The Week @ Horizon

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a pu ublication off horizon un nitarian univversalist chu urch


th he_ _wee ek@ @ho rizo onuu u

BIG BAD D GINA: Saturda ay att 7 P PM horizo on unitarian universalist church • 16 641 w. hebro n pkwy. • ca arrollton, tx • 75010 633 34 t: 972 2 492 4940 • f: 972 394 4 05 • email : the_week@ @horizonuu.orrg

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2013 Commitment Campaign

THANK YOU TO FAMILIES WHO HAVE MADE PLEDGES AS OF FEBRUARY 20TH Super Celebration Sunday was a great success—we collected 100 pledge cards and had wonderful lunch discussions! However, if your name is not on the list below, we still need your card—please don’t delay—turn your card in just as soon as possible! Pledge cards and bank draft forms are available on Horizon’s website ( under the “Giving” section on the left), at the Welcome Center and in the church office. You can return your card to the church office in the Commitment mailbox or to the box in the fellowship hall or in the box at the Welcome Center. You can fax your card to Mira, our Administrator, at 972-394-0570 or you can scan it in and email it to Or, give it to Cindy Treece or Jan McDowell at church. We’ll give you a big hug! Please make every effort to turn your card in this week—our Board of Trustees must begin building the new budget next month. Every gift makes a difference! Terri Allison Marc Amberson Robin Anstead Judy and Gordon Aplin Beth Bargar and Randy Lisbona Katie Barnes Erin Beach Ellen Bell and Dale Moon Liz and Mark Bibeau Mary Bittle Kim Bolin Ellen Bratton and Floyd McGlothlin John and Nancy Bryant Patti and Jerry Burns Susan and Peter Campagna Roxanne and David Cassard Lisa Casto and Joel Woiton Gay and Ronn Cox Betty and Dan Crane Kay and Kent Darwin Eileen Dashiell Kristin Eoff Anne-Marie Endres & Charlie Baad Janice and Steven Fetter-Salmon Nancy and Grant Foreman Debra and Eric Freeman Alan Gann Don Gatewood Peggy and John Gill Beth and David Ginez Rebecca Ginez Marga Gordon Elizabeth Gustwick & Diana Bracken

Mary Kay and Dennis Hamilton Marie Hansen Jeff Harris Erica Heady and John Mestyanek Peter Hendee Nicole Henderson Lynn Hess Kimberly Hogan Nina Holdridge Rose Huynh-Stolfi and Adam Stolfi Neera and Stephen Jackson Kimberly and Charlie Jones Marte and Ed Keller Dianne and Jon Kiser Kim and Pete Koehler Dawn LaGrone Alita and Glen Lichtenwalter Lucy Lockwood Carolyn and Bruce McClung Jan McDowell Susie McGee Madira and Michael McKee Judy and M.C. Meador Loraine McNeill Kathy Merrill Carolyn Moore Mary Morris and Rowland Harvey Sandy and Mark Morris Helen Minkes Bobbi and John Myers Kapi Nance B.J. and Paul Nelson Cassandra Nicol Karen and Acie Nobles Nancy and Tony Nori

Nelta and Larry Owen Tammy and Dan Patterson Susanne Paul Sandy and Dan Pierce Anne Pettit Marcia Raines Carol Riddle Marty Robinson Patsy and Gordon Roe Jane Roehl Sarah and Dave Roye Pam Schuman Beth and Scott Simmons Beth and Alan Sproat Bunny and Bob Summerlin Sandy and Guy Steele Holly and Todd Stout Steven Sturdivant Wendy Sue Bunny and Bob Summerlin Christy and Chris Thompson Anita Thurmond Lindy Tinnin Lindsay Townsend Cindy and Alan Treece Ruth and Steve Trudeau Jannae Tunnell Peter Turla Tina Ulakovic Winnie Wat Marty Wertheim Rachel and Dan Wilson

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Direct Answers To Questions About Electronic Contribution Q. What is Electronic contribution? A. Electronic contribution is an automatic transfer program which allows you to make contributions without writing checks. Q. What is the advantage of electronic contribution? A. It saves time! It saves work! It simplifies your life! You can avoid the hassle of writing and mailing checks! Q. How is my electronic contribution automatically deducted from my account? A. Once you authorize the transfer, your specified contribution is electronically transferred directly from your checking or savings account to the organizations account. Q. When will my contribution be deducted from my account? A. On its due date. You never have to worry about forgetting a payment or mailing it on time.

