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Definitions: Science: [sahy-uh ns] Origin: From Latin scientia "knowledge, a knowing; expertness," from sciens (genitive scientis) "intelligent, skilled," present participle of scire "to know," British dictionary: The systematic study of the nature and behaviour of the material and physical universe, based on observation, experiment, and measurement, and the formulation of laws to describe these facts in general terms. Science dictionary: The investigation of natural phenomena through observation, theoretical explanation, and experimentation, or the knowledge produced by such investigation. Science makes use of the scientific method, which includes the careful observation of natural phenomena, the formulation of a hypothesis, the conducting of one or more experiments to test the hypothesis, and the drawing of a conclusion that confirms or modifies the hypothesis. City: [sit-ee] Origin: From Latin civitatem originally "citizenship, condition or rights of a citizen, membership in the community," from civis "townsman," The sense has been transferred from the inhabitants to the place. British dictionary: Any large town or populous place Synonyms: Community: a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, shared government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage. Agora: a ie t Greek hief arketpla e of Athe s, e tre of the it s civic life.

What is a Science City? [sahy-uh ns sit-ee] Follo i g these defi itio s, a “ ie e Cit is a large populous pla e here it s possi le to systematically study Nature and behaviour of material and physical Universe based on observation, experiment, and measurement, and the formulation of laws to describe these facts in general terms. It may also be: - A place for kids of all ages, from 7 to 107, where we learn things in a fun way; - A living place where we may find answer to questions; - A place where we may be placed inside concepts to understand it intuitively; - A living place where Human and Natural genius can be mixed and valorised; - A pla e here it s possi le to i agi e, e peri e t e thi gs a d reate vocations; - …

FX0101 p1

Egypt, cradle of Civilisations: Building a City of Science in Egypt is a whole symbol that gives us the opportunity to link the most advanced sciences to the great scientific and cultural past of the country. Egypt is one of the first places in the world where writing was invented. The development of writing enabled knowledge to be stored and communicated across generations with much greater fidelity. This gave to the ancient a major advantage. By observing natural processes, Ancient Egypt made significant advances in science: astronomy, mathematics, medicine, ... Egypt was also a centre of alchemy research for much of the Mediterranean. Imhotep, an Egyptian polymath and the first recorded architect from around 2400 BCE was the first to translate vernacular material into stone faced ashlar, to abstract bundled reeds into columns, and the pyramid shape. The great pyramid of Giza is a good example of their advanced mathematical understanding because it employs, among others, Pi and the Golden Ratio. This Golden Number (฀, phi, , …), well known with the Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, , , , , , , … , is found to govern the growth of numerous plants and animals, and is also the primary proportion found in sacred buildings and monuments across antiquity. The ancient Egyptian culture is abundant in artefacts that were nature inspired. Most remaining artefacts were carved in stone that allowed them to survive throughout time until rediscovered by modern archaeologists. In their use of numbers as symbolic language, the ancient Egyptians predated and influenced works of Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, among others. Without question, the ancients left behind a great knowledge which modern science is still trying to make sense today.

In prehistoric times, advice and knowledge was passed from generation to generations using oral tradition. Human were mostly nomadic and lived by hunting, fishing and gathering. The ancient civilizations that prospered along the banks of the Nile are recognized as some of the oldest in human history. The Nile's quickly northward flowing waters not only created the agricultural land that made civilization possible but provided an easy route for trade. Small-scale culture and civilization began in the region around 6000-5500 B.C. The development of agriculture allowed a surplus of food. This surplus allowed community to support individuals who did things other than work towards bare survival. These other tasks included systematic studies of nature, study of written information gathered and recorded by others, and often of adding to that body of information.

Fig 3: The Egyptian hieroglyph is one of the first writing methodologies used to transmit knowledge through ages.

Fig 1: The development of agriculture allowed a surplus of food.

Fig 2: Mathematical proportion b :h :a of 1 : √φ:φ a d : : a d : /π: . are of parti ular i terest i relation to Egyptian pyramids

Fig 4: The Edwin Smith papyrus is one of the first medical documents, and perhaps the earliest document that attempts to describe and analyse the brain: it might be seen as the very beginnings of modern neuroscience.

FX0101 p2

The project – Outside: from the dry desert to an expanding oasis of life Inspired by the amazing and fascinating heritage the ancient Egyptians transmit, we conceived our architecture following nature s principles through a biomimetic approach in order to create a worldwide example of energy efficient building that supports and demonstrates the latest available technologies. This innovative approach add constraints: sustainable development, natural resources and waste optimization, valorisation of local knowledge, … This architecture is developed to answer the major challenges humanity is facing nowadays: food, water, raw material and energy scarcity, climate change, desertification and lost of biodiversity. The building is conceived to be able to evolve with time and incorporate future sustainable solutions. This building is also a pedagogical way to transmit knowledge. Any applications will be explained and a pretext for directs experimentations. (See: To go deeper in the concepts: Ecosystems interconnectivity - science city applications)

Like Egyptian ancestors, inspirations came from natural examples. Our architecture is directly inspired from local natural genius: snails, beetle, lizard, cactus, … but also from other relevant species: African termite, deep see sponge, sunflower, … All these natural organisms have developed elegant solutions to specific problems. Mixed together with latest technical innovations, all these solutions will create an oasis of life at the door of the Sahara desert.

Fig 5: Sphincterochila boisseri : Surprisingly there are snails able to survive in the desert. The shell of these desert snails, like Sphincterochila boisseri, helps them to survive extreme heat using light reflectance and architecturally-derived insulating layers of air. (Schmidt-Nielsen et al., 1971; Islam & Schulze-Makuch 2007) (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphincterochila_boissieri)

