MIdwest Horse Digest January 2009

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January 09

January 09

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midwest horse digest

January 09


his month we have added a new column called Horse World Heroes, featuring a story about an individual in our industry who has overcome tremendous obstacles. Many times we are not aware of the challenges those around us may have faced to get where they are at today, nor the part the horse played in it. We hope you find these stories both interesting and inspirational, and we are looking for more stories. So if you know someone who we can highlight in this new feature please let us know.


Midwest Horse Digest

Rahn Greimann, Publisher, Owner and Editor © 2008 Greimann Industries 35418 90th Street Blue Earth, MN 56013 507-526-5943 Fax 507-526-2629

Advertising Contacts Mark Bahls 507-943-3355/Fax 507-943-3352 mark@horsedigests.com Peg Bahls 507-943-3355/Fax 507-943-3352 peg@horsedigests.com Andrea Jo Kroening 952-237-5311 andrea@horsedigests.com Midwest Horse Digest is distributed FREE at equine-related businesses in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Northern Illinois and North and South Dakota. No material from this publication may be copied or in any way reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Neither the advertisers nor Greimann Industries are responsible for any errors in the editorial copy.. Greimann Industries reserves the right to refuse any advertising which we deem unsuitable for our publication. No liability is assumed for errors in or omissions of advertisers in this publication. Opinions and views expressed in articles and advertisements are not necessarily those of the publisher, editors or employees, nor does publication of any opinion or statement in Midwest Horse Digest constitute an endorsement of the views, opinions, goods or services mentioned. While every possible effort is made to make our publication accurate and timely, Midwest Horse Digest does not warrant the accuracy of material contained in any article or the quality of goods or services contained in any advertisement.

To all of our advertisers, distributors and readers - we thank you! Pick up Midwest Horse Digest every month at over 800 feed stores, tack shops, veterinarians, farriers and equestrian centers across the Upper Midwest. If your location does not get Midwest Horse Digest call us at 507-526-5943 or email rahn@horsedigests.com Please direct all editorial and correspondence, as well as change of address to: rahn@horsedigests.com or call 507-526-5943

e would also like to make a comment on the economy. We hear bad news everywhere around us, but we would like to put a bit of prospective on it other than what the media pumps out at us. I recently read these headlines - “Recession starts taking Toll: Will it lead to another crash?” and “Worries are building that today’s sagging economy may be on the brink of collapse.” These were in the U.S. News & World Report in November of 1974. YES - 1974!!! During the first term of Ronald Reagan, in the latter part of 1982, the unemployment rate rose to 10.8%. Today, amazingly, 92-94% of Americans are still working. The Point - pay attention to what you are listening to, mainstream media is sensationalism at an extreme. Hope this helps put things in a little different light.

Be proud to be an American! Take care, Rahn Greimann, Mark & Peg Bahls

This Month in Midwest Horse Digest Craig Cameron Leader of the Pack

page 23

Chris Cox -

The Importance of Disengaging the Hindquarters page 6

Ken McNabb -

Mary Hamilton Training in the Winter

page 19

Western Pleasure Jennifer Lindgren Want to Win.....

page 14

Lynn Palm -

NEW - HORSE WORLD HEROES A Man and His Good-Looking Horse page 25

Communicating with Your Aids … Keys to Success, Part 3” page 10

In The Sort Of Wild

page 26

Creating Silverado Don’t Rattle Your Horse Feed Labels What do they mean

page 8 page 11

Working on Whoa

page 5

Dennis Auslam - Respect, building the foundation..... page 18 Monty Bruce Winter Tune Ups

page 16

Bob Jeffreys/ Suzanne Sheppard -

Is Your Horse Really Halter Broke page 24 About our cover Santiago, Andalusian stallion, ridden by Mario Contreras. Santiago is owned by Rothrock Andalusians Cara & Rocky Rothrock Streator, IL Photo by Rick Osteen Photography We hope you enjoy this issue of

Midwest Horse Digest! We are proud to be able to publish it for you and ask that you support the advertisers that support this magazine. Thank you!

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January 09

midwest horse digest

as markers. Just make sure you have something very specific you are aiming for. When you have an By Ken McNabb with Katherine Lindsey Meehan excellent stop at the trot, you can move up to the lope. Every time you increase your speed, you should stopped in the first place”. If your horse stops review softness again and make sure your but he is leaning on the bridle, use your legs and drive him backwards until he softens. horse is still stepping under himself. Work on After each stop, ride off and change directions. both leads equally, and remember there is no Go somewhere before asking your horse to point in asking for a stop if your horse is not set stop again. Avoid just stopping every ten feet up correctly. If he is bracing on the bit, get him soft before you ask for the stop. If you get a in a straight line again and again. When your stop is completely crummy stop where your horse throws his automatic and your horse is stopping softly on nose out or doesn’t stop when you ask, get the first whoa, you are ready to move up to the him soft and then go right back to work. If you trot. You may need to review softness now that get a good stop, let him rest and reward him. you are going faster. Also make sure that your Make sure you give your horse a chance to horse is stepping under himself and moving catch his breath when he does give you a out nicely at the new speed. Don’t stop every good stop. The point of this exercise is not to five feet. Move out between the stops, so your tire him out so much that he stops, but to horse looks forward to the stop and thinks of it change his attitude and understanding so that as a good place. Remember to reward your he stops when you ask. Moving from a nice stop at the walk horse and pet him when you are resting after a good stop so he knows he is doing the right to a nice stop at the lope will take multiple training sessions. Take your time, go back to thing. Picture your horse’s hind feet basics if you are having trouble, and enjoy driving up under him all the way to his front improving your horse’s training. Until next legs. This won’t actually happen, but if you are time, may God bless the trails you ride. picturing this it will help you get the hind end For more information on Ken McNabb’s really driving. Use your seat and legs to drive programs call us at 307-645-3149 or go to www.kenmcnabb.com. your horse forward. For the horse to do what you want, you must know what you want. Make sure you have a clear picture in your head of what you want each stop to look like, and pick an exact place you want your horse to stop each time. You can use sections of the arena wall as markers, or if you are outside you can use rocks or trees

Working On Whoa

This month, we will work on improving your horse’s stop. “Whoa” may well be the most important cue you teach. It is essential for your safety that you can get your horse stopped when you need to. Before you start teaching these exercises, you should review the one rein stop and back up. Once you have your horse doing both of these well, you are ready to move on to the two rein stop. There are two things that are important throughout this exercise: your horse must soften on the bridle, and he needs to be moving out and stepping under himself. Don’t let him shuffle along at the walk or jog. Get a nice energetic gait before you start working on your stops, and keep that energy throughout the exercise. The hind end needs to be driving under your horse. If the hind end is already trailing behind when you ask for the stop, you will always get a stop on the front end. How you ask for the stop is very important. First, think about what you want – a stop. Then take your legs completely off your horse. Relax your seat and drop your shoulders down into your hips. It is easy to throw your shoulders back in this step, but that gets in your horses way and puts you in an incorrect position. Sink down, not back. Now, exhale and say “whoa” quietly and calmly. If your horse stops with his nose soft, let him stand for a few seconds, then back up a few steps. You want to teach your horse that the bit always means think backwards. This gets him using his hind end. For your horse to think this way, you need to think this way too. So when you are asking for a stop, think of a back up. If your horse is going forward, he has to stop before he can go backwards. So if you are thinking of and asking for a back up, your stop will be there as part of the process. Practice this at the walk until the stop is automatic. Only then are you ready to move up to the trot. When you are asking for a stop, only say whoa once. If you keep saying “whoa, whoa, whoa” as your horse is still walking forward you are teaching him to ignore you. So, say whoa once, then when you get your horse stopped back him up to the place where you originally said whoa. Stop him there and only then repeat “whoa” once. What you are telling him is “this is where you should have

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midwest horse digest

January 09

Importance of Disengaging By Cynthia McFarland with Chris Cox end is where all the power comes from. It teaches the horse to respect your space, loosens up his entire body, helps you regain control, and puts the horse’s focus where it should be: on you. “Most of the problems people have, including horses running off, bucking, rearing, and being pushy, all come from those strong hindquarters,” notes Chris. “It’s the engine that drives the horse forward, yet most people are always trying to control the horse by pulling on his head. If you can learn early on how to disengage those hindquarters, you give yourself control. Think of the front end, particularly the head, as just the ‘steering wheel’ while all the power comes from the hindquarters. That’s the ‘engine’ you want to control. “This exercise applies to every age horse,” adds Chris. “You can eliminate a lot of future problems, if you go through this step-by-step system.”

Imagine having a training technique that can teach the horse to respect your space, focus his attention on you, What You’ll Need and give you control of both his body and You will be working with your horse in mind. Once you learn how to effectively disen- a confined space, but it doesn’t have to be gage the horse’s hindquarters, you will be a small area. Your lead rope is a vital tool for amazed at how much easier it is to work with this lesson. The horse is wearing only your horse. a halter with a long lead; Chris uses a rope “Many horse owners don’t realize how halter and 13-foot long lead rope with important successful groundwork is to a soft leather popper on the end for everything balance. they will be He prefers the doing with rope over a their horse,” stick or whip explains interbecause you nationallynever set it respected down and the horseman horse always and clinician knows this. Chris Cox, The rope whose practiserves as both cal, step-bya directional step training and correctionmethods have al tool. You made him should pracpopular with tice handling horse owners the lead rope of all ages before you and from actually work Chris' body posture and expression are making this horse move his many different with the horse hindquarters. The lead rope is completely slack. disciplines. so you can photo: courtesy Chris Cox Horsemanship Co. use it most “Disengaging effectively. the horse’s “Always hindquarters is one of the most important make sure your hand is on top of the rope, not things you will learn in basic groundwork and is underneath it,” says Chris. “This will allow you critical for maintaining control of your to use it properly to get the correct response horse,” says Chris. “Once you can control the from your horse. You don’t hold your reins hind end, you can control the whole body and underneath and you don’t hold your lead rope the mind. Learn how to do this effectively and that way either. If your hand is underneath as you can easily move your horse’s body and you twirl the rope, it becomes hard to handle.” capture his total attention without even Always twirl the rope over, not under. As you touching him.” twirl, let the rope feed through your fingers to Disengaging the hindquarters takes the make it longer. Start with a little bit of rope and power away from the horse because the hind twirl overhand feeding it through your hand

little by little to get it as long as you want. Switch from hand to hand as your practice so you can use it effectively on both sides since you will have to change hands depending on which side of the horse you are working. Getting Down to Business Chris mentally divides the horse’s body into two parts. The “drive line” is the dividing point and it falls about where the girth would be. “If you’re in front of this imaginary line, you’re driving the horse’s front end,” he explains. “If you’re behind this line, you’re driving his hind end. You need to know this as you work with the horse.” There are three important places on the horse to remember when handling him on the ground: 1. Point of hip 2. Point of shoulder 3. Middle or side of shoulder Define your boundary lines and stick to them! In order to stay safe, don’t go past the middle of the shoulder when doing this exercise. You will use the lead rope as an extension of your arm, if necessary. “Ideally, you should be able to stand still and use your expression and your lead rope to make the horse move,” says Chris. “When you have to move your feet a lot, the horse is ‘winning.’ You want to make the horse move, rather than you do much moving.” As you hold the lead rope, remember that your “driving hand” is always the hand holding the tail of the rope. Your “direction hand” is the one closest to the horse’s halter. Look at your horse from the side standing still. Imagine a line extending out several feet from the middle of his shoulder. Now draw a mental line from his hindquarters that will come out and intersect with the line from his shoulder. Where these two lines come together is what Chris refers to as the “corner.” The key is always to stay wide, not right next to the horse, when “going to the corner.” You don’t want the horse to disengage his hindquarters and move over when you just walk up to his side at the shoulder. You want him to stand still unless you are going to the corner and actively asking him to disengage. Step by Step Follow these steps to disengage the hindquarters: Focus on point of hip, don’t look at the horse’s head. Stay in front of the side or middle of the shoulder. Keep your driving hand still at your waist level Go to the “corner” - ask horse to move hind end over by going to the “corner,” the imaginary line from hind end angled up to side of shoulder, and pointing with direction hand, use expression (body language) and point at the horse’s hip with your directional hand.Your body should be in a slight crouch with your focus on the point of hip.

