Horsley Witten Group Sustainable Environmental Solutions
55 Dorrance Street, Suite 403 • Providence, RI • 02903
Phone - 401-272-1717 • Fax - 401-437-8368 • www.horsleywitten.com
Proposal for
Mount Hope Park Master Planning Project - 2016 Aquidneck Land Trust and Town of Portsmouth, Rhode Island July 13, 2016
Submitted to: Charles B. Allott, Esq. Executive Director Aquidneck Land Trust 790 Aquidneck Avenue Middletown, RI 02842 Submitted by: Horsley Witten Group, Inc. Woods Hole Group, Inc. Bradford Associates, LLC David Everette, Planning Consultant
TABLE OF CONTENTS Mt. Hope Park Master Plan 2016 1.
Team Introduction and Qualifications ............................................................................. 1
Project Management ...................................................................................................... 6
Project Approach .......................................................................................................... 14
Scope of Work .............................................................................................................. 17
Project Schedule ........................................................................................................... 27
Attachments Resumes Project Descriptions Required Forms
1. Team Introduction and Qualifications Horsley Witten Group, Inc. (HW) is submitting this response to the Request for Qualification (RFQ) issued by the Aquidneck Land Trust (“ALT”). HW will lead this effort with support from subcontractors The Woods Hole Group, Inc., Bradford Associates, LLC; and David Everette (together with HW the “HW Project Team”) We acknowledge our Team has read and understands all sections and provisions of the RFQ and we are prepared to commit the key personnel identified in the proposal until the completion of the contracted scope of work.
Horsley Witten Group, Inc. Horsley Witten Group, Inc. (HW) is a fullservice environmental science and engineering firm with offices located in Providence, Rhode Island, Boston, and our main headquarters in Sandwich, Massachusetts. The firm was incorporated in 1988 and consists of a professional staff of 52 engineers, surveyors, hydrogeologists, hydrologists, wetlands scientists, landscape architects, marine scientists, geologists, computer modelers, land use planners, environmental analysts, licensed site professionals, and supporting personnel. HW specializes in providing consulting and engineering services in sustainable development techniques, civil-site and roadway permitting, design and construction administration, coastal and watershed protection, hydrology, hydrogeology, engineering, land use regulation, and technical information transfer and training. In addition, members of our staff frequently serve on their local Planning Boards or Conservation Commissions, and our Principals have served in advisory capacities to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, and the Audubon Society. HW is an interdisciplinary environmental services firm combining engineering and science with land use planning, economics, and public policy. Our corporate goal is to create innovative solutions to environmental problems by successfully integrating engineering, scientific, regulatory, and management skills. Over the past 25 years, approximately two-thirds of our client base has been in the public sector covering the entire range of community, county, state, federal, and tribal governments. Our work in the private sector has been primarily in site design, peer reviews, and permitting. In 2011, 86% of our clients were
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Roger Williams Park - Providence, RI
Mill River Park – Taunton, MA
Veterans Memorial Park – Peabody, MA
Park Interpretative Signage – Peabody, MA
repeat clients, attesting to the quality of our services. Over the past several years, HW staff has successfully completed the design, permitting, bidding and construction of a number of public and private road and subdivision projects. HW brings decades of experience and qualifications in land use planning, infrastructure planning, economic development, housing production, open space preservation, community design, natural resource protection and – more recently – smart growth, low impact development (LID), and smart energy. We are a recognized leader in the planning field and have established long-term relationships with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), and the American Planning Association (APA) as well as with numerous state and local governments where we provide expert advice and consultation. Our firm is uniquely qualified to provide practical and comprehensive planning services because we have a truly interdisciplinary staff of planners, scientists, and engineers. With our diverse areas of expertise, HW brings a long history of public participation, outreach, and planning to this project and is uniquely qualified to help local stakeholders balance smart growth initiatives and targeted land planning with economic development objectives. HW has assisted over 100 local jurisdictions to plan for growth in their communities. Whether funded through state, regional, or local initiatives, HW has worked closely with municipalities from Maine to Maryland, and Hawaii to Washington, to identify and help implement a wide variety of sustainable land use management strategies. Outreach efforts have included public forums, design charrettes, public surveys, targeted outreach (e.g., chambers of commerce, and watershed groups), and web-page development. HW is also nationally recognized for its public engagement and facilitation expertise. As contractors to EPA, HW staff facilitates hundreds of workshops per year for a variety of audiences, including local government staff, state and federal decision-makers, water and wastewater utility personnel, general contractors, and the general public. Four of our staff are certified Charrette Managers by the National Charrette Institute (NCI). These staff members have been trained on the NCI Charrette System™, and have adapted the NCI tools and techniques to public education and planning processes for a number of projects.
The Woods Hole Group, Inc. The Woods Hole Group, Inc. addresses environmental problems worldwide with a focus on solving engineering and environmental problems along the coast, in the ocean, and in wetland and terrestrial environments. Relying on service, excellence and leadership, Woods Hole Group employs dedicated and highly qualified scientists and engineers recognized in their respective technical fields. Woods Hole Group’s growing staff is based at the home office in Falmouth, Massachusetts, and at client-centered offices in Dover Delaware, Jacksonville, FL, and Houston, Texas. Woods Hole Group works globally through a representative network in 20 countries, providing breadth of experience and exposure to benefit its clients and teaming partners in the government, industrial, private, and architectural/engineering (A&E) sectors. Consulting services and products are offered through its three technical teams described below: The Coastal Sciences, Engineering & Planning team focuses on: Modeling of coastal/oceanographic processes and water resources infrastructure Engineering planning and design for coastal and civil works projects Studies of coastal geology and coastal processes Habitat restoration Climate change/sea level rise vulnerability assessments
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Representative projects include planning, permitting, design and construction oversight for dredging, beach nourishment, coastal structures, and salt marsh habitat restoration. Scientifically-based studies also include assessment of climate change risks and adaptations, coastal and oceanographic hydrodynamic and sediment transport processes, and pollution transport/fate, along with historical landform change, and data collection/analysis. Woods Hole Group’s work addresses the multidisciplinary physical, geological, biological, and chemical aspects of these sensitive systems. Problem analysis, solution identification, and cost-effective implementation all contribute to client satisfaction. Woods Hole Group’s staff is composed of a diverse group of specialists, including Ph.D. and M.S. level scientists and engineers, field personnel, technicians, and computer data processing specialists. Project managers have strong management skills and are experienced at designing, budgeting, and implementing complex interdisciplinary projects. The Applied Ecology & Sustainability team focuses on: Environmental impact statements (EIS) and permitting Contaminated sediment management and remediation Risk assessments Industrial discharge mixing zones and impacts Sustainable design solutions Woods Hole Group’s environmental staff provides consulting services for monitoring, assessing, and restoring pollutant-impacted environments, principally marine and aquatic environments. This team also specializes in managing contaminated sediments in marine waters (including dredge material management), environmental baseline studies and assessments in global waters, risk assessments, and environmental policy. It offers strategic environmental planning and ecological assessment services for domestic and international clients. Areas of expertise include: monitoring and assessing impacts from point-source discharges and non-point sources into coastal and estuarine environments, assessing baseline environmental conditions and impacts from accidental spills, assessing damage to natural resources and ecological risk from pollutants, and evaluating restoration or remedial alternatives. The Oceanography & Measurement Systems team focuses on: Port, harbor, and coastal monitoring systems Offshore metocean systems and moorings Physical oceanography and ocean engineering Software, products, and system integration Specialties include shallow through ultra deep water real-time marine environmental information systems, moorings, and buoys to support drilling and ship operations for oil companies, port and harbor navigability, weather and ocean forecasting, and ocean resource management. Ph.D. and M.S. level ocean engineers and oceanographers focus on specialized system design and construction, as well as physical oceanographic analysis and modeling (e.g., design criteria studies). Standard products include the WatchDog-1000 integrated buoy and mooring package (http://woodsholegroup.com/brochures/watch-dog-1000.pdf). WatchDog is a rugged, moored metocean monitoring system independent of oil platforms that is open-ocean survivable and reconfigurable to provide ocean current data from the near-surface to deep-water. Woods Hole Group’s Integrated Real-Time Monitoring Software (IRMS) software provides the backbone for real-time monitoring systems, including data processing, archiving, networking, and displaying real-time data in client-specified formats. It integrates these products with other manufacturer’s equipment to provide
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cost-effective monitoring solutions to the worldwide oil and gas industry, power and wastewater utilities, ports and harbors, and the scientific community. Woods Hole Group also has a supply of metocean equipment available for lease. The synergy between these teams allows Woods Hole Group to provide a wide range of services while minimizing infrastructure. Over-arching capabilities that support the organization include Field Services (i.e., surveys and deployments, site inspection, operation & maintenance services), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (i.e., data management, database development, graphics and mapping), as well as Expert Services (i.e., peer review, expert witness testimony, strategic planning and program management). Shared corporate, administrative, and marketing resources translate into cost effective/cost-competitive project management for our clients. For more information, visit us at www.woodsholegroup.com.
Bradford Associates, LLC Bradford Associates, LLC offers professional landscape architectural services with the core discipline supported by urban and regional planning. Sara Bradford, principal landscape architect, has over 35 years of experience, mainly in southeastern New England. Formed in 1992, Bradford Associates has been in the same Providence location for almost 24 years. The firm has remained small, permitting it to focus on the issues at hand and to readily adapt to and respond to clients’ needs. Bradford Associates, LLC has experience in phases of landscape architecture ranging from conceptual design through contract administration. For commercial and residential developments as well as universities, municipal parks and playgrounds, bike paths and other public open spaces it has demonstrated a solid foundation in design but with a distinctive ecological perspective and appreciation of the contextual landscape. Projects such as the inventory of scenic landscapes for the Rhode Island Scenic Roadways Board included a clear analytical strategy. Bradford Associates is particularly proud of its recent work at Highland Woods for the Tiverton Land Trust. The firm has been recognized as being of the highest professional quality as confirmed by Design Awards from the R.I. Chapter of the ASLA, R.I. Chapter of the AIA and the R.I. Chapter of the American Planning Association. In addition to state landscape architectural licenses Bradford Associates is certified in LID (low impact development) and Invasive Plants Management by the RI Department of Environmental Management and the RI Coastal Resources Management Council. Its services are also enhanced by skills and experience in regional and urban design, urban forestry, historic landscape evaluation, detailed planting design, urban forestry, landscape maintenance planning and presentation drawing. Much of this experience has been in the public sector where effective community involvement is a prerequisite for a successful project. Bradford Associates has served as both prime consultant and as a member of a design team so that when related resources are needed it has well established consultant relationships for multidisciplinary design requirements. Bradford Associates, LLC encourages the constructive evolution of the designer/client relationship actively engaging the client in the design process. It recognizes the need to complete projects within established time schedules and budget limits. The staff works together and collaborates with other design professionals to ensure the client’s needs are understood and responded to promoting effective attention to each project within the context of its unique requirements.
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David Everette David Everette has been a Principal Planner for the City of Providence as well as a planning consultant, for over 10 years concentrating on environmental, coastal zone, neighborhood, and comprehensive planning. David provides staff support to the Providence Harbor Management Commission and serves on several State, regional, and local committees. As a consultant, David has written comprehensive plans, developed heritage-based revitalization plans, worked on harbor management plans in Massachusetts and Rhode Island and has become increasingly involved in policy, planning and collaborative efforts relating to the implementation of green infrastructure and improvement of stormwater management in the Providence metro area.
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2. Project Management Horsley Witten Group, Inc. Over the past 25 years, HW has managed projects staffed by dozens of our own employees along with multiple subcontractors of varying disciplines. We are intimately familiar with local, state, and federal contracting requirements. We are confident that our project management approach will satisfy the Aquidneck Land Trust (ALT) and Town of Portsmouth’s requirements. As a matter of course, HW engages in weekly Project Manager and team meetings to review projects’ progress, identify potential issues with budget, schedule and other pertinent topics. HW prides itself on effective client communications throughout all phases of a project. The following describes our project management and quality control procedures and protocols. HW has established an excellent track record of completing projects on time and within budget, for both regularly scheduled projects and ones with unexpected and immediate response deadlines. HW routinely employs a series of management protocols to ensure the success of our projects. In addition, HW Principals regularly contact clients to check in on the status of a project and ensure that the goals and objectives of each client are being met. This correspondence is typically made by a Principal that is not involved in the project and gives the client an opportunity to comment on the work done by the firm in a format that encourages openness and honesty. In the past, we have identified ways to improve our contract management and quality control procedures through these discussions. HW employs these project management protocols to each project to track schedule, cost, budget, change orders; and other permit, design and construction-related aspects. Depending on the level of complication of each project, HW may employ a variety of scheduling systems from weekly meetings, web-based conference calls, excel spreadsheets, Microsoft Scheduler, or other software programs. Our design team will provide an exciting collaborative approach through the merging of HW’s planning, community engagement and sustainable design principles with Woods Hole Group, Inc., Bradford Associates, LLC and independent consultant David Everette.
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Organizational Chart
Key Personnel HW will be the lead consultant with Nate Kelly serving as the Principal-In-Charge (PIC). This project will be managed and coordinated at the senior level under Craig Pereira. Craig will serve as the primary point of contact for the ALT, the Town of Porstmouth and the Project Team. The Woods Hole Group, Inc. Coastal Sciences, Engineering & Planning Technical team will provide engineering, planning and conceptual design/cost estimating of the existing hard-amoring structures along the coastline. Bradford Associates, LLC will provide the landscape character and visual analysis, conceptual and planting design, hardscape material selection and perspectives/visual support. David Everette will provide the maintenance, operations and revenue analysis and plan.
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Horsley Witten Group, Inc. – Staff Bios Nathan Kelly, Role: Principal-in-Charge Nate has 15 years of experience, and has provided professional planning, zoning, and facilitation services to more than 50 New England municipalities. His work ranges from comprehensive zoning revision projects to the development of affordable housing, open space, rural land preservation, and economic development studies. Many of his projects include extensive public outreach in the form of charrettes, public forums, community work sessions, and public hearings. Nate is a member of the Rhode Island and Massachusetts Chapters of the American Planning Association, and serves on Grow Smart Rhode Island’s Training Collaborative. He is one of the primary authors of the Massachusetts Smart Growth/Smart Energy Toolkit and a lead facilitator for the Rhode Island KeepSpace program, and his work in Rhode Island has received three awards from the state APA Chapter. Craig Pereira Role: Project Manager Craig brings over 12 years of industry experience in physical planning, GIS, landscape architecture, public engagement/outreach, comprehensive and open space planning, climate adaptation and emergency management/hazard mitigation planning. Craig is currently the Project Manager assisting several Rhode Island and Massachusetts communities with various open space and recreation plans, as well as managing the Health Equity Zone project for the Town of Bristol Parks and Recreation Department. Craig is also involved in several local hazard mitigation planning projects in both Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Craig is also a Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) through the Association of State Floodplain Managers. Jon Ford, P.E. Role: Senior Engineer/Community Planner Jon has 16 years of experience and is a Registered Professional Engineer in five states including Rhode Island. Dedication to traditional neighborhood design and a devotion to interdisciplinary collaboration led Jon to found Morris Beacon Design in 2006 as a New Urbanist civil engineering and planning resource. Jon joined HW in 2013 and provides a planning and design approach based on the principles of the Charter of the New Urbanism –compact, walkable neighborhood design creates vibrant, lovable places in balance with nature. Jon is co-founder and past President of the New England Chapter of the Congress for the New Urbanism, and on the faculty of the Form Based Codes Institute. Jon’s projects have won numerous local and national planning and design awards, including a CNU Charter Award Honorable Mention, Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence Silver Medal, and Boston Society of Landscape Architects Honor Award.
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Brian Kuchar, P.E., R.L.A., LEED AP Role: Senior Landscape Architect/ Engineer Brian has been employed at HW for 9 years. He over 18 years of experience in the combined fields of site design and landscape architecture including: site design, erosion control, stormwater management, green infrastructure, ecological and stream bank restoration, land management planning, public outreach, and construction administration. Brian has been employed in both the public and private sectors and has experience with a broad range of projects land development projects. He has collaborated with the EPA on the development a handbook for urban green infrastructure and stormwater retrofits as part of the EPA’s Green Infrastructure Municipal Handbook Series. Brian is a registered landscape architect as well as a registered professional engineer and a LEED accredited professional. He has also served as an adjunct professor in the Landscape Architecture Department at the University of Rhode Island. Erin Cabral Role: GIS Coordinator Erin Cabral has over 18 years of experience in technical staff support including GIS services. She has worked with private, public, and governmental agencies in developing GIS databases for the purposes of analytical modeling, watershed assessment, conceptual site layout, engineering design, and general land use planning. Erin’s skills include GIS database management, data format exchange, LiDAR data conversion and graphics production. Erin is proficient in the use of ArcView, ArcGIS and GIS Pro software and those supporting features within Microsoft Excel, Access, and AutoCAD. Jeff Davis Role: Project Planner Jeff Davis is a practicing professional planner of over 12 years, first in the greater Washington, DC area, and then in New England for the past six years. He worked on a variety of planning and community development projects in past positions in the public and non-profit sectors, and is currently working on planning and zoning projects for public sector clients. His experience underscores the interrelation of land use, housing, economic development, and social issues in the creation of community assessments, neighborhood plans, comprehensive/master plans and other local, regional and statewide community planning efforts. Much of Jeff’s work requires meaningful public input and community engagement. He has a long track record of assisting communities and organizations to develop and implement community engagement strategies that strengthen plans.