From the dry desert... The project is following the Fibonacci spiral protecting the Cit from the hot desiccating air of the desert. Like the desert snail Sphincterochila boisseri, the walls of the external side of the spiral are curved to protect against the dominating winds and are white to increase the reflectivity. These outer walls are essentially blind, but through these walls we can see holes that are part of the air-conditioning system. To allow the materialisation of the Fibonacci sequence the 3 campuses are interconnected to each other as in nature where everything is connected. The external walls are made of different layers, from the outside to the inside: a thin layer of second generation photovoltaic panels (where relevant), then a wall ideally made of stone masonry, a layer of sand, and finally a layer of rammed earth. This structure mimics the multifunctional shell of a unique snail, found in the deepest thermal source in the oceans, Chrysomallon squamiferum: mechanical resistance, thermal regulation and inertia. …to an expanding oasis of life. The main entrance is set at the south of the site, facing the desert. The garden is spreading between the heart of the spiral and the main entrance. The internal of the spiral is following a graduation of different microclimate. A pathway, in the middle, is following a declivity and combined with the setup of the building, is creating different atmosphere. This game of shadows, with shaded and exposed areas, allows a certain variety of garden types and atmospheres. In addition to the fact that the ground goes down along this central pathway, available water, coming from the wastewater treatment (the Living Machine) and inside the building, gradually increases. Because of this topographical descent and increase in humidity, life also gradually emerges. This effect is mimicking the succession of ecosystems we may find along an increasing gradient of humidity: from the desert to the tropical forest. The tropical forest at the heart of the spiral, and all the gardens on site, are edible forest that could feed the restaurant and bar. With time passing, this oasis is going to expand and gradually conquer the surrounding deserts, as organic matters will be recycled in rich and fertile earth.

Fig 6: Chrysomallon squamiferum: The shell of this unique snail commonly known as the scaly-foot gastropod, is highly resistant and is of interest on many levels for the development of composite materials with complementary properties. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaly-foot_gastropod)

FX0101 p3

In addition to the main spiral of Fibonacci, there is a secondary spiral structuration based on the template found in the heart of sunflowers (Helianthus annuus). This organisation leads to a su essio of ells that a t as a fra e et ork for the project. The main pathways going down in the centre of the spiral is following one of these cell series. Some pathways leave the central one, as branches, to reach different places with different ambiances, here it s possi le to organise interesting and funny experimentations: Archaeological digging, Naturalistic observation, … On the other side of the main pathway, we may follow the water that emerges from inside the building and flows down to a water feature where the Planetarium seems to float like a pearl of nacre in a green case. Along this water pathway we find several games to let us play with the water and discover interesting physical properties of water, like the Ar hi edes screw, fou tai s ali e ted gia t heels, … The deepest part of the garden, the tropical edible forest and the planetarium, are protected from the sun by a large curved roof. In order to create some light effects, a game of zero and 1 is perforating the top, reminding us the theme of the architecture: Science and Knowledge. Under this protecting structure, facing the Planetarium, we see water cascading down from the tower and oxygenating the large water feature on both sides of the round shape. The large curved roof also protects the main entrance. A long suspended walkway comes out, overhangs the garden and enters the second campus. On the other side, a ramp goes to the main entrance hall. Over the water, another ramp is leading directly to the planetarium.

Fig 7: Euplectella aspergillum: the complexity, regularity and strength of their skeleton made of glass is astounding. (fired-earth.tumblr.com/)

The principal access to main entrance is the kiss and drive on the main place. There are 3 parking areas. The biggest is located to the east with a direct access and there is a smaller one to the west. The Northern parking is reserved to the workers. All parking areas are linked together. From the main entrance, there are direct accesses to the two big conference rooms located at the bottom of the tower under the cover of the wind-solar leaves; to the library; to the planetarium; and the walkway permit a direct access to the HD theatre and the great auditorium.

Fig 8: Physasterna cribripes (Tenebrionidae), female. By combining raised hydrophilic areas with lower superhydrophobic areas, it is possible to make materials able to capture minute traces of moisture from the air and convey them along a channel. (The scale bar is 4mm) (Fig from J. Guadarrama-Cetina et al. Eur. Phys J. E. (2014) 37:109)

FX0101 p4

The project – The tower Going through the ramp leading to the main entrance, we are now at the bottom of the tower. This one is slightly different, expressed by a difference of ambiance. The structure of the tower, inspired by the Venus Flower basket (Euplectella aspergillum), is transparent and the light comes from outside where the rest of the building is very protective and only indirect light come from protected windows on the roof and inside the spiral, like a mound. In the tower, most of the attention is turned outside to the city, the garden and the desert, while inside the mound the attention is focussed on the exhibitions. The tower appears to be high-tech while the mound appears to be low-tech. As already mentioned, the tower is inspired by the Venus Flower basket, a glass sponge found in the deep ocean. This aerial structure let the light enter from almost everywhere. The tower seems, like the planetarium, to float in the centre of a lake. The water flows out of the water feature by two small rivers. One slowly flows into the mound and the other goes around the planetarium and falls toward the garden. A gentle helical ramp leads to the top. Several floors let us admire the surrounding environment. We can see a fogcatcher net in front of the tower. This net, inspired by the Namib Desert beetle (Physasterna cribripes, a Tenebrionidæ), will collect the dew during the earliest hours of the days. Behind the tower, the rounded structure is covered by solar and wind photovoltaic leafs that will collect solar energy during the sunny days and wind energy during the night and covered days. In addition these leaves will protect the building by casting shadows. In the core of the tower, 8 small glass elevators for 1 or 2 persons goes up to the top. Over there, a large surface will let us admire the environment and see the pyramids of Giza to the east.

Fig 9: Moloch horridus : Thorny Devil in Kalbarri National Park. Microstructure on the skin of this animal let water ascend by capillarity to the mouth. (Artist: Paul Duncan) (www.asknature.org)

During the night, this place will be used for the amateur observation of the stars and planets. Above this place, the round shaped observatory will permit more detailed analysis of the deep sky. This tower is multifunctional. It is the support of the observatory and the platform of observation but also used as a traditional badgir cooling system. Inside the tower we will also find a large tank of water which is alimented using the tree a d thor de il lizard effe t. This lizard use i rostru ture to let ater ascend against gravitation by capillarity. The trees, by a similar effect helped by the phenomenon of evapotranspiration, are able to ascend water up to hundred meters in height. Back at the main entrance, under the large curved protecting roof. This large open space is spread between the Tower and the planetarium. On the extreme right, the library is located at the bottom of the pedestrian walkway leading to the second campus. This documentation centre is set on two levels: basement and ground floor. The library is directly linked to the research shared facilities of the second campus by the suspended walkway. Once passed the counter desk of the main entry, visitors will have the choice between heading directly to the tower, have a walk in the garden (and the restaurant) or follow the water along the main hall that leads to the different collections.

