04/5/2015 The week at horizon

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the_week@horizonuu a publication of horizon unitarian universalist church * April 5, 2015


VOLUME 15, ISSUE V.4.5.15.

The_Week@HorizonUU FOR SUBMISSIONS EMAIL: The_week @horizonuu.org



Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church Carrollton, TX 75010

Weekly Service: Sundays 10:30 AM

Sunday Service: Apr. 5, 2015 What Did Jesus Really Do Rev. Helen Carroll

Administrator @horizonuu.org

PHONE: (972) 492-4940 WEB SITE: www.horizonuu.org

PHOTOS: Horizon Staff Photos: Freely distributed by Creative Commons STOCK PHOTOS: www.pixabay.com

Coming to church on Easter is complicated for our Unitarian Universalist tradition. For some of us this is a Sunday just like any other, for some it’s proof positive that Spring is here and for some attendance is sparked by our curiosity. How will we UUs in our desire to embrace diverse theological perspectives participate in the holiest of Christian celebrations? Join us for Easter.

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Horizon News Adult Religious Exploration Sunday Morning Forum – Peggy Gill will facilitate the class on “The Message of Easter” April 5th, 9:00 am to 10:10 am in the Horizon Library.

Easter Flower Sale – Now through April 5th. Help beautify Horizon with a springtime floral display. Place your request on the Sunday Flowers sheet or email: flowers@horizonuu.org

Lost and Found – Still not claimed, a plastic bag of material pieces. a Baggalini, a wristwatch. Also not claimed, a Cupcake doll, a Disney Frozen water bottle, string necklace with 3 pendants and a grey knit cap. Please check the Lost and Found box in the office.

After Church Lunch Bunch – The Lunch Bunch meets after church most Sundays. Check the Welcome Desk for this week’s location. Everyone is welcome! 2nd Sunday Potluck There will be a change in how Horizon UU will be requesting volunteers to staff our 2nd Sunday Potlucks. Betty and Daniel Crane are the new coordinators for the 2nd Sunday Potlucks and an email will be going out to members requesting assistance by responding to their email to provide support with these monthly UU events. Families are welcome to volunteer!

Coffee Volunteer Needed – A volunteer is needed to do coffee set up each 2nd Sunday of the month. Contact Jane Roehl at 469-401-7725 or janeroehl@outlook.com ! Church Parking – As you may have noticed, the church parking lot is filling up for services and parking spaces can be hard to find. The Stewardship Circle is working on finding resolutions for this situation. In the meantime, you may want to carpool with others from your neighborhood group, bring one car instead of two per family, or park a short, healthful distance away and walk. (Please do not park at Coyote Ridge Golf Club. You will be towed.)

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mUUsings Greetings from your interim minister.

Recently I noticed that everywhere I drive there’s a road crew with signs announcing “Work Ahead.” I’m beginning to wonder if there’s a message in there for Horizon. After all, with the approach of Spring (honest it’s scheduled for this month!) and the annual budget and program planning process, there’s clearly “Work Ahead” for the members and friends of the congregation. The folks who do things for you, with you and in your name are already engaged in crafting the programs, events, and worship for the upcoming year. The Commitment Campaign is rolling out and you will have an opportunity to renew your financial commitment to the life and work of the congregation. Work in an interim setting also engages the congregation in examining what you do and how it serves your commitment to be a progressive religious presence in the northwest suburbs with Unitarian Universalist values, principles and beliefs at the center of the life of the community. Working groups and staff are looking at program

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mUUsings needs and job descriptions with an eye toward a productive balance between professional leadership and volunteer resources. In addition to an assessment of the quality and effectiveness of current programs are the questions about what’s missing, how have the times changed and are those changes evident here? New directions and still-reliable approaches will weave together among next year’s offerings. Interesting times and hard work ahead! Work Ahead – indeed! Take a deep breath, great things are being built. Faithfully, Rev. Helen 972-492-4940 ext. 106 Note: My regular office hours are 10 – 1, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Other times are available by appointment. My day off is Monday.

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Horizon News DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP AND PASTORAL CARE Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church in Carrollton is seeking a part-time Director of Membership and Pastoral Care. Position is 20 hours per week, including at least 3 Sundays a month. The position reports to the Minister and is responsible for a variety of functions for programs and activities that build and support the church community. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: General Responsibilities Recruiting and training volunteers to support the membership services, pastoral care and other ways of connecting within the congregation. Working collaboratively with paid and volunteer staff Attending periodic meetings with Minister for supervision Attending general staff meetings Membership Program Responsibilities Managing, tracking and working with members and visitors to achieve the congregation’s membership growth and retention objectives. Coordinating and organizing activities to attract and engage visitors, and integrate new and existing members into the congregation through a clear membership process. Supporting Horizon’s internal groups to provide opportunities for connection and support to new and continuing church members.