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The Woods Hole Group, Inc. – Staff Bios Lee L. Weishar, Ph.D., P.W.S. Role: Senior Scientist/Coastal Engineer Dr. Lee Weishar has more than 30 years of experience in the fields of oceanography, coastal engineering, sediment transport, and nearshore processes. For the past 20 years he has focused on coastal engineering and wetland/marsh restoration. His coastal engineering work includes beach nourishment, coastal structures, soft solutions for shoreline protection including living shorelines, as well as dredging and sediment management. Dr. Weishar also specializes in the integration of biological, ecological, and hydraulic data to develop wetland restoration designs and to ensure that the design will meet the restoration objectives. He has been involved in the design, permitting, and construction phases of restoration projects for more than two decades. During the design phases of large-scale projects, Dr. Weishar spearheads the preliminary hydraulic design and hydrodynamic analyses that prove to the client that a large-scale restoration is feasible. Dr. Weishar has worked to perform critical examinations of the marsh restoration performance through frequent on-site visits and analytical analyses. Dr. Weishar helped pioneer the applications of Ecological Engineering and Adaptive Management in the field of marsh restoration. Additionally, Dr. Weishar has extensive experience in evaluating the potential impacts of proposed restoration projects on existing wetlands and adjacent transitional, buffer, and upland areas. Dr. Weishar has permitted a wide variety of projects that include beach nourishment, revetments, and wetland restoration. He is familiar with environmental policy at local, state, federal and international levels. Matthew F. Shultz, P.E. Role: Coastal Engineer Matthew F. Shultz, PE, is a Senior Coastal Engineer in the Coastal Sciences, Engineering & Planning team at Woods Hole Group. He has over 13 years of experience in coastal studies involving the evaluation of coastal hazards, coastal restoration, and mitigation solutions for future resilience. His areas of expertise include the design of structural and non-structural shoreline protection and restoration alternatives and in the modeling of coastal and estuarine hydrodynamics, waves, and sediment transport processes. Experience has included the management of large-scale coastal modeling studies, the development of models for assessment of coastal hazards and adaptation measures, as well as large-scale marsh restoration and the assessment of hydraulic structures. His background also includes software development and engineering, which has led to proficiency in advanced modeling technologies, and in developing technical solutions for engineering and scientific problems. Mr. Shultz is an active member of numerous organizations including Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute, the American Shore & Beach Preservation Association, and the American Society of Civil Engineers.
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Matthew has a Master’s Degree in Ocean Engineering from the University of Rhode Island and a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering from Tufts University. He is currently licensed as a Professional Engineer in MA, CT, and LA. Elise N. Leduc Role: Coastal Scientist Ms. Elise Leduc is a coastal scientist with experience in coastal environmental management, geospatial analysis, wetland delineation and restoration, shoreline change analysis, climate change and sea level rise planning, field and water quality sampling, and ecological risk assessments. Ms. Leduc earned a Master’s in Environmental Management from Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment where she studied coastal environmental management, geospatial analysis, wetland ecology and restoration, and coastal and environmental law and policy, and has since completed a wetland delineator certification course. She is experienced in ecological field studies, including conducting eelgrass, shellfish, and aquatic macro-invertebrate surveys and wetland delineations and evaluations, and has provided guidance for various wetland restoration projects, such as a thin layer deposition salt marsh restoration in Rhode Island, and an estuary restoration project in conjunction with a culvert redesign in coastal Massachusetts. She has conducted multiple shoreline change analyses in support of coastal erosion assessments and regional sediment management plans, has been an integral part of the ecological risk assessment team working on the Newtown Creek CERCLA environmental risk assessment, and has utilized geospatial analyses and LiDAR to evaluate FEMA Flood Hazard Zones and evaluate potential climate change and sea level rise impacts on coastal flooding for cities and towns throughout coastal Massachusetts. Kirk F. Bosma, P.E., Role: Coastal Engineer Kirk F. Bosma, PE, is a Senior Coastal Engineer and Team Leader of the Coastal Sciences, Engineering & Planning team at Woods Hole Group. He focuses on habitat restoration, shoreline protection, and climate change planning projects for a diverse client base. He specializes in applying numerical models to optimize engineering designs and reduce overall project life cycle costs. This includes developing and employing numerical models for marsh restoration, sediment transport, nearshore spectral wave transformation, particle transport, bathymetric evolution, two- and three-dimensional hydrodynamic processes. He also applies the latest data and numerical methods toward capturing current and future flooding risk for climate change vulnerability assessments. Kirk has a Master’s from the University of Delaware’s Center for Applied Coastal Research. His areas of expertise include numerical modeling of coastal and estuarine processes, coastal engineering design for shore protection, wave propagation and transformation, sediment transport and littoral processes, hydraulics for marsh restoration, climate change vulnerability assessments and engineering adaptations, and data collection and implementation of coastal engineering projects. Mr. Bosma also has designed and implemented technically advanced Mt. Hope Park Master Plan 2016
data collection programs and analysis techniques to assess the estuarine, coastal, and oceanographic environment and help develop engineering solutions. He has also designed a number of coastal engineering structures and erosion mitigation solutions Mr. Bosma has been the project manager for both large coastal restoration and marsh restoration projects that have included implementation of a comprehensive data collection, physical processes modeling programs, evaluation of a variety of restoration alternatives, and engineering design.
Bradford Associates, LLC – Staff Bios Sara Bradford, RLA Role: Landscape Architect Sara Bradford, Principal at Bradford Associates and Registered Landscape Architect brings 35 years of professional experience. Ms. Bradford is the principal Landscape Architect and owner of Bradford Associates. Her skills and lengthy experience have been gained in the design and construction of a wide range of projects ranging from private to larger and more complicated programs of public open space. Her extensive knowledge of current and innovative horticultural practices, contemporary environmental protection standards and the application of sound construction practices is demonstrated in the success of her many projects. Her areas of expertise include research and planning for landscape inventory and historic landscapes, public design workshops with design presentations and graphics, Master Plan development for historic and cultural sites as well as public open space, public parks and playground design including site amenities and landscaping for gathering and play areas and site sensitive, vehicular circulation and parking solutions Sara has a Master’s Degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor’s Degree in Botany from Connecticut College. She is currently licensed as a Registered Landscape Architect in RI, MA, and CT. Sara is also a Licensed Arborist, certified in Low Impact Design (LID) and a Certified Coastal Invasive Manager Kristin Pereira, RLA Role: Landscape Architect Kristin Pereira, Landscape Architect at Bradford Associates brings over 12 years of
professional experience. She is responsible for the production of construction documents, presentation and website graphics, reports and cost estimates and has assisted in the inventory, analysis, design and project management for municipal parks, playgrounds and Rhode Island Department of Transportation projects as well as a wide variety of other landscape architectural and architectural projects. Kristin has a Bachelor’s Degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of Rhode Island and a second Bachelor’s Degree in Studio Art from Nazareth College of Rochester, New York.
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She is currently licensed as a Registered Landscape Architect in RI, is a Certified Coastal Invasive Manager and a Certified Playground Safety Inspector.
David Everette, Planning Consultant – Staff Bio David Everette Role: Planning Consultant David Everette is a Principal Planner for the City of Providence as well as a planning consultant, concentrating on environmental, coastal zone, neighborhood, and comprehensive planning. David has worked in a variety of settings as a municipal and regional planner, consultant, writer, and environmental advocate for more than twenty-five years. He provides staff support to the Providence Harbor Management Commission and serves on several State, regional, and local committees. As a consultant, he has written comprehensive plans, developed heritage-based revitalization plans, and worked on harbor management plans in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Over the past several years David has become increasingly involved in policy, planning and collaborative efforts relating to the implementation of green infrastructure and improvement of stormwater management in the Providence metro area. He is also a painter of real and imagined landscapes and seascapes, among other things. David holds a Master’s degree in City Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Bachelor’s Degree in Urban Studies from Queens College, New York. He is a National Charrette Institute (NCI) Certified Charrette Planner, in addition to a Certified Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Advanced Training professional.
HW commits to having the proposed staff included in this proposal available for the duration of the project.
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3. Project Approach To achieve success for this project, the HW Project Team will utilize a tested project approach, based on our understanding of the Towns’ needs, our experience on similar projects, and our experience in municipal planning, engineering and landscape architecture. We are committed to a robust public outreach process that relies on an established Steering Committee to confirm or balance input received through the project website, on-line survey, stakeholder’s/focus group interviews/polls and public workshops. Project Steering Committee Coordination It is anticipated that a Steering Committee will be established with representatives from the Town, Aquidneck Land Trust and a resident (s) from the immediate neighborhood to guide the project. Three Steering Committee meetings (identified in the Schedule) are proposed at specific milestones throughout the project. Public Participation Process The HW Project Team understands the value added through an informed public. Our primary goal is to improve opportunities for the public to voice its values, ideas and concerns regarding planning decisions that will impact daily lives. Four project goals will guide the public participation process throughout the life of the project: Inform and Educate the Public Visualization. The HW Project Team will utilize a variety of graphic techniques, dependent upon the targeted audience, such as the use of color diagrams, tables, photos, plans, sections, and perspective sketches/renderings. Project Website. The HW Project Team will develop, host and maintain an interactive project website throughout the evolution of the project. Specific pages will include, at a minimum:
Home Page (Project Overview, Project Team and Public Participation Methods) Resources Page (Supporting Data, Reference Documents and previous Presentations) Current/Upcoming Events Page (Survey Availability and Public Workshops) Contact/Get Involved Page
An on-line survey will be developed and the link will be hosted on the Project Website. This proves to be a useful way to engage a larger segment of the community who may not be able to attend public workshops, regarding the open space and recreation needs and desires of the community. This on-line survey will be utilized to inform the Site Suitability/Alternatives Analysis in Phase I. Visit http://www.middletownctonthemove.com/ for an example of a recently-developed Horsley Witten Project Website for the Town of Middletown, Connecticut.
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Consensus Building Stakeholder’s/Focus Group. Public participation often involves key people, groups, and organizations who have a stake in municipal decisions. Through coordination with the Steering Committee, the HW Project Team will identify up to five local stakeholders (individuals or groups) with whom the HW Project Team will meet for the purposes of a “listening Session”. We will build upon the work already performed by the Town and provide a forum for different perspectives as well as more technical discussion regarding site development. The HW Project Team will produce a summary of the discussion with the Steering Committee and each individual/group and will share that document with those who attended to ensure a shared understanding of what was discussed. Following public meetings, and at designated milestones throughout the project, the Stakeholder’s/Focus Group will be polled for an additional round of feedback on the information presented and comments received. Information collected across these groups will be shared with the Steering Committee and posted on the Project Website through Responsiveness Summaries developed by the Project Team. Media Campaign. To ensure the success of the Project Website as both an educational tool and a mechanism for feedback, The HW Project Team will launch a media campaign through local networks that publicizes the project and directs people to the website. We will also use the media campaign to publicize important information and opportunities to participate in the project. We anticipate using a mix of media outlets in collaboration with municipal staff to include The Portsmouth Times, Portsmouth Patch and local public access television as part of the process. The HW Project Team will coordinate with the Town to maximize exposure in these media outlets within the resources allocated for this task. We will draft press release materials in advance of each public event. Use of blog oriented sites such as the Patch and the Portsmouth Facebook page will be included, as well as a dedicated Facebook site for the project. Twitter will be used in conjunction with all project developments. Engage the Public and Encourage Continued Participation Public Workshops. A series of two Public Workshops and one Public Hearing will be held at critical stages in the development of the project. It is anticipated that all meeting facilities will be ADA-accessible and held at geographically central locations and times to facilitate participation from a broad range of community members. The HW Project Team will Mt. Hope Park Master Plan 2016
coordinate with the municipal liaison to the project responsible for securing the venue and for preparation and distribution of the public notices announcing the meetings. Public meetings will utilize a variety of formats, including drop-in, open house and gallery sessions, presentations, and facilitated workgroups/participatory activities. All information (e.g., PowerPoint presentation, graphics, facilitated group work) developed for and collected from the public meeting processes will be posted on the Project Website. Use Input to Shape Plans and Programs Responsiveness Summaries. The HW Project Team will prepare and present Responsiveness Summaries to the Steering Committee following each public comment event. This will incorporate ideas, comments, and suggestions received through the public engagement process (public meetings and stakeholder/focus group interviews) and inform future planning decisions. Stakeholder’s/Focus Group Interviews. At the outset of the project, the HW Project Team will conduct a series of interviews with key stakeholders to identify needs, issues, and concerns. Several formats are proposed, including personal one-on-one discussions, group and telephone interviews. Stakeholder interviews will serve as a preliminary (qualitative) data-gathering tool to gain insight into what issues and concerns can be expected when reaching out to the broader public. Interview formats will be finalized following direction from the Steering Committee.
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4. Scope of Work Phase I
Outreach, Information Gathering and Analysis
Phase I is focused on understanding and analyzing existing conditions, while also initiating public outreach. Project Kickoff Steering Committee Meeting No. 1 is proposed as a Kick-off Meeting with the Steering Committee and Stakeholder’s/Focus Group to discuss the project goals, schedule and preliminary ideas. The Agenda/Logistics for Public Workshop #1 will also be discussed and developed in addition to the launch of the Project Website and Media Campaign. The HW Project Team anticipates the Town/Steering Committee to provide any completed research, plans and/or studies related to the project site at this meeting. Following the site meeting, the HW Project Team will conduct a site visit to review the existing conditions, plan the sequence of events and develop the assessment strategy. Task 1.1 Resources Inventory In order to develop a plan for Mt. Hope Park that best meets the needs of the Town, it is necessary to fully understand the entire Town’s existing open space and recreational resources. Under this task, the HW Project Team proposes to conduct a full evaluation of the Town’s open space and recreation resources (local, state and federal land holdings). This will allow our Team to develop a full understanding of the Town’s existing open space and recreation amenities and compare them to the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) standards. Findings will be organized and delivered in a tabular format, which the Town can later use to update the Open Space and Recreation element as part of the ongoing Comprehensive Plan Update project, in addition to informing the framework for a future Open Space and Recreation Plan. Coordination with the Portsmouth Recreation Department, the various Town park committees, Geographic Information System (GIS) data (local and RIGIS data sets) and any developed partnerships with local and/or private entities will serve as the starting point for the Resources Inventory. Site (Space) Standards Addressing community need for recreation facilities, programs, and open space are typically a high priority for most communities. As the community continues to grow and change, the demand for additional and varied recreational space also increases, and changes over time. It is the responsibility of the Town to provide recreational opportunities for all citizens regardless of age, interest or ability. This process may also inform opportunities for adaptive re-use of sites that are presently underutilized. In an effort to fully understand the Town’s needs and the current use of each site, the HW Project Team will determine the Town’s site (space) standards based upon the present conditions and the projected population (5 years out). For the purposes of the Resources
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Inventory, we will utilize the classification system based on the NRPA standards, as well as any locally adopted standards which may include the following: Local/Close-to-Home-Space (Mini Park, Playground, Neighborhood Park, Community Park) Space That May Be Local or Regional and is Unique to the Community (Linear Park, Conservation, Special Use – Beach/Salt Water/Fresh Water Access, Campgrounds, Marinas, Historic and Gardens) Facility Standards Next, the HW Project Team will review the Town’s facility standards in comparison to existing and projected population (5 years out). A necessary and important component of many sites includes various active recreation facilities such as baseball fields, basketball courts, and tennis courts. We will determine facility standards identified by the Town, either based upon recommendations of the NRPA or local variations adopted by the Town. Variations from NRPA standards include minor deviations in activity classifications and/or higher service standards. In addition, there may be other facilities for which the Town has no adopted standards (trails, volley ball and other sports). Open Space and Recreational Resources of Community Interest In addition to the areas proposed to be inventoried, The HW Project Team will identify other areas in Portsmouth which fall under one of the following three categories: Public/private land and water resources representing important potential for providing outdoor recreation opportunities; Unique natural areas and open space of special value requiring protection, and Open space which supports community conservation and development objectives. Task 1.2 Mount Hope Park Site Analysis A comprehensive analysis of the environmental features and associated constraints is critical to developing the most appropriate conceptual design that can also be implemented. Using both Town and RIGIS data, the HW Project Team will map and evaluate the environmental features impacting the Mt. Hope Park site and surrounding quarter-mile pedestrian shed. Of particular note is the large number of granite pieces located onsite, with potential for adaptive reuse into the conceptual design plan. The following features will be mapped, evaluated and reported: Topography - obtained from published USGS data; Soils - obtained from the United States Department of Agriculture: Natural Resources Conservation Service/NRCS Web Soil Survey and from RIGIS data; Freshwater Wetlands and Riparian Buffers - the approximate edges of wetland resource areas and riparian buffers will be mapped; Flood Zones - according to FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps/FIRMs; Natural Heritage Areas - obtained from RIGIS Rare Species data layer and RIDEM’s Environmental Resource Map; Cultural Resources - Town-specific data and coordination with the Rhode Island Historic Preservation and Heritage Commission; Viewsheds – developed from onsite observations; and Mt. Hope Park Master Plan 2016
Plant communities and invasive species – developed from onsite field investigation.