Fig 10: Schematic diagram of the badgir cooling system with added cooling by a kareez/qanat (www.heritageinstitute.com/zoroastrianism/yazd/page2.htm)

Indeed, the ater leads us as a Fil d Aria e to the differe t e hi itio halls. This river also expresses the route of the uildi g s spine, as do the windows on the roof. Let s follo the ri er s irli g i to the ou d… FX0101 p5

The project – Inside the mound We are facing the large protecting roof of the main entrance of the spiral shaped building. We see to the right side the rou d shaped pla etariu a d to the left the orga i to er. Both are floati g o ater. At the extreme right of the protecting roof, we can see the library. In the shadow of the protecting roof, the main desk welcome visitors near the sou e irs shops. A river swirling from the tower invites us to enter the main atrium. This water is part of the Living Machine System (the wastewater treatment system) and will help to grow plantations inside the building and the gardens. This water will also help to maintain a pleasant atmosphere along the main walk. The river follows a spine creating a walk across different atmosphere. Orientation is perturbed because, from the entrance, visitors follow a game of ramps where space is contracting and expanding, and the curved rammed walls and irregular swirling roofs increase this effect. The indirect light coming from the windows on the roof, also following the spine, invite us to enter the mound and discover wonders of knowledge. When we enter the atrium of the first campus, where is located the temporary exposition, we can travel the different stage using walkways. From here, we can see the garden inside the spiral and walk to the restaurant. The Collection is set all along the external side of spiral while the offices and living places are organized on the internal side facing the garden. The people working there will have the feeling to be privileged. In the middle, are organised the different expositions and places. The air-conditioning system we find in the different buildings is inspired by termite mound built by Macrotermes bellicosus. These outer walls protecting from the desert are essentially blind, but through these walls there are holes that will be open during the night to let the fresh air of the desert enter and cool down water stored in the basement of the buildings. This stock of freshness will help to regulate the temperature inside the building during the day. The fresh air stored in the basement will enter in the different rooms at the bottom on one side and go out at the top of the other side. This will ensure circulation of fresh air in addition of the thermal inertia. The dimensions and flow of this system must be calculated and computer regulated to keep the inner atmosphere pleasant.

Fig 11: A cathedral termite mound illustrating how big these cities can be: Some termites must have a constant temperature, whatever the external temperature, which may vary over a range of 40°C in a day. (voices.nationalgeographic.com)

Starting from here we can see the large conference centre suspended in the interactive hall of e positio . The olu es are so ope that it s possi le to alorise large ele e ts. We a o ti ue our visit by ascending to the 3rd campus dedicated to the collections where we will find the HD theatre. We can also walk through the suspended pathways overhanging the garden in the direction of the planetarium and the main entrance.

Fig 12: Visit tour inside the mound

FX0101 p6

The project – Conclusion This Science City is a physical and symbolical light-tower of Knowledge. The building is the aterializatio of a y life’s pri ciples. Biomimicry by essence through its multidisciplinary approach makes links between the different Sciences. Better understanding such complementary and interconnected systems can help us to reduce our dramatic impact. And, reconnecting with Nature will let us believe in a bright Future.

View from the main entrance

FX0101 p7

View from above the suspended walkway

FX0101 p8

View from the garden

FX0101 p9

View from under the main roof at the bottom of the tower

FX0101 p10

The planetarium under the protecting roof

FX0101 p11

Inside the mound and the suspended auditorium

FX0101 p12

To go deeper in the concepts Desert snail – temperature regulation & strength: Surprisingly, there are snails able to survive in the desert. The shell of these desert snails, like Sphincterochila boisseri, helps them to survive extreme heat using light reflectance and architecturallyderived insulating layers of air. (Schmidt-Nielsen et al., 1971; Islam & Schulze-Makuch 2007) The surface of the shell is highly reflective, resulting in 95% reflectance within the near infrared, 90% in the visible spectrum. While the maximum air temperature might reach 43 °C, surface temperatures can reach 65 °C. However, shading and the rough surface of the soil results in a temperature of 60 °C. During the heat of the day, the snail retreats into an upper whorl where the temperature is an even cooler 50 °C. Heat flows in the direction of lower temperature, result in heat flow through the shell, with resultant decrease higher in the shell. (Biomimicry 3.8 Institute)

in all known animals) is particularly resistant against high level of acidic condition found in the thermal sources where we find this animal. The middle layer made of organic material help the gastropod in heat regulation and for structural protection. The innermost layer is like the other gastropod. The different layers act complementary and give multifunctional properties. Science city application: this particular rounded shape is used to protect the site against the sun and the exterior walls will also be white to reflect a maximum of visible light and infrared. The inner structure of the wall is made of multiple complementary layers (stone masonry, sand and rammed earth) and is directly mimicking the shell of Chrysomallon.

mounds up to 6m tall and 3m in diameter using earth mixed with sali a. The i terior of these uildi gs is a la ri th of a ities a d corridors variously reserved for raising young, storing food and for moving around. One of the unusual features of these termites is that they cultivate species of fungi as their primary food source. To enable them to do this, a mound must have a constant temperature between 29°C and 32°C, whatever the external temperature, which may vary over a range of 40°C in a day. The design of the mound, with its ventilation, heating and cooling systems, has been studied extensively. The insects are able to regulate the temperature by opening or closing air passages.

Fig 15: Green building in Harare, Zimbabwe modelled after termite mound. (inhabitat.com/building-modelled-on-termites-eastgate-centre-in-zimbabwe)

Application: Since 1996, the Eastgate Centre building in Harare, Zimbabwe, has been open. This building has passive air conditioning, which requires no or few input of energy. Since then, other buildings have been built using this principle in London, Australia, …

î Fig 13: Diagram of temperature distribution and heat flow in and around a snail exposed to sun on the desert surface. Indicated temperatures represent the maxima. Direction of heat flow indicated by broken arrows; solar irradiation by long dashes. (Fig from Schmidt-Nielsen et al., 1971)

In addition to this capacity, the structure of the shell of such animal is highly resistant and may inspire highly resistant material. The shell of Chrysomallon squamiferum, commonly known as the scalyfoot gastropod, is of interest on many levels for the development of composite materials with stable, homogenous structure and complementary properties. The shell of this unusual snail consists of three layers. The outer layer made of iron sulphide (which is unique

Fig 14: Chrysomallon squamiferum, commonly known as the scaly-foot gastropod have a unique triple layer protective shell (Industry of Nature p215)

Termite – Thermal regulation: Termites are highly organized insects. Some termites of the genus Macrotermes are specialised in building structures complete with air conditioning. Macrotermes bellicosus is a mound-building termite found in tropical Africa, where it is capable of constructing

Science city application: During night, the fresh air of the desert will be used to cool down a volume of water in the basement and the wall inside the building. This accumulated freshness will then be used to regulate the temperature of the entire complex during the day. The different column seen on the interior of the spiral will be used as chimney for the cooling system in addition to the main one of the tower.

