11/22/2015 The week at horizon

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the_week@horizonuu a publication of horizon unitarian universalist church * November 22, 2015


VOLUME 15, ISSUE V.11.22.15.

The_Week@HorizonUU FOR SUBMISSIONS EMAIL: The_week @horizonuu.org



PHONE: (972) 492-4940 WEB SITE: www.horizonuu.org PHOTOS: Horizon Staff Photos: Freely distributed by Creative Commons STOCK PHOTOS: www.pixabay.com

Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church Carrollton, TX 75010

Weekly Service: Sundays 10:30 AM

Sunday Service: November 22, 2015 Learning to Care Rev. Helen Carroll In rural Perryville, AR, is a 1,200-acre Heifer Ranch filled with gardens and livestock. This summer a team of Horizon youth and adults made the journey to rural Perryville, AR with its 1,200-acre Heifer Ranch. For 5 days our folks took part in hands-on, interactive programs and activities that promote sustainable solutions to global hunger, poverty and environmental degradation. And they want to share what they learned, what they experienced and what next steps we all can take toward making a difference in world hunger and poverty. Be prepared to be surprised.

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Horizon News Adult Religious Exploration Sunday Morning Forum – On Sunday, November 22nd, Ruth Trudeau will talk about “Your Prayer and Other Devotional Acts”. Come hear this session in the library from 9:00 am to 10:10 am.

Join Us for Thanksgiving Potluck Thanksgiving Day at 1:00 P.M. Holiday Schedule It’s hard to believe that the holidays are here already, and that means that the office will be closed on those holidays.

The Office will be closed: Thursday, November 26th and Friday, November 27th for Thanksgiving. Newsletter - The newsletter for November 29th will be published on Wednesday, November 25th. The deadline for submitting articles for that week is Monday, November 23rd by noon. The newsletter will return to its normal schedule the following week. The deadline for submitting articles each week is Wednesday by noon.

Horizon UU Church Fellowship Hall Turkey will be provided. Please bring a side dish to share. Sign up is in church lobby or contact Eileen Terrell egmterrell@gmail.com Or Susie McGee


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mUUsings Greetings from your interim minister.

Fall has long been a season of thanksgiving. With the in-gathering of the harvest and the change of season, with the celebration of Rosh Hashanah and Divali, and with the return of members and friends from vacation travels, we are reminded of many of the reasons we have to be grateful. Our life together as a vibrant, religious community is made possible by the contributions and efforts of many. This is a congregation of folks willing to step forward and pitch-in. And, today, let us stop and say thank-you. Thank you – to those who’ve volunteered to provide hospitality on Sunday mornings. For your willingness to make coffee, set out refreshments and make the Fellowship Hall bloom with fellowship. For greeting and collecting and for setting-up and taking down whatever needs it. Thank you – to those who’ve taken on new jobs. For your gifts and talents in stewardship, education, music, worship, administration, pastoral care and social justice. Thank you – to those who are unsuspecting heroes. For your willingness to be drafted when the need arises. For coming early or staying late and pitching in and letting someone else be in charge.

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Thank you – to those who increased your pledge and made gifts to the operating fund. For your commitment to our mission and to our programs. For your understanding that sometimes it just takes more than we expected to make ends meet. To all of you for your presence, for your commitment, for your support – to all of you for dreaming and planning and working to transform our piece of the world – to all of you Faithfully,

Rev. Helen 972-492-4940 ext. 106

Note: My regular office hours are 10 – 1, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Other times are available by appointment. My day off is Monday.