Granite stones/markers located onsite potential for adaptive reuse
Existing vegetation to be evaluated for potential invasives.
Task 1.3 Infrastructure Analysis A thorough understanding of the on- and off-site infrastructure will inform the relationship of the study site to its immediate surroundings, as well as the development of a base map. The following features will be mapped, evaluated and reported on: Acreage and Boundary lines of study site and adjacent properties; Circulation patterns; Drainage structures; Utilities (water, gas, electric, sewer) Land use of existing, surrounding property; Existing structures and facilities; General location and types of easements, rights-of-way, deed restrictions; Natural and manmade barriers; and Site boundaries (metes and bounds).
Adjacent land uses
Task 1.4 Access/Transit Analysis An understanding of the existing infrastructure currently supporting multi-modal movement in and around the Mt. Hope Park site, and the environment which establishes the context in which it occurs (quarter-mile pedestrian shed), is essential in testing the feasibility of alternative conceptual designs. The HW Project Team will conduct an existing Access/Transit Analysis that will: Evaluate pedestrian and bicycle links; Evaluate surrounding streetscape elements (lighting, street trees, pavement surfaces, ADA accessibility, and signage);
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Evaluate existing parking (on-street, public and shared); Identify existing activity centers/development nodes – civic, institutional, and commercial sites (of multi-generational users) generating pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic; Public transportation availability and proximity; and Existing road network (width, pavement, general condition, at-grade crossings, site distance concerns).
Task 1.5 Mt. Hope Park Site Suitability Analysis As part of the Project Kickoff with the Steering Committee, the Woods Hole Group will discuss the project and various shoreline protection concepts/alternatives to determine which alternative will fulfill the Client’s needs. This will ensure the site is safe and compliant for all subsequent public park uses. The potential shore protection alternatives discussed will range from traditional coastal engineering structures such as rock revetment to living shoreline projects. Each of the different type of shore protection alternatives will be informally presented and the pros- and cons of each will be vetted. The intent of this approach is to streamline the design process by obtaining feedback from the Steering Committee at the beginning of the project. This task will also develop the design parameters that will be needed to complete a shore protection design. Incident waves will be calculated, FEMA flood zone elevations will be examined, existing historical storm data will be obtained, and current velocities near the site will be obtained from existing data. These data will be used in the follow-on task that develops the conceptual design for the Site Stabilization Plan. Site Stabilization Conceptual Design During the site visit (Project Kickoff with Steering Committee) several shore protection alternatives will be discussed. The intent of that discussion is to narrow down the possible design alternatives so that a more detailed analysis of the shore protection alternatives can be evaluated. It is anticipated that there will be more than one shore protection design recommended for the project because of the type and condition of the existing shore protection structures and the location and shoreline orientation at the project site. The recommended shore protection alternative will be discussed with the HW Project Team and the Steering Committee to ensure that all understand the limitations, advantageous, and disadvantages of the recommend alternative. Based on initial feedback from the community, the HW Project Team will conduct a use alternatives analysis to identify what is most suitable for implementation on-site, including: Advantages/Disadvantages of certain uses Areas in need of protection (drainage, habitat value) Neighborhood compatibility/Use-Conflict resolution Once the design alternative has been selected, a cost estimate will be developed. This task will also include identifying any potential adverse impacts that may be associated with the selected alternative. Once identified, a plan will be developed that mitigates any potential adverse
Mt. Hope Park Master Plan 2016
impacts that the shoreline stabilization project may have. Additionally, the plan will discuss any maintenance issues that may be associated with selected shoreline protection. This is an important part of this task as many people incorrectly assume that hard engineering structures such as vertical seawalls, and/or rock revetments do not require maintenance.
Evidence of under-mining of sea wall
Public Workshop #1 Public Workshop #1 is proposed at the completion of the information gathering and analysis phase. The intent of this workshop will be to present the HW Project Team’s findings from the existing conditions analyses, land use alternatives/suitability analysis, and also to solicit input from the community on the needs and desires for the study site. A priority for this workshop will be the Site Stabilization Plan (and associated opinion of probable cost). Drop-In Session An informal Drop-In Session will be staffed by the HW Project Team and Town representatives to discuss the existing conditions analyses, and solicit comments from the public. The project’s findings to date will be on display and the HW Project Team will be available to interact with the community. This drop-in session will be independent of the formal presentation that will follow. We find that offering alternative methods to participate that are convenient to the public ensures a higher participation rate and facilitates consensus later on in the project. Formal Presentation Part One is anticipated as a PowerPoint Presentation that will present the findings from the existing conditions analyses, land use alternatives/suitability analysis, and also the recommendations from the Site Stabilization Plan. Part Two is anticipated as a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis. Participants will be assigned to small workgroups to identify what potential opportunities and major issues may exist in the development of a park at the study site. The HW Project Team will work with participants to identify their top five issues during the SWOT Analysis so that a ranking evolves. The final piece of the workshop will include a ‘report out’ session addressing the larger audience. The SWOT Analysis is intended to provide an opportunity for everyone to participate and develop an order of magnitude for opportunities and issues, and will be utilized by the HW Project Team in the development of a preliminary conceptual plan.
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Stakeholder’s/Focus Group Poll. Following Public Workshop #1, the stakeholder’s/focus group will be polled for an additional round of feedback on the information presented and comments received. Information collected across these groups will be shared with the Steering Committee and posted on the Project Website through Responsiveness Summaries developed by the HW Project Team.
Phase II Conceptual Design Plan Development Following completion of Phase I, the HW Project Team will identify the ‘program’ elements that will guide the development of the Preliminary Conceptual Design Plan for Mt. Hope Park. Program elements will address: Park activities/usage Site elements Environmental/sustainability best management practices Green Infrastructure/Low Impact Development (LID) principles Integration with the surrounding neighborhoods Access and safety Place-making characteristics The public realm (open space/recreation networks) Permitting feasibility Management/maintenance requirements Community benefits and impacts Steering Committee Meeting #2 Agenda items will include feedback from the On-line Survey, Public Workshop, Site Stabilization Plan review, preliminary conceptual design plan program elements, and Agenda/Logistics for Public Workshop #2. Task 2.1 Development of Preliminary Conceptual Design Plan The HW Project Team will develop a conceptual design plan that shows the preliminary concepts for land use and park development in Mt. Hope Park. Throughout the Schematic Design process, the needs and goals of the Town will be evaluated in connection with the development of the final plan. Additional elements to be identified on the plan and supported by text include: Use areas and spatial relationships Planting scheme and restoration Viewsheds Infrastructure conflicts/improvements Connections into neighborhoods
Mt. Hope Park Master Plan 2016
Suitable areas for parking Areas in need of screening or clearing Design considerations (signage, materials, landscaping, park amenities) Special features that take advantage of, and offer opportunities of the waterfront location Permitting issues Management/maintenance issues
State Street Pier Master Plan (Bradford Associates)
A series of ‘perspective vignettes’ prepared in controlled freehand sketch will be developed to ‘tell the story’ of the conceptual design plan. These vignettes will illustrate the development of the park within the context of existing exemplary natural areas, through pastoral settings, and at views oriented towards terminal vistas. Hunts Mills Terrace sketch rendering (Bradford Associates) )
Public Workshop #2
Public Workshop #2 is proposed at the completion of the conceptual design plan development phase. The intent of this workshop will be to convey the preliminary conceptual design plan and its supporting graphic and text components.
Highland Woods Master Plan sketch (Bradford Associates)
Drop-In Session An informal Drop-In Session will be staffed by the HW Project Team and Town representatives to discuss the preliminary conceptual design plan and its components, and solicit comments from the public. The HW Project Team will be available to interact with the community. Again, this drop-in session will be independent of the formal presentation that will follow.
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Formal Presentation Part One is anticipated as a PowerPoint Presentation that will present a detailed analysis of the Preliminary Conceptual Design Plan based on community input and the program elements established earlier in the project. This presentation is intended to highlight the details of the Conceptual Design Plan, through an interactive session between the HW Project Team and the audience. Feedback received from this workshop will be utilized to refine the Preliminary Conceptual Design Plan and its components as necessary. Part Two is anticipated as a land use/neighborhood suggestion-resolution session. Participants will be assigned to small workgroups to identify what potential conflicts may exist in the conceptual design plan of a park at the study site. The HW Project Team will work with participants to identify any conflicts and develop viable solutions/alternatives. The final piece of the workshop will include a ‘report out’ session addressing the larger audience. Stakeholder’s/Focus Group Poll. Following Public Workshop #2, the stakeholder’s/focus group will be polled for an additional round of feedback on the information presented and comments received. Information collected across these groups will be shared with the Steering Committee and posted on the Project Website through Responsiveness Summaries developed by the HW Project Team. Task 2.2 Final Conceptual Design Plan Based on feedback received from the public workshop, stakeholder’s/focus group poll, municipal officials and the Steering Committee, the HW Project Team will refine and finalize the conceptual design plan. Building upon the design concepts and community input generated under the previous tasks, we will develop a clearly defined design based upon the community’s requirements and site program. The Conceptual Design Package will include the following: Identification of existing vegetation and elements to remain and be removed General park use areas and proposed site layout and general dimensions Preliminary utility requirements Preliminary stormwater management and grading strategy Conceptual planting design with proposed lawn, trees and plant groupings locations Recommended Plant List Suggested site furnishing, lighting (if necessary) and other park elements. Project Narrative Task 2.3 Opinion of Probable Cost Following completion of the final Conceptual Design Plan, the Project Team will develop an Opinion of Probable Cost for full design permitting, park construction, infrastructure improvements, and on-going management/maintenance costs. Estimated quantities for proposed construction will be developed and unit costs will be based on the Rhode Island Department of Transportation Weighted Average Unit Prices or typical industry standards.
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Phase III Master Plan Development
Highland Woods Master Plan (Bradford Associates)
Task 3.1 Development of Preliminary Master Plan and Narrative Report The HW Project Team will develop a preliminary outline and draft of the Master Plan. The Master Plan is intended to take the conceptual design to the master plan level with recommendations for phasing and more detailed considerations for implementation and maintenance/management. The majority of the content for the Master Plan will be a chronology of the research and work completed through the evolution of the project, with two exceptions, the ‘Maintenance, Operating Costs, and Revenue Analysis’ and ‘Standardized Protocol for Publically Vetting Future Changes in Park Use Over Time’. Both of these items will be dictated by the project findings and ultimately the final Conceptual Design Plan and will include coordination and approval with the Steering Committee. The HW Project Team anticipates, at a minimum, the following sections to be incorporated into the Master Plan (as conveyed in the Request for Qualifications): Background/Overview o Community introduction o Natural Resources o Site History o Park System in Portsmouth Site Information/Existing Conditions Analysis o Physical, Natural and Cultural Resources of the Site Mt. Hope Park Master Plan 2016
Activities and Facilities Analysis o Alternative Use/Potential Conflict Analysis Design Considerations o National Park Standards o ADA Accessibility Design Process o Preliminary Conceptual Design Plan o Final Conceptual Design Plan o Perspective vignettes o Opinion of Probable Cost o Phased Capital Development Program for the Conceptual Design Plan Maintenance, Operating Costs, and Revenue o Annual Budget for Cost/Revenue Elements o Maintenance and Operating Costs o Revenue Costs Standardized Protocol for Publically Vetting Future Changes in Park Use Over Time’ Site Stabilization Plan o Base Plan with Design Alternative Improvements o Opinion of Probable Cost
The HW Project Team also recommends expanding the outline to include an “Appendices” section that will include the findings from the various community engagement efforts including: On-line Survey (both summary and raw data format) Public Workshop Presentations Stakeholder’s/Focus Group Responsiveness Summaries Steering Committee Meeting #3 Agenda items will include feedback from the Public Workshop, acceptance of the draft Master Plan, and Agenda/Logistics for the final Public Hearing. Public Hearing Once the HW Project Team has developed a complete draft Master Plan and the Steering Committee has reviewed and approved it, the HW Project Team will present the draft Master Plan at a Public Hearing for comments. Task 3.2 Final Master Plan Following acceptance by the Portsmouth Town Council, the HW Project Team will finalize and deliver the Final Master Plan to the Town. The Master Plan will be in narrative and graphic format with a timeframe of at least ten years, with a mechanism for updating the plan thereafter. The HW Project Team will provide the AutoCAD and GIS files utilized throughout the project into a geodatabase for future use by the Town.
Mt. Hope Park Master Plan 2016
Project Steering Committee Meeting #1 (Project Kickoff) Project Website and Media Campaign Launch Task 1.1 Resources Inventory Task 1.2 Environmental Analysis Task 1.3 Infrastructure Analysis Task 1.4 Access/Transit Analysis Task 1.5 Site Suitability Analysis Project Steering Committee Meeting #2 Public Workshop #1 Stakeholder's/Focus Group Poll Phase II - Conceptual Design Plan Development Task 2.1 Preliminary Conceptual Design Plan Development Project Steering Committee Meeting #3 Public Workshop #2 Stakeholder's/Focus Group Poll Task 2.2 Final Conceptual Design Plan Task 2.3 Opinion of Probable Cost Estimate Phase III - Master Plan Development Task 3.1 Preliminary Master Plan Outline Development Public Hearing Task 3.2 Final Master Plan Final Deliverable
TIMELINE November 18, 2016 - January 13, 2017 week of November 18, 2016 November 20 - December 2, 2016 November 28 - December 16, 2016 November 28 - December 16, 2016 November 28 - December 16, 2016 November 28 - December 16, 2016 November 28 - December 16, 2016 week of January 16, 2017 week of January 23, 2017 week of January 30, 2017 January 30 - March 31, 2017 January 30 - February 17, 2017 week of February 27, 2017 week of March 6, 2017 week of March 13, 2017 March 20 - March 31, 2017 March 20 - March 31, 2017 April 3 - May 12, 2017 April 3 - 14, 2017 week of April 24, 2017 May 1 - 12, 2017 May 12, 2017
Nathan Kelly, AICP, AICP NCI Principal Planner
Areas of Expertise • Land Use Planning • Smart Growth/ Low Impact Development • Downtown & Neighborhood Revitalization • Watershed Planning & Assessment • Geographic Information Systems
Academic Background Masters of Arts, Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, Tufts University
Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy and English, Boston College
Sustainable Environmental Solutions
Nathan Kelly is Principal Planner for the Horsley Witten Group, Inc. (HW) and directs the firm’s Providence, Rhode Island Office. Nate has 15 years of project management experience, and has provided professional planning, zoning and facilitation services to more than 50 New England municipalities. His work ranges from comprehensive zoning revision projects to the development of affordable housing, open space, rural land preservation, and economic development studies. Many of his projects include extensive public outreach in the form of charrettes, public forums, community work sessions, and public hearings. Nate is the current President of the Rhode Island Chapter of the American Planning Association and serves on Grow Smart Rhode Island’s Training Collaborative. He is one of the primary authors of the Massachusetts Smart Growth/Smart Energy Toolkit, a lead facilitator for the Rhode Island KeepSpace program, and his work in Rhode Island has received four awards from the state APA Chapter. Nate received his Masters Degree in Urban and Environmental Policy from Tufts University and currently resides in Providence, RI. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS Open Space and Recreation Plan Development, MA: Served as the Project Manager or Principal in Charge for the successful submittal of several Open Space and Recreation Plans in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Towns of Billerica, Bourne, Brewster, Provincetown, Scituate, Stoughton, and Yarmouth have all had significant upgrades made to their earlier plans under his direction.
