Taglines Gravity’s
film poster
The tagline for Gravity is ‘Don’t let go’ hinting to the fact that the astronaut letting go of her space shuttle.
Title The title, ‘Gravity’ is a scientific word, which usually relates to falling from the sky to the earth. The film is about an astronaut who is unfortunately detaches from her space shuttle which makes her float in outer space where there is no gravity.
Image The image of an astronaut suggests the film is about outer space. It catches the viewer’s eyes, as it is the same colours as the writing. The colour of the background Actors swamps the image The Actors are suggesting fearthe for second the biggest words on the astronaut. poster, other than the Title. This is because the actors are well known and people will choose to see this because of the famous actors. Another reason why the actors are in big writing is because there are only a few characters in the film; Sandra Bullock and George Clooney are the main characters, which the film is based around.
Dating and Extra Information On this poster, the date for release is an exact date instead of a season or just ‘coming soon’. The fact it is a date suggests the promotion company were confident the film would benefit from an early date.
Directors and Producers The Producers and Directors are in smaller writing as they are less well known compared to the actors. They are still on the poster but just in a smaller font.
Quotes, Ratings and RecommendationsAwards This film poster doesn’t have quotes, There are no awards on this poster linking ratings or recommendations as perhapspossibly to the fact that the film hadn’t the film had not been released yet so no come out at that point implying no one one had been able to view and has seen it for it to have an award. comment on it.