Hope 2018

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Here to help you Visit www.hopetogether.org.uk for resources and ideas for HOPE at Christmas, Easter and Harvest, plus all you need to deliver the Mission Academy over four weekends. Sign up at www.hopetogether.org.uk/signup to receive monthly updates with details of all the latest resources from HOPE and HOPE’s partners. Use the HOPE logo on your church videos, literature, publicity and on banners at your events to link your initiatives with HOPE 2018 across the UK. Download the logo free from www.hopetogether.org.uk/logo

“ I want to be part of a movement that will usher in a revival, that I pray will happen in my lifetime. I believe that HOPE 2018 is an expression of that movement.” Pastor Agu Irukwu, Senior Pastor of Jesus House for the Nations, RCCG

Order HOPE banners, bunting, invitations and more at www.cpo.org.uk/HOPE2018 Contact us at: HOPE, 8A Market Place, Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 3DU Phone

01788 542782



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Website www.hopetogether.org.uk

The HOPE Board with HOPE CEO Roy Crowne: Steve Clifford, Derek Beal, Andy Hawthorne OBE, Dr Rachel Jordan-Wolf, Roy, Laurence Singlehurst, Revd Yemi Adedeji

Registered Charity No: 1116005 Company limited by guarantee Registered No: 581431 Photos: Ian Britton, Clive Mear, Pete Sandeman & Sue Lockhart


Words & action to make Jesus known



Time for action

Time to dream

• Prepare to grow. We want to welcome thousands of people into our churches. Our invitation needs to be intentional. We need to give people opportunities to respond to Jesus and to grow as his disciples. Let’s prepare to grow.

HOPE’s dream is a growing church, showing Jesus’ love and telling the Jesus story, at the heart of every community.

“HOPE 2018 is here to help you and your church reach your friends, family and community with the great news of Jesus. Together, let’s pray, step out in new ways and talk about Jesus.” Dr Rachel Jordan-Wolf, National Mission and Evangelism Adviser for the Church of England

HOPE started with three friends: Mike Pilavachi, Andy Hawthorne and me. We began with a question. ‘Is it possible to mobilise the whole church for a whole year of mission in words and action?’ Hope08 was the beginning and more than 1500 areas got involved. In the 10 years since then we’ve seen God do amazing things. It’s never been about HOPE doing everything. We are a catalyst and we’ve been blessed with God’s favour. But there’s more to be done. The dream lives on. The HOPE leadership team recognises the growing sense across the UK that it’s time for harvest.

Time to grow Imagine a church of 30 with three new Christians; a church of 1000 with 100 new followers of Jesus. Imagine your church growing 10% over the next two years. Of course this is about much more than numbers. It’s about transformed lives and communities. What will it take for this dream to become a reality? We will all have to do our part. Unless we all work together it won’t happen. The ‘Talking Jesus’ research (talkingjesus.org) indicates we may have a problem with the words we use. We need to speak in language that people understand; we need to know how to give reasons for the hope we have. Actions speak volumes. Working together in a rhythm of mission, with words and actions through the church calendar, will multiply our effectiveness.

• Pray. If our dream resonates with you, become part of making it happen. Pray and ask God what this vision for growth looks like in your church. • Sign up. Be part of HOPE 2018. With God’s help, as we work together in mission with words and action, this vision can become a reality in every church, every community and across the country. Sign up at www.hopetogether.org.uk Roy Crowne, HOPE’s Executive Director on behalf of the HOPE leadership team

“ The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Luke 10:2

“HOPE unites the church across denominations, race, culture and customs. Jesus prayed that we would be one (John 17: 22-23). When we come together in prayer and mission we show the world what God is like, so they can believe in him. Our unity has a powerful impact.” Revd Yemi Adedeji, HOPE’s Associate Director



Words & Action Open your eyes to see what God has been doing Seeds of the gospel are being sown through churches in villages, towns and cities across the UK. Often it’s unspoken. Toddler groups, senior citizens lunches, youth clubs, night shelters, foodbanks – week in week out, Christians are putting faith into action. Many communities rely on churches serving. Our actions are backed up with words:

• Conversations with

friends, colleagues and neighbours.

• Small group events to

help people explore the Christian faith.

• Special events at Christmas, at

Easter, or summer Fun Days and Harvest festivals. Everywhere churches are pointing people to Jesus – the hope of the world.

Now Christians throughout the UK are sensing that this is time for harvest. We are moving into a season to reap what’s been sown.