Professional Registrations • AICP • National Charrette Institute (NCI) Charrette System™ and Charrette Management and Facilitation™ Training Certification Professional Affiliations • APA, MA Chapter • APA, RI Chapter
Graduate courses in Applied Watershed Management, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Land Use Management, Urban Planning, and Environmental Law
Horsley Witten Group
Norman Bird Sanctuary, Middletown, RI: Principal in Charge for the development of a Facilities Master Plan. The master plan includes trail, plant community and drainage assessments, to identify future investments and management opportunities for the property’s campus facilities, trail network, grounds and environmental resources. Rhode Island Community LID Site Planning and Design Guidance: Served as the project manager for the development of a local guidance manual that will serve as a companion to the upcoming revision to the Rhode Island state stormwater standards. The manual will provide a variety of techniques that can be used at the local level to promote better site design and compact development. Healthy Places by Design, Pawtucket and North Kingstown, Rhode Island: Lead consultant to both the City of Pawtucket and Town of North Kingstown on a Rhode Island Department of Health pilot initiative, which seeks to strengthen land use, transportation and urban design policies and local ordinances that guide the decision making process for the built environment to be more supportive of health, particularly as it relates to physical activity and healthy eating. Worked with the local government and partner community based organization in each
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Nathan Kelly, AICP, NCI Principal Planner
Horsley Witten Group
Sustainable Environmental Solutions
community to coordinate an extensive public engagement process including community educational forums, facilitated group work at public meetings, and City-wide assessments that all culminated into a week-long charrette. Project deliverables included various outreach and public meeting products, a final project report, and draft amendments for the Comprehensive Plan and supportive regulatory amendments in each community. Narragansett Comprehensive Community Plan Update, Narragansett, RI: Principal in Charge for assisting the Town in a rewrite of its Comprehensive Plan to be in compliance with new State land use regulations. HW is working with Town Staff, the Planning Board and the public to develop a Baseline Report of existing conditions and future needs of the community as well as a Roadmap document that builds on formative issues to develop goals, policies and municipal actions to provide residents and businesses with a high quality of life. Comprehensive Community Plan Update, South Kingstown, RI: Principal in Charge for the state-mandated, five-year update of South Kingstown’s Comprehensive Community Plan in years 2011 and 2016. The ongoing update process includes utilizing the existing Plan, relevant recent Town and regional studies, GIS data/ mapping, demographic data updates and public input garnered through a range of outreach activities. Smith Island Vision Plan, MD: Supported the Consensus Building Institute (CBI) in developing a Vision Plan for the island residents in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. HW facilitated the process, and developed the final document. Over the course of numerous group meetings, Smith Island identified over 20 strategies designed to achieve the plan goals. HW assisted with the establishment of the 501(c) 3 “Smith Island United�. Implementing the KeepSpace Initiative, Rhode Island Housing: Lead coordinator responsible for community building, facilitation, and strategy implementation in four urban neighborhoods. Facilitated work sessions with a wide range of stakeholders including Citizen Development Corporations, state agencies, lenders, local planners, and residents to develop cross-cutting strategies that answered to multiple community objectives. Implementation strategies include infrastructure improvements, public art installation, neighborhood stabilization from foreclosures, urban agriculture and newly developed workforce housing. Westport Master Plan Community Outreach, Westport, MA: Assisted the Town of Westport in the development of their Master Plan by coordinating four public workshops. Each workshop centered around two to three topics of the Master Plan. Attendees were asked to gauge how draft goals and policies will meet current and future needs of the community and provide examples of priority actions the Town should be taking. Nathan provided project assistance as well as small group facilitation during workshops.
Sandwich www.horsleywitten.com
Craig S. Pereira, NCI, CFM Project Planner
Areas of Expertise • Urban Design and Physical Planning • Municipal Planning and Community Outreach • Regulatory Permitting • Geographic Information Systems • Hazard Mitigation/ Emergency Response Planning • Landscape Architecture Professional Registrations • National Charrette Institute (NCI) Certified Charrette Planner • Association of State Floodplain Managers, Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) • Professional Affiliations • APA, RI Chapter • RI Flood Mitigation Association Academic Background Masters of Arts, Urban Design and Physical Planning, University of Rhode Island Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, University of Rhode Island
Horsley Witten Group
Sustainable Environmental Solutions
Craig Pereira is a Project Planner for HW in the firm’s Providence, Rhode Island office. Craig has provided urban design/physical planning, hazard mitigation/emergency response/climate adaptation planning, regulatory permitting, and landscape architecture services for over ten years to municipal, state agency and private clients in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, in addition to his work with federal agencies. His range of projects includes comprehensive community plan development and updates, open space and recreation plan development and updates, regional transportation planning projects ( including bike path feasibility studies, Transit-Oriented Development projects), GIS applications (Municipal Hydraulic Model development/ updates, Buildout Analyses/Alternative Development Scenario Analyses, Municipal GIS-System development/training), Hazard Mitigation Planning (Hazard Mitigation Plan development/updates, Dam Emergency Action Plans, Benefit-Cost Analyses) and Climate Change/Adaptation Planning with EPA. Craig is a Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) through the Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM), a National Charrette Institute (NCI) Certified Charrette Planner and a member of the Rhode Island Flood Mitigation Association and the Rhode Island Chapter of the American Planning Association. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS Open Space and Recreation Inventory/Conditions Assessment and Needs Analysis – Town of Oak Bluffs, Oak Bluffs, MA: Project Manager for the development of an Inventory/Conditions Assessment and Needs Analysis regarding the Town’s open space and recreation sites/facilities. The ongoing process includes data collection, assessment, and comparative analysis of existing parcel data and program offerings against future (projected five years out) needs in accordance with national standards. Also, the development of an online survey to gauge public consensus and coordination with various local, regional and statewide representatives and data sources to supplement research and data needs. Stoughton Open Space and Recreation Plan – Town of Stoughton, Stoughton, MA: Project Planner for the update of Stoughton’s Open Space and Recreation Plan. The ongoing update process includes data collection and assessment of existing sites, facilities and program offerings, in addition to evaluating development trends to identify future land acquisition and programming needs. Interviews with various municipal personnel and traditionally underserved population representatives to both support and supplement research needs. National Grid Easement Trail Feasibility Study – Towns of Warren and Bristol, RI: Project Manager for the development of a conceptual trail alignment along the Grid’s utility easement through Warren and Bristol. Conducted Existing Conditions Analyses, GIS mapping, and stakeholder interviews. Coordinating with Grid representatives, municipal officials, and abutters through team meetings and public workshops to identify a realistic alignment that will integrate multi-modal transportation alternatives with recreational land uses. Sandwich Providence Boston www.horsleywitten.com
Craig S. Pereira, NCI, CFM Project Planner
Horsley Witten Group
Sustainable Environmental Solutions
EPA Climate Change Strategy – National Water Program (NWP), Washington D.C.: Project Planner for support to the National Water Program Climate Change Strategy. Co-facilitated the NWP Climate Change Strategy Winter Retreat for all EPA Regions, which included the following scoping paper topics: Infrastructure; Watersheds and Wetlands; Coastal and Ocean Waters; Water Quality; and Integrated Water Resources Management. Outcome of the retreat included agreement on draft content for the 2012 Strategy to present to senior managers. Ongoing tasks include support for the State-Tribal Climate Change Council (monthly and quarterly web conferences), technical support for the NWP Climate Change Workgroup (support development and finalization of 2012 Strategy, support production of yearly ‘Highlights of Progress’ reports), communications and outreach support (manage and distribute bi-weekly e-newsletter, maintain content of the National Water Program – Climate Change website, and development of Regional factsheets). Little Pond Conservation Area Master Plan and Restoration Landscape Plan, Falmouth, MA: Project Planner assisting the Town of Falmouth Community Preservation Committee on a Master Plan project for the preservation and restoration of natural communities as well as passive recreational opportunities for the publics’ enjoyment. Project includes field data collection, team meetings with the Steering Committee, and public outreach/consensus building through public workshops. Comprehensive Community Plan Update, South Kingstown, RI: Project Planner for the state-mandated, five-year update of South Kingstown’s Comprehensive Community Plan. The ongoing update process includes utilizing the existing Plan, relevant recent Town and regional studies, GIS data/mapping, demographic data updates and public input garnered through a range of outreach activities. The Plan requires a full update of community baseline information and will integrate the 2005 Housing Production Plan into the broader Comprehensive Plan Framework. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Horsley Witten Group, Inc., Senior Planner, January 2011 to present Pare Corporation, Senior Planner, November 2004 to December 2010
Sandwich www.horsleywitten.com
Jonathan Ford, P.E.
Horsley Witten Group
Senior Project Manager - Community Design
Sustainable Environmental Solutions
Jonathan has 17 years of professional engineering experience. As a New Urbanist civil engineer and designer, Jon believes compact, walkable neighborhood design leads to vibrant, lovable places in balance with nature. Dedication to traditional neighborhood design and a belief in interdisciplinary collaboration led Jon to found Morris Beacon Design in 2006 where he served as a New Urbanist civil engineering and planning resource until joining the Horsley Witten Group. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS
Areas of Expertise • Land Use Planning • Smart Growth/ Low Impact Development • Downtown & Neighborhood Revitalization • Civil Engineering • Urban Design
Blithewold Mansion Pavilion: Horsley Witten provided civil engineering and site design services for the recently constructed wedding pavilion at the Blithewold Mansion in Bristol, Rhode Island. Services included site layout, grading, utility, and landscape design, and required extreme sensitivity to context and attention to detail given the site's prominence and history.
Professional Registrations • Registered Professional Engineer MA, RI, CT, NC, NH, AR, TX • National Charrette Institute Charrette Planner Certification Professional Affiliations • Board of Directors: Co-founder, President 2006-2008: New England Chapter of the Congress for the New Urbanism • Board of Directors: Blackstone Parks Conservancy • Faculty, Form Based Codes Institute • Knight Fellow in Community Building, University of Miami School of Architecture Academic Background Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering – University of Notre Dame
West Mill District Redevelopment, North Andover, Massachusetts: Horsley Witten is leading planning and civil engineering tasks as part of a phased redevelopment effort to enhance and transform the East and West Mill District in North Andover. HW is assisting with urban design and master planning, and has produced and permitted civil engineering and landscape architecture construction documents for the first redevelopment phase, including street, parking, green infrastructure, and pond buffer improvements associated with selective demolition and mixed-use redevelopment. Seekonk River Revitalization Initiative, Providence, Rhode Island: Horsley Witten is leading planning and civil engineering tasks as part of a community led initiative to improve a three-quarters of a mile stretch of the Seekonk Riverfront in Providence. The plan integrates green infrastructure; rebalancing of the waterfront River Road to include an offstreet multi-use path and traffic calming improvements; and plaza and boat launch improvements to provide public access to the water. The project outreach has included dozens of stakeholder and community meetings, and the plan is moving forward with the cooperation of the City of Providence, Coastal Resources Management Council, Rhode Island Department of Transportation, and city/state/federal political representatives. Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts Downtown Streetscape Master Plan: Horsley Witten led the Oak Bluffs Downtown Streetscape Master Plan team, preparing a comprehensive integrated plan for improvements to Oak Bluffs downtown streets, sidewalks, lighting, parking, vehicle/bicycle/ pedestrian circulation, landscaping, and wayfinding. The Streetscape Master Plan is a framework for the future of Oak Bluffs – working with the distinctive existing character of the Downtown. The project included an extensive year-long public process component, with multiple visioning
Sandwich www.horsleywitten.com
Jonathan Ford, P.E.
Senior Project Manager - Community Design
Horsley Witten Group
Sustainable Environmental Solutions
meetings, open house events, website/social media outreach, and a public survey. Jon was project manager, led the planning team, and directed design. The project led to immediate implementation, including communityled restoration of the historic Strand Theater, creation of a volunteer Clean OB Team, and allocation of state and municipal funding to produce shovel-ready engineering designs. Project Experience Prior to Joining Horsley Witten Group, Inc.: The Box Office, Providence, RI: Provided civil engineering services for site layout, grading and infrastructure design for the "Box Office", a new office building comprised entirely of repurposed shipping containers. Jon also permitted the project with the City Planning Commission, City DPW, and Narragansett Bay Commission. With architecture by Distill Studio and site planning/landscape architecture by Klopfer Martin Design Group, the office was constructed on an impervious brownfield site near downtown Providence. The building consists of 94 tons of repurposed shipping containers, upcycled for a building that will utilize 25% less energy than it's conventional counterpart. True to the ethos of the project, the site design includes minimal yet strategic intervention of bioretention within the industrial context, designed to filter and reduce stormwater flow to the combined sewer system by over 90%. The Steel Yard, Providence, RI: Provided civil engineering services to design and permit site layout, grading and infrastructure for the innovative site transformation of the Steel Yard. The site now provides active and passive open space, outdoor work areas, new parking facilities, and pedestrian and vehicular circulation. The landscape and drainage systems are woven into the site to minimize contaminated soil export while also naturally filtering and infiltrating stormwater to reduce runoff to the City combined sewer system. Jon successfully permitted the project design with the City, Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC), and Narragansett Bay Commission. The project design won numerous local and national design awards, including the prestigious Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence. Attleboro Riverfront District, Attleboro, Massachusetts : The Attleboro Downtown Development Plan envisions development of more than 500 new housing units and a mixed-use square within downtown, including a new Intermodal Transportation Center, modifications to the existing commuter rail station, and a new 1,080 space parking garage. Jonathan Ford was responsible for civil engineering and urban design to transform Goody Clancy's illustrative district master plan into a fully engineered set of construction documents. Design elements included roadway relocation and bus circulation, transportation planning, block structure and thoroughfare design, open space and ped/bike circulation, riverfront flood control and mitigation, utility planning, grading, and phased parking design. The primary role was translating stakeholder vision into a walkable, transit-oriented, constructible master plan. Stakeholders included the Attleboro Redevelopment Authority, City of Attleboro, Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (commuter rail), Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transity Authority (bus), and the Federal Transit Administration. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Horsley Witten Group, Inc., 2014 to present Morris Beacon Design, 2007 to 2014 Nitsch Engineering, 2002 to 2007
Sandwich www.horsleywitten.com
Horsley Witten Group Brian Kuchar, P.E., R.L.A., LEED AP
Sustainable Environmental Solutions
Project Manager – Senior Landscape Architect/Civil Engineer
Areas of Expertise • Civil Engineering • Stormwater Management • Wastewater Management • Surveying • Landscape Architecture • Site Design • Sustainable Design • Smart Growth/ LID • Downtown & Neighborhood Revitalization • Meeting Facilitation • LID Training Professional Registrations • Professional Engineer, RI • Registered Landscape Architect, MA and RI • LEED AP Professional Affiliations • American Society of Landscape Architects • Board of Directors, Friends of Ballard Park,, Newport, RI, 2004 to 2006 • Planning Board, Newport, RI, 2005 to 2006 Academic Background Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, Concentration in Environmental Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Landscape Architecture, University of Rhode Island
Brian has over 18 years of experience in the combined fields of landscape architecture and environmental site engineering. Brian has been employed in both the public and private sector and has experience with a broad range of projects including institutional, commercial and residential land development, multi use paths, park design, green infrastructure, stormwater management, ecological restorations and innovative wastewater management. He has collaborated with the EPA on the development a handbook for urban green infrastructure and stormwater retrofits as part of the EPA’s Green Infrastructure Municipal Handbook Series. Brian is a registered landscape architect in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, a registered professional engineer in the state of Rhode Island and a LEED accredited professional. He has also served as an adjunct professor in the Landscape Architecture Department at the University of Rhode Island. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS Multi-Modal Bicycle Path, Burrilville, RI: Project Manager for the 1-mile long Multi-Modal Bicycle Path in Burrillville, Rhode Island. The chosen path for this particular project is along an existing but unused railway bed. Brian provided landscape architecture and site design engineering support. The project was completed in 2011. Roger Williams Park, Providence, RI: Project Manager for this EPA funded restoration project to improve the water quality and biodiversity conditions of the Park ponds. The focus of this project is the development of a water quality management plan to include watershed delineation, pollutantloading analysis, the establishment of long- and short-term water quality goals, in-pond treatment recommendations, and the design, permitting, and construction of five stormwater retrofit BMPs. Norman Bird Sanctuary, Middletown, RI: Project Manager for the development of a Facilities Master Plan. The master plan includes trail, plant community and drainage assessments, to identify future investments and management opportunities for the property’s campus facilities, trail network, grounds and environmental resources. East End Peabody Veterans Memorial Park Design, Peabody, MA: Project Manager for the design for a brownfield redevelopment project including site remediation of contaminated soil, wetland mitigation, site and landscape design. The park features an entry plaza with benches and game tables, a winding multi-modal pathway and boardwalk, stage and reading room area, informal play areas and a central lawn. Materials and site furnishings such as pervious paving, bike racks, and benches were chosen for their durability, low impact on the environment, and character to match the site. Aberjona River/ Davidson Park Restoration, Winchester, MA: Senior Landscape Architect for a river and historic park restoration project with flooding and sediment quality concerns related to two upstream superfund
Sandwich www.horsleywitten.com
Horsley Witten Group Brian Kuchar, P.E., R.L.A., LEED AP
Sustainable Environmental Solutions