Q. If I do not write checks, how do I keep my checkbook balance straight? A. Since your contribution is made at a pre-established time, you simply record it in your check register on the appropriate date. Q. Without a canceled check, how can I prove I made my contribution? A. Your bank statement gives you an itemized list of electronic transfers. It is your proof of contribution and will be included in your “Record of Contributions”. Q. Is electronic contribution risky? A. Electronic contribution is less risky than check contribution. It cannot be lost, stolen or destroyed in the mail. It has an extremely high rate of accuracy.

Q. How much does electronic contribution cost? A. It costs you nothing and saves you time. Q. What if I try electronic contribution and don’t like it? A. You can cancel your authorization by notifying us any time. But, once you’ve enjoyed the convenience, time and money savings of electronic contribution, we doubt you will want to go back to making contributions the way you did before. Q. How do I sign up for electronic contribution? A. Complete and sign the authorization form below and return it to us along with a voided check or savings deposit slip.

Q. What if I change bank accounts? A. Notify us and we will give you a new authorization form to complete.

Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church


Date contributions are to begin:

Contribution Information

(allow 5 working days to process)

Contribution Amount Collected:


 Monthly - 1st of the Month  Monthly - 15th of the Month

Name on account (Please Print): Address: City: State: Zip: Please accept my ongoing contribution from  Checking Account (Attach a voided check) my:  Savings Account (Attach a savings deposit slip) Routing #: Account #: Routing number must start with 0, 1, 2, or 3, is 9 digits long, and is located at bottom of check between these symbols : : I authorize Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church to process debit entries from my account. This authority will remain in effect until I give reasonable notification to terminate this authorization or until the last specified payment date. I have attached a voided check or savings deposit slip. Authorized signature on account:


Please attach a voided check or savings deposit slip

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H How Do UU U Fit F Deear Horizon Visitor, Pleaase join Horiizon's membership comm mittee Saturd day, March 330, from 10:330am - 2:30p pm for our ““How Do UU Fit?” class. We will meeet in the Horiizon library and a lunch wiill be served. In tthis class yo ou will: • Learn th he specifics ab bout how thee church and d its memberrship supportt each other. • Explore ways to beco ome involved d in small gro oup ministryy and how to enrich your life at Horizzon and as a Uniitarian Univeersalist. • Learn ab bout Horizon n’s committeee and task fo orce structuree and how ouur members form the leaadership of our community. • Participaate in an open discussion about how Horizon H is suupported finaancially throuugh pledges, gifts and our service auctiions. • Get to know k others in i the Horizo on communiity, especiallyy those who aare also conssidering mem mbership. Ourr next New to UU classs, which is conducted c by b our Senioor Minister, Rev. Denniis Hamilton n, is sch heduled for Saturday, S Ap pril 6 from 9am 9 to 12pm m. This class is desiigned for peo ople new to our o denomin nation and thhose interesteed in membeership at Horrizon. Durring the classs you will: • • •

Share yo our religious or spiritual jo ourney. Learn ab bout the histo ory and tradiitions of Unittarian Univerrsalism and H Horizon. Expand your circle of o friends at the t church.

To rreserve your spot for these classes, pllease contact membershiip@horizon . Ch hildcare is avvailable upo on request. Please P contacct our childcaare provider Becky B Smithh at childcaree@horizonu . I loo ok forward to t seeing youu at these classses. Please do d not hesitaate to call mee if you have any question ns or inquuiries. on Marianna Seato Direector of Lay Ministry

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Intterview:: Big Ba ad Gina a

B Be Read R dy to o Mo ove and be Movved

We are pleased d to announ nce that a brilliant b band ‘Big Bad Gina’ will b be playing a at Horizon to onight, Satturday Febrruary 23rd. Tickets T are on sale and d there are jjust a few le eft to be so old at the do oor so hurrry up and get g yours! Horrizon Directo or of Music Stanley S Moo ody met Ren nee Janski a and the band d at the Unita arian Univerrsalist Mussicians Netw work confere ence in Wash hington DC. They chatte ed at the con nference and d they realized that they had d a lot of com mmon ground regarding the music ta aste. Stan sa ays: “The ba and blew me e away with ttheir fun and d entertaining g performance and the music! m They had great ssound to it, sso I immedia ately knew w we need to find d the way to bring the ba and to Horizo on.” "Fro om rock to re eggae, jazz to rap, to Go oddess Groo ovin’ and da nceable discco, Big Bad Gina spans a myriad of gen nres and styles with knee e buckling 3 part harmon ny and multii-instrumenta alism. They have headlined natiional festivals on the Wo omyn’s musiic and GLBT TQ circuits le eaving their a audiences e exhilarated a and asking for m more. Their first CD rele ease, "Amaz zon Warrior Princess” P fea atures 10 orriginal trackss with songs written by eacch of the thre ee band mem mbers and th he title track is the 2009 Goddess Festival winning theme so ong. With theiir second rellease, “Lake e of Dreams””, the band continues c the e tradition off all memberrs taking turns writing orig ginals and they bring it on strong with h sexy, soulful lyrics abo out love, life, and living o our dreams..." (Quote from m their Webs site: http://ww

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THE_WEEK@HORIZON: You’re a band of three women and nine instruments? Big Bad Gina: Give or take a few. We are all multi instrumentalists and switch instruments during each set.

