2 March 2022
Tel: 07791 208415
Gateway Community Kitchen and Hub re-launch WITHERNSEA based Gateway are officially opening their Community Kitchen (Gateway Gourmet) at 10am on Monday, March 7. At the same time they are also re-launching the Community Care Hub after redecoration and refit. The Gateway Community Care Hub and Community Kitchen is located at 104 Queen Street in Withernsea. The Hub has been established for the last two years helping local people in Withernsea and the surrounding areas. A spokesperson for the group said: “Our mission is to benefit local people within our area (Yorkshire) who are struggling with poverty in all its forms: financial, mental, spiritual, loneliness and despair. We aim to help people have a better quality of life, one that's stable and meaningful. We work with, support and promote other charities and organisations that share our objectives.” The Hub initially opened two years earlier on Saturday March 7, 2020 and operated for two weeks before the Covid-19 pandemic hit. The Gateway immediately turned the hub into an emergency response centre, offering food parcels, welfare checks on the elderly and vulnerable and prescription pickups. The spokesperson added: “We sourced
white goods for families and people in need, we collected and went shopping for those that where self isolating at home.” Since restrictions have eased they now operate an open door policy where they provide a safe, relaxing environment for people to come and have a hot drink and a chat. Their aims are to be an ear to listen, a friendly face, simply talking and befriending others. They are still offering all the support which they gave in the lockdowns and with secured funding they are expanding their services. Thanks to funding from Yorkshire based Betty & Taylors they now have a fully fitted community kitchen in what used to be their back store room. The purpose of the kitchen is to demonstrate (batch) cooking and healthy eating to local residents. Withernsea experiences a high level of poverty with on average one in three children living in poverty as defined by National Indicator 116. Poor diet and associated health issues are endemic in the community. The Gateway Hub aims to Homes - Offices - Schools - Gardens promote good health A team of builders focused on and wellbeing; a providing a high quality service. healthier lifestyle, Building furniture like it's our own! whilst reducing loneliness and social Email - info@flatpack-builders.com isolation at the same Tel - 07960 237319
email: withernseacommunitynews@hotmail.com
Local planning application highlights Variation to opening hours to allow local business to increase its viability A VARIATION to the approved opening hours of a previous planning application has been applied for at The Coffee Barn on Park Farm in Winestead. The application is to extend the previously approved opening times which were 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 4pm on a weekend and bank holiday. The application is to vary these to allow the opening times to be extended to 11pm. The reason given for the variation to the opening hours is to increase the viability of the business.
time. The spokesperson for the group added: “We would like to thank everyone that has helped, donated items or volunteered at the hub over the past two years. All of your help and support is extremely appreciated and without you the hub wouldn’t run as sufficiently as it does, so thank you. If anyone would like to volunteer, donate items or has any questions about the Hub they can contact Melissa Hayton 07740291147 or pop into the hub at 104 Queen Street in Withernsea where you will be more than welcome. We look forward to seeing you all at the re-launch.” For community groups wishing to use the kitchen please contact Annette Jarvis on 07570 058817.
COMMUNITY KITCHEN: The Gateway fully fitted community kitchen
Planning applications submitted: 22/00553/PLF - Erection of a two storey extension to rear, replacement of garage roof to side and alterations to fenestrations and porch to front at Lythe, Ottringham Road, Keyingham 22/00455/PLF - Erection of a single storey extension to rear following removal of existing conservatory at Kimberley, Chapel Lane, Ottringham 22/00414/PLF - Erection of a single storey extension to side and detached garage at Crown Lodge, North Lane, Welwick 22/00298/PLF - Construction of a vehicular access (dropped kerb) to front and erection of a single storey extension to rear following removal of existing conservatory at Richmond, Withernsea Road, Hollym 22/00231/PLF - Change of use of security office to dwelling at Oldscooler Limited, Kilum Hall, Hilston Road, Roos 22/00228/PLF - Erection of single storey extension to rear following demolition of existing extension at Willow Tree Cottage, Village Road, Sunk Island 21/03639/OUT – Outline planning application for the erection of two detached dwellings (all matters reserved) at Land West Of Westside, Main Street, Roos Planning decisions made: 21/04571/PLF - Erection of a dwelling at Land North Of 18 Dimlington Bungalows, Easington – Approved 21/04471/PLF - Erection of a wc/shower building ancillary to existing camp site at Camping And Caravan Site, Elm Tree Farm, Town Street, Holmpton – Approved 21/04201/PLB - Internal re-plastering, localised lifting and re-laying of the brick floor, re-roofing of south porch and re-building of porch gable apex, localised brickwork repairs, localised re-pointing externally, repairs to lead work on tower roof, replace broken glazed internal louvers to bell chamber, replace broken single rail with double rail around hatch and replacement of broken plain quarries and repairs to leaded lights. Replace tower parapet stones on the southeast and southwest corners, removal, re-leading and refitting of the leaded light panels on windows within the chancel and aisle at St Helens Church, Humber Lane, Skeffling – Approved 21/03873/PLF - Erection of a two storey extension to rear of dwelling and replacement garage/outbuilding at Wray House, Station Road, Keyingham – Approved
Website - www.flatpack-builders.com
Withernsea FEASTival event rescheduled
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EAST Riding of Yorkshire Council took the decision to postpone Withernsea FEASTival, which was planned to go ahead in Valley Gardens on the weekend of February 19 and 20. This decision was taken due to concerns around the safety of setting up the
stalls on Friday afternoon and packing down on Sunday evening, when wind gusts were forecast to reach 64mph. These conditions would have prohibited a safe set-up of the event. A spokesperson for East Riding Council said: “We will take the opportunity to learn from events in other
locations and maximise the economic uplift for Withernsea that this event will bring later in 2022.” The council is now working with The Market Square Group to identify the best possible date for rescheduling this event which they are hoping to announce in early March.
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