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Horizon News DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP AND PASTORAL CARE (Cont’d.) Pastoral Care Responsibilities Managing a network of pastoral caregivers to provide assistance to members in dealing with life and health care concerns. Such assistance may be direct (visitations, contact programs, etc.) or coordinated (neighborhood or volunteer groups). Developing and supporting programs and activities that provide indepth response to particular life and health issues (memory loss, addiction, etc)

Skills, Knowledge and Competencies: Excellent verbal and written communication skills, as well as organizational and people skills. Detail oriented and demonstrated ability to plan, implement and evaluate procedures, and build relationships. Proficiency with office administration software (Microsoft office systems) and other data base software. Knowledge of social media and digital communications technologies. Prefer a personal affiliation with Unitarian Universalism Compensation Salary: $1500.00/month Resumes will be accepted until April 15, 2015. Please e-mail your resume to position@horizonuu.org. Position start date is negotiable. Horizon is a liberal, non-creedal religious community, welcoming diversity in its members. For more information about us, check our website http://www.horizonuu.org.

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The Horizon UU Church Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the congregations’ slate of candidates for the Ministerial Search Committee (MSC). They are Beth Bargar, Debra Freeman, Peggy Gill, Elizabeth Gustwick, Judith Lane (JuLane), MC Meader, and John Myers. Ballots will be available on May 17, 2015 next to the signup sheet in the lobby and should be filled out and placed in the ballot box before the meeting. Although the MSC is known to all of us, this is an opportunity to further share their involvement with HUUC. MSC members have been Unitarian Universalists from 5.5 years to 59 years to a “lifetime”. Their involvement in our church is extensive. Four are past presidents of the board of directors; one is a veteran of search teams for Director of Lifespan Education and Interim Minister; and, two are members of the current transition team. Some committee members have taught religious education, sung in the choir, were members of the Horizon Expansion Committee, and the Intern Committee. They participate in or have led Adult Religious Education, Candlelighters, chalice circles, the Women’s Retreat, and social justice activities. Some are graduates of the Dwight Brown Leadership School and have held leadership roles in SWUUC.

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Horizon News When asked “what excites you about being part of the MSC?”, JuLane’s response captured what each member thought: “Several things: That so many Horizon members expressed confidence in me and the other team members to represent them! That I have the opportunity to work with this amazing, dedicated team of Horizon leaders selected for nomination. I’m especially excited about listening to Horizon members’ ideas about how they envision the role of our next minister in our future endeavors. And lastly, I’m excited about doing the work that brings us closer to calling a minister who matches Horizon’s welcome inclusiveness, its nurturing, supportive presence in the lives of its members, and who will work with us toward our next goals, our next tasks, our next vision of how Horizon can better shine its light into the continuing strife and injustice plaguing our wonderful, beautiful world.” And in response to “Worries”, the universal idea was expressed by Peggy Gill: “I think this committee is challenged to find the best minister for Horizon. I am sure there will be many excellent candidates and finding the best fit among many possible “fits” will require commitment and engagement from the entire committee”. We all look forward to their work and are ready to engage in the process under their leadership.

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NOMINATING COMMITTEE SLATE OF CANDIDATES for JULY 1, 2015 – JUNE 30, 2017 The Horizon UU Church Nominating Committee is pleased to announce our slate of candidates for Officers, Board Members and Nominating Committee positions for two year terms beginning July 1, 2015. We are including a brief resume of each nominee outlining his or her qualifications. Ballots will be available next to the sign up sheet in the lobby to be filled out and placed in the ballot box before the meeting on May 17, 2015. This group of candidates represents a diverse blend of talent, and a broad range of backgrounds and experiences. It includes long-time UU’s, as well as relatively new members who will undoubtedly bring fresh perspectives and new ideas to the table. John Gill has agreed to be nominated for a two -year term as president. Eddie Meaders is moving to Vice President to complete the last year of John Gill’s current term. Kenny Wolfe is the nominee for treasurer. Eric Freeman and board member Kim Bolin continue in the second year of their terms. David Cassard is nominated for a second two-year term as a board member. Additional new members are Jackie Parr, Floyd McGlothlin and Alan Sproat. Carolyn Moore and Lisa Lundgren are ending their two year term on Nominating Committee and Katie Barnes and Chris Thompson will continue for the second year of their two year terms. New Nominating Committee nominees are Patti Burns and Bill Moore. The Board appointed member, Mary Morris, will be replaced by the 2015-2016 Board appointed member. Each candidate responded to the question “what issues are facing HUUC?” The uniform answer was transitioning to the settled minister. Three other areas were the second most common answer: growth (attracting and retaining new members, especially young families and young adults), parking and facilities); and, completing the transition to policy governance. Nominating Committee: Mary Morris-Chair, Katie Barnes, Lisa Lundgren, Carolyn Moore and Chris Thompson