THE_WEEK@HORIZON: Tell us a bit about yourselves. How long have you guys been together? Big Bad Gina: Melodie has her degree in jazz guitar, Renée's background includes touring internationally as an opera singer, and Jori has been performing on the folk and women's circuit for most of her life. All of us have had choir experience and have played in other bands and this spring, we celebrate four years playing and working together.

THE_WEEK@HORIZON: What are your influences? Big Bad Gina: All of us have different influences based on our different backgrounds but in general, we like strong, powerful, female voices with a wide vocal range and positive messages.

THE_WEEK@HORIZON: One of my favorite songs you performed a couple of years ago was “Sleep While I Drive” by Melissa Etheridge. Who writes your music? Big Bad Gina: We're all three songwriters and have our own individual writing styles. We collaborate on lyrics as often as we can and we depend on each other to come up with other parts and harmonies for new songs we bring to the group.

THE_WEEK@HORIZON: How do you keep your style original, what is your music writing process like? Big Bad Gina: We keep it original by striving to grow as musicians individually on our own instruments, and by observing other musicians. With our different musical backgrounds, we are able to take a new song idea and shape it from a variety of genres and influences.

THE_WEEK@HORIZON: People here heard and fell in love with “Amazon Warrior Princess”. Is your latest CD “Lake of Dreams” a lot different when it comes to music style and studio production? Big Bad Gina: “Lake of Dreams” is more mature in theme and content including the production, photography and artwork. It opens with a jazzy title track and then blasts into a celebratory high energy happy song and ends with a very definitive, positive message of embracing love - literally.

THE_WEEK@HORIZON: What kind of show can we expect on Saturday? Big Bad Gina: You can expect to hear a variety of styles. Be ready to move and be moved. We will have a great time, one that is entertaining and original.

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Horizon is Seeking a Full Time DLRE E

Dirrector of Liffespa an Relligiouss Edu ucation o Carrollton,, Texas is seeeking a full tiime Directorr of Lifespan Religious Horrizon Unitariian Universallist Church of Eduucation. Com me join us and d support ouur mission to grow spirituually healthy ppeople who p promote lovve and justice in th he world. Wee, the membeers of Horizo on Unitarian Universalistt Church, covvenant to maake the worldd a better placce through in ndividual spirritual growth, social justicce, and humaan liberation. Plan nted by First Unitarian Universalist Ch hurch of Dalllas in 1986 in a fast-grrowing suburrb 20 miles north n of Dallaas, Horrizon is a mid d-sized churcch with averaage Sunday RE R attendance of ab bout 55-60 ch hildren/youtth. The area feattures numero ous social, cuultural, and ouutdoor attracctions, including the Daallas Arts Disstrict, Dallas Arboretum, and Wesst Texas Mussic Hall of Faame. North Texas T enjoys an averrage of 232 days d of sunsh hine a year an nd an affordaable costt of living. Ourr members have h described us as a warrm, Welcomiing Con ngregation th hat is generouus, committeed, creative, inno ovative, and theologicallyy diverse. Wee are excited about a tran nsitioning ourr Religious Education E at Horizon to a lifesspan approacch. We are paassionate abo out supportin ng a visio onary and dyynamic leaderr with comm mitment to UU U valuues and deep understanding of UU hisstory and currricula, as wee seek to impprove and exp pand our currrent proggram. We beelieve that Reeligious Educcation (RE) iss a safe placee for learnerss of all ages tto share and ddiscuss ideaas, values, and spiritual isssues. At Horrizon, religiouus exploratioon takes placee not only in the classroo om but via experiential activvities outsidee the classroo om includingg participationn in service pprojects, sociial justice wo ork, and otheer class, churrch, and com mmunity activvities. A co omprehensivve informatio on packet is available a at h g - direct linkk http p:// /images/PDF F/dlre_2013.pdf or yyou may conttact us at DR REsearch@horizonuu.orgg Salaary and beneffits are comp petitive and commensurat c te with qualiffications andd experience. Applicants aare invited to submit a coveer letter and resume r to th his email addrress or to thee physical adddress below by March 1, 2013: DLR RE Search Committee C Horrizon Unitariian Universallist Church 16441 W. Hebron n Parkway Carrrollton, Texaas 75010 972.492.4940

