Horizon Happenings Jan 2013.

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horizon happenings

Volume 27, Number 7

"Growing spiritually healthy people who promote love and justice in the world!"

January 2013

CONTEMPLATIONS • “Right Intentions” The Reverend Dennis Hamilton • srminister@horizonuu.org Welcome to the New Year. It is always a thrill to have the opportunity to “begin again.” We do have that opportunity each moment of our lives. And yet we are seldom prepared to really begin again, at least not with a clean slate. We carry our whole lives in a big bag slung over our shoulders. Often we can feel the weight of that bag in the form of tension, back pain, bunched muscles and nerves. It is easier to say we will begin again than it is to do it. We like to make New Year’s resolutions. Many of us have resolved to exercise and lose weight during the new year, and, because we have not followed through, we resolve the same thing each year, swearing this year will be different. Most of us would like to change one thing or another about our lives. Maybe it is our job we would like to change. Maybe it is a habit that is hurting us or our family. Maybe, if we have thought about it more thoroughly, it is an attitude we have that engenders negative emotions, cynicism, a critical attitude, unkind speech, reckless behavior, neglect of our loved ones, expressing anger inappropriately. The list goes on. Resolutions are cheap. They are easily made but, without a moment to moment practice, they are doomed to fail. Resolve is at the heart of our resolutions, and that resolve is only as

effective as our commitment to them. Joseph Goldstein, a Buddhist teacher, says that if we are to meditate effectively we need to have the intention to pay attention with each in breath and each outbreath. Thich Naht Hahn says if we are to be a truly peaceful presence in the world we need to be peace, and to be peace with every step. This kind of practice seems just too demanding. Who among us has that kind of resolve. Well, Alcoholics Anonymous faced that truth and created a support system for people resolved to quit drinking. We do need support if we are to change. And we do need an ongoing spiritual practice if we are to grow a soul. A word about growing a soul: Most people do not live with Right Intention. Most live automatically, think and believe automatically without real, honest reflection. Some live with great intention, but the intention may be unhelpful in becoming a happy person. Some are determined to be successful. Yet at their death, they may look back and wish they had spent more time appreciating the world and the one sacred life they were bequeathed at birth. Most





discussion is how we can come to accept ourselves and this troubled world just as we are. The resolve here is not to fix ourselves, but to make every thought and action a piece of our re-creation of ourselves, and our part in healing the world. Perhaps our first New Year’s resolution should be to give up perfecting ourselves and to live with more intention and more acceptance, and to appreciate what we have before it’s too late. Begin again. But begin with love and understanding. This month we will be reflecting on Right Intentions, what that means, how we can develop good practices to support our Intentions, and how we can find a support group to help us in our life journey that we may come to the end and be at peace. Faithfully, and Happy New Year, Rev. Dennis

CONTENTS Editor's Corner President's Corner Lay Ministry News From Our Intern Adult Explorations Congregational Meeting Future Sundays

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Editor's Corner • “New Year Intentions” Jim Sturdivant - Editor • huucnews@horizonuu.org

Are New Year resolutions Right Intentions? Rarely. That’s the track record of my New Year resolutions, anyway. The Buddha tells us that intentions give rise to thoughts, thoughts give rise to actions, actions give rise to habits and habits give rise to character. So I guess that if just about any of my resolutions had been a Right Intention, eating healthy and exercising

on a regular basis would be habits for me now. But, alas, they are not. The Buddha also tells us that Right Intentions are held in the heart, not just the head, providing a sort of base line of loving kindness from which intentions, thoughts, actions, habit and character may arise. I think that’s where I’ve gone astray. Maybe my intentions were only in my head, more an intention

to have good intentions rather than to love myself with enough discipline to actually get ‘r done. In my heart, I knew all along I wouldn’t keep those resolutions. - Ed