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Horizon’s Ministerial Search Process Learning to Think Outside the Boxes We Create On October 17th, 45 Horizon members gathered for the Beyond Categorical Thinking (BCT) workshop to study issues involved in seeing individuals as more than their labels. This is especially critical work for us during our search year—to reflect upon what issues or concerns we may have when considering a prospective minister who is of a different color, is differently abled in body or mind, or of a different ethnicity, gender identity or sexual orientation than most of the members of our congregation. We discovered some surprising things about us! There are 110 ministers seeking positions this year, 60% are women, 10% are people of color, 15% are gay, bisexual, lesbian, or transgender, and 5% live with a disability. They range in age from 25 to 75. There are 61 UU churches searching for their next minister this year. During the workshop we anonymously answered questions about what our concerns would be if prospective ministers for Horizon fell within one of these categories, or boxes. Our responses ranged from being concerned that a differently abled minister would not have the stamina to minister fully to our church, to apprehension that a minister of color or of a different sexual identity, would preach mostly from their own experience and the variety we desire in our services would be limited.

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The surprise came when Rev. Keith Kron, Director of the UUA Transitions Office, revealed that ours are the same concerns he received when he began conducting the BCT workshops in 1996 – twenty years ago! He led us in an exercise during which we imagined how our lives would have been different if we were the opposite gender, or lived with a physical disability, or had a different sexual orientation, or had been born in a different country and immigrated to the US. That exercise stimulated a great deal of conversation and discovery and understanding for the seeking minister who has successfully completed the strenuous demands of seminary, and may be moving on from an effective ministry with a former church, but who still faces age-old issues flourishing in a prospective church because they’ve been placed in a “different” box. We learned that our denomination, and our church, has more work to do in the area of inclusiveness and acceptance and understanding. We understood that the labels we automatically apply to people may be fabricated not from informed reality but from habit, from old thinking, from uninformed fears. As a church searching for our next called minister, we are charged with being aware of how we respond to labels when they appear, then reaching beyond them to discover the real talents and capacities of the prospective minister who has asked for our consideration.

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COMMUNITY NEWS Community Cares

Ramona Ramazani Director of Membership and Pastoral Care dmpc@horizonuu.org Join Us for Thanksgiving Potluck Thanksgiving Day at 1:00 P.M. Horizon UU Church Fellowship Hall Turkey will be provided. Please bring a side dish to share. Sign up is in church lobby or contact Eileen Terrell egmterrell@gmail.com Or Susie McGee smcgee36@gmail.com

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Please join us this Friday night, November 20th in Fellowship Hall at 7:00 pm for Games Night

Bring your favorite games to play and food and/or drink to share

We look forward to seeing you there ď Š Childcare will provided for members upon request * from 7:00 to 10:00pm sharp. Please send reservations and cancellations to childcare@horizonuu.org

Please let me know if there is anyone you can suggest we add to the email notification list

* with 48 hour notice and 24 hour notice of cancellation

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COMMUNITY NEWS Community Cares

Welcome New Member!

Karen Buszczak moved from Connecticut 2.5 yrs ago with her husband David, of 47 years. They have an adult son and daughter, a 16 yr old granddaughter and an 11 yr old grandson. No pets but she has had cats, dogs, rabbits, fish and an octopus! She spent some of her life working as a social worker in a hospital, a bookkeeper in a not for profit and has worked with children with special needs. She also owned and operated a gift shop for 13 years. Once she “retired” she worked at a TV Station part time. She enjoys gardening, reading (she is in the Horizon Book Club), painting in watercolor and playing games. She also has talents as a violinist and flower arranger! Please ask her about living in South Africa and how she first found out she was moving there. I’m personally curious about the octopus! Karen will be exploring ways to get involved within the church and volunteer activities. We are glad to have her among us!