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Plan nned Paren nthood is havving their sttatewide Lo obby Day on n Thursday,, March 7 in n Austin. Th hey expect hun ndreds of su upporters fro om across th he state. Th he objectivee is to build support of w women’s acccess to heaalth care in Texas T by ho olding a rallyy on the Cap pital Lawn aand meeting g with legisslators. · · ·

Cost is $10 $ without trransportation, and $25 with round-trip traansportation. Sign up at, then clickk on Rally Dayy link before M March 5. Expect a full day; Cheeck-in begins at a 9:00 AM on n the South Laawn

Speecial Note on Transporttation · ·

The Plaanned Parenthood bus frrom Dallas iss full, but spaace remains aavailable on tthe Ft. Worth h bus. If you are a interested d in attendingg, please emaail Paul Paneek at panekp@ orr sign up at T Taste of Horizon n so we can coordinate c traansportation if needed.

Stand up u for Wom men's Health h! Join hundreds of Planned Pare enthood supporters from m across the state as we rally y on the Cap pitol Lawn, m meet with leg gislators, and d build supp port for women's health in Texas. T It's important now, more than e ever, to raise e your voice in support o of women's access to o health care e. No experience necessary. Traiining and ma aterials will b be provided. Bring yo our friends! Thursd day, March 7, 7 2013 Capitol Building, Austin, A TX Co ost: $ $10

$ $25

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For participa ants from Au ustin and oth hers who do not need tra ansportation n. Includes lun nch at the Ca apitol and a tote bag. Check-in be egins at 9 am m at the tent on the Soutth Lawn.

For participa ants from Da allas*, Fort Worth W or Wa aco and othe ers who need d round-trip transportation n to the Capitol. Includes rou und-trip trans sportation, lu unch at the C Capitol, and a tote bag. Buses will le eave Dallas** and Fort Worth W at 7 am m and Waco at 8 am.

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*Th he Dallas bus is full. If you would w like to use transportation provided d by Planned Parenthood, w we recommen nd you sign up p for the Fort Worth W bus. Ple ease email com if you wou ld like to be no otified if space b becomes availa able on the Da allas bus. We cannot c guarante ee that space will w become ava ailable on the D Dallas bus. Scholarships arre available. E Email community@pp for more m information. The las st day to reg gister for Lo obby Day is Tuesday, March 5, 20 013.

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Ju ustice Task T Force F Pleaase join the reforming r Jusstice Task Fo orce if you arre interested iin any of theese issues: GLBT riights Women’’s Health & Reproductive R e Justice Health Care C reform in i Texas Immigraation Civil Rigghts Gun Control Econom mic Justice Ourr first meetin ng will be afteer church on March 10. We W need youu to make a ddifference in lives of Texaans. Con ntact Mary Morris M at mmo forr further infoormation.

Bllood Drive D was w a Successs! Thaank you all who w participatted our Blood Drive on February F 17thh! To sign up or to fi find out abouut the next do onation oppo ortunity, pleaase email pneelson114@gm or giveblood@h g horizonuu.orrg

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Wo omen in nterested d in exp ploring liife issuees and in n deeepening g relatio onships with w onee anotheer. . . An new Journey Group G will meet m on the 2nd and 4th Suundays of thee month at 8:30 a.m. from m March thro ough Octtober. Sessio ons will be baased on the book, b Soul to Soul, Fourteenn Gatherings fo for Reflection annd Sharing. W We warmly welccome you to delve into to opics such ass compassion n, boundariess, trust, spirittual experien nce, play, resillience, and blesssings with us. Contact Nancy N Forem man at tto join or forr more inform mation.

Ho orizon is s search hing for a Directtor of Liffespan R Religiou us Educa ation! Clic ck here to see complete inform mation about Horizon n’s RE Prog gram and aD Description n of the DLRE positio on: http://w www.horizo mages/PDF F/dlre_2013.pdf

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FUTTURE E SUN NDAYS S A wisse man oncce wrote: “Small miracles occuur at church every e Sundayy, and do nott depend on tthe sermon.” Horiizon encou urages you u to attend d weekly w worship heere within your community, on Su undays at 110:30AM.

Feebruaryy 2013 Theme: T Love ___________ ________ ________ ________ _________________ ________________________

Feebruary 24 2 * “W What is Love” L - Horizon H n Playerss Playying off of th his month's th heme of Lovve: A study in n Vulnerabiliity, Horizon P Players preseents an olio o of Love poeems, drama, song and narrrative takingg us through Life's advenntures to expllore the whyys and whereefores of this intriguing question. q Thee Choir will ssing love sonngs to us and maybe we ccan get Big Bad B Gina to stay s over from Saturday night’s n conceert and sing tto us.

