Midwest Horse Digest January 2010

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January/February 2010



January/February 2010


Horse Digest

Contents Train in g wi t h To d ay’s To p Trainer s 6 Three Great Training Tips by Clinton Anderson

8 Ground Tying by Ken McNabb

10 Fix it Sooner Rather Than Later by Craig Cameron

12 Regaining Confidence and the Ability to Enjoy Riding Again! by Lois Boerboom with Dennis Auslam

14 Sidepassing The Pole by Bob Jeffreys & Suzanne Sheppard

We s t er n P le a su r e 16 Beating the Winter Blues by Jennifer Lindgren

17 Being Competitive in Western Horsemanship

Of Interest NEWS 5 ARHA Ranch Horse Versatility Expands with More Charter-level Awards 5 HEROES WANTED! Volunteers Still Needed for 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games 7 Unwanted Horse Coalition Releases Best Practices Handbook 9 Expert on equine disaster situations to speak at UW 24 American Quarter Horse Association Establishes Dressage as an Approved Event 29 Extreme Cowboy Association Crowns 2009 World Champions LAW 11 In Tough Financial Times – Why It is Important to Understand Liability HEALTH 28 Five Rules to Follow to Avoid a Hoof Soaking Disaster

by Dan Grunewald

18 Should You Be Using a Training Fork? by Tommy Garland

D r e s sage - E n glis h 22 Ask Mary: How do I know if my riding helmet fits? by Mary Hamilton

23 Golden Rules of Ground Training, continued... by Lynn Palm

Per f o r m anc e Ho r se

Special Sections 30 33 35 36 37 38

Equine Central Advertisers Index Classifieds Photo Classifieds Upcoming Events Real Estate and Traders Corner

On The Cover: Lynn Palms’ horse Rugged Painted Lark is by the world-famous 2-time Superhorse, Rugged Lark, and out of Prissy Companion, an APHA Palomino/Tobiano mare.

26 Turn-arounds, spins and more body control on your horse by Monty Bruce

Trai l Ho r se 32 Distracted Herd-bound Horse by Julie Goodnight

Eq uine VIP 34 The extraordinay drill team “Painted Ladies” talks to Equine VIP by Susan Ashbrooke

We hope you enjoy this issue! We are proud to be able to publish it for you, our readers, and ask that you support the advertisers that support this magazine. Thank you! VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW .HORSEDIGESTS.COM


January/February 2010



ARHA Ranch Horse Versatility A RT Hh Ae nch Expands with More Horse VersatilityR acompecomprises five Charter-level Awards tition events—ranch riding, Midwest Horse Rahn Greimann, Publisher, Owner and Editor © 2008 Greimann Industries 35418 90th Street Blue Earth, MN 56013 507-526-5943 Fax 507-526-2629

Advertising Contacts Mark Bahls Peg Bahls 507-943-3355 /Fax 507-943-3352 mark@horsedigests.com peg@horsedigests.com

Julie and Rick Vinsand 877-205-7261 julie@horsedigests.com rick@horsedigests.com

ARHA Ranch Horse Versatility Expands with More Charter-level Awards The American Ranch Horse Association developed the 100-percent payback Ranch Horse Versatility Program in 2009 and is now offering more recognition at each show hosting the program. In addition to 50 percent of the Versatility entry fees awarded at local competitions, in 2010, each show’s Versatility winner will receive a custom-made Skyline Vaquero buckle. A minimum of five Versatility Program entries at the show are necessary for the buckle to be awarded. The first Skyline Vaquero buckle will be offered at the South Kentucky Ranch Horse Association show, January 23 and 24, 2010, in Bowling Green, Ky. The next show to offer the buckle is the Volunteer Ranch Horse Association show, February 6 and 7 in Murfreesboro, Tenn. Find additional shows online at www.americanranchhorse.net/eventscalendar.htm. The new buckle will be showcased at the ARHA National Convention on February 20 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Lexington, Ky.

Volunteers Still Needed for 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games

Andrea Jo Kroening 952-237-5311 andrea@horsedigests.com Midwest Horse Digest is distributed FREE at equinerelated businesses in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Northern Illinois and North and South Dakota. No material from this publication may be copied or in any way reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Neither the advertisers nor Greimann Industries are responsible for any errors in the editorial copy.. Greimann Industries reserves the right to refuse any advertising which we deem unsuitable for our publication. No liability is assumed for errors in or omissions of advertisers in this publication. Opinions and views expressed in articles and advertisements are not necessarily those of the publisher, editors or employees, nor does publication of any opinion or statement in Midwest Horse Digest constitute an endorsement of the views, opinions, goods or services mentioned. While every possible effort is made to make our publication accurate and timely, Midwest Horse Digest does not warrant the accuracy of material contained in any article or the quality of goods or services contained in any advertisement.

TO ALL OF OUR ADVERTISERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND READERS WE THANK YOU! Pick up Midwest Horse Digest every month at over 850 feed stores, tack shops, veterinarians, farriers and equestrian centers across the Upper Midwest. If your location does not get Midwest Horse Digest call us at 507-526-5943 or email rahn@horsedigests.com Please direct all editorial and correspondence, as well as change of address to: rahn@horsedigests.com or call 507-526-5943

ranch trail, ranch cutting, working ranch horse and ranch conformation— that are held and placed individually, but overall performance is considered in the competition program. In addition to the buckle and payback at the local level, 50 percent of Versatility entry fees are awarded year-end top-10 overall national winners. Earnings reports will also be recorded by the equine statistical service Equi-Stat and will be promoted in industry publications to further promote the American ranch horse and ARHA competitors. Horses competing in the Versatility Program must also participate in their respective regular ARHA classes, and they are eligible for ARHA points in those classes. Formed in 2004, the American Ranch Horse Association promotes the abilities of the allaround versatile working horse in a positive atmosphere where western tradition is genuinely honored. Rapidly growing with more than 7,000 members, ARHA hosts competitions, clinics and educational events throughout the year. For complete information about the ARHA Ranch Horse Versatility Program, visit www.americanranchhorse.net or call 606-2712963.

The 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games needs Heroes! Thousands of volunteers are stilled needed to work hundreds of different jobs during the 16 days of the Games, which will be held for the first time in American from September 25-October 10, 2010 at the Kentucky Horse Park. “We need volunteers who can lend their expertise to help make these Games a success, no matter their professional skill level,” said Melissa Gamble, Volunteer Manager for the World Games 2010 Foundation. “You might work as a ticket-taker, an usher, work at a visitor information desk, or help with transportation or event services, but each is a very important part of how these Games work every day.” Volunteer positions for competition-specific duties are currently being selected, but thousands of General Volunteers are still needed. Volunteers can still register their interest at www.alltechfeigames.com/volunteer. In addition, there is still time to reconfirm your interest as a volunteer if you signed up within the past two years. To reconfirm interest or adjust current contact information e-mail volunteers@feigames2010.org. All volunteers will receive an official Ariat uniform and a volunteer credential, which will provide General Admission entry to the grounds


of the park for all 16 days of the Games. In addition, meal vouchers will be provided for each volunteer

during their shift. According to current volunteers, the benefits of volunteering extend far beyond the uniform. “The opportunity to assist with an international sporting event is something that many of us will never again experience,” said Carolyn Greene, who volunteered during each of the 2009 Test Event competitions for the Games and is now volunteering full-time at the World Games 2010 Foundation office. “Volunteering is part of who I am and what I do, and I am having a blast here.” Martin Klotz volunteers his time as part of the Games’ Speakers Bureau. After participating in a training program with staff members, Klotz carries the story of the Games to community groups throughout the Louisville area. “After each presentation, I have come away with the feeling that I had created an awareness of the Games in those who had not thought much about them and enhanced the interest in those who had,” said Klotz, who has also worked as an usher at the 2009 Test Events. “Of course, I hope I will continue to have the opportunity to help ‘spread the word’ about this monumental event.” It is not too late to experience the Games as a volunteer. For more information, visit www.alltechfeigames.com/volunteer or call 859244-2996.

January/February 2010



Clinton Anderson Shares Three Great Training Tips

World renowned clinician Clinton Anderson shares three great training tips from his Downunder Horsemanship Method. Fix the cause, not the symptoms. The majority of horse “problems” aren’t really problems at all, they are really just symptoms of a cause. Seventy to eighty percent of all the problems you


January/February 2010

will ever have to deal with as a horse owner will fix themselves if you do the groundwork and earn your horse’s respect. Most people think that their horse’s problem (biting, bucking, rearing, pawing, etc.) is the real issue, but it’s not. What most people think is a problem is nothing more than a symptom of a cause. But people get so focused on the horse’s bad behavior that they can’t see what is actually causing it. It’s like a weed growing in the ground. You can chop it off with a weed whacker, but two weeks later it will grow right back because the root system is still intact. If you really want to kill the weed, you need to pour weed killer on it to kill the root system. When you kill the roots, the weed will die. It’s the same thing when training horses. Any problem that a horse could possibly have comes from either a lack of respect or fear, or in some cases, both. Train both sides of the horse. Horses have two sides to their brains: the left brain and the right brain. Each side of your horse’s brain is like a completely separate horse. You’ve got Lefty and you’ve got Righty. Horses hear, smell, think and react differently on each side of their brain. Whatever you do on one side of the horse, you have to do on the other. Just because you desensitize or sensitize your horse to pressure on one

side of his body, it doesn’t mean that he will automatically understand what to do when you move to his other side. In order to have a well-balanced responsive horse, you have to act like you own two separate horses. Balance out your training. To balance your horse so that both sides of his body are equally relaxed and responsive, you’ll spend two-thirds of your time working on his bad side (the side that is stiffer, pushier or more reactive), and one-third of your time working on his good side. If your horse is spookier on his right side, then you’ll want to spend two-thirds of your time desensitizing that side of his body. Or, if your horse is really stiff when you ask him to flex his head and neck to the left, you’ll want to spend two-thirds of your time practicing the exercise on the left side of his body. Eventually, both sides will even out so that you’ll have a calm and respectful horse whether you’re standing on the right side or left side. You’ll find that the horse’s good side and bad side will switch on and off. Once you have him desensitized well on the right side, he might be worse on his left side and vice versa. It’s always going to be a bit of a balancing act. Learn more about Downunder Horsemanship, Clinton Anderson and his Method. For more information, please visit www.downunderhorsemanship.com or call (888)287-7432 to learn about Clinton Anderson Walkabout Tours, Clinics and more!


Unwanted Horse Coalition Releases Best Practices Handbook The Unwanted Horse Coalition (UHC) has published a handbook entitled Best Practices: How Your Organization Can Help Unwanted Horses. The handbook is part of the UHC’s continuing effort to get the horse community more involved in solving the problem of unwanted horses. If the horse community is to succeed in lessening the problem of unwanted horses, more organizations and more events, large and small, regardless of their breed or discipline, must institute activities and programs to deal with their horses after their active lives are over or when their owners are no longer able to care for them. Many equine organizations, events and service providers have already instituted programs to help ensure that no horse becomes unwanted. The Best Practices Handbook lists many of these activities and other initiatives that those in the horse industry can undertake. including sections on administration, continuing education, fundraising, support of equine care facilities, matchmaking, direct assistance, breeding control, and euthanasia. The Best Practices Handbook outlines various examples of successful programs and activities already in place with other organizations.There are thousands of associations, events, activities, service providers, commercial suppliers, meetings, trail rides, etc. in the horse community. Regardless of whether you are involved with a large organization, a small show, a racetrack, or a veterinary clinic, there are ideas in this booklet that can be adopted and put into place. “The more educated our industry becomes in regard to unwanted horses and the more effort that we put into it, the more we can do to help our horses,” said UHC Chairman, Dr. Tom Lenz. “We hope the Best Practices Handbook will give everyone some ideas to pursue. If each organization gets involved, even with a single activity, the industry can go a long way toward solving this problem.” The UHC is distributing its Best Practices Handbook to organizations and facilities around the country and available for download on the UHC’s website: www.unwantedhorsecoalition.org. For more information please contact Ericka Caslin, UHC Director, by calling 202-2964031 or emaling ecaslin@horsecouncil.org The Unwanted Horse Coalition The mission of the Unwanted Horse Coalition is to reduce the number of unwanted horses and improve their welfare through education and the efforts of organizations committed to the health, safety and responsible care and disposition of these horses.


