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Show jumping for Eventers Your guide to getting the best result from the show jumping phase
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Tips from the top
First things first
Single fences
BE classes
Elements of a BE course
The show-jumping phase at an event
What can I wear for the show-jumping phase?
What can my horse wear in the show-jumping phase?
BE Accredited Coaches
British Eventing Stoneleigh Park Kenilworth Warwickshire CV8 2RN Tel: 0845 262 3344
You’ve jumped the cross pole, upright and parallel a few times in the collecting ring and your horse is going forward in a lovely rhythm, ears pricked, responding well. You are ready. The steward calls and you enter the arena, running through the course in your mind, blanking out all that is going on around you. The bell rings; you circle, recreating that lovely rhythm you had in the collecting ring, and begin… The show-jumping phase is often an Eventer’s nemesis; viewed and anticipated with dread. Riders who are confident about their own and their horse’s ability to fly around cross country or perform well in the dressage phase are often disappointed with their performance in the show jumping ring where penalty points can stack up as the poles roll. Here we give you some advice about how to approach this key phase, with the help of British Senior Eventing Team Show Jumping Coach, Peter Murphy and some practical hints, tips and exercises to improve your way of going from double British Olympic Show Jumper, Geoff Billington. As well warm-up tips, a variety of exercises and ringcraft advice, we also list your nearest BE Accredited Coach who can help you get your season off to a flying start. Why not gain more ringcraft experience in eventing off season at BE’s own show-jumping and indoor-eventing series, JAS Eventing? Or have a go at Jump Training, where Accredited Coaches watch your first round, then offer vital feedback to help you improve before jumping your second round? They are both great fun. For more details, check out the BE website. Shows run all over Britain from January through to April. So good luck and enjoy yourself this season!
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British Senior Eventing Team Show Jumping Coach Peter Murphy offers these tips for Eventers, from flatwork through to choosing your level of competition Flatwork
Make sure you are not trying to replicate your dressage flatwork in your show-jumping flatwork as you warm up. The pace you are going at needs to be more powerful; not necessarily faster but more active and forward.
Tips from the top
Using your hand and leg
It is very important that the rider doesn’t purely use the hand and leg as the ‘stop and go’ button. It’s 4 www.britisheventing.com 0845 262 3344
Most important here is that your stirrups are the right length; don’t have them as long as in the dressage phase or as short as cross country. Ideally, you don’t want to be sitting too far over the horse’s wither or too deep in the saddle. Ultimately, you need to be comfortable in adjusting your balance in the saddle over a fence.
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key that you use your leg to push though corners and lines on the course. Also ensure you use your hand and leg to regulate the pace and to keep the horse supple and bending. Using pace
Adjusting your horse’s pace accordingly for the time allowed on the course is crucial. When you walk the course you must walk exactly where you are going to ride; knowing exactly where you will need to adjust the power to keep within the time is essential. Don’t allow the pace to get too long and flat as this will reduce your accuracy in your lines to the fences.
This is where the above pointers all come together; you need to make sure you are in a good powerful pace for this phase, making sure you are maintaining bend and control with your hand and leg. Ride the course as you walked it, making sure you come to your fences straight and maintain accuracy. Moving up a level
A common mistake here is thinking that once you have completed successfully at your current level you are automatically ready to go up a level. This is not necessarily the case. Talk to your coach and make sure you discuss
whether you and the horse are ready to move up a level or whether you need some more training to go forwards in the future. Getting the right trainer
Ultimately this is your decision; different people respond to different teaching styles. Some individuals need constant pressure where others need a quieter approach. I personally think that you know that you have the right trainer when they are making sense to you, when they aren’t telling you too much in one go, or rushing you. Basically, they need to be thorough with you in each phase.