January 09

the Hindquarters

midwest horse digest United States in 1986 to make a career of working with horses. Years of working horseback on the ranch near Queensland gave Chris a healthy respect for the horse’s

If the horse doesn’t move his hindquarters over, twirl the rope with your driving hand until he moves that hind end over. Use more body language and twirl as aggressively as needed to get the horse to move. Some horses are more laid back than others and you may have to actually pop the hindquarters lightly with the end of rope to get them to move the first couple times. After he “gets” it, let him stand still a few minutes and Notice how Chris keeps his eye on the hip to help encourage the horse's “soak.” Resting is his reward movement. for doing something right. photo: courtesy Chris Cox Horsemanship Co. Licking the lips is a sign the horse is relaxed. Once the horse disengages, ask him to ability and intelligence, and helped him develop his own methods of individualized disengage from both sides. Vary the pace and move at different training. Active in the cutting horse world as both a speeds so the horse doesn’t get bored. Remember: If your feet are moving, the trainer and competitor, Chris has trained a variety of breeds for different disciplines. He horse’s feet should be moving faster! The horse should end up facing you with his travels the United States, Canada, South body angled towards you, not away. America and Australia appearing at expos, Remember, you’re not asking him to walk off, conducting clinics and horsemanship just to disengage his hindquarters and move demonstrations. His “Come Ride the Journey’ them to the side. His front end should basically stay in the same spot while the hind end swings over to whichever side you are directing him to go. “It doesn’t really have anything to do with the lead rope,” Chris points out. “It’s all about your body language and position. Your expression is everything! Use your body language more than your voice.” Hold the lead rope, but don’t pull on the horse’s head. Think of the horse’s body as a ship with his hind end being the rudder. Disengaging the hindquarters gives you control of the head, front end and hind end. Because there’s more weight on the horse’s front end than hind end, it’s actually easier for him to move his hindquarters. “Don’t ‘lie’ to your horse. Follow through whenever you ask the horse to do something,” says Chris. “If you ask your horse to do something, don’t quit until he responds to what you ask. It doesn’t have to be perfect at first. Reward the horse’s slightest try any time he is trying to give back.” Short lessons are best, but never quit on a negative. Always end your training session on a positive note with the horse doing what you ask, even if it’s a simple task. This lesson is covered in detail on DVD/video 2 in Part I of the Chris Cox Horsemanship Instructional Program, and in his Western Horseman book, Ride the Journey. Up Close with Chris Cox Ranch-raised in Australia, Chris came to the

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tour takes him to cities across the U.S. each year. Chris offers week-long intensive horsemanship clinics at his Outback Ranch in Mineral Wells, Texas. In 2008, Western Horseman released Ride the Journey, by Chris Cox with Cynthia McFarland, a 225-page, full color book that details Chris’ practical methods and training techniques. Packed with step-by-step exercises and color photos, the book will help you improve your horsemanship skills, no matter what discipline or breed you ride. Visit www.chris-cox.com or call Chris Cox Horsemanship Company at 1-888-81-HORSE for information about the Ride the Journey book, upcoming course dates and appearances, equipment and training DVDs.

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midwest horse digest

January 09

Creating Silverado -Reprinted with permission from author, Ryan Gueningsman, Delano Herald Journal

“Silverado.”The word means different things to different people. Some people think of pickup trucks. Some think of the 1985 movie by that name. Some associate it with a local country music band, and yet others may think of it as a destination. For John Tackaberry of Star West in Delano, it means beauty, peace, and happiness. That is why he chose the name “Silverado” for the large horse recently placed at his business on Highway 12. “Is it not synonymous with heaven?” Tackaberry said. “The name is a western name, and to me, it denotes a western place – that can be anything you want it to be. I think Silverado is that – any place of great beauty, and a state of complete happiness.” Tackaberry has been a Chevrolet dealer for 28 years, yet he did not name his horse after the pickup truck that has the same name. Instead, Tackaberry has taken his piece of art one step further – and placed it in his lot in memory of a close friend who recently passed away from cancer, and also to raise awareness for the Minnesota Horse Council, which assists with the rescue, shelter, and care of horses. John T. McQuay was considered by Tackaberry as a brother, friend, and now, the “rider in the sky.” McQuay and his wife, Dorothy, owned and operated Tumbleweed Boots & Western Wear in Ham Lake, and from 1983 to 1999, the large horse,

known at the time as “Andy,” stood in front of their store. “John (McQuay) was diagnosed with colon cancer,” Tackaberry said of his friend. “At the same time, a developer decided to buy the store.” The store was sold to the property developer, and everything was removed by McQuay and his family from the property – including the large horse. Tackaberry said McQuay had a passion for horses, having been involved in many capacities, including past president and captain, of the Zuhrah Shrine Horse Patrol. “He was a good guy, and very active in the horse community,” Tackaberry said. John McQuay died in February 2008, and Tackaberry took part in McQuay’s funeral procession with a horse and empty saddle. “Dorothy decided to sell a bunch of things,” Tackaberry recalled. He couldn’t make it to the sale himself, but that’s when he asked Dorothy about the horse. She saved it for him, and the rest is history. The horse was brought back to Star West in Delano, where Tackaberry’s collision center s t a f f

began to re-sculpture it and prepare it to be painted. Enter into the picture another old friend of Tackaberry’s – Dr. James Turner of Mound – who set to the task of creating the work of art. Turner, who has been an anesthesiologist at Ridgeview Care Center for the past 25 years by day, is also a watercolor artist in his spare time. “John and I are old friends,” Turner said, noting his wife had gotten to know John through his involvement with the Hennepin County Mounted Patrol. Tackaberry knew Turner was a watercolor artist, and called on his friend to create a vision of the horse as being not just a painted horse, but to go beyond that. Tuner said he and Tackaberry went through a long process of developing sketches, and eventually chose the theme that adorns the horse. “I like the idea of Star West and stars being a part of it,” Turner said. Once a design was in place, Turner faced his next challenge – making it weather-resistant and able to withstand winds and weather elements being so high in the air. Tackaberry wanted to have it last without fading. With his experience in automobiles, he felt the best way to do it was to paint it like an automobile and clearcoat it so it has fade resistantance and longevity. “That was difficult,” Turner admitted. “There are very few paints that’ll hold up to clearcoating.” Yet another challenge with the auto paint was that it is typically meant to be spray painted, not brushed. It’s like a glue. It dries fairly quickly,” Turner explained, adding that the paint also had to be temperature-controlled, which wasn’t an issue because Turner has a heated barn that he used for the painting process.

January 09 He began painting the horse in pieces, doing the background first, and then progressing with each additional layer. Each layer came a bit easier to Turner, as he had a better grasp of how much paint to mix and about how long it would take him. “It was real interesting from an art standpoint,” Tuner said. “I had about a month to five weeks in it from beginning to end, from the design to painting.” At a Star West Thanksgiving party Nov. 15, Turner had the chance to meet Dorothy McQuay, and learned the history of the horse that he had spent the last month painting. “My husband, John, and I purchased the rearing horse from Calamity Jeans Western Shop in, I believe, 1983, when they wanted to sell it,” Dorothy McQuay recalled. The owner of Calamity Jeans was a man named Andy, so therefore, Andy became the horse’s name as well, and Andy found a new home in Ham Lake. “At that time, the horse was a sorrel brown solid color, and since we were placing it in front of our Western Wear Shop, Tumbleweed Boots & Western Wear, we wanted him to be noticed by people driving by, so we had it painted brown and white,” McQuay said. After it was painted and in front of Tumbleweed Boots & Western Wear, passersby weren’t the only ones to notice the horse and western shop. “Several of the neighborhood schools in our area had a challenge to see who could spray paint Andy around the time of their homecoming events, so his private parts were painted blue, red, green and black for the school colors,” McQuay recalled. “John would be out there every year cleaning him up. Several of the kids who did this were actually customers of the store, and they later told us what they had done. Teenage kids can do some things which are harmful, and this could have been one of those things, but John would laugh and go out with his cleaner and take care of the problem. “He said if that was the worst thing they ever did, he was glad it was on Andy, and the kids could have some fun without the drinking and drugs being part of their plan.” Andy stood in front of the Tumbleweed Western Wear building from

midwest horse digest 1983 until 1999, when the McQuays closed their store. Andy then went into storage in the garage at their home, laying on a 1958 Impala until John passed away in February 2008. “Now, he is gorgeous and stands proud being dedicated to my husband, John T. McQuay, and also representing donations to the Minnesota Horse Council to help horses in need in the state of Minnesota,” Dorothy said. And that is something Tackaberry is proud to do. Anyone who sees the horse and is interested, may make a tax-deductible donation to the horse council by placing it in a depository on Tackaberry’s showroom floor. “You have to care for animals,” Tackaberry said, adding that several hundred dollars have already been raised and given to the horse council. “I made it a mission to do all of this. You can have all the ideas in the world,

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but unless someone pushes it, nothing gets done.” Those who know Tackaberry know he is that driving force behind many things. “That’s classic John,” Turner said. “John is continually and enthusiastically involved in the community. He’s always thinking of things to do. Getting involved and giving back to the community – that’s John.” When Turner saw the horse 23 feet off the ground at Star West, he said it actually appeared a little smaller than he thought, but said it was a good feeling. “It does my heart good every time I go by it,” Turner said. “It’s something I’ll remember forever. For more information on the Minnesota Horse Council, visit www.horsesmn.org.

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Communicating with Your Aids … Keys to Success, Part 3” Most people who do any form of exercise know that it is important to warm up. Because a horse is an athlete too, he also needs a pre-exercise warm-up routine to help loosen and limber up his muscles after standing in a stall or in a pasture. A warm-up also prepares the horse’s mind, as well as his body, for the work you will be asking him to do—whether it is schooling, trail riding, pleasure riding, or showing. The same principle applies to the rider’s mounted warm-up. The warm-up is time for the rider to get into correct form and balance as she loosens her muscles and joints. I find it is a pleasant time when I reconnect with my horse before starting the more serious work at hand. Here are some tips for making your

warm-up time more effective. Start the warm-up by letting your horse walk on a loose rein. The warm-up pattern should include very large circles, large turns, and straight lines. The horse should be moving forward, but in a relaxed manner. After warming up at the walk, ask the horse for the trot or jog. The trot is the best gait to limber up the horse. At this point, the rider should not be worried about the horse being “on the bit.” Instead, he should be allowed to move forward on a loose rein with the rider guiding him to stay on the circle, large turn, or the straight line.

January 09 Remember the rule of thumb that you should spend equal time going in both directions. You s h o u l d change directions often to loosen up both sides and to keep the horse’s interest during the warm-

up. I recommend that the rider, even if using a Western saddle, post w h e n trotting/jogging during the warm-up period. Doing so gives the rider the opportunity to warm up and to use her own muscles. As the rider begins to loosen up, she will notice that her muscles respond better and her coordination improves while her thinking slows. The rider begins to relax as her warmed-up body allows her to better follow the horse’s movement. As part of the warm-up, the rider may try taking her feet out of the stirrups to get down in the saddle and closer to her horse. As her body loosens up, she will find she is able to follow the horse’s movement and stay in balance even without stirrups. I am often asked how much time should be allowed for a warm-up. The answer is that there is no set amount of time for a warm-up routine. It depends on many factors that you, the rider, must take into account for each ride. Usually, the colder the weather is, the longer and slower the warm-up should be to loosen up cold muscles and joints. It must be long enough to physically and mentally warm up the horse, but it is not intended to wear him out or bore him! Enough time should be spent in the warm-up so that both sides of the horse are equally loosened up. A good gauge for the rider of how long her warm-up period should be is that she should feel the same balance and relaxation without stirrups as she feels with them. She also should feel her mind slow down and focus, and she should feel positive about the upcoming riding session! In the next article, I will cover the core of communicating with your aids—your seat, your legs, and your hands. For more information about Palm Partnership Training™, visit our website at www.lynnpalm.com.

January 09

midwest horse digest

comment on the effects of an unbalanced trailer tire on a horse. “A shaky floor would be similar to the horse being at a trot,” she explained. “Not only does it stress the joints, it also can make for a nervous horse. This may be a factor in a horse being unwilling to load into your trailer.” “Horses also need to move around during transport,” Selvis added, “which will cause load shift.” You don't need to be a tire expert, but an once of prevention could eliminate a catastrophic event. Along with educating yourself with basic tire maintenance considerations, I would advise, at a minimum, annual professional inspections. Qualified shops will know if you are using the correct tire able to handle the trailers GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) and can also diagnose any problems, such as a lost weight. Even though the life span of a trailer tire is 3 to 5 years, they are not designed to wear. Simply relying on tread depth as the indicator for trailer tire replacement is not the favored method of inspection. Sticking with a major name brand, and always maintaining maximum air pressure in trailer tires, will not only facilitate trailer safety, but will also aid in increased fuel mileage. Our horses are too important to trust their safety with anything short of the best

Don't Rattle Your Horse Written by Steven Scherer Recently, while transporting an injured horse, I pulled the short straw and was relegated to riding in the back of the horse trailer. Only moments in route, I noticed the floor of the trailer shaking underfoot. The vibration was, to say the least, uncomfortable. Although I only had to tolerate about 30 minutes of this, I was left wondering how my horses felt after a long haul. After the eye opening ride in the horse trailer, I decided to do some research into the cause of the vibration. As owner/operator of Tires Plus in Lakeville, MN I have over 20 years of experience in the tire industry. I brought the trailer into my shop and quickly discovered flat spots on the tires. This is a common problem with vehicles that are stored for long periods of time and often can not be seen by visual inspection alone. Simply balancing the tire would not cure the problem: the only course of action was replacement. Tire blow outs are the leading cause of accidents involving horse trailers. Sitting along side the highway with your horse is a dangerous place to be. Common causes of such blow outs are load, age, low air pressure or unbalanced tires. Not always easy to identify, frequent visual inspections would be an advisable safety precaution, along with periodic pro-

fessional inspections. Another contributor to tire blow outs are simply using the wrong tires on your trailer, using the proper tires will do much to keep your horse safe during transport. Tire manufactures develop a variety of trailer tires to accommodate specific trailering needs, and its’ important to understand those differences. ST trailer tires are designed to handle load shift, all the more reason to use the proper tire on a horse trailer. Avoid using LT truck tires, as they may cause excessive sway around corners and may not be as durable when hitting curbs. I would never recommend using P metric car tires. In an effort to fine-tune which tires were best for my trailer, I experimented with five different tire brands. Each was tested on a road force balancer. I watched for how smooth the tires ran out and also the amount of weight needed to balance them. All of the tires chosen were ST trailer tires. My personal favorite was the Goodyear Marathon Radial. One of the tires had a perfect balance requiring absolutely no wheel weight, while the rest of them needed only minimal weights. Most of the time when we are trailering our horses, it is to some type of an event or competition: environments in which we need them to be relaxed and not rattled. Dr. Jennifer Selvis, with Cleary Lake Equine Medical Center, was kind enough to take the time to