Project Manager – Senior Landscape Architect/Civil Engineer sites. The Project includes implementation of a stream restoration to improve water quality into the historic context of the original park design. into a site survey, natural resources and habitat assessment, sediment quality/ dredging assessment, hydraulic evaluation, conceptual river and park site designs, and public outreach. Mill River Park and Riverwalk, LID Retrofit Design and Buffer Restoration, Taunton, MA: Lead Landscape Architect and Engineer the design of an LID retrofit and buffer restoration redevelopment project in conjunction with the design of the Mill River Park and Riverwalk in downtown Taunton, MA. Our team worked with Landscape Architects Brown, Richardson & Rowe to bring the project through full design and environmental and historic district permitting. The project was constructed in 2011. A ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the park was held in October 2011, with the Mayor, Lieutenant Governor and project partners. Ten Mile River Restoration, Attleboro, MA: Senior Landscape Architect on an urban river restoration, bank stabilization and urban river walk redevelopment project currently underway in Attleboro, MA. The design includes a tree lined corridor created along the edge of a proposed paved multi-use path which will provide areas for both active and passive recreation. Additional site amenities will include signage, benches, various paving surfaces, trash (and recycling) receptacles, bike racks, and lighting. All site furnishings such as benches, trash receptacles and lighting were chosen to match Attleboro’s existing downtown character. The proposed riverwalk will create a sustainable, low maintenance landscape that will enhance the City’s riverfront environment. Oak Bluffs Streetscape Master Plan, Oak Bluffs, MA: Senior Landscape Architect for the Oak Bluffs Downtown Streetscape Master Plan. The Streetscape Master Plan will be a framework for future planning, development, and design of Oak Bluffs – working with the distinctive existing character of the Downtown. Brian participated in a public workshops facilitating table top exercises and provided oversight for the conceptual design plans and recommendations for improvements to Oak Bluffs downtown streets, open space, sidewalks, lighting, parking, vehicle/bicycle/pedestrian circulation, landscaping, and wayfinding. Little Pond Conservation Area Master Plan, Falmouth, MA: Senior Landscape Architect for the development of a Master Plan for this the restoration of this former industrial site. This 10 acre conservation land includes an Atlantic White Cedar Swamp and buffer lands adjacent to Little Pond. The planning process included site constraints mapping, site background research, on-site analysis which utilized GPS tracking for data collection, precedent research, public outreach, landscape design, plan and graphics preparation, and writing of the Master Plan report. PROFESSSIONAL EXPERIENCE Horsley Witten Group, Inc., Project Manager and Senior Landscape Architect/Civil Engineer, 2007 to Present Northeast Engineers and Consultants, Inc., Project Manager/ Senior Landscape Architect, 2006 to 2007 University of Rhode Island, Adjunct Professor, 2002 to 2007 Frisella Engineering, Inc., Project Manager, 2003 to 2006 William Warner Architects and Planners LTD, Landscape Architect, 2001 to 2003 City of Newport, Rhode Island, Planning Department Intern, 2000 to 2001 NES, Inc., Site Engineer, 1993 to 1998
Sandwich www.horsleywitten.com
Erin Kennedy Cabral GIS Manager
Areas of Expertise • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) • Graphic Services • Land Use Planning Academic Background Cape Cod Community College, Hotel/Restaurant Management
Horsley Witten Group
Sustainable Environmental Solutions
Erin Cabral has over 19 years of experience in technical staff support including GIS services. She has worked with private, public, and governmental agencies in developing GIS databases for the purposes of analytical modeling, watershed assessment, conceptual site layout, engineering design, and general land use planning. Erin’s skills include GIS database management, data format exchange, LiDAR data conversion and graphics production. Erin is proficient in the use of ArcView, ArcGIS and GIS Pro software and those supporting features within Microsoft Excel, Access, and AutoCAD. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS Norman Bird Sanctuary, Middletown, RI: GIS analyst and graphics technician assisting in the development of a Facilities Master Plan. The master plan, includes trail, plant community and drainage assessments, to identify future investments and management opportunities for the property’s campus facilities, trail network, grounds and environmental resources. Open Space and Recreation Plans for Provincetown, Brewster, Yarmouth, Scituate and Stoughton, MA: Lead GIS analyst and graphics technician for the development of GIS-based maps associated with these five plans. These projects often involved the generation of original data and the updating of existing cadastral databases. Erin developed those maps that are required by the Division of Conservation Services (DCS) as well as other features beyond the required DCS elements. Runway Visibility Zone Barnstable Municipal Airport, Hyannis, MA: GIS analyst and graphics technician assisting with the permitting and field investigations for the implementation of the runway visibility zone (RVZ), including addressing impacts and mitigation measures for rare species habitat, wetland resource areas, and buffer zone encroachments under various state, regional and local regulations with the MA Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, the Barnstable Conservation Commission, and the Cape Cod Commission. Infrastructure and Zoning Maps for the Town of Athol, MA: Primary GIS technician to develop a series of digital maps for the Town of Athol. The first two mapping exercises included mapping all elements of the wastewater and water supply system using a combination of hardcopy and GPS data. The third map that she developed was an official zoning map adopted at Town Meeting and represents the first digital zoning map in the Town’s history. Town Harbor Access and Affordable Housing Feasibility, Wellfleet, MA: Lead GIS analyst and graphics technician for two planning efforts in the Town of Wellfleet. The first effort involved providing an inventory of
Sandwich www.horsleywitten.com
Erin Kennedy Cabral GIS Manager
Horsley Witten Group
Sustainable Environmental Solutions
Town-owned parcels and roads based on extensive deed research and a detailed review of historic Assessor’s records. The second effort involved developing a series of GIS-based screening criteria for the potential development of affordable housing on Town-owned property. The Pinehills Community in Plymouth, Massachusetts: Lead GIS analyst for the development of an assessor’s style GIS database for The Pinehills Community. This database includes parcels, buildings, roadways, commercial and golf course development. Data related to land use, groundwater monitoring, surface water monitoring, and service from utilities are included within the database and are used to assess compliance with the site’s Groundwater Discharge Permit. Aquifer Exemption GIS Data Development and Analysis, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: GIS analyst working with EPA’s Underground Injection Control (UIC) program to convert existing data into a GIS system that will enable EPA to compare aquifer exemption information to other data of interest. These data may include drinking water utilities and their assets, oil and gas activities, and population centers. City of Ottawa Municipal Groundwater Study, Canada: GIS analyst for this project designed to develop drinking water protection overlays for 32 wells in Ottawa. The scope of this project involved updating regional GIS-based data to accommodate site-specific knowledge relative to well location, local hydrology and geologic profiles. Data from disparate sources was standardized and output in formats that were useful to modeling software such as Surfer and MODFLOW. Mapping Infrastructure for Master Planning in the Navajo Nation, US EPA: Lead GIS technician for a complex mapping project involving Tribal lands of the Navajo Nation. Using data from the Indian Health Services, the Bureau of Indian Affairs and tribal leadership, Erin compiled mapped information from a disparate set of sources into a single GIS database. Water quality data and other home characteristics were incorporated into the database to help officials prioritize infrastructure planning investment into the future. The final product was a comprehensive map of homes that do not have access to public water supply and/or basic sanitation and their location relative to existing or planned infrastructure. GIS mapping of Prior Hydrologic Conditions, Carver, MA: Provided GIS data analysis and mapping in support of a major court case for the U.S. EPA and the Department of Justice, seeking to investigate potential hydrologic conditions that existed antecedent to the current conditions dominated by commercial cranberry agriculture. PROFESSSIONAL EXPERIENCE Horsley Witten Group, 1997 to present
Sandwich www.horsleywitten.com
Jeff C. Davis, AICP Project Planner
Professional Registrations • American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) • National Charrette Institute (NCI) Charrette System™ and Charrette Management and Facilitation™ Training Certification Professional Affiliations APA, National • Member 2002-Present APA, RI Chapter • Awards Chair 2011-Present • Event Committee member 2011 to 2015 Congress for New Urbanism, New England Chapter • Events volunteer 2014-Present Pawtucket Central Falls Dev. • Board member 2012-Present
Bachelor of Arts, International Studies, Whitworth University Resolution, Land Use Management, Urban Planning, and Environmental Law
Sustainable Environmental Solutions
Jeff Davis is a practicing professional planner of over 12 years, first in the greater Washington, DC area, and then in New England for the past six years. He worked on a variety of planning and community development projects in past positions in the public and non-profit sectors, and is currently working on planning and zoning projects for public sector clients. His experience underscores the interrelation of land use, housing, economic development, and social issues in the creation of community assessments, neighborhood plans, comprehensive/master plans and other local, regional and statewide community planning efforts. Much of Jeff’s work requires meaningful public input and community engagement. He has a long track record of assisting communities and organizations to develop and implement community engagement strategies that strengthen plans.
Areas of Expertise • Land Use & Comprehensive Planning • Neighborhood Planning • Housing • Community Engagement • Project Management • Community & Economic Development • Grant Writing
Academic Background Master of Community Planning, University of Maryland
Horsley Witten Group
Middletown on the Move, City of Middletown, CT: Working with the City to identify brownfield properties that may be appropriate for reuse as active recreation space. Organizing public engagement activities for the project, including community interviews, site tours, open houses, public forums, on line surveys, and a project website and Facebook page. Will also assist in the writing of a final report for the project. Groton Zoning Update, Town of Groton, CT: Assisting the Town in a rewrite of its Zoning Regulations, to make them clearer, more user-friendly, more concise, and more effective at producing the type of development desired by the town. The first step included a review of the Town’s Water Resources Protection District (WRPD), ensuring that current uses and future development do not harm the Town’s water resources. Jeff is reviewing the existing WRPD regulations, researching best practices for revisions, and exploring ways to incorporate the WRPD regulations into the Use Table of the Town’s Zoning regulations. Jeff is also ensuring the definitions in the regulations are complete and consistent. North Kingstown Zoning Update, Town of North Kingstown, RI: Assisting the Town in a rewrite of its Zoning Ordinance, to make it clearer, more user-friendly, more concise, and more effective at producing the type of development desired by the town. Jeff is reviewing the Use Table in the current Zoning Ordinance to consolidate use categories, eliminate outdated categories, and add new categories for modern uses. He is reviewing the Groundwater Overlay section to make sure it is protecting groundwater resources without onerous processes for applicants, and working to incorporate Overlay land use restrictions into the Use Table. Jeff is also working on making sure that definitions are complete and consistent throughout the Ordinance.
Sandwich www.horsleywitten.com
Jeff C. Davis, AICP Project Planner
Horsley Witten Group
Sustainable Environmental Solutions
North Kingstown Farm-Based Businesses and Home Occupations, Town of North Kingstown, RI: Assisting the Town to incorporate the recommendations of Community Guidance to Maintain Working Farms and Forests, a publication of the RI Department of Environmental Management written by Horsley Witten. The project seeks to provide means for owner of agricultural land to use their property for farm-based retail, special events, food processing, etc. It also seeks to establish flexible both rational rules for the scale and type of home occupations allowed in any given zoning district. Quonset Master Land Use & Development Plan, Quonset Business Park, RI: Jeff is assisting with planning services related to the ongoing update of the Quonset Business Park Master Land Use and Development Plan. Based on research of existing conditions and information received on future trends in ongoing discussions with QDC staff, Jeff is drafting the Plan to include sections on Land Use, Infrastructure, and Implementation. This update to the Plan should see the Quonset Business Park through to its initial full build out, and confirm its status as a world-class business park. RhodeMap RI: A Regional Plan for Sustainable Development, State of Rhode Island Division of Planning: Jeff worked with Horsley Witten as a State employee and Principal Planner on this project, supporting the creation of a regional plan for sustainable development. Primary tasks included coordination of community engagement strategies, staffing project subcommittees and the governing consortium of state agencies, municipalities, and other partners. Jeff also worked with Horsley Witten staff on the writing and editing of plans, including the State’s economic development plan, housing, plan, and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing, as well as outreach materials and other communication. KeepSpace Initiative, Rhode Island Housing: Jeff worked at Rhode Island Housing during Horsley Witten’s work on this project, serving as the lead staff coordinator responsible for community building, facilitation assistance, grant and contract management, and strategy implementation in four urban neighborhoods. Assisted facilitating work sessions with a wide range of stakeholders including community development corporations, state agencies, lenders, local planners, and residents to develop cross-cutting strategies that answered to multiple community objectives. Implementation strategies included infrastructure improvements, transit improvements, public art installation, neighborhood stabilization from foreclosures, urban agriculture, and newly developed workforce housing. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Horsley Witten Group, Inc., Project Planner, December 2015 to Present Rhode Island Statewide Planning Program, Principal Planner, 2012 to 2015 Rhode Island Housing, Technical Assistance Coordinator, 2010 to 2012 Office of Planning, Washington, DC, Consultant, 2009 to 2010 Office of Planning, Washington, DC, Neighborhood Planner, 2006 to 2008 Montgomery Housing Partnership (MD), Community Development Specialist, 2003 to 2006
Sandwich www.horsleywitten.com
Kirk F. Bosma, M.C.E., B.S., P.E. Team Leader/Senior Coastal Engineer Expertise
Education M.C.E., Civil Engineering-1996 University of Delaware B.S., Civil Engineering- 1994 Calvin College Licenses and Registrations
P.E., Professional Engineer, Massachusetts License #45849
Professional Affiliations Member, Association of Coastal Engineers (ACE) Member, Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute (COPRI) Associate Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Work Experience 2001-Present Coastal Engineer/Team Leader, Woods Hole Group 1997-2001 Coastal Engineer, Woods Hole Group 1994-1996 University of Delaware (Teaching and Research Asst.) 1992-1994 McNamee, Porter and Seeley, Inc.
Publications and Presentations 32
Kirk F. Bosma, PE, is a Senior Coastal Engineer and Team Leader of the Coastal Sciences, Engineering & Planning team at Woods Hole Group. He manages projects and develops engineering solutions related to coastal structure design, beach nourishment, beach management, inlet stabilization, water quality, environmental permitting, impacts of offshore dredging, marsh restoration, climate change planning, and wave, tide, and current data collection. He holds expertise in habitat restoration, shoreline protection, and climate change planning projects for a diverse client base and specializes in applying numerical models to optimize engineering designs and reduce overall project life cycle costs. Has developed and applied the latest data and numerical methods toward capturing current and future flooding risk for climate change vulnerability assessments. Development of comprehensive coastal flood risk assessments that incorporate storm surge risk coupled with increased precipitation and sea level rise. Developed gray, green, and hybrid coastal engineering adaptations for fostering urban and rural resiliency in a cost-effective approach. Has been the project manager for both large coastal restoration and marsh restoration projects that have included evaluation of a variety of restoration alternatives and included the implementation of a comprehensive data collection and physical processes modeling programs.
Qualification Summary
More than 20 years of diverse professional experience in the fields of coastal sciences and engineering, specializing in the areas of project management, numerical modeling, marsh restoration, sea level rise and extreme storms, climate change adaptations, sediment transport, and littoral processes
Leader in coastal flooding risk under a changing climate, including development of storm climatology for probabilistic flooding risk
Implemented technically advanced storm assessments under a changing climate; sea level rise and extreme storm numerical modeling techniques to assess climate change adaptations
Managed multi-disciplinary coastal and marine projects requiring team management, scientific analysis, environmental sensitivity, diverse coordination, and cost-effective solutions
Developed various hydrodynamic and hydraulic models for water quality assessment, marsh restoration projects, discharge and mixing design, bridge scour, dredging impacts, and contaminated sediment fate and transport
kbosma@whgrp.com 508.495.6228
Kirk F. Bosma, P.E. Team Leader/Senior Coastal Engineer www.whgrp.com
Key Projects MassDOT – FHWA Pilot Project for Climate Change and Extreme Weather Vulnerability Assessments and Adaptation Options of the Central Artery, MA DOT – Project Manager/Coastal Engineer and Modeler Was a key project member on a technically advanced, leading-edge pilot project for the Federal Highway Administration evaluating the vulnerability to sea level rise and extreme weather events for the Central Artery in Boston, MA. The project combines a vulnerability assessment by conducting a new systems-level assessment and evaluated adaptation options to reduce risk to specific assets. The project also is geared towards integrating climate change vulnerability into MassDOT and FHWA overall practices. A highly resolved, numerical processes model was developed to assess the combined impact of sea level rise, storm events (tropical and extra-tropical), winds, tides, and waves. Results from the model were used to assess risk for various assets throughout the City of Boston, and subsequently investigate adaption options to reduce the identified vulnerabilities and to establish an emergency response plan for tunnel protection and/or shutdown. The investigation also included a cost benefit analysis, which helped MassDOT select the most efficient method of protecting valuable existing assets against today’s weather events and future climate impacts. Climate scenarios and combined storm surge and sea level rise were developed for current day, as well as 2070 and 2100. Saco River and Camp Ellis Beach Section 111 Project, Saco, ME, USACE – Project Manager/Coastal Engineer Managed, coordinated, and conducted a comprehensive field data collection and numerical modeling scope of work for the Saco River and Saco Bay region. The field data collection effort consisted of a 2.5 month wave, current, and tidal observation deployment using two strategically located wave Acoustic Depth Current Profiler (ADCP) systems, a high resolution near shore bathymetric survey, and a ADCP current survey of the river hydrodynamics. The coastal monitoring data set was used to calibrate and verify a series of state-of-the-art wave models ranging from generation scale (Atlantic Ocean), through transformation scale (regional), down to the local and near field scales. The advanced modeling effort included spectrally based wind-generation (WAVAD), transformation (STWAVE and CGWAVE), and Boussinesq (MIKE 21BW) wave models. Model output was used in sediment transport modeling on both a regional and local scale. The calibrated models were used to assess a wide range of shore protection alternatives aimed at mitigating the erosion caused by federally maintained coastal structures. The project involved a high level of coordination between regulatory agencies, the federal government, State of Maine senators, US army Corps of Engineers, Town officials, and the local community. Nantasket Beach Seawall Repair and Reservation Master Plan Services, Hull, MA, MA DCR - Project Manager/Coastal Engineer Led a project team to assess the Nantasket Beach Reservation Property. Nantasket Beach serves as a valuable resource from both a commercial and recreational standpoint. Nantasket Beach has experienced ongoing erosion over the past 150 years, especially the public beach at the southern end of the system. Woods Hole Group conducted a detailed coastal processes study focused on determining potential alternatives to address the ongoing coastal erosion. The barrier beach system was simulated using state-of-the-art wave and sediment transport models to understand existing conditions, and assess potential alternatives. The project evaluated the performance of the existing seawall, as well as determined potential structural alternatives to enhance the beach and improve beach nourishment performance. The performance and lifetime of the beach nourishment were assessed in order to provide guidance on potential long-term solutions and future nourishment requirements. Rhode Island Regional Sediment Management Study (RIRSM), USACE – Project Manager/Coastal Engineer Managed a project in support of the Regional Sediment Management (RSM) Study for the State of Rhode Island. The overall purpose of the study is to develop both local and regional sediment budgets along the coast of Rhode Island and to develop a management plan for the south coast of Rhode Island, incorporating ecosystem concerns, sediment management, and sea level rise considerations. The physical data collected as part of this program will be used to develop, calibrate, and validate a comprehensive set of hydrodynamic, wave, sediment transport, and water quality models that are intended to help guide the Rhode Island (RI) RSM Study. The field measurement program for the Rhode Island RSM Study consists of long-term (yearlong) observations of a wide variety of physical processes, including:
Twelve real-time tide stations deployed throughout numerous coastal inlets and ponds along the RI shoreline three real-time wave and current profile (ADCP) stations located offshore of the RI coastline meteorological station four in-situ horizontal current profilers observing current/sediment flux at coastal inlets optical backscatter observations and acoustic Doppler current profile (ADCP) surveys
kbosma@whgrp.com 508.495.6228
Kirk F. Bosma, P.E. Team Leader/Senior Coastal Engineer www.whgrp.com
Elise Leduc, M.E.M. Coastal Scientist Expertise Coastal environmental management, wetland delineation and restoration, shellfish and eelgrass surveys, coastal planning, geospatial analysis, shoreline change analysis, environmental impact analyses, ecological risk assessment, conservation prioritizations, field and water quality sampling, Massachusetts environmental regulations. Education
Qualification Summary
M.E.M., Coastal Environmental Management - 2011 Duke University B.A., Biology – 2006 Williams College
Adept at spatial data acquisition and geospatial analysis using ESRI’s ArcGIS to analyze and display data for coastal and marine projects.