January/February 2010



Ground Tying By Ken

Would you like to be able to drop the lead rope, walk away, and have your horse stand where you put him? This month, we will cover how to teach an exercise called ground tying. This exercise builds on the ground work that we have covered in the previous month’s articles, especially the longeing and leading exercises. For this exercise all you need is a halter and lead rope. Practice in an enclosed arena or pen where you can catch your horse easily until he knows


the exercise well. Have you ever noticed how well a ranch horse will stand after a hard day of work? How about the Amish horses, who plow all day? In these situations, the horse has been worked until he is tired and is thankful for the chance to rest. But most of us don’t ride fifty miles, or plow twenty acres with our horse in a day. We don’t have the time to make them tired enough to stand. Instead, we need to create the desire to stand in their head. Begin this exercise by longeing your horse in a circle around you at the trot. By asking him to move his feet you will begin to create the desire to stand still. Change directions frequently, and try to engage your horse’s mind and get him focused on you. After you have worked your horse for a while, offer him the chance to stand. Pet him, and let him know that he is doing the right thing. BEFORE he gets bored with standing, send him off to work again. It is very important that you anticipate him getting restless and make the decision to have him move before he makes it himself. Send him off while he is still focused on wanting to stand. Repeat this exercise a few times, letting your horse stand for a little longer each time. Keep in mind that your goal here is not to make your horse sweat and tire him out. Your goal is to improve on the ground work exercises that you have already taught, and

with Katherine Lindsey Meehan engage your horse’s mind. Now, you are ready to move on to the next step. First, pick a verbal cue that you will use every time you want your horse to stand without moving. Many people like to use “stand”. I frequently use “stay”. The important thing is that you pick something that works for you, and use it every time. Now, drop the lead rope on the ground, tell your horse to “stay”, and back one or two steps away from him. If he stands, wait for 15 to 30 seconds. Then go back and pet him, reward him, and let him know that he did exactly what you wanted. You don’t want to stay away for so long that he decides to move on his own. If he tries to follow you or move when you first back away from him, move him back to where he was before and try again. If he tries to move more than once or twice, just put him back to work longeing for a while and then offer him another chance to stand. Once your horse stands for you once and you reward him, put him back to work around you again. This is not a punishment, but rather a way to further reinforce the desire to stand that you are creating in your horse. Repeat this exercise, asking your horse to stand for longer and longer periods of time, and moving farther and farther away from him. Always try to anticipate when he is going to move off, and go back to him and reward him before he does. You want to set this up so your horse can win again and again. With that in mind, start in an area with as little distraction as possible, and gradually move to areas with more and more distractions. If you are in an arena with other horses on one side of it, ask your horse to stop and stand facing away from them at first. You don’t want to set him up for failure by making it too tempting to walk towards the other horses. As he understands the exercise better, you can add more challenges. When my horse is ground tying, I allow him to put his head down to smell the ground or even graze, as long as his feet don’t move. One situation where I will let my horse move his feet is if he has stopped crooked. Then he is allowed to move enough to square up so he can stand easily and comfortably, but no more than that. Once your horse seems to understand this exercise, you will need to give them the opportunity to make mistakes. As you go farther and farther away, and leave for longer periods of time, your horse may move. If this happens, just go back to him and return to the longeing exercise, then ask him to ground tie again. This is a fun exercise to teach and it is very useful on the trail when you stop for lunch, or even when you just need to open a gate. It can be used when you are grooming and saddling if you don’t have a place to tie your horse. It is also a great way to impress your friends! Enjoy your horse and until next time, may God bless the trails you ride. For more information on Ken McNabb’s programs call us at 307-645-3149 or go to www.kenmcnabb.com.


January/February 2010


Expert on equine disaster situations to speak at UW MADISON –The University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine Continuing Education program will host the 21st annual seminar “Horse Emergencies: Being Prepared During Disaster Situations” on Saturday, February 20, 2010. The morning session will be held in the Ebling Symposium Auditorium located within the Microbial Science building, 1550 Linden Dr., Madison. The afternoon demonstrations will be at the UW Stock Pavilion, 1675 Linden Dr., Madison. Expert Eric Thompson, chief animal control officer for the Overland Park Police Department, Kan., will cover what to do if a horse is stuck in the mud, stranded on ice, trapped in a burning barn or involved in other emergency situations. He will show participants how to perform basic rescue techniques using anything commonly found around the ranch, including the “kitchen sink”. Thompson is a national responder and instructor for Code 3 Associates and is Operations Manager for the Emergency Equine Response Unit. He is certified in water, mud, rock, ice, fire and trailer rescue of animals, and he has received 25 certificates of achievement from FEMA in disaster planning. Participants will be given the opportunity to revisit current emergency plans and network with local resources to develop new ones. Thompson will provide demonstrations and show how preplanning can go a long way in equine emergency situations. A special demonstration by the UW Mounted Police will round out the day. Advance registration for this seminar is $45 per person (or $39 per person for groups of five or more) on or before February 5, 2010. After that date, admission becomes $60 per person. For more information contact Karl Olson (608) 890-1774, Olsonk@svm.vetmed.wisc.edu or visit www.vetmed.wisc.edu/ce/horse_owner

If the world was truly a rational place, men would ride sidesaddle. ~Rita Mae Brown When you're young and you fall off a horse, you may break something. When you're my age, you splatter. ~Roy Rogers There is just as much horse sense as ever, but the horses have most of it. ~Author Unknown The daughter who won't lift a finger in the house is the same child who cycles madly off in the pouring rain to spend all morning mucking out a stable. ~Samanth Armstrong


January/February 2010



True Story:

Fix it Sooner Rather Than Later by Craig Cameron

At one of my clinics, a participant had a horse that turned away from her in the round pen, pinned back both ears and ran backward at the handler. I thought this was a problem that could be corrected with some

help. And the horse owner was at the right place to get some help. It took a little discipline to correct the horse. It didn’t take much, but I had to be firm with that horse to get her to yield her head laterally and give in the hindquarters. With a little time and patience, I did fix the horse’s dangerous problem. Another participant, who didn’t even own the horse, thought I was being too hard on the horse. She felt sorry for a horse who was trying to hurt or kill someone. I couldn’t understand that. I asked her if she’d ever seen anyone who’d been kicked in the head or chest by a horse? What about someone crippled or, worse, turned into a vegetable or even killed by a horse, instantly? So the owner needed to fix the problem or sell the horse, one of the two, because if she didn’t,

her horse would seriously hurt her someday. The moral of this story is that if your horse is giving you a dangerous problem, you either handle it yourself immediately, ask a pro to help you, or get rid of the horse. Don’t feel sorry for the horse because the horse will never feel sorry for you. Either you help the horse make the change or you get rid of him. There are too many good horses out there to put up with an outlaw. If the horse can’t or won’t be fixed, then he might very well hurt someone someday and end up at the slaughterhouse anyway. It’s like having a bad kid. Either you discipline him yourself or the police will.

Craig Cameron -

A Better Way, Smart Riding Many horse owners claim their horses buck every morning. Generally, the problem is that the horse is just fresh and feels good. The solution is simple. Warm up your horse by moving him around in both directions at a consistent gait either in the round pen or on a longe line. Spend some time moving your horse in both directions. Put your horse to work in one direction at a time. Move him as many as 10 to 20 times before changing directions. This simple approach takes the fresh and the fear out of your horse, which allows him to relax. This process protects you and your horse. It’s no good if either of you get hurt. When a horse turns loose mentally, he relaxes physically and, when he relaxes physically, he turns loose mentally. This common sense is what I call “smart riding” and it complements one of my favorite horsemanship philosophies, “Smart riding is making sure you can ride again tomorrow.” Ride Smart —Craig Cameron Excerpt with permission out of Craig’s book, Ride Smart, by Craig Cameron with Kathy Swan. Photos by John Brasseaux. You can order Craig’s book and DVD’s at www..CraigCameron.com

10 January/February 2010


Questions for an Equine Law Practitioner

In Tough Financial Times – Why It is Important to Understand Liability by Julie I. Fershtman, Attorney at Law (C) 2009, Julie I. Fershtman. All rights reserved. www.equinelaw.net On November 19, 2009, I gave a keynote speech at American Riding Instructors Association Annual Convention in Naples, Florida. Let me share with you some of my remarks. The Importance of Understanding Liability In these difficult financial times, people need to remain focused in their emphasis on safety. An injured person might be motivated to file a lawsuit against stables, professionals, and horse owners, especially if medical bills are highand the injury keeps the person off work for considerable time. I sincerely believe that people who have a general understanding of liability are well positioned to avoid it. Liability, Generally When someone brings a claim or suit arising from injuries sustained in an equine-related activity, the theories of liability tend to be the following: Equine Activity Liability Acts As of November 2009, 46 states (all but California, Maryland, Nevada, and New York) have some form of an Equine Activity Liability Act. All of these laws differ but many share common characteristics. For example, the laws usually state that a “participant” who is injured while “engaging in an equine activity” cannot seek legal recourse from an “equine activity professional,” “equine activity sponsor,” or “another person” if the injury resulted from an “inherent risk of an equine activity.” The laws usually have several exceptions, however, that can form the basis of a claim or suit against horse owners, professionals, or horse facilities. The most common exceptions are: (1) providing “faulty tack or equipment”; (2) providing an equine and “failing to make reasonable and prudent efforts to determine the ability of the participant to safely engage in the equine activity”; (3) having land or facilities with a dangerous latent condition for which no conspicuous warning sign was posted; (4) engaging in willful and wanton misconduct or gross negligence; and (5) committing intentional wrongdoing. A small number of laws include an exception of negligence. Negligence In the four states without an equine activity liability law (New York, California, Maryland, and Nevada), the legal standard for liability is negligence. Negligence is essentially conduct that is unreasonable. Through a negligence claim, the injured person would assert that the horse owner, professional, facility, or show management failed to act in a reasonably prudent manner, which caused the injury. My articles and books over the years have explained the types of negligence claims people have

brought as well as several possible defenses. Avoiding Liability Below are some of the suggestions for a voiding liability that I offered in my recent speech. Liability Waivers/releases Courts in most states have shown a willingness to enforce liability releases. However, these documents stand a serious risk of failure if they are improperly worded, improperly signed, or the applicable state law refuses to enforce them. For the best protection, have your documents drafted or reviewed by a knowledgeable attorney. Equipment Most equine activity liability acts include an exception for “faulty tack or equipment.” Before you provide equipment to others, such as a saddled and bridled horse for a lesson or trail ride, check the equipment. Sign Posting Many state equine activity liability acts require “equine professionals” and sometimes “equine activity sponsors” to post warning signs with language provided in the statute. States differ on the language, size of the signs, placement of the signs, and even color of the signs. Check your state law to see if these requirements affect you. Contract Language Most equine activity liability acts require “equine professionals” and sometimes “equine activity sponsors” to include certain language within their contracts and releases. Requirements differ, and the mandated language for contracts is not always the same as the “warning” language for signs. Check the state laws where you live or do business. Avoid Myths


Everyone, it seems, has opinions regarding liability in the equine industry. Some call equine liability laws “zero liability laws.” Some insist that liability releases are worthless. These are myths. In your efforts to learn more about liability, seek information from reliable sources. -- Julie Fershtman, Attorney at Law This article does not constitute legal advice. When questions arise based on specific situations, direct them to a knowledgeable attorney. About the Author A lawyer for 23 years, Julie Fershtman is one of the nation’s most experienced Equine Law practitioners, has successfully tried equine cases before juries in four states, has drafted hundreds of equine industry contracts, and is a Fellow of the American College of Equine Attorneys. For more information, visit www.equinelaw.net or www.equinelaw.info Julie Fershtman’s books, MORE Equine Law & Horse Sense and Equine Law & Hors Sense, help people avoid disputes. Order both for $42.90, first class shipping included. To order, call Horses & The Law Publishing at 866-5-EQUINE. Or, send check or money order to Horses & The Law Publishing, P.O. Box 250696, Franklin, MI 48025-0696. Attention Lawyers and Paralegals: This year the American Bar Association published Julie’s new book on Litigating Animal Law Disputes. The book covers a wide variety of legal issues involving horses and other animals and includes sample court filings. Horses & The Law Publishing sells the book for a large discount off the ABA’s $130 cover price. Contact Ms. Fershtman directly for information

January/February 2010 11


Regaining Confidence and the Ability to Enjoy Riding Again! by Lois Boerboom with Dennis Auslam

I had heard of persons loosing their confidence and developing a fear of horseback riding, but I have to admit I never thought it would happen to me. Nothing terrible happened, I simply had a horse spook on a very windy day and when I went to bring him around the saddle slid, so I just kicked free and fell to the ground. This is what started my problem. I felt I had no balance and would start shaking and be scared to death when I attempted to ride. It wasn’t just with the horse that I came off of; it was with all my horses. I fought this myself for close to a year and came very close to giving up all together. Horses have been a part of my life for many years and I have always enjoyed working with them and learning how and what I could do better. This was why, when I saw an advertisement for a saddle fitting clinic, I decided to check it out. As part of the clinic there was a trainer from Redwood Falls answering questions regarding training and working with horses. I have to admit I was skeptical, as I had heard this trainer was into roping and cattle work, and from what I had heard more of a rodeo type. I spent some time talking with him and he told me about the womens clinics that he held to help women regain their confidence and be more effective riders. I was intrigued, but hadn’t bought into it yet. I asked if I could watch or audit a clinic to see what it was all about. I was told ABSOLUTELY…come on out. The first thing that I really appreciated was the friendliness and welcome I received. I was never given the impression I was stupid or that because I had developed this fear I was looked down upon.