Key Actions from the Board December 10th Board Meeting

• Peter Hendee of the DRE Search Committee presented the full draft of the package for the position of Director of Lifespan Religious Education to be posted after the January Congregational Meeting; Board members made some suggestions for additions and edits and will approve the final package in January. • Discussed with Cindy Treece the goals for the Commitment Campaign to begin next February. • Voted to increase the hours of the church administrator from 20 per week to 30 hours per week to allow Mira to be able to take on the duties of the bookkeeper who has resigned as of mid-December; decision was made to discuss whether or not to hire another bookkeeper later next year. • Approved the November financial reports which updated and showed corrections of minor errors found during a thorough search by our bookkeeper and administrator through the past several years of financial transactions. • Approved the final draft of the proposed changes to the by-laws, said change to be presented for a vote by the voting members of the congregation at the January Congregational Meeting. • Discussed the re-allocation of some funds reflected in our 2011-2012 budget and approved a merit raise beginning January 1, 2013 for the Director of Lay Ministry. See "KEY ACTIONS" on pg. 4

About Happenings...

Horizon Happenings is a monthly publication of Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church. It is mailed to all members and pledging friends. Visitors who request the newsletter receive it for free for three months. Subscriptions are available for $10/yr. Mail payment to the Church, and note that the donation is for a newsletter subscription. The Editors invite your comments, sugggestions, and articles. All inquiries can be made via email to: huucnews@horizonuu.org

Deadline for submission is on the 20th of every month. Due to space limitations, not all submissions may be included in a given month.

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PRESIDENT'S CORNER • “The Power of Positive...Intention?” JuLane • president@horizonuu.org

It’s almost Christmas as I am writing this. I remember

receiving a gift from my mother on my 14th Christmas of Norman Vincent Peale’s The Power of Positive Thinking wherein the principle of the daily application of positive concepts when facing obstacles was taught. I’ve believed in the influence of positive thinking since then, and I’m sure all of you have read or seen videos about the power of mind over matter in our lives. When one is in the throes after January 1st of demanding from oneself the required discipline to fulfill one’s resolutions, that positive thinking comes in real handy—as long as our effort lasts. For most of us that’s not through to the completion of the resolved goal. Oliver Burkeman, in an article in Newsweek titled “The New Year’s Resolutions That Won’t Fail You” opines that “willpower is a depletable resource” and that the healthiest resolutions you can make to change a behavior are small ones. More importantly he points to a problem created in our human minds by the self-help industry’s insistence that the right motivation, the right emotional state will lead us to accomplishing anything we want to do. Burkeman writes that this philosophy “. . . merely strengthens the misleading belief that you need to feel motivated before taking action—which is the biggest barrier to actually getting anything done.” As I think about this month’s theme I also remember a video clip I saw recently starring actor Jim Carrey talking about how “Intention is Everything”. He calls on the last person sitting in the last row and asks her if she can get see that the whole evening was created out of her intention, as much as it was created out of the intention of the person sitting to her left, or the person on the stage. As he said, “Some people go to the Super Bowl. I AM the Super Bowl!” Carrey’s outlook is that each of us is everything we experience, and that our experience is aligned with our intent. As is our purpose. So, this brings me to think that ‘Intention’ is deeper, more

basic, more intrinsic to who we are as individuals or as groups than is our thinking or any motivation that we manage to engender about anything. And that guides me to understand more about why taking the time to look, as individuals and as a community, as objectively as we can at our actions, habits and attitudes and where they came from can bring us clarity about who we are and what our intention actually is; because everything we do and think comes from that intention. For me, that has become what meditation is all about. It’s difficult to be objective, unemotional when ‘seeing’ my own behavior and motives. How delightful to find the ability to do that during meditation! What that ‘seeing’ can bring us is understanding and the ability to get off of our own backs! In my experience, getting off of my own back leads to an appreciation and consideration that frees all kinds of energy for action and for random moments of laughter and active joy! For the coming new year I wish all of you moments of that kind of understanding; moments of being completely in the present with yourself, that lead to greater self appreciation and give birth to generosity and loving kindness to yourself and to others. Action becomes easier and more spontaneous from that awareness of your personal intent. I wish the same for Horizon as a whole. I visualize that in 2013 and the coming years of change ahead of us, we each participate in opportunities to explore who we are as a church, in activities that lead us to self-appreciation and understanding and to discernment about what our intent is for our future. We’ve done a really good job of that so far! Can you see that what Horizon is today has been created out of your intention? And mine? Everything you experience here is you, and is aligned with your intent. Let’s look deeper into just what that is, and how your intent, and mine, has led to Horizon today. We just may find a treasure chest full of ideas of how we want to continue!