“The apostle Paul writing the church in Colossae encouraged them with these words ‘whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus’. Ten years on from Hope08 HOPE 2018 will be continuing what we started but more so. More churches. More creative ideas. More opportunities for people to become followers of Jesus.” Steve Clifford HOPE’s chair and the General Director of the Evangelical Alliance



Time for harvest

“We are committed to working together with HOPE and other churches toward seeing the hope of Jesus Christ shared in our communities.” Revd Gareth Powell Secretary of the Methodist Conference

“ I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest” John 4:35 The Talking Jesus report shows that hundreds of thousands of people in the UK want to know more about Jesus. They are open to the gospel. They are ready to respond. Imagine 2018. Thousands of churches. People of every shape, size and colour. Old and young. Rich and poor. Loving and serving local communities unconditionally, as well as intentionally talking about Jesus, inviting people to respond to his love – to discover fresh hope.

Imagine your church growing. HOPE will help you plan mission, offering you something to do, something to say and something to give. Will you join us in 2018 praying, making Jesus known, and inviting people to become his followers: one colleague, one neighbour, one friend … who are you praying for?

“Jesus calls us to make disciples. Combining social justice with courageous proclamation of the gospel is the only way to get the job done. One without the other is only half a gospel. HOPE 2018 is about getting the job done together.” Andy Hawthorne OBE Founder and Chief Executive of The Message Trust



What is HOPE? HOPE supports churches in mission: bringing churches together, initiating seasons of prayer, resourcing a rhythm of mission through the church calendar. Mobilising young people is central to HOPE’s vision. HOPE’s goal is to leave a legacy of mission at the heart of every church: Easter Jesus Day, Summer Fun Days, Harvest Food With Friends, Christmas Carol Celebrations. HOPE’s resource manual HOPE The Heartbeat of Mission is being used by thousands of churches to plan a rhythm of mission in villages, towns and cities. HOPE also highlights calendar moments where the nation is marking major events. HOPE helps churches to bring communities together at these key moments. For example

“Being part of HOPE 2018 will enable us to see churches across the country changed so that they can transform communities and culture.”

Monarch and moth er, person on the plane grandmother and most photo graphed t, senior citizen who works over week, Supreme 40 hours a Governor of the Church her own dogs, the Queen’s remarkabl of England, who feeds and Commonwe e life of service to nation alth people in the world has made her one of the most admired . But what is the source of her inspir and strength in good times and ation tough times? This beautifully illust own words to draw rated tribute focuses on the Quee out the central n’s role of her trust Christ in shaping in Jesus her multi-faceted insigh life and work, offering us an inspir ing, t into a life well lived for others. I know just how much I rely on my faith to guide me through the good times and the bad. Each day is a new beginning. I know that the only way to try to do what to live my life is is right, to take the long view, to of my best in all give that the day bring s, and to put my trust in God … I draw strength from the message of hope in the Chris tian gospel. Queen Elizabeth II, Christmas 2002

Revd Paul Harcourt, Leader of the New Wine Network

Not for resale

ISBN 978-0-95 7559


9 780957 559 820


Swansea City’s stadium packed for Silent Night Carols

• In 2016 more than one million copies of The Servant Queen and the King She Serves were given away by churches and individuals as the country and Commonwealth celebrated the Queen’s 90th birthday. HOPE works with ministry partners such as Bible Society, LICC, CPO, Tearfund, Biblica, SGM Lifewords and Christian Vision to produce these resources.

• In 2012 750,000 Diamond Jubilee New Testaments were given away at Diamond Jubilee street parties hosted by churches. • In 2014 we marked the centenary of the start of World War 1. Hundreds of Silent Night Carol services were held in sports stadia, churches, pubs and community centres.

“2018 is Tearfund’s 50th anniversary, our Jubilee! We’re delighted that we’re going to be partnering with HOPE during the year, sharing Jesus’ hope with our neighbours, globally and locally.” Kiera Phyo, Tearfund’s Head of Youth & Emerging Generation






Stadium carol events

100 years from the end of World War 1 Christmas community celebrations

Thy Kingdom Come prayer gatherings





Harvest Food With Friends

Summer Fun Days




A weekend of invitation






20 May Pentecost







Summer Festivals

Reach every friend, colleague, neighbour…. make the journey to Jesus with one

Calendar 2018

Pray for Christian unity


The Rhythm of Easter Harvest Mission


For every season, HOPE will suggest ways to pray, care and share the good news of Jesus with words and actions.

Pray and prepare for a year of mission together. Do your conferences, seminars and celebrations have a mission focus? Join with HOPE and make what you do evangelistic. Ask God to use your words and actions to make Jesus known.

