FTC 25x25 brochure

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An unseen, but real darkness lives underneath everything we see in our cities. Our streets all seem so vibrant, so full. But in all the ways that matter most, our cities are dark and empty – desperate for Jesus. Block after block, people we know, and many more we don’t, are dwelling in darkness, loving the darkness, dying in darkness.

But God! In love, he brought us into

the light and made us agents of joy “to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.” Bethlehem Baptist Church exists – every dot on every campus– to flood our cities, and cities around the world, with the brilliance of our big God.



Spreading a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ. As God prospers our mission through Upreach, Inreach, and Outreach ministries on three campuses, in 14 church plants, and with 113 global partners in 48 countries, he is giving us every encouragement to accelerate through the vision of

Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25.


The Vision for Accelerating Bethlehem’s Next Decade of Spreading 25 x ’25 represents our gospel ambition to accelerate during the next 25 months toward an aim of strengthening our core ministries, planting 25 new churches, and engaging 25 unengaged people groups by the year 2025.

Strengthened church life and core ministries on all three campuses to allow us to undertake greater gospel spreading.

A facility accessible seven days a week to enable the South Campus congregation to flourish in church life like the other campuses.

Church planting has been a proven strategy for Bethlehem in reaching the unchurched. Now we sense God’s call to plant even more vigorously.

Our hearts are freshly burdened for hundreds of unengaged people groups who have no gospel witness. Bethlehem is unusually well-positioned and resourced for both goers and senders.


Our DNA The life with which we hope to fill these cities. DNA makes us who we are. Biologically speaking, DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. It is a double-stranded molecule in the shape of a double helix or a twisted ladder. DNA matters because it holds the code for every cell in the body. DNA is a record of instructions encoded in each cell that tells it what it is supposed to be and do.


We want Bethlehem’s DNA–our Biblical Essentials and Bethlehem Priorities–to serve as a controlling code that defines all we are and all we do as a spiritual body. We do not have authority to define our church, because it belongs to Christ. He is the head of the church. Documenting who we are as a church is an exercise in asking, seeking, and knocking, and we believe we have heard from Christ. “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5

10 Biblical Essentials

14 Bethlehem Priorities

1. Biblical Doctrine and Teaching




4. Small Groups

13. Global Outreach

2. Biblical Leadership

1. The Bethlehem Elder Affirmation of Faith

14. Local Outreach

3. Worship

2. God-Centered Worship

5. Adult Education and Leadership Development

4. Prayer

3. Christian Hedonism

6. Ethnic Harmony

5. Congregational Care

7. Mercy and Justice Ministries

6. Edifying and Equipping

8. Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

7. Church Membership and Discipline 8. Faithful Administration of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper


9. Biblical Counseling 10. Discipling the Next Generation

9. Stewardship of Resources

11. Caring for the Most Vulnerable

10. Great Commission Commitment

12. God-Centered Enjoyment and Wartime Lifestyle


South Campus Lakeville is one of the fastest-growing local suburbs west of the Mississippi, and God has already given us land on which to build.

In an amazing movement of God’s grace in 2012, Bethlehem acquired a 12.1 acre parcel of land in Lakeville, highly visible from I-35. No other bidders appeared at the auction, and the church was able to purchase the site for one-third the cost that Walmart paid for similar land directly across the highway.

Church life at Bethlehem involves a multitude of endeavors that require a welcoming and accessible facility for ministry and outreach throughout the week. Members at the South Campus have been without such a building for a decade.





Gathering space Sanctuary



Nursery 1

Completion of the trio of I-35 campus launch sites that we envisioned in 2006 positions us better for spreading the gospel and planting churches.

Here is North Campus weekly attendance growth before and after a 24/7 building.

Kitchen Multi-purpose


A facility of our own will permit us to assemble and worship free from limitations on public or privately owned property. A good case for building a South Campus facility is the fruitfulness of ministry on the North Campus since it was built in 2005.

First floor

P.S. 1 Nursery 2 P.S. 2



Sp. Needs

Elem 3

Elem 2

Elem 1

P.S. 3

Lower level



Nursery 4

Nursery 3

Elem 4

Lakeville’s population has increased 34% since 2000 and is projected to add yet another 27,000 residents by 2040.