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midwest horse digest

Reading Feed Labels ~

What do they really tell you? Look Past the Guaranteed Analysis When we look at feed tags, many of us are over¬whelmed with information and frankly, don’t know what the information actually means. In order to tell what is in your bag of feed, you have to look past the analysis. It gives you a place to start, but here are some tools to make you an educated consumer. The guaranteed analysis will tell you the crude per-centage or ppm (parts per million) levels of several nutrients, but the ingredient listing can

sample of possible ingredients under each collective category. Next, you can consider the fat and fiber content of the feed. Look for feeds that have a minimum of 3% fat and/or a maximum of 10% fiber. If your feed has less fat and/or more fiber, you are

tell you the real story. In order to really know what you are buying, I encourage you to look for feeds that list their ingredients individually, not collectively. The chart below gives you a

assured that there is something in that bag of grain, besides grain! If you then go to the ingredient list, you most likely will find terms like forage products or roughage products. Forage products essentially are dried hay, which isn’t a bad thing, but I’d rather buy hay by the bale than in my $9 bag of grain! The Roughage products term can con-tain some not so digestible things (see Chart below). Remember also, that the lower fat, higher fiber feeds will be less expensive per bag, but you’ll have to feed more of them to due to the “filler”, and therefore can be

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more expensive at the end of the month! Making an Educated Comparison So when looking at one product vs. another it is important to read the tags to determine the better buy. Shown above are two feed tags side by side. When looking at the guaranteed analysis, they look very similar. Here are some important differences though. The tag on the left

appears to have higher mineral levels than the other, but if you look at the ingredient list, you’ll notice that the bag on the right contains “chelated” min-erals (proteinates). These chelated minerals are 25-55% more available than their “inorganic” counterparts (sulfates and oxides). For this reason, the bag on the right has lower gross levels, but actually nets higher levels based on availability. The next and more important thing to note, is that the tag on the right lists all of it’s ingredients individually. This assures you of a fixed formula and consistency from bag to bag. The tag on the left lists ingredients collectively, which allows them to “least cost” formulate and change the contents of your feed based on ingredient pricing. In addition, it’s hard to know the quality of ingredients, for example, protein. Cur-rently the highest quality protein source for horses being added to feed is soybean meal, or a soybean product. This assures you of the best growth and development vs. other lower quality protein sources. When reading the bag on the left, you have no idea what they are using for a protein source because all you see is “plant protein by-products”. Less ex-pensive, lower quality sources may be used and you’d never know the difference. Finally, when comparing feeds, and what most of us make buying decisions on is PRICE! Take a look at the bot-tom of both tags. The bag on the left initially appears to be less expensive, but when you look at the feeding directions you realize it isn’t! The bag on the right is higher quality and more fortified, therefore you can feed less feed and actually spend less per day or per month even though the “bag” costs a few dollars more! Read your tags and buy smart! By: Kelly Ann Graber B.S., P.A.S. Equine Nutrition Consultant for Progressive Nutrition 888-360-2204 or lkgraber@win-4-u.net

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Want to Win?


to physical and mental stress during show season. Show horses are Photos and video often fed off schedule, hauled in a loud trailer, help us deal with reality and put our abilities drink different water every weekend, work on into a clearer perspective. If you don't honless than ideal surfaces, stand tied more than estly and critically assess you and your horse's normal and have to put up with mental abilities against those that win in your division, pressure from us. Did your horse lose weight, you will have difficulty rising to the top. If you become lame, or have a change in appetite at know your faults, you can focus on fixing them. any time during the season? Did he ever seem If you can't see or won't admit to your faults, by Jennifer Lindgren less than enthusiastic about your plans? Use how can you expect to improve your performDissapointed with last year's show season? the winter break to renew his health, ensure ance? Set Realistic Goals for Next Year: At Want to be the one to beat next summer? his soundness, and improve his motivation. If 4. you have concerns about his weight, consult which level would you like to compete next Don't waste this winter break complaining about the weather. Use your time wisely by your veterinarian about a more suitable year? If you are a beginner, it is unlikely that transforming yourself and your horse into an feeding program and be religious about you will be competitive on a National or World deworming every 4 to 6 weeks. level. Focus instead on winning a year end Don't overfeed because a fat high point or a circuit award. However, if you horse is not a fit and healthy are winning every class you enter at rated horse. Make sure you shows, you are definitely ready for the big provide much needed time. But, realize that as you rise through vitamins and minerals. Keep the levels of competition, the costs of him up to date on all shots competing increase drastically. If you just need and have his teeth checked experience, stick with the local and open show and floated. Ask your farrier if circuit. These one day shows are very his hooves would benefit economical, more relaxed, and a great way to from going barefoot (pull his learn. Compare your goals with your budget shoes) for the winter. Make and create a reasonable plan to make it sure all hoof polishes have happen. been removed thoroughly 5. Teach Your Horse a New Skill: The (they dry out the hoof) and five months until next show season is ample apply hoof dressings when time for you to review, reteach, and refresh needed. Groom your horse your horse's skills. Refresh your own knowldaily and keep his tail edge and get new ideas before climbing into braided and bagged. the saddle. The internet provides easy access 2. Maintain a healthy to tips from many well known, experienced Teaching your horse showmanship basics is a great way to be active in the winter without working up a sweat. Carrie Huff's hard work during the win- environment for your horse. Bacteria trainers. John Lyons, Julie Goodnight, Tommy ter pays off in multiple wins during show season. Photo courtesy: Huff can still grow despite the cold. Garland, Cherry Hill, and Clinton Anderson all Family. Keep the water bucket clean with a provide free training tips through their webscrub brush and remove all the bits of sites. I highly recommend that all competitors unbeatable team. As the stress and dirt hiding in the ice. Whenever possible, (no matter what style they ride) learn both excitement of last summer's show season fades into memories, many competitors get the remove your horse's blanket and brush him showmanship and dressage basics. winter time blues. I teach my students to take thoroughly. Check for rub marks, and bumps Showmanship demands extensive groundwork advantage of the break by using the time to set on his coat. Wash the blanket every two and teamwork and can successfully be taught new goals, learn an additional skill, fine tune weeks. If your horse gets turned out, clean the in the aisle of the barn. their performance, and reconnect with their ice and snow out of his hooves daily. Barns that are closed up tight start to horses. Winner's don't take the winter off. smell quickly. This ammonia odor does Both horsesand riders benefit from a break in affect your horse so be sure to provide their routine but this doesn't mean that you adequate ventilation. You can cut down should sit on the couch and leave your horse on the odors by super cleaning the urine in his stall. A break after show season is not spots in the stall and adding extra bedbeneficial if you both get out of shape, dis- ding. Review Last Season's connect, and lose sight of your goals. Now is 3. the time that you will either push ahead of or Performances: Is your horse excelling in fall behind the competition. You might want to the classes you chose for him? Did you stay in the house under a warm blanket but compete in all the divisions you planned your horse does not want to be trapped inside to? Did you place in every class you his stall. It is crucial to your horse's physical entered? Did you do better than the year and mental health to remain active. No matter before? Are you frustrated with your how cold it is, you must take them out of their progress? Look at all your pictures and stalls as much as possible! Here are some video clips and compare them to what you Evaluating your performance during last year's show season see in breed magazines and online. helps you focus on new goals and challenges. MTA ideas to get you motivated during the winter. Sakhojawhea and owner Gordon Brouillettee are now ready Remember, we all suffer from “barn for new challenges after winning multiple championships at blindness� and lose objectivity when 1. Evaluate Your Horse's Health: This the 2008 Pinto World. photo courtesy: Krylesa Sadowski. critiquing ourselves and our horses. is extremely important! All horses are subject

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Teaching your horse a new skill or trick is a great way to improve communication during a long cold winter.

On the coldest of days, you can practice your communication skills along with exercising your horse. (Horses need to move and get their blood flowing to maintain good health.) Dressage techniques are followed by winning riders of every discipline because they help in developing clear, precise communication between horse and rider. To break the monotony of winter, teach your horse some tricks like counting or bowing. Remember, no matter which new activity you choose, make it a fun learning experience that emphasizes bonding, trust and communication. 6. Give Yourself a Tune-Up: We are all guilty of developing bad habits. Taking lessons on a different horse or in a different discipline helps you to break them. If you don't have a warm indoor arena, consider taking lessons at a facility that offers one. Many trainers offer winter tune-up specials to keep their barn busy in the off season. You spent time evaluating your horse's health and weight, what about your own? If you aren't healthy, you can't expect to become a top class athlete. Grooming and walking your horse every day will burn as much calories as going to the gym and its lots more fun. Do your show clothes need updating or repair? Now is a good time to create a very unique, eye catching rail shirt. Remember, winning at any sport requires a combination of factors; experience, training, physical ability, attitude, and luck. You have five months to improve every one of these, except for the luck! Stay Warm and Be Safe! Jennifer Lindgren has been an All-Breed Judge since 1985. For information on clinics or private coaching, contact jenlind22@msn.com. Lessons are available at Forestview Farm in Tinley Park, IL. Copyright Š 2008 by Jennifer Lindgren, all rights reserved.

www.horsedigests.com online photo classifieds, more articles, video, events and more!

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Winter Tune Ups By Monty Bruce

Our horses are getting long haired and wooly, putting on their winter coats and I’m digging out heavier and heavier coats, insulated riding boots, worm chaps, and dreaming about Texas this time of year. It’s Winter Again! What do we do with our horses? Do we put them away until we can ride outside again? If you do they will be out of shape and unresponsive, and it will take a month to get them back into shape. If we have access to an indoor arena most of them are small. What can we get done in that small of a pen? Years ago I spent a couple of winters in a very small indoor and trained several horses over the winter in a pen that was only 45 x 50. I will say, to get a lot done you have to be creative.

We have spent all summer trail riding, showing, competing, and having fun on our horse, now, since we can’t be out side and do some of their events we can really concentrate on some training over the winter. We can work on more softness and control on the body parts of our horse; getting his face, flexing, bending, and getting him to brake at the pole. Sometimes I think it can help us if we think about just playing with our horses, rather than training, keep everything laid back and relax. Just play a game with your horse…like, how far can I get your head down or how responsive can I get you off my leg, or how smooth and fast can I get you to back up, by just barely picking up on the reins? We can set up some simple obstacles to help keep our horse’s attention. It gives the horse a reason for doing something. For example: A. Lay a log (or pole) on the floor and ask your horse to side pass directly over it, and try not to touch it with his front or rear feet. As he gets better increase the level of difficulty. B. Make a pole path in the shape of an L or with a 90 degree turn in it. Now try to back your horse through the path without hitting his feet on either side. This increases hip control; you must move his hip over to make the corner. C. Set several logs in a row. Trot over them and then back over it. Get creative setting up

tioned by the National Reined Cow Horse Association, and organized by the North Central Reined Cow Horse Association, an affiliate of the NRCHA. “The idea behind this is to get the very best horses and riders available,” said Steve Mattson, president of the North Central Reined Cow Horse Association. Spectators will see each pair of horse and rider first work a prescribed reining pattern. They will be judged individually on the quality of every required maneuver. After the reining pattern is complete, the rider will stop his or her horse in the center of the arena and signal their readiness for the start of the next stage of competition. A single cow will be released into the arena and the horse and rider pair works this cow one-on-one -- demonstrating cow sense, courage and communication. This work with the cow also follows a prescribed pattern, including taking the cow down the fence at a high rate of speed, all the while keeping position and control. “This is a very exciting competition,” said Mattson. “It’s one of the most popular events to watch.” During the Nutrena Reined Cow Horse $10,000 Shootout, riders will compete in one open class, and the best horses will

your trail or obstacles coarse.

All of these ‘games’ keep the horse and us thinking. It also gives us something fun and specific to accomplish and is a low stress way to get our horse more responsive. Each time we ask our horse to do any of these games; remember to keep our hands softer and smoother. D. You can spend a lot of time working on your stops. Just at a trot. Trotting my horse in a circle keeps him guessing and listening to me. Set down first, pick up the reins and if he doesn’t stop….send him off again. Then ask him again; Repetition, Repetition, Repetition, until you get a good one. E. Work on neck reining you horses around the pen, this way and that. Lay the rein on his neck and give him a moment to respond. If he doesn’t pull him with the inside rein and bump him with the outside leg. If you are in a small pen we can keep all these exercises very slowly, which will help keep our hands soft and slow and make our horses quiet and relaxed. Even if we only have 15 min. a day in a very small space to ride in we can do our horses a lot of good. Keep them thinking, responsive and progress their training if we only get creative. Good luck and God Bless, Monty Bruce If I can be of any help feel free to email me at mbtc02@msn.com.

