5/18/14 The Week @ Horizon UU

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the_week@horizonuu a publication of horizon unitarian universalist church horizon unitarian universalist church • 1641 w. hebron pkwy. • carrollton, tx • 75010 6334 t: 972 492 4940 • f: 972 394 05 • email: the_week@horizonuu.org


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FUTURE SUNDAYS Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church encourages you to attend weekly worship here within your community Sundays 10:30AM - 1641 W. Hebron Pkwy, Carrollton TX 75010

May 18, 2014 – Rev. Hamilton’s Last Stand This is Dennis’ last service with us before he retires after 27 years with Horizon. He will send us on our way with blessings, remembrances and thanks, and maybe even a violin piece. It is his last chance in our Free Pulpit. Who knows what he will say? The choir will lead the congregation in one last “Parting Song,” the song that has ended each choir practice since the beginning. ______________________________________________________________________

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LAY MINISTRY NEWS Marianna Seaton, Director of Lay Ministry dlm@horizonuu.org

With Open Hearts and Eyes, We bid thee Farewell It is right it should be so; Man was made for joy and woe; And when this we rightly know, Thro' the world we safely go. Joy and woe are woven fine, A clothing for the soul divine. Under every grief and pine Runs a joy with silken twine. Excerpted from Auguries of Innocence By: William Blake We have been preparing for this moment, and it is here. This weekend, we bid farewell to our beloved friends, who have ministered to many, Rev. Dennis and Mary Kay Hamilton. After twenty-seven years of weaving a faith community together, we are bound to have some awkward moments filled with these seemingly disparate feelings of joy and woe. We are very happy that they will be returning home to Monterey to be with their children and grandchildren; no two people are more delighted for this reunion than Dennis and Mary Kay. We are specially happy and excited to celebrate their service and time with us at Horizon this Saturday. And yet, I find myself uncomfortable at times, trying to express my gratitude and love, and my feelings of loss. In his poem, Blake beckons us to sit with our grief, and wait for the light to be shined upon the joy. We must remember what we love and cherish, for they are woven finely together with what grieves us. Dennis would remind us to remain openly present. We are to remember that the things we are afraid of or want to shun might be the very things that lead us to a spring of renewal. Our job is to stay awake to all the gifts that life gives us, greeting each joy and woe like an honored guest. Dennis and Mary Kay have helped us make a healthy church that has the acts of love and compassion sewn into its DNA. One of Dennis’ gifts to us is the practice of being a non-

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anxious presence. It doesn’t mean that we won’t feel moments of anxiousness, but we have made how we respond well to anxiety a spiritual practice. It’s not happenstance that Horizon is known as a healthy and vital church. Our spiritual grounding is in growing healthy so that we may bring love and justice to the world. We now have the opportunity to continue this good work of the community, that the Hamilton’s have inspired, and to build upon the grace and strength that we have created together. There is much joy in our future, and it will always be laying aside challenges that we must meet and greet with open hearts and eyes. As we continue the work of our church, share our joys and our concerns, be present with one another, and welcome what lies ahead, please join me in expressing condolences to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, including: Mark Bibeau and Jannae Tunnell, whose mothers died on Mother’s Day, Lauren Daniell, whose Father-in-law died, Vicki Bloch, Sarah Roye, and Andrea Dodds, who mourn the loss of their fathers, and Kapi Nance who grieves the loss of her mother. We hold in our hearts Carol Franzen, who had surgery to repair her clavicle and shoulder after a car accident last year, Nancy Foreman, who had hand surgery this week, and all of our members and friends struggling with illnesses and losses. Our best wishes to our graduating seniors and everyone off on special adventures this summer. I hope you carry a little of Horizon with you on your journeys. Our Pastoral Caregivers work with Ministers and Chaplains, the Director of Lay Ministry and the Neighborhood Groups in a spirit of cooperation to cherish and care for the members of our congregation. If you or your loved ones are in need of a sympathetic ear, the Pastoral Caregivers are available. Call Marianna Seaton, Director of Lay Ministry at 972-743-1599 or e-mail dlm@horizonuu.org.