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LAY MINISTRY NEWS • “What Am I Doing?” Marianna Seaton - Directior of Lay Ministry • dlm@horizonuu.org January comes rolling around just after the glow of the festivities has worn off, and we are faced with the tradition of embracing a New Year’s resolution. What is it that we intend to make different, make whole, or heal this year? Can our intentions really make any difference in our lives? I can’t count how many times I have vowed in January to eat better, let go of extra weight, or be less grumpy, only to soften my resolve by mid-February and go back to my old ways. Many wise teachers have taught that we are our most practiced thoughts. The narrator that lives in our mind often plays familiar stories that we have constructed and are comfortable with. What would it take to wake up to this narrator’s voice and listen? One of the social network memes that came across my desk recently said something to the effect that we wouldn’t like a robber in our house, why do we tolerate them in our minds? We are our most practiced thoughts, hmmm. Vietnamese Zen teacher Thich Nhat Hanh suggests one practice for cultivating right intention or right thinking, is to ask yourself “What am I doing?” This practice is designed to help us come back to the present moment. When we catch ourselves on autopilot, doing what is familiar and comfortable, if we can simply say hello to the familiar thoughts and recognize them, then change begins and resolutions become clearer. By befriending our habits, we get to know our personal narrator more intimately and we can fend off the robbers before they steal what we really intend to do. Perhaps with this practice, intentions can move on to the field of resolve, and make a real difference in our lives. However we choose to practice mindfulness, we must proceed with compassion and

kindness. Be your own BFF (best friend forever). No change is given wholeness by bullying it into being. In an effort to help our church community be truly present with each other, especially during challenging times, please join me in expressing well wishes to Leland Mebine, Helen Minkes , Bob Ryan, Susan Powell and Jana Wertheim, who are recovering at home from illnesses. Each of them is getting stronger and appreciates cards, phone calls, and well wishes when you see them. Sweet baby Tara Grover continues to thrive in the hospital, and her parents and twin brother look forward to when she will join them at home. We hold Ramona Thompson and her family in our hearts, as they grieve the passing of her mother Patricia Smith, a long time member at Horizon. We also send our condolences to Olivia Smith, whose father passed away in December, and to Christine Un, whose mother passed away. As always, we hold dear those struggling to balance the care of their families with the care of their parents, those looking for sustainable employment, the forgotten or abused, and those who are bearing their burdens in silence. Our Pastoral Caregivers work with the Minister, the Director of Lay Ministry and the Neighborhood Groups in a spirit of cooperation to cherish and care for the members of our congregation. If you or your loved ones are in need of a sympathetic ear, the Pastoral Caregivers are available. Call Rev. Dennis Hamilton at 972-519-8187, or Marianna Seaton, Director of Lay Ministry at 972-743-1599 or e-mail dhamilton@uuma.org or dlm@horizonuu.org.

"KEY ACTIONS" from pg. 2

• Board was updated on progress of procuring items to be funded from the Chalice Lighter grant Horizon received last year: the new coffee pot that will provide two containers of coffee at once instead of one is on order and will be installed late December or early January; the new refrigerator with more ice making capacity is already hooked up; the two new light poles for the parking area will be on order in January.

The next Board Meeting is on Monday, January 14, 2013 and all are invited to attend and witness the business of Horizon being conducted. Board meetings are open and are held the 2nd Monday of each month. Send communications to board@horizonuu.org or to president@horizonuu.org.