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First things first
Above: Two of your own strides is the distance you need either side of a pole for landing or take-off. Then when walking out a distance to place your fence, measure four of your own strides to one of your horse’s strides
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Geoff’s top three tips Obedience is crucial in the show-jumping ring. Essentially your horse must go where you want him to go and do what you want him to do, when you want him to do it. Your horse must learn to wait, between hand and leg between fences. If possible, use your upperbody weight instead of your hand to shorten and lengthen your horse’s stride and speed. You can practice this by getting your horse to lengthen and shorten in the school. Firstly, five
strides lengthen, five strides shorten. Then change the pattern, finally getting down to three strides lengthen and three strides shorten. Athletic jumping – using cavaletti or poles Jumping small fences in a grid, such as a cavaletti, works wonders for both your balance and your horse’s co-ordination and will improve your feel for rhythm. While the jumps are small, you can concentrate on your own position, allowing your horse to
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Top: control is important for athletic jumping. Above: practice turning into and out of your line of cavaletti to increase flexibility and co-ordination
have a bit of fun whilst moving forwards through the grid. Remember, it is up to you to get the horse to the fence – it is then his responsibility to jump it! You can trot or canter through the grid – it is up to you, but the important thing is to always aim for the centre of the fence, to give your horse the best possible chance of making a clean jump and steer him to the middle of the fences all the way through. Try and keep a normal, regular canter stride along the line of cavaletti, not altering or changing the rhythm. You can also vary the distance between the cavaletti, so you can alter your horse’s stride. You can go from two strides to one or two to three or vary them along the length of the grid, thus increasing the challenge for the pair of you. Once you have mastered going straight down the line and looked at different distances in-between, try a few exercises like turning as you land over the last one. Approach the line of cavaletti on both the left and right rein and then turn the opposite way when you have exited that line. This will increase your horse’s suppleness and reaction time. It will also keep him listening to you as he doesn’t know which way you want him to turn next. This is also a great exercise to encourage your horse to land on the correct leg. www.britisheventing.com 7
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Single fences Establish a good canter rhythm
Training diagram
By jumping along a grid, you will have improved your feel for a good canter rhythm. Try bringing in a variety of single fences, varying your approach and line. Once you have mastered that, maybe try riding a figure of eight, so you have your cross pole in the middle of the eight, and draw an imaginary figure of eight in front and away from it. This way you will keep approaching the cross pole on a different rein, thus increasing your reaction times and strengthening you and your horse’s ability to jump off any rein. This exercise is great for excitable horses as it stops them from running away from you and 8 www.britisheventing.com 0845 262 3344
rushing their fences, as they have to turn so often. You can use your hands to gently balance your horse on those turns, but try and use your leg to keep him going forward. Try and influence which leg your horse will land on as you jump the cross pole by using your body weight. Come in a straight line over the fence, then ask him to bend and turn as he is going over the poles. If you can influence him at this stage, then your show-jumping rounds will become a lot smoother when you get to the ring. You can build up this figure of eight exercise to incorporate more jumps. See diagram above. If you feel confident, you can
include some flying changes which will improve and smooth out your show-jumping round once you are in the ring. This exercise is a great one to practice your changes. Jumping exercise on a circle Once you have popped a few jumps using the figure of eight exercise on different reins, move onto jumping your single fence on a circle. Just keep popping the fence, keeping your horse in the same, rhythmical ‘cog’ all the way around, not running away. While doing these simple exercises, think of your own jumping position and try and balance yourself in the approach,
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Use serpentines to practice your balance and approach to fences where you need to change leg
when jumping and when moving away from the fence. Flying change If you and your trainer are happy to move on to flying changes, you can practice at home. To ask your horse to change, keep your body in the centre of the saddle and use your outside leg behind the girth when you want to change. Have a light rein contact and look the way you want to go. You can then add in more fences and start building up a bit of a course, making sure you do it on both reins. Serpentine exercise Try now to string a few fences together which are on a curving line or serpentine. Pace out your distances first – remember four
of your strides equals one of your horse’s. Plus you need to allow for two of your strides for a landing and take-off stride either side of the fence. Once you have built your serpentine course with three or four fences, walk the line you intend to take. When mounted, stick to the line you have picked and, importantly, jump in the centre of each fence. Hold your horse between hand and leg throughout the serpentine, pushing him positively forward to the next element, but not rushing or throwing him off his stride.
When doing exercises like this, it is easy for the horse to resist and not go where – or do what – you ask him when the exercise gets a little more difficult. When training at home, it is vital that you tell him what do, rather than asking him, so that he respects his rider: there is a difference! You can also incorporate your flying changes, or try and influence a change of leg as you jump each element, if you find that simpler. Flying changes are something you can work on when practicing on the flat, changing legs over a ground pole.
If your horse needs a bit of support coming into a fence, try using ‘v’ poles to guide him into the centre, ground poles between the fences will help keep you both straight Aim for the centre of the cross pole
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BE classes
Grading of horses To ensure fair competition, horses are graded according to the number of British Eventing points won (if any) and are eligible for different classes depending on these points. Points are not awarded at BE80, BE90 or BE100 level. No points 1 – 20 points 21 – 60 points 61+ points
Grade 4 Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade 1
Your first event is likely to be a BE80(T) or BE90 competition. If you are riding an experienced horse with BE points you will still be able to compete in a BE90 Open class, but will have to run non-competitively (HC) in BE80(T) classes. BE80(T) classes are an educational step for young and inexperienced riders and horses, and offer a stepping-stone to BE90, BE100 and beyond.
Show jumping • Inviting, flowing courses with plenty of room, with a double combination.
