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Corral Calendar


AUG. 2 — Weekday Warriors Summer Series, Copper Mare Ranch, 6090 N. State Route 53, Tiffin, OH. FMI: Grant, 567-2076339, coppermareranch@gmail.com

AUG. 2 — Fredericktown Western Saddle Club Fun Show, 6:30 p.m., Fredericktown Arena, Fredericktown, OH. FMI: Marcie Leedy, 419-571-5917

AUG. 2 — Clyde Saddle & Trail Club Jackpot Show, 696 Horse Thief Rd., New Florence, PA. FMI: https://www.facebook.com/ groups/828606683871696

AUG. 2-3 — Mid Ohio Harness & Saddlery Auction & Expo, Mt. Hope Auction, 8076 SR 241, Millersburg, OH. FMI: Allen Mast, 330-600-0754

AUG. 4-6 — Sherry Cervi Youth Championships, Garwood Stadium, 2538 Middleton Rd., Columbiana, OH. FMI: 817304-9466

AUG. 4-6 — Ohio Ranch Horse Association Show, Hendersons Arena, 739 Van Fossen Rd., Jackson, OH. FMI: Amy, 740-819-8446, www.ohioranchhorseassociation.com

AUG. 4-6 — Central Ohio Reining Horse Association Founding Father Tribute Series, University of Findlay, 14700 US Rt. 68, Findlay, OH. FMI: Todd Knerr, 614-7785132, www.centralohioreining.com

AUG. 4-6 — 2023 American Haflinger Registry National Show, Lakeside Arena, 1385 Duncan Rd., Frankfort, KY. FMI: 330784-0000, www.haflingerhorse.com

AUG. 5 — Auglaize County Speed Show, 10 a.m., Auglaize County Fairgrounds, 1001 Fairview Drive, Wapakoneta, OH. FMI: Terri, 419-236-2546, ohconline.com

AUG. 5 — Scavenger Hunt and Poker Run, Creek Side Horse Park, 7369 Mottice Dr. SE, Waynesburg, OH. FMI: 330-323-3559, www.creeksidehorsepark.com

AUG. 5 — Ohio Foundation Quarter Horse Association Show, Guernsey County Fairgrounds, 335 Old National Rd., Lore City, OH. FMI: Donnie Uffner, 740-8777993, www.ohfqha.com

AUG. 5 — 2023 Ruggles Arena Speed Show, 2651 Township Road 155, Cardington, OH. FMI: Janet Ruggles, 419-210-7204

AUG. 5 — Horse Tack Auction of Rex Cramer AKA “The Pony Guy”, 9 a.m., 2381 S. Sutherland Rd., Lima, OH. FMI: Jeff Alt, 419-302-6191

AUG. 5 — Shenandoah Valley Riding Club Show, 6 p.m., 56095 Marietta Rd., Pleasant City, OH. FMI: Michelle, 740-294-7517

AUG. 5 — Cattle Sorting, Smoke Rise Ranch, 6751 Hunterdon Rd., Glouster, OH. FMI: 740-767-2624, www.smokeriseranch.com

AUG. 5 — Lorain County Horse Club 2023

All Breed Open Youth Horse Show, 8:30 a.m., Carlisle Reservation Equestrian Center, LaGrange, OH. FMI: Jennifer Dalton, 440-323-5219, LCHorseClub@gmail.com

AUG. 5 — Harry Hughes Speed Series, 5563 Waterville-Swanton Rd., Swanton, OH. FMI: Brandy Dotson, 419-205-2873

AUG. 5 — Southern Ohio Quarter Pony Association Open Horse Show Series, Jackson County Fairgrounds, Wellstone, OH. FMI: 740-590-7267, www.soqpa.com

AUG. 5 — Davis Ranch Cattle Show, 2 p.m., 385 East US Hwy. 150, Hardinsburg, IN. FMI: Jo Shepherd, 812-972-3365, dave@ daviddavishorsemanship.com

AUG. 5 — Kal Val Saddle Club Pleasure Show, 9853 S. 34th St., Scotts, MI. FMI: kvsaddleclub@gmail.com

AUG. 5 — Clyde Saddle & Trail Club Show, 696 Horse Thief Rd., New Florence, PA. FMI: https://www.facebook.com/ groups/828606683871696

AUG. 5-6 — Northern Ohio Outlaws Shoot, Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster, OH. FMI: www.nooutlaws.com, https://www. facebook.com/groups/183343285741

AUG. 5-6 — OPHC Amateur Club Show, Madison County Fairgrounds, 205 Elm St., London, OH. FMI: www.ophc.org

AUG. 6 — Premier Mount N Trail Obstacle Competition 2023 Series, Creekside Horse Park, 7369 Mottice Dr. SE, Waynesburg, OH. FMI: premiermountntrail@gmail.com, www.premiermountntrail.com

AUG. 6 — Geauga Horse & Pony Association Open Show, Geauga County Fairgrounds, Burton, OH. FMI: ghpa08@ yahoo.com, www.ghpa.us

AUG. 6 — Belmont County Saddle Club All Breed Open Show, 10 a.m., 41915 National Road, Belmont, OH. FMI: Jim, 740-391-3396

AUG. 6 — Family Fun Show, Smoke Rise Ranch, 6751 Hunterdon Rd., Glouster, OH. FMI: 740-767-2624

AUG. 9 — Weekday Warriors Summer Series, Copper Mare Ranch, 6090 N. State Route 53, Tiffin, OH. FMI: 567-207-6339

AUG. 10-13 — Battle of the Bluegrass, Central Kentucky Ag Center, 678 S. Wallace Wilkinson Blvd., Liberty, KY. FMI: npba@ npba.us, www.npba.us

AUG. 11 — Geauga Horse & Pony Association Friday Night Contesting Show, Geauga County Fairgrounds, Burton, OH. FMI: ghpa08@yahoo.com, www.ghpa.us

AUG. 11 — Wayne County Saddle Club Fun Show & Buckle Series, 4200 Overton Rd., Wooster, OH. FMI: Leanne, 330-844-4041, waynecountysaddleclub.com

AUG. 11 — LaRue County Saddle Club Friday Night Show, 7 p.m., 210 GoodwinWilliams Rd., Hodgenville, KY. FMI: Stephanie Florence, 270-735-2806

AUG. 11 — YY Saddle Club Show, 7:30 p.m., 5195 W 950N, Edinburgh, IN. FMI: Sheryl, 812-327-8473

AUG. 11-13 — Carroll County OHC Trail Riders Fun Show & Camping Weekend, Jefferson Lake State Park Day Ride Area, Richmond, OH. FMI: Kristin 330-323-1705

AUG. 11-13 — Ranch Horse Assoc.of Kentucky Show, Lakeside Arena, Frankfort, KY. FMI: https://www.facebook.com/ profile.php?id=100075521394201

DISCLAIMER: The Horsemen’s Corral has made every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided on this calendar of events. However, the information is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. The Corral does not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained herein. Where possible, event contact information is provided. Please “Call before you haul”. Please

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