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PRESIDENT (two year term) John Gill

Member of HUUC: 6 years

Years as a UU: 6 years

Previous Committee or Task Experience at Horizon or another UU Church: Board of Trustees, 2012 - 2014 Usher, 2010 - 2014

Pastoral Care Committee, 2010 - 2014 Candle Lighter Co-Facilitator, 2013 - current Interim Minister Task Force By-Laws Revision Task Force, 2013 - 2014 Educational Background/Work Experience: Ph.D., Psychology. 40+ years as a clinician, administrator, and CEO of community-based mental health care. 10 years higher education in non-tenure track position teaching graduate and undergraduate psychology and counseling

VICE-PRESIDENT (one-year term) Eddie Meaders Member of HUUC: 5 years Years as a UU: 5 years Previous Committee or Task Experience at Horizon or another UU Church Hearts and Hammers Metrocrest Food Pantry & Holiday Store, Horizon Players, Horizon Dinners Educational Background/Work Experience

Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas Doctor of Jurisprudence University of North Texas, Denton, Texas Master of Arts, Political Science (2002-present) Principal Lecturer and Academic Advisor, Department of Political Science, University of North Texas, Denton, TX Currently in private law practice Previously in public law practice

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TREASURER ( two year term) Kenny Wolfe

Member of HUUC: 10 yrs

Years as a UU: 13 yrs

Educational Background/Work Experience Baylor University - BBA Economics UT Arlington - MBA

CFO 3 years/ moved on to start new real estate business/ currently oversee 1200 apartment unit investments in Texas and Colorado Any other useful Comments or Information: Member, Citizens Affairs Committee for the city of Bedford. President of the Sons of the American Revolution, Shreveport, LA chapter. Have a passion for personal finance and investing


Member of HUUC: 3 years

Years as a UU: 6

Previous Committee or Task Experience at Horizon or another UU Church

Board of Directors 2013-2015 Horizon Players NTUUC Endowment committee Educational Background/Work Experience: MBA Director, Accounting and Compliance Systems, Softlayer, an IBM Co. Floyd McGlothlin (two-year term)

Member of HUUC: 9

Years as a UU: 9

Previous Committee or Task Experience at Horizon or another UU Church:

Volunteer monthly for coffee clean-up duty after Sunday service

Assisted with Fiasco/Pasta auctions, also served as moderator at one auction event Co-hosted Neighborhood Group events Co-hosted Horizon Dinners Educational Background/Work Experience B.S. Economics, University of Houston 39 yrs. of mid-level and executive level management positions in mortgage banking including computer operations, mortgage servicing, underwriting, internal governance -

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Horizon News CANDIDATES FOR OFFICERS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES: incident reporting & resolution, process/procedures, and regulatory compliance, funds recovery ($10s of millions for inappropriate loans) from major lenders such as BofA, Citicorp, and Chase, and sales/marketing/consulting/customer service related to mortgage information technology. 13+ yrs. at Fannie Mae (Director level) 2+ yrs. as independent consultant 23+ yrs. at Lomas Financial Group (Supervisor to Executive Vice President)

Jackie Parr (two-year term)

Member of HHUC: 1 year

Years as a UU: 3

Previous Committee or Task Experience at Horizon or another UU Church: RE teacher Educational Background/Work Experience Paychex, HR Services Alan Sproat (two-year term)

Member of HUUC: 4

Previous Committee or Task Experience at Horizon or another UU Church:

Horizon Players Process Observer, Board of Directors Educational Background/Work Experience B.S. in Computer Information Systems 1988 Purdue University 27 years working as a CIS professional Working Group Leader HR-XML Consortium 1999-2000 President, Purdue Fencing Club 87-88

Years as a UU: 4

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Patti Burns (two-year term)

Member of HUUC: 19 years

Years as a UU: lifelong

Previous Committee or Task Experience at Horizon or another UU Church: Library Team Candlelighters

Metrocrest Social Services

Educational Background/Work Experience: perpetual volunteer sales associate some college

Bill Moore (two-year term)

Member of HUUC: 9 years

Years as a UU: 9 years

Previous Committee or Task Experience at Horizon or another UU Church:

Choir Youth leader Hearts and Hammers Metrocrest Service Assistant

Educational Background/Work Experience: BA in Marketing. Jobs held include Product Marketing Manager (HP), Director of Marketing (Horizon Health Corp), Proposal Manager (Horizon Health Corp. and EDS), Inside Computer Sales (CompuCom), Mortgage Broker (Metmor Financial), Business Administrator & Customer Service Rep (BancTec), Store Manager (Wendy’s Inc.), Business Owner (Balloons and Tunes), Claims Adjuster, Waiter, Lawn Care, Bartender, Roust About, Cook.

