September 10, 2014 | 17th Edition
library update App update: a focus on audiobooks As part of the continued growth and evolution of our mobile apps, we are pleased to pass along the following updates to our mobile apps. Improving the audiobook experience was our chief focus in our latest app. Here is a breakdown of some of the enhanced functionality:
Continued simplification of content navigation and enhanced controls are our goal with the hoopla digital mobile apps. If you have any feedback on the mobile apps, please let your hoopla Coordinator know. We appreciate any and all feedback on the hoopla platform!
• On our Android app, we have added more advanced audiobook controls from both the widget and the notification drawer. When opening the notifcation drawer, we have added a 30-second rewind along with a bookmark button to the already present play/pause button. The hoopla widget for your phone’s home screen has also been enhanced with a 30-second rewind button as well. • We have heard the feedback on our iOS app, and are thrilled to let you know that our latest iOS app release corrects an issue with playback being paused after your device auto-locks or “goes to sleep.” As of the publication of this story, the app update is still up for review. So, as always, please check for further updates. This fix has been in the works for some time, and we appreciate our users’ patience.
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“More for less”—it’s a hoopla mantra One of the most significant benefits that hoopla offers libraries is the ability to offer patrons a wide-ranging and extensive catalog of titles without the prohibitive upfront costs. hoopla currently maintains a catalog of over 200,000 unique titles, and new titles are being added daily.
cost of purchasing each of these individual titles from other digital vendors? 5,000 of the above 12,000 unique titles were full music albums. Now imagine purchasing each individual song (conservative average of 10 songs per) off these albums for a total of 50,000 songs.
For example, a medium-sized Midwest-located library partner loaned nearly 12,000 unique music, video, and audiobook titles to their patrons so far this year. Can you imagine the
The end result: hoopla simply allows you to offer your patrons the largest choice at the lowest cost. And, as the catalog continues to grow, your benefits will be even greater.
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