How to cope with stress & prevent it

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How To Cope With Stress & Prevent It

A certain level of stress is something that everyone feels. The reasons may vary, but there is no individual who must have not experienced some amount of stress in their lives. To know how to manage your stress is very important, as continuous stress can leave bad impact on the brain and body. To manage your stress level, you need to take charge of your emotions, your thoughts, your reactions and your ways of dealing troubles. In order to take control of your stress, you need to remember the following points: Know your source of stress: -

Do you treat your stress as a temporary phase? Do you consider it to be a part of your everyday life? Do you put the blame on someone else or to some event?

Always try to take complete control of your stress by finding the root cause of it and working on it. You can control your stress if you understand the reason for it. Maintain a stress journal: -

Note down the reasons of your stress


Write down how it made you feel Note down how you reacted to the stress If anything made you feel better, note that down too

Understand the negative ways of coping with stress: -

No not resolve to drinking or smoking Do not overeat. As it may lead to weight gaining Try avoiding zoning out in front of the computer or television Never stop interacting with friends and families Stay away from drugs Avoid lasing out your stress to someone else

Healthier ways to manage stress: -



Try changing the situation by either avoiding the stressor or altering it by doing something productive Do not react harsh. Try refreshing the situation in your mind and take it towards a positive thought. If you are angry all the times, you may take help at anger management workshop available at many mental wellness centres Avoid unnecessary stress and learn to say ‘No’ at certain times Avoid company who you think adds up to your distress Always try to take control on the environment that you are in. If it gets too troublesome and unbearable, simply leave! Do not be a part of hot-button topics. If you somehow get involved in such conversation, be bold and state politely that you do not want to be a part of it Never overload yourself with too much work and always have some free time with you every day. This time will help you relax. Doing something creative always helps. Never supress your feelings and be expressive

Therefore, if you follow the aforementioned tips, you are sure to release all your stress and lead a happy and healthy life. If you still cannot do it by your own, you need to sign into a stress management workshop where you can meet people with similar issues and learn new ways of coping or managing your stress.

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