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- I will always appreciate the culture of generosity that Dennis has helped foster at Horizon. Not only has he been personally generous, but also he understands how to inspire others to be generous. He gave great support to Celebration (Canvass) Sunday and continued to delight all of us with Revival Sunday, choosing amazing members who gave heart-felt testimonials. Our Congregation has always looked forward to these services. But there was a special day when I knew Dennis had become true fundraiser. Several years ago, we had submitted a letter to a major Horizon benefactor from outside our congregation. The letter asked if she would match a grant we had received from another source. Dennis wrote the letter to her, and then he faithfully called her on the phone to follow up. “Hello, Dennis!” she said, “It’s so good to hear from you. I received your letter, and I want you to know that I am thinking about it.” And Dennis said, “Well that is wonderful! May I come over and help you think about it?” Needless to say, we received that gift and many more because of Dennis’ sincere appreciation for and stewardship of gifts to Horizon. I believe that Horizon’s culture of generosity is one of the best gifts that Dennis has given us over the years. -- Cindy Treece, Chair, Finance & Stewardship Committee

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- Being in the Horizon Choir with Dennis has been so fun! His collaboration with Stan Moody, our Director of Music, has led to some of the most uplifting musical experiences I have been blessed to be a part of. I will miss Dennis in our bass section, and I will miss his quips and observations that have led us in laughter as well as inspiration. We, the choir and the Horizon congregation, are very fortunate to have his legacy of the appreciation and importance and joy of music to lead us in the coming years. -- JuLane

- I was impressed that he noted the death of Harry Morgan, the character actor who played Col. Potter on M*A*S*H*. Dennis was the first minister I ever heard that gave a sermon on the topic of water. So simple, so necessary, and often taken for granted. -- Eddie Meaders

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- Dennis brought so much to Horizon: his searching intelligence, his joy of life, his appreciation of nature, his love of music. And, over the years, he has helped us to become better leaders in our cooperative ventures. As a teacher and mentor he has touched many future leaders in our denomination. We now send him to his "retirement." Wherever he finds himself, he will continue to inspire and to teach others. -- Marty Robinson

ABOUT HORIZON’S HISTORY: In 1985, the Metroplex area was expanding dramatically toward Lewisville and other cities north of Dallas. That year, the Rev. John Buehrens of First Unitarian Church of Dallas urged the creation of a UU congregation in Northwest Dallas County because of the area’s growth. Martha Robinson had just finished a term as president of First Church, and she agreed to

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spearhead the effort. In September of 1986, 15 people from First Church and Dallas North (Plano area) gathered for their first regular meeting. They began meeting in a small shopping center in Farmers Branch. The church expanded three times before purchasing six acres of land and erecting its permanent location in 1995 at 1641 W. Hebron Parkway. In 2010, Horizon completed a complete remodel and expansion to the building that included the creation of a Meditation Garden, expanded classrooms, a new vestibule, and a fellowship hall.

Adult Religious Explorations Contact: are@horizonuu.org

Sunday mornings 9:00 – 10:10 am Horizon Library

May 18, 2014

Forum facilitated by John Myers: a class discussion on “Leaving”, the monthly Horizon UU theme. John will lead the discussion on leaving, saying good bye, and celebrating what’s left from the relationship. The Chalice Circle model for interactive learning will continue.

May 25, 2014

John Wycliffe, a man anxious for change. Ruth Trudeau will facilitate our class. John Wycliffe asked, “Why may we not write in English the gospel and other things, dedicating the gospel to the edification of man’s soul. We ask: 1. Why were this scholar philosopher’s bones exhumed and burned at the stake…? 2. What did he do to so anger the church? 3. Who were his friends and why did they protect him during hid lifetime? Come to the class to find out more about Wycliffe, discuss answers to our questions and find out what was Wycliffe was so anxious to reform.

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Congratulations to Lyssa Jenkens on receiving the Master of Divinity degree from Meadville-Lombard Theological Seminary during Commencement exercises in Chicago on Sunday, May 18, 2014 (And, Horizon members and friends, it isn’t too late to make a contribution to the fund to be presented to Lyssa for the purpose of purchasing her ministerial stole. Please indicate “Intern Gift� on any contribution placed in the offertory basket or mailed to the Horizon office, 1641 W. Hebron Parkway, Carrollton, TX 75010.)

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A Note from the DLRE * By Lauren Daniell * dlre@horizonuu.org Blog: www.horizonuu.org/dre/ Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/horizonuu/

Read this Summer and Help Others! Are you an adult who likes to read? Do you have a child in school and who needs to do summer reading? Horizon Religious Education is partnering with the Social Justice committee to support Room to Read, an organization that has two goals: to educate girls and to promote literacy for all children in Asia and Africa. By having others sponsor you for the time you read over the summer, you will help raise money for this worthy cause. Be on the lookout for packets to take home to help you keep track of your reading and your sponsors. More information about Room to Read can be found at www.roomtoread.org.

Share the Plate Collection for May 18. The collection on Sunday May 18 will be to benefit Room to Read.