We know that Bethlehem’s DNA flourishes when the people have a 24/7 facility for Upreach, Inreach, and Outreach.

M.S. 1/2


H.S. 1/2





Plans have been drawn for a permanent structure to serve communities south of the Minnesota River seven days a week with an 840-seat sanctuary, a balcony with seating for 328, a kitchen, multi-purpose areas, and Sunday school classrooms for children, youth, and adults.


Conference Offices

Lounge Cafe Elem. 5/6



By God’s grace, the completed I-35 spreading corridor will provide launch pads to fill these cities from the core–regionally, nationally, and globally, even to places where there has never been a gospel witness.



Planting Churches May God supply the grace to make Bethlehem’s next 10 years “The Decade of Church Planting.”

The Twin Cities are already home to seven Bethlehem church plants or restarts, with plans for more to be launched from our three campuses.

Since 2003, Bethlehem has planted or restarted 14 churches with 2,100 worshipers in 12 cities through its own Treasuring Christ Together Network. In addition, these churches have sent 33 global partners of their own to 21 different countries around the world. We are calling Pastor Kenny Stokes to a new position focused entirely on church planting and restart strategies. We will also aim to invest more in the Bethlehem College & Seminary students and church planting residents who will be prepared and sent to undertake this Kingdom work.

Bethlehem’s Treasuring Christ Together Network is already active in seven cities across the U.S.

The first two churches in the 25 x ’25 vision, Northfield Community Church, and Word of Grace Church in Minneapolis, are ready to launch.

Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you. – 2 Thessalonians 3:1

As God wills, church planting will also continue to be a part of Bethlehem’s Global Outreach.



While I was preparing my Global Focus sermon last year, a dreadful sense of darkness came over me like I haven’t experienced elsewhere except in places where the lostness is so great that it feels like a tangible weight of darkness. But this sense did not land on me while visiting any unreached people groups. It came over me in my study while I was pondering the problem of the unreached and unengaged. I was touched to the core–so broken for them. These peoples are the neediest of the needy–the most severe level of lostness imaginable–those that should lay claim to our greatest depth of compassion. They are the most hidden, out of sight and out of mind. Here is what is heart-breaking to me: Christ is unknown, untranslated, unheralded, unadored! And there are no discernible plans on the part of God’s people to do anything about it. Bethlehem is a place where God has often laid God-sized burdens upon us for the sake of the nations. Often these burdens are given a numerical target like “90 by 90” or “2000 by 2000.” We believe that the Lord of the Harvest is at it again. The Lord has birthed in us a new passion and energy and drive to say: “What about 25 by 25?” What if this big-time burden brings about the big-time blessing of serving as God’s eraser! What if by the time 2025 rolls around there are 25 less peoples in the world who are unengaged because we have sent someone from Bethlehem to engage them with the gospel, to advance the gospel? We are asking the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers into his harvest field so that 25 unengaged peoples will be engaged for the glory of King Jesus. Our Global Outreach department has worked hard to obtain a more accurate, fuller understanding of the number of the unengaged peoples. The best estimate we can ascertain is that there are 1,221 unengaged peoples. We will be sharing more information about them so that they will be less out of sight and out of mind among us. Excerpted from “The 25 x ’25 Story,” a sermon by Pastor Jason Meyer, delivered September 10/11, 2016

Definition of “Unengaged People Groups” People groups living in places where, as far as is known to researchers at present, there are no full-time Christian workers attempting to do evangelism and church planting.



The marks on this page represent the list of 1,221 unengaged people groups in the world today. Might Bethlehem humbly aspire to be God’s eraser in removing even 25 names from the list?

Pray, Bethlehem. Pray that God will stir his people, and your own heart, to supply the extraordinary resources of spirit, service, and treasure required to pursue this vision. May he pour out not just money, but also new families, neighbors, coworkers, Sunday school teachers, youth group members, Campus Outreach workers, college and seminary students, senior sojourners, mercy ministers, church planters, global partners, Barnabas team members, and hundreds of thousands of new prayer partners here and around the world as he fills these cities with his glory.