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Marc Amberson is convalescing at home following a heart attack on March 14 and would love more visitors. The Lewisville Neighborhood Group is coordinating meals through an automated care calendar. To access the Marc & Rosa Amberson Family Care Calendar site, please email Bunny Summerlin, at DLM@horizonuu.org Cards are also welcome!

2nd Sunday Potluck – Volunteers Needed The purpose of this notice is to advise members of a change in how Horizon UU will be requesting volunteers to staff our 2nd Sunday Potlucks. Betty and Daniel Crane are the new coordinators for the 2nd Sunday Potlucks and an email will be going out to members requesting assistance by responding to their email to provide support with these monthly UU events. Families are welcome to volunteer!

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Candlelighters Spruce up for Easter

Charles Boyd shows off his Easter bonnet

Robin Anstead’s Bloomin’ Bonnet

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Candlelighters Spruce up for Easter

Peggy Gill and Patti Burns jump into spring with their lovely chapeaus.

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Young Adult Group Forming We are pleased to announce that there is a community effort to create a Young Adult Unitarian Universalist group at Horizon! The YA group serves the needs of UUs ages 18 to 35. The interests of our YA group are diverse, ranging from Social and Environmental Justice to exploring a new kind of spirituality that comes with the next generation in the UU church. The group is currently meeting during the service from 10:30-11:30 am on Sundays in the Library. Some of the YA group has an interest in UU events on the regional and national level, while others are more focused on grassroots community here at Horizon. For more information on the Horizon Young Adult Unitarian Universalist activities, please contact YoungAdultUU@horizonuu.org

The Young Adult Group Needs YOU! The Young Adult Unitarian Universalists of Horizon are looking for members of the congregation to supplement our spring content. We are organizing a series of workshops on various life skills and we hoped to get some insight from the greater church community! This is a great way for young YAs to gain important insights into the world of adult responsibilities in a multigenerational environment! The topics we would like to learn about are: -Taxes -Bills: Budgeting, and Finances -Cars: Purchasing, Mechanics, Maintenance -Food: Nutrition, Cooking, Groceries -Housing: Renting, Real Estate, and Investments If you have knowledge or experience on any of these topics (professional or otherwise), please contact YoungAdultUU@horizonuu.org for more information on how you might contribute!

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COMMUNITY CIRCLE NEWS AFTER CHURCH LUNCH BUNCH One way to get to know people from Horizon better is to join us after church for lunch. Everyone is welcome (even friends and family joining you after church). The restaurant will change each week. Check the welcome desk each week for the location. We meet most Sundays. Ask for the “Horizon” tables. It may take a few minutes following the service for lunch attendees to arrive but we’re coming!

Second Sunday Potluck: Everyone welcome! Horizon’s potlucks provide an opportunity to get to know others and be with our church community. We appreciate your bringing a bit more than needed for our families, allowing us to offer this hospitality to all members, visitors, and friends.

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GARDEN VIEWS Special Thanks to Marty Robinson Last week, these pictures were displayed in the newsletter. They are pictures of the white irises blooming in the garden of the church. Since then, Marty Robinson provided some historical background to these beautiful irises. Originally, they came from the family of Bill Sheveland, a former member. Bill was instrumental in obtaining this property for our church, and he brought the first white irises and planted them here in 1988. Bill passed away unexpectedly several years ago, but these irises bloom reliably every year to brighten our spring and remind us of Bill and his family.

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GROWTH AND LEARNING NEWS by Lauren Daniell dlre@horizonuu.org blog: www.horizonuu.org/dre/ Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/horizonuu/

What do UU parents tell their children about Easter?

Easter can be a tricky subject for UU parents; how do you explain the story behind Easter including the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, especially to very young children? In her article in the UU World magazine, Michelle Richards describes how she feels it’s important for children growing up in a society populated by Christians to know Easter’s backstory. She herself, however, waited until her children were older to reveal all the details.

