hot glue down the spine and fold together to secure. Keep your book pages together and use watercolor paints to paint the edges red. Be liberal with the water so the paint soaks into the edges. Fan out your pages. Use a bit of hot glue to attach a twig stem and a leaf you cut out from one of the book pages. Whether for back to school, or
HAND-PAINTED APPLE BOOK SUPPLIES • Old small paperback • Exacto knife • Hot glue gun • Watercolor paints COURTESY hymnsandverses.comOF:
jumping into fall, this homemade gift or decor item is a unique craft to construct with the kids. HOO’s CRAFTY WWW.ADVANCEREHAB.COM Columbus Clinic 2045 Centre Stone Ct, Suite B P (706) 507-3794 F (706) 507-3681 PHYSICAL OCCUPATIONALANDTHERAPYSERVICES NEW Columbus/Trailside Clinic 3709 Gentian Blvd, Suite 12 P (706) 887-5665 F (706) 887-5672 15
www.FamilyAndKidsGA.com 15

20 LEGOS in the Library. 3pm. South Colum bus Library; 706-683-8805
16-18 Pumpkins at Callaway Gardens. 5-9pm. Robin Lake Beach; 800-CALLAWAY
Family Dungeons & Dragons. 6pm. Mil dred L. Terry Library; 706-243-2782
17 Uno, Dos, Tres Craft! (Ages 5-12yrs.) 3pm. Mildred L. Terry Library; 706-243-2782
8 Family Fun-Nights: Field Day. 4pm. Colum bus Library; 706-243-2813
9 Home School Friday - Rock Climbing. 1:303pm. Treadstone Climbing Gym; 706-507-7625
15 LEGOS® in the Library. Ages 5-12yrs. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
6 STEAMpunks: Stories & Science. 3pm. South Columbus Library; 706-683-8805
21 MAMA B.E.A.R.S. Breastfeeding Support meeting. 5:30-7pm. Columbus Pediatric Assoc; 706-221-4602
3 Chase the Hooch 2.4 Mile Swim. 8am. $60. Woodruff Park; tricolumbusga.com
16-17 Harris Co PRCA ProRodeo. 6pm. $10-$20. Harris County Agri-Center, Hamilton; 706-321-5555
17 Bluebelle Fall Outdoor Market. 10am-4pm. Bluebelle Local Mercantile; 706-327-1181
1 Teen Crafternoons: Take & Makes. 3pm. Co lumbus Library; 706-243-2811
21 Lunch & Learn. Noon. $12-$15. Columbus Botanical Garden; 706-327-8400
13 Teen Takeover. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2811
13 International Chocolate Day. 3pm. South Columbus Library; 706-683-8805
18 Garfield, the Musical with Cattitude! 2:30pm. Family Theatre; 706-431-3752
10 Astronomy Night. 8-10:30pm. Coca-Cola Space Science Center; 706-649-1477
8 Summer Sounds in the Garden. 6-8pm. $10-$20. Columbus Botanical Garden; 706327-8400
9 My Mad Science Lab: Space. Ages 5-12yrs. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
9-10 Garfield, the Musical with Cattitude! 7:30pm. Family Theatre; 706-431-3752 9-11 Chattahoochee Valley Motorcycle Rally. All day. Columbus Civic Center; 706-653-4482
2-4 Labor Day Weekend Balloon Festival. All Day. Callaway Gardens; 800-CALLAWAY
23 Teen Takeover: Fandom Club. 4pm. Co lumbus Library; 706-243-2811
9 Teen Takeover: Fandom Club. 4pm. Colum bus Public Library; 706-243-2811
3 Murder Mystery Dinner Train. 5:30pm. Sam Shortline, Cordele; 877-GA-RAILS
12 Code Club: Video Games. Ages 5-12yrs. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
13 Teen Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting. 5:30pm. Mildred L. Terry Library; 706-243-2782
Hispanic Heritage Month Program. 10:30am. Ages 5-12yrs; Mildred L. Terry Library; 706-2432782
6 Harry Potter Night. Ages 5-12yrs. 6:30pm. Mildred L. Terry Library; 706-243-2782
13 Picture Book Playdates. School Ages 5-12yrs. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
23 Home School Friday - Rock Climbing. 1:303pm. Treadstone Climbing Gym; 706-507-7625
15-16 Gala in the Garden. $50-$90. Thurs 7pm, Fri 11am-1pm, Columbus Botanical Gar den; 706-327-8400
