Review the horace mann
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The Horace Mann Review | Issue 3
Review The Horace Mann
A Journal of Opinion on Current Events, Politics, Social Issues, and Relevant Affairs
Deependra Mookim Editor-in-Chief
Andrew Demas Danielle Ellison Executive Editor
Aaron Goldman Daniel Grafstein Justin Katiraei Victor Ladd Philip Lin
Editorial Director
Addressing Inequality Discussing the importance and nature of homophobia
he heartrending stories of gay teen suicides are characterized not only with intolerance but also with little or no outside support. Teachers and students alike failed to intervene and combat the incessant verbal and often physical bullying that these gay students faced. The suicides are symptomatic of a greater concern, because they point to the fact that homosexuality suffers from a lack of discussion in America. It is precisely this inattention that is so insidiously dangerous. The topics covered within the sections of Issue 3 is as diverse as ever beCover Photo: Taken by Aramael Pena-Alcantara of Daniel Froot and David Yaasky
fore. We have articles ranging from Ratko Mladic and financial regulation to Apple and immigration. This issue of the Review serves to promote discourse within Horace Mann and lead to a better understanding of the sensitive issue of homophobia, which is an incredibly complex and nuanced one. It is social and it is political. It is relevant in school as well as The Church. It can be related to our national culture but also to our national defense. Specifically, our writers explore sexual prejudice in the context of Horace Mann, acceptance, religion, marriage, and bullying.
Seth Arar
Production Director
Aramael Pena-Alcantara Andrew Stier Production Manager
Dorin Azerad Jordan Berman Alexander Daniel Emily Feldstein Harrison Manin
Andre Manuel Mathieu Rolfo Zoe Rubin Rebecca Segall Katherine Wyatt
Associate Editor
Songge Chen Justin Gilston
Richard Lee Maximilien Moran
Production Assistant
Editorial Assistant
Gregory Barancik Photo Editor
Alexander Familant Ben Marks Business Manager
Jasmine Mariano Senior Columnist
Gregory Donadio Faculty Advisor
Deependra Mookim Editor-in-Chief Volume XX
The Horace Mann Review is a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, the American Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press Association. Opinions expressed in articles or illustrations are not necessarily those of the Editorial Board or of the Horace Mann School. Please contact The Review for information at
The Horace Mann Review | Vol. XX
Domestic United States Immigration Policy Party Rising
Alexander Newman Treshauxn Dennis-Brown
4 6
Divided We Fall
Sahej Suri
Rape in the DRC This Time, We Knew Can We Coexist?
Alexandra Saali
10 12 14
NATO Doing NADA Where Will They Go Next?
Michelle Kim
International Hana Krijestorac Jacob Gladyz-Morawski Caroline Kuritzkes
15 16
Gay Rights: America at a Crossroads
Ben Davidoff
Marriage Inequality How Many Suicides Are Too Many? Homophobia at Horace Mann Homosexuality in the Media
Ariane Busse-Lee
Wallace Cotton
19 20 22 25
Judaism and Homosexuality
Sam Henick
Stephen Paduano
28 30
Features Mayanka Dutta Rebecca Segall
Economics Reining in Wall Street Why China is Good for You
Spencer Cohen
Science and Tech. A History of Innovation
Maurice Farber
Electricity: The Future of Cars?
Noah Lee
Americans on Stem Cells
Ben Greene
Not Just Another Smartphone
Harold Chen
36 38
The Horace Mann Review | Issue 3
Domestic scrapetv
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
Stomping on the 14th Amendment
by alex posner
his past August, Senator Lindsey the United States and of the state wherein virtually non-existent in the 1860s. They Graham did what every good they reside.” claim that the guarantee of birthright citiRepublican does best: stir up Opponents of this clause claim it is zenship instead leads to increased illegal misleading controversy. In this outdated and anachronistic. Rooted in immigration. In the words of Mr. Gracase, the matter of contention the Civil War era, this 1868 amendment ham, “People come here to have babies. was whether the 14th amendment of the was initially intended to ensure American They come here to drop a child — it’s United States Constitution should called drop and leave.” provide citizenship to everyone As convincing of an arwho is born in the United States. gument as this seems to be, this As Mr. Graham stated on Fox point of view is very misguided. News, “We can’t just have people When a female illegal immigrant Children born in the U.S. with at least one swimming across the river having walks into a hospital anywhere illegal immigrant parent children here — that’s chaos.” in the United States about to give While his comments were birth, by law she must be providmisguided, at best, the discussion ed with care. As a result of paabout the 14th amendment is an tient-doctor confidentiality laws, American children had one or both parents important one. In fact, Congress the medical authorities in the deported in the years 2005 2007 has debated the merits of the 14th hospital will not reveal her situaamendment every year since the tion to U.S. law enforcement auinformmation provided by newsgroup early 1990s. As the citizenship thorities even though the mothclause reads, “All persons born or natu- citizenship for the children of slaves. As er is in the United States illegally. For this ralized in the United States, and subject critics like Senator Graham will argue, child, there are two potential paths. Path to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the problem of illegal immigration was number 1: He can become a U.S. citizen
3.1 million 13,000
The Horace Mann Review | Vol. XX
At the same time a U.S. citizen means a future taxpayer. Illegal immigrants are often criticized because most fail to pay taxes. Opponents of immigration often point out that American taxpayers end up picking up the tab for the hospital bills of illegal immigrants. From an economic standpoint, repealing the 14th amendment would be the wrong thing to do. The alternative would be keeping children in the shadows and living underground in our society. In that scenario, American taxpayers would surely have to pick up the tab if those immigrants were ever admitted to a hospital. The final argument opponents of the 14th amendment will make is that the children of illegal immigrants are anchor babies. That is, their American citizenship will enable their parents to achieve legal status as well. However, under United States law, this does not happen. One must be 21 years of age before he or she can help a family member apply for citizenship status. Waiting 21 years is not much of an enticement and the statistics reflect this fact. According to a research report from PEW, a Washington D.C. based think-tank, almost 90% of female illegal immigrants who gave birth in American hospitals had already been living in the United States for over a year. As Kate Pickert from Time Magazine commented, “That blows a giant hole in the The Horace Mann Review | Issue 3
and aspire to become a member of US society. Path number 2: He is denied citizenship and will live in the “underground” as an illegal immigrant in our country. The truth of the matter is that the birth will happen regardless of whether or not the child becomes a full-fledged U.S. citizen. It is far more beneficial for society, and for the newborn’s well being, to allow him or her to assume U.S. citizenship. This newborn is essentiality an investment. While even illegal immigrants can have access to schools, being a U.S. citizen opens up a door to more opportunities for education as the ability to go to state universities. In a time of continued economic uncertainty, the education of our citizens is fundamental to the long-term prosperity of our nation.