$38,000,000 The acceleration will require an amount equal to three-plus years’ worth of giving in two years’ time: a big ask of God’s people, a small ask of a big God.

Prayerfully consider a larger, two-year commitment to accelerate the next decade of spreading. Detailed analysis of these requirements is presented in the Appendices.

Needed in December 2016

Needed in 2017 and 2018

Church & Missions Budget



South Campus Construction



Total Budget $38,000,000



It remains important that the church finish strong in 2016.

A substantial increase on the part of everyone’s proportional giving would yield much fruit.

Construction of a $13 million South Campus facility cannot commence until a sufficient amount is in-hand to issue contracts. It seems reasonable to assume that the receipt of some large financial gifts will be necessary to proceed.

The Path of Generosity


Giving for the first time

Scheduled Giving on a regular basis


Giving 10% of income

Extravagant Giving seemingly beyond means

The walk of stewardship, like all of the Christian life, is a walk of grace and sanctification. Generosity is not a financial measure, but a measurement of the heart. The widow and her mite evidenced more extravagant generosity than the Pharisee and his deposit. Wherever you are financially, pray that you might be led to loosen your hold on earthly treasure so that God might work greater faith in your life and heart. Prayerfully take at least one step forward on the path to greater generosity. For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own accord, begging us earnestly for the favor of taking part in the relief of the saints–and this, not as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then by the will of God to us. – 2 Corinthians 8:3-5


How to consider your Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25 commitment to accelerate the next decade of spreading. My commitment for the next 25 months, beginning December 1, 2016 New Total Monthly Amount for the Next 25 Months



Extraordinary Gift of Cash or Assets by 12/31/16



What is the amount which, after prayer, you are willing to commit monthly over the next 25 months?

What additional gift might you be willing to give now from cash on hand, securities, or other property to accelerate this vision?


A Prayer Father in Heaven, We are not merely asking for a vision from you, but a vision of you. Don’t just give us a vision, be our vision: “Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart.” Cause our eyes to be riveted upon you so that we don’t merely fix our eyes on you but feast our eyes on you. Satisfy our hearts with fresh glimpses of your glory and greatness. Flood our hearts with passion for your glory. May we be gripped again with an eager longing to see the knowledge of the glory of the Lord fill these cities as the waters cover the sea. Break our hearts so that we are moved with compassion for the lostness we see in our families and neighborhoods and nations. Yes, give us compassion for the lost, passion for your glory, and perseverance in obedience. May Jesus have first place in all of it. Not to us, not to us, but to your Name be all the glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen

A Song Fill These Cities By Matthew Westerholm

Start the fire with a vision of you May your work and ways make our praise ever new For the Lamb once slain is both faithful and true So may our cities be filled with your name. Stoke the fire with your Spirit above May the world recognize we are yours by our love Let our unity prove the truth we speak of May our cities be filled with your name. Chorus Fill these homes with your eternal joy Fill these streets with endless praise! As we’re filled with all the fullness of God Fill these cities with your name. Spread the fire! May the world know your worth May those dead in their sins come alive with new birth Till your glorious fame covers all of the earth And our cities are filled with your name.



25-Month Budget

Frequently Asked Questions

25-Month Expense Distribution

Anticipated financial need from 12/1/2016 through 12/31/2018

One Fund Contributions Church & Missions operating budget with integrated South Campus construction DEC 2016













Operating Budget

(to pay 2016 bills)

South Campus Construction

Total One Fund Budget

(to accelerate 2017 construction)





South Campus Building









































South Campus Construction Total One Fund Expenses


Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25 is a vision for accelerating Bethlehem’s next decade of spreading. As we strengthen core church life on our three existing campuses and establish a 24/7 South Campus in Lakeville, we also sense God calling us to plant 25 new churches and engage 25 unengaged people groups by 2025, for his glory and our joy.

Estimated South Campus Growth for 2016–2025 Based on weekly worship service attendance




1. The now 500+ members and attenders of our congregation worshiping in Lakeville need a facility accessible seven days a week to be able to flourish in church life like the other campuses.