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From Our Intern Minister• “Intent to Teach” Lyssa Jenkens • internminister@horizonuu.org Intentions take many forms. I am especially grateful for your intention to serve the larger Unitarian Universalist (UU) movement as a teaching congregation. You bring so many gifts to forming ministries. And, your willingness to support my nontraditional, half-time internship over a two-year period extends your special gifts to the formation of a new model of seminary education. As a teaching church, Horizon is one of 50 UU congregations shaping a new model that was implemented at Meadville Lombard Theological School in 2009. The Meadville model seeks to more fully integrate the academic and experiential aspects of ministerial formation in response to the changed demands and opportunities of the 21st century. Meadville students still pursue a traditional three-year academic program in theology, worship arts, religious education, pastoral care and other subjects necessary for UU ministry. However, this coursework is conducted in a low-residency format in which students complete reading and writing assignments, engage in web-based interactions and conference calls prior to attending intensive classroom sessions on campus in January, March and July.

year of theological studies while I serve as your half-time intern. I will continue my internship here through my third and final year of seminary, which will be completed in May 2014.

In tandem with the academic program, Meadville students are also placed in quarter-time community ministries in their first year of study followed by half-time congregational internships during the second and third years. All field placements are supplemented by readings and papers as well as weekly and monthly conference calls. Meadville students also complete an internship in hospital chaplaincy, as is expected in most seminaries. My first-year community placement was with North Dallas Shared Ministries—a wonderful and deeply multi-cultural learning experience. I also served as an intern chaplain at Parkland Hospital last summer. I am currently in my second

I will miss you very much this month as the Meadville learning community gathers in Chicago for our January intensives. Dennis and the other Teaching Pastors will be on campus for the first few days of the year. Most students and faculty will then remain in Chicago for intensive classes and other required activities throughout the month. Clearly, January in Chicago is a big flaw in Meadville’s new model. Thank you, again, for your intention to serve our movement as a teaching congregation. It is a gift that reaches farther than you might imagine. It has been an amazing five months and I look forward to the next year and a half with you. Have a healthy, happy New Year! I will see you in February.


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Announcements & Such...

SOCIAL JUSTICE Environment Task Force Our Environment task force had an initial meeting and discussed projects that include volunteerism, advocacy and education. Two of our members are committed environmental advocates and will help us in that area. Our current volunteer project is the Texas Land Conservancy and others are being considered. Possible education projects include seminars on water wise gardening and making rain barrels.

We welcome your help in our task force. Our next meeting is January 6 after church. For further information contact Mary Morris at mmorris143@verizon.net.

METROCREST FOOD BANK VOLUNTEERING 2nd Saturday, every other month. 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Contact (socialjustice@horizonuu.org). GAMERS: 3rd FRIDAY FUN AT HORIZON! (3rdfridaygames@horizonuu.org ) Come join us for adult level games on the 3rd Friday of every month. We meet in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. Bring a snack or drink to share!

SMART Recovery® Self Management And Recovery Training SMART Recovery® is the leading self-empowering addiction recovery support group. Our participants learn tools for addiction recovery based on the latest scientific research and participate in a world-wide community which includes free, self-empowering, science-based mutual help groups. The SMART Recovery 4-Point Program® helps people recover from all types of addiction and addictive behaviors, including: drug abuse, drug addiction, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, gambling addiction, cocaine addiction, prescription drug abuse, and problem addiction to other substances and activities.

Free Local Meeting Contact & Information: Mondays weekly @ 6pm, Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church Facilitator: M. Bittle, PhD, RN, LMFTA smartgroup@horizonuu.org

Explore Horizon! Come Explore Horizon with Us! For those who are visiting and want to know more about Unitarian Universalism and Horizon, or for members who want to learn more about how Horizon works, a series of classes may answer your questions. Come and tell us a bit about yourself—we want to get to know you! On Saturday, January 26th, Reverend Dennis Hamilton will lead “New to UU” from 9:00 AM to Noon. Learn about the history and structure of

Unitarian Universalism. Get to know our Senior Minister, our Director of Lay Ministries and several of our Membership Committee volunteers. On Saturday, February 2nd, the second class, “How Do U Fit into UU?” will be presented by members of the Membership Committee and other Horizon leaders. It starts at 10:30 AM and runs until 2:30 PM. Hear about the history of Horizon, how our members run the church and what activities and offerings we have. We’ll also cover the expectations of

membership. A light lunch will be served during class, which will be held in the church library. These are fun, interactive and very informative sessions. Childcare is provided if you let us know by emailing childcare@horizonuu.org. You can enroll in the classes by emailing membership@horizonuu.org. We hope you will join us!