Senator Lindsey Graham: one of the leading Republicans calling for a change to the 14th Amendment. notion that mothers are crossing the U.S.Mexican border just in time to give birth in American hospitals.” While the merits of the 14th amendment are clear, the fact that possibility of altering this amendment remains such a central part of the American political dialogue raises interesting questions about the attitudes of many people living in our society. Throughout history, some politicians have sought to place the blame for domestic problems on the shoulders of others. During World War II, Adolf Hitler used the Jews as scapegoats for the economic problems plaguing Germany at the time. In the 1880’s Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act; essentially preventing any Chinese people from entering the United States. This specific
measure was a product of high unemployment and the influx of foreign workers who were deemed to be the cause of this problem. In many ways, today’s scenario is very similar. With the world still crawling its way out the recession and the United States unemployment rate hovering at around 9%, political leaders are looking for people to take responsibility. Unfortunately, as we have seen in the past, immigrants too often take the blame. As bad as the economy is, amending the constitution to prevent those born here from attaining citizenship is not the way to go around fighting this economic crisis. The 14th amendment must not be altered. HMR
ew security measures at U.S. airports have been implemented to combat heightened terrorist concerns. In the last month, the full body scanners and the all too personal body searches have caused a media firestorm and vociferous public outcry. The full body scanners, which have been implemented at airport security checkpoints around the country are essentially x-ray machines that generate nude images facilitating the detection of weapons and other harmful devices. The machines have been besieged with concerns of privacy and issues over the perils of radiation emissions. As if wire tapping was not enough of an encroachment of civil liberties, the body screenings also blur the conceptions of privacy. It is unconstitutional to present all air travelers with the ultimate ultimatum: pass through the revealing and potentially hazardous x-rays machines or be subjected to a rigorous body search. Anyone traveling via airplane is essentially assaulted by TSA agents or by x-rays. So American public, pick your poison. There is widespread controversy surrounding the inception of the scanners. After the foiled attempts of the Christmas Day bomber, Department of Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff pushed fervently for the body scanners as the solution to evade terrorist attempts. The manufacturer of the scanners happens to be Rapiscan Systems, a former client of his security consulting firm. Rapiscan has profited gravely, taking in over 250 million in purchases, and certainly uncovering a profound conflict of interest for Chertoff. The recently developed security regulations transgress the Fourth Amendment rights, underscoring a usurpation of our freedom. The
amendment safeguards against unfair searches and seizures. John Wesley Hall, a prominent criminal defense lawyer focusing on the search and seizure laws said, “for Fourth Amendment purposes, you can’t touch somebody like this unless you’re checking them into a jail or you’ve got reasonable suspicion that they’ve got a gun.” The issue raises a component of interpretation of the Fourth Amendment that is guaranteed to be deliberated throughout the judicial system. However, the United States must uphold the ultimate responsibility of maintaining an equilibrium, defined by the balance between security and preserving liberties. The groin checks and nude images generated by the body scanners tip the balance unevenly towards security. There is a fine line between keeping americans safe from danger and invading their privacy. A full body search, a touch that anywhere else would be considered sexual assault could certainly constitute for crossing that line. (If only the TSA dimmed the lights and played soft music at the checkpoints, it would be the perfect date.) Whether the new regulations are to be deemed unconstitutional remains unsettled and probably will for years. But when the government entrusts TSA agents to fondle an elderly woman or a young boy it raises the question whether the government has violated American’s rights, and unjustly permitted security to overshadow freedom. The U.S. is handing Osama Bin Laden a victory to his nefarious intentions with the intrusive pat-downs and body scanners. He has succeeded in diminishing American’s rights, perverting the American system of liberty. The government must do everything in their power to defend America against a repeat of September 11th as terrorism is certainly a very re-
Domestic alistic threat. However, our civil liberties should not just be compromised simply because there are looming threats. Irrefutably, there are other solutions. Other countries utilize more security measures centered on intelligence rather than physical prevention; racial profiling and checking passengers against criminal databases are more prevalent. This course of actions has proved to be successful, so why America has not implemented these measures or at least investigated alternate options in a more assiduous and public manner is baffling, and a concern that the public must raise in order to counteract the unjust nature of national security. There are already reports of the transfer of illicit items sewn inside bodies, which go undetectable in the full body scans and groin checks, but a danger that could be more effectively tackled with profiling, especially when the contour(profile) of a terrorist is confined, explicitly recognized, and determinable. Israel is one of these nations with an effective security force, and often branded as the safest in the world. Global Traveler has heralded El Al as the aviation industry’s most secure airline, despite that they remain a sought after target for terrorism. They have held terrorism in abeyance through a system of intelligence security that consists of interviews and extensive profiling. The proba-
bilities of terrorist crumbling under such procedures is very high, as microexpression has been scientifically proven to be successful. This is not a recommendation for America to adopt Israeli’s system in its entirety, but rather assess and adapt some of its more beneficial techniques. Sidestepping the security inconveniences at U.S. airports is relatively easy, that is as long as you have the money. Rent a private jet. Flying private permits you to bypass almost all security measures. TSA does not require security action for private aviation operators, including large business jets. I do not want to give any ideas to all the Taliban that are reading this article, but with the current statute in place, terrorism could not be any more facile. If new security regulations are not amended, it is only inevitable that with time, America will be victimized by another devastating attack. Terrorists will view aviation as an effective means of attack, capitalizing on the lack of security measures on private airplanes. Amid the adoption of the threatening security procedures and the Thanksgiving holidays I am more cognizant than ever of my country’s indispensable virtues. I give thanks for our founding fathers, for rescuing our country from the wrath of the British. And I give thanks for the the fundamental cornerstone of our democracy, my freedom.
Molester, pervert, disgusting, an embarrassment, creep. These are all words I have heard today at work describing me, said in my presence as I patted passengers down. These comments are painful and demoralizing, one day is bad enough, but I have to come back tomorrow, the next day and the day after that to keep hearing these comments. If something doesn’t change in the next two weeks I don’t know how much longer I can withstand this taunting. I go home and I cry. I am serving my country, I should not have to go home and cry after a day of honorably serving my country.
I served a tour in Afghanistan followed by a tour in Iraq. I have been hardened by war and in the past week I am slowly being broken by the constant diatribe of hateful comments being lobbed at me. While many just see a uniform with gloves feeling them for concealed items I am a person, I am a person who has feelings. I am a person who has served this country. I am a person who wants to continue serving his country. The constant run of hateful comments while I perform my job will break me down faster and harder than anything I encountered while in combat in the Army.
The Horace Mann Review | Vol. XX
I’ll be doing my shopping at TARGET! -SANTA
Corrupting the Holidays by emily feldstein
elcome to the holiday season. Unfortunately, this welcome is belated. Recently, the holiday season, typically confined to December, has extended to include November and even October. Its encroachment on the rest of the year may seem undeniably fantastic– who does not want to start celebrating a little earlier? However, the holidays’ ever expanding domain attests to a growing trend plaguing our society: an emphasis on consumerism, society’s overwhelming desire to acquire goods. Commercialism, a focus on maximizing profits, spurs consumerism. Companies want more customers to increase their revenues. If more people buy more “stuff,” companies make larger profits. By starting the holiday season, and therefore holiday shopping, early, companies can increase financial gains. Modern day cupidity has distorted the true meanThe Horace Mann Review | Issue 3
ing of the holiday season. Companies’ only reference to the sentimental importance of the holidays comes in their advertisements. The values of the seasons take on an entirely different meaning when hijacked by advertising agencies in the service of large companies. The cheer of the early holiday season, then, disguises businesses’ much more sinister and greedy motives. Consider Black Friday and its technological twin, Cyber Monday. Companies have taken the idea of giving during the holidays and morphed it into a competitive sport. Holiday shopping is less about a thoughtful manifestation of caring and more about getting the best deals. Of course, businesses use sales to incentivize consumption and increase profits. Now, the holidays are used in the service of consumerism. Every time we turn on the television, starting in November, we are bombarded with Christmas carols or
other holiday songs used in advertisements. Target, for example, has a commercial in which a woman, dressed suspiciously like Santa Claus, records herself singing a Christmas song. This commercial aired before Thanksgiving, advertising Target’s Black Friday event. Of course, Target is not the only perpetrator; its advertisements merely exemplify the hijacking of holiday sentiments. Every year we lament consumerism’s corruption of the holiday season’s true meaning, and every year we are right. We rarely, though, consider another serious implication. Aside from the ethical and societal ramifications, there is also a serious environmental and ecological consequence. So, when buying holiday gifts, we may be contributing not only to a distortion of the holidays’ true meaning but also to global warming. Consumerism’s holiday dominance underscores a broader trend; with the encouragement of businesses, we now constantly feel the need to buy and to consume. Our consumption has drastically expanded, causing significant economic growth. In fact, in the past century, the global gross domestic product (GDP) has increased 40-fold while the population has only quadrupled. Seemingly, growth is just what the foundering worldwide economies need. However, there are a finite number of resources available on earth. The more we consume, the fewer resources remain. Thanks to increased consumerism at the encouragement of businesses, in one year we now use 1.4 times the earth’s ability to regenerate what we use. Unfortunately, the United States is the greatest offender in this overextension of earth’s resources. If the entire world consumed at the rate at which the U.S. is consuming, we would need, according to the Capital Institute, five earths. As consumption grows, our natural resources will shrink. Soon, perhaps, we will face food, energy, and water shortages, soil degradation, and even climate change. Considering these scary ramifications of consumerism, we should now take a step back. We don’t need to consume to have a special holiday season.
A Media Miracle
by ben greene
ust a couple of months after the inspiring rescue of the Chilean Miners who were trapped under ground for 69 days, these miners have found themselves showered with luxurious offers from expensive vacations resorts to the latest technology. The rescue of these 33 men was a world-wide televised event and was a great day for the Chilean people as many schools were cancelled and work was halted. This event was celebrated not only by Chile, but captured the attention of the world, as many people sat glued to their televisions. Among the great joy and happiness when each and every single miner rose from the ground, there was one thing in common between all 33 men. Each man,
as they emerged from the tiny capsule, wore $450 Oakley Sunglasses that protected then men from ultraviolet light and retina damage. Clearly Oakley Sunglasses was doing a little more than protecting these brave men from ultraviolet rays; is it possible that Oakley and other companies that provided the miners with gifts in the public eye weren’t only caring about the rescue of the miners, but also advertising a product? Many people would be appalled to this idea and dismiss it pretty quickly, but these successful companies are smart and clearly know the most effective way of marketing products. In a situation where much of the world was watching the rescue, Oakley Sunglasses
most likely looked upon the situation not only as a great story of heroic men, and to praise the surviving miners, but also a chance to promote a product indirectly. Everyone who watched the heartwarming rescue noticed these sunglasses and probably questioned the true motive of Oakley to help the Chilean Miners. Since the miners were rescued, their lives have had no shortage of publicity and tempting offers from many industries around the world. Even recently, Edison Pena, one of the miners known for his love of Elvis Presley, took up much of the news with his completion of the New York Marathon. Each miner seems to be receiving many offers to take vacations to high-end re-
Mine Safety in Chile President Sebastian PiĂąera has vowed to close the mine in question forever. Furthermore, the Chilean president has promised to tighten mining regulations and improve working conditions in the industry.
