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Lifestyle changes for Healthy Vision
April Events Avril Lavigne
Cook with Class!
Berry Lemon Mousse Parfait
April 22nd
April 25th
20 Reasons to Hire a Realtor
1. Homes are bought by comparison. I have a large inventory at my disposal through MLS while you have an inventory of one. 2. I am very familiar with competitive houses so I can help you position your home well. 3. It is hard negotiating for yourself. I have lots of experience in writing contracts and can negotiate aggressively on your behalf. 4. Buyers are not always forthright about their financial situation. I insist on pre-qualifying before I even bring you an offer. 5. My lender contracts and mortgage experience help buyers get the financing they need. 6. Most buyers dont’t want to tell the seller why they don’t make an offer. I can probe the buyer or his agent for that information. 7. Any follow up you do with a buyer can be seen as desperation. I follow up as part of my job so that you are not perceived in a compromising light.
8. I can showcase your improvements better so that you don’t appear like you are “selling.” 9. Most sellers who spend their time as a For Sale by Owmer end up by listing in the end. A recent NAR survey found that only 11% of sellers nationally ended up selling by owner. Why spend your time and money if in the end you will hire a REALTOR ? 10. Unqualified buyers can tie up your home. I make sure that doesn’t happen. 11. Personality conflicts with a buyer can get in the way. I come between the buyer and the seller so that personalities don’t enter in. 12. Most buyers use a REALTOR , which increases the number of buyers who will see your home. 13. I can mobilize my company agents and other area REALTORS on your behalf. 14. A NAR survey of recent closed sellers found that REALTOR -assisted sales brought in 20%
more sales price than For Sale By Owner sales. 15. A FSBO sign makes you vulnerable for any curiosity seeker or unsavory character. When you list, only buyers accompanied by a REALTOR will get into your home. 16. Being accessible to show your home limits your personal time and cuts down the available showing time. When you list, your property will be available during normal showing hours and the prospect will always be accompanied by me or another REALTOR . 17. Additional exposure through MLS and the Internet brings you a higher price. 18. I orchestrate the contract-to-closing process, including the appraisal, buyer-loan process, title, inspections, pest control, survey, etc., taking this burden off of you. 19. I make sure that you are compliant with all laws relating to the sale of your home. 20. I only get paid when I get the job done.
7 Easy Ways to Reduce Air Pollution
hen compared to water pollution, air pollution tends to take a backseat. While each issue is equally important, it’s easy to forget the prevalence of air pollution. After all, unless you live in a city, the air above your head probably looks as healthy as ever. And one doesn’t go jumping into dirty air the same way you might in a dirty ocean or lake, so the issue of air pollution might not resonate as much.
local laws. In addition, when storing these products, make sure they’re properly sealed in airtight containers. · Call the repair man: Leaky air conditioners and refrigeration systems can send harmful gases into the sky. Have all such appliances examined for leaks once a year, and don’t procrastinate in cases where a call to the repair center is necessary.
cans, harmful emissions are produced and sent into the air. By recycling, fewer of these items need to be produced, and that will lessen the damage done to the air.