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The Experience of Community Did you ever have an experience that left you almost breathless because of the strong emotions you experienced? Like the sheer beauty of seeing a rainbow stretch across the sky? Or walking in the woods and coming upon a meadow filled with wild flowers? Unexpected beauty simply overwhelms. This past Sunday was one of those experiences for Julane and me and it happened at Horizon. Second Sunday is always Potluck Sunday and we encourage everyone to bring a dish and share lunch together after the service. Last week, Julane and I were the organizers and got there a bit early to set up tables and go over our responsibilities. As we were locating dishes and clearing space for food the day began to take on a different feel. People came by Fellowship Hall and started helping set up tables and chairs. Need dessert tables? They appeared in the hallway. Lost a tea server? Just ask. In the midst of this, people started arriving with food. Adults and children brought in more and more food. Our counter was truly overflowing. Everyone was smiling. The kitchen filled with wonderful smells. The worship service ended and people lined up for food. Not rushed, not in a hurry, but talking and sharing as they moved into the kitchen and filled plates. The fellowship hall was buzzing! When there was a need for more seating, someone brought more chairs and puts them by tables. The young people

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formed their own “children’s tables” around the café tables along the wall. Some helped carry other’s food and some helped young children find a seat. The sounds of conversation filled the room and smiles appeared on every face. People lingered over their lunch, seeming to want a little more time together. Then people began to help put away the tables and reset the room. No direction, no demands, just wonderful people who wanted to help. Adults and kids formed teams to take care of the clean up. The vacuum cleaner was brought out and with the help of a few children the pistachio shells disappeared. Every task was identified and someone stepped up to help. It was truly a self-organized common effort! As the day ended, Julane and I looked at each other and knew we had experienced something very special. We had experienced the community of Horizon: a church of people who come together at Potluck with the sole purpose of being together. People who embrace Unitarian Universalist values, people who automatically reach out to help others, people who find support in a community of care, surrounded us. Community is truly a wonderful experience. Horizon is a special place. If you haven’t stayed for Potluck, Julane and I encourage you to stay on Sunday, December 6. This is a special Sunday because there is a tree trimming, Heifer gift store, Santa Claus and other excitement, but the most important part is you will experience the community of Horizon!

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COMMUNITY NEWS AFTER CHURCH LUNCH BUNCH One way to get to know people from Horizon better is to join us after church for lunch. Everyone is welcome (even friends and family joining you after church). The restaurant will change each week. Check the welcome desk each week for the location. We meet most Sundays. Ask for the “Horizon” tables. It may take a few minutes following the service for lunch attendees to arrive but we’re coming!

Second Sunday Potluck: Everyone welcome! Horizon’s potlucks provide an opportunity to get to know others and be with our church community. We appreciate your bringing a bit more than needed for our families, allowing us to offer this hospitality to all members, visitors, and friends.

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GROWTH AND LEARNING NEWS by Lauren Daniell dlre@horizonuu.org blog: www.horizonuu.org/dre/ Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/horizonuu/

Adult Growth and Learning Changes coming in December to Growth and Learning News

In an effort to streamline the weekly newsletter, the Growth and Learning Circle, will begin posting links to articles, classes, and Adult Religious Exploration news beginning with the December 4th issue. You’ll be encouraged to visit the Horizon website or click on a link to “read more” on topics of interest to you.

Where else can you learn about offerings from the Growth and Learning Circle? -the Horizon website -the bulletin board in the Horizon lobby -The Growth and Learning blog (www.horizonuu.org/dre) -Emailing Lauren at dlre@horizonuu.org

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Do you like to follow blogs? The UUA offers many for your reading pleasure

From leadership to stewardship, and parenting to special interest forums, the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) maintains a variety of blogs to provide information and resources to member congregations and help Unitarian Universalists connect with their faith online.

This list can be found at www.uua.org/communications/blogs/uua-list

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DLRE gone November 23-28 We’re taking a few days off at Thanksgiving to visit our daughter. I’ll be back for service Sunday, 11/29. In an emergency, please call the church office: 972-492-4940.

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Mark your calendars for. . .

Great Decisions for Unitarian Universalists The Refugee Crisis in Syria featuring Ghada Mukdad from the Syrian Civil Coalition, Peace Committee Wednesday, December 2nd 7:00-9:00pm Horizon Fellowship Hall

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News for Children and Teens Bring your unwrapped presents for friends and family to Horizon‌ Gift wrapping fundraiser December 6th & 13th!