FX0101 p13

Venus Flower Basket – strength & thermal regulation Sponges are simple multicellular marine animals. There are more than 30,000 species. All sponges have a lacy surface through which water can penetrate, bringing in food and oxygen. This water is then expelled via a single orifice called an osculum. Euplectella aspergillum, the Ve us Flo er Basket, is alled a glass spo ge a d ge erall li es i deep ater, e o d . It s hara terized a curved tubular silica skeleton, which can be up to 1m in length, resembling lacework. The skeleton actually consists of siliceous spicules made of glass and is extremely crack resistant and stiff. These spicules of glass are produced by a cold process, and the complexity, regularity and strength of their skeleton is astounding.

with water. Besides resistance to wind and breaking, the complex framework also assures a better ventilation management, cutting air conditioning costs. Science city application: The main tower is based on similar principles developed for the Gherkins in London. But, because the climatic conditions are different, the fresh air will come from the termite mound effect already described. This system is very similar to the ancestral badgir cooling system complemented with a qanat system. In addition to this, there will be a reserve of water near the top of the tower. This structure will be particularly light and resistant. Namib desert beetle – Water collection Beetles of the genus Stenocara live in the African Namib Desert, one of the driest places in the world, not receiving more than few millimetres of rain per year. These beetles are able to capture minute traces of moisture from the air by an ingenious method. Researchers Andrew Parker and Chris Laurence looked into this intriguing subject in 2001 and discovered how the insect captures this vital fluid in such a hostile environment. The beetles have rough elytra (wing covers), a surface on which hydrophobic (waterrepellent) hollows coated with wax, alternate with hydrophilic (water attracting) ridges. In the early hours of the morning a beetle position itself on the crest of a sand dune, bending its head down, its body creating a 45° angle to the ground. The beetle hydrophilic ridges retain traces of moisture. Minute droplets of water, just a few microns in diameter, form on the ridges. The droplets expand until, at a certain point, they cannot be held on the hydrophilic ridges, so they run down into the hydrophobic hollows, from which they are channelled directly to the mouth of the insect. The beetle, adequately hydrated, is then ready to face its hot and dry day.

Fig 16: The Gherkin in London is inspired by The Flower venus basket. budleighbrewsterunited.blogspot.fr/2013_04_01_archive.html

Application: The head office of Swiss Re in London, popularly known as The Gherkin , desig ed by Sir Norman Foster and a team of engineers, is based on a cylindrical architecture similar to that of glass sponges. Opening windows in the steel exoskeleton allow natural light and fresh air to penetrate the structure, just like food penetrates the structure of the sponge. Because of its cylindrical shape, wind can easily wrap around the building. Also, vents at the bottom level suck in wind and swirl it upwards just like sponge does

Science city application: because relative humidity of air is above 55% during the earliest hours of the day, and because of the surface available for the dew catcher, the system is expected to collect about minimum 3,000 to 15,000 m3 of water per year. This water will be stored in the basement of the city and will help supplement the lost of water in the cyclic process of recycling water in the Living Machine system.

Fig 17: Fog catcher installed in Chile (revolution-green.com/fog-catchers/)

Living Machine - Wastewater treatment

Application: By combining raised hydrophilic areas with lower super-hydrophobic areas, it is possible to make materials able to capture minute traces of moisture from the air and convey them along a channel. Designed by Kitae Pak of Seoul National University of Technology in South Korea, the Dew bank was inspired by the Namibian beetles collecting moisture. The Fog catcher successfully tested in Chile permit to gather directly humidity from air on a larger scale (J. Guadarrama-Cetina et al. 2014). Recent research made by a team of the MIT have increased the yield of fog harvesting materials up to five times more water from thin air. (Park KC et al. 2013) (cf NBD Nano)

Fig 18: Living Machine System: natural wastewater treatment inspired by wetland

FX0101 p14

Based on the principles of wetland ecology, Living Machine systems patented tidal process cleans water, making the Living Machine the most energy efficient system to meet high quality reuse standards. The system incorporate a number of wetland cells filled with special gravel that facilitates the development of micro-ecosystems. These cells are integrated in the building and in the garden. The water moves trough the system, flooding and draining the cells to create multiple tidal cycles each days, like in the natural wetlands, resulting in high quality reusable water. The micro-ecosystems within the cells efficiently remove nutrients and solids from the wastewater, resulting in high quality effluent. The final stage, which involves filtration and disinfection, leaves water crystal clear and ready for reuse. Science city application: All wastewater will be treated and recycled. Water circuit will then be completely circularized. The dew catcher will help supplement the water lost by evaporation and evapotranspiration.

condenses on them and is drawn by capillary action along the grooves and eventually down to the tiny creature's mouth." (Attenborough 1979:164).

Fig 20: Moloch horridus : Grooves on the surface of the skin are connected to a network of channels below the skin so that water is directed to the sides of the thor y devil’s outh (wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102015365)

The Thorny Devil (Moloch horridus) can gather all the water it needs directly from air, rain, standing water, or from soil moisture, against gravity without using energy or a pumping device. Water is o e ed to this desert lizard s outh apillar a tio through a circulatory system on the surface of its skin, comprised of semienclosed channels 5-150 µm wide running between cutaneous scales. Channel surfaces are heavily convoluted, greatly increasing the effective surface area to which water can hydrogen-bond and hence capillary action force. Passive collection and distribution systems of naturally distilled water could help provide clean water supplies to the 1 billion people estimated to lack this vital resource, reduce the energy consumption required in collecting and transporting water by pump action (e.g., to the tops of buildings).