· Carpool to work: With the ever-increasing prices of fuel, carpooling to work has never seemed such an attractive option. Not only will you help the pocketbook by sharing the You can also learn to do your weekly gas tab with at least own “repairs” that will help one other person, but you’ll Unfortunately, air pollution the environment as well. For substantially decrease the is still a prevalent issue, example, check filters on amount of harmful emissions whether you live in a city all air conditioners around vehicles send into the air with millions of other people the house. A dirty filter will each day. If you carpool with or reside on a countryside require the air conditioner three other people who are farm where the nearest to work harder to cool a all used to driving to work neighbor is a mile away. room, causing you to turn in their own cars, you’ve cut Regardless of where you the A/C up and, in so doing, the amount of emissions the live, what you do can greatly increasing your energy bill. four of you would normally impact the quality of the air By checking and cleaning produce by 75 percent. you breathe. Here are a few the filter, you’ll reduce simple steps that will ensure the emissions your A/C is · Take care of your car: you’re making a positive sending out into the air while Several things impact how impact on the air up there. also reducing your bill. efficiently a vehicle will burn fuel. Tires that aren’t · Turn the lights off: Believe · Show some tolerance when properly inflated, a dirty it or not, most people leave it’s hot or cold: Turning on air filter and even your extra lights on throughout the air conditioner or heater own driving habits can their home. This is both bad doesn’t improve air quality. have a negative impact on for the environment and bad Unless the temperature the efficiency of a vehicle. for the utility bill. Turn the absolutely calls for it, avoid Rapidly accelerating burns lights off in rooms you’re turning on the A/C by more fuel, as does a lot of not using, and put a dim opening some windows and stop- and-go driving. A light bulb in any exterior keep the heater at a lower dirty air filter makes the car lights you keep on overnight. temperature while throwing work harder and reduces on a sweater. fuel efficiency, as do poorly · Properly dispose of inflated tires. Keep up with household items: Solvents, · Recycle: While it’s hard to all manufacturer guidelines. pesticides and household believe in the 21st century, paints can damage the air many households still To learn more about thanks to their chemical don’t recycle. During the reducing air pollution, composition. Whenever production of items such visit the Environmental disposing of such products, as plastics, glass bottles, Protection Agency Web site due so in accordance to all cardboard, and aluminum at
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Prevent Later Vision Loss with Lifestyle Changes
As one ages, certain changes to the body are to be expected. One of the more common side effects of aging is vision loss.
While some degree of vision loss is common as we age, it’s not entirely inevitable. Though age-related macular degeneration (AMD) causes blindness and affects nearly 2 million Americans over the age of 40, there are steps all people, young and old, can take to preserve and protect their vision. · Get in shape: As more and more research is conducted on the effects of being overweight and obese, greater evidence is being presented as to just how negative the effects of extra pounds can be on the entire body. Vision is no exception. A recent study showed that a woman’s body mass index (BMI) can have a very negative impact on vision. Women with a BMI over 30 were found to have a higher risk of developing cataracts. In addition, excess weight is linked to a host of other problems, such as hypertension and high cholesterol. Each of those conditions negatively effects vision by slowing the flow of blood to the eyes. Getting in shape involves improving diet, which can also help vision. Foods that are high in antioxidants, such as many fruits and vegetables, absorb harmful UV rays in the eye, almost acting as nature’s sunglasses in the process. Shedding any excess weight and including exercise in your daily routine pays great dividends across the board, not the least of which is keeping your eyes healthy for the long run. · Quit smoking: While all smokers are running the very real risk of experiencing respiratory problems and possibly getting lung cancer, they’re putting themselves in danger for other ailments. Much like some of the misconceptions associated
with being overweight, few smokers realize the impact this lifestyle choice is having on other parts of their bodies, including their eyes. Smokers are four times as likely to develop AMD as nonsmokers. That’s because cigarette smoke contains harmful toxins that can enter the bloodstream and damage blood vessels in the eye. The longer a person smokes, the more damaging this can be to those blood vessels, weakening them and robbing them of their ability to function properly. While there’s a host of reasons to quit smoking, smokers may not be aware that losing their vision is one of those reasons. · Follow directions: Over the years, the popularity of contact lenses has skyrocketed. Almost as popular is leaving those lenses in for longer times than recommended. Anyone who uses contact lenses should follow the removal and cleaning guidelines that come with those lenses. Some lenses are designed so users can sleep with them still in. Others are the more traditional lenses and should be removed each night. Regardless of which are used, the directions need to be followed to avoid the dirt and bacteria that inevitably collects on the lens from causing infection or inflammation. This is one of the easiest ways to ward off AMD, and contact lens users should pay close attention to recommended guidelines. A few minutes of work at night is certainly worth preserving your vision down the road. · Make a health statement: Sunglasses cannot only make you look better, they can help you see better over the long run
as well. Sunglasses are essentially sunblock for your eyes, reducing exposure to harmful UV rays. UV rays can have a very negative impact on the eyes, from spreading cataracts to increasing the risk of AMD. Be sure to buy sunglasses that state their level of UV protection, and while style might be important, choose substance over style to ensure your vision is entirely protected.