3. Church plants are a proven strategy for reaching the unchurched. Bethlehem is blessed with proven capabilities to plant churches, and we sense God’s call to plant more vigorously. Three campuses will allow us to expand our residency program for church planters. 4. Our hearts are freshly burdened for hundreds of people groups in the world to whom gospel ministers have never been sent. Bethlehem is unusually well-positioned and resourced to be senders and goers. 5. God is prospering our mission through Upreach, Inreach, and Outreach ministries on three campuses, 14 church plants, and 113 global partners in 48 countries. God is giving us every encouragement to accelerate. Is this vision for Bethlehem members only?


4. Support includes Property, Information Technology, Communications, Finances, and Human Resources. 5. Reserves includes replenishing elder-recommended operating reserve. 6. South Campus Construction includes building a new 24/7 facility on property owned in Lakeville.

This vision is for everyone who considers Bethlehem their church – both members and attenders. Our prayer is that 100% of Bethlehem’s congregation will commit to support this vision with prayers, service, and financial resources.

Timeline and Decision-Making Process Fill These Cities 25 x ’25

January 2016







January 2017

Late Spring

Vision Introduced

Elders Approve One Fund

Congregational Approval Process

Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25 Sermon Series

Giving Campaign Begins

On-Campus Service Call

Elders Recommend Budget

South Campus Construction*

Prayer Call


People Call


Month 1 of the 25 months of Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25 commitments

Vision Casting with Staff and Leaders


Congregational Vote on Budget

*Assuming available funds and congregational approval

Church life at Bethlehem involves a multitude of endeavors that require a welcoming and accessible facility for ministry and outreach throughout the week. Members at the South Campus have been without a building accessible seven days a week for a decade. Additional reasons to construct a 24/7 South Campus building include: 1. God’s abundant favor revealed in the fruitfulness of ministry on both the North Campus and Downtown Campus causes us to see more clearly the potential for ministry in Lakeville. 2. It is time to finish the I-35 corridor for spreading that we envisioned in 2006. God has already graciously provided over 12 acres of land in a strategic location on I-35 in Lakeville, one of the fast-growing local suburbs. We sense God’s call to accelerate establishment of that 24/7 campus. 3. A facility of our own permits us to assemble and worship free from limitations on public or privately owned property. We are currently paying around $250,000 annually to rent Lakeville South High School for Sunday services and the 501 Building in Burnsville for offices during the week. 4. Freeing staff and volunteers from the many hours involved in setting up and tearing down weekly will release their efforts to more fruitful service.

Church planting is one of our proven strategies for reaching the unchurched – the reached, but disinterested or antagonistic here in America, as well as the utterly unreached around the world. In the last 14 years, God has given Bethlehem grace to plant 14 churches. We are excited to see this number grow by an additional 25 churches planted locally, nationally, and globally, as – God willing – the next decade becomes “The Decade of Church Planting” at Bethlehem.

Approval Jan 2017

Why do we need our own South Campus building? Why don’t we just continue to rent?

Prayerfully consider a larger, two-year financial commitment to fuel a new decade of gospel ambition, deepening our core ministries and widening our outreach.

We are asking God to accelerate spreading by moving in the hearts of his people to provide $38M over a 25-month period of time from 12/1/2016 through 12/31/2018. The total amount consists of three components:

Month #1 Dec 2016

The remaining balance on our current mortgage is about $3.3M. Just over $11K of each $38K monthly mortgage payment goes toward interest – the rest is applied toward principal. Members and friends continue to contribute directly to pay down our mortgage over and above our budgeted C&M payments. For example, over $150K extra has been given so far in 2016. This option for giving directly to pay down the mortgage will still be allowed. If no extra payments were made, at our current fixed rate of 4% our mortgage would be paid off in less than nine years.

Why the increased focus on church planting?

Giving Campaign Sept-Nov 2016

Beginning with our 2015 C&M budget, mortgage payments associated with the purchase and build-out of our North Campus in Mounds View have been included in our C&M operating budget. We plan to continue this practice in ongoing annual budgets for the next two years.

What are you asking me to do?

How much will it cost?


