The Patel Family
Photo by: Heidi Bowers Photography www.heidibowers.com
& New Orleans • Northshore • Mississippi Gulf Coast
kidsandfamilyns.com kidsandfamilyneworleans.com Paula Wells, Publisher 404-731-1490 kidsandfamilyns@gmail.com
Contributors HooKnows
Paula Wells (404) 731-1490 kidsandfamilyns@gmail.com Dec./Jan. Deadline: November 7, 2022
Susan Erickson, Graphic Designer 504-450-0512
Heidi Bowers, Photographer
Hoo Knows
A trademark of Cinah Media Group. For info on operating your own magazine in other areas: 985-869-0621
Celebrating 25 Years! Yes, you read that headline correctly: Kids & Family Magazine turns 25 this year! That’s a quarter of a century, folks! Along the way, we have watched our community grow tremendously and are continuously in awe at the support we have for one another. This isn’t exactly how we planned to toast our anniversary, but welcome to 2022, where life’s painful unpredictability’s have become the norm. We take our responsibility to our community extremely seriously and we’re excited for the innovations that the next 25 years may bring!
While it felt like a tsunami at times, Kids & Family survived the onslaught of a global pandemic, a hurricane and all the grief brought on by them. We will continue to bring you our special blend of local family resources. We’ve grown up a bit during these unprecedented times and we hope our new logo and new features will highlight our growth over the last 25 years. We certainly couldn’t have done it without you - our peers, clients, community and friends!
We welcome your feedback! Leave your comments on the feedback tab of our website. Also like, share and comment on our social media pages.
I’d like to recognize a few people for bringing to life this big, beau tiful brand. First, a huge thank you to Allen and Elizabeth Heil. For two decades you passionately steered Kids & Family Northshore and I am eternally grateful for our chance meeting. Without you, your wisdom, love and support I would not be writing this today. Second, a heartfelt thank you to Toni Landeche. You have one of the biggest hearts and as the publisher of Kids & Family New Orleans for two decades, you have been an inspiration to many and particularly now to me. I hope you all know how proud I am to have both of you as mentors but most importantly as friends. Special thanks to Robert Ramey who’s patience and kindness has been unwavering and to Susan Erickson, who has been with us since the beginning and often wears many hats, for working tireless ly behind the scenes as our creative designer. I’m looking forward to the many years ahead of us! Last but certainly not least, I’d like to acknowledge you, our loyal clients and readers. You’ve passionately supported us and so we toast to you as we look forward to embrac ing the next 25 years!
Paula Wells PublisherAbita Fall Fest 2022 Nov. 4th-5th, 10am-5pm
1 44th Peter Anderson Arts & Crafts Festival
Nov. 5th & 6th, 9am-5pm
The largest arts festival in Mississippi and on the Gulf Coast! Artists, crafters, music, and food vendors from all over the country! The artists showcase their works to hundreds of thousands of spectators and can be seen paint ing, sculpting and even firing up some pottery. By Ocean Springs Chamber Of Commerce, 1000 Washington Ave, Ocean Springs, MS www.peterandersonfestival.com
The annual Abita Fall Fest is a nonprofit event created to celebrate the art, music and culture of Abita Springs, Louisiana. A fun family event with live music on two stages, food & drinks, the Kid Zone with lots of activities and entertainment from the “Pumpkin Stage”, and the Interactive Circle for all ages, with a Green Screen photo booth, Virtual Reality experiences, and more. www.abitafallfest.com
Nov. 12th-13th, 10am-5pm Free Concert at 8pm Saturday at Covington Trailhead. More than 200 artists participating in this event that takes over several city blocks. In addition to the art booths, there is a Children’s Discovery Area and an arts demonstration tent where you can watch artists make pottery or blow glass. and, of course there will be music and food. www.facebook.com/Threeriversart
Nov. 3rd-8th
The 33rd annual New Orleans Film Festival takes place November 3-8, 2022 in venues across the city with in-person events, parties, pan els, filmmaker pitches, and much more! For more info visit: www. neworleansfilmsociety.org/
Area farmers and makers’ markets take on a holiday theme at this time of year, wherein those that usually host crafts vendors offer more goods and handmade items, as with the Madisonville Market and Mandeville Trailhead Holiday Market, which also extends its shopping hours. Meanwhile, local artists gather to sell fine crafts ideal for gifting, as with the Olde Towne Christmas Market, November 27-28. www.louisiananorthshore.com/events/annu al-events/holiday