2014 Annual Report Presenting Every Youth Complete in Christ
What We Believe
About Hope For Youth
Youth should not be defined by where they were born or the circumstances they find themselves in. Instead, the ministry challenges youth to realize their identity is in Christ and He alone can radically change lives and alter negative conditions. Through the intentional building of relationships and mentoring, Hope for Youth is impacting Houston’s urban youth one relationship at a time.
Our Vision “So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ.” Colossians 1:28 NLT
Hope For Youth desires to see every youth presented complete in Christ.
Our Mission Hope for Youth builds and maintains long-term Christian mentoring relationships with urban youth to challenge and enable them to reach their full potential spiritually, academically, and socially.
Our Youth Hope for Youth reaches out to youth, ages 11-19, who come from local homeless shelters, government subsidized (Section 8) housing projects, and numerous low income neighborhoods throughout the city. 1 Hope For Youth | 2014 Annual Report
Dear Friends, 2014 was a year of transition and new opportunities for Hope For Youth. In May, we welcomed our new Executive Director – Jerry Reeves – to the ministry. Jerry comes to us having spent over 25 years as a youth and senior pastor. He is a dedicated servant and visionary leader and has a tremendous heart for the youth and what we’re striving to accomplish in their lives. I am truly excited about what Jerry brings to the ministry and what God will do through him. This year was also a great year of ministry as we served almost 300 atrisk youth. We continued our dual-pronged programing approach of outreach and discipleship as we engaged the youth with bible study and fun social activities such as ice skating, concerts, and camps. As you read through this year’s report, you’ll get a good sense of the work God is doing in these young lives – check out Terrence’s story on page 5! As I think about the time I’ve been blessed to serve in this ministry, I can honestly say that I have never been more optimistic about the future of Hope For Youth. From new board members to new staff, God is assembling a truly amazing ministry team. I thank you for your part in making all of this possible!! With sincere gratitude and best wishes,
Atwell Williams Chairman, Board of Directors
2 Hope For Youth | 2014 Annual Report
Large Group Outreach Our large group outreach activities are designed to attract new youth to the ministry. Here, our current youth are encouraged to invite their friends to attend the events and activities. The hope is that, at the event they will see/experience something that makes them want to come back and eventually get plugged in to the more relational programs that lead to the transformation and growth we’re working towards. During the school year, our primary outreach activity was Friday Night Live or “FNL”. During FNL, volunteers and staff led the youth in devotions, worship, and activities designed to reach youth who might not otherwise attend a “church” event. This past year was particularly exciting as almost 50
new youth were introduced to the ministry.
As summer kicked off, so did our largest outreach event - “Jesus ‘n the ‘Hood.” During this year’s session, youth explored the different misconceptions of God (e.g. “God is distant and cold”, “God is vengeful, just waiting for you to mess up so He can punish you” etc.) and how they could get past these erroneous notions and draw closer to Him. In addition to the almost
youth who participated in the program, the ministry was blessed with over 100 volunteers willing to come alongside and lead and teach the youth. This year many of our youth gave back and impacted their community
“I learned how to help people and work together with others and speak to people that need God’s help too.” - LaPorsha, 18
by participating in local service projects throughout the year. Hope for Youth students worked with Boxes of Love serving those less fortunate in need of holiday meals. Providing opportunities for youth to give back to the community is strategic in teaching what it means to live as a follower of Jesus Christ.
3 Hope For Youth | 2014 Annual Report
Small Group Discipleship & Mentorship Christ-centered mentoring relationships are the most powerful force to help guide youth who may not have positive role-models at home. Mentoring groups of 3-4 youth and 1-2 mentors focused on spiritual and social development while slightly larger groups of 8-12 youth and 3-4 mentors encouraged academic improvement and the development of life-skills. These groups are at the center of the ministry’s focus because it is here where we see real change take place in attitudes, hearts and perspectives. This past year, approximately 70 youth were engaged in mentoring and small groups, meeting an average of two times per month with dedicated Christian mentors. Challenging youth in their relationship with Christ, groups openly discussed topics that allowed students to more deeply understand what it means to be a follower of Christ and then how best to put that understanding into practice. Our G3 program (Girls, Guys, and God) is designed to provide a gender-specific environment for youth to share and address topics they might not otherwise discuss in mixed company. We got off to a good start with this program as 20
young women came together to discuss topics such as modesty, purity and gossiping. Meanwhile almost 15 young men spent time exploring topics such as peer pressure, abstinence, and respect for women. This program turned out to be very influential as it gave the youth involved the chance to “go deep” with peers and mentors on key genderspecific issues during this critical, transitional time in their lives.