Many believe this disaster occurred, because the operators of the mine violated safety codes and overworked the mine. Out of the 33 miners, the families of 27 miners have sued the mine owners for negligence and compensatory damages.
The Horace Mann Review | Vol. XX
Exploitative Advertising Products such as Chill Iced Coffee use the Chilean miners to sell products. sorts, and now after the accident, it is said that many have received $10,000 in their bank accounts, and also trips to places such as Greece and Israel. However, when survivors emerged from mining accidents such as ones in West Virginia and Kentucky in recent years, their rescues were not followed by gifts of free I-Pods from Apple or 5 million pesos from businessman Leonardo Fracas. The rescue of the miners
sive gifts and numerous rewards aren’t really necessary. The true miracle and bravery displayed by the miners shouldn’t be overshadowed by Oakley sunglasses or other high-end products, but should be portrayed through the reunification with their families and friends. The miners do deserve some rewards and gains due to their audacious behavior and resilient attitudes, yet at the end of the day what matters
“The media has once again found a way to blur
all the facts and has drawn no attention to ways where mining technology can become better.” was a true miracle, but no survivors have received any of the treatment that the Chilean miners have received. Not to say that the courage and leadership of the Chilean miners wasn’t heroic or admirable; it is merely that the excesThe Horace Mann Review | Issue 3
is that these miners are back safe with their loved ones, and at home for the time being. The complete ordeal of the rescue of the Chilean miners has clearly been a great attraction in the eyes of the
media. However, the media has once again found a way to blur all the facts and has drawn no attention to ways where mining technology can become better. Instead, the media focuses on the individual lives of each miner and also the rewards that the miners have been offered. The media should be leading the public to focus on ways that the near-tragic accident can be prevented in the future. Also, people need to be held responsible for putting these 33 men in harm’s way, and the media should be relating the information that could help advance the technology used in mining, which can be such a crucial part to the economy of some governments. Therefore, the heartwarming story of the Chilean miners’ rescue should be looked at as a great miracle, and the media should encourage people to help and find ways from preventing future mining accidents.
A Korean Conflict The North Korean military attack on the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong ignites tension throughout the region and the world
“Earlier today North Korea conducted an artillery attack against the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong. We are in close and continuing contact with our Korean allies. The United States strongly condemns this attack and calls on North Korea to halt its belligerent action and to fully abide by the terms of the Armistice Agreement. The United States is firmly committed to the defense of our ally, the Republic of Korea, and to the maintenance of regional peace and stability.” -White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs by spencer cohen
hite House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs released this ultimatum as a direct response to North Korea’s attack on the South’s island of Yeonpyeong. The statement insinuates that the US will retaliate in response to any further hostile act by the North towards the South. Our government, as ascertained through the insights of many high-ranking officials, believes that North Korea will take no further aggressive action. P. J. Crawly, a spokesperson for the U.S. State Department, stated that, “without getting into intelligence matters, we don’t see that North Korea is preparing for an extended military confrontation.” This assertion reflects the aforementioned mentality. This US’ stance is due in part to the popular conviction that this unprovoked attack was perpetrated by North Korea as a plea for international aid. Another belief is that this attack, along with the March sinking of the South’s ship, were both executed by rogue North Korean officers disloyal to the ailing Kim Jong-il. The belief that this was a plea for aid
stems from the North Korean economy’s nosedive over the past two years. Its obscure dictator, who chooses to focus his attention on the military, recently failed to reform the currency, crippling the nation’s economy. In conjunction with flooding and food shortages, North Korea is in desperate need of international aid. Such a phenomenon is not unprecedented. In 2008 the U.S. sent large quantities of food to North Korea, in the same period as a release of a Declaration by the North’s leader, Kim Jong-il, documented Plutonium production. At the time, The Boston Globe argued ,“the United States says its food aid is determined by humanitarian need and that food is not used as a diplomatic lever. But its food is arriving during a season of much-improved, if still chilly and suspicious, relations between the North and the United States.” In turn for food and aid from the US and other western nations, the North will comply with certain demands. The other claim, that North Korean officers committed the unjustified attack on their own accord, has many adherents as well. Several days after the attack,
the North “test” fired weapons right off the coast of the Yeonpyeong Island (the same island where the attacks occurred). North Korea is in the midst of a power-shift. Kim Jong-il is deferring to his son, Kim Jong-un. The artillery strike, along with the earlier torpedoing of a South Korean ship, may be in part due to the heightened instability during this transitional time.
sss dictionary
North Korean leader Kim Jong Il has expressed willingness to retaliate against any South Korean threats
The Horace Mann Review | Vol. XX
“A full-scale military confrontation between the two nations would have
dire consequences. North Korea has an estimated 8-12 nuclear weapons, while South Korea, with the support of the US, would have 5,113” The US’ response, no matter the reason for the bombardment, was incorrect and inappropriate. It has left America in a precarious position. If the North refuses to abstain from attacking its neighbor, the US will be forced to retaliate. It is unlikely that North Korea will prolong its belligerent policies of late – a rational viewpoint – but it has a history of ignoring threats from the international community. If the US does not listen to the North’s plea for aid, the onslaught against the South will persist. Neither the US, nor any other coun-
try, has taken any measures to prevent future attacks. Gibbs’ statement will not succeed in preventing further skirmishes. A full-scale military confrontation between the two nations would have dire consequences. North Korea has an estimated 8-12 nuclear weapons, while South Korea, with the support of the US, would have 5,113 nuclear warheads. Therefore, the US was irresponsible in releasing the ultimatum. Simply condemning North Korea would have been a more suitable course of action. North Korea, as a retort to Gibbs’
statement, warned that it will “wage second and even third rounds of attacks without any hesitation if warmongers in South Korea make reckless military provocations again.” Military exercises, however, are still scheduled to occur off the Korean coast between a joint American and South Korean force even after China warned “against military activity in the area.” A Chinese official, Hong Lei, stated, “We hold a consistent and clear-cut stance on the issue. We oppose any party taking any military actions in our exclusive economic zone without permission.” Inevitably, North Korea will take China’s sentiment as permission to retaliate against South Korea. Though conflict has persisted for decades in this area, the warring will soon climax. The next twelve months will solidify the state of the region. Either a major confrontation of unprecedented heights pitting the United States and South Korea against North Korea will befall, or a progressive treaty between the three nations – one spurred in part by China – will be signed. HMR
North Korea has been developing its nuclear weapons program since the 1980’s. It is estimated that the country currently possesses 8 to 12 nuclear weapons.
The Horace Mann Review | Issue 3
radio netherlands
How Iran Won
The problem with sanctions, the international community’s
daniel elkind
y Removing Saddam Hussein as the sole counterbalance to the power of Iran in the Middle East, President Bush did more to elevate Iran as a threat to world peace than this member of the “axis of evil” could ever have done on its own. Today Iran poses a global threat. It has amassed a military numbering 2.8 million soldiers (eighth on the world stage), is likely developing nuclear weapons, possesses ballistic missile capabilities, and is committed to terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah. Iran’s leaders are bent on radical Islamist ideals. Its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has called for the destruction of Israel, has branded the Holocaust a hoax, and has asserted that 9/11 was an inside job. There can be no doubt that Iran has emerged as the leading power in the Middle East and is likely to spread its radical ideals to neighboring countries like Iraq and Afghanistan; nor that Iran will intimidate moderate nations like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Egypt.