16-17 Garfield, the Musical with Cattitude! 7:30pm. Family Theatre; 706-431-3752
10 Fairy Fest. 11am-2pm. $5. Oxbow Mead ows; 706–507-8550
13 Teen Takeover: Basic Car Maintenance. 6pm. Mildred L. Terry Library; 706-243-2782
6 Little Sprouts. 10:30am. Ages 0-5. $5/family. Columbus Botanical Garden; 706-327-8400
5 Labor Day Fair. 10am-4pm. Old Russell Coun ty Courthouse; Seale; 706-575-4389
14-24 Just 4 Kidz Consignment Sale. 3201 Macon Road; just4kidzconsign.com
4 7th Annual “So Long Summer!” Tailgate & Fireworks Extravaganza. 6-9pm. Mike Tracy Arena, Hamilton; jeeahshope.org 5 Labor Day Mini Camp. 9am-1pm. $10. Ages 5-11 years. National Infantry Museum; 706685-9214
17 CSO presents Myths, Legends & Folk Tunes Concerts. 7:30pm. RiverCenter; csoga.org/ tickets
27 Teen Takeover. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2811
THURSDAY Simple Steps Storytime. Families 0-5yrs. 10am. Columbus Public Library; 706-243-2813
24 Local Mini Market. 10am-5pm. $5 CASH. Columbus Trade Center; 706-327-4522
24 Astronomy Night. 8-10:30pm. F.D. Roos evelt State Park; 706-649-1477
MONDAY Simple Steps Storytime. Babies & Toddlers (0-36mo.) 10am; Preschoolers (3-4yrs.) 11am. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
Please call ahead to confirm event dates, times and age appropriateness, in case changes were made after the info was ob tained. For more events, visit our website at: familyandkidsga.com
Sight Words Support. 3-5pm. 30-min one-onone practice session. K-3rd grade. Mildred L. Terry Library; 706-243-2782
Pumpkins at Callaway Gardens. 5-9pm. Robin Lake Beach; 800-CALLAWAY (Not 9/3)
30 Pumpkins at Callaway Gardens. 5-9pm. Robin Lake Beach; 800-CALLAWAY (Not 9/3)
The BodyGuard: the Musical. 7:30pm. Springer Opera House; 706-327-3688
30 Comic Book Day. Ages 5-12yrs. 4pm. Co lumbus Public Library; 706-243-2813
Historic Westville; 706-507-1621
Toddler Time. 10am-Noon. $10. Ages 5 & under. Launch Trampoline Park; 706-221-8680
24 Peanut Festival. 9am-4pm. Downtown Plains; FestivalNet.com
Picture Book Playdates. School Ages 5-12yrs. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
27 Picture Book Playdates. 3pm. South Co lumbus Library; 706-683-8805
Get Your Game ON. 3pm. South Columbus Li brary; 706-683-8805
Teen Takeover. Teens. 4pm. South Columbus Library; 706-683-8805
Unplug…For Chess’ Sake! Families. 4:30pm. Mildred L. Terry Library; 706-243-2782
The BodyGuard: the Musical. 7:30pm. Springer Opera House; 706-327-3688 23-24
September Events
Simple Steps Storytime: Rhythm & Rhyme. Families 0-5yrs. 10am. Columbus Public Library; Gallery706-243-2813Scenes
Games in the Garden. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813
Garfield, the Musical with Catti tude! 7:30pm. Family Theatre; 706-431-3752 23-25
25 The BodyGuard: the Musical. 2:30pm. Springer Opera House; 706-327-3688
Simple Steps Storytime. Preschoolers. 3-5 yrs. 10am; Babies 0-24 mo. 11:15am. Mildred L. Terry Library; 706-243-2782
TUESDAY Simple Steps Storytime. Families. 10:30am. South Columbus Library; 706-683-8805
Teen Takeover: Merry Pop-Ins. 3pm. Columbus Public Library; 706-243-2811
Discovery Hub. Ages 3-5. 11am. Columbus Li brary; 706-243-2813
FRIDAY Farmstand Friday. 9-11am. The Food Mill, 3280 2nd Avenue; 706-507-9209
“Everything is Beautiful: An Alma Thomas Story.” 2pm. Columbus Museum; Friday706-748-2562NightConcert Series. 7-10pm. Free. Up town Columbus; 706-596-0111
SATURDAY Market Days on Broadway. 9am-Noon. Uptown Columbus; uptowncolumbusga.com Saturday Fun Day. 9:30am-3:30pm. $5-$10.