12 January/February 2010

Safety and respect from the horse were the key points. These were demonstrated and each horse and handler went through the process individually before they were to work on their own. In addition, there were other helpers there ready to assist in working through any tough spots that either the horse or handler were experiencing. Class size was small and Dennis made certain he was giving praise at accomplishments and prompting on how to make things better. One point that Dennis made, and I have seen followed through more than once is, “I will tell it like it is”. If a horse is not a good partner for a person, he will say so. It is then up to the person to decide what they want to do. But on the other hand if a horse and handler do have potential, he doesn’t hesitate to tell them that and make suggestions as to what they can do to improve. After watching a clinic, I decided to give it a try with my horse. I had a lot of apprehension and asked a ton of questions. I have been very impressed with the way Dennis is able to communicate with a wide variety of people as well as horses. My first clinic went very well, but I remained fearful when it came to the riding. I couldn’t handle the riding around cattle for very long before I became anxious and had to get off. I was not made to feel a failure over this and was encouraged to just walk my horse around and do what I was comfortable with. Dennis worked with my horse and, at times, when my horse was not able to understand what I wanted, he rode him. This helped me to see that my horse was able to do what was being asked, I just needed to communicate better with him. Since Jan/Feb of 2009, when I came to my first clinic to watch, I can not believe how far I have progressed. I have hauled my horse back and done lessons on the trail course and inside arena. Dennis allowed me to proceed at the pace I felt comfortable with. He is good at encouraging and helping a person to feel confident in what they are attempting to accomplish. I am finding my horse is developing more of a partnership with me and accepting me as the leader. Time and patience has been the key. I would be the first to admit that had I been made to feel stupid, or that this was not something I could overcome, I wouldn’t have gone

back. I have attended several clinics since, and each time gained more confidence in my own, as well as my horse’s ability. This would not have happened if Dennis had not kept encouraging me and pointing out the progress I was making and the successes I was having, even when I didn’t see them. He was very good at breaking down problems into steps that were obtainable. He definitely is a clinician, as well as a trainer. In my own case, time and persistence has been the key. I have moved along slowly and it has taken a lot of persistence to get where I am today. Dennis has been very willing to work with me and take the time that it has taken and I highly recommend him for the training of horses, as well as their riders. Over the course of the summer I saw horses of all types come in for training. The points that have been repeated consistently are fairness, reward or praise, and consistency. I have asked questions about problems and how he would deal with them and he never hesitated to explain how and why he would follow a certain plan. Lois Boerboom A word from Dennis - I appreciate Lois’ high praise. We asked Lois if we could submit this for print so that other women who might be going through something similar could be encouraged and let them know that with work they can gain confidence in their horse and their riding ability. I enjoy helping people be the horse person they long to be and helping them develop a partnership with their horse. What Lois experienced is not uncommon and I admire the persistance of these women. They could eaisly decide to hang it up and quit, but the passion to want to ride and ride well, and to have confidence when riding drives them on. It does take commitment and desire, it also takes an open mind to learn new habits. When these women, as well as men, develop the correct habits, are riding the right horse and gain the needed confidence, they find that the horses they are riding have confidence in them and it becomes a win, win situation for both horse and rider. We are hoping that everyone has a great year in 2010 and remember, you are always training your horse, think about what you are doingl and stay safe! Dennis Auslam of Redwood Stables in Morton, MN, trains both the horse and the rider through lessons and clinics. He runs a regular schedule of clinics for Confidence Building, Horsemanship and Cattle Work, including Roping Clinics and has recently added a Challenge Trail Course to his facility. Call 507-430-0342 or email him at redwoodstables@mvtvwireless.com You can visit his website at www.redwoodstables.com for more information.


Nancy Koch of CANTER Selected as USEF/EQUUS Foundation Humanitarian Award Recipient

Nancy Koch, Executive Director of CANTER National, will be honored as the first recipient of The EQUUS Foundation Humanitarian Award presented by The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF). The inaugural presentation will take place on January 16, 2010, at the USEF Pegasus Awards Dinner during the Federation’s Annual Meeting. The EQUUS Foundation Humanitarian Award (presented by the United States Equestrian Federation) is a celebration of the humanitarian achievements made by a member of the equestrian world. Specifically, the goal of this humanitarian honor is to spotlight and exalt the selfless dedication one individual or a group of individuals has made, whether on a regional or national scale. From improving the health and welfare of the horse to promoting and expanding the general public’s appreciation

and respect of the diverse role of horses, the recipient of this award will be someone who has devoted considerable personal time to make the lives and quality of life of our equine partners paramount. Nancy Koch has devoted countless hours to improving the health and welfare of young Thoroughbred racehorses who no longer able to race competitively. Koch started The Communication Alliance to Network Thoroughbred Ex-Racehorses (CANTER) to find new careers for these horses. The web-based program “caught on” and now, there are allvolunteer CANTER affiliates across the country. In learning that she was selected for the award, Nancy said, “I am honored to accept this award on behalf of all the CANTER volunteers”. For more information, contact Melissa Davis at mdavis@usef.org.

The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors, which is responsible for the selection of the grant recipients. The Board includes: Jenny Belknap Kees, Chairman, Catherine Herman, Vice Chairman, David T. Goodwin, Secretary/Treasurer, Lynn Coakley, President, David Distler, Gray Fadden, Richard Mitchell DVM, Clea Newman Soderlund, and Visse Wedell. Thanks to the generosity of its donors, The EQUUS Foundation helps thousands of people and horses each year. Over $1.3 million in grants have been awarded since the first awards in 2003. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Contact The EQUUS Foundation, Inc., at 168 Long Lots Road, Westport, CT 06880, Tele: (203) 259-1550, Email: equus@equusfoundation.org, website: http://www.equusfoundation.org

About The EQUUS Foundation, Inc. The EQUUS Foundation, Inc., established in August 2002, as a 501(c)(3) national charitable foundation, seeks to raise public awareness of the value of the horse in society through education and the awarding of grants to charities that use the horse to benefit the public, promote the health and welfare of horses, and elevate the equestrian sport as a whole.


January/February 2010 13

www.horsedigests.com Versatility Training Part 5:

Sidepassing the Pole By Bob Jeffreys & Suzanne Sheppard

Hopefully you and your horses are all now opening gates and passing through calmly, ring jousting, javelin throwing, riding slow and fast symmetrical circles and crossing bridges effortlessly. This month we’ll concentrate on teaching you how to sidepass over a pole. To begin your horse must sidepass in both directions; if he doesn’t, teach this first in an arena without the pole. Gain control of his front feet so that you can move his right front foot directly to the right (imagine standing on a clock facing 12:00, with your back to 6:00 a clock… move his foot to 3:00), or his left front foot directly to the left ( towards 9:00). You must also teach your horse to move his hindquarters over to either direction as well. Be sure to train your horse to move one step at a time so he doesn’t rush or over anticipate, and so he’ll move exactly as many steps as you ask for. Then using your reins to move the front end while simultaneously using your legs to move the hindquarters, take both ends directly to the side. When you can do this easily in either direction you’ll be ready for the pole. Your goal will be to sidepass the full length of the pole without stepping forward or backward,

keeping the pole under his belly throughout the movement, and crossing the outside legs in front of the inside legs. We’ll begin by desensitizing the horse to the pole by walking and subsequently trotting over it until he’s comfortable with it. Once this is accomplished, ask your horse to step over the pole at the pole’s extreme right end and stop with it directly under his belly, just behind where your leg normally hangs in the stirrup. Ask him to now sidepass to the right (you should be off the pole with only one step to the side). Praise your horse, approach the pole again and step over it, stopping with the pole under your stirrup again, but this time about six inches from the right end. Relax and sidepass off the pole (this time it should take two steps to clear it). Continue this exercise by adding six inches at a time until you reach two feet from the end. Then you can add one foot at a time to the distance the horse must sidepass. Finally, you’ll be able to approach and stop on the extreme left side of the pole, continuing to sidepass to the right over the entire length of the pole and off. Once you’ve mastered this movement to the right, start the lesson over again going to the left. Remember to keep the horse “thinking forward” so that he crosses over correctly (if sidepassing to the right, his left legs should cross over in front off his right legs, and vice versa), and also to avoid allowing him to back up. Also be sure to mix up this exercise with just stopping

over the pole and then walking forward. Otherwise he may start to anticipate the movement and immediately start to sidepass when you stop him over the pole.

If you’re ready to advance to sidepassing two poles set at a 90 degree angle, here’s a tip – set your horse up so that, when you get to the corner where the two poles meet, your horse’s hind end is on the outside and you’re facing in. you’ll need to hold the front feet still while you move the horse’s hindquarters over to make the turn, and since the horse carries more weight on his forehand, his hindquarters are easier to move! Until next time, ride safe! Bob Jeffreys and Suzanne Sheppard travel nationwide teaching people how to bring out the best in their horses. Their homebase is Bob’s Two as One Ranch in Middletown, NY. For info about Bob & Suzanne’s Wind Rider Challenge, private horse training lessons, riding lessons, clinics, DVDs, books, Horsemanship Ed Courses and ProTrack™ Trainer Certification Programs please visit TwoasOneHorsemanship.com or call 845-692-7478. © Bob Jeffreys & Suzanne Sheppard 12-09.

14 January/February 2010


Equine-Assisted Learning (EAL): Mother - Daughter Relationship Building At the last Pegasus Certification training some of the participants decided that they did not want to utilize their last day of training at our arena using each other as participants, but wanted instead to develop their own seminars and have me observe and provide feedback to them at their arena with their own seminar. They each decided on their client group, their goals and objectives specific to that client group, which horse-human activities that they would use, and marketed their seminar. Mary Severson and Mariah Wedig, both from the Madison,Wisconsin area, decided to team up and offer a mother-daughter relationship building event. Both are fine horsewomen in the traditional sense, both showing themselves and supporting their children in that venue.They decided to take the Pegasus Certification training in order to learn about EAL and how this approach could help them develop new client bases. Both women are excellent examples of the Pegasus view that many horse people have an understanding of the horse-human connection and the healing power of horses that, with a little training, could be channeled into helping others who have a variety of human development needs. Mary had already been working with special needs children using the horses in a fairly traditional therapeutic riding format. Mariah knew that this was an area she wanted to expand into and had some ideas about the client group she would be able to serve. Both are mothers, both had a keen sense of how horses had enriched both their life and their children's lives and wanted to share this with others. To market the event they contacted several social service areas, talked to people they knew, and distributed fliers. A small postcard was sent out outlining the goals of the seminar: improved communication, a deeper connection, a shared experience and new ways of dealing with conflict. My own work with Pegasus primarily involves team and leadership development with corporate groups and especially Women's leadership development; however, for sometime I had been thinking about a mother-daughter leadership program. The mother-daughter relationship sets the stage for the daughter's adult development as a woman, as a leader, and as a citizen. At the same time mothers are highly influenced by the innate wisdom of their daughters as they grow and develop. I was very excited to see what the pair had developed and how it would play out in the arena with the horses and the mother-daughter teams. They had three horses moving freely in the arena and started by letting everyone get comfortable with the horses.They explained that the horses would be doing the "teaching" by providing behavioral feedback to the participants and that part of the participants job was to watch each other and the horses. They then proceeded with challenges that required that the motherdaughter teams work together. One activity involved moving the horse through a sort of obstacle course that had many distractions for the horse such as feed, narrow passages, and

small jumps. The teams were not allowed to touch the horse or use any sort of lead line. Another activity involved the daughters being taken aside and given a few props, like a spool of thread, and directions as to what the mothers were to accomplish with the horses. However, the daughters could not communicate verbally with the mothers and the mothers had to make assumptions about what they were to do and to check that assumption with the daughter. There was much laughter and warmth in that arena. In the processing, I was particularly taken by the daughters protectiveness of the mothers. In one case, one mother was not seeing that she was not really hearing her daughter and just moved ahead with what she thought she should do. As we gently prodded the mother to see this behavior, the daughter became increasingly more protective both verbally and physically moving close to her mother and justifying her behavior. This genuine caring was so evident that eventually some tears were shed at the sheer tenderness of the moment. I was excited and humbled by this event. Though I was there to observe and provide feedback I became a participant-observer. I realized that some of the mother-daughter conflict issues that played out in the arena were my own issues with my own daughter. I came back with changed behavior - to the benefit of my daughter and myself.


No mother-daughter relationship is perfect at all times; however this shared experience, a quiet time to reflect and change behavior did accomplish a self-awareness in the participants of their own strengths and needs as well as the strengths and needs of the other. It was EAL at its finest and I want to thank Mary and Mariah for this opportunity and for the important work that they will continue to do. Janet W. Hagen, Ph.D. - Pegasus Leadership Consultants, LLC - pegasusleaders.com pegasusleaders@yahoo.com

January/February 2010 15

Western Pleasure


Want to Win Western Pleasure

Beating the Winter Blues by Jennifer Lindgren © 2010

Winter has set in hard here in the Midwest. Brutal cold along with ice and snow makes traveling to the barn difficult for many. Once we get there, we aren't much warmer because few of us can afford to heat a barn or an arena. Even true horsemen get discouraged on these damp cold days. Now is not the time to stay on the couch or to leave your horse in the stall bundled under blanket. Abandoning our mounts until the snow melts is bad for both horse and rider. Exercise, crucial to maintaining proper circulation, respiration, and digestion, is more critical to horses in the winter months than in the summer. Horses can get the winter blues too. Give them much needed attention and boost your own spirits by spending time out of the house. And if you plan on wearing last year chaps, you only have a few months to work off those holiday indulgences. Still not motivated? Do you think your competition is sitting on the couch? You don't want to bring your horse to a sweat when it is brutally cold, but you must get them out of the stall and moving. Remove blankets to brush the horse down and check their coat for blanket rubs or fungus patches. Monitor your horse's water intake. Some horses dislike cold water. Encourage drinking with loose salt fed either by hand or sprinkled in feed. If you bring your horses outside, clean snow packed hooves prior to stalling. Take extra time for your warm-ups and cool

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downs. Warm-ups can be in hand or under saddle. If you have an arena that is hazard free, let your horse loose to let off some steam. Enjoy watching him run, spin, dance and snort. Let him be a horse! If he is lazy, encourage him with a longe whip. This free time is good for both his mind and body. If you can't turn out indoors, longeing is a good alternative. But, avoid standing in a circle with the horse moving mindlessly around you. Use the whole arena and move along with your horse, turning a boring longe exercise into a team workout. Much more fun than a health club. Be creative under saddle. Riding the rail is best left for the show ring. Spirals, serpentines, squares, and

riding diagonally between them. Maintain his speed until you approach the cone, then sit deep in your seat, relax and ask for the halt. He will catch on quickly. Next, try to ride a straight line and halt with your eyes closed. Focus on getting your horse to change speed within the gait, on demand. Remember, you should have three speeds at the walk, trot (jog), and canter (lope). If you have access to barrels or poles, set them in various patterns and see if you can bend your horse around them, hands free. Have you ever ridden the alphabet? Lower case letters work best. First, picture the letter in

Snow or Shine, horses need to get out of their stalls to maintain proper circulation, digestion, and mental health. Blankets, great to keep them dry and warm, should be removed and checked daily. photo courtesy: Al Breyer, Breyer Patch Morgans.