Visioning Jan-Summer 2016

With this $38M goal in mind, our hope is to begin construction of a South Campus in 2017 without incurring any additional long-term debt, although it is likely that a shortterm construction loan will be needed as part of the project.

Why are we doing this?

2. As church life is strengthened on all three campuses, we can undertake greater work for the gospel. A big church can do more things than a small church.

1,425 Notes: 1. Upreach includes Vision & Preaching, Worship & Music, and Media 2. Inreach includes Family Discpleship: Nursery, Children, Jr High, Sr High, and Disability; Adult Discipleship: Small Groups, Counseling, Women, Men, and Seniors. 3. Outreach includes Church Planting; Global Outreach: Global Diaconate and Short-Term Ministry Mobilization; Leadership Development: Bethlehem College & Seminary; Outreach Support; Campus Outreach; Hispanic Outreach; and Neighborhood Outreach.



The congregation must vote to approve 2017 and 2018 budgets as well as any construction project expenses. ONE FUND COMPONENTS

What is Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25?


One Fund Expenses

Operating Budget Total



What about our current debt?

$23M for ongoing Church & Missions (C&M) budgeted operating expenses assumes modest (5%) budget growth in 2017 and 2018 – approximately $11.2M and $11.8M in 2017 and 2018, respectively, compared to the current 2016 C&M operating budget of $10.7M. Our current C&M budget includes significant funding for church plants and Global Outreach. This increase allows us to accelerate current plans. $13M to build a 24/7 South Campus facility that supports Upreach, Inreach, and Outreach from a permanent, growing base in the southern suburbs. Current plans call for a sanctuary that seats 840 with balcony seating for 328–a total of 1,168–classrooms for all ages, an open lobby gathering space, a kitchen, and a large multi-purpose gym. The building’s footprint size is approximately 52,500 sq. ft. When the lower level of the education wing, balcony, and mezzanine are included, the total finished space is approximately 76,000 sq. ft. $2M to help finish strong financially in 2016 and be prepared to launch South Campus construction in 2017. December C&M giving has often been in the range of $1.5M to $1.8M. As we move forward, we want to ensure 2016 ministry expenses are covered, and that we are able to replenish our C&M reserve appropriately going into the next two years. $2M is our best current estimate of the regular December giving needed to meet 2016 operating expenses.

We are also working with Bethlehem College & Seminary, which now offers a church planting track and a seminary degree in church planting to prepare, evaluate, and send church planters from each of our three campuses. For further information on Bethlehem’s increased focus on church planting, check out the following items on our website: •

A Brief History of Bethlehem’s Church Planting Involvement

New Bethlehem church plants since 2003 as part of our Treasuring Christ Together strategy

Treasuring Christ Together Network

Why the increased focus on targeting the unengaged/unreached? The lostness of our neighborhoods is only a glimpse of the grave need around the world – hundreds of unengaged people groups living and dying in darkness, without even the faintest flicker of hope. No one is making any discernible effort to bring them the gospel. The lost are not lost on us. We’re pleading with God to bring gospel light to 25 unengaged people groups through our global partners by 2025. May we be “God’s eraser” to reduce the number of people groups on that list who have no access to the gospel. For further information about Bethlehem’s Global Outreach focus, check out the following items on our website: •

Our Convictions

Our Global Partners

Sending (including Nurture Program overview)

Financial Call



What is One Fund and why aren’t we doing a more traditional campaign to raise funds for a South Campus?

Personal Financial Participation

Bethlehem already has funding for campusing, church planting, and over 100 global partners included in our annual C&M operating budget. It seemed wise not to create an additional fund for the new ministry initiatives outlined by this vision, but rather integrate them all into our regular C&M operating budget for the next two years, through December 31, 2018, to convey that this is Bethlehem’s unified and multifaceted mission, and to assist people so they do not have to pick and choose between competing ministry focuses.

What are you asking me to do?

Increasingly, many churches have adopted a “One Fund” approach in which they’ve integrated the funding required for new ministry initiatives into their ongoing ministry operating budget for a season. For Bethlehem, this upcoming “One Fund” runs 25 months from December 1, 2016, through December 31, 2018, and includes funding for both our regular operating budget and a 24/7 South Campus building.