Shootout Will Bring Top Horses & Riders to Compete! Nutrena Reined Cow Horse $10,000 One of the most exciting and thrilling to watch horse events is coming to the 2009 Midwest Horse Fair® – and with $10,000 in prizes, the competitors will be riding to win. The Nutrena Reined Cow Horse $10,000 will leave the crowd in the Veterans Memorial Coliseum on their feet and shouting for more. With the 2009 theme, “SuperHorse,” the Midwest Horse Fair® will be celebrating 30 years of bringing the very best in premier horse fairs to the Midwest. This three-day event, scheduled for April 17-19 at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wis., features numerous world class equine clinicians, provides promotional opportunities for equine-related businesses, and promotes the importance of the equine industry in the Midwest. The Nutrena Reined Cow Horse $10,000 Shootout is open to 15 of the very best horse and rider teams in the nation. Competitors from South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota, and other states are expected. To ensure that only the most elite riders and their mounts will be represented, the riders will be pre-qualified and selected. This event is nationally sanc-

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compete against each other regardless of age or breed. This event will be part of the “SuperHorse” Saturday night show, which also includes the Midwest Mustang Challenge finals. “Come and experience the Reined Cow Horse Adventure,” said Mattson. “See horsemanship at its extreme and watch one of the fastest growing equine sports in the nation. This sport combines the precision and softness of reining with the speed and unpredictability of the fence work to make a fun and exciting event to watch. So please come and let us show you why we like to call this the greatest horseshow on dirt.” The Midwest Horse Fair® is owned by the Wisconsin State Horse Council, Inc. All proceeds from the Fair are returned to the WSHC and are used to represent and foster a unified equine industry in Wisconsin, promote the equine through leadership, education, service and communication, and to take a proactive role in the future growth and development of the equine industry. The best way to get a sneak peek at all of the upcoming attractions for this three-day event is to visit the Midwest Horse Fair® website at www.midwesthorsefair.com. Visit often as new events and clinicians are added on a regular basis.

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midwest horse digest facility in the 5 State Region. We are going to be collecting items to be put on the auction site for anyone to bid on via the new wave of the internet. The item descriptions can be emailed to RJArenaFundraiser@yahoo.com. We will list them on the auction site and when they sell you as the donator can ship them to the highest bidder (buyer to pay shipping). Payment will be sent to a local bank in honor of the Sundby family. We are trying to get as many people involved in doing this fundraiser as possible and by putting an auction online we are not limiting it to a local event. Once we get items in we will be posting them on the auction site. Please start watching after January 1, 2009. If there is any way possible that you would be able to help us return their livelihoods to them it would be greatly appreciated.

Online Benefit Auction for R and J There is going to be an Auction on www.horsecityauctions.com in hopes of raising funds to help restore one of our Horse Showing Facilities here in MN. Ron & Judy Sundby have been in the horse sale business since 1984 and have grown with the industry in many ways. In 1994, they purchased their existing property in Verndale , MN and have added to the facility ever since. On Sunday, December 21st the Sundby family lost a great portion of their business in a horrible fire. Some of the facilities lost include: the sales auction area, kitchen area, horse barn 1, Sundby Trailer Sales offices and A Bit Of Tack – western store, which is owned by their daughter Sarah (Sundby) Madsen and their son Ryan Sundby. Central MN R&J Arena & Event Center is one of largest horse sale/show

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Thank You in Advance for your Support to this Worthy Cause. MBRA Futurity: Erin & Sue/MN Lakes Futurity: Jess Erin Bayer - 763-772-2683 mbrastallionauction@yahoo.com www.mbra.us

Visit us online at www.horsedigests.com for even more info, photo classifieds, community events, training videos and new things coming all the time.....

We have many opportunities for you to promote your equine related business. For more information call Mark or Peg at 507-943-3355 email: mark@horsedigests.com or peg@horsedigests.com or call Andrea Jo at 952-237-5311 or email: andrea@horsedigests.com


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January 09

Respect - Building the Foundation That Will Keep You Safe by Dennis Auslam

If you cannot work with your horse safely on the ground the chances of you getting hurt in the saddle are much more likely. I cannot stress this enough. I see this so much and I see people get hurt, so I am going to say it again, if you cannot work with your horse safely on the ground it is almost guaranteed that if you get in the saddle you are going to get hurt! If you have no respect from the horse on the ground you are just not going to get the respect you need when you are in the saddle. You need to establish rules on the ground first. This is going to give you the respect you need from the horse, the confidence you yourself need and give the horse the confidence that he needs to have in you.

Working with the horse on the ground is going to give you a better idea of the mechanics of the horse and how the horse thinks and reacts, all things you need to know before you ever get in the saddle. Everything we do with groundwork puts a better foundation on the horse.It is this foundation that will keep you safe whether you are walking the horse across the yard or going on a trail ride in new territory. I start with lungeing and the whoa, working to achieve a smooth turn and be in control of the horses’ shoulder. Respect starts with getting control of the horses’ shoulder. Starting out, we are going to ask the horse to move forward on a line. I utilize a tapping stick to help with moving out and help keep the horse from moving into me.Ask the horse to move forward and go into a trot and also make sure he keeps his attention focused on me. This is accomplished by keeping his nose turned into me slightly, If he turns his nose away or takes his eye off of me I am going to tug the line to keep his attention, bumping that nose in. Now, I am going to ask him to whoa. I will ask, tell and then correct. I say “Whoa,” if he does not stop I give him a stern “WHOA” amd of he still does not stop I correct him with a very stern “WHOA!” and a very direct and firm tug on the line. Next, I will ask him to change directions and go the other way. So I am going to switch the hands I have the line and the stick in and open up the direction I want him to go in with my arm and line and tap him to move forward, moving the shoulder away from me. I want to get the respect out of his shoulders before I go to the next step. After I have him moving off nicely I am again going to ask for the whoa. In most instances this will come quicker then the first time and I will not have to get to the third whoa with correction, but sometimes it can take the horse three, four or five times to figure this out.The goal is to get the horse to lunge around me and to change directions on command , working off his backend and rolling that shoulder out of my space. It usually doesn’t take very long for them to figure this out and start moving off nicely when asked and turning smoothly with just the use of your body langauage. Once I have his attention and have him moving out correctly and turning correctly I want him to start listening to my body. When

he is doing that I know he is prepared to do to this next step. I will test the horse by walking off and asking him to respect the space around me. I will walk off, stop and back up. When you do this you do not want to stop and turnaround and make eye contact. I want the horse to move off with me and stay out of my space, stop when I stop, and back up when I back up. If he does not stop or moves into my space I am going to move him out of my space with my stick and/or the line, tapping of tugging as forcefully as I need to to get him out of the imaginary bubble of space around me. If he does not back up when I back up I am going to reach around and tap him with my stick to let him know he has to respect my space and back up. I want the horse to pay attention to me, I do not want to have to drag him, and I do not want to have to force him to stop. When he is paying attention I have some respect and am on the road to getting the respect I need to have. If the horse knows his boundaries and I take the gray area out of what is expected of him I have a happier horse and a more pleasant horse. The horse actually appreciatess knowing where they are supposed to be and what they are supposed to be doing. Next month we are going to work at softening the horse and getting the horses feet exactly where I want them. In the meantime, practice, practice, practice. God Bless and have a safe 2009! Dennis Auslam is the owner/operator of Redwood Stables in Morton, MN. He trains both horse and rider through lessons and clinics and runs a regular schedule of clinics in Confidence Building, Horsemanship and Cattle Work and has recently added a Challenge Trail Course to his facility. He is scheduled to be a clinician a number of Horse Fairs and Expos around the country in 2009, hosts clinics at his facility and also does outside clincs. If you are interested in hosting a clinic please contact us. I you are interested in attending a clinic you can check out our clinic schedule on the website. You can set up a clinic at your facility with Dennis by contacting him at 507-430-0342 or email him at redwoodstables@redred.com. We invite you to visit the website at www.redwoodstables.com for more information.

January 09

Ask Mary: What are some ways to keep up on horse training during the cold winter months? Winter can present many challenges to riders; icy footing, sweaty horses that need to dry before turn out, snow balls under hooves, just bundling up to go to the barn can be a chore. But there are also many advantages to riding through the winter. It provides you an opportunity to work on problems you didn’t have time to address in the trail riding season. Think back to the balmy months of summer, maybe your horse did not stand for mounting, maybe your horse wasn’t respectful your space and was crowding you, maybe he needs work side passing or backing on cue. Any of these would be great winter training projects. Ground work training is always a good winter project. Because ground work improves obedience and captures the attention of your horse obedient, respectful horse. Ground work exercises include keeping your horse out of your personal space, leading exercises and yielding to pressure. Ground Work Training A horse that is pushy, crowds you or rubs his itchy head on you, thinks you are lower in rank on the pecking order than he is. He is showing his dominance over you by his behavior. The problem with this pushy behavior is you are not in charge your horse is. He may love you but he won’t listen to you. Think about the dominant horse in your pasture. In the world of horse, they use kicks, bites, head buts and kicks to occupy personal space. The bottom horse in the herd would not even think about rubbing his itchy head on alpha mare or eating her hay. She would chase him out of her personal space. To train your horse to stay out of your personal space, first decide how much space you own. Is it a foot around you? Or two feet? It is confusing to a horse if one day he can rub his head on you (no space) and the next day he gets reprimanded for it. Set your space standards then stick to them. If your horse comes in your space zone, move him back out of it using fingertip pressure on the violating area. If he tries to rub his head on you, use your fingers on his jowls to push him back out of your space. The important part is to be consistent with space even when you aren’t training. Remember, you as the dominant partner can move into his space but he can’t move into yours. So you can reach over and give him a rub on an itchy ear but he can’t rub his head on you. Another way to work on ground work is to work on respectful leading. Your

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horse shouldn’t drag you around like a water skier nor should he lag behind you. He needs to be watching and listening to your body position. For this exercise you need a rope halter , lead rope ( a longer one with a leather popper works best) or use a regular lead rope in your right hand and a crop in your left. Lead from a position just in front of your horse’s shoulder. This way he can clearly see you and follow your movements. This side by side position also allows you to use your elbow to push your horse away if he invades your personal space. Hold the lead rope 8 – 10 inches from the snap. Give a verbal command such as “walk on” and walk forward with authority. If your horse doesn’t take your cue and walk at your shoulder, reach back with the crop or the tail of your lead rope and tap him on the hindquarters’ as a consequence. If he walks ahead of you, stop him with a tug with the lead rope and back him up a few steps. He will quickly learn, life is good when he is at your shoulder follow-

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ing your lead. Vary this exercise by speeding up to a trot then slowing back down to a walk. You can also incorporate turns and backing. This is a great exercise to teach your horse to pay attention to your personal space at all times. There is nothing better then an obedient, well mannered horse. To establish a confident relationship with your horse be consistent with personal space and proper leading position. Ground work training on these concepts is a great way to weather winter. Mary is a Mounted Police instructor and a fully insured ARICP riding instructor. She devotes her creative energy to developing customized training programs to improve show ring perfomance, mount obedience and despooking trail horses utilizing training methods used in training police horses. Visit her website at www.riderselite.com or email your questions to Mary at: mary@riderselite.com

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January 09

Craig Cameron, Susan Harris join Stacy Westfall at the 2009 Minnesota Horse Expo Renowned equine artist and anatomy expert Susan Harris and reining trainer and competitor Stacy Westfall in their first appearance at the Minnesota Horse Expo will headline with Texas cowboy and RFDTV host Craig Cameron. Scheduled for April 24-26, the Minnesota Horse Council sponsored Minnesota Horse Expo continues to combine “big-name” speakers with over 600 vendor booths and brings some 300 horses from over 50 breeds and registries to the State Fairgrounds in St. Paul. Daily PRCA rodeos featuring John S. Payne, the famed “One Arm Bandit” specialty act, the huge 4-H administered Expo Tack and Clothing Sale, and free carriage, horse and pony rides guarantees something of interest for everyone at the 2009 Minnesota Horse Expo. Susan E. Harris is an international clinician, equestrian author and artist from Cortland, New York. She has taught, trained, shown, and judged in many equestrian disciplines, including hunters, jumpers, equitation, dressage, eventing, western pleasure and performance, and pleasure, gaited and versatility breeds. Susan has been active in teaching teachers and establishing certification standards for American riding instructors since the l970's. In 2004 she was honored as a Master Instructor by the American Riding Instructor Association. Susan worked with Sally Swift, founder of Centered Riding®, and is qualified as a Level IV Centered Riding clinician. She travels internationally to teach clinics in Horse Gaits, Balance, and Movement, biomechanics of horse and rider, Centered Riding & Centered Jumping for instructors, trainers, judges, and riders of all levels and riding interests. Her unique demonstration, "Anatomy in Motion™/ The Visible Horse", in which she paints the bones and muscles on a live horse, has been a popular attraction at equine expos and clinics across North America and around the world, including EquineAffaire, Equitana, expos in Australia and Europe and the George Morris Horsemastership Clinic in Wellington, FL. Susan Harris is the author and illustrator of popular horse books, including Horse