• 7-12 numbered obstacles • Two obstacles at a maximum height of 0.85m, the rest at 0.80m • 325mpm
• 8-12 numbered obstacles • Two obstacles at a maximum height of 0.95m, the rest at 0.90m • 325mpm
• 8-12 numbered obstacles • Two obstacles at a maximum height of 1.05m, the rest at 1.00m • 325mpm
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Double Practice this at home by using ‘v’ poles on the fences, to help you aim for the middle and to encourage your horse to keep going forward. Also put guide poles on the ground, which will encourage your horse to move straight inbetween the combination. As you approach the first part 12 www.britisheventing.com 0845 262 3344
Upright to a parallel A favourite of Course Designers and Builders, this combination tests a rider’s ability to sit and wait for the first element and then squeeze or gather your horse up for the second element of the parallel and keep the poles up! When approaching this line, keep level all the way in and then when you land, keep your horse in front of your leg and think to yourself ‘even-eveneven’ as you count the strides, almost getting your horse to bounce like a rubber ball between hand and leg.
Once you are comfortable jumping single and multiple fences in a figure of eight, on a circle and on a serpentine, changing the rein and simple changes, then you can move on to creating elements of what you will find on a BE course. This way you will train for every eventuality that could arise at a competition
Elements of a BE course
Clockwise: jumping a parallel; upright and planks combined; planks; jumping through a double
of the double, look up and sit up, balancing your horse. Overcome the urge to throw him at the fence which can sometimes happen if a rider is anxious about making it to the second part of the combination. Squeeze your horse in the last few strides to the fence to keep him moving forward. Once you have taken off, focus on the second part of the double and sit up as soon as you land to set him up for the second part. Keep squeezing, but sit still and quiet in the centre of your saddle and wait for the second part to come.
Planks Often the fence to fall, planks can cause nervous or unprepared riders unnecessary penalties! When walking the course, look at the ground to the approach to the fence – does it slope down and away or up to the planks? How close are the other fences to it, are you approaching on the left or right rein? Once you have considered these questions, you are instantly more prepared, as the most important thing to think about when approaching planks, which are often placed on shallow cups, are balance and impulsion.
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Tips on...
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Establishing a good canter rhythm
…warming up Warm up in trot and canter. The majority of your jump work will be done in canter, so you need to think about how you can improve your horse’s obedience and technique in his canter. To jump a course of fences, your horse needs to be supple and so warming up is important. Try riding him alternatively in the canter with firstly an inside, then an outside bend. Incorporate leg yielding, so he responds to your leg commands the instant you put them on and ask him to move away. Use canter circles, moving him forward then bringing him back, keeping him listening. Stop and start him on those canter circles and try spiralling in and out in the canter, moving him in and out of the circle with your leg. Once he feels warmed up in the canter, ask your coach to help you with counter counter which is a great suppling exercise in preparation for show jumping. It helps you as the rider to get control of both the inside and the outside of your horse’s body. Also incorporate some halts. Get him to come back to you, using your upper body weight to halt him, not your hands and reins. Ensure he stops square beneath you each time you halt and is ready to move off at your slightest command. Once he is listening, can hold
his rhythm and is taking you forward, then you can start to incorporate some fences. …vertical fences Sit tall when approaching a vertical and squeeze – do not push. If approaching a double of verticals, keep body upright going into the fence, then squeeze to get the second part, holding your horse between hand and leg. If you push you will only flatten and your horse will knock off the top rail. If you find yourself going in too fast, just sit back – don’t be tempted to throw your horse at the fence.
…oxer or parallel Approach an oxer in the same way as a vertical. It is important to ride forward when landing after an oxer and to drive your horse forward into your hand, keeping your rhythm. Keep your focus on the next fence. …moving up the heights All you can do as the rider is present your horse to the fence level, to the centre of the jump, balanced between hand and leg and in control. After achieving this you can then progress from 80cm to 1m to 1.20m and higher as long as you keep this principle the same. If presented correctly,
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you will find that the height makes no difference to the horse. The higher you jump, the more the horse will learn to balance himself better, meaning that you as a rider will have less to do. Another tip is to occasionally practice a higher level at home than what you will be expected to jump at your event. If you have entered a BE90, then practice jumping, mastering and feeling comfortable jumping a few 1m courses at home, that way when you get to your competition and walk your show-jumping course, you will feel confident in both you and your horse’s ability.