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Adult Religious Explorations for January 2013 (for more information, contact are@horizonuu.org) SUNDAYS, Library 9:00 - 10 a.m. January 6

Christian Chalice Circle. Methuselah. Who was he and what did his age mean; and how does aging impact our lives? Methuselah will be the background for Kent Darwin to facilitate the class on how the aging process impacts each of us. We will explore aging pluses and minuses and dealing with each. For additional information, email uuchristians@horizonuu.org.

January 13

Heifer International’s 12 Corner Stones and Path to Ending Hunger. Facilitated by Bryan Gannon, Community Engagement Coordinator, Heifer International. The practices and educational techniques Heifer International uses to end hunger and poverty around the world, including livestock development, sustainable agriculture, community building, and gender equality.

January 20

Forum. Facilitated by John Myers. Using the Chalice Circle model for interactive learning, during the spring and summer we will be discussing the individual lines of Horizon’s Affirmation. Today’s class will focus on, “To serve humanity in harmony with the earth.”

January 27

Not Quite Adult, Not Quite Adults (Part 2). Facilitated by David Laubach. David will continue the discussion on generational differences young adults face regarding their entry into the adult world. We will share our experiences moving into the adult world and how they are different from youth growing into adulthood today.

TUESDAYS 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Portable, Rm. 8 WONDERFUL WEDNESDAYS January's Theme: "Intention"

Buddhist Sangha. Facilitated by Senior Minister, the Rev. Dennis Hamilton. This is an ongoing exploration of the Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Path, the essential teaching of Buddhism. Rev. Hamilton’s email contact: DHamilton@uuma.org, in case of changes. Peggy Gill, interim DRE, Lyssa Jenkins, Intern Minister, and Rev. Dennis Hamilton host the new and improved Wonderful Wednesdays. • Although we begin the program at 7, you are invited to Bring Your Own Dinner between 6:30 and 7 and eat together. Beverages will be provided. • We begin officially at 7 with a short Vespers service with song and readings. There will be a topic, readings and questions. • At 7:30 the group will divide into triads to explore the topic. Child care will be provided, and children and youth are invited to participate in the triads or do homework or crafts. • At 8:30 we will come back together to share our insights.

And….always check the weekly newsletter for short profiles on classes and late-breaking announcements. If you email are@horizonuu.org you will get a quick response from one of the committee chairs – Kay Darwin, Kent Darwin, or Charles Frugé.


Plan to Attend the Congregational Meeting! Sunday, January 27, 2013

Horizon members, youth, friends, visitors and all interested parties are encouraged to place this date on your calendars! At our Winter Congregational Meeting we will hear about the latest happenings and health of Horizon from the Senior Minister, the Director of Lay Ministry, your Board President and Treasurer, Horizon’s Commitment Campaign Chair, the Director of Religious Education Committee and other leaders at Horizon. We will again be brief and concise in conveying our reports and information so the meeting can adjourn between 2:00 and 2:30 PM. Voting members will vote on the Board’s proposed amendment to the Horizon By-laws concerning our Religious Education program and the selection and hiring of our Directors of Religious Education. That proposed amendment is printed below. Please read it and the brief explanation for the proposal in advance of the meeting. The Congregational Meeting will begin at 12:30, after Sunday services, and in plenty of time to give you the opportunity to get your lunch which will be provided by the Coming of Age ninth grade students and their parents and advisors. I hear we will have delicious pasta with your choice of sauce, salad, bread, desert, & drink. They will take donations and have the youth serve, as they raise funds for their pilgrimage to Boston! Please allow parents with children who will be in childcare with Miss Becky to go first in line to get their children’s lunches, which are free to those age 5 and under.