“One thing I think about is in the small victories, I take a step back and think where some of these students would be if they weren’t in the program. With the types of people they see at school and the things that happen in their friend’s lives, you never know what relationship is keeping them from destructive decisions.” -Elijah Culpepper, Volunteer
Camps and Retreats For many of the youth, the trips they take with Hope For Youth
T errence’s Story
are the first opportunity they have to get away from the big city and its many challenges - and to experience a world where they
“At KAA, you get to meet an
can be still, be quiet, and just be a “kid”. For many of them, their
amazing group of people. One
time at camp is life-changing. From ropes courses and water
thing I am mostly grateful for are
sports to small group discussion and laughs around the camp
the counselors. The counselors
fire, youth are able to step out of their daily life and learn more
at KAA have a genuine caring
about who they are in Christ without distractions. Students
attitude even though they may
return from camp as role models with a new perspective on life
not know you. Once I got in a
that, in turn, creates a ripple effect in the urban communities
friend and at KAA if you get into
“Jesus paid
trouble you would have to run
the price
little trouble playing a prank on a
around them. In essence, these experiences can plant seeds from which an entire new generation can grow!
‘suicides’ (a type of strenuous
140 youth and volunteers attended the spring retreat in Huntsville, TX. In March, close to
workout). My counselor marched me and another camper up to the
Over the weekend, we focused on breaking the chains of sin
basketball courts where he told
and finding God’s grace and redemption. We are especially
us, that Jesus paid the price for
grateful to the David Weekley Family Foundation for making it
our sin because He loves us and
possible to attend this retreat every year.
He allows discipline also because
In the summer, 55
youth attended summer camps at Stoney Creek Ranch and Kids Across America (KAA) camp. Similar to the spring retreat, these camps provide youth with an opportunity to unplug from the
30 youth rededicated their lives to Christ and 15 made first-time decisions for Christ. world and connect with Christ. This year,
Hope For Youth | 2014 Annual Report
He loves us, and that since Jesus
for our sin because
He loves us”
could forgive us and pay the price for our sin then he (our counselor) could too. He told us to sit down and that he would take the punishment for us by running the suicides until he couldn’t run anymore. I remember sitting there and watching him take the wrath of my childish selfishness, realizing that I was called to serve and to lead, and no matter where I am, there are always eyes on me.”
Volunteer Blessings We are so blessed by the faithful dedication of our volunteers who are the backbone of the ministry. Hope For Youth would not exist without the Godly instruction, unconditional care, and constant commitment of the men and women who serve our youth. Our volunteers are leaders in their community and mentors to God’s next greatest generation. Thank you to those who served the ministry in 2014.
Nicole Abner
Diane Davis
Sonceri Jones
Ellis Scott
Lorena Avila
Wendy Dewlen
Mauricio Kaim
Nancy Scott
Shante Awuah
William Dewlen
Kiersten Kindred
Kim Scott
Javier Ayala
Marissa Dominguez
Kirk Laguarta
Thad Scott
Enoch Bauer
Devante Easby
Hope Manley
Ashly Scott-Jones
Jeff Beird
Brianne Farrell
Douglas Scott McIntyre
Marilyn Stanberry
Hannah Beird
Natalie Farrell
Rakel Melvin
Lisa Stewart
Tydon Bell
Kaleb Fulgham
Cynthia Merrifield
Ammi Tan
Maria Boyle
Imogen Gantos
Emily Morris
Tiffany Tarrant
Heidi Brown
Russell Gantos
Ryan Morris
Susan Torney
Ariel Camacho
Sarah Gee
Chris Nalepa
Donna Treu
Stephanie Celaya
Paul Gordon
Donald Nesting
Angelica Waller
Sharene Chen
Roshunda Hartison
Chika Nwachukwu
Alisa Williams
Webb Crunk III
Rita Hord
Crystal Ratliff
Atwell Williams
Janine Cruz
Anna Ince
Douglas Roberts
Amber Wilmeth
Elijah Culpepper
Nathanael Ince
Patricia Ross
Annais Wright
Stephanie Culpepper
Victoria Jalo
Sul Ross
Tahesha Yearby
Hope For Youth | 2014 Annual Report
“It’s Amazing How Hungry this Generation is for Christ.” - Tahesha Yearby, Volunteer
The fruits of this ministry are due in large part to the gifts and donations we receive from our donors and ministry partners. Thank You to those who faithfully supported Hope For Youth during the period of September 1st 2013 - December 31st 2014. Every penny given, every prayer mentioned and every resource offered allows us to continue to pour into the “least and the lost” of our community. Safeway
Jennifer Brousard
Jon Fagala
Woodforest National Bank
Ben Brown
Timothy Farrar
Vanessa Collins
Natalie & Mike Farrell
Mia Cordova
Ebony Fondren
Angela Cox
Matt Foster
Webb Crunk
Brandon & Ellen Fremion
Brian Cudnik
Michael Fuselier
Stephanie & Elijah Culpepper
Imogen & Russell Gantos
Anthanette Darden
Jennifer Garmon
Eleanor Darragh
Woodrow Garmon
Rachel and Erik David
Wayne Gibbs
Richard Abbott
Diane Davis
Barney Giesen
Adam Allen
Eric Day
Lori Gonzales
Anonymous Donors
Mark Day
Paul Gordon
Hope & Healing Center of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
Janet and Bert Bailey
Aaron Diehl
Christine & Taylor Graham
Enoch Bauer
Cheryl Duncan
Julia Gundy
Hannah and Jeff Beird
Ron Dutton
Jared Hamilton
Lawrence Bellatti
Ronnie Dutton
Jim Hamilton
Jeff Bezner
Dauren Dyussekov
Bill Hermann
Pat Biedenfield
Amy Evans
Maris Hansen
Churches Grace Fellowship United Methodist Church Houston First Baptist Houston First Church of God Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church Second Baptist Church
Exxonmobil Foundation National Christian Foundation The Children’s Fund, Inc.