diagonals are great ways to strengthen your horse's hindquarters and they spice up your workout. Start the spiral with a large fast circle, moving inward as you slowly decrease speed and circle size. Try to make four circles prior to spiraling back outward. Spiral in both directions. A serpentine is a series of half circles with change of direction. Your goal is to have each half circle match in size and speed. The number of loops in the serpentine will depend upon your arena length. If you have trouble with the loops, set out cones to mark the change points. Riding a square involves 4 straight lines with 90º pivots on the haunches at each corner. The pivots will help to strengthen and engage your horse's hindquarters. Diagonal work focuses on controlling your horse's speed through your body language. Set cones in the corners of the arena,

your mind, planning in the arena where you will need to stop, turn, or back. Start with “a” at the walk and move to the jog or trot as soon as you feel confident enough. Don't get discouraged, this is very tough. At first your letters will look like a preschooler learning to write. By the end of the month, you should be loping the alphabet with ease. Cool downs are best done bareback. Pulling off that saddle not only helps you feel your horse better, it will improve your balance and timing. As you walk around the arena, get in sync with his rhythm, memorizing his footfall. Don't worry about a headset or collection, let him relax and enjoy the ride too! Jennifer Lindgren has been an All-Breed Judge since 1985. She is an experienced competitor who has earned Regional and National awards in Halter, Western Equitation and Hunter. She loves all breeds of horses and keeps her private collection in Grant Park, IL. contact: jenlind22msn.com


Being Competitive in Western Horsemanship by Dan Grunewald

Have you ever wondered what you are doing in the show ring? Do you often wonder why you continue to get that lower placing in the horsemanship class at the horse show. Today, I would like to offer some advice to help you understand what it takes to be competitive in Western Horsemanship. I have been involved in the horse industry for approx. 30 years. I have been judging for approximately the last 15 years and have had the opportunity to judge many different types of shows - from the State Finals to the Futurities, to the open shows and county fairs, and my latest endeavor is judging some ranch horse shows. Now that you have my credentials, let’s go ahead and get started. Western Horsemanship is like baking a cake, if you don’t follow the recipe as indicated, it may not turn out the way that you intended.There are two very important things, as an exhibitor, that you need to remember: First Impression and Confidence. First impression to me does not start at cone 1 or at the gate, it should start in the holding pen. Why do I say this? Mentally, as an exhibitor, you need to have both your horse and yourself prepared to win the class. I always tell my students if they are ready in the holding pen when they approach cone 1, they are ready to win that class. Once at cone 1I like to see the exhibitor positioned a little behind the cone, just in case there is a trot off at cone 1. By giving your horse a little room it will ensure that you will be trotting off by the cone as the pattern requests. Not only is the positioning important, but make sure that you are in a great horsemanship riding posture. Confidence…I define confidence as believing in yourself, having the drive to be great and never giving up. As a judge I often see exhibitors executing their patterns and their horse or pony will make a mistake, the exhibitor gets frustrated and that causes anxiety in their horse as well. Mistakes happen, but you need to remain confident in yourself and your horse, maintain your composure, and continue forward as if you

just executed a flawless pattern. There may still be other components in that pattern to make up the lost penalty points. Keep in mind that even if your pattern was not as you had planned, other exhibitors may make the same mistake or one that could be more critical than yours. To me the Horsemanship class, or any pattern class, has always been a team effort between horse and rider. This team effort must exhibit confidence and make that great first impression. The judge, after a pattern class, may have the option to bring back the exhibitors for rail work. Here is another opportunity for you to come out and make up some points. Again, you may have tripped a little in the pattern, but you need to keep your chin up, exhibit that confidence, and forget the mistake. Get yourself and your horse on your game, go out onto that rail and be seen. When the judge calls for the reverse during the rail work, this is when the judge starts to make up the placings for the class. Continue on confident…after the final direction, the judge will ask the exhibitors to line up. Here is a helpful tip for making that great last impression as the class is completed. Wait that extra few seconds, if possible, to get past the judge one more time as you line up, and be the last one there. Don’t be in a hurry, you are confident and you can wait for your blue ribbon an extra second or two. When the judge calculates his\her final placings and hands them to the ring steward and the class is called… whether its your day for the blue or you were a few places below… make sure you acknowledge the judge and thank them, remember good sportsmanship goes a long way. Being in the horse business for over 30 years, I have obtained a vast amount of knowledge through personal experience. It is my hope that this article has conveyed some of that information.and you will be able to take away at least one piece of helpful information. I highly recommend to both youth and adults alike, that you find a judge in your area that will allow you to be an apprentice and judge with them for the day. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn about the scorings system and how penalties\credits are given. I am confident that an apprenticeship will


provide you with a better understanding of western horsemanship and give you that competitive edge you need. In conclusion, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to help you score more points in your next Western Horsemanship class. Good Luck to all of you in 2010, see you down the rail! For information on hiring Dan Grunewald as your next judge, clinician or trainer, visit us on the web at www.dangrunewald.com. You may also reach him via phone at 262-593-8014 or via email at dangrunewald@ymail.com Meet Your Judge Dan Grunewald has been involved in the horse industry his entire life. He offers a vast amount of knowledge and expertise in the show world, whether it has been through his experience as an exhibitor, clinician, or judge. Dan has been a huge advocate for getting our future horsemen and women involved in the horse industry and he puts to use all of his energy, experience, knowledge and love of the industry into all of his clinics, judging jobs, and in training his clients’ horses. He has been a three time top ten finisher in the Extreme Mustang Makeover Challenge, has been chosen to be a featured clinician at the 2010 Alltech World Equestrian Games in Lexington, Kentucky and was named 2008 WSHC Judge of the Year. He also won the 2009 WSHC Special Achievement Award for his work in founding the Wisconsin Interscholastic Horsemanship Association (WIHA). Dan holds ABRA, ARHA and WSHC judges cards and has trained and shown several Local, State, National and World Champion horses throughout his career.

January/February 2010 17


Should You Be Using a Training Fork? by Tommy Garland

I answer thousands of questions regarding tack at clinics, expos and shows and one of the most frequent questions I get revolves around the use of a training fork. Before you begin using it you need to understand the purpose behind using a training fork, so let’s start at the beginning! A training fork is used primarily to allow you to capture your horses nose and control where their head is, plain and simple. One of the first things I tell riders is that you cannot control your horse if you don’t have control of their nose. A good training fork should be made of good quality leather that is supple and soft and has plenty of flexibility for adjustment. I don’t recommend buying or using a training fork that is made of stretchy tubing material. Horses have so much strength in their head and necks; the rubber acts like rubber bands and is not restrictive enough if your horse puts their head up. Before you begin using a training fork, it’s important to determine where you want your horse’s head to be. Think of an imaginary box that is the ideal position you want your horses head to be in. As you ride with a training fork, if your horse lifts his head, the training fork allows you to get control and get his head back down. It will take a little practice and patience but it’s an important element because horses balance themselves through their head, so once

18 January/February 2010

you determine where your horses head needs to be, the training fork can be a great tool in helping your horse keep it there.

should be able to draw a straight line from your hand to the bit and the training fork should be loose. If your horse lifts his head 2”, the training fork should capture your rein and allow you to bring your horses head back down. Repeating this process over and over, combined with your horse’s muscle memory, will help your horse learn where to carry his head. It’s important to remember that this process will not happen in a day or two, it will take some time. Repetition is an ongoing process and important component in training. Remember your horse has a mind of his own and you will always have to be training your horse. Many people think once a horse learns something they will remember it forever, but that’s not necessarily the case. Horses do remember things, but only partially, so you will always improve their memory and training process with practice and repetition. As you ride your horse with the training fork, he will learn how to give to pressure. The exercise I do is a lot of figure 8’s and circles in my arena. Find two reference points in your arena and focus on those for the next exercise. I personally like to use barrels, but you can use whatever you’d like. Move your horse forward in circles and figure 8’s , around these reference points, in circles that are no bigger than 6’ in diameter. You will notice as you change directions, your horse will have a tendency to want to put his nose up and he will also want to stop in the middle of the direction change. In both cases, it’s important to keep your horse moving forward and feeling the bit. Over time, your horse will get softer left to right and eventually he’ll become softer going forward. This is the beginning process of vertical flexion and the training fork helps greatly in developing this.

How to properly adjust the training fork. Run your reins through the ring of the fork while you’re on the ground imagining the ideal position you want your horses head to be in. Imagine where you want your hands to be. Ideally they should be in front of the saddle and as wide apart as your horses shoulders. If your hands are in the right position, you


Too many times people ride around and lose sight of the problem they’re trying to solve and that can become frustrating and confusing

for both you and your horse. Try to focus and concentrate on one issue at a time and work on it, resolve it and then go on to the next issue and exercise. You might do the exercises I’ve outlined here 30-45 minutes a day for 7 days in a row, which might be overkill, but you and your horse will learn and improve through repetition. Persistence will pay off in the end and remember, Confidence, Patience and Respect (CPR) is an important element in any training routine. About Tommy Garland: Tommy Garland has ridden horses all his life and credits his trainer father, also named Tommy with teaching him much of what he learned early on about horsemanship. Tommy has spent the past 30 years training not only Arabians and Half-Arabians but Quarter Horses, Tennessee Walking Horses, Paints and Mules as well. His techniques have been universally accepted, respected and utilized by horse owners of all breeds & disciplines. In addition to his popular TV show, “CPR For The Horse & Rider” which aired on RFD TV for several years, Tommy regularly participates at clinics, expos and other equestrian events throughout the United States, Canada and Brazil. Tommy is a regular contributor to several popular equine publications and his online clinics and training DVD’s are valuable resources for anyone who loves horses! Tommy resides in Virginia with his wife Dawn and children, Samantha, Katie and TBird (Tommy Jr.). For additional information Tommy’s products, training aids and DVDs and clinic and expo schedule, please visit www.tommygarland.com or email us at info@tommygarland.com.

Equilite Website Lets Horse Owners Ask Questions To Renowned Veterinarian at “Ask The Expert” Horse owner’s looking for medical advice can now get it straight from the horse’s mouth – or better yet straight from a renowned veterinarian. The Equilite website gives animals lovers the chance to ask questions to Dr. Judith M. Shoemaker on their “Ask the Expert” page and have them answered, free of charge. Equilite, the makers of the award-winning Sore No More products and Botanical Animal Flower Essences, is thrilled to partner with Dr. Shoemaker, a 1980 graduate of the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Shoemaker’s integrative practice utilizes multiple complementary medicine and therapy modalities including chiropractic, acupuncture, and other alternative techniques. “Dr. Shoemaker’s patients include all breeds and all disciplines including Thoroughbred and Standardbred racehorses, pleasure horses, draft and gaited horses, top-level competition horses in dressage, open jumping, endurance, Western sports, and combined training,” said Stacey Small of Equilite. “She is licensed to practice in 17 states including most of the states on the East coast as well as Colorado, Kentucky, Indiana, and Alabama.” Dr. Shoemaker maintains a large complementary medicine and therapy mixed veterinary practice in Nottingham, Pennsylvania. Since 1995, she has been affiliated with several premiere equine sports therapy centers providing comprehensive maintenance, therapeutic management, and consultation to equestrian competitors in the United States and internationally. “Our ‘Ask the Expert’ page is a great resource for horse owners who are looking for general information about animal health care,” Small said. “It’s a wonderful resource for people who visit our website and it gives them a chance to ask Dr. Shoemaker about our products as well.” Dr. Shoemaker will be joining Equilite veterinarian Dr. Bill Ormston on the “Ask the Expert” panel. Dr. Ormston, who has been part of the “Ask the Expert” panel for the past year, graduated from Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1988. After attending Options For Animals in 1998 he received certification from the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA) and began using chiropractic to treat his animal patients. Dr. Ormston received his Doctor of Veterinary Homeopathy from the British Institute in 2002. Jubilee Animal Health is a mobile mixed animal practice in the Dallas TX area where he cares for pets and horses using mostly alternative methods. He is one of the founding instructors of the postgraduate course in Animal Chiropractic at Parker Chiropractic College in Dallas. Dr.”O” has lectured both nationally and internationally on Animal Chiropractic and Biomechanics and Gait Analysis in the quadruped. Equilite, which offers a line of award-winning holistic animal health and herbal blends that help


Renowned veterinarian Dr. Judith M. Shoemaker, a graduate of the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine, is available to answer questions at Equilite’s “Ask the Expert” page on the Equilite website. Equilite, makers awarding winning Sore No More and Botanical Blends, offers the service free of charge. (Photo courtesy of Equilite) manage a horse’s attitude and natural lifestyle, is pleased to bring both veterinarians to their “Ask the Expert” panel. Equilite’s herbal horse liniments, holistic herbal supplement blends and botanical flower essences are non-irritating and safe for horses, horse owners and the environment. They contain no sugars, no fillers and no chemicals and are proudly made with human grade ingredients in the USA. Equilite is an environmentally conscious company. For more information on Equilite, part of the Arenus family of products, or to ask Dr. Shoemaker or Dr. Ormston a question, visit their website at www.equilite.com or call 1-800-9425483 About Equilite Equilite is part of the Arenus family of products. Arenus is a premier provider of innovative health and nutrition products for pets and horses. A growing division within Novus Nutrition Brands LLC., a global company dedicated to animal performance, health and longevity.

January/February 2010 19


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January/February 2010 21


Dressage - English

M a r y H a m i l t o n y r a Ask M answers your

training questions!

helmet. Check the helmet for venting that will allow airflow. The better the ventilation system in the helmet the cooler it will keep your head. Look for an adjustable safety harness with chinstrap to secure the helmet comfortably to your head. Washable, removable liners keep your helmet fresher, especially in a warmer climate.