Gaits, Balance, and Movement, Grooming to Win (3rd edition, 2008) and the U.S. Pony Club Manuals of Horsemanship. With Peggy Brown, she has produced two DVDs: Anatomy in Motion™ I : The Visible Horse, and Anatomy in Motion II: the Visible Rider™. Susan also designed the art and poster for the Breyer Anatomy in Motion model horse. Susan's study of equine and human anatomy and biomechanics as an artist and her experience as an instructor, rider and trainer, have given her a unique perspective on how horses and riders work. Her teaching helps riders discover how to use their bodies better for improved balance and harmony between horse and r i d e r . Susan's knowledge of horse gaits and movement and experience in various breeds and disciplines enable her to help all kinds of riders and horses improve their balance, comfort, movement and performance. Her positive teaching style and visual approach make learning clear, understandable, and enjoyable for riders of all ages and levels, from instructors, trainers, and competitors to 4-H, Pony Club and pleasure riders. When not traveling, teaching or writing, Susan enjoys dressage, jumping, and trail riding on her Clydesdale/Paint gelding, Masquerade. A Native Texan Craig Cameron, one of the original clinicians, is on the road more than 44 weeks a year covering 80,000 miles demonstrating the style of horsemanship he has perfected in the last 23 years. Called the “public defender of the horse,” Craig dedicates himself to those who educate their horses by first educating themselves. At an age where most have long since retired the thought of starting colts, Craig Cameron known as “The Cowboy’s Clinician,” starts hundreds of horses each year; plus his four-day clinics held at his ranches in Bluff Dale, TX and Lincoln, NM blend education with entertainment. Clinic topics range from basic to advanced horsemanship, colt starting, ranch and cattle work, problem-solving, reining and

trail obstacles. This year he plans to incorporate horse-camping and back-country riding techniques into his lesson plans. Craig has created a program that builds confidence and trust between man and horse. Rather than fight the animal, he offers patience and understanding that leaves the horse wanting to do what is asked of him. In the early 80’s Craig was fortunate to meet a man named Ray Hunt who opened his eyes to the art of working through understanding when training horses. Building upon his experiences, Craig uses a philosophy of teaching that eliminates rough handling of horses earning him a well-deserved international following. As a rancher, working cowboy and horse trainer, Craig has just about done it all from cowcalf, stocker operations, custom hay-baling, or capturing wild cattle for fellow ranchers. After years of bull riding on the professional rodeo circuit and successfully operating his cattle business, Craig, decided that it was truly the horse that attracted him. He soon discovered his aptitude for communicating with the horse and meticulously refined and nurtured this talent. He wanted to give back something to the horse. When he was ready, he began conducting western horsemanship clinics and demonstrations to help riders increase their knowledge and understanding of their horse and to keep the cowboy tradition alive. Great insight and effective teaching style has made Stacy Westfall one of the most sought-after clinicians in the industry. She developed her natural horsemanship techniques while advancing her horses for reining competition. Stacy is an AQHA and NRHA Freestyle Reining Champion. Her goal in her training her reining horses was to make the reins unnecessary — literally. And she succeeded, stunning the reining world by going undefeated for two straight years in major freestyle reining competitions. Stacy’s highlight was winning twice while riding bridle-less AND bareback. Her famous 2006 Freestyle Championship ride, seen by millions on the internet, also lead to her appearance on the Ellen Degeneres show, in 2008. Stacy is the only woman to have won the Road to the Horse colt starting competition. Her training approach is proven, and it works. As a wife, businesswoman and mother of three young boys she continues to be a top training clinician and a winning competitor. For all the Minnesota Horse Expo information and updates, visit www.mnhorseexpo.org where links to each speaker’s site can also be found. Reach the Expo Office at 952-3562090 or 1-877-462-8758.

January 09

Road to the Horse Judges Give Insight into Event Judging Each year Road to the Horse chooses highly qualified experts in the equine industry to judge their one-of-a-kind colt starting competition. During the 2009 Road to the Horse in Franklin, Tennessee on March 14-15, the event judges will give insight into what they are looking for by presenting a brief judging clinic on Saturday morning of the event. Road to the Horse fans may send in

Evolutionary Saddles™ Eolutionary Saddles™ introduces the ultimate saddle designed for gaited and nongaited horses & mules in all shapes & sizes. After thousands of hours of in-saddle field-testing and many advances in t e c h n o l o g y, T a u e r Manufacturing LLC has produced exactly what every serious rider dreams of — a saddle for all horses! That’s right, one saddle that conforms to almost every back shape, allowing you to use one saddle on many horses with little more effort than selecting the proper girth or cinch. So adaptable, that whatever conformation issues are present; the appropriate saddle model (from Endurance to Dressage), correctly fitted should provide the answer. What makes the Evolutionary Saddles™ different? A rigid tree that supports the rider; Panels composed of layers of delrin that, combined with the unique mounting system, distribute the rider’s weight over the entire length of the panel, while allowing the horse’s back and shoulders complete freedom of motion. A ball and socket joint inserted on a specialized saddletree that automatically addresses criteria such as gullet sizes, twist, flare, and rocker and a horse and rider satisfaction guarantee. www.EvolutionarySaddles.com. Crafted in the USA.

midwest horse digest

questions prior to the event and the judges will answer a small number of previously chosen questions. If you have a judging question, you are invited to submit your inquiries at www.roadtothehorse.com for a chance to have your personal questions answered by the nationally and internationally esteemed Road to the Horse judges. Less than 500 tickets remain for 2009 Road to the Horse. Don't miss out on an event jam-packed with entertainment and education for the whole family. To purchase your tickets online go to www.roadtothehorse.com/tickets.html or order by calling 1-877-772-5425. Volunteer Opportunities Road to the Horse is seeking volunteers for the 2009 event. A small number of applicants will have the opportunity to join the Road to the Horse crew. If you would like to volunteer your time and effort please visit www.roadtothehorse.com/volunteers.html and fill out a volunteer form today. Road to the Horse Road to the Horse is unlike any other event in the equine or entertainment

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industry. It is "the original colt starting challenge". The two-day sold out event matches the absolute best horse trainers and clinicians of today against one another as they train unbroken colts to ride in just a few short hours in front of a packed live audience and television cameras. By combining education, edge-of-your-seat suspense, entertainment and the love of the horse, Road to the Horse has been responsible for solidifying the position of today's horsemanship heroes and launching the careers of tomorrow's hottest new stars. In the process, the event itself has become a shining star of horse industry. Hosted by Rick Lamb, of RFD-TV's The Horse Show with Rick Lamb, spectators are guaranteed not only to have a good time, but also to walk away with training knowledge that will improve their relationship with horses. Road to the Horse is proud to partner with many outstanding companies including Horse & Rider, Mustang Makeover, Cinch, Cruel Girl, Gist Silversmiths, ABI Equine and John Deere. For more information on the Road to the Horse or to purchase your 2009 tickets, visit www.roadtothehorse.com or call 325736-5000.

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AMHA Launches Redesigned Website The American Morgan Horse Association is pleased to announce a newly designed www.morganhorse.com, which launched December 2. Navigating the site will be easier for newcomers as well as frequent visitors. Some changes you may find: • More subtle colors and fonts for readability • A slide show of larger photographs, depicting "The Horse That Chooses You" • User-friendly buttons, making it easier to navigate • A new interactive message board. Have you checked out "Say Hay" or "Sharing Carrots," for youth and adults that links with Facebook? More galleries and web exclusive extras will become available in the coming months. We hope our members and visitors like the new design of our website," said Erica Eulau Richard, Director of Membership/IT. "You'll find more features and updates on this new site, and the Farm Finder will soon be enhanced with even more options." Designed by the husband and wife team of Jeff and Lynn Yelton of Yelton Design, the website's interactive development was supplied by Propeller Media Works. We're very excited about the fresh, clean look of the site and we've incorporated some wonderful photos, said AMHA Executive Director, Julie Broadway. "We think it truly reflects the 'connectivity' the Morgan has with people and the Morgan community has with each other. We're inviting Morgan enthusiast to engage each other in shared learnings and experiences." AMHA hopes you enjoy the newly designed site and would love to hear what you think. If you spot a problem, please let us know by emailing info@morganhorse.com. Founded in 1909, the American Morgan Horse Association is a non-profit organization serving more than 50,000 Morgan horse owners, breeders, exhibitors, and enthusiasts throughout the United States. AMHA serves as a parent organization to more than 125 recognized Morgan horse clubs and national service organizations. It also provides an important link to foreign Morgan horse registries and clubs. The headquarters, located in Shelburne, Vermonter, also is home to the National Museum of the Morgan Horse and are maintained through the generosity of the American Morgan Horse Institute. You can learn more about AMHA at www.morganhorse.com.

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January 09

Ranch Rodeo coming to 2009 Illinois Horse Fair An invitational Ranch Rodeo is scheduled as an added entertainment for Horsemen’s Council of Illinois’ 2009 Illinois Horse Fair at the Illinois State Fairgrounds. While the annual all-breed three-day expo, shopping and educational Horse Fair runs Friday through Sunday March 6 – 8, the Ranch Rodeo will be Saturday night only. “We’ve always wanted to provide a night-time themed entertainment at Horse Fair, and Ranch Rodeo, while requiring plenty of horsemanship, also gives the audience an exciting show,” said Joy Meierhans, Horse Fair manager. The ranch rodeo is being produced for Horse Fair by Randy Littrell of Raymond, and Matt Branum of Taylorville. Littrell rode bulls for 13 years and now focuses on a breeding program, consisting of using proven bloodlines and selecting for animals that buck. Littrell’s Shop Creek Cattle Company is home to two-time Professional Bull Riding Finals Bull #13 Iceman. But don’t worry, Ranch Rodeo does not incorporate bucking bulls. It’s a team sport more like a gymkhana of ranch skills, Meierhans said. Aspiring team participants may contact Littrell at randylittrell@shopcreekcattle.com or (217) 556-0551. Illinois Horse Fair will mark its 20th anniversary in 2009, a celebration that was to have been in March 2008 – until Horse Fair was cancelled by the Illinois Department of Agriculture in response to public safety concerns associated with high voltage electrical problems at the Fairgrounds. (Repairs to more than 22 miles of underground cable were completed in mid-May and the Fairgrounds was reopened to the public.) Horse Fair annually attracts more than 10,000 horsemen. “Considering the state

of the economy, we expect vendors to offer incentives to appeal to a winter’s pent-up demand,” Meierhans said. Nearly all of the clinicians booked for 2008 have committed to return for 2009, Meierhans said, including RFD-TV’s Craig Cameron along with Richard Shrake and nationally known trainers hosting riding clinics in five disciplines. In addition to the education offered at Horse Fair, attendees can see 25 breed and sport demos, stallion row and parade, 75 horses on the HorsesForSale Aisles, the All-Youth Horse Judging Trials and more horse trailers on site than at any other show or fair in the state. For information on exhibiting at the 2009 Illinois Horse Fair, contact Joy Meierhans at (630) 557-2575 or JM@TheMeierhans.com. Advance tickets can be purchased online at the web site, www.HorsemensCouncil.org. Sponsored by Purina Mills, Midway Trailer Sales and John Deere, Illinois Horse Fair is produced by Horsemen’s Council of Illinois, the voice of the Illinois horse industry. Horsemen’s Council of Illinois is affiliated with the American Horse Council and is the statewide association of equine organizations and individuals working to provide centralized leadership for Illinois’ 77,000 horse owners, 213,000 horses and its $3.8 billion industry, which provides full-time employment for more than 15,000 people.

January 09

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Leader of the Pack by Craig Cameron

Horses are easier to teach than people, because they have no ego. The horse doesn't care if you're the dominant one. He expects there to be a Number One, a leader, of the herd. That's natural for him. Y o u won't bruise his ego o r embarrass him. However, he might test you. If he finds he can walk over you, run you off, get you to yield, and then he'll do it. But if you assert yourself as the dominant one, he'll think, "Yep, you're the leader; that suits me fine." He'll know and accept his place in the pecking order. Remember, you are either leading or following. You don't have to scare him to create that respect. You just work or handle him like another horse would, within herd dynamics. When training, it will be within a herd of two, you and the horse. You can't change the horse's nature. He might be naturally dominant or nat-

urally submissive. You have to work with a horse the way he is. Obviously, the way you'd deal with a dominant personality is different than what you'd do with a submissive one. The dominant horse might require more firmness from you just to get his attention and respect. Many people have problems with "herd-bound" horses. You'll never meet a horse that isn't herd-bound in some way. That's natural for the species. The horse is a true herd animal. If your horse doesn't have another horse to bond with, he might bond to you. It's important when you work with your horse that you give him a reason to find solace and comfort with you like he would with other horses. If you don't spend enough time with your horse and he spends too much time with the herd or his buddies, naturally he will bond with them and that bond will be stronger

than with you. You change that by becoming the leader when you're with your horse. You should recognize when your horse is in charge, when he takes over by ignoring you, by walking over you, by turning his rump to you, or not giving you his attention. You can't train a horse unless you have his attention. You'll have to earn his attention, earn his respect, and earn his confidence and trust. These are things you can't make happen. You do it by spending time with the horse and working with him naturally and correctly. Work hard to understand the nature of the horse and the herd mentality. Work to gain the respect of the horse and become the leader of the pack. Remember: If you can’t change, then you can’t grow. If you can’t grow, then you can’t be your best. And if you can’t be your best, what else is there? Get Graig’s book and DVD’s at www.CraigCameron.com Craig Cameron

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January 09

is totally comfortable with being haltered. At this point you’ll be ready to attach your lead rope to the halter and ask your horse to walk By Bob Jeffreys & Suzanne Sheppard a circle around you. the When he is circling nicely on a halter. This is slack lead rope, teach him to follow the feel one of the most important lessons we will while walking. Gently remove some but not all ever teach our horse. We will start by teaching our horse to accept the halter; introduce it to him gradually. In a relatively small, safe enclosure just face your horse and walk up to him with the halter in your hand (don’t try to hide it). Stop about three feet in front of him and extend your arm toward him so he may see or sniff the halter. Don’t shove it in his face; let him extend his nose toward it. When he’s comfortable with this, step to his side and just place the halter’s nose piece around his nose briefly; take it off and pet you horse. Repeat many times before bringing the crown piece over his head. Then begin tak- Here I am placing the rope along Blackjac's right side and around his rear end. ing the crown piece over his poll, hold it for

Is Your Horse Really Halter Broke?