How did Iran achieve dominance? Just a decade ago, the Shiite-controlled Iran remained locked in a stalemate with Iraq, a country led by a Sunni minority, which had endured since the bitter eight year war that concluded in 1988. The United States placed Iran in the catbird seat. The removal of Saddam Hussein, whose Sunni government had stymied Iran for decades, precipitated Iran’s assertion of unchecked power throughout the Middle East. How did the Bush Administration disregard that the removal of one dictator would allow for another to gain broad influence? There can be no doubt that Iran’s influence is mounting. In Iraq, Iran threatens to fill the power vacuum left by Hussein, for the Iraqi Shiite majority identifies closely with its religious counterparts in Iran: a nation that is 95% Shiite and led by radical Shiite clerics. Even the United States recognized Iran’s influence when, at the height of the Iraqi insurgency in 2006, American representatives met with Iranian representatives, requesting that Iran use its influence over Iraqi Shiites to
help quell the ongoing insurrection. The specter of America looking to Iran for aid in Iraq was alone a shocking condemnation of the wisdom of President Bush’s Iraq policies. In Afghanistan, President Karzai has issued repeated public overtures of friendship to Iran, even as America targets the extremist Taliban and Al Qaida operatives in his own country whose actions Iran condones. It was recently disclosed that Iranian officials regularly present Afghan officials with cash in an effort to secure influence over Afghan leadership. Turkey, an Islamic NATO member, is transitioning from being a secular state to a more orthodox one. Turkey’s leaders recently joined Brazil in proposing a plan to outsource Iranian nuclear fuel in order to circumvent further economic sanctions against Iran. In Lebanon and Palestine, Iran has used its huge oil revenues to finance Hezbollah and Hamas. There is no doubt that nuclear weapons in the hands of Iranian leaders would disrupt the global balance of power and
A History of Violence
1979 Iranian Revolution; Iran transitions from a monarchy under Shah Reza Pahlavi to an Islamic Republic under Supreme Leader Ayatolla Khomeini
1980-1988 Iraq invades Iran, resulting in the eight-year IranIraq War, with a death toll estimated between 500,000 and 1 million 14
2003 Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein removed from power
2005 Mahmoud Ahamdinejad elected President of Iran caeroia
The Horace Mann Review | Vol. XX
the Iraq War
the threat of Iranian nuclear power, and fatal blunder threaten world peace. If the current situation in the Middle East is precarious, then such a frightening scenario would be devastating to any chance of reversing the tide of mounting Iranian influence that is leading much of the Middle East in a radical direction. Iran would become an imposing superpower with nuclear weapons in its hands. The current policy towards Iran is to attempt to isolate the country with severe economic sanctions. The United States and Europe have led economic sanctions which forbid countries and companies from selling nearly all goods and services to Iran and from dealing with Iranian businesses, banks, or other financial institutions. Russia, China, and a handful of left-leaning nations have refused to honor these sanctions, with Russia being responsible for selling Iran nuclear power technology used to operate its enrichment activities. Will sanctions work? Iran has indicated some willingness to reopen discussions about its nuclear program, but has done so before, primarily to delay further
action by the West, and there is little indication that sanctions will compel Iran to abandon its nuclear ambitions. The general record of sanctions, as it happens, is not promising. Sanctions have proven ineffective when they are not enforced by all countries. Opposing the iron-fisted control of the radical clerics, President Ahmadinejad, and the Revolutionary Guard forces that keep them in power is a moderate and widely popular democratic movement spearheaded by leaders like Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. The 2009 Iranian presidential elections, which were most certainly fixed, ignited widespread, violent demonstrations throughout the main urban centers fueled by a hatred of the radical government and longing for true democracy. It was widely believed that Iran was on the verge of a second civil war, one that would remove the radical clerics and Ahmadinejad from power. The Revolutionary Guard, however, crushed the rebellion and swiftly imprisoned, tortured, and, in many cases, executed its moderate leaders.
Notwithstanding the military repression of democratic movements in Iran, there is reason to believe that Iran will follow a historically common pattern. The democratic forces might someday change the direction of the country. Russia, China, and Eastern European countries are all states which have transitioned towards market-based economies and more democratic political systems, albeit ones that do not match the democratic principles of Western nations. Yet, given the force of Iran’s army and the repression of liberties and democratic ideas by the Revolutionary Guard and the clerics, any such ideological evolution might take decades or even centuries to unfold. Unfortunately, when it comes to Iran, we have immediate problems to resolve. Iran has already tested advanced missiles, is capable of delivering weapons across borders, and appears to be developing nuclear armaments. With the prospect of nuclear weapons in the hands of a radical Iran looming in the foreseeable future, it is incontestable that the world must consider the employment of
2009 Presidential elections in Iran, which were likely manipulated, cause controversy
2010 United Nations Resolution 1929 harshens economic and diplomatic sanctions on Iran Iran has refused to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency, an international body monitoring nuclear power, since 2008
The Horace Mann Review | Issue 3
Features Education Inequality: America’s Dirty Truth
substance news
by david hackel
n the minds of us HMers, public education in America often thought to be an effective system; however, depending on where you live, your education can be either excellent or horrendous. Certain public schools have qualified teachers and students who enjoy learning, but the number lousy schools weigh down the ones giving out proper educations; ultimately giving the U.S.A. a bad name for education. Among thirty developed countries we rank twenty-fifth in math and twenty-first in science. Is that where our country should be? If you are able to attend a public school such as Stuyvesant you are very privileged, but many public schools have
teachers not teaching, but relaxing and watching their classes go wild. In some cases, teachers sleep while the students jump out of their seats. There is a law stating that a public school teacher who has worked for more than two years cannot be let go or fired without just cause. So if a teacher shows up late for classes and goes on Facebook when instead of teaching, the school would have to take this case to court. However, it takes several years for such a case to go to court and punish the incompetent teacher. There are designated rooms in public high schools filled with teachers who are under investigation but not yet fired. These teachers are not teaching, but sit-
ting around days, weeks, and months on the government’s tab. The schools, as a result of this law, give out more in salary (teachers under investigation continue to receive pay). This money could have gone to more school supplies, computers, something that would have mattered. The only chance many children have of going to a good school, often charters, is by lottery. Students who apply are assigned a number, and if your number is chosen you gain the privilege of an excellent education. Many students can, quite literally, only hope to get education – is that what our nation is forced to resort to? Children shouldn’t have a higher chance of being successful because of their parThe Horace Mann Review | Vol. XX
Among thirty developed countries we rank twenty“fifth in math and twenty-first in science. Is that where our country should be?”
ents or because they have the fortune of living in a nicer town with wealthier people. If a person grows up in a nice neighborhood, they receive a better education because the districts in which they are located fund their schools. This unfortunate system perpetuates a vicious cycle; the kids from affluent backgrounds receive a better education, while the kids who need the education
to escape poverty and advance themselves are stuck with lackluster schooling. However, we as a people along with our government could fix these problems. One thing people could do to help have money donated to America’s substandard schools. Another is to help is set up more charities for schools in need. The U.S.A has enough wealthy individuals who could donate to these charities, following the pattern of Mark Zuckerberg’s $100 million donation to the Newark public school system. People should donate less money to the schools that have marble flooring and turf fields and more to the schools who need blackboards, chalk and desks. With the money from endowments, schools would be able to buy supplies needed to teach certain subjects. Hopefully, the school will achieve The Horace Mann Review | Issue 3
the final goal of students learning more. Also, the law where a teacher cannot be fired without cause after two years needs to change. If a teacher is doing an awful job and slacking around, they should be. Not after one year, but right away. Getting rid of this law would no longer give teachers the excuse to slack off they previously had. Teachers would have to work hard because if they didn’t properly do
their job they would be fired in a split second. Our current economy is poor so it would be hard for the teacher to find another job. If they knew it would be nearly impossible for them so find a job with as good pay or a teaching job, (most likely what they enjoy) the teachers would work hard. Teachers no longer would be able to say to themselves, I don’t have to work because I can’t be fired, but have a different mentality to teaching. Teachers would care more about their class’ behavior as well, because if their class is out of control than if reflects poorly on the teacher. If the students are running around and the teacher is just watching them, than the teacher will most likely be let go. If all of these ideas come to life, the average student’s education in America would most definitely improve.