Plan to attend this annual meeting and take part in the business and the future of our church. The Horizon theme for January is ‘Intention’. Horizon is now and will always be what you, the members, intend for it to be. I invite you to bring your intentions for Horizon to this meeting! Sincerely, gratefully and intentionally, JuLane Judith Lane, President, Horizon Board of Trustees

PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE BY-LAWS Delete: ARTICLE 14 - RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Section 14.01. Religious Education. The Church shall establish, and satisfactorily support, an ongoing Religious Education Program serving both children and adults, which program shall both reflect and be in concert with the purposes established for the Church. The specific approach and content of this program shall be as approved by the Board. Section 14.02. Program Evaluation. The Religious Education Program shall be evaluated annually by the Board of Trustees in such manner as may be prescribed by the Board. A formal written and verbal report shall be made to the Church membership at each annual meeting. Section 14.03. Program Direction. The Religious Education Program shall be administered by a Director of Religious Education reporting to the Board of Trustees or by an Associate Minister, as approved by the Congregation. This

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position may be filled on an interim basis by a qualified person selected by the Board. If the Religious Education is administered by an Associate Minister, his/her status shall be governed by the provisions of Article 13A. The Religious Education Program shall be supported by a Standing Committee of the Church to be known as the Religious Education Committee. Section 14.04. Director of Religious Education. In the event a Director of Religious Education is employed to administer the Religious Education Program, that person must be recommended by the Board to the Congregation and then approved for employment by a majority vote of the Voting Members of the Church eligible to vote at a meeting called specifically to consider such action. Employment of a paid Director of Religious Education shall be through a formal written contract between the Church and such person, which contract also must be approved by a majority vote of the Voting Members of the Church eligible to vote at a meeting called for that purpose. If a Director of Religious Education is employed, in addition to reporting directly to the Board of Trustees, the Director of Religious Education shall be an ex-officio, nonvoting member of the Board. Section 14.04.1. Qualifications and Duties. Both the qualifications and duties of the Director of Religious Education shall be established by the Board of Trustees and approved by the Congregation. Section 14.04.2.Removal of Director. Any Director of Religious Education employed under contract with the Church may be removed from his or

See "MEETING" on pg. 9

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Gratitude for Volunteers During this month the Board is introducing another way of recognizing some of our Horizon volunteers for their work and creativity. We would like to publically thank the following people whose efforts have made an impact on the workings of our church. These are Horizon members and friends to whom the Board of Trustees sent Thank You notes during the past several months. We encourage you to extend your own expressions of appreciation when you see them in the hallways. There were many to thank for their help in the month of August. A special thanks went to Paul Panek and the Social Justice Team for their Sunday service exploring the many avenues for social justice witness and work available to us through Horizon. The Board recognized the ever-present A/V support of Sunday services by Jerry Burns and Ben Marmaduke, two members of our tech team. We sent a note of thanks to Ann Pettit for her leadership with both "MEETING" from pg. 8

her position in this Church at a special congregational meeting called for that purpose. Provided, however, that such action shall be taken only if written notice of such proposed action has been sent by electronic or digital communication, or sent by standard mail to all members of the Congregation at least fifteen (15) days prior to that date the meeting is held, and provided also that an affirmative vote shall have been properly received in person or by proxy from at least sixty percent (60%) of all Voting Members recorded on the Church rolls and eligible to vote at such meeting when held, Sixty percent (60%) shall also constitute a quorum for such meeting. Any meeting called to consider the matter of removal shall be called by the Board of Trustees, either upon initiative of the Board itself or from the initiative of a written petition for removal signed by twenty percent (20%) of the Voting

the church Grounds Team and the Bookstore, and organizing the work days that give the rest of us opportunities to help keep our grounds looking good! In the wider community, in August we also sent appreciations to Greg Zarbo and Amanda Quicksall with the Alzheimer’s Association for their guidance in getting Horizon’s Trailblazers support group established and running. In September, the Board cheered the completion of The Couch Room refurbishment, led by Elizabeth Gustwick, and sent thanks to those who volunteered their time and ideas – Marga Gordon, Pam Schuman, Kent Darwin, John Gill, Frank and Noah Vaughn, Peter Hendee, and Eileen Terrill. The Metrocrest Crop Walk was a success with Horizon again leading area churches and organizations in total donations and for her energetic leadership in this event we thanked Holly Stout. We sent a note of