Saying So Long to Pesky, Invasive Mosquitoes Photo
by: D
nies have made lots pa m co ng di an st ito Mosquitoes breed in money selling mosqu these of ng yi y no av an he e a or r m fte e A th ne of or stagnant water. ts. The problem is, en rr te de an er y th an r bo fo n erty ficacy. things that ca rain, check your prop rrents vary in their ef te de e th is e st at ia in us im th ople outdoors en standing water and el pical There are plenty of pe such in es ito qu os Ty . m le of ib presence deterrents it as soon as poss ude who swear by dition to cl ad in In er . at rd w ya r ng he di d bug an or st s hi sources of citronella candles an as n ca s ito ol qu po os s m n’ a re , st ild being a pe hile others find they ogged gutters, ch w cl s, er pp za it g in ak ed m or turn e also carry disease, that weren’t emptied e no relief. Since thes id ov to pr s ou d er an ng , da ts pi ry e not work, potentially ve over before a rain, fir methods may or may quito os m be a ht ig ith w m h at rd th ya ts a work in l not to spend too muc unused flower po fu re s ca er be en rd ga , en er Ev ev . yard without infestation. How scattered around the ey investing in them on m ke ta n ca s s d’ st ki ia y us pt th and lawn en them. If they work, it hasn’t rained, em g if in try st ng fir hi tc ra sc e r week the steps to avoid all th pools at least once pe are any If they don’t, back to t. ea gr ith w es m co at e er and swatting th ard. and check to see if th . ts es gu d about drawing bo ito re qu te os at m sc ts po or unwanted rs ne contai e u your property. ave mosquitoes for th yo Le · ow H r. ea w u yo t cking that · Watch wha birds. Proof is also la ward to s nt ay le w el ng ep lo R a s. s, nt go n lle dress ca · Use insect repe g birds and mammal in ct tra at be ll u’ yo es h ito uc for mosqu rats, deciding how m m. make it harder ch blue martins and le su ob pr e ito dl in qu os dw t m a no es is an affected by to find you but will that feed on mosquito nglo d an s e us ck u so r yo ea if er, w s So Alway their numbers. ive deterrent. Howev ct fe e ef ar at th s e ea ’r ar ey in th ng such n’t think sleeved shirts you don’t mind havi itoes. repellants, do if qu os m ith e w us ca ed st be fe y heavily in your yard and all else not working simpl in s al im be an ht ig m t ne ito s a mosqu give it a While a mosquito ’s your yard still ha failed, by all means s at th ha s, rd ya t os ch m su in s overdoing it ar in mind that your festation. Repellant be in ut B . ot sh e ar at th s for ing not the case in area as DEET make it hard ests might end up be gu w ne ’s ho w . ne yo e ones heavily infested mosquitoes to find an ore annoying than th m ss le or od rid e rrently trying to get put it on, as does th cu re s u’ ay yo pl ng hi ot nt cl lle repe The color of your Picaridin. Whichever e of. ar es ito qu os M l. that they’re te no , se a role as wel oo ch u yo hing, so keep osquitoes drawn to darker clot meant to keep the m ng ki or w n he w ht your yard. the wardrobe lig away from you, not outdoors. . Many · Try the alternatives . er at w ng di · Remove stan
Gas-Saving Tips from the Pros
Conserving gasoline is easier than you think. Given today’s high prices and concerns for the environment, what are you waiting for? Here’s time-tested advice from the experts at the non-profit National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) on ways to use less gasoline. · Check tire pressure. Under-inflated tires and poorly aligned wheels waste fuel by forcing the engine to work harder. · Consolidate your daily trips and errands. · Avoid excessive engine idling. Shut off your vehicle while waiting for friends and family. · Observe speed limits. Speeding decreases your miles per gallon. · Drive gently. Sudden accelerations guzzle gas. Anticipate traffic patterns ahead and adjust your speed gradually. · Remove clutter and unused items. Less weight means better mileage. · Keep your engine operating at its peak efficiency. A misfiring spark plug or clogged filters cut into gas mileage. · Follow the service schedules listed in your owner’s manual and have the work performed by qualified technicians. Includes Filter Change & up to 5 Quarts
.Up to 5 qts. 5W30 motor oil .15 point Inspection .Check antifreeze & all Fluids .Complete brake Inspection .Check exhaust system .Inspect all belts & hoses .Tire rotation & check lights .Test battery & charging system
The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence was founded to improve the quality of automotive service and repair through the voluntary testing and certification of automotive technicians. ASEcertified technicians wear blue and white ASE insignia and carry credentials listing their area(s) of certification. Their employers often display the blue and white ASE sign. Visit for more car care tips.