Ask Mary: How do I know if my riding helmet fits? I often am asked how to select a good riding helmet and how to tell if it fits. Here is some information to help you find a safe helmet that fits properly. Today riding helmets are adjustable, light weight and well ventilated so there is no reason not to wear one Look for an ASTM/SEI Certified-riding helmet. Certified riding helmets are specially designed and constructed to protect your head in the event you fall from a horse. Bicycle helmets or helmets that do not have this certification are not adequate head protection from a fall from a horse. Check the inside of your helmet. It should have a label marked,”ASTM/SEI approved” inside. If it doesn’t, it is considered apparel and won’t provide the protection of a certified helmet. Features If your riding discipline requires a specific style of helmet, like dressage choose that style of

Fitting your Helmet Fit is the ultimate deciding factor when choosing a helmet. A helmet that doesn’t fit you won’t protect your head as well as one that does fit. Helmets come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Is your head shape oval or is it round? The best way to choose a helmet that fits your particular head shape is to try on various sizes and styles of helmets. The helmet should sit level on your head about one inch above your eyebrows. Look at your visor. Is it tipped forward or back? It should be even and straight. Adjust your side harness straps to meet just below and in front of your ear lobes. The chinstrap should be snug to hold the helmet in place upon the impact of a fall. If you ride with the chinstrap dangling or loose, your helmet won’t stay in place (to protect your head) during a fall. Move the helmet forward and backward on your head. The skin on your forehead and eyebrows should move with the helmet. In a properly fitted helmet your head does not slide around inside. It should feel snug but not tight enough to give you a headache. Some helmets come with an adjustable fit system. This can be useful if several people share the same helmet but it doesn’t provide the

same protection as a helmet that form actually fits you. When to Replace Helmets do have a life span. The exterior plastic shell and the shock absorbing plastic foam inside degrade and provide less protection as they age. Most helmet manufacturers recommend replacing helmets every five years and after any fall or impact where the helmet receives a blow. Some companies offer helmet replacement programs where riders can send in their damaged helmets for a replacement at a lower cost. I bought a new riding helmet the other day. The one that fit the best was the most expensive one at the tack shop, of course. As I debated the purchase of a cheaper model, my usually (price – sensitive) husband surprised me by commenting, “Well, How much is your head worth?” I bought the more expensive helmet, my head’s worth it. The definition of smart headgear is an ASTM/SEI certified riding helmet that fits and a chinstrap that is snug and buckled. Your head is worth it. Mary is a Mounted Police instructor and a fully insured ARICP riding instructor. She devotes her creative energy to developing customized training programs to improve show ring performance, mount obedience and despooking trail horses utilizing training methods used in training police horses. Visit her website at www.riderselite.com or email your questions to Mary at: mary@riderselite.comor visit www.riderselite.com


The Sport Horse Nationals Payback Program celebrated its second year anniversary in November, having raised a grand total of over $119,000 for exhibitors in these first two years. Funds were raised through the sales of donated stallion breeding services sold to the public at half-price. All money raised goes into payouts as no revenues are utilized for administration. Included in the offered services are world

22 January/February 2010

class Warmbloods, Thoroughbreds, Arabians, Anglo-Arabians, Saddlebreds, Welsh, Friesians, Hackneys and others. Many are National or World Champions, or have sired Champions. Total number of stallions enrolled for 2010 currently exceeds three hundred so far. The money raised in 2010 will be paid out at the Sport Horse National Championships in September, 2010, with 10% of the total going to the top two Payback sires of the show. There is also a special award for the high point Payback stallion competing at the show. All offspring of enrolled stallions are eligible for the cash payouts in the designated Payback classes throughout their lifetime. Classes are included from Working Hunter, Sport Horse In Hand, Dressage, Driving, Jumper, Sport Horse Under Saddle and Hunter Hack.

New for the 2010 season is the Payback Young Sport Horse Futurity, a prize money program for yearlings and two-year-olds of any breed sired by enrolled Payback stallions. Horses show at their local recognized competitions and accumulate points towards a cash award at year’s end. Details are on the Payback website. Enrollment of stallions may be made for 2010 by visiting the SHN PAYBACK website and downloading a donation form. Stallions must meet eligibility requirements to be enrolled. There is no cost for enrollment. Learn more about Payback at www.shnpayback.com or call (410) 823-5579. SHN Payback Inc. is a 501c5 non-profit organization.


Be the Rider Your Horse Deserves

horses. For older horses, ground training offers variety to your schooling, and it is another opportunity to spend time together. Every minute you spend with your horse is a learning situation so do not let your guard down and let him get away with such bad behavior as rubbing on you or invading your space in any way you do not wish. Your horse will remember any lapse! Reward any progress your horse makes no matter how small. Praise him with your voice and with touch. If your horse is not used to being petted, start by gently touching him. Once he accepts a touch, try stroking him on his neck, then along his back in the direction that his hair grows. Horses usually love being stroked on their foreheads, but some horses are head shy so go slowly. A treat of carrots or apples and a good brushing after the lesson will encourage your horse to look forward to the next lesson. No matter what the age of your horse, investing the time in thorough ground training will make him a more responsive and obedient partner. In the next article, I will start the training commands. Until then, my Longevity Training Visual Series and Longevity Training Book will enhance these lessons. To learn more about these and other fine training products as well as information on our courses, go to www.lynnpalm.com.

Golden Rules of Ground Training, Continued..... ™ PALM PARTNERSHIP TRAINING™ to do. A deep vocal tone tells a horse to “do it now” or “respond and react to me.” A mellow tone is rewarding and soothing. I also introduce the cluck as a signal that means “move.”

By Lynn Palm I now want to add the final two “Golden Rules” of Ground Training to “Respect Your Position” and “Make Straightness a Goal,” the two that you learned in the last article. Golden Rules #3: Do Not Pull One of the best ways to avoid getting into a pulling competition with a horse, a competition you will never win, is to keep the longe line loose in your hands while working on ground training. I often see handlers trying to steer, stop, and get the horse to go forward by pulling or pushing the horse’s head from the bottom of the halter. This violates all of the Golden Rules! The more you pull on the lead, the more the horse will learn to lean against it. This desensitizes him and increases the physical and mental stress on both of you because you get less response from the horse. A loose lead allows your horse to be independent. The more the horse learns to keep his own space, the more he will be able to concentrate and obey your commands because he will not have anything to lean on or resist against. If your horse gets too close to you while teaching ground training maneuvers, push his head away with your hand on the side of his head rather than pushing it away from beneath the halter. Another way to get him to move away is to shake the longe line toward him to encourage him to maintain the desired space. If, however, the horse resists coming towards you, put a slight tension on the lead, but release it the instant the horse moves closer to you. Try not to lag behind your horse’s movements when teaching ground training maneuvers. Do not pull to slow down his natural movements. When the horse is first learning to respond to you, you should stay up with his speed. Once the horse is responsive, keeping his space, and leading without pulling, you can increase the difficulty by asking the horse to perform the maneuver at different speeds. I use voice commands, in addition to my position, to reinforce what I am asking my horse

Golden Rule #4: Reward Progress This may be the most important rule of them all for success in building a partnership with your horse. Ground training takes time so be patient. You may need to spend several days or weeks on one lesson. Make your sessions short to keep your horse’s attention, and find a way to end each session on a positive note so that you can praise your horse. Remember that rushed or impatient handling now will affect your future training sessions. Ground training is not mentally or physically fatiguing for a horse so it is something you can do every day as long as you keep the lessons short and interesting. This is a must for young


January/February 2010 23


American Quarter Horse Association Establishes Dressage as an Approved Event The American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) has been researching and studying the sport of dressage for the past nine years. Through the efforts of countless individuals, including input from staff at the United States Dressage Federation (USDF) and the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF), dressage will become an AQHA-approved event beginning January 1, 2010. AQHA-registered horses, shown by exhibitors who are current individual members of AQHA, will be eligible to earn points at USEF/USDF dressage competitions. AQHA has created a high-point recognition program for the AQHA open, amateur and youth divisions for first through 10th place in each division and the highest award to be given to the highest-pointearning registered American Quarter Horse in each division, including points earned in Training Level 4 through Grand Prix. The following link to the AQHA website contains additional information, including a FAQ page, information on hosting a dressage event,

and the competition license for the horse: www.aqha.com/showing/guidetoshowing/dressage.html. There are certain requirements of the USEF/USDF competitions before exhibitors can earn points with AQHA. Competitions will complete a short application and pay a fee of $50 per competition for approval from AQHA. This must be received by AQHA at least 60 days in advance of the competition. USEF dressage judges must have an AQHA membership in order for the points earned by the competitor to count (See AQHA rule 438). Each competition, with the name of the judge(s), will appear in the Show Calendar of at least one issue of the American Quarter Horse Journal. The United States Equestrian Federation is excited about this new AQHA program. If you have any questions, please contact Valerie Smith, AQHA Competition Department at (806) 376-4811 or valeries@aqha.org.

Hearts & Horses Dance at the House on the Rock Resort On February 13, 2010 Wisconsin State Horse Council is pleased to host the Hearts & Horses dance at The House on the Rock Resort - Wintergreen Lodge, 5328 County Hwy C, Spring Green Wiscosnsin. Hearts & Horses, a black tie optional dance is a fun way to support WSHC Equine Foundation. This is an opportunity for horse lovers to enjoy the Howard Schneider Variety Band, bid on the auction items, eat tasty hors d'oeurves and hopefully have a little romance on Valentine weekend. If you mention Hearts & Horses and the WSHC Equine Foundation you will recieve reduced rates at The House on the Rock Resort. Ticket prices for Hearts & Horses are $40 each or two for $75 which includes hors d'oeurves, the dance, an opportunity to bid on some great items, and the knowledge that you have helped the equestrian community. Cocktails (cash bar) begin at 5 pm, dance 711 pm, and auction at 8:30pm. Wisconsin State Horse Council Equine Foundation was created to better serve Wisconsin's growing equestrian community and to help that community realize its fullest potential. The Foundation is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization and as such allows individuals to make tax-deductible contributions to support Wisconsin equine projects. The mission of the WSHC Equine Foundation is to support Wisconsin's expanding equestrian community by funding: educational initiatives, equine research, trail development, youth scholarship and participation. We continue to seek and accept donations of cash or items for our auction. For more information or to purchase tickets contact: Corky Smith (608)697-6888 Sue Piper (920)386-2912 Diane Sackett (920)689-2625 Margo Miller (608)745-1218 For more information visit http://www.wshcef.org

24 January/February 2010


New Book On Small Equines Celebrates Miniature Horses and Shetland Ponies A new book on small equines is celebrating the small but mighty Shetland Ponies and Miniature Horses in a big way! The Big Book of Small Equines, A Celebration of Miniature Horses and Shetland Ponies, by Johnny Robb and Jan Westmark (Skyhorse Publishing, $29.95 Hardcover) is now available and being embraced by horse enthusiasts everywhere. Filled with colorful stories of small equines, as well as beautiful full-page color photographs from some of the country’s most recognized equine photographers, the book embraces America’s love affair with small equines. New York Times Bestselling author Tami Hoag penned the foreward for the book, detailing her own love of a Shetland Pony named Dan that began her life-long love of horses Hoag writes in the foreward that Dan was the dream pony that every horse crazy kid imagines. “My very first horse show was with Dan. I drove him in a homemade cart with wheels salvaged from a Model-A car. We placed fifth out of five, but I got a big pink ribbon and never looked back.” The Big Book of Small Equines also takes a look at several well-known equestrians who all started their riding careers on small equines. International dressage competitor George Williams, who represented the United States in the World Cup in Sweden and in Germany, is featured in a story about his Shetland Pony Mitzi “I would use a ladder to climb up her rump and get on


her,” George fondly recalled. Television star and style guru Carson Kressley, known for his shows Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and How to Look Good Naked, also began his career on Shetland Ponies and Miniature Horses. Today, in addition to being a fashion and design expert Kressley is a Champion Saddlebred rider but says he will always have a soft spot for small equines. The Big Book of Small Equines, A Celebration of Miniature Horses and Shetland Ponies, captures the charm and delight that small equines have brought to so many riders. The book is available online at Skyhorse Publishing, amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com. It is also available in bookstores throughout the country and through the American Shetland Pony Club American Miniature Horse Registry website at www.shetlandminiature.com or call (309) 263-4044.

Photo: A new book on small equines celebrates the small but mighty breeds in a big way. “The Big Book of Small Equines, A Celebration of Miniature Horses and Shetland Ponies,” by Johnny Robb and Jan Westmark, is now available online and in bookstores.