Select a place in the house where you can set up a gallery of his drawings and ask your child to explain what his drawings mean. However, avoid critiquing the draw ings of young kids. Kids learn to start ob serving visual details in the world around them at about age 4 or 5 and you do not want to discourage them from forming their own observations about the appear ance of different objects in the environ ment. As kids approach age 10 and start to include more detail in their drawings, offer suggestions on techniques your child can use to improve his observations of objects. If you do not have much experience with drawing, take a few drawing lessons to gain a perspective on how to observe an object and then represent it in a drawing.
D ng Enhances Development HOO’s learning
Wise Choices for You & Your Family18 18 SMART IS THE NEW COOL Locally Owned! A new year brings new friends, new teachers, and new opportunities. Help the kids put their best foot forward by dressing them for success! Located in The Landings at exit 8 o I-185 2521 Airport Thruway, Columbus, GA 31904 706.507.3737 | onceuponachildcolumbusga.com facebook.com/onceuponachildcolumbusga 18 Drawing is a fun activity that offers many developmental benefits for kids. It is an activity that you can take with you when you are on the go and can easily be incorporated into your child’s daily routine. DRAWING BUILDS FINE MOTOR SKILLS As soon as your toddler learns to grasp a large crayon or pencil, provide him opportunities to create his first pieces of artwork. The scribbles he produces allow him a chance to express him self and to start working on his fine motor skills. Supervise him while he scribbles but do not step in and try to correct his drawing techniques. As he moves into the preschool years and gains more control over his hand movements, he will start to attempt to draw lines and create the shapes.
Drawing is a relaxing activity that gives kids a way to release emotions and reduce stress. Your child may not have the ability yet to express how he feels in words but can use the sym bolism in his art to communicate his thoughts and experiences. During the process of creating his drawing, your child uses cognitive skills to explore what he knows about the subject he is drawing and then plans how he wants to represent the object.

Submerge your grapes in water. With your top layer of grapes still un der water, plunge a toothpick halfway into them where the stem was once attached. Pour each flavor of gelatin mix into its own container, keeping in mind deeper containers will be easier to work with than shallow Removingones.one grape at a time, roll the grape in the gelatin mixture of choice. If the coating is light or spotty, quickly daub one side of the grape into the water bowl and return it back to the mix for a second turn. As you dip and coat your grapes, place them in a parchment-lined cookie sheet to rest. Once your sheet is full, place the tray in the fridge (or the freezer, if desired) until chilled. These treats are best served cold, when the coating has hardened, which creates a fun ‘shell’ texture. Once they have chilled, they can be popped off of the toothpicks and served as is.
mommatoldmeblog.com GRAPES RAINBOW HOO’s HUNGRY 19
It’s hard not to smile when you see a bowl full of rainbow-col ored grapes! They’re crunchy good, fun and addictive!
INGREDIENTS • 3 lbs of seedless grapes • 100-150 toothpicks • Bowl of water to cover • Instant flavored gelatin
www.FamilyAndKidsGA.com 19
Courtesy of

extracurricular ACTIVITY GUIDe 20

extracurricular ACTIVITY GUIDe
Highlight On HOO’s PICKS 21
Registration occurs monthly at tinytroopssoccer.com between the 15th and 22nd of each month. Fort Benning can be found under the Eastern Region. If you have any questions, visit the facebook page at ‘tinytroopssoccer’ or use the chat feature on the website. For more info on the importance of soccer in Early Childhood Development, visit: com/early-childhood-development/https://tinytroopssoccer.
Tiny Troops Soccer is a soccer program for children ages 2-5 years old. We focus on teaching fundamental developmental skills through the great game of soccer. Every session focuses on giving each child as many touches on the ball as possible while teaching through games and other listening activities. Each of our locations foster a fun, safe, and silly environment where kids can develop and grow in the following areas: gross motor skills, socialization, communication, physical fitness, and imagination. The program starts at age two with a 25 minute ‘Parent and Me’ session. Three and Four-year-old sessions are 45 minutes each. The four and a half to five-year-old sessions focus on advanced skills as children prepare to move on to local recreational leagues. Monthly fees include three inperson sessions and one virtual session. Two year olds are $40 per month, three and four year olds are $45 per month and four and a half to age five is $52 per month.