Students might not appreciate a larger workload while they are young, but later in life. Students would be upset they actually have to study and do homework, but when they find a topic they are interested it, they will realize it was for the better. With teachers that teach and don’t sleep around while a class is jumping out of their seats, students would be more focused on their schoolwork. The lottery
rich gibson
students are all schools can afford to support because they don’t have money to support many scholarship students, but if we fixed up the public schools than there would be no need for the lottery. America would be at the top of charts and not numbers twenty-five and twenty-one out of thirty. It would create a smarter country, what America should be. Every area would have schools giving students a quality education. People wouldn’t turn out worse do to the fact that the area they live in is poorer than the average American area because all of the public schools would be just as good across the nation. Everyone would have an equal chance to become a success no matter what type of childhood they had. HMR
THE INCOME GAP by vivianna lin
he income disparity between men and women in the US has long been debated and analyzed; however, not much has been done to solve this issue. The gender income gap exists in most countries throughout the world, although in some places, women’s wages are higher than men’s. However, in most, women’s wages are shown to be less than men’s in the same occupations. Though gender income inequality is a multi-faceted concern, the gap primarily arises due to gender-rela9ij ted discrimination and differing lifestyles, especially in terms of child-rearing. Although the United States has progressed a great deal from the once-patriarchal society that existed up until the 1950s, the bias against women still lingers and can be readily found in the workplace. Statistics show that women in the US earn about 77% of men’s wages, clearly demonstrating the inequality of salaries. The gap between women and men certainly does not arise from differences in education; studies show that 53% of women working in their 20s in New York were college graduates, while only 38% of their male counterparts were college graduates. A study conducted in 2000 by Harvard and
Princeton University professors revealed that evaluators were much more inclined to select men when looking at applicants’ genders. Men tend to receive more favorable evaluations with regard to their
The economic risks posed by a woman on maternity leave are the main reason why women are less common in higher-paying jobs. competency than women. Studies show that when men and women have the same exact applications and same educational degrees, men are more likely to be picked. Though these stereotypes and outlooks on women certainly have no basis whatsoever, many people still retain the inherent belief that women are inferior to men. These gender stereotypes also affect women’s educational and career decisions. Women may feel certain occupations are just not available to them due to
the gender stereotypes that are prevalent within the society. Although our society is becoming more liberal and accepting of all types of people, there certainly still are many people who retain anti-feminist beliefs Women’s lifestyles also greatly affect their salaries. The economic risks posed by a woman on maternity leave are the main reason why women are less common in higher-paying jobs. Studies show that women with children are much less likely to be hired, and if hired, they will have lower salaries than their male counterparts. As a result, occupational segregation also factors into the gender income gap because women, on average, dominate lower-paying jobs more than men do. Women should be able to negotiate and speak out however they feel like with due respect to their superiors; they should not have to hold back for fear of getting a lower salary because that is clearly unjust. Women also are penalized for negotiating salaries. A study of job negotiations showed that males were eight times more likely to negotiate a salary than women. Women’s sense of wage entitlement is depressed and they are less inclined to negotiate salaries with a male
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superior. Male evaluators are also more likely to penalize women than men, while there is no difference between genders with female evaluators. Such evidence illustrates our society’s prefixed gender stereotypes. The American society as a whole is unfair and biased towards women on maternity leave. In many cases, the corporate executives who hire women do not empathize with them about the amount of time and effort child-rearing takes, simply due to lack of experience ; being a male-dominated society, women are penalized for taking what seems to be more than enough time off work to take care of their children. Thus, those who are ignorant of the circumstances of maternity leave may feel inclined to fire the women in question or lower their salaries, especially in low-pay jobs where employees seem replaceable. Everything that has been previously discussed all pertains to the United States. Our country is somewhere in the top half of nations where in some countries, such as Switzerland, women tend to earn more than men and the gap is reversed. On the other hand, most countries have worse cases of gender pay gap than the US, like in Japan or Botswana. Certainly, we should be aiming for all societies to have equal gender incomes, although this goal seems near unattainable in the current state of the world. Countries like Afghanistan where women are denied rights that seem unalienable in the US have huge economic inequalities simply because of the lack of women in the workforce. Of course, all countries portray themselves as working towards the goal of equality between men and women, yet not much has been done to address the issue directly and efficiently. The bias against women clearly is a barrier to their ability to find higher-paying jobs and making their way in our society. Time is the only way our society can progress into an even more liberal country where such discriminatory views are no longer accepted. We must continue to encourage the progression and audacity of females in the workplace so one day they will be accepted as true equals of men. HMR
The Horace Mann Review | Issue 3
80 60 40 20 0%
Total, 16 and over
16 19
20 24
25 34
35 44
45 54
55 64
65 over
Women’s median usual weekly earnings as percent of men’s, full time wage and salary workers, 1979-2008.
48 Male 44
Source: Dept. of Edu.
41% 1980
Percent of all college degrees female versus male, 1970-2007.
Affirmative Action As Outdated as Dinosaurs, As Detrimental as Taxes
by nicholas mccombe
ffirmative Action’s original intention was to level the so-called playing field, a concept that has plagued human existence since its start. A fact that is hard to come to terms with is that the playing field will never be level no matter how hard we try. Men are predisposed to pre-judge others based on class and race; this phenomenon has existed since the dawn of time. The idealistic philosophy that people can exist with out prejudice, being the great survival mechanism that it is, is a deeply flawed theory given the facts of human nature. A common misconception is that Affirmative Action was somehow passed by Congress but really the only legislation that it is rooted in is the Civil Rights
act, which had just passed before the to deserve that title. Up until to day the implementation of the idea. The policy tension has been characterized through has been formed by a series of executive most notably Supreme Court cases and orders and Supreme Court rulings. The most recently the New Haven Fire Fightconcept was first outlined by Lyndon B. ers case in 2009. That case sought to Johnson he said the following about it in curb Affirmative Action and succeeded. his landmark speech. “You do not wipe Preceding that there was the perennially away the scars of centuries by saying: ‘now, you are free to go where you want, do as you desire, and choose When the court ultimately decided to uphold the University’s policy it the leaders you please.’ You do not legitimized the idea that being of take a man who for years has been a different race and being a good hobbled by chains, liberate him, athlete were equivalent, and that bring him to the starting line of a in the interest of having a diverse race, saying, ‘you are free to compete student body it was okay to racially with all the others,’ and still justly discriminate. believe you have been completely fair . . . This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just free- front running California who voted in a dom but opportunity—not referendum to outlaw it. The policy as it just legal equity but human stands only applies to government entiability—not just equality as a ties, schools and universities, and pubright and a theory, but equal- lic contractors who receive more than ity as a fact and as a result.” 35,000 dollars in contracts from the govFrom its out set it was already ernment yearly. Through this policy the an extremely controversial United States Government is supportpolicy as it was painted as ing discrimination that affects 105 milreverse racism. I have never lion people in America today. The greatunderstood where the term est portion of that number comes from “reverse racism” comes from. education at 80 million according to the Affirmative Action is just Census Bureau. After that more than 10 racism, period. Favoritism of million comes from the number of peoone race over another is what ple directly employed by the government sparked the civil rights act. and 15 million comes from the number Racism does not have to be of people employed by government condirected against minorities tractors. Affirmative Action alienates
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I have never understood where the term “reverse” racism comes from. Affirmative Action is just racism, period.