Fig 21: How water is transported from underground to top of trees. (www.studyblue.com)


Fig 19: Circularized water flow

Thorny Devil Lizard and the Tree – water elevation without energy "The thorny devil, a tiny highly specialised lizard from the central Australian desert which lives entirely on ants has each scale enlarged and drawn out to a point in the centre. Few birds could relish such a thorny mouthful and to that extent, they must be a very effective defence, but the shape of the scales also serves another and most unusual function. Each is scored with very thin grooves radiating from the central peak. During cold nights, dew

How water is transported in the trees: water molecules enter through hair on the roots and goes to specialized tubes named Xylem. Adhesion to cell walls and the hydrogen bonds linking the molecules ensure the cohesion of the water column. The xylem leads to the leaves where the photosynthesis occurs. There, water can leave the xylem system. On the interior face of the leaves there are special structure called stoma. These specialized structure let the CO2 goes in and release the oxygen molecules produced by the photosynthetic process. Through these stomas, water is evaporating (more exactly evapotranspirating). Because of the cohesion of the column, water is continuously sucked up as long as the top molecules of water are evaporating.

Fig 22: Solar water pump II (Artist: Stephen J. Salter) (www.asknature.org)

FX0101 p15

Stephen Salter provides designs for a still and pump that works the way a tree transpires. Like a tree, it uses solar power to wick water up from underground, and then captures the evaporated water. This water is purified--basically distilled--so can be used where water is contaminated or in marshy areas. The basic design is provided on the website, with ideas for improvements, limitations, alternative designs, etc. There is no patent, and potential users from Canada, Iran, China, Singapore, the USA (Texas, Florida, California, Nevada, Massachusetts, Washington), Gaza Strip, India, and Pakistan, are interested in making their own models. Science city application: This hybrid system will help to transport water without any use of energy but solar irradiation. This water is almost pure because of the distillation process. The water will be sucked up to the top of the tower and stored for later use. The section and debit must be calculated. Solar and wind leafs:

produce energy using wind and protect from the sun by casting shadows to protect the two big conference rooms at the bottom of the tower. Lotus Effect – self-cleaning (& water harvesting): Lotus leaves are symbols of purity and are sacred in Buddhist religion. They have a notable peculiarity: they always appear clean. This phenomenon of cleanliness is related to their surface structure, which makes them super-hydrophobic (very water repellent): water droplets hardly stick at all to the leaves and roll off, simultaneously taking with them any dust on their surface. The later is covered by a wax micro-structure, the elements of which are from 1 to 10 micrometer in size (millionths of a meter). Wax is by nature hydrophobic and water on the leaves is unable to enter the interval between, the very fine, rough structure of the wax. The water therefore rests mainly on air, just as it does in a cloud. With no possibility of hanging on it streams away, taking dust particles in its way. The key feature is the fact that the contact between the surface involved and the water is reduced as much as possible, to only a few percentage of the available surfaces.

Application: Designed by Rusan Architekture, the Lumenart office uildi g, also alled House of Light is situated i Pula, Croatia. I te se hite ess do i ates the e terior that features “to s LotuSan ® paint costing. Over time, external facades of buildings become more and more clogged with dirt. LotuSan ® external paint coating has an extremely water repellent surface, based on the Lotus effect. Treated façade thus remain dry and clean. This water shall be collected into the basement of the building, filtered and stored for several usages. Science city application: this effect is used in the fog catcher and may also be used to avoid any accumulation of dirt and dusts on solar panels, on delicate systems and maybe later the exposed walls to the desert. Ecosystems: Interconnectivity

Fig 23: Solar and wind leaf: SMIT solar ivy (inhabitat.com)

Solar Ivy is a solar energy system whose design reflects the natural growth of ivy on building and in nature. Flexible, modular, and customizable, Solar Ivy can be used in conjunction with traditional solar panels or independently to meet the demands of a wide spectrum of energy needs. Science City applications: This device will have a triple effect: Produce energy from photovoltaic cells of second generation,

Fig 24: microstructure on lotus leaves makes them hyperhydrophobic (Industry of Nature p202)

Fig 24: Interconnectivity of ecosystems (Industry of Nature Fig P166)

FX0101 p16

A British botanist called Arthur George Tansley introduced the notion of an ecosystem in 1935 as the basic unit in nature. This is group of interconnected living things and their environment, relying on a network of exchanges of energy and materials, which ensure the upkeep and development of their communal life. Ecosystems exist in many size, the Earth itself is an ecosystem, as is a forest or a lake. The various systems are also interconnected.

Taking inspiration from that lesson, industrial ecology suggests that industrial systems are considered as special ecosystems, as they also manage flow of materials, energy and information. The Danish industrial city of Kalundborg is a model for this. Several companies that are established there have built a system for efficiently e ha ge heat, aterials, ashes, ater, fertilizer, … This e oi dustrial park is o used as a odel i differe t ou tries.

pa els, i d tur i es, … . The remaining compost may feed the worm compost.

An ecosystem consists of two components that influence each other: the physical biotope and the living community. The abiotic biotope consists of components such as temperature, light, wind, ater, … The ioti part consist of all living things; producers (plants), consumers (animals) and reducers (bacteria and fungi). Ecosystems combine numerous species in more or less complex ways and tend naturally towards a state in which stability is assured. We speak of dynamic stability in that an ecosystem is in a constant state of flux, arbitrating all parameters and trying to maintain a balance between all parties involved. Each entity of an ecosystem takes its share of responsibilities and plays its parts. It is therefore important to ensure the preservation of all participants in the relevant ecosystem.

Science City applications: The main objective of the Science City is to be exemplary. In addition to the systems already described, the project can gradually incorporate different complementary systems and demonstrate the feasibility of such circularizing approaches.

A system may produce Spirulinas (Athrospira platensis & maxima), which are very interesting algae. This one may be used as complementing food but also as biomass for the anaerobic digester. For deep space science, these algae are of interest because of their yield of oxygen production.

The gardens may be gradually transformed in edible forest. This will be a pretext to explain how Nature is able to produce food, aromatic and medicinal plants. In addition, this garden will gradually conquer the desert. Local Bees and other useful insects can be used to maintain the edible forest. Bees will not only help pollinate flowers but also produce honey and other useful bee-products. It will be possible to use these productions in the restaurant and the bar of the city and the surplus may be sells in a local food shop.