Experience conducting shoreline change analyses.
Experience with wetland delineation, shellfish and eelgrass surveys, and field data collection of sediments, water, and invertebrates for environmental studies.
Experience with local, state, and federal permitting of coastal and environmental projects.
Wetland Delineator Certification
Experience developing beach management plans, and coastal management and conservation documents.
Strong written and verbal communication skills, and the ability to engage diverse groups of stakeholders.
Publications and Presentation
ESRI ArcGIS; ETGeowizards; MATLAB; Microsoft Office; Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
Work Experience
Certificates of Training
2012-Present 2011-2012 2011 2010 2009-2010 2006-2008
Coastal Scientist, Woods Hole Group, Inc. Watershed Management Fellow, Charles River Watershed Association Coastal Conservation Planner, North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Conservation GIS Analyst, Great Land Trust Wetland Laboratory Technician, Duke University Wetland Center Rural Aquaculture Extension Agent, Peace Corps Zambia
eleduc@whgrp.com 508.495.6234
Elise Leduc Coastal Scientist www.whgrp.com
Key Projects Ninigret Pond Salt Marsh Restoration, Charlestown, RI, Coastal Scientist Conducted a wetland evaluation and provided restoration planning guidance for a large scale (~40 acre) salt marsh restoration project using thin layer sediment deposition. Selected targeted restoration areas based on level of existing vegetation degradation and elevation. Compiled and analyzed tidal, salinity, vegetation, soil core, and elevation data to develop a restoration plan and target marsh platform elevations. Developed adaptive management guidelines for moving forward with maintenance and monitoring of the project in the future. Town of Sandwich Beach Management Plan, Coastal Scientist Conducted a review of historical documents, maps, and existing data for Sandwich public beaches. Reviewed, mapped and described existing conditions and historical shoreline change through site visits and geospatial analysis. Performed historical shoreline change analysis for Sandwich public beaches. Documented existing activities being undertaken by the Town as on-going management of the public beaches. Identified and proposed new management activities that could improve the recreational or conservation functions of the public beaches. Compiled all existing management practices and new recommendations into a final Beach Management Plan document. Comprehensive Plan for Docks, North Haven, NY, Coastal Scientist Conducted field reconnaissance to characterize existing docks, public access, shoreline aesthetics and nearshore habitat. Wrote a Comprehensive Plan for Docks in North Haven, which highlighted existing dock policies, detailed the potential dock impacts on public access, aesthetics, water quality, and nearshore habitat, and documented the physical environment present along the coast of North Haven, including wave heights and flood elevations during storm conditions. Provided a series of recommendations for the Village to consider when approving new dock regulations. Attended a Village Meeting where the plan was presented to the public, approved and adopted by the Village. Status and Resilience of the Westport Harbor Barrier Beach, Westport, MA, Coastal Scientist Compiled and georeferenced aerial photography and historical charts to perform a shoreline change analysis for the Westport Harbor Barrier Beach system. Used the data generated through the shoreline change analysis to projected future shoreline change with and without sea level rise. To incorporate sea level rise into future estimates, LiDAR elevation data in conjunction with the predicted sea level rise scenarios in Global Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States National Climate Assessment were used. Developed projections for 25, 50 and 100 years into the future.
eleduc@whgrp.com 508.495.6234
Elise Leduc Coastal Scientist www.whgrp.com
Lee L. Weishar, Ph.D., M.S., B.S., P.W.S Senior Scientist/Coastal Engineer Expertise
Education Ph.D., Physical Oceanography – 1982, Purdue University M.S., Geophysical Oceanography – 1976, Virginia Institute of Marine Science and College of William and Mary B.S., Mechanical Engineering – 1972, Michigan State Univ. Licenses and Registrations
Professional Wetlands Scientist (PWS) 2005Professional Affiliations
Publications and Presentations:
Scientific consulting in marsh ecology and the tidal hydraulics of wetlands. Salt marsh restoration as mitigation for power plant intake impacts (e.g., 316(b) restoration measures), and NRDA. Engineering consulting on the effects of tidal inlet and shore protection structures, longshore sediment transport, shoreline response, marsh hydrology and restoration. Conducted numerical model studies of channel stability, shoaling, and tidal flushing at tidal inlets. Designed field studies and performed numerical and physical modeling of waves, currents, water levels, and suspended sediment transport at tidal inlets. Field collection of oceanographic and geotechnical data. Designed and supervised several large beach nourishment projects requiring dune and beach design, construction oversight, and field monitoring. Qualification Summary
More than 30 years of experience in the fields of oceanography, coastal engineering, sediment transport, and nearshore processes
Strong written and verbal skills. Excels in presenting complex information and concepts to non- technical audiences
Salt marsh restoration, planning, design, monitoring and adaptive management
Ecological engineering for salt marsh/wetland habitat restoration
Specification of hydrodynamic regimes suitable for salt marsh restoration, including increased salt water flows balanced with fresh and storm water inputs
Specializes in developing and implementing complex data collection efforts, which require solving detailed and often-diverse logistic problems such as marsh restoration and sediment transport projects in MA, DE, NC, VA, FL, AL, NY, and Caribbean
Excellent project management skills. Excels at managing large projects with multi-discipline investigators
Managed projects which designed and completed investigations to determine the optimum offshore sand borrow site locations, which maximize grain size, and quantities of borrow material while minimizing project environmental impacts
Managed and completed longshore sediment transport and examined shoreline response at numerous tidal inlets along the eastern coast of the U.S. Designed and completed large-scale field investigations to examine wave interaction on ebb and flood tidal shoals
119 Work Experience 1989-Present 1983-1989 1973-1982
1972-1973 1969-1972
Woods Hole Group, Inc. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Purdue University (Research Coordinator, Research Fellow, Research Instructor) F.W. Amend Company Michigan State University (Research Assistant)
lweishar@whgrp.com 508.495.6221
Lee L. Weishar, Ph.D. Senior Scientist/Coastal Engineer www.whgrp.com
Key Projects Ninigret Pond Salt Marsh Restoration, Charlestown, RI The Ninigret Pond restoration project is a thin layer deposition project designed to aid the Ninigret Pond marshes become more resilient by helping the marshes respond to the future effects of sea level rise. Dr. Weishar was the professional wetlands scientist for this project a served as the Woods Hole Group’s project manager. The Woods Hole Group established the tidal datums for the Ninigret Pond estuary using data the Woods Hole Group had obtained for the Rhode Island Regional Sediment Management Project. These data were used to establish target elevations for the restoration of both high and low marsh. Additionally, the Woods Hole Group using a combination of GIS, LiDAR, and elevation data obtained with an RTK system within the marsh complex made recommendations for depth of fill and location of fill for the marsh restoration. This process established marsh diversity and allowed the project engineers to maximize the use and placement of dredged sediment on the marsh. The Woods Hole Group aided the agencies in formulating data collection, the location of reference marshes and the establishment of restoration goals and objectives. The goals and objectives were used to establish an adaptive management plan to monitor the restoration and to establish methodologies to determine if the marsh is restoring according to plan. USACE IDIQ Task Order Contract – Program Manager Dr. Weishar was the program manager for a 5-million dollar US Army Corps of Engineers IDIQ task order contract with the US Army Corps of Engineers District New England. During the life of this contract, Dr. Weishar was responsible for all aspects of the contract. He performed as program manager, project manager, and acted as the liaison with the District personnel. As program manager, Dr. Weishar’s responsibilities included providing assistance to the Woods Hole Group project managers in developing contract cost estimates that provided a good value the USACE. Dr. Weishar also provided technical oversight for the projects and made sure the reports generated for the USACE. Occasionally the USACE would have a time sensitive project that just had to be completed. When this occurred, Dr. Weishar worked with both the USACE and the WHG project managers to expedite the project so that the time constraints were met without compromising the quality of the work product. As project manager on selected projects, Dr. Weishar worked helped generate Health and Safety Plans for many of the projects. Through his efforts, the IDIQ contract provided high quality products that helped the USACE complete its mission. Marsh Restoration and Estuary Enhancement in Southern New Jersey, Hancock’s Bridge, NJ, Public Service Electric and Gas Company – Marsh Ecologist/Project Manager As part of permit-required mitigation for nuclear facility with a once-through cooling system, Dr. Weishar reviewed feasibility of a program to restore 10,000 acres of degraded salt marshes through on-site visits and analytical analyses. Performed critical investigation using hydraulic modeling, resource area evaluations, design review of marsh channel and tidal inlet design, and investigation and quantification of restoration effects on ground water, septic systems, and private drinking wells. The success of this project required close interaction between Woods Hole Group, Inc., NJ State environmental agencies, NJ Attorney Generals Office, National Fish and Wildlife, US Army Corps of Engineers, National Marine Fisheries, and concerned citizens. Beach Nourishment Design for Spectacle Island Massachusetts, Boston Harbor, MA, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority - Oceanographer/Project Manager Completed a detailed beach nourishment design for the shorelines of Spectacle Island. Used refraction/diffraction model, REF/DIF1, to predict transformation of waves in areas where the bathymetry was irregular and diffraction was important. Used wave height results as input to longshore and cross-shore sediment transport models. These models were employed to simulate the performance of several different beach fill designs.
lweishar@whgrp.com 508.495.6221
Lee L. Weishar, Ph.D. Senior Scientist/Coastal Engineer www.whgrp.com
Matthew F. Shultz, M.S., B.S., P.E. Senior Coastal Engineer Expertise
Education M.S., Ocean Engineering – 2005 University of Rhode Island B.S., Civil Engineering – 1996 Tufts University Licenses and Registrations
P.E., Professional Engineer, Connecticut License PEN.0030884
P.E., Professional Engineer, Louisiana License PE.0036650
P.E., Professional Engineer, Massachusetts License 47832
Professional Affiliations Member, American Shore & Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA) Member, Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute (COPRI) Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Modeling of coastal and estuarine hydrodynamics, waves, and sediment transport processes and in the evaluation of structural and non-structural shoreline protection alternatives. Project management of large-scale coastal modeling studies, the development of models for assessment of coastal hazards and adaptation measures, as well as large-scale marsh restoration and the assessment of hydraulic structures. Extensive experience in programming languages and in developing software to present, analyze, and solve engineering and scientific problems. Experience in areas of marine structure design, waterfront construction, and construction project management. Qualification Summary
More than thirteen years of diverse professional experience in the fields of coastal, civil and software engineering
Experienced with modeling coastal hydrodynamics, sediment and particulate transport, coastal wave dynamics, and tidal hydraulics
Strong programming skills and knowledgeable in software design and advanced concepts
Programming experience with MATLAB, FORTRAN, C++, JAVA, VBScript, JavaScript, HTML, XML, XSL
Database experience: Oracle, SQL Server, SQL Anywhere, MS Access
Work Experience 2016-present 2010-2016 2005-2010 2004 1998-2004 1997-1998
Senior Coastal Engineer, Woods Hole Group Senior Coastal Engineer/PM, Dewberry Coastal Engineer, Woods Hole Group Graduate Assistant, University of Rhode Island Senior Consultant, WinMill Software Field Engineer, Modern Continental Construction
Publications and Presentations 11
Email mshultz@whgrp.com 508.495.6259
Matthew F. Shultz, P.E. Senior Coastal Engineer www.whgrp.com
Key Projects Oakwood Beach Flood Attenuation Feasibility Study, Staten Island, NY - Lead Coastal Engineer Integrated water resources study evaluating the feasibility of coastal storm damage reduction, storm water drainage and BMPs with added nature-based-infrastructure to increase ecological restoration opportunities for a community impacted by Hurricane Sandy. Responsible for the development and evaluation of alternatives to USACE’s proposed revetment including the assessment of design waves and water levels to be used in wave runup and overtopping assessments. Conducted technical oversight and QAQC for 2-D hydrodynamic model used to evaluate newly proposed channels and revetment alignment combined with flow-control structures under tidal and extreme storm conditions. Working with regional offices consulted with NY DEC, USACE, The Nature Conservancy, NYC and other stakeholders to help ensure combined needs were properly assessed and incorporated into the project. Levee Analysis and Mapping Pilot Studies, FEMA Region VI – Lead Coastal Engineer Served as lead engineer and subject matter expert for new Levee Analysis and Mapping Procedures being implemented by FEMA HQ and Region VI for assessing non-accredited levees. Led working group in the development of new procedures for non-accredited levees subject to coastal flooding. Work involved developing consensus among multiple agencies including representative FEMA regions and the USACE. Conducted pilot studies in LA (Plaquemines and Lafourche Parishes) and TX (Freeport Levee System) to apply and evaluate new methodologies in assessing coastal risk in areas protected by non-accredited levees. Work involved levee breach assessments and the integration of 1-D to 2-D coastal hydraulic models to define the hazards within the polder. Evaluation of Shoreline Protection at Beach Facility, Bristol, RI. - Lead Coastal Engineer Responsible for conducting field investigation of existing shoreline protection measures at neighborhood association beach facility in order to propose alternatives for remediating erosion incurred at the site. Analyzed average annual and extreme storm conditions in conducting desktop study to evaluate alternatives to replace or repair the existing degraded seawall structure at the beach facility. Evaluation of alternatives included an assessment of overall effectiveness, structural lifetime, construction feasibility, as well as estimates of permitting, engineering, and construction costs. Developed recommendations for the neighborhood association to effectively control erosion at the site, to retain the upland facility, and to provide safe access to the recreational resource. Evaluation of Shoreline Restoration at Nantasket Beach, Hull, MA. – Coastal Engineer Responsible for developing wave and sediment transport models to simulate existing conditions and conduct an alternative analysis in support of a comprehensive coastal processes study to address ongoing coastal erosion at Nantasket Beach. Quantified site-specific wave conditions using measured wind and wave data, and the STWAVE numerical wave transformation model. Simulated transport processes along the barrier beach using a state-of-the-art sediment transport model to evaluate the performance of the existing seawall, as well as structural and non-structural shore protection measures under various environmental conditions. Assessed the performance and lifetime of the selected shore protection measures to provide guidance on potential long-term solutions for the area.
Email mshultz@whgrp.com 508.495.6259
Matthew F. Shultz, P.E. Senior Coastal Engineer www.whgrp.com
Sara Bradford, RLA Education BA Connecticut College, BA with honors in Botany MLA University of Pennsylvania, Master of Landscape Architecture Professional Registrations Registered Landscape Architect Licensed Arborist LID (low impact design) Certified Coastal Invasive Manager
Rhode Island No. 2 Massachusetts No. 423 Connecticut No. 396 Rhode Island No. 3095 Rhode Island 1106002 Rhode Island No. 70
Landscape Architectural Practice Ms. Bradford is the principal Landscape Architect and owner of Bradford Associates. Her skills and lengthy experience have been gained in the design and construction of a wide range of projects ranging from private to larger and more complicated programs of public open space. Her extensive knowledge of current and innovative horticultural practices, contemporary environmental protection standards and the application of sound construction practices is demonstrated in the success of her many projects. Particular areas of Expertise • Research and planning including landscape inventory and analysis, historic landscapes and urban planning • Public design workshops with design presentations and graphics • Sustainable planting design responding to context, budget, maintenance and use • Master Plan development for historic and cultural sites as well as public open space • Streetscape design including urban pedestrian area renovations and roadway landscaping • Public parks and playground design including site amenities and landscaping for gathering and play areas • Site sensitive, vehicular circulation and parking solutions • Pedestrian circulation including ADA compliance • Low impact development for grading, drainage and planting for sustainable site design Ms. Bradford has been the Landscape Architectural member for countless project teams alongside engineers, architects, planners and other professionals. Her work recognizes that design solutions must be sustainable and contextual responses to the character of both the built and natural environment. With this approach, she synthesizes her client's needs with the essence of the site or region and its surrounding architecture. Ms. Bradford is an active and respected member of the professional community. She has been a member of the Rhode Island Board of Examiners of Landscape Architects for many years, is a member of the Rhode Island ASLA, serves on the Providence Neighborhood Planting Program Advisory Committee and The Rhode Island Tree Council Board of Directors.