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those who we seek to include by setting them in a class of their own. Its original intention has not been achieved as evidence of the growing income inequality between races. In seeking to protect the rights of the racial minority it has violated the rights of the majority. Supreme Court cases have both expanded and curtailed the effect of this policy depending on the partisan balance of the court at the time. Affirmative action is not a law but a government policy so it was never passed by congress it is only and extension of the civil rights act visa vie executive order and court cases it is through these methods that the complexities of how far this preferential treatment can go have been determined. One of the first cases against Affirmative Action was brought to the Supreme Court in June of 1978. University of California Medical School vs. Bakke was a case where a certain white student, Allan Bakke was refused entrance to the school multiple time because of his test scores while minority candidates who’s scores were lower got in. It was a landmark case citing that these sorts of inflexible quotas that admitted weaker students on the basis of race was a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The most recent high profile case has undoubtedly been Ricci vs. DeStefano. A suit was brought against the City of New Haven by eighteen firefighters who had taken and officer’s exam and passed; however, the test had later been thrown out because not enough minorities passed. Under Title Seven of the Civil Rights Act the court ruled that the firefighters where victims of reverse discrimination. In another landmark court decision the University of Michigan’s admissions policy was upheld. Due to the shear number of applicants they receive the admissions staff uses a more formulaic approach to evaluate students. The way it works is based on a points system. If you are a competitive athlete you are awarded a certain number of points, similarly for children of alums, students with high GPA’s, or high SAT scores. Correspondingly the University would give the applicant a certain number of points if
the applicant were a minority. When the court ultimately decided to uphold the University’s policy it legitimized the idea that being of a different race and being a good athlete were equivalent, and that in the interest of having a diverse student body it was okay to racially discriminate. This would be equivalent to, in the interest of having a good-looking workforce; it was okay to not hire overweight people even though they might do the job in the same manner. Affirmative Action is a policy with the best interest of the people at heart, not the majority of the people, but the people. It was aimed at lifting people out from below the poverty line, even though there are now almost three times as many non-minorities living under the poverty line, as there are minorities. A major question is what makes the poor minorities more deserving then the poor non-minorities. Does the color of their skin make them more deserving of a job; this same question drove particularly blacks to protest during the civil right movement. It was intended to bring together a nation yet all it did was alienate those people who it sought to protect by putting them in a class of their own competitive only against the own race and isolated from the main stream world. In 10 years today’s racial minorities will become the straight out majority. At some point we will have to confront the question of what really is a minority. Economic classes will always exist but do we have to define that class structure by how we look. Is that how we define it now? Speaking in terms of science there is more diversity between blacks and other blacks, than whites and blacks. The current racial majority tries really hard to look beyond race in society but it seems to me that the minority always tries to alienate its self and distinguish its self. Through legislative blockades and cultural customs, this country is often described, as the great melting pot, it now seems as if this pot has not yet melted together. When will we be able to move on from these trivial judgments of character, only when we look beyond race will we be able to right the wrongs and solve the inequalities of modern capitalist society. HMR
he current government standpoint on the recognition of same-sex marriage is a clear example of inequality in our society. LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) spouses are deprived of many benefits, particularly financial ones, that are given unquestionably to heterosexual married couples. Legalization of same-sex marriage is seen by most as an issue of ethics and ideas. The campaign on the public front in support of same-sex marriage is about achieving equal rights for both homo and heterosexual couples alike. If the majority of the public were aware of the practical implications of the current federal standpoint on same-sex unions, more people would be sympathetic to the cause for equal rights. Gay rights should be sought not because it’s the trendy stance to take, but because it is necessary for a state of greater social and economic equality and is a cause well worth fighting for. Our legislation displays severe bias against LGBT marriages. Currently
performed in other states, but does not actually grant the right itself. Even if same-sex couples are allowed the right to marry in these six states, however, they are still subjected to financial discrimination by the federal government. The federal administration withholds crucial benefits from legally married LGBT couples. Currently, samesex spouses are denied the ability to file taxes jointly, which can in cases double the amount in taxes that couples are forced to pay. The ability to take unpaid leave from work to care for a sick or injured spouse, the claim to certain social security benefits, and the right to exchange assets without estate taxes are also rights that are denied by our government to same-sex spouses. This deprivation of rights from the government, though, is compounded by the fact that companies are not required to extend pension benefits to same-sex spouses. We cannot stand by and watch the suffering created by our unfair stance on gay marriage. The government needs to have the same level of respect and lifetime cost to a same-sex couple due to current acknowledgement for legislation as calculated by the New York Times, with an household income of $140,000 all the marriages in our country. The administration should allow and recognize unions of same-sex couples only Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, and grant the participants the same New Hampshire, Vermont, and rights and benefits as heterosexuals. As Washington D.C. have legalized same- it stands today, legislation shows clear sex marriage. In Maryland, Rhode bias against LGBT marriages. It is an Island, and New York, the government egregious injustice that our government recognizes same-sex marriages is treating couples differently because of
their sexual orientation, offering certain benefits to some but not others. This is inequality in the clearest of forms, and
“As it stands today, legislation shows a clear bias against LGBT marriages.”
it must be righted. Awarding the same benefits to all marriages is only the first step; the act of marriage should be available to LGBT couples across America, for marriage in itself is a right as important as any. Our legal system needs to be scrubbed clean of all biases against same-sex marriages and give those partnerships the respect they deserve. Citizens should all be given equal rights, regardless of their sexual orientation. Although it’s true that no society is perfect, we can establish legislation that brings us closer to one that is fair. In the Constitution, each person is awarded the right to the pursuit of happiness, as long as it does not result in harm to others. Clearly this fundamental right is only being given to heterosexuals while we continue to deny others the entitlement of marriage. We must uphold the core value of justice in our nation. We must bring equality to all our citizens engaged in all unions. We must do what is right and what is constitutional. We must legalize and recognize gay marriage. HMR
The Horace Mann Review | Vol. XX
The Egalitarian Imperative by justin katiraei
he solitude of the unemployed Vietnamese teenage girl watching over her child. The desperation of the African man making less than a dollar a day, struggling to afford even the most basic of human necessities. For centuries, religious and social figures have cited pov-
Eighty percent of the world is impoverished. That’s over five billion people, or five thousand thousand thousand people. That means for every one person like you and I who is not impoverished, four of our fellow men are. More than eighty percent of the world’s population lives in countries where
That, however, doesn’t change the truth. And the truth is as I stated before; it is nothing less than evil of us to allow this world to more forward in such a heartless and unreasonable fashion. The Wall Street bankers, the factory owners, the monopolists and the aristocrats cry that it would violate our
How can the United States possibly advance democracy and human rights when destitution continually undermines the structures needed for the job? erty as the world’s chief moral injustice. But today, it seems as if no one could give a damn about the plight of our poorest citizens as long as the top two percent richest Americans get their trillion dollar tax cut. Such significant and widespread economic inequality, the likes of which we have in the United States today, is an
evil. All those who have the ability to stop this injustice have the responsibility to do so, and that means the government must take immediate action. The Horace Mann Review | Issue 3
income inequality is increasing. Not only is the United States in that eighty percent, moreover, it is the nation where income inequality is increasing the most. The poorest fifth of the world’s population only has 1.5% of its resources. The top fifth owns 75%. Twenty-two thousand children die each day due to poverty. 142 million children have died due to poverty since my birth. 72 million children of primary school age were not in school last year. One billion people cannot read their own names. But what is perhaps most disgusting is this; if we could cut spending on guns and bombs by one percent, we would have more than enough money to put every child in school, worldwide. These numbers go on and on and on, yet no action is ever taken. Why? Because no one in the world seems to care anymore about doing the right thing.
founding Western philosophy to allow the government to reduce income inequality. In that case, let us look at the founders of Western philosophy. It was Plato who first said that the richest person in society should not have an income more than five times that of the poorest person. Jesus Christ thought Plato was being too bourgeois. Jesus is widely known to have said that the rich should give all of their money to the poor, until income inequality disappears. In fact, he went so far as to say that it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. I bet your economics professor and local pastor “forgot” to mention those
80% check this fact of the world’s population is impoverished
Features facts to you though. Last year, monopolist Carlos Slim made 27 million dollars a day off the backs of working Mexicans. At the same time, one billion people made less than a dollar a day, and millions made
provide the citizens of the world with the greatest gift the United States has to offer – liberty and justice for all. This is a battle we can certainly afford to fight, and can never afford to ignore. A chapter
future with no jobs, no hope, and no way ever to catch up to the developed world.” When Clinton testified at her nomination hearings for Secretary of State, she asserted that she would start
If we do not act now, hardship will cripple any chance of defending American ideals around the world.
far less than a dollar. So long, adieu to the foundations of Western philosophy. Modern economic theory states that a man’s worth to society is directly related to his “marginal revenue product,” which is directly related to his income. It’s a fancy way for right-wing economists to get away with saying, “You’re only as useful as your income.” Could it really be possible then that a Mexican monopolist is worth more than the lives of his 27 million subjects? I don’t think so. Aiding the poorest of the poor maintains the dignity of human rights, upholds the principle of democracy, and even encourages sustainable free market economic development. Most importantly, fighting poverty will
has been missing from world history books for too long; it is the global story of what good can come to the world when American values, intelligence, and dollars are used to help those in need. United States seeks a safer world for itself and its neighbors, a world where human rights are protected and economic development paves the road to prosperity. It seeks equality, it seeks democracy, and it seeks justice. Yet if we are to ever attain such noble principles, we must first be willing to provide the principal. When one out of three human beings earns less than two dollars a day and when normal conditions for most of the world’s inhabitants offer little to no opportunity, the United States will be forever unable to achieve its goals. Last year I wrote a report to the State Department where I was to examine the most significant challenge the US Foreign Service would face in the long term. My answer to them was simple - Poverty. That’s right, not Afghanistan, not Iraq; poverty. It is a message that is not out of touch with the people – 78% of Americans favor helping poor countries develop as a favorable way to fight terrorism. As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, “We cannot stop terrorism or Hillary Clinton, one of the defeat the ideologies of violent political advocates for equalextremism when hundreds of ity in our nation millions of young people see a
us embassy
fighting terrorism not only with bombs, but rather with books. Statesman George Marshall once noted that our enemies are not men, even those who wish to kill the innocent. Our enemies are the problems that create such men, “hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos.” The plan he concocted, later known as the Marshall Plan, would lift Europe from World War II rubble, saving both European citizens and American interests.