M March 20013 Theeme: “S Silence,, the Prractice o of Listeening” ___________ ________ ________ ________ ________________________________________ Maarch 3 * “Quietin “ g the No oise” – Reev. Hamiilton Eacch year I go into the dessert or the mountains m to empty my m mind. No teelevision, no o news, no ddeadlines, no elecctricity. Each h day I do th he same thingg when I med ditate, or I ddo when I am m faithful to my practice. Maybe you prayy. Maybe you rock on yo our porch and d watch the birds b arrive ffrom Mexicoo or Canada. Maybe you are too busy to stop. This month m we inviite you into a timeout, a settling s downn, a deep breath and a rellease. We invvite you into this moment, kids, cats, mattes, work and d all. And heere is a secreet: in the silennce of the prresent momeent, after the noisse quiets dow wn, you can hear h a backgrround noise, primordial hhumor, laughhter at the absurdity of it aall.

Maarch 10 * “Can Yo ou Hear Me M Now w?” – Lysssa Jenken ns Can n you hear th hat still, smalll voice insidee, the one th hat is supposeed to be ourr most authen ntic guide? T Too often, I onlyy hear that voice v when itt becomes a roiling r howl,, propelling m my body andd soul into a kind of spirritual smackdow wn! Obvioussly, there aree better ways to attend to o our inner gguidance, inteentional spiriitual practicees, and most of tthem start wiith silence. On O March 100, we will con nsider some of the reasonns we have llost touch wiith our inner voicce, obstacles to reclaiming that preccious resourcce and practices that giive us ears tto hear longg before the how wling begins.

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What’s W Going On O At Horizon H ? S Sunday Feb F 24

Week W 9 9::00 AM - 10:15 AM Adullt Religious Explorations E - E3 - Librarry 9::00 AM - 12:00 PM CAY YRE - Child Care C - S1 - Nursery N 100:30 AM - 122:00 PM Maiin Worship – HORIZON N PLAYERSS - SH - Sanc. 122:30 PM - 1:330 PM Afterr Church Lun nch Bunch -- All Are Wellcome! - Othher – Offsite

M Monday Feb F 25 100:30 AM - 122:30 PM Win ngs Chalice Circle C - E3 - Library, L KI - Kitch, S1 - N Nursery 6::00 PM - 7:000 PM Yoga - P1 - Lg 6::00 PM - 8:000 PM SMAR RT Recovery - FH - Fellow wship Hall 7::30 PM - 9:000 PM Membership Comm mittee - E3 – Library

T Tuesday Feb 26 122:00 PM - 2:000 PM Horizzon Book Cluub - E3 - Lib brary 7::00 PM - 9:000 PM Buddh hist Sangha - P1 - Lg, P2 - Couch 7::30 PM - 9:000 PM Tuesdaay Wisdom Circle C - E3 – Library

W Wednesd day Feb 27 2 100:00 AM - 3:00 PM Libraary Ministry - E3 - Libraryy 7::00 PM - 9:000 PM Buddh hism 101 Classs - with Revv. Dennis Haamilton - FH - Fellowship p Hall

T Thursday y Feb 28 5::45 PM - 7:000 PM Restorrative Yoga - P1 - Lg 6::00 PM - 7:155 PM Worsh hip Arts Com mmittee Meetting - MO - M Minister's Offfice 7::30 PM - 9:000 PM Choir Rehearsal - FH F - Fellowsship Hall

F Friday Ma ar 1 9::30 AM - 1:30 PM Candleelighters - FH H - Fellowsh hip Hall

S Saturday y Mar 2 8::00 AM - 10:00 AM Men's Support Group G - E3 - Library L 6::00 PM - 11:000 PM UDV V - Church Reental - E3 - Library, L FH - Fellowship Hall, KI - K Kitch, RL - Lo obby / N Narthex, S5 - Class, S6 - Class C

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NEXT WEEK Sunday Mar 3 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM UU Christian Fellowship / Study - E3 - Library 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Young Adult Couples Chalice Circle - P2 - Couch 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CAYRE - Child Care - S1 - Nursery 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Main Worship - SH - Sanc. 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM COM Meeting - S5 - Class 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM After Church Lunch Bunch -- All Are Welcome! - Other – Offsite

Monday Mar 4 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Wings Chalice Circle - E3 - Library, KI - Kitch, S1 - Nursery 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Yoga - P1 - Lg 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM SMART Recovery - FH - Fellowship Hall 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Pastoral Caregivers Meeting - MO - Minister's Office

Tuesday Mar 5 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Buddhist Sangha - P1 - Lg, P2 - Couch 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Tuesday Wisdom Circle - E3 – Library