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Instead, Richards counsels parents that if they choose to talk about Jesus, to focus on Jesus’ life as a great teacher and leader and to emphasize his message of love. She also mentions that parents can incorporate the ideas of spring and rebirth in their Easter celebrations and tie these ideas to the interdependent web of life. Easter can mean so much more than bunnies and dyeing Easter eggs to our UU children. It can be made more meaningful and spiritual with some forethought and an intentional approach. Read the entire article, including some insightful commentary, here: http://blogs.uuworld.org/parenting/2013/03/25/whats-a-uu-family-todo-on-easter/

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UU Summer Activity Guide

To see all the choices available to Unitarian Universalist families, teens and children, visit: www.horizonuu.org/dre

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or Shine!

Children’s Spring Celebration & Easter Egg Hunt Sunday, April 5th All children Nursery-5th grade There will be a morning of spring fun and an Easter Egg hunt at Horizon (indoors if rain, outdoors if dry.) Grades K-5 will have an Easter Egg hunt and later enjoy treats and crafts in their classrooms. Middle School will hide eggs and join their “BUUddies” in preschool for Easter fun. Please send children dressed for the weather and with an Easter basket labeled with their name.

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Luncheon for Bridging Teens Sunday, April 12th 11:45am-12:45pm Portable Bldg. #9

Are you a high school senior or 18 year old? Will you be participating in the Bridging Ceremony this May? Come have some pizza with your potluck lunch in the Couch Room and find out about Bridging at Horizon. RSVP to dlre@horizonuu.org by Saturday, April 11th

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New furniture in Coming of Age classroom A big thank you goes out to Horizon member Michael McKee for arranging the donation and delivery of these couches for our Coming of Age students. They will certainly appreciate the comfy additions to their classroom!

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Calendar of Events Children and Youth

April 5th: Spring Celebration & Egg Hunt rain or shine! (during class) 12th: YRUU Worship service 12th: Pizza lunch for Bridging Seniors/18 year olds (11:45-12:45, Portable #9) RSVP required

May 9th: Spring Fiasco Family Carnival and Auction fundraiser at Horizon, 5:30pm

17th: Bridging Ceremony for 18 year olds/high school seniors 10:30am at Horizon with reception following

31st: Last day of regular year classes

June 7th: Summer classes begin for children and teens

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Adult Growth and Learning This week’s spiritual themes for Lent

We have come to the end of our Lenten picture practice. I hope you have followed the theme each day and became aware of something – an object, a person, a piece of art or music, perhaps which reminded you of the daily theme and added a little beauty to your life. To see how others UUs observed this forty-day period, please visit: http://practicinglent/tumblr.com Here are the themes for April 3-5th: April 3: surrender April 4: transcend April 5: rejoice

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BOOK GROUP CHOICE FOR APRIL Overview from Barnes and Noble web site: “If we know this story, we haven’t seen it yet in American fiction, not until now. . . . Deep, heartfelt.” —The New York Times Book Review “Lydia is dead. But they don’t know this yet.” So begins this exquisite novel about a Chinese American family living in 1970s small-town Ohio. Lydia is the favorite child of Marilyn and James Lee, and her parents are determined that she will fulfill the dreams they were unable to pursue. But when Lydia’s body is found in the local lake, the delicate balancing act that has been keeping the Lee family together is destroyed, tumbling them into chaos. A profoundly moving story of family, secrets, and longing, Everything I Never Told You is both a gripping page-turner and a sensitive family portrait, uncovering the ways in which mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, and husbands and wives struggle, all their lives, to understand one another.

Book Group Discussion at noon Tuesday, April 28 in the Horizon Library Sack lunches welcome!

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SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY NEWS Leader: Nancy Foreman SocialResponsibility@HorizonUU.org

Climate Justice Month Begins March 22 The first ever Climate Justice Month is here, led by a coalition of eight Unitarian Universalist organizations across our movement. From World Water Day on March 22 to Earth Day on April 22, UUs everywhere will revel in connection with the natural world, reckon with the impacts and injustices of climate change, reconnect with hope through relationship, and commit to long-term actions that will help save our world. Brand new worship resources are now available for each of the month's weekly themes. Don't miss this spiritual journey for climate justice! Sign up today as an individual or family, or join as a congregation or group.

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GA Registration and Housing The housing and registration systems are open for General Assembly 2015 in Portland, OR. To make GA more financially accessible, there are scholarship and volunteer (work in exchange for registration) opportunities, as well as more affordable dormitory housing options. Register soon for the best availability!

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ELECTRONICS RECYCLING Saturday, April 11th from 10am-12noon in the Newman Smith High School front parking lot at 2335 N. Josey. We filled up a half a ton truck the last time.....so there must be more out there. Did you upgrade your computers for Christmas and don't know what to do with that old broken laptop, CPU, or monitor. If you have any tool, appliance, equipment that has a CORD, then we can recycle it. TVs are welcome! There is no charge for this service brought to you by Keep Carrollton Beautiful! Save the landfills and donate to someone who can recycle it! For further information about the electronics recycle, email cathysphr@verizon.net VOLUNTEERS are needed! Students, get your service club together and come help us unload cars and direct traffic. Contact Cathy at cathysphr@verizon.net for more information.