Both then and now, by investing in development, “we advance our common security because we pave the way for a more peaceful world,” Clinton said. How can the United States possibly advance democracy and human rights when destitution continually undermines the structures needed for the job? As Secretary of State Clinton said in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, “Calls for expanding civil and political rights in countries plagued by mass hunger and disease will fall on deaf ears unless democracy actually delivers The Horace Mann Review | Vol. XX
Features material benefits that improve people’s lives.” The situation is now so desperate that many believe America’s economic system depends on inequality. We must fight to ensure these people are not correct. When billions of people find themselves cut off from markets and trapped by economic underdevelopment, we cannot create the global economy we envision. Even placing moral arguments aside, the monetary cost we would incur to engage in global poverty reduction is far offset by the unleashing of the potential contribution from poorer nations to this robust, inclusive economy. Moreover, fighting poverty is now a practical possibility. According to studies, the total costs of eradicating poverty completely are still less than 1% of global income. If the United States ended the Bush tax cuts and used the money to fight poverty, global poverty would decrease by 90%. If the United States ended the Bush tax cuts for just those making over 250,000 dollars a year, and ended further tax breaks to the rich like the mortgage deduction tax credit, we could decrease income inequality on our shores and have enough money to save the lives of 20 million children abroad. And if the United States spends even half as much money on poverty-reduction as it does on war, if we could only bite our bottom lip and spend half as much money saving lives as we do destroying them, we would have enough money to eradicate poverty from the globe. It’s your choice. w e do not act now, hardship will cripple any chance of defending American ideals around the world. We are now at the point in our global story to write the missing chapter. I want to be able to tell my children, and my children’s children, what it once was like, in the world, when poverty reigned. I want them to be amazed by how much the world has improved. But I need your help. We have created
an economic system that feeds on and proliferates human selfishness. It is time enough that we put selflessness to work. We need to view ourselves as members of a larger society, and that society is in peril. As long as there is any man on the planet who starves, humanity starves.
We all starve. As long as there is any man on the planet who suffers in war, we all suffer. As long as there is a lower class, we are all in it. And as long as there is any man, woman, or child shackled by poverty, anywhere on Earth, we are all not free. It’s time for action. HMR
The Horace Mann Review | Issue 3
Economics India, What’s Your Problem?
by mohit mookim
ven though India has tremendous potential for economic growth that the country is beginning to tap into, it has yet to become one of the global economic superpowers. The biggest obstacle the Indian economy faces is the corruption embedded into its society, which has been and will continue damaging its overall economic performance. Originating from the Indus Valley civilization, this 4,000 year old country holds the title as one of the world’s oldest civilizations (is one of the world’s civilizations). As no surprise, India shows off a very rich history and culture (Don’t we all love Indian food?). Geographically speaking, it is the 7th largest country, and has an overwhelming population of over 1.18 billion. The Indian economy is characterized by a huge workforce with access to a wide variety of opportunities under capitalistic and free market policies. Although the economy has been experiencing growth in recent decades, one aspect continues to hinder its growth: corruption. political corruption in India is not a big secret. Everybody knows about it, everybody does it, and nobody cares enough to stop it. Whether it’s from brib-
ing a police officer when not wanting to pay the full fine, to if it’s paying a politician some extra money to have them listen to you, corruption plays a prominent role in mindset of the Indian people. Yet the citizens of India do not care about his/her country enough to even attempt to stop this dreadful act. Even when ignoring the moral implications of bribery, extortion, money laundering, and human trafficking, the economic effects, alone, of corruption are mind-blowing. The Times of India “concludes that India has been drained of $462 billion between 1948 and 2008.” Corruption lowers economic growth through a few significant ways. The fact that some business operations require the payments of bribes, lowers the incentive to invest for business owners. Business owners in India have to be wary that large amounts of money will be eaten up by the government due to bribes. This money could have otherwise been used to invest. This one relationship alone is said to have an impact on the economy. Then, there is the problem of the inefficiencies created in the government. Peddling, extortion, and money laundering (all examples of political corruption) all generate distortions and inefficiencies in the economy. A frequent of political corruption is when government officials redirect taxpayer money meant for, let’s
say, the maintenance of bridges into their own capital investments. By these means, and ones similar, a considerable amount of money is lost because of corruption. The latest story regarding a corruption scandal of immense proportions, truly shined the light on what corruption can do to the Indian economy. Two years ago, Andimuthu Raja, the telecommunications minister, auctioned off the 2G telecommunications spectrum, but Comptroller and Auditor General declared that these auctions were done in “arbitrary, unfair and inequitable manner.” Analysts say that because of this rigged auction, India lost a potential 45 billion dollars. Even the most conservative estimations reported that 25 billion dollars were lost. The size of this sum of money, especially when appropriated with the total size of the India government, is an mind-bogglingly huge amount. It goes without saying that Indian corruption is a serious problem. If India is able to get rid of this enormous impediment, only then will it be able to succeed in becoming one of the world’s greatest economic superpowers. But because of the nearby global competition and the fact that India will not be able to rid itself of this corruption anytime soon, it will fail. The Horace Mann Review | Vol. XX
Countries belonging to the G20 are in blue. Countries in the G8 are green.
by kiwon lee
he G-20, also known as the Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, held a summit in Seoul, South Korea on November 11th and 12th, 2010. Leaders, such as presidents and prime ministers, from 19 countries and the European Union represent their heads of state and government. Canadian Prime Minister, Paul Martin, proposed the group to cooperate in discussing affairs concerning the International Financial System. Usually, one or more organizations or countries are involved and accountable for these topics that are brought up to be studies and review among the leaders. Leaders addressed certain issues such as, developing a long-term infrastructure to balance financial growth, and ensuring global financial safety nets that protected emerging market economies. Other issues that proceeded from the previous summits are maintaining the ongoing global recovery, and focusing on the poorest nations to close international income and development gaps. However, the core topic among these leaders was the risk and prevention of a currency war between major countries like the U.S. and China. The Horace Mann Review | Issue 3
The G-20 had agreed to endorse the Seoul Development Consensus that basically sets a group of principles in cooperation with less-developed nations to help them reduce poverty and grow economically. The leaders have also consented to set limits for current accounts excesses and deficits, which brings stability in world economy with balance of trade that basically means export minus imports, net factor income, and net transfer payments. Despite the discussion of these issues, leaders were not able to come up with definite solutions, as they were debating rather than compromising with each other. They failed to agree on key issues and lacked unity, leading to very small progress made during this summit. Now, did the leaders have an insufficient amount of time to do so? Maybe, but was that the case with the previous summits held? In the past, four summits have been held in places such as our very own soil, Washington D.C. and Pittsburg, but the outcomes did not come out as well either. The questions, “Is the G-20 effective?” and “Should it be continued?” can be raised. In the bigger picture, it can be concluded that the main goal of the G-20
cannot be justified from the Seoul Summit. The basis of the group, G-8 have also failed to provide radical changes to world economics, even though the group consists some of the world’s most powerful nations. The original purpose of the G-20 was for 20 powerful nations of the world to gather up in order to discuss major issues and agree on progressive solutions, as leaders thought 8 countries weren’t enough. However, progress could not be made, clearly shown in the past summits. The United Nations was able to agree on many solutions to problems of the world including the economics, but those agreements were insufficient when attempting to fix the global fiscal crisis. Whether 20 countries come together to discuss issues, or 190 countries do the same, the outcome is not different, as both fail to do restore global economic conditions. The number of parties involved in such cooperation does not matter. To answer the previous raised questions, the G-20 should not be held again, as its inefficiency nullifies the needs to. It is possibility that the leaders may come up with solutions in the future, but judging from the past, serious doubts are casted.
Science & Tech.
Science & Tech.
Facebook Email =
by tianhao chen
ebruary 4, 2004, shall be cemented in the history of social networking. Mark Zuckerberg, one of the co-founders of Facebook launched Facebook from his Harvard dormitory room. This momentous occasion did not come easy. In fact, Zuckerberg designed Facemash, the predecessor of Facebook, on October 28, 2003, while attending Harvard as a sophomore, and it got shut down a few days later by the Harvard administration, and Zuckerberg was charged with breach of security, violating copyrights, and violating individual privacy, and faced expulsion. The charges were dropped ultimately, and this experience didn’t deter Zuckerberg. As a matter of fact he re-launched Facebook on February 4, 2004, and by March 2004 expanded the program to the campuses of Stanford, Columbia, and Yale. From there, Facebook gained an overwhelming amount of active users. Almost seven years later, Facebook now is valued at $41 billion, surpassing eBay’s worth. Facebook has done a great job in the past and it seems like there’s more to
come—on November 15, 2010, it officially announced the creation of its unique E-Mail system, Facebook Messages. According to Mark Zuckerberg, email is too slow, too formal and too cumbersome, especially for young people who have grown up using text messages and online chats. Facebook Messages will change this out-dated process with a unified inbox, containing text, chat, and email altogether. Zuckerberg mentions how “We don’t think a modern messaging system is going to be e-mail.” The new service represents a bold move by Facebook to expand from a social network into a fullfledged communications system. Though Facebook has always been the pioneer in social networking, this decision is not merely an extension of the incredibly creative culture within the company but also an ambitious attack: it aims at helping the company chip away even more at Internet portals like Google, Yahoo, MSN and AOL, which have used e-mail as one of their main draws with consumers. Americans already spend more time on Facebook than on any other website, and ana-
lysts say that if Facebook Messages proves successful, it could greatly increase the time users spend on the site, making Facebook even more dominant. That is interesting and all, but the real concern is, is it going to be successful? It certainly takes more than it looks to be successful in the email business: not only does the company have to be viewed as credible— somewhere safe to store personal information, it also has to show superiority to other companies in the business with the unique features it delivers. Facebook Messages’ unifying feature may indeed look cool and all, but how and why can it
“This is the future of social networking—who doesn’t want a faster and more convenient life online and spend more time in real life?” 28
The Horace Mann Review | Vol. XX
Science & Tech.
