Hope For Youth Newsletter June 2014

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Summer 2014


P.O. Box 573024 Houston, TX 77257

New E.D. at HFY!...............1 Jesus ‘N the ‘Hood.............1 Financial Update.............. 2

Hope For Youth builds and maintains long-term Christian mentoring relationships with urban youth to challenge and enable them to reach their full potential spiritually, academically, and socially.

Schedule of Events

Congratulations Grads! 3 Small Group impacts....... 3 Upcoming Events............ 4

Jesus ‘N the ‘Hood 2014 is Here!

Summer is one of our busiest seasons, but it is also the most fun! We have several large events, such as Jesus ‘N the Hood and KAA camp. If you would like to volunteer for any of our summer events, please email Sharene at sharene@hopeforyouth.org. Hope for Youth staff would like to thank you for all of your dedication and support. We could not do any of this without any of you!

upstairs,” “He’s cold and distant,” “He is intent on punishment,” etc.) and learn that God is real, He is just, and

JUNE: 1-13 High School Graduations 8-13 Middle School Beach Retreat A Second Baptist sponsored program in Mississippi for our middle school students 14 Jesus ‘N the Hood Volunteers 15-20 High School Beach Retreat Week-long Florida trip, sponsored by Second Baptist 17 Jesus in the Hood Volunteers 23-27 Jesus in the Hood A week-long intensive outreach program hosting 200 youth. See page 1 of this newsletter for more information. 30 6th Grade Small Group - SOH Small group with 6th graders living at the Star of Hope Shelters. JULY: 5 Student Leadership Meeting 7-10 Houston 1:8 (Pines of Westbury) A week-long First Baptist church sponsored program 8 6th Grade Small Group - SOH Small group with 6th graders living at the Star of Hope Shelters.

12 15 19 22 29

A chance for volunteers to come together and disciple with one another. 6th Grade Small Group - SOH Small group with 6th graders living at SOH. Ignite Kickball Tournament

Come out and hang with your mentees for a fun, competitive afternoon. 6th Grade Bible Study - SOH Small group with 6th graders living at the Star of Hope Shelters 6th Grade Bible Study - SOH Small group with 6th graders living at the Star of Hope Shelters

20-23 Stoney Creek Ranch Camp New Ulm, Texas, middle schoolers AUGUST: 2 2-9

Ignite - Faith Center on Longpoint




He loves us so much that He sent His

Volunteer Cookout

Kids Across America Camp

(High School) Golden, MO

Annual back-to-school pool party.

Kids Across America camp

*We still need 3-4 volunteers to come with us! For more questions or to volunteer visit www.hopeforyouth.org.

Hope for

Son to die for us.

Youth is

The week’s schedule will include


excited to

topics such as:

Located in New Ulm, Texas, this camp for middle-schoolers serves as a great gateway for spiritual and social growth at a crucial time in the life of a young teenager.

For many, KAA is among the highlights of their year. Located in Golden, Missouri, KAA is a camp created for urban students who find themselves in at-risk situations. Going to this camp is a privilege, not a right, so students earn their spots on the trip. Many students report this week-long program to be a huge part of their faith journey.

Our Guys, Girls, and God program in which we will have two separate events! More to come on this! However, we need female and male volunteers to help out! The Gathering (Pool Party)

Stoney Creek Ranch

Hope For Youth welcomes new Executive Director, Jerry Reeves


Jerry Reeves, “Just One Among Many”

Tuesday: “The Big Guy Upstairs” Wednesday: “Almighty Smiter” Beginning June 23, nearly 200 youth

Thursday: “Mr. Fix-It”

will join us for our 22nd annual


Jerry is well prepared to

‘Hood (JNTH). Open to junior and

Please be in prayer with us, and if you

senior high school-aged youth, JNTH

can, come be a part of this incredible,

meets nightly for five nights from 7-9

life-changing week! Whether through

p.m. at the City of Refuge Church.

donations of time, resources, or simply passing along the event to

This year, our theme for the week is

area youth who would benefit, we’d

“flipped flopped.” Through engaging

greatly appreciate your support! information

nature of God vs. the secular view of


God. We will dispel commonly held

program director,

myths about God (e.g. “He’s the man





lead Hope for Youth into the future. His past ministry work is as a pastor in the Clear Lake area, investing in city-wide prayer gatherings and nights of worship. He is particularly well suited in that he has always had

activities and insightful teaching, For


as a pastor and educator,

“My Homey”

students will learn about the true

new Executive

With 26 years experience

summer bible camp, Jesus ‘N the


the arrival of


a passion for working with


Emily Morris, at Read more, page 3

Small groups yield big impact

HFY is proud to announce 14 new graduates! Congratulations to:

This past year was a pivotal year for

the progress she’s seeing as a direct

a student closed down his

our ministry’s strategic direction.

result of deepening the youth-

Facebook account because of

Starting last September, we made

mentor relationships:

the temptations to look at young


Shedrick Alexander | The Art Institute

women disrespectfully.”