Many people believe “halter breaking” means the physical act of placing the halter on the horse’s head, attaching the lead rope and guiding the horse around. While this in and of itself is certainly a good thing, it only works when the horse is willing to go where you ask

Focus on the shoulder point and maintain pressure until it moves back.

him to go. If your horse pulls you over to the grass against your will, he isn’t really halter broke. If he pulls back when tied, he is most definitely not halter broke, and if he won’t move forward, backward or sideways in response to light pressure from your lead rope, then he’s truly not halter broke. My definition, therefore, of a “halter broke” horse is one that will accept and respond to pressure applied to

I've stepped to the left asking him to turn away from me to the right.

a few seconds, and then remove the halter completely. Now you can start to buckle and unbuckle the crown piece many times until he

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of the slack, asking him to yield to the pressure, bend his neck, stop his feet and look at you. If he responds correctly then release and praise him. If not, give him 4 more chances to yield to the same amount of pressure; do not increase the pressure unless he does not respond to the five light requests; then take all the slack out and pull him around to look at you and stop his feet. Be sure that all of the slack is removed before you pull because if slack is still in your rope when you pull you’d be jerking on your horse, which is annoying and teaches nothing. Remember- if at any time during your first five requests he turns toward you, then just stop there and pet him. In this case there would be no need to fully remove the slack or pull, since he offered the behavior you want. But you will probably have to take all the slack out and pull several times before he learns to respond to the lighter request. Teach this lesson on both sides of your horse, and when he’s good at it, repeat at the trot using a longer lead rope; we prefer 12’ to 14’ long. Trotting stimulates their energy and they need to learn to be obedient even when a bit excited. This will help cement the lesson. As always, keep your energy relaxed and be clear about what you are asking; do not go to the trot if you think the horse will kick out or otherwise compromise your safety. In this case seek professional help. The next step is to teach your horse to follow the feel of the rope as he moves forward, toward you. While standing out in front of your horse, about 10-12 feet away, slowly take the slack out of your lead rope until he comes forward. If you’ve taken all of the slack out and he resists moving forward, don’t add more pressure: just maintain that which you already have until he comes forward. If he locks up, maintain your pressure and step to the side; this will cause him to bend and he will then walk forward. and never jerk the lead rope.

January 09 Release your pressure on any movement forward, no matter how slight, Eventually he will come forward toward you on a gentle ask. At this point we can teach him to back up. Again, stand about 3-4 feet out in front of your horse and start to walk toward him, focusing on his left shoulder point. As you approach the left side of his nose, grip the lead rope about one to two feet down from the clip

He's about to complete his 270 degree turn to face me.

with your left hand and extend it towards his left shoulder point. As your left hand reaches that shoulder point you should have no slack left in the rope. Maintain pressure until he moves backward. At this stage one step, or even a shift of weight to the rear will do. Release the pressure and pet your horse. Practice until he will back willingly on very light pressure, and then teach it on the right side. Now is the time to teach your horse to yield to halter pressure from the side. Start on the left side of your horse, about five to eight feet from his shoulder. Take the slack out of your lead and ask him to turn towards you. When he does, release the pressure to reward him. Practice until he responds consistently. Then stay on the left side and move back, so you are now positioned about five to eight feet from his barrel and ask again. When he turns towards you, release and praise. Once he responds consistently from there, move back so you are about five to eight feet from his hip, and ask again. Teach from both sides and be sure to repeat until he’s got it. Finally, this last exercise is sort of a test that indicates whether he is truly following the feel of the rope and halter, and not just your body position. Stand on the left side of your horse and gently lay the lead rope around his right side, bringing it around his butt. Now begin to back away toward the left. As you take the slack out he should actually turn all the way around to the right before facing you, following the fee lof the rope. Repeat from the right side. Now your halter broke horse will be safer to lead and ready for lessons in tying. He should also be much easier to work with in the bridle when that time comes. Until next month, have a happy new year and ride safe! ©Two as One Horsemanship December 2008. For info about Bob & Suzanne’s Wind Rider Challenge, DVD’s, books, Horsemanship Ed Courses or ProTrack™ Trainer Certification Program call (845) 692-7478, or visit www.TwoasOneHorsemanship.com.

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Horse World Heroes

A Man and His Good-Looking Horse After showing halter horses for two at the horse the next day. The Warther’s realyears, John Warther of Vinton, Iowa had the ly liked what they saw: a horse fresh out of bug. He had seen success but not on the the pasture after not being shown for six larger scale he was dreaming of. For 30 years, six years of getting beat up by mares, years he served his country in the U.S. Army and six years of getting a thick neck. All that and knew that goals could be accomplished didn’t matter. The Warther’s saw what he when he fought the good fight. But he need- could be and purchased him on-the-spot. ed the right army to lead in his retirement. Six months later the team started So,His search continued for the right horse to their campaign and slowly started to see suclead to his goals. A trainer who had worked with John before suggested he look for an aged stallion to promote. For a year John continued to search for just the right partner. Little did he know that the solution to his dilemma was sitting in a pasture just two hours away, also just bidJohn Warther, 60, of Vinton, Iowa, leads Oh Can I Please in ing time until the right amateur aged stallions in his first World Show appearance. owner would come they finished fourth. along to let him see the show pen again, where he could be useful and successful. cess in the pen with Grands and Reserves. At One evening in August of ‘07 each show the horse looked better. Finally, by John’s wife, Amy, was browsing through ads late spring the horse was qualified for the on the internet when she came across an ad Bayer Select, followed by getting qualified for for an aged halter stallion. She read the ad the Open and Amateur World Shows in and with each word her excitement grew. she mid-summer after trainer, John Kabeiseman, certainly liked wat she saw. As she read th took over the training. It had been an uphill words “Superior Open Halter,” “ good-looking battle for the retired Army man who was trail horse,” and the bloodline names of Pick recovering from a major stroke and a heart Me Please and Can Creation, her heart attack and a beat up mine year old horse. seemed to leap out of her chest. And as she But, by-golly, they had done it. They had won looked at the price of $5,500 she jumped the battle, but not yet the war. from her seat and called John out to the comThe war took place on November puter. She asked if he was still interested in 12th at the Amateur World Show. And show an aged halter stud and he indeed was. they did. After fighting it out in the pen with eleven other wonderful Stallions, the pair was announced as earning 4th place honors. And, what an honor it was. Neither man nor horse had shown at the World Show before. Undaunted by the magnitude of the show, they went in and won their private war. And that, as they say is history. A story of a man and his good-looking trail horse. Congratulations to John! John and Amy Warther are from Vinton, Iowa and Arrangements were made to look own J.A.W. Halter Horses.

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January 09

Into the Sort of Wild by Don Tauer expert. She’s seen almost all there is to see in regards to camping and horses. Lastly,

For more adventures by Don Tauer and his wife Cathy visit www.hillviewfarms.com All adventures start somewhere, ours happened to start in a horse camp, at a state park somewhere in Minnesota. After a good days riding, a big meal and several cocktails and while gathering around a campfire this plan for a trip came about. The trip was to cross the Bob Marshall Wilderness area in Montana starting in the west crossing the continental divide with three, maybe four days of camping, and concluding at Benchmark on the eastside. While it surely sounds simple enough, a lot of planning is needed if we are to make this possible. The we list changed slightly, but in the end six was the number of adventures to embark that bright sunny morning in July. T h e cast or crew was as follows. Walt Benhardus, it was his cabin we would be leaving from in the west, an experienced rider of countless 50 and 100-mile endurance rides, also several wilderness trip, some more notable than others. He was our horse and groups leader. Al and Nancy Salazar, a doctor and nurse team, how could we be so lucky with two wonderful people, however new to horses in general and trail riding green, but still a medical team. Chuck Hauser and long time friend to all and great trail rider. He would bring good common sense, GPS (Global Positioning System) knowledge and would serve as out scout. Cathy Tauer, my wife. Horse trainer, camper extraordinary, saddle and pack

myself, Don Tauer, farmer, weekend horse camper, a sort of jack at all trades master of none. I enjoy brining up the rear on most rides for you get to see the most action usually from there. The plan was to meet at Walt’s cabin in the west, unload the horses and pack gear, which were tents, sleeping bags, meals for us, feed for the horses, and whatever survival gear and cloths thought necessary and could carry. Then we would convoy the RV/s and horse rigs to Benchmark empty so at the end of our 3 to 4 days we’d return to them waiting for us. Walt’s wife Linda assisted us by bringing the return vehicle to Benchmark where she’d remain guarding our rigs, while we went back to the cabin and the starting point of our adventure. After a good nights sleep we where to depart early, but plans were pushed back several hours that morning when we needed to acquire additional allergy medicines for Al who’s very asthmatic. Finally the string of riding horses, (6) and packhorses (2) were heading up the trail. Walt would be on Thunder, a 6-year-old Kentucky Mt. Gelding he’s been training for endurance riding later in the season. Accompanied by Rose’ his packhorse, a good mare with a slight temperament toward kicking. Following Walt would be Chuck on his trusted mare Princessa, a beautiful bay Paso Fino with countless trail experience. Next was Al on Roberto, a strong exendurance horse of Walt’s that sensed Al’s inexperience and took care of Al on the trip. Nancy would be riding Fantasia, a retired national show horse of Walt’s, that like Roberto rose to the occasion and took

supreme car of Nancy the whole way. Cathy’s choice for the trip was Lucy, a very stronghearted 3-year-old Peruvian mare with much determination. Her, and my packhorse would be Charlie, also a 3-year-old Peruvian gelding with the physical size to carry our load quietly and steady. I would be on my 12 year old Peruvian mare Joya, a flashy black that is always ready to take me for a ride, if you know what I mean. With gear packed and GPS fired up we were finally heading up the trail on our way. I say up because the first 5-6 miles was a climb up with switchbacks mostly being gradual. The long gradual climb helped settle the horses’ into what laid ahead. This climb was handled nicely by all with a few minor equipment adjustments needed at the top of the first ridge. At the top we soon were crossing thru small snow banks still melting and this was the second week in July. The extreme snow from the past winter had our guide Walt alter our original route due to high water reports on several rivers we needed to cross. This change in our route would take us on less challenging trails which to inexperienced wilderness riders seemed like a good place to start. After several hours in the saddle we made our first meal stop for both riders and horses. While the horses munched on cubes of different types, for us it was the beginning or our MRE dinning experience. MRE stands for Meals Ready To Eat. And while it varied from chicken and salsa, to roast beef, after several days of them on the trail the though of a steak or cheese burger and fries seem heavenly. Back on the trial again we came to our fist V in the road and found our group chasing the wrong one. We spent several hours sawing our way through down trees and brush popping before making it back to a crossing onto a main trail. Chuck however sprained his knee and I found out how out of shape I was during this mistake. Our late start and knowing this, we knew we needed to make time, and that we did with dust flying at near full gait we made our first scheduled stop at Parker’s Lake. Darkness was just settling in as we made camp, set up picket lines and tents hurriedly, got the horses fed, we dined once again on MRE and quietly settled into our sleeping bags for the night. Day two of this trek found everyone up early and more relaxed with having survived day one. We enjoyed a nice fire and breakfast by Parkers Lake while the horses had there cubes and grain as deer wondered through our camp. We then packed up and were headed down the trail toward our next overnight

January 09 stop, which would be near Whitetail Creek. Our lunch break at Crow Creek was scenic with a bright sun warming us all up. As we mounted up to leave however Chuck’s horse stepped off a small embankment sending Chuck flying to the ground. Luckily Chuck was unhurt, except for the already sprained knee, so we helped gather up his gear and down the trail we went. During the afternoon ride we crossed the continental divide with breathtaking views in all directions and descended to Whitetail Creek site of over night camp 2, with good access to water for us and our horses and nice trees for shade and picketing we were happy to be stopping early to allow needed rest for the horses and ourselves. The creek also gave me a chance to try a little flyfishing and after several hours of this I gave up and ate my MRE. This fire felt especially inviting and after a cocktail and one of Walt’s fine cigars off to bed we all went. That is except for Al, who chose to spend a little extra quite time along the creek as the sun set. Then his story the next morning is of being surprised by a hiking couple, male and female appearing on the far bank of the creek where they proceeded to strip naked and cross the icy water, swearing and to redress on the near side to meet Al. They asked him next I they could camp close by and they were there in the morning. The second morning, as we emerged for our tents we found our washed cloths that we hung to dry all frozen in the branches of the bushes

midwest horse digest where we hung them. The fire again was most inviting and along with Al’s hiker story we were soon ready to hit the trail. All was going very well, the horses were in good shape and eating well, MRE’s were still being looked upon as a good meal alternative, simple and tasty, and the trail scenic and interesting but not overly challenging. We were now on the #206, the scenic Continental Divide trail, a much traveled trail which left us sure we would make it to the Bench mark or our bodies easily discovered. We proceed throughout the day leisurely enjoying the warm weather, beautiful mountains and streams and knowing only one more night would be spent on the ever-hardening ground. I need to clarify that only Cathy and I, being purists, sleep directly on the ground, the others all packed pads and while still being sore, couldn’t be as sore as were. This day’s ride was much like the past two except the valley we were in was burned off about 8-10 years ago in a large forest fire. What a fire does is it kills the tree by burning the bark, then the following year wild flowers emerge up through the chard ground as the burnt bark of the dead trees falls off, then soon after the dead tree blows down making a twisted impassable mess filled with the most incredible display of wild flowers imaginable. But the park service keeps the service trails cleared, like #206. Our planned day was to go as far as Green Fork, a ranger supply station and spend the night there, but when we arrived we were