Members of the Church as certified eligible to vote by the Secretary and Treasurer. Replace with: ARTICLE 14 - RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Section 14.01. Religious Exploration. The Church shall maintain an ongoing program of religious education and exploration serving both children and adults. The program of religious education and exploration shall both reflect and be in concert with the purposes established for the church. Section 14.02. Director of Religious Education (DRE). The Church's program of religious education shall be administered by a qualified person on a full or part-time basis. The DRE shall be selected by the Senior Minister in consultation with a Board-appointed Search Committee and employed under a written contract which clearly stipulates the title, duties, compensation,

See "VOLUNTEERS" on pg. 11

supervision by the Senior Minister or designee, and other conditions of employment. Section 14.03. Program Evaluation. The Committee on Ministry will facilitate an annual evaluation of the Religious Education and Exploration Program and report to the Board, DRE and Senior Minister. The DRE shall be evaluated annually in writing by the Senior Minister or his/her designee. The DRE shall present a report to the church membership at each congregational meeting.

Explanation: Current practice among most UU congregations is to have the DRE report to the Senior Minister, rather than be called by the congregation. This provides a clearer line of supervision and accountability. These proposed amendments bring Horizon in line with current practice.


Horizon Chalice Circles

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“To associate with other like-minded people in small purposeful groups is for the great majority of men and women a source of profound psychological satisfaction.” Aldous Huxley

Covenant Groups are groups of people that come together and share their thoughts and feelings on a common topic, or simply to support each other on life's path. Members agree to a covenant (or set of relational ground rules). Covenant Groups at Horizon are called Chalice Circles

What is a Chalice Circle? Chalice Circles at Horizon may center around a demographic group, for example men, women, women 55 and older, or young adults. Alternatively a Chalice Circle may have a focus such as movies, crafts, healthy lifestyles, Buddhism, Christianity, Earth Centered Spirituality, parenthood, or potlucks. Some Chalice Circles are more general, having no specific demographic group and considering a variety of topics, for example a Wisdom Circle or Journey Group. Journey Groups differ in that Buddhist Sangha

they meet for a limited period, but they may choose to continue.

What do these groups share in common? A Chalice Circle is a small group of typically six to ten people who commit to meet regularly on an ongoing basis for mutual support and to encourage each other’s growth and development. Additional members are welcome! What is the purpose of a Chalice Circle? To be a safe, confidential place to discuss feelings and values. To provide an opportunity to explore and develop thoughts and beliefs on a variety of focus topics. To provide an opportunity to get to know people at Horizon in a deeper way.

What will happen during a Chalice Circle meeting? Chalice Circle meetings typically begin with a reading and/or song and/or meditation, a chalice lighting, and a check-in that allows people to say briefly what is going on in their lives. Chalice Circle meetings usually close with a brief check-out and another reading. The group may determine its own format for what happens between these two “bookends.” Chalice Circles often do one or more service projects during the year. How do I join a Chalice Circle? Complete our interest form found at http://www.horizonuu.org/index.php /connecting/chalice-circles?id=236 or email ChaliceCircles@horizonuu.org. Our coordinators will help you connect with the group or groups of your choice.

Chalice Circles Will Welcome You!

(Buddhists@horizonuu.org) Chalice Circle Council


Saturday Men's Support Group

(mensgroup@horizonuu.org) Monday Wings Parenting


The CineMat Chalice Circle

Second Tuesday Potlucks

Craft and Chat Chalice Circle

Tuesday Wisdom Circle

Earth Centered Spirituality

UU Christians

Healthy Women

Women Alive 55+





(secondtuesday@horizonuu.org) (tuesdaywisdom@horizonuu.org) (uuchristians@horizonuu.org) (womenalive@horizonuu.org )

Women's Friendship in Growth WFIG


Young Adult Couples

(youngadultcouples@horizonuu.org) or find us online with Google Groups: Horizon UU Young Couples.