Spring Road Trip Tips
Includes Preliminary Inspection of your vehicles Check Engine Light, A.B.S Light - S.R.S Light & Engine Oil Light Most Vehicles. Not Valid with any other coupon or offers. Additional charges may apply. See stores for details. Limited Time only.
‘Tis the season to pack a few supplies, get behind the wheel and embark on a road trip adventure. The convenience of setting your own pace, charting your own course, choosing your destination, and many other benefits to road-tripping push taking a trip by vehicle ahead of other modes of travel. Setting your sites on some spring fun? Follow these guidelines: · Get maps and itineraries ahead of time. · Auto club memberships often have lodging discounts as a perk, so investigate getting on board. · Have your car inspected and do any preventative maintenance prior to departing on your trip. · Check cell phone service areas, because roaming fees add up fast. · Stock an emergency road kit. · Pack drinks and snacks to minimize the number of stops you’ll have to make, and to save money. · Remember to have fun.
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Apr 18 2008 Music AfterHours Outdoor Concert Series This outdoor event will be held at the historic Archer Park on the 1st Friday of every month and at the McAllen Convention Center Grandstand on the 3rd Friday of every month. Location: McAllen Convention Center, Outdoor Grandstand City: McAllen Admission: Free Phone: 956-682-2871 Email: Apr 20 2008 Earth Day at IMAS from 1-5 p.m. For more information on IMAS programs or membership, please call 956-682-0123 or visit Apr 25 2008 Stroll Thru History Tour at Quinta Mazatlan Enjoy a morning Stroll Thru History Tour at Quinta Mazatlan, the McAllen Wing of the World Birding Center, discovering the rich history of the 1930’s adobe home. Program is $3.00 per person. For more information visit
Instant Gratification Save up to 40% on Car Insurance Right Now
Why wait to save money? Call me any time day or night for a free quote or to purchase car insurance.
Call my office 24/7 Millie Castillo, Agent 2510 East Griffin Parkway Mission, TX 78572-3348 Bus: (956) 585-2778 LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS THERE. Providing Insurance and Financial Services
State Farm Mutual Automobile Company, State Farm Idemnity Company Bloomington, IL• Insurcance and discounts subject to qualifications.