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SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY NEWS Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church

Social Responsibility Circle Events Spring – Summer 2015 “Let’s Join Hands and Do the Work of Justice!”

Every Sunday: Horizon members are asked to bring shelf stable items to church for Metrocrest Services. SPRING April 17-19: Southwest UU District Meeting, New Orleans, LA May 9: Metrocrest Food Pantry Work Date (Shifts 9-11 am & 11 am – 1:00 pm) SUMMER June 7-10: Trip to Heifer Ranch Global Village (Rising 7th-10th graders) June 13: Standing on the Side of Leadership Conference, North Texas UU Congregations (NTUUC)

June 24-28: General Assembly (GA) Annual Meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Association—UUA, Portland, OR

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SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY NEWS Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church

Social Responsibility Circle Events Spring – Summer 2015 “Let’s Join Hands and Do the Work of Justice!”

SUMMER June 28-July 4: U Bar U Summer Camp 8-11 year olds July 5-11: U Bar U Summer Camp 12-14 year olds July 11: Metrocrest Food Pantry Work Date (Shifts 9-11 am & 11 am – 1:00 pm) July 12-18: U Bar U Summer Camp 14-18 year olds July 19-24: Southwest UU Summer Institute (SWUUSI) week-long, all ages, family friendly summer camp.

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Metrocrest serves Horizon’s neighbors in Carrollton, Farmers Branch, Addison, Coppell and the city of Dallas in Denton County. Their mission is to assist families, individuals and senior adults who are coping with crisis situations, need help stabilizing their lives, or who require support to live independently. Every other month Horizon members work in the food pantry at Metrocrest Services, helping customer shop for groceries, re-stocking shelves, organizing etc. There are two shifts: 9-11 am & 11 am-1 pm. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Victoria Simmons at victorias@bvk.com, or 425-802-0753. Upcoming Dates for 2015: May 9th July 11th September 12th November 14th Each Sunday there will be an invitation to bring shelf-stable food stuffs to the front when the children come forward for the Children's Conversation. Please hand your donations to a young person to take forward! Donations not suitable for children to bring forward may be placed in the boxes near the Horizon office. Items must be new, not expired and no glass containers. Items of most use include: Canned vegetables, fruits and meat items

Helper-type mixes

Dried beans & rice

Seasonal fresh produce

Breads and pastries

Baking supplies

Toiletries & hygiene items

Household cleaning supplies

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SWUUSI 2015 Where: Hulbert, Oklahoma When: 19-24 July, 2015 Who: UUs of all ages! What: Southwest UU Summer Institute (SWUUSI) is a week-long multigenerational summer camp experience. Each year SWUUSI offers opportunities for faith development, education, entertainment, and recreational activities for all ages. Whether it be relaxing in the sun, discussing in the classroom, or singing in the choir, SWUUSI offers something for everyone! This year will be a truly unique SWUUSI. This is the first Foodie SWUUSI we have ever offered. Imagine the Food Network and Unitarian Universalism combined in a week of family fun on the shore of beautiful Fort Gibson Lake! Our theme speaker, Rev. John Gibb Millspaugh, Artist in Residence, Chef Jesse Bloom, and Sunset Talk speaker, Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh, will bring fresh insight on our theme of JUST GOOD FOOD. http://www.uuasouthernregion.org/swuusi2015.html

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Social Responsibility News Horizon Trip to Heifer Ranch Global Village Program Who? Rising 7th through 10th graders and adult advisors (group of about 12 youth and about 3 advisors) Where? Heifer Ranch in Perryville, Arkansas, 350 miles from Carrollton What? Three nights at the ranch, including an overnight experience in the Global Village- Mozambique, Tibet and the Mississippi Delta region of the US. Participants are divided into family units with limited resources. As they tend gardens, work in the community and cook cultural meals, they become aware of the effects of poverty and hunger. Every evening the Horizon group will gather for a worship service, reflecting on the day’s lessons. When? June 7-10, 2015 (Sunday through Wednesday) Why? Horizon participant Douglas Burns described the Global Village experience as “some of the most powerful days of my life.” Participants will leave with an awareness of their role as a global citizen and with ideas on how to create change. Cost: $225/youth, which includes lodging, meals, programming and gas. Nonrefundable deposit of $100 due on Jan. 15. Scholarships will be available. Interested? Contact Katie at katiebarnes@swbell.net Sneak peek: http://www.edutopia.org/night-global-village

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Every Bunny Loves Fair Trade Chocolate! Celebrating Easter and the innocence of childhood go hand in hand. Joyful children relish the suspense and fun of Easter Egg Hunts for chocolate and other sweet treats.