“As Mr. Zuckerburg said, ‘This is not an e-mail killer. We don’t expect anyone to wake up tomorrow and say they are going to shut down their current e-mail accounts. come up on top against all the other companies that have been dealing with emails for decades like Microsoft and AOL? In other words, how is it managing to make people abandon their old email accounts and trust Facebook, which has been infamous for its control of privacy? Well, the answer to that is: it is not. As Mr. Zuckerburg said, “This is not an e-mail killer. We don’t expect anyone to wake up tomorrow and say they are going to shut down their current e-mail accounts.” So it is fair to say that Facebook Message is going to attract some users at first, but very limited, until it gives others a good reason to switch and demonstrates its capability of managing spam and securing personal information. Until then, a drastic change in the current E-mail market share is very unlikely. A good example of this would be Microsoft’s pathetic attempt at gaining a share in the music player market with
The Horace Mann Review | Issue 3
its Zune series. Zune 30, the first portable music player developed by Microsoft was released on November 14, 2006, aiming at competing with the iPods, failed miserably as it holds only 1% share of the market while iPod holds an astounding 76%. By no means is Microsoft an uncompetitive company—it is just really hard to take something away from other companies, especially when they’ve been doing it for decades. Not to mention that Facebook faces not one, but a number of competitors. And how is it going to affect us as users? Competition is always a beneficial to users, as it promotes innovation. The case of Apple’s iPhone demonstrates this perfectly: iPhone dominated the market and thereby progressed very slowly before the emergence of Android devices, and as a matter of fact as more and more competitors came into play, Apple made
the biggest leap ever since the original release with the iPhone 4. Consequently, the emergence of Facebook in the E-mail market will push other companies to their maximum potentials. However, this is not in the slightest saying that Facebook Message is doomed to fail; it is going to take a while before it’s widely accepted and used, but Facebook will be the innovator. It will lead the trend of future social networking with its, albeit not groundbreaking, but indeed pioneering “social in-box”, as Mr. Zuckerberg refers to the system. This is the future of social networking—who doesn’t want a faster and more convenient life online and spend more time in real life? Facebook+E-Mail=? All the above were just speculations of what things might turn out to be; however, to see what Facebook Message is really going to bring us and what Mark Zuckerberg had yet to show up his sleeve, we might just need a little bit more patience and believe it or not, things will sort themselves. Meanwhile, lower the expectations, enjoy as it is, and see where Facebook leads us. HMR
Science & Tech.
A Macro Problem with
by treshauxn dennis-brown
magine a world where a simple sweep of the hand literally opens the door to endless possibilities. Car doors, house doors, any doors. Now expand your thought to a world where the sweeping of your hand not only opens doors, but logs onto your computer, and switches it on. This world may not be too distant, as the invention of the radio frequency identification (RFID) chip, once implanted in your hand, already has the potential to achieve these possibilities. Radio frequency identification is a technology that uses communication via electromagnetic waves to exchange data between a terminal and an electronic tag attached to an object, for the purpose of identification and tracking. There are three types of RFID tags: passive RFID tags, which have no power source and require an external electromagnetic field for signal transmissions, active RFID tags, which contain a battery and can transmit signals once an external source has been successfully identified, and battery assisted passive (BAP) RFID tags, which require an external source to work but have greater range. Although these technologies have the potential to make your life
much easier, but until they are perfected, they should not be implemented. The first reported RFID experiment occurred in 1998 when British scientist Kevin Warwick used microchips in his hand to open doors and turn on lights within a building. Since then, the usage of microchips in general has expanded beyond the realm of household appliances
radio signal to log the goods as they arrive at the loading dock. While RFID tags are not expected to overtake regular barcodes for quite a while, their potential for more efficiency will lead to the lowering of potential theft and counterfeiting which costs companies $500 billion worldwide. Any technology that through its efficiency, can save companies billions
“In a world where we constantly strive for convenience and efficiency, is the microchip the answer to our prayers right now?�
and everyday convenience. By a growing margin, microchips are being used in the business sector to track pallets and goods. The biggest user of this technology is Wal-Mart, which had introduced this very technology on December 7, 2004. Using microchips to track allows increased prevention of counterfeit and burglary. The RFID tags contain a chip that consists of the information detailing what is in a case or on a pallet of goods. Rather than having a worker with a handheld scanner logging in barcodes, the system lets a computer system use a
of dollars, is sure to cement its place in industry in the future. Wal-Mart is only one example of the many companies that are beginning to use this technology since its inception just under a decade ago. Of course, the microchip’s capabilities are not just limited to labeling the out side of the package from which your MacBook Pro came from. Besides the aforementioned reasons for the implanting of microchips in humans for natural convenient reasons (i.e. opening your car door), microchips also have a future in the medical, security, and The Horace Mann Review | Vol. XX
Science & Tech. public service industries. It is important to take into account that a microchip can be like a flash drive that stores one’s school work, or a computer hardrive—it has the ability to store no small figure of information. With these capabilities, a microchip can be implemented in a human containing that person’s entire medical history, including but not limited to past illnesses, symptoms, and possible medications. The Positive ID Corporation, once a leader in microchips for medical purposes, distributed the implantable chip known as VeriMed until it was discontinued in the second quarter of 2010. The company had suggested that the implant could be used to retrieve medical information in the event of an emergency. This is based on the notion that each VeriChip implant contains a 16-digit ID number which can be transmitted when a hand-held VeriChip scanner is passed within a few inches of the implant. Participating hospitals and emergency workers can enter this number into a secure page on the VeriChip Corporation’s website to access medical information that the patient had previously stored on file with the com-
plant. All one would need is a simple swipe of the hand and she or he would be checked in and ready for work. Lastly, in a thought for the future, if a microchip were implanted in a human being with GPS technology, it would be easier to
“With all the shortcomings and bad
publicity generated towards these tiny little chips, it will be an uphill battle for “(micro)” chips to take their place as pillars of convenience in the future.” locate a missing person should they become lost. In a world where we constantly strive for convenience and efficiency, is the microchip the answer to our prayers right now? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Despite the many advantageous capabilities the microchips present to society, they pose significant health risks to the hu-
Preliminary tests for implanting microchips in human have begun pany. Alternative uses for the microchip include that of security and law enforcement purposes. Along the same train of thought that one could use a microchip to open his or her house door, you could also be given access to your workplace such as a private facility like a power The Horace Mann Review | Issue 3
to good for our prayers of convenience to be fulfilled, at least by microchips anyway. Veterinary and toxicology studies carried out from 1996 to 2006 found that between 1% and 10% of the implanted lab mice and rats injected with microchips
man once implanted under our delicate skin. In preparation for FDA approved microchips to be implanted on a massive scale, thousands of laboratory rats have been implanted with these tiny hardrives in order to see the effects that these tiny circuit devices might have on humans. As one might expect, the future isn’t looking
sometimes developed malignant cancers originating in the tissue surrounding the microchips. Another significant health risk is that when exposed to a significant source of EMF radiation, such as a strong electrical field or a MRI, the patient can be burned. The strong magnets used in an MRI scanner could destroy the implant and cause serious burns, both internally and externally. Not to mention, once implanted, the chip can migrate and can cause adverse tissue reactions. One last problem with most microchips is that since they are unencrypted, all information stored on one is at risk of being read by a third party, therefore jeopardizing privacy and safety. If a person has a serious condition such as Alzheimer’s, but yet has that information unencrypted on their implanted microchip, it is certain to imagine that person not wanting others to know. Forced implementation of microchips in human beings has been outlawed in some states due to that fact that businesses would mandate that all its employees would be chipped in order to keep tabs on the business workforce. Workers’ basic rights would be at risk if by no action or will of their own, they allowed their employers to know where they were and what they were doing at all times. With all the shortcomings and bad publicity generated towards these tiny little chips, it will be an uphill battle for “(micro)” chips to take their place as pillars of convenience in the future. HMR
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