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oxer or parallel
Your approach to a fence shouldn’t change, no matter what the height
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The show-jumping phase at an event
Walking the course Before you head out on course, check your bearings and the site layout so you know where dressage, show jumping and cross country are located. Many events use horse walks to prevent horses getting mixed up with spectators. The times between phases may well be quite tight (they will be at least 30 minutes), so you will need to know how to get from one to the other, especially if the dressage is some way from the horse box park – the organisation of your tack, equipment and helper is essential! Course walking can also take longer than you think. If you 16 www.britisheventing.com 0845 262 3344
Your show-jumping round When you get to the warm-up arena, find the Collecting Ring steward to give your number and see how many there are to go before you and who you follow. Allow enough time to warm up but do not over-jump the practice fences or hog them. It is often helpful to watch a couple of rounds before entering the arena to remind yourself of the course. Remember not to start before the bell, but approach the start as soon as it is rung as you only have 45 seconds to begin your round. Remember to breathe, think positive and enjoy yourself! If it doesn’t go to plan, don’t worry – there is always next time! Besides that, you have the fun of the cross country next. Should you be unlucky enough to be eliminated for three
refusals, two falls or incurring more than 24 penalties, you will not be allowed to go cross country. However, if you have been eliminated for any other reason such as missing a fence, you may go straight to the secretary’s office, who will contact the BE steward; they may grant permission for you to continue the competition non-competitively (HC). Time may well be short and you should make sure that while you are away your team is getting your horse ready for the cross country. If you have a fall in the show jumping you will not be allowed to start the cross country until passed fit by the doctor, so again contact the secretary who will call the doctor. Please note that if you are competing in Junior or Pony classes and are eliminated in the show jumping, for safety reasons, you will not be allowed to go cross country.
live locally, or have travelled to the event the day before, walk both the cross-country and show-jumping courses the day before and then again on the day. When walking the showjumping course, walk the line between the fences carefully and walk the line you plan to ride. As you go, note the number of each fence so that you do not miss one out! Make sure you can visualise the route you are going to take, remembering the colour or type of fences and also if you have to take a left or a right turn after them.
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What can I wear for the showjumping phase? • Protective headwear dark blue or black in colour • Black or dark blue coat with white stock or tweed coat with coloured stock or collar and tie • Gloves (of any colour) • Buff/fawn breeches • Plain black or brown boots, leather gaiters with matching boots (not half chaps) • Uniform General Protective headwear (hats) Must be tagged by the secretary on arrival. A hat equivalent to one of the following standards is compulsory for show jumping and cross country (including warm-up): British All PAS 015, BSEN1384 (provided they are Kitemarked or SEI) European EN1384 (provided they are Kitemarked or SEI) American All SEI ASTM 95, ASTM F1163 and SNELL E2001 Australian & New Zealand All AS/NZS 3838 1998 Whips No longer than 75cm in length
Jewellery No facial jewellery should be worn while riding (at any stage)
Hair In the interests of safety, long hair should be secured appropriately
Spurs Spurs are only compulsory in Advanced and all FEI 2*, 3* and 4* dressage tests. Spurs capable of wounding a horse are forbidden. Excessive use of spurs is forbidden. Spurs must be of smooth metal. If there is a shank it must not be more than 3.5cm long, must point only towards the rear and the end of a shank must be blunt. If the shank is curved, the spurs must be worn only with the shank directed downwards. Metal or plastic spurs with round hard plastic or metal knobs are allowed (“Impuls” spur). “Dummy spurs” with no shank are allowed. Spurs that have a smooth rotating rubber or plastic ball on the shank are permitted. Rowels are not permitted, for the show-jumping phase.
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Show jumping (BE80(T), BE90, BE100, BE100 Plus, Novice)
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What can my horse wear in the show-jumping phase? BE80 (T), BE90, BE100, BE100 Plus & Novice Classes
Riding in exercise areas
Show jumping & cross country
Bit guard and tongue guard
Nose net
Ear covers
Fly fringe
Snaffle bridle /Miklem multi-bridle
Double bridle
Running and Irish martingale
Side, running reins and chambons
Neck strap
Seat covers
Boots, bandages
Equiboots / hoofboots
English-style saddle
Flash, crossed (incl. Grackle/Mexican) or dropped noseband only with snaffle
Cavesson noseband
Breast plate
Tongue strap and/or tying down the horse’s tongue
Draw reins
Standing martingale
Any other form of martingale or gadget
Notes * only permitted if specifically authorised for all competitors in exceptional climatic conditions
In addition to the above, the following Rules apply to show jumping and cross country only:
c. Generally: Any item of saddlery not specifically permitted by these Rules or those of British dressage is not permitted.
a. Permitted: Reins may be attached to leather ‘D’ rings; pelhams and American or continental gags; gags and bitless bridles. b. Not Permitted: Indirect attachment of reins to bits, hackamore or any form of bitless bridle; curb rein passing through the rings of a running martingale; any stirrup or stirrup leather that does not hang outside the flap of the saddle; Market Harborough.