This year, your Easter Egg Hunt can also bring freedom and joy to children living on small farms in the Dominican Republic. Fair Trade Certified chocolate comes from cocoa farms that are inspected annually to ensure there is no abusive child labor. Fair Trade farmers also receive a more equitable price for their cocoa, allowing children to go to school, visit the doctor, and have enough food to eat. Equal Exchange chocolate is better for the producer, better for the environment and better for you! Chocolate bars on sale now 3/$10

Chocolate eggs $5/ box

Easter special- Free stuffed animal bunny with every $20 Equal Exchange purchase! Available at Taste of Horizon and in the bookstore.

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Equal Exchange Fair Trade

I am a huge fan of the Equal Exchange Fair Trade products available in the book store. I use the baking cocoa for cooking, the hot cocoa for mixing in my (fair trade) coffee and the dark chocolate bars for healthy nibbling. At the Heifer Fair Trade Market I sampled the new Equal Exchange Organic Dried Pineapple and Mango. They are both tasty. No preservatives, no added sugar. Simply pineapple or mango! They are another great healthy snack to nibble on. Highly recommended! Lynn Schluns

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Current Exhibition

Gail Delger

Watermedia Artist

Painting professionally since 1990, Gail Delger works in watercolor, printmaking, collage and acrylic. The range of her work gives a glimpse of both her passion and talent as an artist and her sense of humor as an individual. She is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, the Rocky Mountain National Watermedia Society, Western Federation of Watercolor Societies and the Southwestern Watercolor Society. Her painting, “Full of Holes� was published in the book, Splash 9, The Best of Watercolor in 2006. Her two paintings, "Old Number 10" and "Chicken Sit" were included in the 2008 book Confident Color by Nita Leland. She had a painting accepted into the 2010 Watercolor USA Show and also the 2010 Kansas Watercolor Society National Show. Gail is the owner of the LAST Art Gallery in McKinney. www.gaildelger.com

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Hat of the Day III


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Sunday Service - April 12, 2015 Chance or Change? Your life doesn’t get better by chance. It gets better by change.

Sunday Service - April 19, 2015 What on Earth Have You Done Rev. Helen Carroll “What you think of you is what finally matters.” – Robert Fulghum

Sunday Service - April 26, 2015 The Path to Consciousness Rev. Helen Carroll “We grow rich by giving, poor by taking.” - Anonymous


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HORIZON UU CALENDAR OF EVENTS Saturday, April 4 8:00 am - 10:00 am Men's Support Group - E3 - Library 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm UDV - Church Rental - E3 - Library, FH - Fellowship Hall, KI - Kitch, RL - Lobby / Narthex, S5 - Class, S6 – Class Sunday, April 5 Easter 9:00 am - 10:00 am UU Christian Fellowship / Study – Peggy Gill “The Message of Easter” - E3 - Library 9:00 am - 12:00 pm CAYRE - Child Care - S1 - Nursery 10:15 am - 12:00 pm Library Ministry - Open for Browsing - E3 - Library 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Main Worship - SH - Sanc. 11:45 am - 2:00 pm After Church Lunch Bunch -- All Are Welcome! 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm GALA Youth - S6 – Class Monday, April 6

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Hatha Yoga - P1 - Lg 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm SMART Recovery - FH - Fellowship Hall 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm Shared Pulpit: Sermon Writing for Lay People - P2 - Couch 7:15 pm - 9:00 pm Wisdom Circle - E3 - Library 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Pastoral Caregivers Meeting - AD - Admin. Office

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HORIZON UU CALENDAR OF EVENTS Tuesday, April 7 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Buddhist Sangha - P1 - Lg, P2 – Couch Wednesday, April 8 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Library Ministry - E3 - Library 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm Yoga Nidra and Restorative Practice - P1 - Lg 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm WFIG (Women's Friendship in Growth) Group--Welcome! E3 – Library Thursday, April 9 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Homeschoolers Excel - Other - Playground, E2 - Classroom, E3 - Library, KI - Kitch, P1 - Lg, P2 - Couch, RL - Lobby / Narthex, S1 - Nursery, S2 - Class, S3 - Class, S4 - Class, S5 - Class, S6 - Class 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm Common Ground Street Choir Practice - FH - Fellowship Hall 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Choir Practice - FH - Fellowship Hall Friday, April 10 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Candlelighters - FH - Fellowship Hall Saturday, April 11 7:30 am - 12:30 pm Rental - Isha Institute - FH - Fellowship Hall, S1 - Nursery, S5 - Class 8:00 am - 10:00 am Men's Support Group - E3 – Library