Our Afterschool Program provides a positive, safe environment to the youth of the Chattahoochee Valley. We aim to inspire creativity, build character, and provide academic enrichment. A F T E AR F T E R S C H O O SL C H O O L P R O G R A PM R O G R A M Annual membership fee is $50.00 per member Teen Club & Fox Elementary students FREE RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY! @ bgc-colsga.org extracurricular ACTIVITY GUIDe 22

extracurricular ACTIVITY GUIDe 23 GIVE YOUR CHILD AN ACADEMIC ADVANTAGE IN SCHOOL AND BEYOND! Start giving your kids all the advantages of Kumon today! reserved.rightsAllInc.America,NorthKumon©2018 Kumon Math and Reading Center of COLUMBUS - NORTH 1290 Double Churches Rd, Suite K, Columbus, GA 31904 kumon.com/columbus-north706.257.6963

extracurricular ACTIVITY GUIDe 24

CHA brings the sport of ice hockey to local families
Columbus Learn to Skate offers lessons for both kids and adults Ice skating lessons offered by the Columbus Learn to Skate program are held at the Columbus Ice Rink. The beginner classes offered include a special introductory class for kids 3-6 years old and basic skating classes for ages 7 to adult. After students master basic skating skills, they can move on to additional classes to teach more advanced figure skating skills or skating skills to play hockey. Classes are continuous enrollment, which means that skaters can register at any time during the semester and the cost will be pro-rated based on the amount of time left in the course. Enrollment in the classes offered by the Learn to Skate program, with a description of each can be found at https://icedevelopment.square.site/columbus-info.
extracurricular ACTIVITY GUIDe
Ice skating lessons and ice hockey are not the first activities parents in the South may think of when their child asks to play a sport, but thanks to some local organizations, the unique opportunity to learn and enjoy indoor ice sports is available to families in the Chattahoochee Valley. Indoor ice sports benefit kids in several ways, including building strong leg muscles and providing excellent cardiovascular exercise. Participating in an indoor ice sport also provides kids a sense of accomplishment. After all, if you live in the South, it is not every day you meet someone who knows how to play ice hockey or figure skate.
Columbus Ice Rink offers open skate sessions
Kids interested in playing hockey can start by participating in the Columbus Hockey Association’s (CHA) Learn to Play program where they learn the basics of hockey such as on Saturdays. Numerous Learn to Play semesters are offered from August to May. After getting their feet under them, children can graduate to the CHA house league, a more structured program that builds on the foundation set in Learn to Play. Players increase their training to twice a week, once for practice and once for a game against other house league players. Children participating in Learn to Play and House League can rent all the necessary equipment for the year, a feature that is unique to the Learn to Play program. For those children who want to take their game to the next level, the CHA Jr. Cottonmouths Travel Program offers a competitive environment that includes 2-3 practices per week and 3-5 tournament weekends in cities around the TheSoutheast.CHAalso offers an adult league for 18 and up. The adult League is divided into “A,” “B,” and “C” Leagues with the “A” League hosting former college, junior hockey, and pro-players, the “B” League offering more casual yet competitive games, and the “C” League providing beginner hockey players a safe environment to learn a new sport. Visit the CHA website columbushockey.org for more information regarding available programs.
RESOURCES: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6659987/
Families can enjoy practicing ice skating skills at the Columbus Ice Rink during public skating hours. The skating fee for adults is $8 each and the skating fee for kids 10 years of age and under is $5 each. The skate rental fee is $4. See the Columbus Ice Rink website columbusga.gov/IceRink/publicskating.htmhttps://civiccenter.forthepublic