We can also invite visitors to build their own energy panels such as those used on the tower skin, which can use solar and wind energy.

Application: The Living Machine water treatment may be complemented with a fish farm rearing a range of edible fishes. The system will then become an aquaponic system where ammonia produced by the fishes will be transformed in nitrite and nitrate by the bacteria Nitrosomas and Nitrobacter. The plantations will grow using these nitrite and nitrate.

Another possibility is to install a microbrewery to produce local beer from the hop produced in the edible forest garden. The rest of production, the grains, may be used for shiitake (Lentinula edodes) production, (a medicinal mushroom).

The spaces of the building can be adapted. For example, the roofs of the building itself may become an extension of the garden, ... Etc., etc., etc. Once finely tuned, such systems may easily be transposed in urbanized areas. This will improve employment, social links and environmental sustainability. These concrete examples will demonstrate that science may be fun and useful, and may inspire vocations to young and less young people. These researches may notably help Humanity to survive in deep space on a long term, starting with the Moon and Mars, as planned in a near future, by the ESA and NASA.

Organic waste may be directly put in worm compost to be transformed in rich and fertile earth. The compost juice may be used as fertilizer and the worms by itself may feed the edible fishes of the aquaponic system. Organic waste may also be used to cultivate edible and medicinal mushrooms in the basement. For example use coffee waste to produce Pleurotus ostreatus, an excellent and easy growing edible mushroom.

Fig 25: Industrial Ecosystem at Kalundborg (www.colorado.edu)

Another possibility with the organic waste is to use an anaerobic digester, which will produce methane. This gas will be used as a source of energy into a cogeneration electrical plant that will produce heat and energy. This will be in addition with all the other complementary systems producing energy (solar panels, wind

FX0101 p17

Why biological systems are more responsive to environment? Human made systems

Biological systems



Linear flow of resources

Closed loop flows of resources

Disconnected and mono-functional

Densely interconnected and symbiotic

Resistant to change

Adapted to constant change


Zero waste

Long term toxins frequently used

Non long-term toxins frequently used

Often centralised and mono cultural

Distributed and diverse

Fossil-fuel dependent

Run on current solar income

Engineered to maximise one goal

Optimised as a whole system



Use global resources

Use local resources

Many studies of biological and technological systems show that there is a mere 12% similarity between the human (mechanical) and natural problem solving methodologies (Vincent et al., 2006)

Engineering solutions arranged according to size/ hierarchy

Biological organisms and systems can be seen as embodying technologies that are equivalent to those invented by humans, and in many cases they have solved the same problems with far greater economy of means. The intention of biomimetic design is to study ways of translating adaptations in biology into solutions in architecture. Cities as consumers of energy and resources and producers of artefacts, information and waste can be compared with iologi al e tities. ‘e e t a alogies i lude ities as li i g orga is s Miller JG or orga is s Lo elo k, and notions of urban ecosystems (Botkins 1997) (cited in Ecomimesis, C. Stokoe, 2013). Nature presents a far superior methodology of problem solving, and it would seem that we need to re-think our approach, and look to nature for advises. Nature can be seen as model and then imitate or take inspiration from these designs and processes to solve human problems. Nature can be seen as measure to judge the right ess of i o atio s. After , illio s years of evolution, nature has learned what works, what is appropriate, what lasts. Nature can also be seen as mentor, Biomimicry is a new way of viewing and valuing nature. It introduces an era based not on what we can extract from the natural world, but what we can learn from it.

` Biological effects arranged according to size/hierarchy. The human systems that have developed over the last century rely primarily on the use of fossil fuels. Energy has become central to the hu a / e ha isti solution as shown in the graph here over, by the red mass. The lower graph show how nature solves problems; It is obvious to see that energy usage is minimal, and they rely far more heavily on structure and information – which in human systems are largely ignored.

FX0101 p18

Biomimicry1? Bio i i ry is the o s ious e ulatio of Nature’s Ge ius - Janine Benyus Biomimicry is an interdisciplinary approach that brings together of two often disconnected worlds: nature and technology, biology and innovation, life and design. The practice of Biomimicry seeks to bring the time-tested wisdom of life to the design table to inform human solutions that create conditions conducive to life. At its most practical, Biomimicry is a way of seeking sustai a le solutio s orro i g life s luepri ts, chemicals recipes, and ecosystems strategies. At its most transformative, Biomimicry connects us in ways that fit, align and integrate the human species into the natural processes of Earth. Three levels of inspiration: Form, Process and Systems. The first level of Biomimicry is mimicking of natural forms. For instance, you may mimic the hooks a d ar ules of a o l s feather to reate a fa ri that ope a here alo g its surface. Or you can imitate the frayed edges that grant the owl its silent flight. Copying feather design is just the beginning, because it may or may not yield something sustainable. Deeper Biomimicry adds a second level, which is mimicking of natural process, or how thing is made. The owl feather self-assembles at body temperature without toxins or high-pressure, a of ature s hemistry. The unfurling field of green chemistry attempts to mimic these benign recipes. At the third level is mimicking of natural ecosystems. The owl feather is gracefully nested – it s part of a o l that is part of a forest that is part of a io e that is part of a sustaining biosphere. In the same way, our owl-inspired fabric must be part of a larger economy that works to restore rather than deplete the Earth and its people. If you make a bio-inspired fabric using green chemistry, but you have workers weaving it in a sweatshop, loading it onto pollution-spe i g tru ks, a d shippi g it lo g dista e, ou e missed the point. Life s pri iples are desig lesso s fro ature. Life has evolved a set of strategies that have sustained for 3.8 billion years. Life s pri iples represe t these o erar hi g patter s found amongst the species surviving and thriving on Earth.