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BE Accredited Coaches See below for our list of current BE Accredited Coaches, who have been carefully selected to help you get the best out of the sport from BE80(T) to Advanced. They have a wealth of knowledge and expertise, with many of them riding at an international level themselves. They can help with anything from planning your training sessions, to helping you plot your seasonal campaign, getting your horse fit, as well as specific training in dressage, show jumping and cross country. Also, many BE Accredited Coaches hold schooling clinics up and down the country, see our website, www.britisheventing.com, for more details and look up coaching and training in ‘About us’. Ms Sue Hendry Aberdeenshire 07725 401921 tillyfoddie@btinternet.com
Mrs Sabrina Jones Buckinghamshire 07766567184 sabrina@venika.co.uk
Mrs Trisha Hunter Ayrshire 07962 207272 trishahunter@live.co.uk
Mrs Valerie Gingell Cambridgeshire 07778 610001 valgingell@aol.com
Mr Nick Turner Bedfordshire 07831 112627 nick@ntsporthorses.com
Miss Rachel Bayliss Cheshire 07860 744668 rachel@rachelbayliss01. wanadoo.co.uk
Mr Warren Lamperd Berkshire 07812 193747 warren@whitehartstables.com Mrs Karen Reuter Niklasson Lambourn, Berkshire 07831 244503 karenniklasson@lambourn. orangehome.co.uk
Mr Richard Carruthers Cheshire 07865 090346 richcarruthers@yahoo.co.uk Mrs Sarah Dale Cheshire 07771 563731 sarah.dale@tesco.net
Mrs Rosalind Nolan Cornwall Mrs Nicola du Plessis Cornwall 07877 228731 nicky.duplessis@duchy.ac.uk Mrs Ruth Edge Cumbria 07803 268803 ruth.edge@virgin.net Miss Georgie H Barnes Derbyshire 07976 254887 gbarnes1000@hotmail.com Mrs Sue Colley Derbyshire 07814 423494 susan.colley@btconnect.com Mr Frans Koemans Derbyshire 07976 567653 frans.koemans@talktalk.net
Mrs Tessa Spencer Berkshire 07976 328566 theclivedenstud@aol.com
Miss Laura Fortune Cheshire 0779 8566435 laura.j.fortune@gmail.com
Mrs Sarah Ward Berkshire 07702 307452 sarahward@newbury.net
Mr Andrew Heffernan Cheshire 07971 018474 andrew@topeventers.co.uk
Mr Les Smith Berwickshire 07759 665134 lessmith105@aol.com
Mrs Susan Hill Cheshire 07789 170742
Miss Caroline Creighton Devon 07855 387 313 carolinecreighton@ hotmail.co.uk
Mrs Dawn Hollinshead Cheshire 07703 321882 hollinsheadp@btinternet.com
Mrs Sue E Edwards Devon 07719 739227 sue@really.demon.co.uk
Mrs Ann Bostock Buckinghamshire 07889 648478 ann.bostock1@ btopenworld.com Mrs Juliet Campion Buckinghamshire 07860 665363 julietcampion@hotmail.com Mr Ernest Dillon Buckinghamshire 07710 099210 ernestdillon@yahoo.co.uk
Mr John Marsden Cheshire 07931 388774 tycassells@hotmail.co.uk Miss Stefanie Thompson Cheshire 07976 802617 Miss Ruth Williams Cheshire 07855 987971 missruthwilliams@aol.com
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Mrs Clarissa Bleekman Devon 07979 750857 whorridgefarmstud@ googlemail.com
Mrs Clare Turner Dorset 07736 725159 clare@skylands.co.uk Mrs Karen Dixon Durham 07850 396103 karendixon@smartdeal.co.uk Miss Jane Graham Durham janelgraham@hotmail.com Mrs Louise Smales Durham 07971 196143 louisesmales@hotmail.co.uk Miss Sam Champney-Warrener East Sussex 07703 273902 samantha@champneyequestrian.wanadoo.co.uk Mrs Cindy Llewellyn East Sussex 07860 289233 cindyllew@hotmail.com Mr John Smart East Sussex 07990 803592 john.smart@amserve.com Mr Francis Whittington East Sussex 07773 351608 francis@whittingtoneventing.co.uk Mrs Camilla Parsonage East Yorkshire garyparsonage1@yahoo.co.uk
Mrs Joanna Rimmer Dorset 07989 398096 jkoldewey@yahoo.com
Mr Gary B Parsonage East Yorkshire 07834 196169 garyparsonage1@yahoo.co.uk