Prayerfully consider a larger, two-year financial commitment to fuel a new decade of gospel ambition, deepening our core ministries and widening our outreach. We are asking every covenant member to cheerfully embrace the covenant commitment we made with each other to “contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations.” We are asking attenders and friends who have been helped by and value the ministry of Bethlehem to prayerfully consider linking arms with us.

Are there additional ways besides cash that I can give?

What if I can’t afford to give right now?

We love thinking outside the box. Be creative as you explore ways you and your family can give. Don’t overlook other assets that you own. Gifts of appreciated property like stocks, real estate, mutual funds, jewelry, artwork, collectibles, baseball cards, etc., often make great gifts with significant tax advantages. Please consult with a professional advisor about your particular circumstances. If you need assistance with making a gift of property or stock, we would be delighted to help. You can contact Steve Walmsley, Financial Secretary, with questions about and instructions regarding how to accomplish this: steve.walmsley@hopeinGod.org.

Even in times of scarcity, God wants our hearts. The widow who gave her last mite did not make a very big financial contribution, but Jesus said she gave the largest gift of all. Fill These Cities is about all of us coming together, giving generously, and trusting God to do the rest. It may mean that God is asking you to trust him by making a faith commitment that you do not know how to fulfill right now. God has supplied our every need in Christ, and we trust that he will honor a heart that wants to give generously in response to the gospel. There may also be ways to be sacrificial with your lifestyle to create margin for generosity in your life.

What if I’m a college, seminary, or graduate student?

1. Build a facility in Lakeville that can be used seven days a week for worship, ministry, and neighborhood outreach.

We fully realize that we can’t micromanage how the Spirit will move, but we are asking you to prayerfully consider this question: “What is the maximum we can give cheerfully and harmoniously without compromising other God-assigned stewardship responsibilities?” Because our sense is that the South Campus should be built on the front end of this decade-long effort, we are asking that all members, attenders, and friends of Bethlehem would prayerfully seek the Lord as to their cheerful participation. In addition to considering an increase in our proportional giving, let’s each consider an over-andabove substantial gift out of our assets to help accelerate spreading.

2. Strengthen our core ministries to better equip more people for faithful gospel ministry among the families, neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces of the Twin Cities.

Is $38,000,000 over the next two years outlandish and unreasonable?

What if I don’t have a job right now?

Our normal Church & Missions (C&M) operating budget over the next two years will likely be in the neighborhood of $23,000,000. We are increasing this budget to $38,000,000 for these next two years because of our need for the South Campus and the desire to accelerate church planting and engage unengaged people groups. If every covenant member and attender gave 10% of their income to support our C&M budget, one estimate is that $20,000,000 per year would be given. Our sincere desire is that through this extraordinary effort, those who have yet to discover the joy of proportional giving would discover it and continue it through the decade and beyond.

Fill These Cities is about your total, radical, sacrificial generosity for the advance of the gospel. God knows our every need, and Bethlehem wants to help meet the needs both in our church and in our community. If you do not have a job and are actively seeking one, we’d love for you to share this with your small group leader or one of our elders so that we can be praying for you.

What are our new One Fund budget priorities?

3. Call Pastor Kenny Stokes to a new position focused on church planting and church revitalization strategies. 4. Invest in the Bethlehem College & Seminary students and church planting residents who will be sent to plant churches. 5. Expand and focus our Global Outreach ministry by sending global partners to unengaged people groups – those who have never been targeted by missionary organizations. Are we done with campusing, or do we have plans for additional campuses in the future? We have no plans for additional campuses beyond Downtown Minneapolis, Mounds View, and Lakeville. Rather, with three strong, thriving campuses established along the I-35 corridor – with God’s help – we feel called to make the next 10 years the decade of church planting at Bethlehem.

We long for all the people of Bethlehem to engage in the joyful obedience of regular proportional giving. We also realize that there are extraordinary times in the life of the church where God leads some to give in extraordinary ways out of assets that God has entrusted to them (Acts 4:34). The faithful obedience of every member is needed. But the reaching of this extraordinary goal will not be met apart from those with the spiritual gift of giving (Romans 12:8).