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hurried off and down the trail by a young park woman whom we decided later must have had a secret rendezvous almost spoiled by us showing up as we saw two horses and two sets of tack hidden off in the brush.. We continued on to Elbow Creek pass junction for our final night’s camp. It wasn’t to big and finding picket line trees was a bit hard, but it served it’s purpose and we settled in and had a great evening around the fire. As we woke the final day we knew the adventure was drawing to an end, our last feed rations were feed to the horses, last MRE eaten and dirty cloths stuffed into our bags. We pack up our gear and put out the fire and headed toward our final destination, Benchmark. It was a beautiful morning ride along Straight Creek, with its lush green trees and mountain peaks to our left as we rode. As we rounded the last curve, heading on the path to camp, our rigs came into site. What a wonderful feeling knowing that we all made it back safely and that we had soft beds and warm showers waiting for us. That evening Linda had made a feast for us weary travelers and as we sat around the campfire enjoying a cocktail we talked about our small adventure, now complete, and how or what we were going to do next year when we all hoped we’d be able to return to the Bob. Hummm and it all started around a campfire. For more adventures by Don Tauer and his wife Cathy visit www.hillviewfarms.com

ARHA Unveils Versatility Ranch Horse Program With 100% Payback Nearly $50,000 estimated for first-year earnings tive secretary Erica Keeney. "We're excited to give exhibitors the opportunity to compete in this challenging event to gain ARHA points and titles as well as money earned on a local and national level. As this program grows, so will the payback." Ranch horse versatility competition is a five-class event that showcases the true ability of the American ranch horse as a working stock horse, including sound conformation, athletic ability, intelligence, calm temperament and a willing disposition. The five events—ranch riding, ranch trail, ranch cutting, working ranch horse and ranch conforWorking ranch horse is one element of the ARHA mation—are held and placed individually, but Versatility RanchHorse Program. overall performance is considered in the PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Cool Shot! competition program. Photography The ARHA Ranch Horse Versatility Program year runs January 1 through The American Ranch Horse Association wants to know: Is your horse an December 31. Exhibitors will be rewarded in all-around working horse? Based on growing three ways: national interest, ARHA developed the new 1. Payback. In the ARHA program, 50 percent ARHA Ranch Horse Versatility Program with of the entry fees will be awarded at the local 100 percent payback for its sanctioned compe- competitions, to be split equally among the five classes. The remaining 50 percent will be titions in 2009. "While many of our members aren't awarded at the end of the year to the top-10 directly involved in ranching, we've received a overall national winners. Based on past particgrowing number of requests from ARHA ipation in these classes, ARHA estimates members wanting to compete in versatility $46,000 will be awarded in the first year of the ranch horse competitions," said ARHA execu- program.

2. Points. Horses competing in the Versatility Program will continue to be eligible for ARHA points in their regular ARHA classes. 3. Nationally Recognized Records. Earnings reports will also be recorded by the equine statistical service Equi-Stat and will be promoted in industry publications to further promote the American ranch horse and ARHA competitors. To qualify as a competitor in the ARHA Ranch Horse Versatility Program, the horse can be ridden by multiple exhibitors and must compete in the designated versatility classes running concurrently with ARHA classes. In addition to regular show entry fees, a $100 Versatility Program entry fee will be charged to compete in all five classes at each show. Formed in 2004, the American Ranch Horse Association promotes the abilities of the all-around versatile working horse in a positive atmosphere where western tradition is genuinely honored. Rapidly growing with more than 7,000 members, ARHA hosts competitions, clinics and educational events throughout the year. For more information about the ARHA Ranch Horse Versatility Program, visit www.americanranchhorse.net or call 606-271-2963.

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Safety Bulletin

midwest horse digest · Regularly inspect the cable and switch for the breakaway system. Replace the cable if it is showing signs of wear. · Keep the top of the battery and the battery terminals clean. A small wire brush and dielectric grease will help maintain an excellent electrical connection. The battery should be removed from the trailer when the trailer is stored or not used for extended periods. If possible, store the battery in a warm area away from children. · Be sure that the proper battery is being used for your breakaway system. Consult your owner's manual, or check with the trailer manufacturer. · If your battery has removable cell caps, maintain acid levels by adding distilled water. Take care when adding water. Be sure to wear protective eyewear and do not overfill. · Maintain charge – do not allow a battery to remain discharged for extended periods. 12 volt batteries are considered totally discharged below 11.9 volts. Check voltage with a digital voltmeter. To help maintain a battery's charge, USRider highly recommends a built-in battery charger. These systems can be installed on your tow vehicle to charge your battery every time you tow. For rigs that are used infrequently, we recommend using a charging system

that provides a "float" charge for extended times when your trailer is not in use. "For frequent travelers, we especially like breakaway battery systems with built-in chargers and battery status LEDs," added Cole. In addition to maintaining your breakaway battery, be sure to keep your trailer's brake and electrical system in good condition as well. "We have seen numerous wiring issues with horse trailers," said Cole. USRider has addressed this issue with a safety bulletin recommending that all horse owners have their horse trailers' wiring checked by a competent mechanic. "Regretfully, the wire handling aspects on most horse trailers is a black-eye in the trailer manufacturing industry." USRider provides roadside assistance and towing services along with other travel-related benefits to its members through the Equestrian Motor Plan. It includes standard features such as flat-tire repair, battery assistance and lockout services, plus towing up to 100 miles and roadside repairs for tow vehicles and trailers with horses, emergency stabling, veterinary referrals and more. For more information about the USRider Equestrian Motor Plan, visit www.usrider.org online or call 1-800-844-1409. For additional trailer safety information, visit the Equine Travel Safety Area at www.usrider.org.

Serious Horse Owner. This annual program, sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine, will be held from 9 am to 4:30 pm, at the Stock Pavilion, 1675 Linden Drive, on the UW-Madison campus. Zdunic paved the way for “non-traditional” horses in dressage, being the first to show North American Arabian, Appaloosa, Connemara, and Paint dressage horses in Grand Prix. She emphasizes creating a willing partner in the horse by asking instead of


surgery department. “It can be used to gently squeeze an injured horse to help hold up a horse that is not able to bear weight on a leg.” The equine ambulance will be housed at the Morrie Waud Equine Center, an equine veterinary referral hospital in Delavan, Wisconsin. The ambulance will be available to regional veterinarians on a fee basis in early 2009. According to Dr. Bjorling, the ambulance is ideal to have on call at events, such as Grand Prix, jumping, rodeo, or horseracing, where equine athletes are at risk of injury. It can also be commissioned by field practitioners who would like to transport an injured horse to an equine surgery facility such as the Morrie Waud Equine Center or the UW School

of Veterinary Medicine. “The ambulance has splints on board so the field veterinarian can protect an injured horse’s limb in order to safely move it,” Dr. Bjorling says. “The ambulance will allow us to transport horses safely for further evaluation and treatment.” The custom equine ambulance was manufactured by Kimzey Metal Products in Woodland, California. They are the only company in the world that makes these ambulances, and generally don’t make more than one a year. They cost about $80,000 each. “We’re very pleased to have the possibility of transporting critically injured animals to a surgical facility,” says Dr. Michael Livesey, head of large animal surgery at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine. “Transportation of this caliber could make a huge difference in the outcome of surgery.”

USRider Gives Tips for Proper Care of Breakaway Batteries Imagine what would happen if your trailer became disconnected from your tow vehicle, and your emergency breakaway battery was fully discharged. Disaster! However, when a breakaway system is working properly, it will lock the brakes automatically if the trailer becomes disconnected from the tow vehicle. "Be a good steward – don't take chances with the safety and welfare of your precious cargo," says Mark Cole, managing member for USRider, the nationwide roadside assistance program for equestrians, which provides emergency road service to its members in the Continental United States, Canada and Alaska. To ensure your breakaway system is in good working order, USRider offers the following safety tips: Have a qualified mechanic test the system for proper operation annually. · Have your battery load tested to check the current in the battery. A qualified trailer mechanic or personnel at most auto parts stores can do this test. Replace old and weak batteries.

Horse Owner Seminar to Feature Dressage Training Techniques Mari Monda Zdunic, a top dressage competitor who has thrilled spectators from coast to coast with her exhibition rides, will present a clinic on “American Dressage” in Madison, Wisconsin on Sat. Feb. 21, 2009. The owner of Shine-a-Bit Farm in Brighton, Michigan will share special gymnastics techniques for the horse that she gained from her mentor, Chuck Grant, along with other whole horse training techniques during the 20th Annual Seminar for the

Wisconsin’s Only Equine Ambulance to be Displayed at Midwest Horse Fair One of only 30 ambulances designed specifically for horses will be on display at the 2009 Midwest Horse Fair in Madison, Wisconsin on April 17-19, 2009. The equine ambulance, purchased by Morrie Waud, has special features to help stabilize an injured patient on its way to a surgical facility. One of the vehicle’s most important features is a hydraulic system designed to lower the ambulance to ground level so an injured horse does not have to climb up or down a ramp. “It also has a rubber-padded wall that can be adjusted as needed,” says Dr. Dale Bjorling, head of the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine’s

January 09

“My goal is to make your horse go skipping down the road,” Zdunic says. Advance registration for this seminar is $45 per person (or $39 per person for groups of five or more) on or before February 9, 2009. After that date, admission becomes $60 per person. For further information or to register, call Karl Olson at (608) 265-5206. A complete brochure, including registration information, is available under the continuing education link on the School of Veterinary Medicine’s website at www.vetmed.wisc.edu/ce/horse_owner

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January 09

stride length in the front, difficultly moving long and lean due to lower neck stress, and turning problems. After a while there will be a translation of stress to the hind end and new troubles present. Proper blanket fit involves more then measuring the length of the horse from chest to tail. Breed differences, fitness of the animal, withers and weight are just some of the factors that must be considered. And even then, they shift, slide and buckles break. The vest fitting blankets move with, not against, the horse’s motion. Often sursingles are used to stabilize and reduce slippage. The downside is rubbing, and if they are tight enough to stop slippage they can irritate the skin. Our first sign that the blanket may be the cause of a horse’s discomfort comes from three fairly obvious signs: loss of hair on or behind the withers and in front of the shoulders; equal or significantly one-sided tenderness on palpation (light touch) of the point of the shoulder; tenderness on the sternum (breast bone) often on one side. The most pathognomonic or clearly diagnostic sign is when the horse lays its ears back and avoids the blanket. It’s the same as a rider resisting a show jacket that they can’t fit their arms into. It’s uncomfortable, it restricts movement, it hurts and they would rather NOT! If a blanket is a must, choose motion-enabling coverings such as the StayPut Blanket, making sure to select the correct size and weather appropriate covering. And remember, check the blanket and your horse often.

Blanketing Horses What You Should Know Blankets are a necessary evil in the equine industry. They protect clipped horses from the cold, increase blood flow for the stalled horses, provide warmth for inadequate coats, and keep our equines clean(er). Many equine practitioners would rather see their patients growing a natural coat, as a response to seasonal changes. But, lack of space and show schedules make that impractical. Horse owners and trainers are going to blanket. Unfortunately, we see the consequences of well meaning attempts to take care of their equine charges. There are consequences to blanketing that go beyond the sweating that occurs when winter weight rugs are left on during the warmth of the day, and the cooling of that sweat when the temperature drops. There are consequences beyond getting tangled in the straps and injuring any number of body parts. And, there are consequences beyond the obvious ill-fitting too small and too large blanket. Rubs are often the least of the problems. Correct blanketing involves putting the correct weight and size cover on. The horse must be able to move to eat, stretch, lie down and get up. Often we walk into barns and find the horses in two or three layers with such restriction that they are literally straight-jacketed. This results in shoulder and neck problems that reoccur and progress. Constriction of the

hind end results in sacroiliac issues that can affect the stifles as well. The latter occurs when the blankets are too small. In our experience more is not better; proper is the only way to go. Recently we have been utilizing the Stay-Put Blanket by Iron Horse Blankets. Philosophically this new style blanket makes sense, and ergonomically, it allows more motion in both the fore and hind end while providing the warmth the stall-bound horses need. The fact that we can fully flex extend the front legs with this blanket on means that normal motion, walk, trot and canter are possible without compensating for blanket wear. It is the compensations for wearing blankets that often leads to biomechanical issues. Compensations are the way a horse, or any species, reacts to stress in an appropriate way to stay upright and functional. When alignment is disturbed the non-compensated animal can not function, it will “go lame”. Equine enthusiasts are familiar with the term left front, right hind because it is so common for these compensations to take place. If there is a front limb issue the horse will increase weight bearing on the opposite back limb to stay balanced. So…. if the blanket is constricting the front end, binding the chest, restricting forward extension of the front legs, inhibiting shoulder rotation, and if this is a day in, day out situation then there will be adaptations to movement with and without the blanket. Often the first issues will be evident in shortened

Black Hills Horse Expo The Black Hills H o r s e E x p o returns to Rapid City March 7-8, 2009 for another great year and for the benefit of CASA as always. This year we plan some old favorites and some Great New events as well. Featured Clinicians are Richard Shrake, Dennis Auslam, and Mari Monda Zdunic.... Laura Amandis... and from Australia, Colleen Kelly...along with our regular line up of top local and regional speakers and educators.

