Adding value to summer'17

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Over 190 reduced CK E O T S prices LEARANCL C EC IA N P S and IO E DIT special offers…

2.09 .17

addinG VaLu£ to summer 2017

8 Page

subject to availability. Please order early.

The caterer’s choice for frozen food

Less Than haLf PriCe breaded wholetail scampi, Plaice Goujons, Creel Prawns, shrimp bombs, fish Cakes, breaded fishwich, Chips, staycrisp fries, sauté Potatoes, wedges, Potato shells, Chick’n Teddies, Chickwich, breaded Chicken fillets, battered Chicken fillets, sausages, yorkshire Puddings, Pizza, Pizza bases, dim sum, baguettes, seeded buns, deli rolls, rustic rolls, sultana scones… only £2.99 a pack 1

plus more!


whiTby seafOOds wOw only £2.99 a pack

Less Than haLf PriCe!

Code: 3609 | List Price: £19.80 | Offer £5.49 pack Product: extra Large breaded wholetail scampi 450g

only £4.99 a pack

Code: 30195 | List Price: £9.73 | Offer Product: Plaice Goujons 450g

£2.99 pack


Code: 3642 | List Price: £14.16* | Offer Product: Creel Prawns hot ‘n’ spicy 450g

£4.99 pack



whiTby seafOOds Code: 3023 | List Price: £34.99* | Offer Product: seafood Platter 20 x 170g Code: 3096 | List Price: £5.35 | Offer Product: breaded Cod Goujons 450g

£32.99 (£1.64 ptn)

£2.99 pack


arCTiC rOyaL Code: 3768 | List Price: £21.88* | Offer £18.99 (£1.89 each) Product: Tuna Loin supremes 170-230g (2Kg)

only £1.89 each



PaCifiC wesT wOw 5 only £7.59 per Kg

6 only 23p each

Less Than haLf PriCe!

Code: 3068 | List Price: £17.15* | Offer £7.59 Kg Product: salt & Pepper shrimp bombs 1Kg


PaCifiC wesT Code: 3057 | List Price: £12.10* | Offer £10.99 (54p each) Product: Crispy Cod battered Goujons 40-60g (1Kg) Code: 3066 | List Price: £11.06* | Offer Product: Crispy Cod bites 20-30g (1Kg)

uK fOOdhaLL wOw

only 20p each


Less Than haLf PriCe!

Code: 3178 | List Price: £12.88 | Offer Product: big fish Cakes 85g x 30

£5.99 (20p each)


*Equivalent List Price. †Net.

addinG VaLu£ to summer 2017 Deliveries w/c 03.07.17 to w/e 02.09.17 – All list prices shown are based on the Spring & Summer 2017 Hopwells Frozen Food Catalogue. All prices are Net. Subject to availability. Please order early.



£9.30 (23p each)

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