Wednesday Mar 6 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Library Ministry - E3 - Library 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Trailblazers Education and Support Group - FH - Fellowship Hall 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Buddhism 101 Class - with Rev. Dennis Hamilton - FH - Fellowship Hall 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM WFIG (Women's Friendship in Growth) Chalice Circle - E3 – Library

Thursday Mar 7 5:45 PM - 7:00 PM Restorative Yoga - P1 - Lg 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM Worship Arts Committee Meeting - MO - Minister's Office 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Wellspring 2012/2013 - P2 - Couch 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Choir Rehearsal - FH - Fellowship Hall

Friday Mar 8 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Candlelighters - FH - Fellowship Hall, KI - Kitch 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Women's Bunco - FH - Fellowship Hall

Saturday Mar 9 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Men's Support Group - E3 - Library 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM Rental - Isha Institute - FH - Fellowship Hall 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Volunteer at Metrocrest Social Services Food Pantry - Other - Offsite 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM Earth-Centered Spirituality Chalice Circle - P2 - Couch 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM Women Alive 55+ Group - E3 - Library

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Sp pecial Group ps If yo ou are consid dering atten nding one of these grou ups for the ffirst time, it is a good id dea to conta act them m via email for f more infformation an nd to get an n orientation n of what to o expect in yyour first visit! Thanks! NEW BEGINNIN NGS A Challice Circle Exploring E th he Seven P Principles off Unitarian Universalissm For neewcomers an nd longer-term attendees who are makking any kindd of new starrt in their livees WHEN N: Sundays 12:15 1 – 1:45 5 pm * DATTE TO BE AN NNOUNCED WHER RE: Porrtable – cou uch room * You’re invited to bring a sack luncch. *Join us any Sundayy. Facilita ated by Marianna Seaton n, Director of Lay Ministryy. For more iinformation e e-mail dlm@horizonuu.orrg. .

CUR RIOUS ABO OUT SCHE EDULE? Yo ou can chec ck the calen ndar at Horizon Bo ook Group: 4th Tuesdays 12p. ( ) The Horizo on Book Gro oup meets at 12 Noon onn the fourth T Tuesday of each month in n the church Library. Eveery June and November tthe group deecides on the books for th he following siix months. Bring B a brow wn bag lunch and join in tthis fun group p that is open n to women and a men. You’ll be able too share in ann invigoratingg conversatio on on the session’s bo ook. Current selections arre found in thhe Library in nformation n niche in the lobby/narth hex. For morre info, you m may contact bookclub@h horizonuu.orrg . Buddhist Sangha a: Tuesdays 7 PM -9:00 PM. P (buddhists@horizo ) Buddh hist Sangha (""Sangha" is equivalent e to a covenant group) g is a w weekly gatheriing that studies the Dharm ma (the teachiings of Budd dhism.) This is an ongoingg explorationn of the Fourr Noble Trutths and the Eigght Fold Path h, the essentiial teachings of Buddhism m. It is particcipatory and although consisttency is enco ouraged, sessiions can be attended a on a drop in bassis. We welcome anyone interessted in a med ditation practiice. If you wish w to come for an orienntation, pleasee arrive by 6:30. If you wiish to view materials, m e-m mail Dennis Hamilton H at srminister@hhorizonuu.orrg or call 972-5298187. Y You may also o contact bud . The U UU Christian n Chalice Circle C (uuchristians@horizonuu.o rg ) The UU Christian Chalice C Circlle provides a forum for enriching ourr spiritual livees through peersonal discovery of the heeart, meaningg, and traditio on of Christiaanity. We gatther monthlyy on the 1st SSunday at 9AM M in the libraary for discusssion, fellowsship, and exp ploration. Alll those seeking to connecct (or re-connect) to the beauty b and wisdom w of Ch hristianity aree welcome too attend. Em mail

The T CineMa at Group (cinemat@ho orizonuu.orrg ) The T CineMat group will be meeting on n the 4th Satuurday every m month. And it’s now a Ch halice Circle!!. Th his Chalice Ciircle gets toggether to see a movie and then goes too a coffee sho op or restaurrant to discusss and comment c on it in a friend dly circle overr a cup of cooffee or drinkk. People sho ould call Megg Reed or Margaa Gordon forr more info, or o email Craft & Chat Cha alice Circle (craftandch hat@horizo )