Room to Read envisions a world in which all children can pursue a quality education, reach their full potential and contribute to their community and the world. To achieve this goal, they focus on two areas where they believe they can have the greatest impact: literacy and gender equality in education. Room to Read works in collaboration with communities and local governments across Asia and Africa to develop literacy skills and a habit of reading among primary school children, and support girls to complete secondary school with the life skills they’ll need to succeed in school and beyond.

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Special Schedule for Children and Youth May 18, 2014

Due to popular request, religious education classes for children and youth will be cancelled on Sunday, May 18th so teachers, parents, and children can attend Dennis Hamilton's historic final service at Horizon. Children up to 5 years of age: The nursery will be open with extra staff to children 5 years old and younger beginning at 10:20am. Children Kindergarten-Middle School: These children should plan to attend the service with their parents/guardians. Children are encouraged to attend because the classes have been making retirement gifts for Dennis and Mary Kay, and these gifts will be presented to them at this service. There will be activities in the seats for children in addition to the usual Soul Work bags. Coming of Age, OWL, and YRUU: These students will be attending the service unless you hear differently from their teachers. Thank you for your flexibility during this important time in Horizon’s history!

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Children’s and Youth Religious Education Summer Classes begin June 15 This summer children and youth in religious education will explore Unitarian Universalism through a variety of classes:

Picture Book UU: Preschool and rising Kindergartners Our young UUs will discover what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist by listening to beautifully illustrated stories that emphasize the Seven Principles and the Six Sources of our faith. Rising 1-4th graders: OUUr Story Children in the OUUr Story class will hear some of the best children’s story books which exemplify what it means to be a UU. They will talk about the Principles and the Sources, and learn about some of our faith’s famous forebears, like Henry David Thoreau.

Rising 5-8th graders: You, the Creator Our middle school students will explore the relationship between art and spirituality this summer. By looking at the different facets of creativity, the students will examine their spiritual beliefs via our First Source: The Awe and Wonder we all share.

Rising 9-12th graders and young adults who bridged this spring:

The Pursuit of Happiness Our high school students and young adults will learn how spirtuality can help them cope with the ups and downs in their lives. Through the development of spiritual practices, self-awareness and an understanding of Unitrarian Universalism, our teens will learn some skills to manage stress and live more fully.

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Calendar of Events for Children and Youth

May 18th: No RE classes. Dennis Hamilton’s last service at Horizon. All children and youth encouraged to attend. Nursery open to children five and under. May 25th: Classes run as scheduled. Congregational Meeting: Coming of Age provides lunch. Don’t forget to reserve childcare during the meeting: childcare@horizonuu.org June 1st: TrUUth Ceremony recognizing new readers/ Last day of regular year classes June 8th: Flower Communion Sunday. No classes preschool-12th grade. Nusery open to children 5 and under. Soul Work bags and flower activities available to children in the sanctuary during the service. June 15th: Summer RE begins August 24th: Fall RE Open House

Are you good at woodworking? Horizon children’s Religious Education is looking for adults to help with a birdhouse / beehouse activity later in the summer. Contact Lauren if you can help.

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SATURDAY May 17 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Men's Support Group - E3 - Library 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Horizon Dinners - Other - Offsite 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Hamilton Retirement Party -

SUNDAY May 18 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM Adult Religious Explorations - E3 - Library 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CAYRE - Child Care - S1 - Nursery 10:15 AM - 12:30 PM Library Ministry - Open for Browsing - E3 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Main Worship - SH - Sanc. 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM After Church Lunch Bunch -- All Are Welcome!

MONDAY May 19 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Candlelighters - Art - FH - Fellowship Hall 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Wings Chalice Circle - E3 - Library, KI - Kitch, S1 - Nursery 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM SMART Recovery - FH - Fellowship Hall

TUESDAY May 20 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Buddhist Sangha - P1 - Lg, P2 - Couch 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Tuesday Wisdom Circle - E3 - Library

WEDNESDAY May 21 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Library Ministry - E3 - Library

THURSDAY May 22 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM Worship Arts Committee Meeting - MO - Minister's Office 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Choir Practice - FH - Fellowship Hall

FRIDAY May 23 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Candlelighters - FH - Fellowship Hall

SATURDAY May 24 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Men's Support Group - E3 – Library

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After Church Lunch Locations May 2014 Visitors and members welcome! Directions available at the Welcome Center. When we go to a restaurant, we meet there approximately 20 minutes after the service ends. First ones there please get a table for 10+ under the name “Horizon”.