January/February 2010 25

Performance Horses


Turn-arounds, spins and more body control on your horse By Monty Bruce

In past training articles, we discussed starting the turn-arounds or spins on our young horse and starting them on cattle. In this article I am going to wriye more on controling the body parts on our horse. Learning to develop and control every part of the horse’s body is essential, no matter what disciplines you train or show in, even if you just want a good broke, responsive riding and trail horse. We work to gain complete control and softness of the horse’s body, by adding motivation and control, while directing movement into any maneuver we want. Then with repetition and consistency we can make them solid at each maneuver. I like to break the horse into four different body parts for training. This helps to simplify and to give you specific goals to work toward. Many times in horse training, and with life in general, if we have no plan or specific goals in place, we never get where we want to go. Our plan is to have a finished performance horse. Our goals are to be able to spin, do sliding stops,

and lead changes, as well as work a cow. But our first goal is to gain complete control of the horse’s body. By dividing the horse into four parts it gives easier and more obtainable steps to reach our goals. With time, repetition and consistency we can accomplish our plan. Remember that training must be broken down into a step-by-step process. We build a solid foundation and continually build from it. The four regions of the horse we want to break and gain control of are: the mouth, face and poll, the shoulders, the ribs or mid section of a horse and finally the hips and rear end. By gaining control of these four parts of the body you develop tools to train with and it feels like you have put automatic buttons on your horse. With these you can train your horse to do any maneuver. The first part of the horse’s body we want to gain control of is the mouth, face and pole. We have discussed this portion in detail in previous articles. Next, we want to gain control of the mid-section or ribs which teaches the horse to move off our leg. We accomplish this by teaching the horse to side pass, which we also have discussed in earlier articles. Next, we move to the shoulders and introduce an exercise we call the counter arc. If I want to counter arc to the left, I take my right rein and tip the horse’s nose to the

right, then bringing my hand across his neck pushing his shoulders over at the same time. I take my left leg off of my horse and apply pressure with my right leg pushing his body to the left. This enables you to gain control and isolate the shoulders. If you have any trouble, refer back to the previous step which was the side pass, getting your horse to move off your leg. The next part we want to gain control of is the hip. Your goal is to teach your horse to take that correct step. The easiest way to start gaining control of the hip is to ride parallel to a fence or wall. If I am moving the hip to the right I will have the wall on my left side as a barrier on my left, and to block forward motion once I start pushing his hip around. I then want to take my left leg off the horse, showing him the way out, which is like opening the door for him. Then, reach back behind the back cinch and press with your left leg while holding his head and shoulders in place with the reins. I will press until I get a step, even if it is only one. I can build on that one step, then another. Once I get the horse quiet and consistent with this I will bring him out into the middle and ask him to move off my leg. If it takes six months to gain control of these body parts or put the automatic buttons on your horse, where he is willing and relaxed, soft and fluid as he moves, you have done a great job. Nothing good comes easily, but the results are well worth it. With this accomplished, you are that much closer to your goals and plans for your horse. Until next time, good luck and God bless Monty Bruce Monty Bruce Training Center is a full service equine facility specializing in the ‘Performance Horse”. Monty Bruce Training center thrives for providing superior care and training for all your equine needs. Monty has a low pressure style of training that focuses on ‘teaching the horse, not forcing the horse.’ Monty also works with teaching the rider with motivational tips, theories, and goal setting to not only accomplish the results they want but also to maintain a long lasting relationship. Expect Success. We Do. If you have any questions or would like more information, log onto Monty’s website at www.montybruce.com

26 January/February 2010



January/February 2010 27


Five Rules to Follow to Avoid a Hoof Soaking Disaster Although soaking can be an effective way of treating the hoof against disease, there can be serious consequences if done carelessly. Experts have collaborated to recommend five rules that can help you avoid a hoof soaking disaster. Why Hoof Soaking can be Dangerous Submerging the hoof in any liquid for an extended period of time can wash away the natural protective coating provided through transpiration. Over time soaking can weaken the entire hoof structure and leave healthy hoof tissue subject to damage. Since many commercial preparations and harsh household products may work well on hard surfaces by burning pathogens to death, they can also do serious harm to new hoof tissue. Keep in mind that a healthy hoof will grow out an astonishing rate of 3/8� a month. Damaged cells will prevent this normal hoof growth. Conservative Approach to Soaking Hoof infections are difficult to treat because they are hard to reach. There are many nooks and crannies for pathogens to hide, and you cannot easily detect their presence behind the hoof wall. Another issue is that the infection may be a particularly aggressive form of fungus or anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, or any combination of them. How do you kill the broad spectrum of pathogens by soaking them without harming sensitive hoof tissue? How often and how long a time period is it safe to soak? How much soak is required to be effective? How do you prevent waste or spilling of the soak? To find out answers to these questions we asked the researchers who have worked on these issues. During the last decade there was a world wide epidemic called white-line disease. Two companies collaborated to develop a new delivery system for treating the disease and other hoof infections. They recognized that soaking the hoof could be a simple and effective way of treating the hoof against infections, if done correctly. They recognized too, that there may be serious consquences if the soaking was done incorrectly. Several months later both companies developed products that would work in harmony with the others. Even after ten years, both products are still being used together as a successful treatment option. It is amazing the hear so may horror stories about horse owners who have inadvertently damaged the feet by over soaking, not realizing that safer options may exist. It appears that controlled soaking may the answer. There are several companies that make soaking products.

We are just focusing our attention on the two with over ten years of experience with soaking. The researchers at SBS Equine Products developed a unique product called Sav-A-Hoof Soak. The product contains a powerful fungicide as well as broad spectrum bactericide that is very effective and long lasting. This longer contact time allows for a more conservative method of treatment. Another company, Davis Manufacturing, were successful at molding the Davis Horse Boot. The product is a one piece, high top, medical boot that was engineered specifically for soaking the hoof, not as a riding boot. Another breakthrough component was the development by SBS and Davis of a fiber matrixpad which is included inside the boot. The pad is washable and reusable. It’s purpose is to hold the Soak in place. The pad reduces evaporation and helps to prevent the liquid from sloshing around and spilling out. The fibers also wick the key ingredients to the affected areas of the feet. This reduces the danger of over soaking because only the pad needs to be saturated with the Soak, not the entire hoof. A few years ago SBS came up with a nonliquid soaking material called Sav-A-Hoof Med-i-sole. It is a gel. When the pad is saturated with the gel, it makes the chances of over soaking almost impossible. (The product is not to be confused with Sav-A-Hoof Gel, which is a concentrated gel product made for voids and cracks.) Five Rules to Avoid Disaster Hoof Soaking is a simple concept for treating deeply rooted infections, yet a risky one. This method is recommended only when other less invasive methods have been tried first. We must never forget that soaking has the potential to cause irreversible cell damage to the hoof if done incorrectly. Hoof soaking is not an exact science because every situation is different. We asked the experts to share their best recommendations on hoof soaking with us. The rules selected are designed primarily to keep us from getting into trouble and give us the best chance of success. Rule 1. Clear Debris from Voids Use a hoof pick and brush before washing the hoof to clear

This recent photo of a damaged hoof was taken after six month of aggressive treatment. Is it a strain of a new killer hoof fungus, or the result of the treatment? trapped debris from voids. This helps to open up blocked passageways for the Soak to work better. Rule 2. Wash Hoof before Soaking Thoroughly wash off hard surface dirt with soapy water before each soaking session. This will help prevent contamination of the soaking material. Rule 3. Use Boots Made for Soaking Rule 4. Use Commercial Soaking Preparation Soaking boots are injection molded in one piece construction, and produced in many sizes. They are made of a flexible plastic to make it easier to slip on or off the hoof. The resin used to make the boots should be compatible with the chemicals used to treat the hoof. Form fitting soaking boots require much less volume of Soak than would a bucket. This is a good thing. Look for boots with a closure top that is well above the hairline. This helps prevent the liquid contents from spilling out. Use only commercially products that are specifically recommended for hoof soaking. Read the labels to make sure the ingredients are not harmful to hoof tissue. They should also be effective against both fungus and bacteria. Never use household products for soaking. They can cause irreversible damage the hoof. Products that bind to hoof protein work best. Rule 5. Limit Soaking Time Limit soaking contact time to 30 minutes, and no more than twice a day. Stop soaking if the hoof becomes soft and punchy. A longer contact time may be permitted when doing a controlled soak; that is, if the boot has a soaking pad inside with just a few ounces of Soak in it. For more informative articles go to sbsequine.com/articles For more information concerning this article contact: Ray Tricca, SBS Equine Products, 3888 Mannix Dr, Unit 303 , Naples, FL 34114 ph 239-354-3361 or info@sbsequine.com

28 January/February 2010


Extreme Cowboy Association Crowns 2009 World Champions

In a competition befitting its name, the Extreme Cowboy Association held its World Championship competition November 13-15 at the Kansas Expocentre in Topeka, Kansas. Over 100 contestants , from 23 states battled it out with each giving their best effort to be crowned the World Champion within their Division. Extreme Cowboy Association Founder and Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame member, Craig Cameron provide his colorful and educational commentary on every rider throughout the competition that stretched into the early morning hours. When the dust had settled, it was Lee hart from Gardner, Kansas on his horse, Buster taking home the honors as World Champion in the Pro Division. Kelly LeBlanc from Riga, Michigan riding his horse Peppy’s Classsy King took the honors as Reserve World Champion in the Pro Division. The Non-Pro World Championship went to Tracy Pinson from Bushnell, Florida. Tracy was atop her Tennessee Walking stallion, Skyjacker’s Mountain High. The Non-Pro Reserve World Championship went to Scott Nowlin from Spring Hill, Kansas riding Bullseye. In the Ride Smart Division for riders age 55 and over, Jm Best from Waukegan, Illinois took the honors on his AQHA gelding, Little Back Skids. The Ride Smart Reserve World Championship went to Texan,

Frances Jones on her APHA gelding, Big Cowboy. In the Novice Division, Susan Morris from Louisiana won the World Championship on her black AQHA stallion, Cajun, while Californian Lisa Rehberger won the Reserve title on Trinket. The Youth Title went to Jake Glidewell from Missouri and the Youth Reserve World Championship went to Obbie Schlom from California on her Mule, Eli. The Young Guns (ages 7-11) World title went to Samantha Lebbin from Michigan and the Young Guns Reserve title went to Alysha Hardy from Massachusetts. The Championship ended on Sunday with a tremendous show of camaraderie and sportsmanship with all of the competitors, family, friends, trainers, judges and EXCA members invited to the center of the arena to take part in the closing ceremonies and awards presentations that included prize money, trophy buckles from Maynard Buckles in Thoreau, New Mexico, Colt pistols, boots, chaps, saddle racks, bridles and halters. Craig


Cameron offered congratulations to all of the contestants for their accomplishments in the 2009 season. The event was filmed for RFD-TV with segments scheduled tobe shown on Craig Cameron’s Ride Smart TV show. The TV schedule will be announced on the EXCA website, www.extremecowboyassociation.com and on Craig Cameron’s website, www.craigcameron.com. Photo credits go to Marilyn Merrick, www.merrickstudios.com.

January/February 2010 29


Equine The perfect place to advertise your Stable, Training Facility, Events, Stallions and more... Great Value, Great Exposure... both in print and online! Call Mark or Peg at 507-943-3355 mark@horsdigests.com peg@horsedigests.com

Horse Quotes Ah, steeds, steeds, what steeds! Has the whirlwind a home in your manes? Is there a sensitive ear, alert as a flame, in your every fiber? Hearing the familiar song from above, all in one accord you strain your bronze chests and, hooves barely touching the ground, turn into straight lines cleaving the air, and all inspired by God it rushes on! ~Nikolai V. Gogol, Dead Souls, 1842, translated from Russian (above is combination of translations by Bernard Guildert Guerney, Richard Peaver, and Larisa Voloklonsky) 30 January/February 2010




January/February 2010 31


Trail Horses


Distracted Herd-bound Horse by Julie Goodnight

Question: Dear Julie, I was at your clinics last year at the Equine Affair Massachusetts. I tell you, you were the greatest trainer there! My horse, Rufus (an 8 year old large pony trained by my 14-year-old self with my trainer, after being abused for six years) was not trained until he was 6 years old. He isn't what you'd expect from a rushed horse, he's doing great and we compete a lot in eventing. Since he was thrown in a field with other horses until he was 6, he is very social. We don't have another horse, but when we go to shows or I trail ride with my friends, he goes nuts. He won't

32 January/February 2010

pay attention to me at all, and is constantly neighing to others, especially mares (he did try to breed mares in his old field, and he's a gelding, we can't ride him if there's a mare in heat in the area, he goes CRAZY). How can I make Rufus behave on trails and at shows? It's not really in the nature of the breed to be this hyper and, for lack of better term, nuts! (He’s a small quarter horse) When I go to shows, I constantly school him, trying to get him to pay attention, but at times it's dangerous (like the time he broke the hitching posts to get to another horse). What else can I do? My parents are talking about getting another horse, but since Rufus is still in training, I really don't think he needs that distraction, since he's already a bit barn sour and I believe that we should wait until Rufus can listen to ME around other equines...am I correct in this thinking? Well, please get back to me! Gennie and Rufus Answer: Gennie, Your horse's problem is from a lack of discipline and a factor of not starting his training until later in life. When a horse has not been taught certain rules of behavior by the time he is six or older, he has come to believe that his life ought to be a certain way- and that way is the way it has been for his whole life out in the herd where he could interact with horses as he pleased and be impulsive in his behavior. The solution to this bad behavior is groundwork, so that your horse learns that you are in fact in charge of every movement and action he makes. My video series on groundwork explains this process in great detail and gives you specific exercises to do to help build a solid relationship with your horse and teach him ground manners. Through ground-

work a horse learns that you are in charge, you make the decisions and you dictate the actions he makes—you become his central focus, rather than all the other horses. Horses must learn that when they are around humans, there are certain rules that must be followed, just like there are expected rules of behavior out in the herd. There are many articles in my Training Library about doing ground work with horses to teach ground manners, obedience, fundamental rules of behavior and to develop the leader-follower relationship with your horse.The most important thing you need to work on with your horse is getting control of his nose. If you can control his nose, both from the ground and from the saddle, you can prevent the problems you are having. Read up on nose-control from the Training Library on my website and get some help doing ground work with your horse. Horses must learn at some age (the sooner the better) that they cannot act out their impulsive herd behaviors when they are in a working situation or around humans. Even a stallion that is bred a lot can easily learn when that behavior is acceptable and when it is not. Never let your horse fraternize or interact with other horses when you are handling him or riding him. This just should not be allowed; it is not safe and it is not good for herd health, when the horses are from different herds. In a situations like you describe, it is best to use the training theory known as “replacement training.” This means that when a horse displays undesirable behavior, rather than punish the bad behavior, replace it with another more desirable behavior. In the instance of your horse losing his focus, it might work to put him to work doing something else. I would start immediately working the horse, not in a harsh, quick or punishing way, but just making him do something that would probably involve changing directions again and again. So I might put him to the trot, ask him to turn right, then go straight, then go left, then go straight, then go right, etc. Throw in some transitions so that the horse has to listen to you. When the horse focuses on you, let him rest, but away from the other horses. Do not let him come back to the “herd” until he is quiet, obedient and relaxed. Take him away and put him to work as soon as he becomes distracted again. From the incidents you describe and the herd-bound behavior you are dealing with, it sounds like your horse is emotionally needy. His herd-bound behavior will only get worse as he ages if you don’t keep a handle on it. Find opportunities to keep him by himself—tied at the trailer alone, in a turn out pen by himself, riding by yourself, etc. This will help him gain independence and also make him more eager to be around you for company.