Trinity Fellowship
Walter Christian Development Foundation
Vernon Willborg Charitable Trust
Amazon Smile BHP Billiton Matched Giving Champions Machine Tool Sales Inc.
HP Employee Charitable Giving Program Murphy Oil Corporation Network for Good One NFP Software
Shelly and Doug Brough
Hope For Youth | 2014 Annual Report
Nicki Herzog
Rose Mary McGowan
Joel Reeves
Tristen Sutton
Moriah & Steven Hollander
Timothy McInturf
Sheilah Requejo
Ammi Tan
Joshua Huss
Douglas McIntyre
David Richmond
Tiyona Taylor
Tracie Jae
John Meredith
Joanne Ripple
Gladys Thomas
Victoria Jalo
Gwenzetta Mickens
Douglas Roberts
Susan Torney
Jonathan Jelliff
Michael Moore
Patti & Sul Ross
Timothy Towner
Mauricio Kaim
Dennis Mosier
Reggie Rouzan
Donna & Michael Treu
Brenda Kirk
Karon Mueller
Aracely Sandoval
Natalie Van Klomperberg
Henry Ko
Jill & Donald Nesting
Kim & Robert Scott
Marcus Vasquez
Timothy Langolf
Samuel Newton
Marlo & Darel Seymour
Orpha & Anthonio Vasquez
Paul Lopez
Jay Norris
Gloria & David Seymour
Doyle Venghaus
Wayne Lueckemeyer
Matt Notley
Joe Sleeth
Pam Vollmar
Allan Mak
Samuel Pak
Eugenia Smith
Sonya Ware
Hope Manley
John Parker
Nancy & M. G. Smith
Brenda White-Wilkerson
Jocabed Martinez
Bryan Perkins
Audrey & John Stampley
Alisa & Atwell Williams
Bill McCulloch
Leo Poszywak
Randy Stenoien
Amber Wilmeth
Lana McDaniel
Steven Powell
Ronald Sterlekar
Jo Wilson
Taylor McDaniel
Gill Purdy
Lisa Stewart
Mary Louise Young
Lara McFeely
Crystal Ratliff
Lisa & Bill Stryker
Cristina & Warren Young
financial results Statement of Financial Position For the fiscal year ending August 31, 2014 (with comparative information for FY 2013) 2014
Temporarily Restricted
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Assets Cash Property and Equipment Total Assets Liabilities Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted
Statement of Activities and Change in Net Assests For the fiscal year ending August 31, 2014 (with comparative information for FY 2013)
Out of School Time (OST) Programs
Camps and Retreats
Administration and Fundraising
Total Expenses
Change in Net Assets
Revenue and Support Contributions, Interest and Fees In-Kind Donations Total Revenue and Support Expenses
2014 leadership Board of Directors Chairman Atwell Williams
Ministry Staff Executive Director Program Director Program Director Donor Relations Manager
Jerry Reeves Marcus Allen Jordan Reeves Moriah Hollander
Darel Seymour
Secretary Douglas Roberts
Make A Donation We envision a Houston where every youth is
Diane Davis
presented perfect in
Erika Jones
Christ. To join us in
Kevin Smith Tiyona Taylor Wendy Toups
achieving that vision, please contact us at 832-981-9100 or online at:
Hope For Youth builds and maintains long-term Christian mentoring relationships with urban youth to challenge and enable them to reach their full potential spiritually, academically, and socially.
www.hopeforyouth.org www.facebook.com/hopeforyouth @HopeForYouthTX Hope for Youth - Houston, TX