God has blessed Bethlehem by allowing us to invest in the lives of students through our Campus Outreach ministry and through Bethlehem College & Seminary. Although students are known for living on tight budgets, the student years are an ideal time to develop a Kingdom-focused plan in the areas of personal budgeting and generous giving. This is a time when students from all the colleges, universities, and graduate schools represented at Bethlehem can join forces and go “all-in” by giving generously over the next two years to help us accelerate the next decade of spreading.

We believe that God calls us to action in times of hardship just as much as he does in times of abundance, and that looks different for every person. It may mean that you are being challenged to sell things, to pick up odd jobs, or possibly even to trust God in faith by making a commitment that you don’t quite know how to fulfill right now, but that you believe God will provide for as you seek ways to sacrifice and work toward that commitment. Our goal is that 100% of those who call Bethlehem home will make a Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25 commitment.

Find ways to involve your entire family in the process of giving generously. Use this season as an opportunity to teach children and grandchildren to obey the Lord with a generous heart and to trust him. Take the opportunity to look at your overall stewardship of all that God has entrusted to you. Pray for the kind of grace that was poured out on the Macedonians who gave in the midst of their poverty (2 Corinthians 8). What if I’m severely in debt right now? Am I still supposed to give? It’s important for generosity to be a part of our lives at every point. If you are in the process of paying off debt, we commend you, and you should continue to do so. But, the Bible does not teach that we withhold giving until we are debt-free. As we honor God first with our giving, he promises to be involved with every other aspect of finances (Philippians 4:19). Prayerfully consider how you might participate. We care about the burden of indebtedness. If you need counsel, there are many individuals at Bethlehem who are equipped to give guidance on how to handle debt and would welcome the opportunity to meet with you. Please seek out your campus pastor or one of the elders. What if my spouse and I are not in agreement about giving? After praying together, listening to God and one another, sharing, and more prayer, then ask: “What amount can we give cheerfully and harmoniously?” What if I still have questions? Please communicate questions to your campus pastor, an elder, or any member of the Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25 Committee, listed below.

How long is my commitment? Have we considered establishing the campuses as three separate churches? Yes. This was one of the main questions the elders addressed during our Antioch Moment five years ago (see Antioch Moment update during the December 2011 AllChurch Annual Meeting: “As announced earlier this year, the elders have come to full agreement that Bethlehem will remain one church on multiple campuses for the foreseeable future until the Lord shows us otherwise.”) More recently in 2014, the elders clarified and reaffirmed Bethlehem’s “DNA,” describing our Biblical Essentials and Bethlehem Priorities as a vital part of preserving our unity, and highlighting several expressions of what makes Bethlehem one church on three campuses: 1. One Affirmation of Faith 2. One Constitution and Set of Bylaws 3. One Elder Council 4. One Membership Covenant 5. One Mission Statement 6. One Budget 7. One Vision Cast From the Pulpit (Video and Live Preaching) (c.f., DNA booklet section titled “Bethlehem: One Church on Three Campuses”) A day may come when we sense God’s leading to reconsider this, but for the foreseeable future, we plan to remain one church on three campuses. Have we considered various options in case our goal is not reached? The Council of Elders and Financial & Property Administrators (FPA’s) have identified general possibilities. Before proposing a specific path forward, two numbers are needed: The congregation’s commitment cards will need to be collected and tallied in November, and December’s first month of accelerated giving, month 1 of 25, will need to be totaled. Once both are known the first week of January, the elders plan to pray, review next steps, make adjustments if necessary, and bring a budget recommendation to the congregation at the January 2017 Quarterly Strategy Meeting later that month for a vote. Depending on funds committed and given, possible options regarding the South Campus include one or more of the following: •

Proceed with planned South Campus construction.

Defer the start of construction until an appropriate amount is committed.

Debt. Consider a mortgage to cover the remaining amount required to complete the South Campus, if all needed funds have not been committed during the 25 months.

Downsize. Adjust the South Campus scope or phasing to match available funds.