When you are handling him—riding or groundwork-- his focus should be totally on you. If he looks around or is noncompliant, put him to work, take command, get inside his mind and draw his focus back to you. Start with this process while you are riding alone and then insist on the same level of obedience when you are with others. With a real needy or really herd-bound horse, I would have a zero-tolerance policy—focus stays on me at all times. Examine your relationship with this horse. Chances are there are little things that you are doing that you may not even be aware of that are eroding your authority with him. He needs stronger leadership from you. Does he ever control your actions? Does he invade your space at times; eat grass while you are leading him; ignore your cues? Does he go exactly where you point him and maintain a steady speed that you dictate when you are riding? Has he trained you to feed him treats? If you examine it closely, you’ll probably find some holes in your authority that are not

instilling confidence in your horse about your leadership ability. I’ve said this many times before, there’s only one conversation to have with your horse and it goes like this: “Horse, this is your Captain speaking.” Everything else that follows is a direct order. The horse is your first mate and his job is to carry out your orders—not to ignore orders, suggest alternatives or argue about your decision. If he’s a good first mate he will be the apple of the Captain’s eye and have many privileges, but if he’s not, he’ll be fired and made to walk the plank. This is the kind of relationship your horse knows and seeks—acceptance into the herd of a strong and fair leader and banishment if he cannot abide by the rules. Once he accepts you as that strong and benevolent leader, then the other horses won’t matter so much to him. I think that if you invest some time in groundwork so that you learn to control your horse's nose, feet, shoulder and hip, and you gain control over his impulsive actions; you will no longer have the problems you describe. However, I am

not disagreeing with your parents, as far as you getting another horse, because if you were my daughter, I would prefer that you have a well-trained, obedient and therefore safer horse that was ready for you to go out and enjoy and accomplish your personal competitive goals.

I90 Expo Center Julie Goodnight KCB Equine Center Ken McNabb Krebsbach Perf. Horses Lynn Palm Midwest Cremation Mid-Minnesota Tack Swap Mimbach Fleet Supply Minnesota Horse Council MN School Of HorseShoeing Montana Horse Ranch More Custom Leather Natural Plan Stomach Soother Orchard Rangers Pegasus Leadership Photo Classifieds Pleasant Hills Saddle Shop

R & J Horse Sales, Inc. R.T. Duggan Simon Horse Sales Square Meal Feeds Sundbys Trailers SBS Tak Shak The Boot Lady The Natural Gait Town and Country Vet. Triple Cross Design Twin Cities Featherlite Two as One Horsemanship UBRA UW Horse Emergencies Wind -N -Wood WSHC Equine Foundation

Good luck and be careful., Julie Goodnight, Clinician and Trainer Julie Goodnight has more than a quarter-century of horse training experience. Her varied background ranges from dressage and jumping to racing, reining, colt-starting, and wilderness riding. She teaches "Classic Skills for a Natural Ride" and travels coast-to-coast and beyond to film her award-winning television show, Horse Master, as well as to appear at horse expos, conferences and clinics. Her training and teaching techniques are frequent features of Horse & Rider, The Trail Rider and America's Horse. In 2008 she was named Equine Affaire's Exceptional Equestrian Educator--one of only three awards ever given. Visit www.juliegoodnight.com.

Advertiser Index A Bit of Tack Ace Tack & Outfitters ADM American Way Realty American Wood Fibers Arena Fenceline Arena Trailer Sales Bale Buddy Blairview Bloomquist Law Firm Cannon Falls Trailer Sales Central MN Horse Fest Classified Form Conway Arabians Custom Panel Doors Donn’s Leather Works DunHaven Horsey Headwear Federated Coop

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January/February 2010 33

Equine VIP


The extraordinay drill team

“Painted Ladies” talks to Equine VIP by Susan Ashbrook, owner Equine VIP Equine VIP caught up with the extraordinary drill team the “Painted Ladies” practicing for their 4th appearance at the prestigious Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade. The parade is viewed by millions of people and these ladies with their stunning paint horses make quite a sight. The American Paint Horse’s combination of color and confirmation has made the American Paint Horse Association (APHA) the second-largest breed registry in the United States. The team has been a crowd favorite at the Folsom Pro Rodeo for over 17 years and has appeared at other events such as BMX Racing, baseball games and the TV Show “The Mentalist”. 1.CAN YOU GIVE US A BRIEF HISTORY ABOUT HOW THE “PAINTED LADIES” GOT STARTED? We started when four matching painted horses went to the Cow Palace. That's when paints were becoming popular in the rodeo and show horse world. 2. THE “PAINTED LADIES” (inc) AREN’T AN ORDINARY DRILL TEAM. CAN YOU TELL US WHAT MAKES YOUR TEAM SO SPECIAL? We are entertainers. We do trick riding, trick roping, fireworks on top of horses, pink ribbons, we have had sung the National Anthem on top of horses. We get the crowd started! 3. YOU PERFORM ALL OVER THE COUNTRY – IS THERE ANY PLACE THAT STOOD OUT FOR THE TEAM? The Tournament of Roses Parade stands out the most, it's a once in a life time experience. Folsom Pro Rodeo is our hometown favorite. 4. THE TEAM IS SO BUSY, HOW DO YOU FIND TIME TO PRACTICE? We all have 40 hour work weeks but do find time to put on our spurs and pull up our chaps once a week to practice at the Sacramento

34 January/February 2010


paints are the same. They are smart and willing. All of them are hams not horses and love their pictures taken. 8. THE TEAM PLAYED A ROLE IN THE TV SERIES “THE MENTALIST”. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? We were on the west steps of the State Capitol of California in Sacramento for a photo shoot. The Mentalist was doing a shoot as well and asked us to be in their shoot. 9. YOUR COSTUMES ARE SO COLORFUL AND FUN, ARE THEY CUSTOM DESIGNED FOR THE TEAM? Yes, they are all hand sewn for the team by myself including the chaps and chinks. 10. DO YOU LOOK FOR SPONSORS TO HELP COVER THE COSTS OF TRAVELING AND PERFORMING? IF SO, HOW CAN PEOPLE GET IN TOUCH WITH YOU? With today's economy, we are always looking for sponsors. For more information on us and how to contact us, go to our web site www.paintedladiesrodeo.com Equine VIP is written by Producer/Host Susan Ashbrook who is also developing a TV series based on interviews with celebrities and top equestrians. For more information go to www.equineVIP.com

Safety first and decision on a rider/horse combo comes later. If anyone is interested to be a part of “Painted Ladies” and owns a paint horse, they can contact us through our web site. 6. HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHAT MUSIC AND ROUTINES YOU WILL PERFORM? It depends on the event and the crowd for what music or routine we use. 7. CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT YOUR HORSE(S) AND ARE ANY SPECIAL…AND WHY? Each of our horses are special, no two

Equine VIP interviews celebrities and equestrian VIPs because “If It’s About Horses, We Cover It”.


Classifieds BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Horse Lovers! Would you like to own your ownbusiness helping horses, working your own hours and make about $75 an hour plus excellent sales commissions? 7 Year old company needs reps for US, Europe, Australia, etc. Our success rate is amazing, and we can show you what to do and how to do it. No pushy sales people, please. Ifyou love horses, PLEASE visit the THERAPY page at www.sumereltraining.com to learn more. In 2 weeks you could be in a new career. Part or full time. $5,000 covers all equipment. Exclusive territories and excellent company support. If you already work with horses, this could help you as well. 540-3846220 ASSOICATIONS International Spotted Horse Registry for Equines of Color. Miniature to Draft, Grade to Pureblood, Sabino to Pintaloosa. 866-201-3098, ISHRPPA@AOL.COM EQUIPMENT & PRODUCTS 16 Inch Brown Leather English Saddle, like new purple pad included. $250. 630/564-2884. 10 box stalls,- 1-x1- - Brand new, no wood.$13,000. Choose your color. Contact 507-527-2914. Will sell individually. New leather harness, 3rd generation business. Team, work, complete with hames, collars extra. Draft $802.00. Qtr. horse $757.00. Show 3 hip - Draft $882.00. Qtr. horse $812.00. Buggy breast Qtr $220.00, Pony $140.00. (651) 2225616. Website - stpaulsaddlery.com Catalogue St Paul Saddlery, 953 W 7th St., St Paul, MN 55102 Master Saddler offers complete saddlery repairs.Trees replaced, complete reflocks, new seats,billets, tree alterations on Kieffer and Prestigesaddles. Appointments booked for quick turnaround. Skilled repair of driving harness andsidesaddles. Custom accessories for side saddle competition. Bridles sewn in. Contact Michael 847-776-6700 or email master_saddler@saddlersrow.com Website www.saddlersrow.com HORSES FOR SALE Registerable 2+year old paint quarter horse stud and green broke 6 year old gelding, 218-243-3321 2007 Buckskin gelding, cow bred, good disposition and 100% foundation. 2008 Bay Stallion, Poco Bueno, Martin's Jessie and Hollywood Gold. Stud Prospect.2008 Buckskin Stallion, 34% Poco Bueno, 22% King, 100% foundation. Stud Prospect. 620-378-3152 2/10

Here is your chance to have a horse owned and trained by Ken McNabb! You may have seen Flash on TV! He is a STUNNING 16.1 hand, sorrel overo 7 y old gelding. Sonny Dee Bar and the Intimidator on his papers. He is a rock solid trail horse and very gentle. Purchased at Ken's gelding sale last summer..so was recently with Ken. You will be the talk of the trails! $4800. Pony, brown and white, 7 year old gelding. Gentle for anyone to ride. Also, Pony or horse cart. Phone- 952-467-9603 209 Athletic, Flashy 8 YO TB Gelding, 16.1H beautiful gaits, upper level eventing potential. $12,000. SE Wisc. - 847/924-9089. 2008 Drum Horse Filly – English or Dressage prospect. Beautiful thick body and loves people. 269/944-3459. Foundation AQHA horses, mares, geldings and yearlings. King, Driftwood and Gunsmoke breeding. Bays, Grays and Duns. 608-526-3970 or(cell) 608-792-3519 2/09 Andalusion/Quarter Horse - 4 year old, Black Bay Gelding, 30 days training, pleasure & trail ridingso far, very athletic, excellent disposition. IALHA registered 605-272-5623 or rlr@itctel.com 2/09 Andalusian/Quarter Horse - 2 yr. old bay filly & yearling black bay colt, very athletic, excellent disposition, lead, trailer, load, stand for farrier, eligible for IAHLA registry. 605-272-5623 rlr@itctel.com 2/09 2007 Bay Overo English Prospect, started under saddle and still in training. Good looking,

big bodied, nice stride, good minded and great manners.15.2 and still growing. Asking $9500. 815/238-8462. For Sale: 16 Yr. Buckskin Paint Gelding. Needs experienced rider. 815/943-7031 evenings. Appaloosa Reg. Mares. 3 Yr+ Gentle, pretty, friendly. Will be great under saddle. Reasonably priced. 815/814-1803. Looking for Good Home for Loveable Chestnut gelding. No fee for right person. 312/307-9411. Black Stallion TB & Paint 16 Hds, 3 Yrs. TB Mare,12 yrs, 16.3 Grdaughter Mr. Prospector. 100 yr. Old coal wagon. Priced reasonably. 815/528-0259. STALLIONS Dakota Gambler Rare Black and White Pintabian At Stud: Proven 99.6% Purebred Arabian. Athletic, Correct, Beauty, Elegance, Kind disposition with awesome movement. Registration Numbers: 320-283-5933, spruchlo@gctel.com Pure Friesian "ROEK" 2nd Premie Stallion. ROEK has a great pedigree, to match his great intelligence, temperament, and CHARISMA. 218-780-7064, dr.horseslave@yahoo.com. VACATIONS The first Montana High Country Cattle Drive of 2010 will be a singles drive. If you are into horses and romance, please visit our website at www.montanacattledrive.com. or call 1-800-3459423 for more information.

CLASSIFIEDS WORK! $10.00 per month for 20 words, $.15 for each word over 20. Send your classified in with your check or credit card to: Midwest Horse Digest, Attention: Peg (classified) 40694 30th Street, Elmore, MN 56027 or call 507-943-3355 Name:______________________________________ 20 Words = $10.00 Address:____________________________________ # Extra Words ___x $.15 = ______ City:________________________St:_____Zip:_________ Sub-Total: ______ Credit Card#____________________________________ # of months to Run x: ______ Type:________Exp. Date:_________3 Digit Code:______ Total: ______ Phone:_______________Email:______________________ Number of Months to Run:______

Beautiful Buttermilk buckskin Mare!! Smart, willing, and really sweet, broke to ride outside or in an arena. Needs a intermedite ridder!! She is built for speed but could be just a nice trail or ranch horse if someone is willing to put time into her, up to date on shots, worming, and trimming 920-566-0241 .