Visit: calendar.horizonuu.org for updates and events information

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SPECIAL GROUPS If you are considering attending one of these groups for the first time, it is a good idea to contact them via email for more information and to get an orientation of what to expect in your first visit! You can check the calendar at http://calendar.horizonuu.org/ Horizon Book Group: 4th Tuesdays 12p. (bookclub@horizonuu.org) The Horizon Book Group meets at 12 Noon on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the church Library. Every June and November the group decides on the books for the following six months. Bring a brown bag lunch and join in this fun group that is open to women and men. You’ll be able to share in an invigorating conversation on the session’s book. Current selections are found in the Library information niche in the lobby/narthex. For more info, you may contact bookclub@horizonuu.org. Buddhist Sangha: Tuesdays 7 PM - 9:00 PM. (buddhists@horizonuu.org ) Buddhist Sangha ("Sangha" is equivalent to a covenant group) is a weekly gathering that studies the Dharma (the teachings of Buddhism.) This is an ongoing exploration of the Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Path, the essential teachings of Buddhism. It is participatory and although consistency is encouraged, sessions can be attended on a drop in basis. We welcome anyone interested in a meditation practice. If you wish to come for an orientation, please arrive by 6:30. If you wish to view materials, e-mail the group at buddhists@horizonuu.org. CineMat CineMat meets on the 4th Saturday of the month. Time depends on movie selected. Open to everyone. This fun group meets to see a movie chosen by the group and then goes to a cof-

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SPECIAL GROUPS fee shop or restaurant to discuss the movie and socialize. cinemat@horizonuu.org. GAMERS: 3rd FRIDAY FUN AT HORIZON! (3rdfridaygames@horizonuu.org ) Come join us for adult level games on the 3rd Friday of every month. We meet in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. Bring a snack or drink to share! Free childcare will provided upon request from 7:00 to 10:00pm (with 48 hour notice and 24 hour notice of cancellation). Please send reservations and cancellations to childcare@horizonuu.org. If you wish to get an email reminder of Games Night, please contact Beth Sproat at eblakehedges@earthlink.net Healthy Women 1st Thursdays, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm. Women age 21 and over. This group provides support and encouragement for women in helping them achieve their personal goals of improving their fitness level, eating more nutritionally, losing weight and learning to reduce daily stress. This group also participates in an annual service project, in local walk events and raises money healthywomen@horizonuu.org Men’s Support Group Saturdays, 8:00 am - 10:00 am. Men age 18 and over. The Men’s Support Group provides men a supportive, safe environment for sharing personal challenges and concerns in a confidential setting. Many men were socialized to share only things external to them. The Men’s Support Group offers a sanctuary to share more about matters of the heart. Try us out and see if we fit your needs. mensgroup@horizonuu.org Second Tuesday Potluck 2nd Tuesday (most months) 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm in the Library. Everyone is

welcome! This group meets for food, fellowship, deepening friendships and occasional field trips. Topics of interest are presented to the group after eating. There is also a subgroup that views a movie and has dinner together on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. secondtuesday@horizonuu.org

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SPECIAL GROUPS Wisdom Circle Mondays 7:15 pm - 9:15 pm. Adults age 18 and over. Group meetings include a check-in and discussion of a weekly life issue topic selected by a group member. These have included appreciation, success and failure, fear, procrastination, staying optimistic in hard times, anger, healing, leaving a legacy, forgiveness, trust, and compassion. tuesdaywisdom@horizonuu.org Wings Parenting Mondays 9:30 am - 11:30 am (2 - 3 times a month). Parents of all ages. We welcome Moms and Dads to meet in the Horizon Church library. We have topics of interest not just about parenting UU children but personal and spiritual self-growth. Past topics have included: the philosophy of life according to Doctor Who, Karma, creating our "bucket list", our family trees, and what does it mean to be a UU parent. We also do a social outreach project once a year. Our schedule follows the school year and we break for school holidays and for the summer. During the school year, child care is provided. mondaywings@horizonuu.org The Women’s Friendship in Growth (WFIG) 2nd, 4th, and 5th Wednesdays, 7:30 - 9 pm, Horizon Library. Women age 18 and over. Join us for fun, connection, and growth. We share stories from our lives and discuss topics that help us get to know one another better. On 2nd Wednesdays we discuss “This I Believe” topics. On 4th Wednesdays we view and talk about a TED talk. On 5th Wednesdays we might do anything, but it’s always fun! We’d love to have you in our group! wfig@horizonuu.org Young Adults Contact: YoungAdults@horizonuu.org for more details.

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