We will offer tips on Health... Training... Riding... Dressage... Reining...and much more.... We will again feature a great evening show...”Night of the Horses” on Saturday night and invite you all to attend and be “Thrilled” on Saturday evening. We also will feature and Trail challenge for all to participate....”Search for America’s Ultimate Horse Idol” contest (open to all)....and the “Trainer Challenge returns for another big year. The “Kid’s Korral” returns as well.. We will also have top Breed Presentations and Top Line Stallions on Stallion Row....all you to see, discuss and enjoy as they perform in revue in the main arena. The Black Hills Horse Expo has something for everyone...and it benefits a great cause...CASA.... BE THERE March 7-8, 2009

Dr. Wendy Coren of Equalign, co author of Illustrated Guide to Equine Chiropractic www.Equalign.com

January 09

midwest horse digest

UPCOMING EVENTS 4010 - specks95@hotmail.com 1/8/2009 - WI, Prescott - Roping - Roping Practice 7-9pm - (715) 262-3898 1/11/2009 - Open Hunter/Jumper Show indoors - 100'x300' arena with heated viewing areas - Fields & Fences, Gurnee, IL - Contact: Anita Schadeck 847-244-4121 or email Anita@FieldsandFences.com 1/11/2009 - WI, Prescott - Roping OnLine Flyer ~ Roping Practice & Jackpot 15pm - (715) 262-3898 1/11/2009 - MN, Sebeka - Barrel, Futurity UBRA OnLine Flyer ~ Exhibitions at 10:30, runs at noon. Futurity sidepot, pole bending, speed dash, youth. - (218) 472-3402 - betsykuschel@hotmail.com 1/15/2009 - WI, Prescott - Roping - Roping Practice 7-9pm - (715) 262-3898 1/17/2009 - MN, Monticello - Barrel, Futurity UBRA - Arrowhead Arena Barrel Race. Open 4D's, Youth & Futurity classes - (763) 8781554 1/18/2008 - MN, Isanti - Barrel - Hi Circle Vee open jackpot barrel race - Indoor and heated arena. Open and Youth 4D Runs. - (612) 810-

1/18/2009 - WI, Prescott - Roping - Roping Practice & Jackpot 1-5pm - (715) 262-3898 1/22/2009 - WI, Prescott - Roping - Roping Practice 7-9pm - (715) 262-3898 1/24/2009 -NE, Lincoln - Barrel Double B Productions - WPRA/BBR coapproved open to everyone. Lancaster Event Center(pavilion 3) $500 added Open 4D (1sec split> $30 entry fee (1x office fee/day $5/rider) Youth 3D <1 sec split> $10 entry fee. - (641) 743-8223 1/25/2009 - WI, Prescott - Roping - Roping Practice & Jackpot 1-5pm - (715) 262-3898 1/25/2009 - NE, Lincoln - Barrel - Double B Productions - WPRA/BBR co-approved open to everyone. Lancaster Event Center(pavilion 3) $500 added Open 4D <1 sec split> $30 entry fee (1x office fee/day $5/rider) Youth 3D <1 sec split> $10 entry fee. - (641) 743-8223 1/25/2009 - NE, Lincoln - Barrel - Double B Productions 6 PM Pick and draw team roping jackpot. $75/roper (enter 1, Draw 2 OR Draw all 3) 3 hd prog on 1 (#13 1 sec added) (#12 straight time) (#11 1 sec off) CASH ONLY (712) 309-2971

ADVERTISERS INDEX AgMax/Wade Scott ANPAC/Roger Berg Appaloosa Horse Club of Canada Arena Fenceline-Service Equipment Arena Trailers Bob Jeffreys/Suzanne Shepard Cannon Falls Trailer Sales Dennis Auslam - Redwood Stables Extreme Mustang Makeover Federated Coop Gateway Ranch - HiQual I90 Expo Center J&B Western Store Ken McNabb HKL Stables Lynn Palm Midwest Cremation Midwest Horse Digest Minnesota Horse Council MN School Of Horse Shoeing More Custom Leather Northland Buildings Orchard Rangers Saddle Club Palma Feed Pleasant Hills

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1/25/2009 - WI, Prescott - Roping Roping Practice & Jackpot 1-5pm - (715) 2623898 1/29/2009 - WI, Prescott - Roping Roping Practice 7-9pm - (715) 262-3898 1/31/2009 - MN, Backus - Barrel UBRA - MRA Barrels & Breakaway Fundraiser - (218) 3680130 1/31/2009 - WI, Balsam Lake Barrel, Game Show UBRA “JJ Arena UBRA Barrel Race & Fun Show” FMI please visit www.JJArena.com - (715)857-5505 julie@jjarena.com 2/1/2009 - MN, Sebeka - Barrel, Futurity NBHA, UBRA Exhibitions at 10:30, runs at noon. Futurity sidepot, pole bending, speed dash, youth. - (218) 472-3402 betsykuschel@hotmail.com 2/15/2009 - MN, Sebeka - Barrel, Futurity NBHA, UBRA Exhibitions at 10:30, runs at noon. Futurity sidepot, pole bending, speed dash, youth. - (218) 472-3402 betsykuschel@hotmail.com April 4-5, 2009 Horse-A-Rama "The World of Horses" Manitowoc Expo Ctr Manitowoc, WI 8-5 PM www.horse-a-rama.org or 920-682-9669

Rosebud Productions R.T. Duggan Ryan Gingerich Shurshod Stable Pros SM Iron Tires Plus - Lakeville, MN The Natural Gait Thumbnail Ads Twin Cities Featherlite United Vet Equine UBRA Walter’s Buildings Wehr's Chevrolet Westwind Shelters

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January 09

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Thumbnail Photo Classifieds

Place your photo classified here for $20.00 per month or for a limited time - place your ad online at


and receive one month in print FREE.

call 507-943-3355 for more info. For Sale Beautiful 2008 pinto Azteca filly, Filly, Foal Date: 7/1/2008. Her dam is a APHA, sorrel overo mare who has a wonderful way of going and a great disposition. Her sire PRE stallion, Espartano MF. 928-899-1049 flatbaroquefarms@gotsky.com Arriving in 2009 Buckskin Lusitano Colt - Foal Date: 6/1/2009 By multi National Champion Bay stallion( Piri Piri and out of the 2008 High scoring USDF dressage sport horse Perlino mare 262-2498870 selwoodp@idcnet.com Imported nine year old Grey Lusitano Gelding from Brazil Ugo Dos Pinhais beautiful nine year old grey (almost white) imported Lusitano Gelding 262-249-8870 selwoodp@idcnet.com

Registered Sonny Dee Bar Paint Pony $850.00 -full brother to "MKK Crescents on First", who is consistently winning in MN Pinto Potential heighth will be 54-56 inches. 507-485-3510 mknutson@rconnect.com

Nanning 374 - IALHA Stallion Auction exquisite bloodlines and a record of producing the highest quality offspring. 888-838-0877

Arabian Ara pinto Pintabian pending Black/white Tobiono

MN PINTO YOUTH TEAM STALLION SERVICE AUCTION * 1/17/2009 two premium Pinto stallions: TC DUNNIT (APHA & PtHA) and LA SHAWNEE RIVER (PtHA & Half Arabian)2009 MN Pinto Banquet in Becker, MN. 612-508-6832 mahlonb@juno.com

BLACK/WHITE Tobiano stallion foaled 2008 high percentage 90+% Arabian blood. 701-465-3776 ddiamond@gondtc.com

Stallions and Stallion Auctions Ironman - $1,500.00 - Oldenburg One the most versatile Sporthorse sires in the U.S.17 Hand Oldenburg stallion with a world class pedigree 262-707-8408 nmaloney@nconnect.net

Black Bay Filly By Mediteraneo V. Black Bay daughter of 2007 IALHA Grand National Champion Sr. Stallion, Mediteraneo V! Fantastic Movement. Wonderful Mind. 972-7461457 vintageandalusians@hotmail.com

Multi Absolute Champion Stallions of Rancho Del Lago. Magico VIII and Saltador ORO. Over 60 Championships and Movement Awards between them. 972-7461457 vintageandalusians@hotmail.com

Beautifully Bred Leviton/Vasallo II Bred Filly! ANCCE eligible for inscription.Offered at 12,5oo with/ breeding to our newly imported PRE Black (EE aa) Carthusian stallion, Costalero XV. 972-746-1457 vintageandalusians@hotmail.com

3x National Champion PRE (ANCCE) Revised Stallion Spokane! This young stallion will add size, substance AND Movement extraordinaire to your breeding program. 972-746-1457 vintageandalusians@hotmail.com


Services and Products Professional Graphic Design and Website Design - Ad design, website design, custome logos, brochures, newsletters, postcards.. 507-943-3355 rosebudpro@bevcomm.net Training the Whole Horse DVD Series I $79.95 Clinic Highlights Training the Whole Horse Five Fundamentals Shop securely at www.Shop.WHolisticHorsemanship.com or call for your FREE catalog 1-866-821-0374

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January 09

Classifieds EDUCATION Mare or Stallion Reproductive Management Classes. Learn Basics of AI at UW-Madison. Classes targeted for Breeders/Owners and Vets. More Info: www.ansci.wisc.edu/equine.html

MAGAZINES Friesian Blood and Baroque Horse Magazine. The only full color magazine on Friesian's, Gypsy's, Drums, Andalusian's and the Baroque Breeds. Fantastic articles, great tips, and beautiful pictures. See a sample at http://issuu.com/bjohnson/docs/Apr_may_08 or call 218-678-2477

PRODUCTS New leather harness ,3rd generation business. Team, work, complete with hames, collars extra. Draft $802.00. Qtr. horse $757.00. Show 3 hip-Draft $882.00. Qtr. horse $812.00. Buggy breast Qtr $220.00 Pony $140.00. Catalogue - St Paul Saddlery, 953 w 7th St., St Paul, MN 55102 Master Saddler offers complete saddlery repairs. Trees replaced, complete reflocks, new seats, billets, tree alterations on Kieffer and Prestige saddles. Appointments booked for quick turn around. Skilled repair of driving harness and sidesaddles.Custom accessories for side saddle competition. Bridles sewn in. Contact Michael at 847-776-6700 or e-mail master_saddler@saddlersrow.com Website www.saddlersrow.com

FOR SALE 13 yr old Reg Paint gelding. This horse is perfect for most any beginner rider. He has been used as a western pleasure horse most of his life, he his very well trained. more information $3,000.00 houckhorsecompany@yahoo.com 651-277-1095 5 yr old gelding 15'1, sire is own son of Speical Effort, Dam is own daughter of Easy Jet. This gelding is broke broke broke. He has all the foundation and is stated on barrels. more information. $5,000.00 715-874-6466, whytejw@clearwire.net Incredible cobra of bay Spanish /Portuguese fillies or matched driving horses Filly, foale 3/3/08, Lela BA by Legado out of Signeta TCV (Aureolo VII X Falicia), Lezada BA By Legado out of Zinnia BA, (Despierto X Zinnia), Tresor By Legado out of Especial BA (Despierto X Furiosa A), All Bay ** All Futurity Nominated **Very hard to tell apart 262-2498870, selwoodp@idcnet.com Lela BA ******* 2008 Bay futurity nominated Spanish/Portuguese Filly, By Legado (US National Champion Third Level Dressage)and out of Signeta TCV- Olympic Dressage horse of Spain (Atlanta) Aureolo VII - out of the multi National Champion Senior Mare Falicia, nominated for the IALHA National Halter futurity and is lifetime recorded with the USEF. 262-249-8870, selwoodp@idcnet.com

midwest horse digest Friesian/Paint Gelding by Novi - Started Riding & Driving - GREAT Temperament! Legend Woods Tovi: born 8/30/04 Friesian/Paint Gelding. Solid Bay. 320-2724099, legendwoods@msn.com

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WEBSITE AND GRAPIC DESIGN Professional Website and Ad Design. Rosebud Productions. www.rosebudpro.com 507-943-335 rosebudpro@bevcomm.net

1/2 Andalusian Sport Horse Candidate, Posh is 1/2 Andalusian 1/4 Arabian 1/4 Saddlebred Gelding. He is registered with IALHA, & can be registered with Iberian Warmblood. Call - 586-784-4368, us@serenitystables.com

STALLIONS .Dakota Gambler Rare Black and White Pintabian At Stud: Proven 99.6% Purebred Arabian. Athletic, Correct, Beauty, Elegance, Kind disposition with awesome movement. Registration Numbers: 320-283-5933, spruchlo@gctel.com Pure Friesian "ROEK" 2nd Premie Stallion. ROEK has a great pedigree, to match his great intelligence, temperament, and CHARISMA. 218-780-7064, dr.horseslave@yahoo.com.

WANTED William Woods University a private instituion, occasionally accepts show quality, trained horses over the age of 3. contact Gary Mullen, gary.mullen@williamwoods.edu

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January 09








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