AD Category:_________________ Classfied:_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

January/February 2010 35


Place your photo classified here for $20.00 per

Thumbnail Photo Classifieds month just call 507-943-3355 for more info Plus you can also place your ad online at

www.HorseDigests.com For Sale AA PRITI PRITI, 2005 BAY ANDALUSIAN FILLY, (Piri Piri x AA Despierta) $12,000.00 US National Top Five Futurity Filly in hand 2008 Just started under saddle 262-249-8870 selwoodp@idcnet.com AA DESPIERTA, Elite Winner of the GANADOR Trophy, (Despierto x Ardorosa del Greco) $15,000 Andalusian In foal to US National Champion 3rd level dressage horse "Legado".She is carrying a "sexed" male foal.Available in utero for $10,000 262-249-8870 selwoodp@idcnet.com

8 YR. MARE, Gorgeous, Beginners Dream Horse! Barrel racing and trail. $4,000 Pinto-Beginners, young or old, this is the horse for you. Gentle, smooth, and a nice barrel horse, great on trails too. Call 605-670-9098 harttraining@hcinet.net BEAUTIFUL HALF-ANDALUSIAN, EXCELLENT DRESSAGE, EVENTING PROSPECT-$6,000- gorgeous half-Andalusian filly, nicely started under saddle, ready for show, trail, or putting fabulous sport babies on the ground. 715-822-392 SADIEMAEJONES@yahoo.com

Fiero LFA,PRE Black Andalusian Stallion. International Champion of Champions international bloodlines, Proven producer, Proven Junior Champion Stallion and USDF Dressage Competitor. 817205-9268


Equipment Trailers with or without living quarters, gooseneck and bumper pull, Keifer Built and Universal Trailers 320-363-4650 joejohnson@clearwire.net

Stallions and Stallion Auctions

ZINNIA BA ANDALUSIAN MARE (Despierto x Zinnia) US Reserve National Champion Andalusian Mare $15,000. Well started under saddle, Great Broodmare, Proven Show Horse 262-249-887 selwoodp@idcnet.com

Gold N Rio - Dble. reg. purebred Arabian & Pinto Stallion, AHA Sweepstake Sire; SCID Clear - $1,000 Cooled Shipped Semen - $750 Live Cover; $7.50 Daily Mare Care - Limited Breedings Available. www.heartnsoularabians.com 507-438-9335

The Elite Fleet by 3BarL Transport 1*800*982*2208 Horse Transportation Short Description: Affordable - Experienced - Reliable -Specialized dispatch462003@yahoo.com

Amazing Buckskin 1/2 Andalusian Filly (Azteca) First foal from Flamenco D! Stunning and RARE SOLID BUCKSKIN 2008 Andalusian Filly (Azteca)

URGEL III. PROVEN PRODUCER OF MOVEMENT! ANCCE Revised, 16.1 hands (Danes III by Maja VII). His foals are of consistent quality and have his conformation, power, movement, kindness, and love for people. 940-6860910 ranchoandalucia@earthlink.net

Discount prices on the full lines of ThinLine, Skito, and SnugPax products. Also highestquality rhythm beads and horsehair items. 207-951-0526

972-746-1457 vintageandalusians@hotmail.com Very Tall, Huge Moving Son of Heroe Mac! Extra tall yearling Andalusian Colt. (Azteca) Lovely forward movement and a quiet mind. 972-746-1457 or vintageandalusians@hotmail.com 6 YR. AQHA BARREL RACING Mare, what a beauty! $8,000 Great little barrel mare, perfect turns, gentle and well mannered. Makes barrel racing super fun. 605-670-9098 harttraining@hcinet.net

36 January/February 2010

3X NATIONAL CHAMPION PRE (ANCCE) REVISED STALLION SPOKANE! Royally bred with Rockstar Movement recognized by American & Spanish judges, add size, substance & movement to your breeding program. 972-746-1457 vintageandalusians@hotmail.com Famous Echo Homozygous! World Champ. Halter stallion! direct son of The Color of Fame.2004 Pinto Horse of the Year and the 2004 Pinto World Champion Halter Stallion 715-210-5371 Cleekarabians@yahoo.com

Services and Products

6 ACRES 30 MILES WEST OF DEKALB, IL.House/6 acres 30 miles west of Dekalb, IL next to Franklin Creek State Park/miles of trails. Call Mike at 8478673836 legume@charter.net Call us Today at

Midwest Horse Digest for more information on in-print and online photo classifieds! 507-943-3355


Upcoming Events 1/9-1/10 - MN, Fergus Falls - Team Penning Central Minnesota AQHA Team Penning and Ranch Sort - (218) 736-3000 - rhra@prtel.com 1/9/2010 - MN, Lindstrom - Barrel , UBRA, Falcon Ridge Barrel Burners, UBRA Winter Series Barrel Race Series starting at 12:30am. - (651) 462-2129 Borntobarrelrace@aol.com 1/10/2010 - Open Hunter/Jumper Show Indoors Fields & Fences Heated 100' x 300' Arena - 36550 N. Hunt Club Rd., Gurnee, IL 60031, Contact Anita Schadeck 847-244-4121 or email Anita@FieldsandFences.com 1/10/2010 - Laura Amandis Clinic to include a demonstration with Acierto the Dancing Andalusion Stallion, Sunflower Farm, Bristol, WI. Contact 262/857-8555 or visit www.SunflowerFarms.com or www.lauraamandis.com 1/10/2010 - Milwaukee County 4-H Horse & Horseless Project, Youth and Open Model Horse Shows. Oak Creek, WI 53154 Contact: Charlene Ehlert 414-315-0169. 1/16/2010 - Team Sorting Practice, Chism Trail Ranch. 6 pm. Merrill, WI 54452. Contact: chismtrailranch.com or call 715-432-7444. 1/16/2010-MN, Monticello, Barrel , UBRA Arrowhead Arena - Winter UBRA Series Barrel Race. Open 4D's, Youth & Futurity classes - (763) 878-1554 1/16 - MN, Rush City - Cutting, Clinic Cutting Clinic for Beginners - $150 -- includes lunch and cattle charges - (612) 760-5123 bob@janssenperformancehorses.com 1/17/2010 - 17 Academic Equitation. Hermitage Dressage. Winchester, WI 54557. 4pm-6pm. Contact: 715-686-2047. 1/17/2010 - MN, Sebeka - Barrel - UBRA - LD Ranch Winter UBRA Series - (701) 425-2820 betsykuschel@hotmail.com 1/23/2010 - 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. - Central Wranglers 4-H Tack Sale - Drop off Consignments: 1/22/10 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. 1/23/10 8:00 A.M. - 10:30 A.M. - Kane County Fairgrounds, St. Charles, IL 60175, Jerry Parisek 847-507-3911 - centralwranglers@yahoo.com 1/24/2010 - 1/24/2010 - Jefferson County Horse and Pony Project Tack Sale. Jefferson County Fairgrounds, Jefferson, WI 53549. 1/23/2010 - MN, Lindstrom - Barrel - UBRA Falcon Ridge Barrel Burners - UBRA Winter Series Barrel Race Series starting at 12:30am. - (651) 4622129 - Borntobarrelrace@aol.com anuary 22-24, 2010 – Motokazie, Red Horse Ranch Arena, Fergus Falls, MN 218-736-3000, rhra@prtel.com, www.RedHorseRanchArena.com January 30 & 31, 2010 USEF/USDF Recognized Dressage Show - Fields & Fences - Heated 100' x 300' Arena - 36550 N. Hunt Club Rd., Gurnee, IL 60031 - Contact Anita Schadeck 847-244-4121 or email Anita@FieldsandFences.com

2/5-2/6 - MN, Verndale, Bull Riding, Barrel - Bulls & Barrels - Barrel Racing - $70.00 entry fee which includes: Admission to Bulls & Barrels performance & stall 70% Payback - Knock Barrel – 5 sec penalty Exhibitions 8am–9am ($4/run) Slack: 9am, Top 12 times will be in performance - (218) 445-5849 jms@wcta.net 2/6/2010 - MN, Lindstrom - Barrel, UBRA - Falcon Ridge Barrel Burners - UBRA Winter Series Barrel Race Series starting at 12:30am. - (651) 462-2129 Borntobarrelrace@aol.com 2/6/2010 –University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Horseman’s Clinic, Urbana, IL. Contact 217/333-2907or vetmed.illinois.edu/ope/horseclinic/ February 6-7, 2010 – Central Minnesota AQHA Team Penning and Ranch Sort, Red Horse Ranch Arena, Fergus Falls, MN, 218-736-3000, rhra@prtel.com, www.RedHorseRanchArena.com 2/6-2/7 - MN, Fergus Falls - Team Penning - Central Minnesota AQHA Team Penning and Ranch Sort (218) 736-3000 - rhra@prtel.com 2/7/2010 - MN, Sebeka - Barrel - NBHA, UBRA - LD Ranch Winter UBRA Series & NBHA MN04 - (701) 425-2820 - betsykuschel@hotmail.com February 12 - 14, 2010 - NIHJA Show Indoors Fields & Fences Heated 100' x 300' Arena - 36550 N. Hunt Club Rd., Gurnee, IL 60031 - Contact Anita Schadeck 847-244-4121 or email Anita@FieldsandFences.com

St., Roberts, WI; 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM. New & used tack & clothing, feeds, crafts, jewelry, plus a variety of other equine related items. For more information about vendor spots or consignments, contact Deb Hagen at 715-549-5416. February 27 & 28, 2010 - USEF/USDF Recognized Dressage Show - Fields & Fences Heated 100' x 300' Arena - 36550 N. Hunt Club Rd., Gurnee, IL 60031 - Contact Anita Schadeck - 847-244-4121 or email Anita@FieldsandFences.com MARCH 5-7 - Illinois Horse Fair, Illinois State Fairgrounds, Springfield, IL. Visit www.horsemenscouncil.org/HF2010 3/6/2010 - MN, Lindstrom - Barrel - UBRA - Falcon Ridge Barrel Burners UBRA Winter Series Barrel Race Series starting at 12:30am. - (651) 462-2129 Borntobarrelrace@aol.com 3/6-3/7 - MN, Fergus Falls, Team Penning - Central Minnesota AQHA Team Penning and Ranch Sort (218) 736-3000 - rhra@prtel.com 3/7/2010 - MN, Sebeka - Barrel NBHA, UBRA - LD Ranch Winter - UBRA Series & NBHA MN04 - (701) 425-2820 - betsykuschel@hotmail.com March 7, 2010 - Lake County Mounted Posse Annual Tack Sale - 9 AM - 2:30PM - Antioch VFW 75 North Ave. Antioch, IL 60002 - Contact: Mariefrance Mason 847 872-1402 - www.lcmp.info 3/12-3/14 - MN, Fergus Falls, Cutting - Spring Cutting - (218) 736-3000 - rhra@prtel.com

2/1/3/2010 - Hearts and Horses Dance - WSHC Equine Foundation Fundraiser. The House on the Rock Resort, 5320 Cty Hwy C, Spring Green, WI, for more info visit our website at /www.wshcef.org Corky Smith (608) 697?6888 - Lorraine Ruck (608) 369?2878 - Suzanne Lois (262) 210?0989 - Sue Piper (920) 386?2912

3/13/2010 - MN, Monticello - Barrel - UBRA Arrowhead Arena Winter UBRA Series Barrel Race. Open 4D's, Youth & Futurity classes - (763) 8781554

2/13/2010 - WI, Balsam Lake - Barrel, Fun Show, Game Show - UBRA - J Arena Saddle Club OPEN Fun Show & Barrel Race - (715) 857-6343 jessica@ubra.org

Minnesota Pinto Horse Association Show Schedule

2/13/2010 - MN, Monticello - Barrel - UBRA Arrowhead Arena Winter UBRA Series Barrel Race. Open 4D's, Youth & Futurity classes - (763) 8781554

May 29-31- 3 days, 4 Judges - MN Equestrian Center, Winona - *WIN A KENSINGTON BAG SET* President - Cris Stetler - 763-478-8842 - Show Manager - Kam Duncanson - 763-355-9541

February 20 - Horse Emergencies: Being Prepared During Disaster Situations - 9:00 a.m. until 3:45 p.m. UW Madison Campus - Madison, WI 53706 Contact Karl Olson - 608-265-5206 or olsonk@vetmed.wisc.edu

July 9-11- 3 days, 4 Judges - Red Horse Ranch, Fergus Falls - *WIN A KENSINGTON BAG SET* Field Representatives - Mahlon Bauman - 612-5086832 & On Site PtHA Abby Duncanson - 612-8770338 - Registrations Mary Noonan - 402-9200455

2/20/2010 - MN, Lindstrom - Barrel - UBRA Falcon Ridge Barrel Burners UBRA Winter Series Barrel Race Series starting at 12:30am. - (651) 462-2129 Borntobarrelrace@aol.com 2/21/2010 - MN, Sebeka - Barrel - NBHA, UBRA LD Ranch Winter UBRA Series & NBHA MN04 (701) 425-2820 - betsykuschel@hotmail.com 2/26-2/28 - IL, Sterling - Barrel D o u b l e - B Productions - Fuzzy Wuzzy Barrel Race ONE PAYOUT ON SUNDAY. $2000 added. Enter up to 4 times max. Also Open 2D slo - (641) 745-5845 bolling@iowatelecom.net 2/ 27/2010 – Roberts, WI – Willow River Riders Saddle Club 7th Annual Tack Swap and Sale – St. Croix Central Elementary School; 202 S. Division


3/13-3/14 - NE, FREMONT - Barrel - PURINA MILLS SADDLE SERIES - (402) 419-0191

August 6-8 - Jubilee of Color Show - MN Equestrian Center, Winona *CO-PRODUCED WITH MIN-IKOTA PINTO* - Jubilee Show Committee Christine Peterson 320-493-3435 - * Special Awards * 3 FULL DAYS * 3 judges * 4 sets of points * Great Variety of Classes & Fun Activities September 11 & 12 2 days, 4 Judges - Red Horse Ranch, Fergus Falls - *WIN A MIKE BRAY SADDLERY MIRROR* Stabling Ron & Karen Clark - 763-682-5324 - Show Office Manager - Ed Neu 763-477-5027 - Visit our website www.minnesotapinto.com Please email your event lisitings to PEG@HORSEDIGESTS.COM

January/February 2010 37

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Advertise in Traders Corner for as little as $20 per month. Call today for informationon advertising with us - 507-943-3355

38 January/February 2010



January/February 2010 39

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