Mrs Melissa Tonks Dorset 07855 030126 millietonks@mac.com
Mr David Merrett Essex 07840 551945 kiln.saddlery@tiscali.co.uk
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Mr Michael Paveley Rochford, Essex 07802 647220 michael@greenhouseprint. co.uk Mrs Frances Hay-Smith Fife 07702 901001 or 07974 691560 frances.hay-smith@ britisheventing.com Mrs Petrina Whittaker Bavaria, Germany 0049 1748247664 petrinawhittaker4@ hotmail.com
Miss Carolyn Rowe Gloucestershire 07702 292817 carolyn.rowe@hotmail.co.uk Mrs Angela Tucker Gloucestershire 07788 720240 angela.tucker@virgin.net Miss Jayne Wilson Gloucestershire 07880 790969 Ms Sarah Spencer-Williams Gwent 07850 086030 rocklea@btinternet.com
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Mrs Lucinda Sims Hampshire 07736 674986 lucindasims@harroway.co.uk; lucindasims@me.com Miss Sorrel Warwick Hampshire 07739 146716 sorrel.warwick@ btopenworld.com Mr William Blane Herefordshire 07976 310021 pax@equestrian.fsnet.co.uk
Mrs Ros Morgan Glamorgan 07968 202249 ros.morgan@btinternet.com
Mr Ross Algar Hampshire 07713 623270 ross@rossalgar.co.uk
Miss Helena Charlesworth Herefordshire 07721 954844 helena@hcharlesworth. wanadoo.co.uk
Miss Ann Peate Glamorgan 07811 766159 annpeate@live.com
Miss Sally Billing Hampshire 07810 308704 sallybilling@googlemail.com
Mr Richard Evans Herefordshire 07860 773220 secretpapers@aol.com
Miss Hilary Clemerson Gloucestershire 07773 642986
Mrs Joanna Bishop Hampshire 07941 300593 joannabishop@stevenshill. com
Miss Louise Skelton Great Oak, Eardisley, Herefordshire 07721 354846 wigskelt@tiscali.co.uk
Mr Nick Gauntlett Gloucestershire 07770 373200 nick@gauntlett.me.uk
Mr Mark Corbett Hampshire 07860 347446 corbettsnd@aol.com
Mrs Pamela Noreen Hutton Gloucestershire
Mrs Monica L Durrant Hampshire 07702 745009 monicadurrant@btinternet.com
Mr Bill Levett Gloucestershire 07703 439427 billlevett@hotmail.com
Mrs Lucinda Green Hampshire 07880 793435 mail@lgreen.co.uk
Miss Sophie Martindale Ford, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire 07721 642482 sophie@eventingspecialist. org.uk
Mrs Jennie Loriston-Clarke Hampshire 07836 329342 catherston@btconnect.com
Mr William Miflin Gloucestershire 07786 915150 williammiflin@hotmail.com Capt Mark A P Phillips Gloucestershire 07767 317 323 mark@equiland.co.uk
Mr Jonathan Chapman Hertfordshire 07771 740980 jonathanchapman1@ btconnect.com Mr Owen Moore Hertfordshire 07813 290282 owenmoore@hotmail.com Mrs Marietta Fox-Pitt Canterbury, Kent mfp@knowltoncourt.co.uk Mrs Anna Hilton Kent 07802 747205 a.hilton1@homecall.co.uk Mrs Alexandra Hudson Kent 07887 502846 alexlhudson@yahoo.co.uk Mrs Lucy Thompson Kent 07729 323865 lucy@equine-sporttherapy.co.uk
Miss Adèle Schardt Hampshire 07785 251720 adele@eleda.co.uk Mr David Sheerin Hampshire 07866 514305 david.s@wellingtonriding.co.uk
Miss Hannah Fenech Gloucestershire 07801 271808 hannah_aces@talktalk.net
Mrs Sarah Verney Herefordshire 07836 222104 sarah@hgverney.com
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BE Accredited Coaches Mr Peter Michael Connolly Lancashire 07885 841487 pmconnolly1@btinternet.com
Miss Tracey Dillon Leicestershire 07796 734824 traceydillon@btconnect.com
Major Sandy Sanderson Leicestershire 07831 899918 janeandsandy@googlemail.com
Miss Antonia Wills Northamptonshire 07941 512933 antoniawills@fsmail.net
Mrs Susan Pimbley Lancashire 07717 017372 susan@spimbley.orangehome.co.uk
Mr Mark Kyle Leicestershire 07899 998586 mark.tanya@queenholme.com
Mrs Jane Wallace Leicestershire 07831 816640 fishpond1@btconnect.com
Mr Eric Smiley Northern Ireland 07802 347872 eric.suesmiley@btinternet.com