Sara Bradford, RLA Selected Representative Projects Parks and Campus Landscapes Roger Williams Park Botanical Center, Providence, RI. For the Providence Parks Department Master Plan and phase I site improvements including parking and circulation, events areas, plantings, site furnishings and planting exhibit areas. Oak Bluffs Open Space and Recreation Inventory and Conditions Assessment, Oak Bluffs MA. For the Oak Bluffs Parks and Recreation Department Vegetative and facilities inventory and needs analysis and master planning for 12 town owned parks and natural areas. Highland Woods Master Plan, Tiverton, RI. For the Tiverton Land Trust Master plan for historically significant open space. Included improved parking and circulation, low impact trails, interpretive signage and invasive plant management. Hunt’s Mills Master Plan, East Providence, RI. For the East Providence Department of Planning and Development Public outreach, master plan and phase I site improvements including parking and circulation, low impact trails, and interpretive signage. Maddock Alumni Center, Brown University, Providence, RI with LLB Architects Improvements for the main entrances for circulation and accessibility as well as garden enhancements. First Baptist Church in America, Providence, RI Master Plan, maintenance assessment and landscape improvements for historically significant quasipublic landscape in downtown providence. Streetscape and Roadway Improvement Projects Luongo Square Streetscape Improvement Project, Providence, RI For the Providence Department of Planning and Development and the RI Department of Transportation Site design for urban traffic island and streetscape enhancement project. Patriots Park, Portsmouth, RI For the Rhode Island Department of Transportation Enhancement project commemorating the First Rhode Island Regiment. Site and landscape design. Awarded the RI ASLA 2007 Design Award Waterfront Drive, East Providence, RI For the Rhode Island Department of Transportation Site design for pedestrian areas and planting design. Ten Mile River Greenway, East Providence, RI For the RI Department of Transportation Trail alignment, site inventory and planting plan and interpretive signage for an urban multi-use trail. .
Kristin Pereira, RLA Professional Registrations Registered Landscape Architect Certified Coastal Invasives Manager Certified Playground Safety Inspector
Rhode Island No. 604 Rhode Island No. 256 CPSI No. 31927-718
Education University of Rhode Island: Bachelor of Landscape Architecture 2001 Nazareth College of Rochester: Bachelor of Science in Studio Art 1992 Landscape Architectural Work Ms. Pereira is responsible for the production of construction documents, presentation and website graphics, reports and cost estimates and has assisted in the inventory, analysis, design and project management for municipal parks, playgrounds and Rhode Island Department of Transportation projects as well as a wide variety of other landscape architectural and architectural projects. Selected current and recent work includes the following: Representative Projects Historic Landscapes Hunt’s Mills Master Plan /Phase I Design and Implementation, East Providence, RI For the Town of East Providence with PARE Corp. Site analysis and landscape design, participation in stakeholder meetings and production of master plan, construction documents, and interpretive signage for an historic landscape. North Burial Ground Master Plan, Providence, RI For the Providence Parks Department Site analysis, tree inventory, historic mapping, design assistance, preparation of maintenance manual and presentation graphics for the historic landscape. First Baptist Church in America, Providence, RI Hardscape and planting design, production of construction documents and construction monitoring for a historic landscape. Highland Woods Master Plan, Tiverton, RI For the Tiverton Land Trust Master Plan for historically significant open space. Included improved parking and circulation, low impact trails, interpretive signage and invasive plant management. Trails and Bikeways Ten Mile River Greenway, East Providence, RI For the RI Department of Transportation with Prime AE Group, Inc. Trail alignment, site inventory, planting plan and interpretive signage for an urban multi-use trail.
Kristin Pereira, RLA Coventry Greenway, Coventry, RI For the RI Department of Transportation with Fuss and O’Neil, Inc. Site analysis, planting design, interpretive signage and production of construction documents for multiuse ‘Rails to Trails’ project. Trestle Trail, Coventry, RI For the RI Department of Transportation with Prime AE Group, Inc. Site inventory and analysis, planting design and illustrative graphics and interpretive signage for a rural multi-use ‘Rails to Trails’ project. National Grid Easement Trail Feasibility Study, Warren and Bristol, RI For the Town of Warren and the Town of Bristol Departments of Planning and Community Development with Horsley Witten Group Site inventory and analysis, production of conceptual alignment and roadway crossing plans, cost estimating and illustrative graphics.
Parks and Playgrounds India Point Park Playground, Providence, RI For the Providence Parks Department Site design assistance, stakeholder meeting participation and preparation of construction documents and presentation graphics for the waterfront playground. Roger Williams Park Botanical Center, Providence, RI For the Providence Parks Department Master planning and landscape improvements including parking and circulation, events area, plantings and site furnishings. Oak Bluffs Open Space and Recreation Inventory and Conditions Assessment, Oak Bluffs MA For the Oak Bluffs Parks and Recreation Department with Horsley Witten Group Vegetative and facilities inventory and needs analysis for 21 town owned parks and natural areas.
Streetscapes and Commemorative Monuments Luongo Square Streetscape Improvement Project, Providence, RI Site design assistance and preparation of construction documents for an urban traffic and streetscape enhancement project. State Street Wharf Conceptual Design, Bristol, RI Conceptual designs for a working and recreational waterfront wharf in Bristol’s historic downtown. Patriots Park, Portsmouth, RI For the Rhode Island Department of Transportation Enhancement project commemorating the First Rhode Island Regiment. Site, landscape design and graphics. RI ASLA 2007 Design Award
David Everett 70 Belmont Street, Pawtucket, RI 02860 401.338.3923 deverett2663@gmail.com Master of City Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990 BA, Urban Studies with Honors, Paul Davidoff Award, Queens College, 1987 Urban Design Studies, 1982–85, New York University
PROFESSIONAL Principal Planner/Environmental Coordinator City of Providence Department of Planning and Development, 2005-present. Coastal Zone and Environmental Planning; Flood Zone and Stormwater Management; Green Infrastructure Planning; Harbor Planning; Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning; Development Plan Review; Comprehensive, Neighborhood, and Institutional Planning; Plan and Grant Writing. Planning Director Brooklyn, CT, 2004-2005. Served under Selectmen, Planning and Zoning Commission, Conservation Commission, Economic Development Commission, and various committees. Plan Review; Grant Writing and Management; Committee Coordination. Town Planner Town of Dover, MA, 1998-2003. Director of Planning Department for elected Planning Board. Professional staff to Board, Plan Review and Consultation, Public Meetings, Comprehensive Planning, Drafting of Bylaws, Public Information, Monthly Reports. Consultant Planner Town of Warren RI Comprehensive Plan, 2013. Hingham, MA Harbor Master Plan (with Marc Mazzarelli Associates, Cambridge, MA), 2006-2007. Town of Dover, MA, Open Space and Recreation Plan update, MA 2003–2004. The Cecil Group, Inc., Boston, MA, Land Use and Harbor Planning, Business Development, Report Writing/Editing, 1998. Cape Cod Commission, Provincetown Local Comprehensive Plan, 1996-1997. Everett Associates, Inc., local master plans, land use studies, revitalization plans, and historic resource inventories, 1988-1995. Speechwriter City of Providence, Mayor’s Office, 1995. Research Associate Florida Atlantic University/Florida International University Joint Center for Environmental and Urban Problems, 1993-1994. Transit-oriented Design and Travel Modeling Research for researcher/author Reid Ewing. City Planner City of New York, Department of Housing Preservation and Development, 1992-1993. Project manager for development and rehabilitation of low and moderate income housing in Brooklyn Community Board 1. Land Use Coordinator; Conference Coordinator Save the Bay, Inc., 1985-1987. Authored Where the Land Meets the Water (with Introduction by Senator John H. Chafee). Organized first annual “Helping the Land Save the Bay” conference. Land use enabling legislation reform. BOARDS and ASSOCIATIONS Ocean State Clean Cities Advisory Committee Rhode Island Freight Advisory Committee Rhode Island Water Quality Management Plan Advisory Committee Rhode Island Green Infrastructure Coalition Upper Narragansett Bay Regional Stormwater Management District Study Steering Committee Thayer Street District Management Association Board Rhode Island Transportation Advisory Committee, 2011-15 Vulnerability and Resilience Strategy Assessment of Maritime Infrastructure Stakeholder Committee (RIDOT, FHWA, University of Rhode Island), 2015 Rhode Island APA Local Emergency Planning Committee #5 Co-chair, Water Group, Sustainable Providence Plan Providence Urban Agriculture Task Force, past member
Montessori Children’s House, Providence, RI, Board of Directors, 2004-2010 Governors’ Institute on Community Design (Providence designee), Rhode Island, 2006-7 MA Association of Planning Directors, member, 1998-2003 SELECTED PUBLICATIONS/WRITING Providence Harbor Management Plan, 2015. Sustainable Providence, water and transportation sections, 2013-14. Bike Providence, bicycling master plan, project manager, 2013. Green the Knowledge District Status Report, Ocean State Coalition of Advanced Resources (OSCAR), with Christopher Bull, PhD and Kathleen Shannon, July 2011. Providence Tomorrow: the Interim Comprehensive Plan (Draft Amendments), 2010. Special Flood Hazard Areas, Providence Zoning Ordinance, 2008. Providence Tomorrow: the Interim Comprehensive Plan, Sustainability and the Environment chapter, 2007. Dover, MA Open Space and Recreation Plan (Update), 2004. Water Hole in the Desert: a reluctant participant observation study, 2002. Enraptured by Urban Raptors: Birds of Prey in the City, 1999-2003. Fall River and Salem, MA Harbor Plans (history and editing), with The Cecil Group, 1998. Provincetown Local Comprehensive Plan (Draft) May 1997. Slatersville Area Plan, Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor Commission/RI DOT/Town of North Smithfield, RI, 1994. Transit-oriented Development: A Review of the Literature, Florida Atlantic University/Florida International University Joint Center for Environmental and Urban Problems [with Reid Ewing and Teresa Herrero], 1993. Where the Land Meets the Water, a Citizen’s Guide to Land Use, Save the Bay, Inc., Providence, RI, 1988. CERTIFICATION National Charrette Institute (NCI), Charrette Planner Certification, 2006. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), Advanced Training Certification, 2005. ACADEMIC – CRITIC/LECTURER/MENTOR University of Rhode Island Metcalf Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting, guest panelist, 2012-16 Brown University TRI-Lab consultant, 2015-16. University of Rhode Island Landscape Architecture/Marine Affairs Studio on Port Resiliency, Steering Committee, 2014. Brown University/Rhode Island School of Design Energy Studio, 2011. Rhode Island School of Design, Departments of Architecture and Landscape Architecture - various dates, 1993-present. Roger Williams University, Departments of Architecture and Historic Preservation - various dates, 1990present. SELECTED PRESENTATIONS Urban Stormwater Conditions and the Multiple Benefits of Green Infrastructure in Providence, Rhode Island Flood Mitigation Association Conference, 2016. Woonasquatucket River Environmental Charrette, Southern New England Soil and Water Conservation Society, speaker, Providence, RI, June 2012. Planning for Climate Change, RI Department of Environmental Management, panelist, Providence, RI, October 2010. Making Room for Urban Agriculture, GrowSmart RI Power of Place Summit, Providence, RI, May 2010. New Functions/New Forms? : sustainability as the catalyst for design, Expanding Scale: Architects as Design Agents in the City + Region, American Institute of Architects Regional and Urban Design Knowledge Community Spring Roundtable, Rhode Island School of Design, March 2007. Design Matters: Old Harbor/Waterfront Forum, speaker, panelist, Providence, RI, 2006. The State of Mass Transit in Rhode Island, Congress for the New Urbanism (national conference), speaker and panelist, Providence, RI, June 2006.
DAE - 2
Project Descriptions
Project Profile Roger Williams Park, Providence, RI Client Contact: Brian Byrnes, CPSI Deputy Superintendent Department of Parks & Recreation 401-680-7202 HW Contact: Brian Kuchar, PE, RLA, LEED AP 11058CC
Horsley Witten Group
Water Quality Restoration Plan, Visualization & Climate Change Considerations HW assisted the City of Providence and the Narragansett Bay Estuary Program with assessment and development of a stormwater management master plan for Roger Williams Park. This historic park in southeastern Providence contains approximately 435 acres of landscaped areas, including the Roger Williams Park Zoo. The Park contains a seven-lake complex, which comprises approximately 100 acres. As is often the case with urban parks, runoff from densely developed areas drained into the ponds and severely degraded water quality. To complicate matters, more intense storms and frequent flooding are resulting from climate change. HW developed a stormwater master plan, which improved the water quality and biodiversity conditions of the ponds. The project included the identification and prioritization of low impact development (LID)/green infrastructure practices. These practices were used to retrofit existing drainage infrastructure and manage stormwater runoff from areas upgradient of the ponds. In addition, HW led a public engagement process to solicit input on the proposed restoration measures at key junctions in the project. Following input from the public and the 20+-member steering committee, HW designed, permitted, and provided construction administration services for the highest priority projects.
HW focuses on providing sustainable environmental solutions. Learn more at horsleywitten.com
Project Profile Falmouth, MA Client Contact: Kenneth Buckland, Chair Spring Bars Road Subcommittee 508-495-7436 HW Contact: Amy Ball 12065
Little Pond Conservation Area Master Plan HW developed a Master Plan for the Town of Falmouth Community Preservation Committee. This project included field data collection and regular meetings with the Spring Bars Road Steering Committee. Little Pond Conservation Area, a 9.6-acre parcel has a Conservation Restriction from the State of Massachusetts. The Master Plan allows for the preservation and restoration of native plant communities and wildlife habitat, while incorporating compatible passive recreational uses for this site. A past concrete business use significantly altered the site. Abandoned dirt roadways have become weedy and overrun with several non-native invasive species. However, the parcel offers significant public benefits; the Master Plan includes preservation of an existing Atlantic White Cedar Swamp, a globally rare plant community, and a vernal pool. The parcel also features a unique freshwater-coastal wetland complex associated with the adjacent riverine system along Little Pond.
Horsley Witten Group HW focuses on providing sustainable environmental solutions. Learn more at horsleywitten.com
Project Profile Oak Bluffs, MA Client Contact: Amy Billings Oak Bluffs Parks and Recreation 508-693-0072 HW Contact: Craig Pereira, CFM, NCI 14025
Open Space and Recreation Conditions Assessment and Needs Analysis The Town of Oak Bluffs hired HW to provide resource inventories and conditions assessments for the natural and built environments within the Town’s recreation and open space areas. HW's services included the identification of space and facility standards based on the guidelines established by the National Recreation and Park Association and confirmed by the Town of Oak Bluff’s Recreation Commission. The Resources Inventory considered the amenities of each park, including dominant and significant woody species and constructed features. HW also provided a Conditions Assessment for each site, including both vegetative and constructed features, based on a rating scale of Excellent to Poor. HW developed a report that identifies the process, findings, and needs analysis for the public. This report will help inform Phase II program components, and serve as a resource for the community in developing the Recreation and Open Space Element of the Master Plan and updating the Town’s Open Space and recreation Plan.
Horsley Witten Group HW focuses on providing sustainable environmental solutions. Learn more at horsleywitten.com
C O C H E C H O WAT E R F R O N T RECOMMENDED S C H E ME Project Profile Cocheco M AR CH 2 9, 20 16
City of Dover, NH
S C A LE: 1”= 2 0 0’-0”
Client Contact: Donald Powers Union Studio 401-272-4724 HW Contact: Jon Ford, P.E.
Waterfront Design PAG E 3
HW is part of an interdisciplinary team producing a community vision and development plan for the Cocheco Waterfront Site, a 21-acre City owned brownfield property across the river from downtown Dover. The plan includes a waterfront park, dock, mixeduse development, and new street connections to downtown and adjacent parks. HW is contributing to urban design and infrastructure engineering, with special focus on earthwork analysis and shoreline design to plan for climate change and sea level rise.