Cooking with Class Parmesan Herb Encrusted Tilapia Berry Lemon Mousse Parfait Trimming the Fat Curbing the Carbs Shaking the Salt Habit Cutting the Calories Finely chopped almonds, bread crumbs and McCormick® Parmesan Herb Seasoning Blend combine to make a crust for tilapia that’s tasty enough for a restaurant menu. Makes 4 servings. Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes
1/3 cup sliced almonds, finely chopped 1/4 cup bread crumbs 3 tablespoons McCormick® Parmesan Herb Seasoning Blend 1/2 teaspoon McCormick® Paprika 1 pound tilapia fillets Olive oil
1. Preheat oven to 450°F. Mix almonds, bread crumbs, Seasoning Blend and paprika in shallow dish. 2. Brush fish lightly with oil. Coat evenly with almond mixture. Place fish on greased foil-lined shallow baking pan. 3. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until fish flakes easily with a fork. Test Kitchen Tip: Substitute red snapper, striped bass, flounder or sole for the tilapia. Nutrition Information per 1 serving Calories: 229 Sodium: 325 mg Fat: 9 g Carbohydrates: 9 g Cholesterol: 56 mg Fiber: 2 g Protein: 28 g Recipes Provided By McCormick for these and other Great Recipes Please Visit
Shaking the Salt Habit
Berry Lemon Mousse Parfait is a quick and easy, no-cook dessert that is refreshing too. Lemon juice, lemon extract and vanilla brighten the sweetness of fresh berries to complete this perfect summer dessert. Makes 8 servings. Prep Time: 15 minutes
1 1/2 cups heavy cream 1/2 cup sugar, divided 1/4 cup lemon juice 1 teaspoon McCormick® Pure Lemon Extract 1 teaspoon McCormick® Pure Vanilla Extract 1 cup sliced strawberries 1 cup fresh blueberries
1. Beat cream, 1/3 cup of the sugar, lemon juice and extracts in large chilled bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until mixture mounds softly. 2. Add remaining sugar to berries in medium bowl; toss gently. 3. Layer mousse and berries in dessert dishes. Serve immediately or refrigerate until ready to serve. Nutrition Information per 1 serving Calories: 225 Sodium: 18 mg Fat: 17 g Carbohydrates: 18 g Cholesterol: 62 mg Fiber: 1 g Protein: 1 g
5. Collection of star systems 6. Repents 7. Medieval fiddle 8. Tse-tung 9. Displaying liveliness 10. Mexican silver city 11. Noncitizen 12. Bluish greens 15. Mends 21. ___d: music file device 23. At the peak 25. Tall perennial woody plant 26. Geological times 27. Headfish 28. Hit on the head with a baseball 31. Observe secretly 42. Celestial latitude
32. Badfinger album “__ __ce�
1. Shoulder gesture
43. SNL comedian Carvey
33. You
6. Upper limb
44. Easily duped victims
9. Quantitative fact
48. Dinner call
13. West Chadic
52. Greek god of light
14. Lacrimal secretion
53. A short and amusing opera
16. Strip forming part of a fence
57. Wife of a raja
17. Declare invalid
58. Less than average tide
18. Double-reed instrument
60. Any plant of the family Araceae
19. Iris genus
61. Design
20. Headache
62. Being the only one
22. Package
63. _____ Jeane Baker
24. Anticipations
64. A small island
26. Fertilized eggs
65. Soviet Union or U___
29. Public violence
66. Cause to change
30. Caviar 31. Snakes 35. Expression of sorrow or pity 37. Short cloaks 39. Qatar capital 40. Hygienic
34. Pouches 36. Spare time activity 37. Big guns 38. W. Rumanian city 41. Afrikaans 44. Capsicum 45. Fed 46. Albanian capital 47. Steroid alcohol 48. Wrists 49. Iridescent opaque gems 50. Pheasant 51. Intended achievements 54. Civil wrong
1. Feign
55. Fourth dimension
2. Akha
56. 6th Jewish month
3. Step of a ladder 4. High interest money lender
59. Goddess of the dawn
Segundo L. Lizardo M.D. F.A.A.P.
Dr. Segundo Lizardo is a native from the Dominican Republic where he graduated with Magna Cum Laude Honor at Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre Y Maestra Medical School, then Dr. Lizardo completed his residency training in Pediatrics at Elmhurst Hospital Center in New York City, affiliated with Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Dr. Lizardo will also be available in our Rio Grande City Children’s Clinic
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Why wait to save money? Call me any time day or night for a free quote or to purchase car insurance.