Mrs Tanya Kyle Leicestershire 07774 921129 mark@queenholme.com
Mrs Christie Wright Leicestershire 07702 309547 lomaxchristie@hotmail.com
Miss Caroline Moore Leicestershire 07702 607609 cmoorebhsi@aol.com
Miss Tiny Clapham Lincolnshire 07836 672109 tiny@eventers.net
Mrs Charlotte Ridley Northumberland 07714 333979 charlotte@parkendequestrian. co.uk
Miss Pauline Rich Leicestershire 07710 659669
Mrs Lucy Henson Lincolnshire 07788 185998 lucy@hensonfranklyn.co.uk
Mrs Sue Stewart Lancashire 07753 910832 sue@swanfarm.fslife.co.uk Mrs Marjorie Bird Leicestershire 07711 971288 trueexp@trueperch.com Mrs Antonia Brown Leicestershire 07970 019798 timbrownequestrian@ tiscali.co.uk Mr Kenneth W Clawson Leicestershire 07771 500151 kclawson@ukonline.co.uk
Mrs Tracie Robinson Leicestershire 07973 349643 tracierobinson@btinternet.com
Mrs Sue M Ringrose Lincolnshire 07887 604271 s.ringrose@btinternet.com Mrs Emma Fisher London 07966 249435 emmafisher12@googlemail.com Mrs Elizabeth Winter Monmouthshire 07974 010436 svec@clara.co.uk
Mrs Gaye M Bartle North Yorkshire 07831 337877 gabriellebartle@hotmail.com Mrs Helen L Bell North Yorkshire 07708 708967 helenbell@easynet.co.uk
Mrs Julie Lawson North Yorkshire 07718 366270 jim.themill@btinternet.com
Mrs Emily J V Lochore Norfolk 07767 420357 emily@musketeer.co.uk
Mr Moray Nicholson North Yorkshire 07801 150948 twhorsetrials@yahoo.co.uk
Miss Ruth McMullen Norfolk 07768 347730
Mrs Elaine F Straker North Yorkshire 07831 238308
Mr Nigel Taylor 07860 602445 taylornj@hotmail.co.uk
Mr Christopher J Bartle North Yorkshire 07836 345609 chris@yrc.co.uk
Mrs Fiona Harrison North Yorkshire 07909 988401 fdh@askham-bryan.ac.uk
Mr Eric Winter Monmouthshire 07932 197366 svec@clara.co.uk
Mr Philip Surl Northamptonshire 07889 186766 philipsurl@btinternet.com Mrs Ann Taylor Northamptonshire 07721 001770 ann@aston-le-walls.co.uk
Miss Sue Stanton Northumberland 07866 530948 s.stanton2@btinternet.com
Mrs Sally Swiers Briar Hill Farm, Thirsk, North Yorkshire 07971 437999 sally_swiers@yahoo.co.uk Mrs Sharon Watt North Yorkshire 07966 529666 wattfences@aol.com
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BE Accredited Coaches Mrs Heidi Woodhead North Yorkshire 07778 480040 heidiandian@btinternet.com
Mrs Anne-Marie Taylor Oxfordshire 07887 552702 annemarietaylor@clara.co.uk
Mrs Joanna Day Somerset 07968 544448 newcotts@yahoo.co.uk
Miss Sarah Thorne Somerset 07768 981176 sarahthorne1@yahoo.co.uk
Miss Judy Bradwell Nottinghamshire 07891 163132 judybradwell@ newarkwireless.co.uk
Mr Jonathan Willis Oxfordshire 07802 498931 equinesolutions@ btinternet.com
Mr Robin Dumas Somerset 07577078285 r.k.dumas@btinternet.co
Miss Jeanette Brakewell Staffordshire 07711 825189 jan@brakewell.fsnet.co.uk
Mrs Sue Browne Nottinghamshire 07790 586776 se.browne@btinternet.com
Miss Gillian Watson Oxon gill.watsonfbhs@ btconnect.com
Miss Hayley Gilmour Somerset 07773 381985 hayleygilmour@btinternet.com
Miss Linda Brookes Staffordshire 07798 676769 linda.brookes@yahoo.co.uk
Mrs Sarah Simpson Nottinghamshire 07979 806705 sarah@woodlandstraining.com
Mrs Mary McFarlane Perth and Kinross 07762 557531 mcfarlane@sol.co.uk
Miss Shena Kozuba-Kozubska Somerset 07970 442916
Mr Tim Downes Staffordshire 07775 797484 tim@ingestre.com; tim@tjdownes.fslife.co.uk
Miss Sam York Nottinghamshire 07989 970138 samantha.york@ntu
Mr Martin Arnott Renfrewshire 07979 812036 balgregan@aol.com
Mr Lars Goran Breisner Oxfordshire 07711 433755 breisner@talk21.com
Mrs Muriel Colquhoun Renfrewshire 07836 740557 patsypup@aol.com
Mr Joss Gray Oxfordshire 07836 243933 jossgray@hotmail.com
Mr David Gatherer Renfrewshire 07729 121438 gatherer@inorbit.com