Does this project respond to the Life’s principles? Is the desig lo all attu ed a d respo si e…  By using readily available materials and energy?  By cultivating cooperative relationships?  By leveraging cyclic processes?  By using feedback loops? Does the desig adapt to ha gi g o ditio s…  By embodying resilience through variation, redundancy and decentralization?  By incorporating diversity?  By maintaining integrity through self-renewal? Does the desig e ol e to sur i e…  By replicating strategies that work?  By reshuffling information?  By integrating the unexpected? Is the desig resour e effi ie t aterial a d e erg …  By recycling all material?  By fitting form to function?  By using multi-functional design?  By using low-energy processes? Does the design use life-frie dl he istr …  By doing chemistry in water?  By building selectively with small subset of elements?  By breaking down products into benign constituents? Does the desig i tegrate de elop e t ith gro th…  By combining modular and nested components?  By building from the bottom up?  By self-organizing?

Biomimicry Resource Handbook – A seed bank of best practices - D. Baumeister, PhD FX0101 p19

Global challenges2 In 2050, there will be about 10 billions people sharing the planet. Already now Humanity is facing major intertwined challenges related to food, water, material and energy scarcity as well as climate change, desertification and lost of diversity. All these linked challenges have solutions. To be efficient, the solutions must also be interlinked. Water scarcity A large portion of the world population is already affected by water scarcity. According to the UNEP, water use for irrigation will double by 2050 to meet the Millenium Goal on hunger. The situation is then not expected to improve any time soon. Imbalance between availability and demand, degradation of ground- and surface-water, as well as escalating competition for water resource are among the key issues that must be addresses. Food scarcity Today, ore tha , people are food i se ure , ea i g that they starve or do not know where their next meal will come from. This situation brings with it large environmental, social and economic consequences. Toward 2050, rising population and incomes are expected to call for 70 percent more food production globally, and up to 100 percent more in developing countries, relative to 2009 levels. Experts agree that it is possible to achieve the increases in food production, but only if sufficient and timely investments are undertaken and policies to increase agricultural production and its efficiency are put in place.

Climate change The atmospheric concentration of CO2 passed 391,5ppm in 20116. This is higher than it has ever been in the last 650,000 years. The IPCC had earlier advised that it would be necessary to achieve at least a 50 % reduction in global CO2 emissions by 2050, compared to 2000 levels. Leading experts are now warning that even this target may prove inadequate to prevent serious consequences of global warming. Desertification Even though desertification is most often directly triggered by localized drought, human activities are almost always a key underlying cause. It is therefore of major importance to introduce sustainable cultivation and irrigation practices, and to implement programs to prevent over-grazing and unsustainable outtake of biomass. Lost of diversity In biology and ecology, extinction is the end of an organism or of a group of organisms. Mass extinctions are relatively rare events. From a geological point of view, Life has already faced 5 major extinctions. The last one was 65 millions years ago. Most of the scientific admit we are actually facing the sixth extinction mainly because of the human activity. This lost of diversity is one of the major treat before an irreversible state shift.3

Energy and Material scarcity The IEA’s E ergy Te h ology Perspe tives prese ts a aseli e s e ario assu i g o new energy and climate policies. The scenario predicts that primary energy use will rise by 84% – and energy-related CO2 emissions roughly double – by 2050. In the face of climate science, such numbers leave little room for doubt that a low carbon/renewable energy revolution is necessary. Fossil fuels have already, or will soon reach their peak of production. Raw materials like copper, phosphorous, rare metals and other will also reach soon their peak of production. This mean we need to find solutions to recycle instead of continue extraction of these essentials elements. This revolution has the potential to bring about substantial benefits not just for the climate, but also in enhanced energy security and accelerated economic development. 3



Approaching a state shift in Earth’s biosphere, Anthony D. Barnosky, et al. Nature Vol486, 2012

FX0101 p20

Site analysis The site is located at the door of the Sahara desert, 17 km from the great pyramids of Giza and 32 km from downtown Cairo and Nile valley. Köppen-Geiger climate classification system classifies its climate as hot desert (BWh). The nearby urbanised area, the 6th of October City is a city in Giza Governorate, a satellite town and part of the urban area of Cairo, Egypt. The settlement was established in 1979 by the Egyptian president Anwar El Sadat. It has a population ranging between some 185,000 in the city to an estimated 500,000 inhabitants in the wider area. The city is expected to have 3.7 million inhabitants, although there are many unoccupied or incomplete buildings. It hosts Egyptian students and students from various countries, who study at its private universities. 6th of October City has one of the largest industrial zones in Egypt on which the entire city is established. The industrial zone provides jobs for employees within the city as well as from other parts of Giza. It is accompanied by a banking sector that groups branches of all banks in Egypt in an area that is close to the industrial area to serve the needs of the industry and residents. The 6th of October airport is mainly used for transports of goods and materials to and from the city and is located nearby the site. This is important for the logistic of the city. The site is accessible from the south by a road and situated on a plateau. The nearest University is the Modern Sciences and Arts University (MSA) and there is also notably the Egyptian Media Production City – EMPC.

Progressive scale topographical map of the future Science City’s site

3D View of the site Livestock map and Google earth (geoagro.icarda.org)

FX0101 p21

Bibliography Be us J Bio i i r – I Harper Collins Publisher, New York

o atio

i spired


Elodie Ter au atériO Industry of Nature: Another approach to ecology Fra e Pu lisher, A sterda Some images from the go deeper chapter are directly Biomimicry Resource Handbook – A seed bank of best practices D. Baumeister, PhD (2013) Mi hael Pa l London

Bio i i r i ar hite ture ‘i a pu lishi g,

Claire “tokoe architecture , 16/08/07)

Ecomimesis, Biomimetic design for landscape issuu.com/stokoe/docs/ecomimesis accessed

Miller JG

Living systems M Gra Hill, Ne York

Lo elo k JE Gaia as seen through the atmosphere . Atmospheric environment. Elsevier vol 6 issue 8 pp 579-580

Islam MR; Schulze-Makati D. . Adaptations to environmental extremes by multicellular organisms . I ter atio al Jour al of Astrobiology. 6(3): 199-215.