Thaddeus Brewster | Army


Damani Buffalo | Georgia State

a conscious decision to focus on “going deeper” with our existing

“With the encouragement and

youth vs. focusing on increasing

assistance of her small group

These are just a few of the many


Delario Bullard | TBD

the number of youth we simply

leader, one HFY student was able

stories we have of lives being


Yvanne Farve | Prairie View A&M

“touch.” To achieve this, we tripled

to apply for and, ultimately, win a

changed for the better as a result


Andrew Ieans | TBD

the number of small groups we

$20,000 Dell scholarship to attend

of the love of Christ being shared


Kiannah Moten | HCC - Downtown

offered and increased the frequency

Prairie View A&M University.”

through a mentor. We currently


Annie Palmer | Lamar University

of small group meetings from





Roshounda Ross | Prairie View A&M

monthly to weekly. This allowed

“With the help and committed

engaged in 11 small groups. We look


Karmoh Sherrif | TBD

mentors to form the deeper, longer-

attention of their mentor, two

forward to increasing the number


Qua’Tiana Thompson | Beauty School

lasting relationships that lead to

South Central students who

of groups and engaging more


Redric Trimmer | Prairie View A&M

meaningful, lasting change in the

had previously been in trouble

students as we add more volunteers.


Treavon Tryon | Texas A&M

at school on a regular basis

As always, we thank our current


Pricilla Vivian | TBD

have improved their attitudes,

volunteers for their contributions

Looking back nearly a year later to

abstained from fighting, and

of time, resources, and energy to

evaluate our progress, we’re blessed

have improved their grades.”

make this progress possible. Please

to see real change in the youth.


Emily Morris, Hope For Youth’s

“Influenced by a lesson and

program director, describes some of

discussion in his small group,

youths’ lives.







Among this year’s graduates are (left to right): Treavon, Redrick, Kiannah, Yvanne, Thaddeus, and Andrew are among this year’s graduates.


important ministry!

Pastor Reeves, continued from page 1

Volunteer Spotlight: who can love and demonstrate

Sul Ross

what it means to live in Christ, I

Sul Ross has been

believe this next generation will

a volunteer since

not only survive, but thrive. It is

Jesus ‘N the ‘Hood

an honor and a privilege to work

2012. He

with such an outstanding board

is currently

and staff who have already set


the bar high in the effort to reach

in Hope For Life

out and bless the homeless in our

and Friday Night

community. I’m looking forward

Live events. Sul

to contributing!”

is very supportive

for Youth providing mentors

Like us on Facebook! Please visit the Hope For Youth ministry page at


facebook.com/hopeforyouth for all the news and information about Hope for Youth, including upcoming events and recaps/photos of previous events.

youth gatherings.

He’s also

taught and coached in city leagues and both private and

Financial Update: Your Support Makes a Difference As of May 31, Hope For Youth has

on the final $24,000. This bless-

received $151,000 in donations

ing of donations has enabled

this fiscal year (beginning Sep-

us to continue to support the

tember 1, 2012). Our goal for the

ministry’s services, including:

year is $175,000, so we continue to seek support as we close in


Gender and age-specific

public schools. Jerry was particularly drawn to HFY’s mentoring emphasis:

programming n

Bibles and curriculum for every youth


Food for the youth at all events

“I am excited about the youth of today. The challenges they face are formidable. However, with

organizations like Hope

of all programming and staff and is Jerry has a degree in Education

always willing to lend a hand. He

as well as an advanced degree

always brings joy to a room and

in religion. He is married to the

is a friendly face at our Hope for

love of his life, Kristine. They will

Youth events. He attends City of

celebrate 30 years together this

Refuge Church and has been a great

summer. They have three boys,

Hope for Youth advocate in the

Jordan, Jonathan and Joel.

congregation. We want to thank Sul for his support and all of his help.

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