1 April Easter Sunday Jesus Day



Revd Lynn Green, General Secretary of Baptists Together

Use Try Praying and 40 Acts during Lent





“Our vision is ‘Growing healthy churches in relationship for God’s mission’ and HOPE 2018 gives local churches a great opportunity to make this vision a reality.”









Mission Academies The majority of people come to faith before they are 18. HOPE Revolution will help you mobilise evangelistic youth ministries in your area. Free resources like the Chatterbox, will help you empower youth-led evangelism, inspiring young people to reach their peers for Jesus with words and actions. Young people are our greatest hope. And our biggest challenge. The dream is a culture-changing number of young people becoming followers of Jesus. Our goal is not just converts, but disciples of Jesus, committed to living the whole of their lives with God; young people who value being an active part of their local church. Let’s pray and work together to make this dream a reality. Phil Timson, HOPE’s Youth Director

More than 30 Mission Academies have been launched since 2012. We aim to mobilise 100,000 young people to share their faith as part of a movement to bring a HOPE Revolution to the UK. Find all you need to deliver the Mission Academy over four weekends at www.hopetogether.org.uk/ MissionAcademy

“We want to see loads of people come to Jesus. As someone deeply committed to mission, ministry and leadership training among young people today, I am excited about HOPE Revolution’s Mission Academies and the vision to equip young leaders with vision, understanding and creativity to serve God in our world.” Mike Pilavachi, Associate Director of Soul Survivor

Download the HOPE Revolution Advocate Pack at www.hopetogether.org.uk/ HopeRevAdvocate to find out how you can develop a grass-roots mission agenda with young people in your area.

HOPE Board member Mike Pilavachi at the launch of HOPE Revolution Peterborough

Irina’s story HOPE Revolution in Peterborough has helped me grow as an individual, giving me confidence and leadership skills, equipping me to continue my journey with God. Through the HOPE Revolution Mission Academy, I have led my church in practical ways, reaching out to a younger generation and helping them come closer to God.



How can my church ? be part of HOPE 2018 Did you know there’s a church meeting in your local prison? During 2017 and 2018 Prison HOPE will help more churches make links with local prisons to support staff and to pray for real and lasting change in prisoners’ lives. Look out for 40 days of HOPE, a new daily reading resource written by prisoners, prison staff and their families, to use in Lent, the 40 days before Easter 2018. Prison HOPE is led by the Church of England Bishop to Prisons, in partnership with the Catholic Bishop to Prisons, the Free Churches Faith Advisor to Prisons, HOPE, Prison Chaplains and a host of organisations supporting those in prison, those leaving prison and their families. These organisation and Prison Chaplains need our support. Find out more at www.prisonhope.org.uk

Being part of HOPE 2018 means being intentional about inviting people to become followers of Jesus. Pray for five friends, colleagues, neighbours or family members, expecting God to speak to them and look for God-given opportunities to help them on their journey to Jesus.

“Elim’s Big Centenary Ask challenges all our Elim churches to explore ways to plant a new church or a fresh missional expression of church in their local communities. HOPE 2018’s dream for church growth will help Elim churches to fulfil our vision.” Chris Cartwright, General Superintendent, Elim Pentecostal Churches

Most non-Christians (67%) in the UK know a practising Christian – and that person is most likely to be a friend (38%) or family member (35%). 57% of people who know a Christian have had a conversation with them about Jesus. One in five of them wants to know more. (Talking Jesus, 2015)

Here’s how one church added two new members: 5,000 mince pies were distributed with carol service invitations. 400 guests came to the carol service as a result. 20 people joined a follow-up Alpha course and two then became Christians and were baptised. What shape could the journey to faith take in your area? Use the HOPE logo to link your evangelistic events and activities together. Always invite people to take the next step.

2017 is a year to pray, prepare and plan. Try some mission ideas on a small scale so you can evaluate what works and what training is needed. HOPE and our partners will provide ideas, templates and resources for prayer and mission in words and action - something to do, something to say and something to give - around a rhythm of mission: Christmas, Easter, Summer Fun Days and Harvest. What event will you plan? What gift might you give? What will you say? Members of the HOPE leadership team are available to speak at events to help you as you prepare. There are city-wide missions already planned for London, Bristol and Leicester. Let us know what your village, town or city plans to do in 2018. The dream is churches growing as thousands of people become Jesus’ followers.

Together we can make a difference The dream is churches growing as thousands of people become Jesus’ followers. • Let’s pray, prepare and work together as never before. • Sign up to be part of HOPE 2018 at www.hopetogether.org.uk/signup

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