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The Craft and Chat Chalice Circle is an opportunity to share your favorite crafting skills or learn a new one from somebody else, in a warm circle of fellowship! Contact Marga Gordon or Dale Gaskill at . The C & C Chalice Circle meets 2nd and 4th Sundays from 1:30p Earth Centered Spirituality Chalice Circle ( ) The Earth-Centered Spirituality Chalice Circle is a social/support group for people who are interested in, or already know they are following, an Earth-centered spiritual path. They meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month, at 2:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall at Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church. We love visitors, so please, come check us out! They also co-host the monthly Free Movie Night on the last Friday of each month. For questions or more information, e-mail GAMERS: 3rd FRIDAY FUN AT HORIZON! ( ) Come join us for adult level games on the 3rd Friday of every month. We meet in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. Bring a snack or drink to share.! Healthy Women Chalice Circle ( ) A woman’s support group to help achieve their goals of health and fitness. Sharing of ideas and experiences in nutrition, weight loss, exercise and stress management. Men’s Saturday Support Group ( ) A men’s support group that includes a check-in and informal discussion of men’s issues regarding family, health, workplace, and relationships. Starts at 8AM The 2nd Tuesday Potluck Chalice Circle ( ) This group meets for food, fellowship, and deepening friendships. They meet in the library 2nd Tuesday of most months at 12 noon. Occasionally we take a field trip instead of having a potluck lunch. Tuesday Wisdom Circle ( ) A chalice circle that offers a check-in and discussion of a weekly life issue topic selected by a group member. Parents – Forget Red Bull, WE’LL give you Wings! (every other Mon, 9a) ( )

WINGS Chalice Circle is a fun and friendly group whose purpose is to support the person within each parent by creating friendships and nurturing our intellect and creativity. Each meeting begins with a check-in, and while we listen to each other's stories, we eat breakfast. Then we move on to our topic or event. Popular past topics include Parenting UU Style, Book Swaps and Movie Days.. Child care is provided. For more information, email or call Sandy Morris at 214-952-2243. Women Alive 55+ ( ) The Women Alive 55+ Group meets on the second and fourth Saturday of each month in the Horizon Library. WFIG WELCOMES WOMEN! ( The WFIG (Women's Friendship in Growth) Chalice Circle is a covenant group dedicated to deepening friendships among and providing support for women of all ages. We meet on the first & third Wed. of each month at 7:30 p.m. Whether you are a new visitor to our group, a returning member, or someone who has been thinking about joining us for some time, we would love to have you. Just email us or call Nancy Foreman at 972-965-0940 or Sarah Roye at 214-228-3397.

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Adult Religious Explorations For more information contact Sundays 9 - 10 am Horizon Library


Mother, Caring for Seven Billion. Facilitated by Gayle Loeffler, who will show the hour-long film, "Mother, Caring for Seven Billion". The film brings to light an issue that silently fuels our most pressing environmental, humanitarian and social crises--human population growth. In 2011 the world population reached 7 billion, a startling seven-fold increase since the first billion occurred 200 years ago. Discussion will follow.

February 24

Buddhist Sanga Tuesday evenings weekly 7:00-8:30 pm Portable, Rm 8

Buddhist Sangha. Facilitated by Senior Minister, the Rev. Dennis Hamilton. This is an ongoing exploration of the Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Path, the essential teaching of Buddhism. Rev. Hamilton’s email contact: , in case of changes.

And… Always check the weekly newsletter for short profiles on classes and latebreaking announcements. If you email you will get a quick response from one of the committee chairs – Kay Darwin, Kent Darwin, or Charles Frugé.


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Share e the Plate e for S Sunday 18 8 Marrch 20 013 Horizon h has a collecction for a non‐profit organizatiion once a m month durring our wo orship service. T This month h's collectio on plate is ffor the Cou urt Appointted Special Advocate ((CASA)

CA ASA of o Den nton C Countty, Inc c. Court App pointed Speecial Advoccates for Chhildren Last yyear, more th han 75,000 CASA and gguardian ad litem (GAL L) volunteerrs helped 24 40,000 abussed and negleccted childreen find safe, permanentt homes. CASA volunteeers are everryday citizen ns who have undergone screen ning and traaining with ttheir local C CASA/GAL p program. CASA and guardiaan ad litem volunteers advocate w work directlyy with abused and negllected children and the e ves: foster p parents, sociial workers,, attorneys, teachers, m medical provviders and o others. In peoplee in their liv addition to training and supp porting advocate volun nteers, mostt CASA/GAL L programs benefit from m the invalu uable contrib butions of n non‐advocatte volunteerrs. 1) All undesignateed cash (nott in envelopee with instru uctions) willl go to Sharee the Plate. 2) Cheecks MUST b be designateed Share‐Thee‐Plate or ST TP to be cou unted towarrd the donattions for the day. 3) Und designated cchecks witho out instructiions are assumed to be donations tto the church h or to fulfilll pledges. 4) Thiis is our prim mary sourcee of funds forr outreach into the worrld. This group provid des full services including g a 24hr Ho otline, Emerggency Shelteer, Transitio onal Housing g, Counselin ng and Th herapy Servvices for Chilldren, Teens, s, and individ dual Adults and groups,, parenting cclasses, and d legal servicees.

