Know The Causes Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a kind of mental disorder where the person becomes unable to understand what is going on around them in few seconds and they become hyperactive along with impulsive behaviour. This disorder starts showing from childhood itself and continues till adulthood. ADHD Treatment India is available in few of the most recognised centres who home best psychiatrists and doctors. There are many stress management workshop centres who offer treatment therapies to ADHD patients. These therapies help in resolving the symptoms up to a great extent. However, before any kind of treatment you need to get in touch with reliable Psychiatrists in Delhi. Let them know your issues and they will guide you with the right kind of therapy. Before, option for the therapy let us discuss how this disorder is caused.
Below are few causes of ADHD: -
Different Drain Development:
Certain areas of the brain experience slow development. This prohibits the brain from performing certain activities and makes it difficult for the person to understand lot of things. The part of the brand involved in ADHD is known as frontal cortex along with neurotransmitter dopamine circuit in-between the pre-frontal cortex and basal ganglia. The frontal cortex manages executive functions like attention, problem solving, planning and reasoning. Thus, in ADHD the person faces issues with these functions. -
ADHD runs in the family. If a parent is a victim of ADHD, the child has high probability of facing the same issues. -
Contact with toxins during pregnancy:
If a pregnant woman is exposure to a poisonous environmental like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), alcohol, smoking or any other kind of drug abuse, it may result in reducing activity of the neurons (nerve cells). If you want to find solutions for ADHD issues, you need to consult the best Delhi psychiatric center. Some of the best centres offer social skills training and life skills training that help in coping with this disorder and helps in smooth recovery.