Fentanyl has recently been the major con tributor amongst many young adult deaths. It is an opioid that is 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. Tragically, with no known taste, smell, or ap pearance, it has been disguised as “Real pills,” but once taken has caused everlasting heart ache from family and friends. Many teens are seeking painkillers through social media and trusted friends, but one pill unknowingly laced with Fentanyl can be deadly.
www.FamilyAndKidsGA.com 27 TakeDrugBackResourceFairOct15
The Prevention team of East Alabama Mental Health and the Prevention Coalition Against Opioid Addiction of Russell County are part nering to combat that number by organizing a Bi-Annual Prescription Drug Take Back Event & Resource Fair on October 15 at the Fort Mitchell Fire Department, to raise awareness to the citizens on the impor tance of safe and proper disposal of unused and expired prescription drugs. Bring your unused or expired prescription medication laying around the house, whether it belongs to your pet or a family member who has passed away, our goal is to get opioids off the streets and bring an increased awareness about locking up your pills at home. Don’t un derestimate a child’s curiosity. What Can I Do? Talk to the young adults in your life about the dangers of recreational opioids. They should only take medication that comes from the doctor with their name on the prescription! Never give a young adult a painkiller that is not prescribed specifically for them even if it helps you. Caring Is Not Sharing Your Prescription Drugs! #MySmartDose What Can I Do If I Think Someone Has Overdosed? 1. Call 911 and look at the time. 2. If available, provide naloxone. 3. Keep the person awake, breathing and on their side to keep from choking. 5. Stay with the person until assistance arrives. Resources: www.cdc.gov
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Pre vention (CDC), just in the year of 2020, there was a total of 91,799 recorded deaths from drug overdoses in the United States where 75% of that was Opioid-related.

Wise Choices for You & Your Family28 28 28

www.FamilyAndKidsGA.com 29 Cycling fundraiser throughout September to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Battle of Roberts Ridge Proceeds benefit Ranger transition and scholarship programs 29

Wise Choices for You & Your Family30 30
Whatpurchase.women want from this industry, experts say, is not to be treated differently. They want to be treated with respect.
You Are Impacting our Economy!
Married women also markedly influence real estate decisions. According to David Powers Homes of Houston, Texas, couples ultimately agree on the purchase together. Yet their company’s research found women make almost 80 percent of the home-buying decisions in the company’s $180,000 to $500,000 price range.
Women today account for or influence 70-80 percent of all buying decisions. The ‘female economy’ was estimated by Forbes in 2017 to be worth $18 trillion and continues to grow. These statistics reveal the crucial role women play in keeping the economy afloat—in good times and in bad.
Womencustomers.are also responsible for almost half of new car sales and slightly over half of the used-car sales, according to Art Spinella, of CNW Research. Women influence 80% of all transactions. Not to mention, says Ford Motor Marketing, 95% of women have the power to “veto” an automobile
Women control most of the expenditure not only on décor, linens, and kitchen gadgets, but furniture, cabinetry, carpeting, lighting, and more. Furthermore, women play a significant role in the purchase of real estate, the biggest investment most families make. According to the National Association of Realtors’ 2020 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, “36% of home buyers were single women,” Single men accounted for only 20% of home buyers in 2020.
Women aren’t demanding preferential treatment, but they do expect equal treatment and respect.
Another area where women play a crucial role is in the automotive industry. According to a report by the National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence, “Women are not only becoming more influential in deciding what car to buy, they are also taking over the traditionally male-dominated responsibility of maintenance and repair.” Women make up between 65 and 80 percent of auto repair and service shop
House & home Women today account for well over half of the spending on household goods and personal items.
Women are equally important to the travel market. They now make seventy percent of all travel deci sions. They’re the larger clientele of adventure travel. But business travel has also seen marked growth by females, making up nearly half of all business travel. They have a significant impact on the industry because they participate in more leisure activities while traveling on business and they are more likely to order room ser vice while traveling alone.
“Women ask more questions, inquire about details, and are more willing to look under the hood, or check out parts,” says Diane Hohman, an automotive aftermarket consultant in Herndon, Virginia. They’re beginning to get the respect they deserve in this market. What this all boils down to is two-fold. Being America’s biggest consumers, women not only keep the economy from becoming stagnant during times of stability. They keep it from collapsing during a recession. This means women are gaining the upper hand in the way the business industry treats them.
Probably one of the most under-recognized areas of women’s buying power, however, is in the tool and home improvement industry. With the surge in do-it-yourself remodeling, women have fast become a big spender in tool departments and home improvement aisles. Kimberly Stevens, a staff reporter for The Wall Street Journal, explains it’s not just small tools, “We’re talking buzz saws, routers and power sanders.” She stated also that the increase of women in the tool aisle may also be because women working in the construction field has nearly doubled over the last 15 years.

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