J. Guadarrama-Cetina et al., (2014) Dew condensation on desert beetle skin , Eur. Ph s. J. E 37: 109



fired-earth.tumblr.com “ etla a Nor a to i h, Ioa a Leordea Bio i i r i ar hite ture : mitigation and adaptation to li ate ha ge , I““UU thesis) Kyoo-Chul Park, Shreerang S. Chhatre, Siddarth Srinivasan, Robert E. Cohen, and Gareth H. McKinley, Opti al Desig of Per ea le Fi er Net ork “tru tures for Fog Har esti g La g uir, 2013, 29 (43), pp 13269–13277

www.heritageinstitute.com voices.nationalgeographic.com inhabitat.com budleighbrewsterunited.blogspot.fr

Approa hi g a state shift i Earth s iosphere, A tho et al. (2012) Nature Vol 486

D. Bar osk ,

Gabriel N. N. Dowuona et al (2012) Characteristics of termite mounds and associated acrisols in the coastal savanna zone of Ghana and impact on hydraulic conductivity. Natural Science Vol.4, No.7, 423-437

revolution-green.com wol.jw.org www.studyblue.com www.colorado.edu

Julian FV Vincent, Olga A Bogatyreva, Nikolaj R Bogatyreva, Adrian Browyer and Anja-Kari a Pahl Bio i eti s: It’s pra ti e a d theory J‘ “o i terfa e , pp -482


Schmidt-Nielse K; Ta lor C‘; “hkol ik A Desert snails: problems of heat, water and food . Jour al of E peri e tal Biolog . 55: 385-398.

www.asknature.com: Some examples used to illustrate the different potential solutions are directly from this extremely interesting website


FX0101 p22


URAEUS 0610 From the dry desert to an expanding oasis of life





CONCEPT OF THE PROPOSAL Inspired by Nature and the ancient Egyptians Heritage, the project is implemented according to the Fibonacci sequence illustrated as a spiral protecting the ‘City’ from the hot desiccating air of the desert. The materialisation of this universal symbol required the 3 campuses to be connected. The spiral hosts a garden in its core which spreads from the core to the main entrance following a graduation of different microclimates made by the declivity combined with the setup of the buildings. As a result a game of shaded and exposed areas allows a variety of atmospheres. In addition water increases as we approach the core. Because of this topographical descent and increase in humidity, life also gradually emerges. This effect is mimicking the succession of ecosystems we may find along an increasing gradient of humidity: from the desert to the tropical forest.

3 S PU M A C


1 S U MP

The concept is also based on the opposition between the tower and the "body" of the building : In the tower most of the attention is turned to the outside : the city, the garden and the desert, while in the lower part of the building the attention is focused exclusivly on the exhibitions. Also the tower, support of the last technologies appears to be high-tech while the low part, conceived as a "termit mound" with thick blind walls, appears to be low-tech. Furthermore, the tower is multifunctional as it supports the observatory, offers platforms of observation and acts also as a traditional badgircooling system ans also water storage system. An other key element in the proposal is water. As a feature, as a thermal mass element, as an irrigation element, water is everywhere and as a "fil d'Ariane" leads visitors through the "City".

MAIN ENTRANCE This Science City is a physical and symbolical light-tower of Knowledge. The building is the materialization of many life's principles. Biomimicry by essence through its multidisciplinary approach makes links between the different Sciences. Better understanding such complementary and interconnected systems can help us to reduce our dramatic impact. And, reconnecting with Nature will let us believe in a bright Future














- 1/1500e







Under the large curved protected roof, a large open space spreads and links the two main feauture of the site : the tower and the planetarium. A curved reception desk leads visitors to the exhibition halls.








PIC.03 - VIEW OF THE PLANETARIUM FROM THE RESTAURANT The planetarium is located in the core of the spiral. Visitors enter in the planetarium from the entry level and leave on the Science Park level

The core of the spiral is at the same level as the car park : 4m below the Main Entrance level.


- 1/2000e


















- 300 PIC.05



.0 1

- 200




- 200 - 100


- 100 1.4.


- 400 PIC.0 3


1.5. 1.5.

- 100


NIV -100

5.2. 5.3.

7.3. 7.4.





- 400 +/- 000 NIV +310 PIC.04



2. 1.1. 1.1. 2.


8.3. 1.1.


+/- 000







1.1. 1.1.





4 07








NIV + 500







NIV + 400



NIV + 400 NIV + 300

7.2. Vestiaires

NIV -100

NIV -100 7.6.


NIV + 400 NIV + 310





NIV + 970 2.

PLAN LEVEL +01 - FIRST LEVEL - 1/450e 1 06








-200 8.3.



8.4. -400

The external side of the spirale is composed of different layers of thick materials that enhance the protection of the building against the outdoor climate. Implementing all the Collection Departments along that external skin follows the same principle of inertie. On the opposite, offices are set along the internal side of the spiral facing the gardens and occasionally on the other side the exhibitions. Between the two (Collection Dpt and the Offices) spreads the exhibition walk as the spine of the building. All implemented elements (walls, roof windows, ...) follow a grid that reminds the haert of sunflowers. This organisation creates interesting curved and scultptured walls. Those curved walls made out of rammed earth and the game of ramps all along the visit walk enhance the feeling of being inside a mound and contribute to pertubate the orientation sens. Visiting the site has been conceived as an experiment in itself.










5.2. 1.1. 5.2.


-400 5.2.

NIV -400



8.3. 1.1.

8.3. 1.1. 1.1.










- 1/450e



PIC.04 - VIEW OF THE BOTTOM OF THE TOWER Ramps are running around the tower core. Nine round glazed lifts offer alternative way to reach the obervation platforms

The water circuit is a closed-loop. Water is collected from the air during the earliest hours of the day using the dew catcher of the tower. This water, stored in the basement, will help to supplement the lost of water and also have a role in the air conditioning system. From the bottom of the tower, water flows inside the building, the "mound", and leads visitors as a "Fil d'Ariane" to the different exhibition halls. This water feature also expresses the route of the building's spine, as do the windows on the roof. This water helps to grow plantations inside the building and in the garden. Wasterwater is recycled in the garden using a wetland inspired solution, the Living Machine system. Then, the water flows under the planetarium. Then, the water flows under the planetarium. From there, water will be sucked up by an evapotranspiration system to the top of the tower. This water is stocked there and will help to flow all around the building.



- 1/200e





Curved walls are made out of rammed earth and contrast with the suspended straight volume : the Auditorium

The roof is perforated by numbers "0" and "1" to let light going through. The suspended walkway links notably the Library to the offices of the Research shared facilities on the other side of the walkway.

Skin pv cell layer masonry sand from the desert rammed earth



- 1/450e


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