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"VOLUNTEERS" from pg. 9

congratulations and appreciation to Horizon Players through our own playwright and director, Jim Sturdivant, for their outstanding work on the entertaining “The Perils of Pearleen.” Splash Day was a successful and fun event due in part to the technical assistance provided by Mark Bibeau in making sure the water was available for the much enjoyed water slide. Also, we sent a note of deep appreciation to Nancy Foreman and the Sabbatical Committee for keeping everyone informed and promoting the variety and smooth running of our services the sabbatical. In October and November, the Board sent special thanks to MC Meador for sending each of our HorizonAccess usernames and passwords along with instructions on how to access our pledge statements, update our contact information and access the church directory. About 50 adults and youth from Horizon joined other North Texas UU churches in marching in support of the GLTBQ community in the Dallas Pride Parade and we sent our appreciation to Mary Morris for organizing this year’s effort. We thanked our Music Director, Stanley Moody, for arranging another Music Matinee where we enjoyed the outstanding music of Big Bad Gina, and sent a separate thank you note to Jori, Renee, and Melody. Don’t forget our Halloween celebration, with special recognition to all who volunteered along with Debbie Waggoner-Johnson for organizing the house of horrors along with the ever important cleanup. Terri Alison, Ruth

Trudeau, and the PASTA team all stepped up for a very fun and successful fundraiser. Though December is still under way, the Board has thanked Santa Claus Dan Crane, Aubrey and Lynn Seaton as instrumentalists, and Jeannie Fee for their help with the tree trimming party. Ann Pettit again merits our gratitude, this time for releasing new hymnals from the bookstore to be used during Sunday service. These are only a few of the Horizon members, staff and supportive people from the wider community, whose extra time, energy, ideas and leadership enhance the programming and the events offered for all who come to our doors. There are many whose names do not appear here and we extend to you the gratitude of the Board and your fellow Horizoners many times over. To recommend names of others to whom you would like to send a special thanks, email Nikki Henderson, Secretary of the Board, at secretary@horizonuu.org. And thank you! Nikki Henderson, Secretary, Board of Trustees

"FUTURE WORSHIP" from back page

January 27 · “The Jesus Seminar” · Rev. Dennis Hamilton

On February 8th and 9th Horizon, First Unitarian Dallas and Unity of Dallas will sponsor a Jesus Seminar event at the Unity church. The Jesus Seminar is a significant and ongoing event within Christianity, challenging the orthodox and bringing all kinds of new and lively discoveries and discussions to the table. We are hopeful it will influence the future of Christianity and bring progressive social values back to the center of the religion. Today Rev. Hamilton will speak to this exciting movement.

Future Worship for January

Monthly Theme: Intention January 6 · What Are Your Intentions? · Rev. Hamilton

“The largest pool of untapped resources in the world today is humans’ good intentions that don’t translate into action.” ~ Lloyd Nimetz Every year people make New Year’s resolutions the first of the year. By noon most are broken. Right Intention is a Buddhist practice that grounds our “good” intentions in mindfulness. What are my motivations for this resolution? Is it grounded in compassion and understanding? Are you willing to make a daily practice of renewing your intention? While we are resistant to change, if we really understand the benefit, we will be more likely to follow through. Bring your intention for the new year to share.

January 13 · Requiem: Remembering · Rev. - Hamilton

In this special and uplifting service we remember our friends and family members who have died during the year. We also remember the famous people who have died, the humanitarians, inventors and scientists, entertainers, business innovators, sports figures, diplomats and some of the more notorious ones. The music is from those who joined the angels. This Sunday we feature Carmen Doubrava and John O’Brien celebrating Dave Brubeck.

January 20 · “Mahatma Ghandi and Today’s Children” · Rev. Fred Cappuccino

It is always a treat to welcome Fred and Bonnie Cappuccino to our pulpit. Fred walked with Martin Luther King and has led a life of social action. Bonnie and Fred are directors of Child Haven International, a charity that tries to operate on Gandhian principles. Bonnie Cappuccino is our own Bruce McClung’s older sister. She still bosses him around. Share the Plate today is for Child Haven International. See "FUTURE WORSHIP" on pg. 11


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