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Can you lend Horizon items for the December 13th Holiday Play?

Do you have any of these items to lend or donate to Children’s Religious Education for the holiday play? Please contact Lauren if you can lend Horizon any of them (dlre@horizonuu.org) -oatmeal cartons/hat boxes to make drums -small real drums -French berets

-Tutus -Feather boas -Plastic sunglasses

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COA Wreaths Still Available Online! Thank you to everyone who purchased wreaths for the COA fundraiser. As a reminder, pre-ordered wreaths will be available to pick up at Horizon on Sunday, December 6th. If you missed out on ordering one, it's not too late! Wreaths and other holiday gifts are available online until December 17th. You can order online and have the items shipped anywhere in the United States. Simply go to http://www.mickmanholidaygifts.com/. Be sure to enter the coupon code HORIZOTX001 when placing your order. You will receive a $3 discount and the COA class will receive a $5 donation for every item purchased. It's an easy way to get your holiday shopping done all in one place, and you can buy one for yourself too!

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Calendar of Events Children and Youth November: 22nd: Interactive worship service presented by Heifer Ranch participants. 29th: Classes resume

December: 6: Tree Trimming Party 13: All-ages holiday play, “The Twelve Days of Christmas” 20: No classes – special holiday cookie baking class, ages 6-12 24: Christmas Eve Service 7pm 27: No classes – ages 6-12 celebrate New Year

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Horizon Book Group Selection

December 1: The Wright Brothers by David McCullough (combined November-December meeting) Come fly with us

Tuesday, December 1st Noon in the Horizon Library Books for the next six months will be selected at this meeting

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Leader: Nancy Foreman SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY NEWS SocialResponsibility@HorizonUU.org

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Family in India Slums makes breakfast for the entire Heifer Global Village team on the first morning.

Children in Zambia enjoy an afternoon walk with Doris the goat in the Heifer Global Village

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This summer a team of Horizon youth and adults made the journey to rural Perryville, AR with its 1,200-acre Heifer Ranch.

Horizon member, Merri Blow and friends

Members Joel Woiton and Warren Spiker with their young team

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Consider donating unwrapped new toys or new and gently used coats to the Metrocrest Holiday Store. Bring donations to church November 29th through December 14th. See boxes in the church lobby outside fellowship hall. To make a financial donation visit metrocrestservices.org. December 19 noon-3pm (Santa’s Helpers – help customers shop in the Christmas Store, location TBD.) Work in the food pantry at Metrocrest Services on one of our every other month Saturday volunteer days. To volunteer for or get more information about any of the Metrocrest opportunities, contact: Victoria Simmons victoria.simmons@bvk.com, or 425‑802‑0753

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The November 15 Share the Plate Sunday collection recipient was CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) for Children of Denton County. CASA is a network of nonprofit organizations that train and support volunteer advocates for children removed from their homes due to abuse and neglect. Horizon collected $889 for CASA. Thank you to all who contributed!

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ART ON THE HORIZON Deborah Boschert

Artist Statement I’m inspired by tiny scraps of cloth with unexpected bits of inspiring paint and ink. I pick up smashed bottle caps in parking lots and beautifully smooth stones at the beach. I appreciate peeling paint and scribbled notes. I’m nourished by fine art and sweeping landscapes. I embrace spontaneity and stability in equal measure. My art quilts reflect these diverse ideas and experiences. I build layers of design starting with fabric and combining commercial printed fabrics with fabric patterned with original designs. Personal symbols like houses, stones, leaves, ladders and bowls are often included in my work as I explore themes of growth, home and transition. A layer of stitching adds another element of design. I stitch on a traditional home sewing machine creating motifs and patterns that compliment the overall composition. The most personal element of my work is the improvisational hand embroidery. I love the meditative process of pulling the embroidery floss through the layers of fabric to create each individual stitch. In my art quilts, the tiny details are as important as the broader design. As in life, the tiny special moments are as important as the broader experiences.

