1 minute read
Ride In Sync
Having trouble with your horse bucking or rearing?
Barring any physical problems, your problem is in your horse’s shoulders. Problems with collection? It’s a shoulder problem. Horse loping too fast? Yep, it’s a shoulder problem. Knocking down a barrel in your barrel pattern? Definitely a shoulder problem. Missing leads or lousy spins in reining? You guessed it—shoulder problem.
More than anything, having your horse soft and square in their shoulders improves performance in just about any discipline. A horse must be square in their shoulders in order to be able to lift their back and drive with their hind end. If they are not square in their shoulders, the hind end has no place to go and they end up with their hocks out in their tail.
How do you fix a horse that is stiff in their shoulders? It starts with being aware of your horse’s feet and understanding when