Mr Joe Harter Oxfordshire 07749 692475 Joe.harter@btinternet.com
Mrs Caroline Powell Scottish Borders 07966 059045 linerich@btopenworld.com
Mr Bruce Haskell Oxfordshire 07974 979698 eventr@yahoo.com
Mr Ian Stark Scottish Borders 07836 756634 haughhead@yahoo.co.uk
Mrs Caro Haynes Oxfordshire 07970 719317 caro.haynes@googlemail.com
Mrs Sylvia Farmer Shropshire 07890 104412 farmersylvia@yahoo.co.uk
Mrs Amanda Holloway Oxfordshire 07753 367252 mandyholloway@hotmail.co.uk
Mrs Jonquil Hemming Shropshire 07786 485790 jonquilh@tiscali.co.uk
Mr Simon J Lawrance Oxfordshire 07799 414154 simon.lawrance@talktalk.net
Mrs Jancis Tulloch Shropshire 07780 701865 jancis.tulloch@btinternet.com
Mrs Miranda Lucey Oxfordshire 07880 735920 mandy.lucey@btinternet.com
Mr Danny Anholt Somerset 07970 165146 doa@millfieldschool.com
Mr Charlie Lane Somerset 07990 562046 charlie@coachroadfarm.co.uk Mrs Emily Lee Somerset 07884 188997 emilylee92@googlemail.com
Mrs Janet Plant Staffordshire 07836 579810 jjjplant@westonht. freeserve.co.uk Mr Brook Staples Staffordshire 07711 552638 brook@staples35. freeserve.co.uk
Mrs Cindy Rawson Somerset 07970 442002 creventteam@pobox.com
Mr John Bowen Suffolk 07710 573626 johnsbowen@hotmail.com
Mrs Margaret Millward Somerset jeremy.millward@ ukgateway.net
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BE Accredited Coaches Mr Terence Allen West Sussex 07967 824617 terrythomas.allen@ btinternet.com
Mrs Caroline Jeanne West Sussex 07919 617844 ce.jeanne@virgin.net
Miss Sarah Macdonald Surrey 07831 207421 smac.millhouse@btinternet.com
Miss Penny Sangster Sussex 07831 159456 pennysangster@yahoo.com
Mrs Ella-Louise Mayhead Surrey 07702 665553 eloise.webb@ntlworld.com
Mr Jeremy Spring Sussex 07889 759618 springy10@hotmail.com
Mr Joe A Meyer Surrey 07768 477974 mamakuuk@btinternet.com
Mr Paul Rigby Warwickshire 07710 460223
Mrs Alex Pinsent Surrey alexpinse@hotmail.com
Mrs Victoria Thirlby Warwickshire 07815 175968 vjthirlby@fsmail.net
Richard Meade Wiltshire 07860 318219 rjhmeade@hotmail.com Mr Darrell Scaife Calne, Wiltshire 07966 019 930 darrellscaife@hotmail.com
Mrs Jo Marsh-Smith West Sussex 07990 992982 jom-s@tiscali.co.uk
Miss Annabel Scrimgeour Wiltshire 07977 552358 ascrimgeour@ collegefields.plus.com
Mrs Sue M Chadwick West Yorkshire 07971 830230 suechadwickbhsi@ yahoo.co.uk
Mr Robert Stevens Wiltshire 07973 428201 rob@robertstevenseventing. co.uk
Miss Gemma Hoare West Yorkshire 07840 461898 littlegem2004@hotmail.com
Mrs Jill Storey Wiltshire 07774 146572 j.storey@stonarschool.com
Mrs Joanna D Kaye West Yorkshire 07896 069543 kaye@rawdonhallfarm. fsnet.co.uk
Mr Paul Tapner Wiltshire 07899 073082 taps@wickstead.freeserve.co.uk
Mr Chris McGrann West Yorkshire 07900 547216 nagmcgrann@btinternet.com Mr Andrew Bennie Wiltshire 07899 818085 adbennie@hotmail.com Mr Richard Burns Wiltshire burns278@btinternet.com; info@westwilts.com Mrs Jane M E HoldernessRoddam Wiltshire 07831 720491 jhroddam@aol.com
Mr Richard Waygood Wiltshire 07770 838966 richard.waygood@ btinternet.com Miss Dot Willis Wiltshire 07789583485 Miss Joanna Winfield Worcestershire 07778 152117 jowinfield@hotmail.com Mr Michael Gee Yorkshire 07932 163577 mikegee@mikegee.com
Acknowledgements Thank you to Geoff Billington, his horses and owners for giving his time and advice. Thanks also go to Team GBR Eventing Team coach, Peter Murphy for his tips and sharing his show jumping training knowledge. Thanks to photographer, Adam Fanthorpe, for capturing the photographs. Show Jumping for Eventers was written by Liza Randall, and is copyright British Eventing, November 2009. 30 www.britisheventing.com 0845 262 3344