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INTRODUCTION : Since tooth loss from disease and trauma has always been a feature of mankind’s existence, it is not surprising that the history of tooth replacement is a long one. Evidence from ancient civilizations shows that attempts were made to replace missing teeth by banding artificial tooth replacements to remaining teeth with metal many centuries ago. For the mechanism of attachment, clinicians have long sought an analog for periodontal ligament. Experiments were made to develop a fibrous attachment that could serve the same purpose as the periodontal ligament but all in vain. The periodontal ligament in a specialized structure which serves not only as an efficient attachment mechanism but also as a shock absorber and sensory organ, so it was impossible to reproduce. HISTORY OF OSSEOINTEGRATION : Implants may indeed be anchored in bone by means of surrounding sheath of connective tissue, but in general this has not shown the degree of organization and specialization that would allow it to pass as a substitute for the periodontal ligament. In most cases, loading leads to gradual widening of fibrous tissue layer and loosening of implant, with consequent implant failure. In contrast to periodontal ligament, a fibrous tissue sheath is a poorly differentiated layer of scar tissue. Dr. Per Ingvar Branemark, an anatomist is credited as the person who has coined the term “osseointegration�. Branemark along with his team was working in the laboratory of the vital microscopy (1952), laboratory of experimental Biology, University of Goteberg Sweden, (1960), Institute of Applied biotechnology, Goteberg (1978). The main study of his group was to understand the mechanism of bone healing and bone response to the thermal, mechanical, chemical injuries by using vital microscopy. Vital microscopy, is a type of the miniature microscope, which is introduced in to the living organisms. E.g. Rabbit in their study the titanium

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