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Biography Deborah Boschert is a self-taught artist who has been creating quilts for nearly 20 years. Her art quilts incorporate layers of fabric, paint and stitch. She has been published in books and magazines and her art quilts are included in many exhibits and galleries. Her newest art quilting book will be released in Fall 2016. Deborah regularly gives presentations and workshops to quilt guilds and visual arts groups. She is eager to share her ideas about creativity and the possibilities of creating with fabric. Deborah is always seeking creative spirit, new ideas and a great cuppa coffee. She lives in Lewisville with her husband and two kids.

Shelter and Stream

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Sunday Services November 29, 2015

Ethical Eating Stephen Sturdivant December 6, 2015

Out of the Darkness Rev. Helen Carroll December 13, 2015

The Twelve Days of Christmas Rev. Helen Carroll December 20, 2015

At the Crowning of the Year Music Service Rev. Helen Carroll December 24, 2015

Carols and Candlelight Rev. Helen Carroll Christmas Eve Service at 7:00 pm

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HORIZON UU CALENDAR OF EVENTS Saturday, November 21 8:00 am - 10:00 am Men's Support Group - E3 - Library 10:00 am - 4:30 pm Kraft - Ginez Wedding Set-up - E3 - Library, FH - Fellowship Hall, MO - Minister's Office, SH - Sanc. 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Kraft - Ginez Wedding - E3 - Library, FH - Fellowship Hall, MO - Minister's Office, SH - Sanc. 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Distribute Thanksgiving Food Boxes at Metrocrest 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Horizon Dinners - Other - Offsite 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm UDV - Church Rental - E3 - Library, FH - Fellowship Hall, KI - Kitch, RL - Lobby / Narthex, S5 - Class, S6 – Class Sunday, November 22 9:00 am - 10:15 am Adult Religious Explorations – Ruth Trudeau “Your Prayer and Other Devotional Acts” - E3 - Library 10:00 am - 12:00 pm CAYRE - Child Care - S1 - Nursery 10:15 am - 12:00 pm Library Ministry - Open for Browsing - E3 - Library 10:30 am - 11:30 am Ministerial Search Committee (MSC) table - TOH - Table 3 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Main Worship - SH - Sanc. 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Heifer Cafe - FH - Fellowship Hall 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Wellspring - P2 - Couch 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm GALA Youth - S6 – Class Monday, November 23 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Hatha Yoga - P1 - Lg 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm SMART Recovery - FH - Fellowship Hall

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HORIZON UU CALENDAR OF EVENTS Tuesday, November 24 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Buddhist Sangha - P1 - Lg, P2 - Couch Ministerial Search Committee (MSC) - E3 – Library Wednesday, November 25

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Library Ministry - E3 - Library 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm Yoga Nidra and Restorative Practice - P1 – Lg Thursday, November 26 Thanksgiving 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm THANKSGIVING POTLUCK DINNER!!!! - FH - Fellowship Hall, KI – Kitch Friday, November 27 10:00 am - 2:00 pm No Candlelighters This Week Saturday, November 28 8:00 am - 10:00 am Men's Support Group - E3 – Library

