Hope For Youth October Newsletter

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October 2013

news Good to Great....................1 Summer Round-up...........1 Girls, Guys, God................ 2

Hope For Youth builds and maintains long-term Christian mentoring relationships with urban youth to challenge and enable them to reach their full potential spiritually, academically, and socially.

Upcoming Events............ 3 Ways to Help Youth........ 4 Financial Update.............. 4

From Good to Great:

Summer round-up

Program Changes Emphasize Discipleship and Accountability

The summer of 2013 will go down as an awesome

In the 20+ years since its inception,


HFY has advocated for kids. It’s

groups. These groups of students

empowered them. It’s helped them

(8-12) and volunteers (2-4) will meet

make important strides in their often-

on a weekly basis in neighborhoods

difficult lives. We stand by that hard

throughout the city. We believe

work. But as cultural and societal

that the increased frequency and

realities shift, we must identify new

consistency as well as a smaller

ways of evolving our programs to

group environment will allow for the

adjust to those realities.

formation of deeper relationships

Each year, we look back to review and assess what worked and what can we do better. This summer, the board and staff took a hard look at the ministry and concluded that going forward we want to increase our focus on going deeper with our youth and creating more opportunities for the close relationships necessary to affect the change we want to see in the youth. To accomplish this, our main focus this fall will be on creating and



and create opportunities for true learning, sharing, and growth. We also believe that holding the groups in volunteer’s homes around the city will allow volunteers to spend more time with the youth and less time tied up in Houston traffic! In addition to the weekly small groups, however, we will continue to have a monthly large-group outreach event.

time for growth and new experiences at Hope For Youth. Here’s a recap of what we were up to June, July, and August.

Jesus ‘N the ‘Hood Our





Jesus ‘N the ‘Hood – was attended by over 100 kids each




theme was “Holding on to God’s Promises,” and each night was filled with fun fellowship and great teaching. Over 50 volunteers made it all possible. Our special

Also this fall, we want to emphasize


personal accountability among the

following groups:

Good to Great, page 4




Read more, page 3



Summer round-up, continued from page 1




Current HFY volunteers who

Nicole Abner and Charde Jones

continue to offer their hearts

accompanied the students to camp,

and passion to the kids;

and all reported back that it was a

Agape class, which continues to

fantastic experience of

learning. This opportunity was

ministering and service;

made possible by a generous grant

Brennin Brock’s Sunday school Chad, Kaleb, and Chad’s small group from Ecclesia for coming

from Second Baptist Church and

Those who donated desserts for our kiddos;









camp session provided yet another

the scenes with administra-

great opportunity for kids to grow

tive work;

spiritually and emotionally while

The volunteers who came out

having fun in a beautiful, outdoor

from City of Refuge. Gratitude

environment. This year, 51 kids

to all.

in grades 8 - 12 made the trip to

October 19

Student Leadership Meeting

Kids Across America camp This year’s Kids Across America


October 17

Hope For Life (City of Refuge)

We look forward to returning next year!

October 15

New Volunteer Info and Training Meeting

we greatly appreciate their support!

out nearly every night of n


fun and

refer class members to HFY for

class from Second Baptist; n

October 2013


October 23

College Visit Day for Hope For Life

We are already looking forward to

Golden, MO for the week-long

For more details

next year’s session!

camp experience. Over the course

about any

of the week, 17 youth made new

program or to volun-

Stoney Creek Ranch Camp

decisions for Christ while many

This summer, we were blessed to

others recommitted their lives to

teer, email Emily@

be able to add an additional camp

following Him more closely.


experience to the schedule. At the end of July, we took 10 of our

Most Hope For Youth kids are faced

younger students (i.e. 6th and 7th

with numerous negative influences

graders) to Stoney Creek Ranch,

in their daily lives, so programs like

located outside of Columbus, TX.

KAA are essential to providing them

Stoney Creek Ranch is a relatively

with the strength and hope needed

new camp patterned after Kids

to make good, positive choices.

Across America in that it focuses

Thank you so much for making this

on providing a Christian camping

week possible for our youth!





Like us on Facebook! We have recently launched a new Hope For Youth ministry page on Facebook. Please visit the page http://www.facebook.com/

hopeforyouth for all the news and information about Hope for Youth including upcoming events and recaps/photos of previous events.

Introducing G3: Girls, Guys, God By speaking directly to our teens’

Like all of our programs, the

hand with our Program Directory,

daily struggles, we strive to change

success of G3 depends on having

Emily Morris. If you are interested

the course of their lives. To that



in volunteering for or learning

end, we recently kicked off G3, our

At this point, our greatest need

more about this position, please

new girls and guys program.

is for Girls’ Group Leaders. These

contact Emily directly at emily@

volunteers will be strong enough to



speak directly to girls about tough

is that we divide the youth into

issues and compassionate enough

Thank you to our new Guys’ Group

same-sex peer groups, in which

to inspire conversations around

Leaders: Javier Ayala, Ellis Scott, and

we discuss gender-specific issues.

sensitive topics. In particular, the

Tydon Bell. Please support them

Our hope is that in this setting, we

Girls’ Group Leaders will facilitate

with you prayers and encourage

can more effectively address the



them if you happen to run into

challenges and temptations faced

confidence, lack of trust in male

them. They’re doing great work with

by the youth and enable them to

figures, body image issues, healthy

the G3 guys!

make better decisions now and in

speech and controlling gossip. The

the future.

volunteer leaders will work hand in

Summer 2013

What’s unique about this program



Donate onlie at hopeforyouth.org

Ways you can help Hope For Youth

Good to Great, continued from page 1 youth. In recent months, we’ve noticed that many of our youth

From the very beginning, Hope For Youth has relied on

have a sense of entitlement

the faithful support of volunteers and donors to fulfill its

and expect the benefits of the

mission. Here are some of our current needs and ways

ministry without having to put

you can help us right now:

any “skin in the game.” Through increased

n Provide a place for our guys to play flag football n Lead a small group

program structure

and participation requirements we want to instill a sense of responsibility and discipline in

n Host a small group in your house

the youth that is typically lacking

n Provide new Hope For Youth member incentives

in their present environment but will be required for success in

(badges, t-shirts, etc.) n Help us purchase a new van (e.g. provide funds, contacts, etc.)

the future. With these program changes, we

n Pray for our new programs

are tremendously excited to see

n Pray for our search for a new Executive Director.

what God will do through Hope

As you may already know, Kendall Boyd is no longer

For Youth this coming year. And,

with us and we have retained an Executive Search firm to help us find a suitable replacement. Please pray that God will raise up the right person to lead this ministry.

as always, we greatly appreciate your continued support and prayers. Together, the work we do makes a real difference in the lives of these youth.

Financial Update:

Your Support Makes a Difference While we are still closing out the

As we mentioned at the beginning

also want to be a part of the work

books on FY13, by all indications,

of this newsletter, for FY14, we are

God is doing through this ministry.

we were tremendously blessed

raising the bar on our programming

Please help us out by spreading

last year by the gracious donations

efforts to make an even more

the word about Hope For Youth!

of our supporters. Approximately

impactful and lasting change in our

For information about how you

150 donors contributed almost

youth. To provide the necessary

can help or to become a monthly

$230,000 to support Hope For

resources, the board has adopted

supporter, please visit our website


an annual budget of $330,000.

at www.hopeforyouth.org.


This us



Although this is clearly an ambitious


goal, we feel confident that once

recapped in this and previous

more people hear about Hope For


Youth and our mission, they will






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