May 18th - Pho Que Huong: 291 E. Round Grove Road, Lewisville, TX 75067. Great service, fast, clean and great Vietnamese food! Menu includes several tofu choices. $  http://phoquehuong.com May 25th - Congregational Meeting & Lunch * A delicious lunch will be provided by the Coming of Age 9th grade students and their parents. They will take donations to raise funds for their pilgrimage to Boston! 

Please join us this Friday night, May 16th in Fellowship Hall at Horizon at 7:00 pm for Games Night.

Bring your favorite games to play and a snack or drink to share. We look forward to seeing you there.

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Special Groups

If you are considering attending one of these groups for the first time, it is a good idea to contact them via email for more information and to get an orientation of what to expect in your first visit!

CURIOUS ABOUT SCHEDULE? You can check the calendar at http://calendar.horizonuu.org/ Horizon Book Group: 4th Tuesdays 12p. (bookclub@horizonuu.org ) The Horizon Book Group meets at 12 Noon on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the church Library. Every June and November the group decides on the books for the following six months. Bring a brown bag lunch and join in this fun group that is open to women and men. You’ll be able to share in an invigorating conversation on the session’s book. Current selections are found in the Library information niche in the lobby/narthex. For more info, you may contact bookclub@horizonuu.org Buddhist Sangha: Tuesdays 7 PM - 9:00 PM. (buddhists@horizonuu.org ) Buddhist Sangha ("Sangha" is equivalent to a covenant group) is a weekly gathering that studies the Dharma (the teachings of Buddhism.) This is an ongoing exploration of the Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Path, the essential teachings of Buddhism. It is participatory and although consistency is encouraged, sessions can be attended on a drop in basis. We welcome anyone interested in a meditation practice. If you wish to come for an orientation, please arrive by 6:30. If you wish to view materials, e-mail Dennis Hamilton at srminister@horizonuu.org or call 972-529-8187. buddhists@horizonuu.org The UU Christian Chalice Circle (uuchristians@horizonuu.org ) The UU Christian Chalice Circle provides a forum for enriching our spiritual lives through personal discovery of the heart, meaning, and tradition of Christianity. We gather monthly on the 1st Sunday at 9AM in the library for discussion, fellowship, and exploration. All those seeking to connect (or re-connect) to the beauty and wisdom of Christianity are welcome to attend. uuchristians@horizonuu.org The CineMat Group (cinemat@horizonuu.org ) The CineMat group will be meeting on the 4th Saturday every month. And it’s now a Chalice Circle!. This Chalice Circle gets together to see a movie and then goes to a coffee shop or restaurant to discuss and comment on it in a friendly circle over a cup of coffee or drink. People should call Meg Reed or Marga Gordon for more info, or email cinemat@horizonuu.org.

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GAMERS: 3rd FRIDAY FUN AT HORIZON! (3rdfridaygames@horizonuu.org ) Come join us for adult level games on the 3rd Friday of every month. We meet in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. Bring a snack or drink to share! Healthy Women Chalice Circle (healthywomen@horizonuu.org ) A woman’s support group to help achieve their goals of health and fitness. Sharing of ideas and experiences in nutrition, weight loss, exercise and stress management. Men’s Saturday Support Group (mensgroup@horizonuu.org ) A men’s support group that includes a check-in and informal discussion of men’s issues regarding family, health, workplace, and relationships. Starts at 8AM The 2nd Tuesday Potluck Chalice Circle (secondtuesday@horizonuu.org ) This group meets for food, fellowship, and deepening friendships. They meet in the library 2nd Tuesday of most months at 12 noon. Occasionally we take a field trip instead of having a potluck lunch. Tuesday Wisdom Circle (tuesdaywisdom@horizonuu.org ) A chalice circle that offers a check-in and discussion of a weekly life issue topic selected by a group member. Parents – Forget Red Bull, WE’LL give you Wings! (every other Mon, 9a) (mondaywings@horizonuu.org ) WINGS Chalice Circle is a fun and friendly group whose purpose is to support the person within each parent by creating friendships and nurturing our intellect and creativity. The Women’s Friendship in Growth (WFIG) Chalice Circle (wfig@horizonuu.org) Meets on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Wednesdays of each month from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. We welcome women of all ages to join us for fun, connection, and growth. We share stories from our lives and discuss topics that help us get to know one another better. Recent programs have included How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day, a night of Board Games, and TED talks on the Power of Vulnerability, Connected but Alone, and Body Language. We’d love to have you in our group! To find out more, contact Nancy Foreman or Sarah Roye at wfig@horizonuu.org. Young Adults Chalice Circle Contact: YoungAdults@horizonuu.org for more details.

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