Visit: calendar.horizonuu.org for updates and events information

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SPECIAL GROUPS If you are considering attending one of these groups for the first time, it is a good idea to contact them via email for more information and to get an orientation of what to expect in your first visit! You can check the calendar at http://calendar.horizonuu.org/ Horizon Book Group: 4th Tuesdays 12p. (bookclub@horizonuu.org) The Horizon Book Group meets at 12 Noon on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the church Library. Every June and November the group decides on the books for the following six months. Bring a brown bag lunch and join in this fun group that is open to women and men. You’ll be able to share in an invigorating conversation on the session’s book. Current selections are found in the Library information niche in the lobby/narthex. For more info, you may contact bookclub@horizonuu.org. Buddhist Sangha: Tuesdays 7 PM - 9:00 PM. (buddhists@horizonuu.org ) Buddhist Sangha ("Sangha" is equivalent to a covenant group) is a weekly gathering that studies the Dharma (the teachings of Buddhism.) This is an ongoing exploration of the Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Path, the essential teachings of Buddhism. It is participatory and although consistency is encouraged, sessions can be attended on a drop in basis. We welcome anyone interested in a meditation practice. If you wish to come for an orientation, please arrive by 6:30. If you wish to view materials, e-mail the group at buddhists@horizonuu.org. CineMat CineMat meets on the 4th Saturday of the month. Time depends on movie selected. Open to everyone. This fun group meets to see a movie chosen by the group and then goes to a cof-

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SPECIAL GROUPS fee shop or restaurant to discuss the movie and socialize. cinemat@horizonuu.org. GAMERS: 3rd FRIDAY FUN AT HORIZON! (3rdfridaygames@horizonuu.org ) Come join us for adult level games on the 3rd Friday of every month. We meet in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. Bring a snack or drink to share! Free childcare will provided upon request from 7:00 to 10:00pm (with 48 hour notice and 24 hour notice of cancellation). Please send reservations and cancellations to childcare@horizonuu.org. If you wish to get an email reminder of Games Night, please contact Beth Sproat at eblakehedges@earthlink.net Healthy Women 1st Thursdays, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm. Women age 21 and over. This group provides support and encouragement for women in helping them achieve their personal goals of improving their fitness level, eating more nutritionally, losing weight and learning to reduce daily stress. This group also participates in an annual service project, in local walk events and raises money healthywomen@horizonuu.org Men’s Support Group Saturdays, 8:00 am - 10:00 am. Men age 18 and over. The Men’s Support Group provides men a supportive, safe environment for sharing personal challenges and concerns in a confidential setting. Many men were socialized to share only things external to them. The Men’s Support Group offers a sanctuary to share more about matters of the heart. Try us out and see if we fit your needs. mensgroup@horizonuu.org Second Tuesday Potluck 2nd Tuesday (most months) 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm in the Library. Everyone is welcome! This group meets for food, fellowship, deepening friendships and occasional field trips. Topics of interest are presented to the group after eating. There is also a subgroup that views a movie and has dinner together on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. secondtuesday@horizonuu.org Wisdom Circle Mondays 7:15 pm - 9:15 pm. Adults age 18 and over. Group meetings include a check-in and discussion of a weekly life issue topic selected by a group member. These have included appreciation, success and failure, fear, procrastination, staying optimistic in hard times, anger, healing, leaving a legacy,

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SPECIAL GROUPS forgiveness, trust, and compassion. wisdomcircle@horizonuu.org Wings Parenting Mondays 9:30 am - 11:30 am (2 - 3 times a month). Parents of all ages. We welcome Moms and Dads to meet in the Horizon Church library. We have topics of interest not just about parenting UU children but personal and spiritual self-growth. Past topics have included: the philosophy of life according to Doctor Who, Karma, creating our "bucket list", our family trees, and what does it mean to be a UU parent. We also do a social outreach project once a year. Our schedule follows the school year and we break for school holidays and for the summer. During the school year, child care is provided. mondaywings@horizonuu.org The Women’s Friendship in Growth (WFIG) meets on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Wednesdays, from 7:30 - 9 pm in the Horizon Library. The purpose of this group is to strengthen friendships among women. In addition to regular check-ins about our lives, we have discussions that help us get to know one another better. On 5th Wednesdays we do a variety of fun activities! If you’d like to be a part of these Wednesday night meetings, we’d love to have you! wfig@horizonuu.org Young Adults Contact: YoungAdults@horizonuu.org for more details.

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