We are asking that everyone make a 25-month commitment. The fulfillment period for your commitment will begin December 1, 2016, and will culminate on December 31, 2018. What if I am new at Bethlehem? We are so glad that you are here! And we are excited that you are considering partnering with us! The local church is God’s “Plan A” for conforming us to the image of Christ, reaching our community, and bringing the gospel to the nations. Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25 is a great time and a great way to identify with us and to say, “I am all-in with Bethlehem for the gospel!” As with each person at Bethlehem, more than your giving, we want your faith to thrive and be bolstered through corporate worship, our small group ministry, and the use of your gifts in the current and future ministries of our church. What if I’ve never even given to Bethlehem before? If you have never given financially to Bethlehem, this is a great time to begin. It is too easy to come into a large, thriving church like Bethlehem and think they don’t really need my participation, whether it’s giving or serving. Our prayer is that God will use this season to dispel that myth. Every part of the Body of Christ is there by God’s design (1 Corinthians 12:11ff; Ephesians 4:16).

Leadership Pastors & Ministers


Bud Burk

Brad Nelson

Keith Anderson

Tim Johnson

Luis Rodriguez

Sam Crabtree

Jon Nowlin

Bud Burk

Vince Johnson

Jason Ruch

Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25 Committee

Ken Currie

Paul Poteat

David Crabb

Terry Kurschner

Chuck Steddom

Ken Currie

Aaron Davitch

Paul Przybylowski

Sam Crabtree

James Lecheler

Steve Stein

Jon Grano

Jack Delk

Todd Rasmuson

Ken Currie

Henry Lewis

Tom Steller

Jon Hendricks

Jon Grano

Richie Stark

Jack Delk

David Livingston

Kenny Stokes

Dan Holst

Dan Holst

Chuck Steddom

Tom Dodds

Mark Lundstedt

Brian Tabb

Tim Johnson

Lori Jaeger

Tom Steller

Kurt Elting-Ballard

Tom Lutz

Rod Takata


Gil McConnell

Paul Tattersall

Mike Meloch

Mike Meloch

Peter Thorpe

Jason Meyer

Jason Meyer

Steve Walmsley

Mitch Pearson

Andy Naselli

Alan West

Rick Segal

Vice Chairman

Phil Nelson

Bill Zwicky

Chuck Steddom

Don Hoffert

Bruce Power

Tom Steller

Dan Holst

Todd Rasmuson

Kenny Stokes

Vince Johnson

Kenny Stokes

Pam Larson

Mike Tong

David Livingston

Jared Wass

Gil McConnell Jason Meyer

Matthew Westerholm

Pastor for Preaching & Vision

Jonathon Woodyard


Dave Filzen Jon Grano Tim Held Jon Hendricks

How does the One Fund approach to Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25 change my giving to support the general budget, missions, facilities, campus expansion, and other special offerings? During this two-year period, every non-designated contribution to God’s work through Bethlehem is a contribution to this initiative which incorporates our traditional C&M budget. Each aspect of the ministry vision God is calling us toward will be funded through this One Fund. Therefore, every weekend becomes an opportunity to celebrate and contribute to what God is doing across our entire expanse of ministries.

For more information:

Will giving for mission trips or support-raised positions be counted as a part of Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25? God leads people at Bethlehem to give to many things, and we are thankful for each one. However, for budgeting and planning purposes, gifts designated for something other than this vision are not counted as a part of the initiative. For example, the One Fund does not include giving for Helping Hand, short-term ministry trips, or supportraised staff positions, just as our C&M operating fund has not included these areas. As you generously respond to these Bethlehem opportunities outside of Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25, your gift will be recorded and reflected in your annual giving statement, in addition to your commitment to the One Fund.

Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25 Website

fillthesecities.church Giving at Bethlehem Accelerating Bethlehem's Next Decade of Spreading

hopeinGod.org/giving 31

hopeinGod.org D Downtown Campus

720 13th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-338-7653 mail@hopeinGod.org

N North Campus

5151 Program Avenue Mounds View, MN 55112 612-455-0800 northoffice@hopeinGod.org

S South Campus

Worship: Lakeville South High School 21135 Jacquard Ave Lakeville, MN 55044 Office: 501 Highway 13 E, Suite 110 Burnsville, MN 55337 612-746-2650 southoffice@hopeinGod.org

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