Call my office 24/7 Millie Castillo, Agent 2510 East Griffin Parkway Mission, TX 78572-3348 Bus: (956) 585-2778 LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS THERE. Providing Insurance and Financial Services
State Farm Mutual Automobile Company, State Farm Idemnity Company Bloomington, IL• Insurcance and discounts subject to qualifications.
Fun a Factor for Children’s Dental Care
eeping up with a kid is no easy feat. Most parents know that a child is a bundle of energy with an attention span that lasts mere minutes - if you’re lucky! So when it comes to teaching children the lessons of being an independent person - such as personal grooming habits - there are distinct challenges. But with a little patience and a dash of fun, no task is insurmountable. More Cavities in Young Kids Means Better Brushing Needed
Dr. Fresh, the maker of the FireFly®, a bright and sparkly children’s toothbrush that lights up and flashes. The FireFly toothbrush was developed when Dr. Fresh (yes, he is a real person) could not get his young daughter to brush for long enough. To inspire “psychological compliance,” he basically took the LCD light out of a pair of fancy sneakers and put it in the bottom of a regular toothbrush. With more research and development, he created
There is growing evidence that children’s dental health is an area on which most families need to focus more attention. Dentists say they are treating more and more young patients who have cavities in their primary teeth. A new Center for Disease Control and Prevention study reports that almost a third of all kids between 2 and 5 have cavities in their baby teeth. Experts attribute the trend to several factors, including an upsurge in sugared snacks, juice and soda consumption, the rising use of bottled, non-fluoridated water, and the fact that children simply don’t spend enough time brushing teeth. Many people are under the assumption that oral hygiene is not something that really needs to be worried about in young kids. After all, baby teeth will eventually fall out and new teeth will grow in their place. But this is far from the case. The American Dental Association (ADA) says that cavities in baby teeth can cause a number of problems, including tooth loss, ear and speech problems, crooked permanent teeth, severe pain, poor self-image, and tooth decay. That’s why the ADA recommends starting children’s dental care when they are still babies. A dentist’s visit should occur by age 1. Brushing should begin at age 2 and be supervised until a child is 6 or 7. Beating Brushing Blues The recommended brushing time to get teeth clean is a minute for the top arch of teeth and a minute for the bottom. So how does a parent get their child to cooperate? Make it fun, says
Dr. Fresh offers additional advice . · Forgetting floss? Children should also floss regularly - as early as when they have two front teeth erupted, say experts. Flossing is really important for molars because they are generally closer to each other than the front teeth. Again, until they reach the age of 6, you will have to help them. Gently lift the floss up between teeth towards the gum and all the way through to the inside of the mouth. Don’t saw that can damage fragile young gum tissue. · Time for a change: Everyone - adults and children - should replace a toothbrush after three months of use. If a child has recently had a virus or infection (like strep throat), change the toothbrush immediately after he or she gets better to avoid re-infection. · Fun flavor: There are a variety of toothpaste flavors available to appeal to kids who don’t enjoy the plain minty variety most adults use. And with cartoon characters adorning the packaging, your child may be racing to add a dab of paste to his or her FireFly and get brushing. The best way to impart lessons of oral care is to show by example. Make it fun and educational for children and they’ll be more inclined to follow along. For more information on the FireFly tootbrush and other Dr. Fresh fun products, visit
the FireFly, which uses the same “blinking technology” in a durable, ergonomicallydesigned toothbrush for kids. “Most of us underestimate how long a minute really is,” says Dr. Fresh. And a minute can seem interminable for an active child looking to move on to his or her next activity. The FireFly, which blinks for 60 seconds, is a way to instill the one-minute each arch brushing routine. Have children press the button to start the LCD light housed safely in the handle of the toothbrush. Once the light stops blinking, it’s time to move onto the other row of teeth. Push the button again to activate the light. Other Dental Tips But oral care doesn’t end with brushing alone.