After A Churrch Lu unch Locaationss Februaary 20013 Visitors V annd members welcom me! Direcctions avaailable at the Welcome W Center. C When W we ggo to a resstaurant, we meet there appproximately 20 minutes m affter the service ends ds. First oones theree pllease get a table foor 10+ undder the naame “Horrizon”. Feb 2 24th: Grill 19 9: 1640 W Hebron Pk kwy, Carrolllton, TX 750 010. Creattive Americcan Cuisine. Voted "Best Food & Be est Service in 2010" by y Avid Golfe er Magazine e. Tasty fo ood, nice atmosphere, and reasonable price es. Across Hebron from Horizon. $$ 

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Selff Help p for S Substa ance Abu use & Addicction "Disco over the Pow wer of Choiice!" SMART T Recovery® is the leadin ng self-empowering addictioon recovery support grouup. Our partiicipants learn n tools foor addiction recovery bassed on the lattest scientificc researcch and particiipate in a wo orld-wide com mmunity whiich includees free, self-eempowering, science-baseed mutual help groupss. The SM MART Recovvery 4-Point Program® helps people recover r from m all types of addiction an nd addictive b behaviors, includiing: drug abuuse, drug add diction, substance abuse, alcohol a abusee, gambling aaddiction, co ocaine addictiion, prescriiption drug abuse, a and prroblem addiction to otherr substances and activitiess. rug Ab buse

FREE LOCA AL MEETING G CONTACT & & INFORMA ATION: Mondays weekly @ @ 6pm (begiinning 9/10//12) Horrizon Unitariian Universaalist Church 1641 W.. Hebron Prkkwy. Carrollton, TX 750010 Faccilitator: M. Bittle, PhD, RN, LMFTA

sma artgroup p@horizo g 972 2‐466‐2677

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pag ge 20 of 20 HOR RIZON JOURNEY GROU UPS Experiencee meaningful connectionss and a sense off belonging inn a Journey Group. Journey Groups G are a type of Chalice Circle (covenantt group) based on availability to meeet at a certain time. They tyypically last fo or a limited time (33-6 months). What ddo Journey Group ups Do? Encouragge spiritual grrowth & help p us develop deeper and more meanin ngful relationsships Listen to o one another without attem mpting to solve each other’s o probleems. Considerr topics such as Listening, Gratitude, Balance, Fo orgiveness, Go od, Loss and Grief, Money, Natture, Success and Failure, Friendship, F Doubt, Makking Peace w/ / Parents, Sustainable Living, End dings, UU Prin nciples, Our Spiritual Journeys, ettc. Currentt Journey Groupps: Every Other Thurrsday evenin ng 6:00 – 7::30 p.m. d 3rd Sunday afternoons 2:00 – 4:0 00 p.m. 1st and Feel frree to sugge est an addittional meeting time! How doo I join a Journey ey Group? Fill outt an interest form f found att or on tthe Chalice Ciircles bulletin n board. Youu may email Marga Gordon & Nancy N Foremaan via W to answerr your We questio ons and help you y connect with w the grouup or groups of yourr choice.


Relloadable Kroger F Fundraise er Cards • Caards are assign gned to customers by Horrizon UU Chuurch and purcchased for juust $1 each. SSupporters can reloaad their card and pay for the reloads w with cash, checck, debit, or ccredit cards aat any time, aat any Kroger storee, for any am mount up to $5500 at Custoomer Servvice or $100 bby cashhiers. • Reeloads have too be a sepaarate transacttion from m use. Cardss with $0 balannce are deletted from the system afterr 90 days and cannnot be reactivvated. A new w card will haave to be assiggned and purrchased from m Horizon fo or $1. • Caard is accepteed in all Krogger stores andd its affiliatess throoughout the U US. It can bee sent to fam mily and friends out- of-state and still benefits Horizon, as long as the cardd is reloaded aand used. K Keep track off your card balannce: At the bbottom of yo our last receip pt, call 866822--6252 or on-lline using thee PIN on thee back of thee cardd. • Reeload and usee often! Horrizon earns a 5% rebate on yourr purchases! BONUS: N Now used onees don’t go in n the ttrash.

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Horizon n Unitaria an Univerrsalist Ch hurch 1641 W. Heb bron Parkwa ay • Carrolltton, TX • 75 5010-6334 tel: (972) 492-49 940 • fax: (9 972) 394-05 570 htttp://www.ho orizonuu.orgg • facebook:: Horizon UU U • twitter: hhorizonuu • im m: horizonuuu submissio ons by 12 Noon N each Wednesday. W to: the_wee ek@horizonu

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