Horsley Witten Group HW focuses on providing sustainable environmental solutions. Learn more at horsleywitten.com
Project Profile Middletown, CT Client Contact: Michelle Ford Environmental Specialist 860-638-4840 HW Contact: Nathan Kelly, AICP Project Number: 16030
Middletown on the Move HW is working with the City of Middletown’s Department of Planning, Conservation and Development to match local recreation needs with potential brownfield redevelopment opportunities. HW and the City are engaging residents and businesses in the greater downtown area to identify sites, listen to their personal experiences living and working in these neighborhoods, and solicit ideas for making these neighborhoods healthier, friendlier, and safer places for walking, biking, and being physically active. Activities designed and managed by HW include: • Direct engagement of organizations and individuals • Brownfield Bus Tours • Open Houses featuring a parklet, pop-up park, urban ExerTrail, mapping games, and an evolving “Idea Block” sculpture • Public Forums • On Line Survey • Graphic renderings of the most promising redevelopment sites
Horsley Witten Group HW focuses on providing sustainable environmental solutions. Learn more at horsleywitten.com
Project Profile North Kingstown, RI Client Contact: Jonathan J. Reiner, AICP Director of Planning and Community Development Groton, CT (860) 446-5970 HW Contact: Geraldine Camilli, P.E. 9013
Sawmill Pond Watershed Management Plan HW produced a comprehensive watershed management plan to improve surface and groundwater quality for Sandhill Brook and Sawmill Pond in North Kingston, RI. Historic reports and watershed assessments revealed that the stream and pond were being stressed from poorly managed land development practices, impervious surfaces, potentially failing or underperforming septic systems, and a compromised dam infrastructure. As a result, the Sawmill Pond ecosystem has evolved into a shallow pond with degraded water quality. HW completed a three-part assessment of the watershed, including: • Identification of pollutant sources from upland residential neighborhoods and commercial and industrial land uses • Identification and design of stormwater retrofit facilities at key locations • Assessment of the stream corridor and the pond/dam to identify potential stream habitat/erosion restoration opportunities and pond/dam management alternatives
Horsley Witten Group
A project web site encouraged public participation and information exchange. The Town now uses the plan as a guide for implementing restoration projects and fostering longterm watershed stewardship into the future.
HW focuses on providing sustainable environmental solutions. Learn more at horsleywitten.com
Project Profile South Kingstown, RI Client Contact: Vincent Murray Director of Planning 401-789-9331 x 1244 HW Contact: Nathan Kelly, AICP
Comprehensive Community Plan Update
HW led a yearlong effort to update the Town of South Kingstown’s Comprehensive Plan. The update addresses all of the elements required by state law, and includes the Town’s University of Rhode Island element. In consultation with Statewide Planning, HW addressed all data needs and emerging issues including climate change and sea level rise. Services provided by HW included: • Facilitation of public forums • Interviews with local officials and key stakeholders
• Regular work sessions with the Planning Board • Development of a project website • Implementation of a survey in electronic and hardcopy format • Complete draft and final versions of the Comprehensive Plan • Support for adoption at both the local and state level
Horsley Witten Group HW focuses on providing sustainable environmental solutions. Learn more at horsleywitten.com
Before Project Profile Veterans Memorial Park Peabody, Massachusetts Client Contact: Brendan Callahan, City Planner, City of Peabody 978-538-5780 HW Contacts: Rich Claytor, P.E. Brian Kuchar, P.E. 10039
Brownfield Redevelopment - Public Park HW led a team with support from GEI Consultants, and Brown, Richardson & Rowe, Inc., to develop an integrated park design at a blighted site in downtown Peabody. The goal of the project was to transform an EPA Brownfield site into a community asset for the surrounding neighborhoods. The reclaimed site not only serves as a park, but also provides key flood storage benefiting the City and their flood mitigation efforts. HW’s accomplishments include: • Assessment, survey, wetlands delineation, design, permitting, and construction support for the public park • Completion of stormwater/flood management plan achieved in conjunction with a public outreach and stakeholder engagement program • Low Impact Design including porous sidewalks constructed of glasspave and sustainable black locust decking • Management of the project team that required balancing the demands of site remediation requirements with landscape design/amenity goals within the City’s budget limitations
Horsley Witten Group HW focuses on providing sustainable environmental solutions. Learn more at horsleywitten.com
Project Description
Horsley Witten Group
Ten Mile River Bank Stabilization and Restoration Project City of Attleboro, Massachusetts
www.horsleywitten.com • Civil & Environmental Engineering • Wetlands Management • Coastal Management
The Attleboro Redevelopment Authority (ARA) received funding from a supplemental environmental program (SEP) fine for a river bank restoration project on the Ten Mile River as part of their downtown urban renewal plan. The Horsley Witten Group, Inc. (HW) was contracted to develop a design for the site that included stabilizing and restoring approximately 1,800 linear feet of river bank and associated resources between Wall Street and Olive Street. In addition, this project included the design of Riverfront Park, a passive recreational area with a multi-use path, kayak/canoe access, native landscaping, invasive species management, and park amenities.
HW presented initial concepts at several stakeholder meetings, secured the necessary local, State, and Federal permits for the final design, and prepared construction documents. A small portion of the design was constructed in early 2012 as a demonstration project, and the remainder of the site is scheduled to be constructed in Spring 2015.
• Hydrogeology & Water Supply • Stormwater Management • Wastewater Management • Emergency Response • Site Assessment & Remediation • Land Use Planning • Education & Outreach
Sandwich, MA Boston, MA Newburyport, MA Providence, RI
Client Contact: Gary G. Ayrassian Director of Planning and Development City of Attleboro (508) 223-2222
HW Contact: Michelle West, P.E.
Project Profile Taunton, MA Client Contact: Alison Bowden The Nature Conservancy 617-532-8360 HW Contact: Ellie Baker 10073
Mill River Park and Riverwalk HW developed a bank restoration and green infrastructure stormwater design for the creation of the Mill River Park and Riverwalk in downtown Taunton, MA. The Commonwealth of MA funded the project through two programs, the Taunton River Watershed Project and the Gateway City Parks Program. HW collaborated with the landscape architecture firm of Brown, Richardson & Rowe, which was responsible for the landscape architecture design of the Riverwalk itself. This project restored a degraded riverfront area and converted a deteriorated municipal parking lot into a beautiful park and riverwalk. Previously, stormwater runoff from the parking lot created severe erosion, washing unwanted sediments into the riverbed. HW’s park design includes vegetated bioswales and a bioretention system that captures, treats, and detains runoff prior to discharging to the River. These attractive systems also serve as an aesthetic focal point of the Park. HW also designed a bank restoration and invasive species management plan, and improved the drainage and grading of the parking area upgradient of the park.
Horsley Witten Group HW focuses on providing sustainable environmental solutions. Learn more at horsleywitten.com
Project Profile Norman Bird Sanctuary Middletown, RI Client Contact: Natasha Harrison Executive Director 401-846-2577 x 14 HW Contact: Brian Kuchar, RLA 508-833-6600 14053
Land Facilities Master Plan HW has assisted the Norman Bird Sanctuary (NBS) with developing a land facilities master plan. Established in 1949 at the bequest of Mabel Norman Cerio, the NBS, under the charge of her will, was to maintain the land “for the propagation, preservation, and protection of birds, and where birds and bird life may be observed, studied, taught, and enjoyed by lovers of nature...” The master plan identifies future investments and management opportunities for the property’s buildings, grounds, trails, and environmental resources. Unfortunately, over time, exotic invasive plant species and water pollutants have compromised many of the natural systems within the Sanctuary. Working with the NBS cultural landscape architect, HW identified restoration opportunities within the historical and cultural context of the Sanctuary’s long-term vision. The master plan has become an integral part of the Sanctuary’s capital plan campaign. HW conducted fieldwork for the assessment of the Sanctuary’s trails and natural systems, as well as the development of an invasive species management plan. Then, HW completed the site drainage assessment, campus facilities assessment and the development of a final master plan.
Horsley Witten Group
“It has been a pleasure to work with Horsley Witten. They are very knowledgeable and the process was thorough. This project has helped us set a course for the future as we begin our capital plan campaign."
HW focuses on providing sustainable environmental solutions. Learn more at horsleywitten.com
Project Profile Town of Bristol, RI
Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
Client Contact: Diane Williamson Director of Community Development 401-253-7000 x126
HW worked with the Town of Bristol and the Local Hazard Mitigation Committee (LHMC) to update its 2010 Hazard Mitigation Plan in compliance with FEMA requirements. The Town of Bristol continues to face hazards, including heavy rains and flooding, with interior flooding concentrated along the Tanyard Brook and Silver Creek areas. Bristol continues its proactive approach towards reducing risks through hazard mitigation planning. HW provided the following services:
HW Contact: Craig Pereira, CFM, NCI
• Coordination with the LHMC, RIEMA, and State agencies
• Municipal interviews • Full Update and re-write of Hazard Mitigation Plan • Project webpage development • Public outreach at the Bristol Harbor Festival • Public Workshops and Public Hearing
Horsley Witten Group HW focuses on providing sustainable environmental solutions. Learn more at horsleywitten.com
New Jersey Regional Sediment Management: System Optimization Plan Project Characteristics: • • • •
Regional Sediment Management Large-Scale Beach Nourishment and Engineering Alternatives Long-Term Shore Protection Planning Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Woods Hole Group completed a System Optimization Study to support the New Jersey Alternative LongTerm Nourishment (NJALTN) Project. This project is intended to evaluate methods to manage New Jersey’s coastal projects on a regional basis to ensure maximum benefits are achieved from the Federal investment. The primary purposes of the NJALTN Study are to: •
Reduce long-term requirements and costs
Reduce sand resource requirements
Minimize environmental impacts
These objectives are consistent with national objectives for the regional sediment management (RSM) program. Given the breadth of Federal projects, long-term commitment, and significant Federal investment in the coast for navigation and shore protection, New Jersey represents an ideal location to identify and realize these types of long-term benefits. The local sponsor, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), also is afforded significant benefits as a result of this Study, along with other local municipal stakeholders.
Results include: • Tiered recommendations related to the sixteen (16) federally-authorized projects. • Broad regional strategies to optimize shore protection along the New Jersey coast. • Consolidated reference document for coastal communities and decision-makers, including a summary of data and coastal processes. • Project Implementation Plan • Cost analysis demonstrating potential for life cycle project savings
Location: Client:
Contact: Telephone:
2010-083 New Jersey RSM
New Jersey Coastline US Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District Wannamaker Building 100 Penn Square East, Philadelphia, PA 19107-3390 J. Bailey Smith (215)-656-6579
North Perry Marina Impacts North Perry, Ohio Project Characteristics:
Evaluation of waves currents, and sediment, transport Development of a sediment budget Long-term shoreline change Evaluate impacts of coastal engineering structures on sediment transport system Assessment of downdrift impacts of Marina Develop structure remediation plan
Woods Hole Group worked for Gallager Sharp Attorneys on behalf of the Village of North Perry, Ohio to assess the impacts of a marina constructed along the southern shores of Lake Erie. The marina was constructed for access to the Lake for the North Perry residents, and as a safe harbor for boats cruising the southern shores of Lake Erie. After the marina was constructed, the western groin began trapping large quantities of sediment. This required the Village to bypass sand around the marina on a monthly schedule, which was completed mechanically from the updrift side and from within the marina. The Village was concerned by the mounting costs of the sand bypassing and the downdrift effect of the marina on the stakeholder’s properties. The Village contacted Woods Hole Group to determine the effects of the Marina on the littoral system including downdrift shorelines. The Woods Hole Group first assessed the impacts of lake level variation on shoreline erosion. A long-term shoreline change analysis was performed that removed the effects of lake level from the analysis. This required the Woods Hole Group to quantify the shortand decadal variations in lake level so they could be removed from the shoreline change analysis. Once the true shoreline change was known, a sediment budget was developed. These data were used in a twodimensional wave, current, and sediment transport model to quantify sediment transport along this shoreline. The results of the numerical model were used to assess the impacts of the marina on the downdrift shorelines.
The stakeholders claimed construction of the marina destabilized the previously stable shorelines. The Woods Hole Group used the results of the long-term and short-term shoreline change along with the results of the numerical model to evaluate these claims. The analysis showed the downdrift shorelines had not been stable. These shorelines were shown to have been steadily eroding over the past 25 years. The analysis also showed construction of the marina accelerated downdrift erosion and that by-passing sand was mitigating erosion of these shorelines. Woods Hole Group developed an integrated downdrift mitigation plan that incorporated bluff protection, beach nourishment, and sand bypassing. Structural modifications were recommended to enhance the updrift sand trapping to make sand bypassing easier and more cost-effective, and also to minimize sand from entering the marina. This is an on-going project that is expected to continue until 2017.
Location: Client: Contact:
2012-0040-01 North Perry Village Marina Impacts
Village of North Perry, Ohio Gallager Sharp Attorneys on Behalf of the Village of North Perry Attorney Steven Strang 1501 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio (216) 522-1037
Town of Falmouth 10-Year Comprehensive Dredging and Beach Nourishment Permit Project Characteristics: • • • • • •
Dredging and Beach Nourishment Design Sediment Sampling Analyses Key Species & Time of Year Restrictions Summary Shorebird Monitoring & Site Protection Plan Environmental Permitting Environmental Notification Form (ENF)
Woods Hole Group, Inc. worked for the Town of Falmouth, MA to implement a 10-Year Comprehensive Permit process for their dredging and beach nourishment projects. It is a comprehensive effort to consolidate and manage 25 dredging and beach nourishment sites associated with maintenance of the Town’s waterways, harbors, and salt ponds. The overall project is designed to provide the Town with more effective ways to manage their municipal coastal projects that require ongoing maintenance dredging and beach nourishment. The combination of all projects under the Comprehensive Permit process will facilitate environmental review of the Town’s activities by the various regulatory agencies, reduce administrative burden to the Town, and provide flexibility to optimize coastal zone management. The work is required to provide safe navigation, adequate tidal flow and water quality, and to maintain resource area values for coastal sites and marine species. The Town of Falmouth desires the flexibility to beneficially reuse sand from the dredging projects on any of the beaches included in the project. Although placement generally will be at the beach site closest to the dredging project, the Town wants to incorporate the flexibility to nourish critically eroded beaches with dredged sediment when it becomes available. During initial design, Woods Hole Group identified characteristics of the project areas through review of bathymetric survey data, vibra cores, sediment grab samples, beach profiles, and benthic species and distribution information. The bathymetric data was used to calculate the quantities of proposed dredge material. Detailed grain size and chemical analyses were utilized to identify the sediment compatibility and disposal site options. 2010-063_Falmouth 10-Year Comp Permit
Woods Hole Group is working closely with project proponents and local, state and federal environmental regulatory agencies to permit the project. An Environmental Notification Form was prepared addressing concerns regarding impacts to shellfish, fish runs, finfish, winter flounder, horseshoe crabs, shorebirds, endangered species, time of year restrictions, beach stability and wetland resources. The full range of local and state permits has been filed. The proposed project offers the following benefits: streamlined regulatory approval, improved public access to coastal waters, improved public safety, enhanced storm damage protection and flood control, addition of sediment to the littoral system, and enhanced wildlife habitat for nesting shorebirds.
Location: Client: Contact:
Falmouth, MA Town of Falmouth Gregg Fraser Harbormaster Town of Falmouth 180 Scranton Ave. Falmouth, MA 02540 (508) 457-2550
Ecological Restoration Master Contract Coastal Resource Assessment, Modeling, Engineering, and Design Project Characteristics: Data collection and analysis (water surface elevation/tide, salinity, bathymetry, RTK-GPS marsh surveys) Analytical and numerical modeling (hydrodynamic, salinity, water quality, sediment transport) Literature and modeling peer reviews Evaluation of engineering alternatives, including complex flow control structures Engineering design support Post-restoration monitoring and adaptive management Woods Hole Group has been a contractor to the Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration (DER), previously MWRP, since 2007. As a Specialty Contractor, the Company provides a range of services, including data collection and analysis, multidisciplinary physical, chemical and biological evaluations, analytical and numerical model applications, and design work to restore the form and function of ecological habitats. Project assignments often are focused on restoring salt water tidal flow to wetlands restricted over time by human interferences. Woods Hole Group applies the most appropriate tools for each site, including commercially-available models, shareware, and techniques developed in-house. Unique capabilities are offered to simulate the potential effectiveness of flow control structures (e.g., weirs, tide gates, duckbills, etc.). Evaluations include estuary/wetland hydrodynamics, along with coastal process involving waves, sediment transport, and shoreline/geomorphic change.
Representative projects supported include: Town Neck Creek marsh restoration and flood improvements Castle Neck River drainage improvements Dermarest Lloyd Park/Georges Pond tidal restoration Freemans Pond culvert improvements Mayo Creek flow control structure modifications Sagamore Marsh hydraulic study Ballard Street Marsh restoration and flood management design Herring River restoration and dike design Woods Hole Group also often works cooperatively with DER staff on projects involving multiple stakeholders, such as National Park Service, US Fish & Wildlife Service, NOAA, and local municipalities. Donations also have been made by Woods Hole Group on Corporate Wetland Restoration Partnership (CWRP) projects in collaboration with DER, including the Crescent Marsh restoration project in Saugus, MA. Location: Client:
Contact: Telephone:
10-082 DER MSA
Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration Mass. Department of Fish & Game, 251 Causeway Street, Suite 400, Boston, MA 02114 Hunt Durey (617)-626-1245
HIGHLAND WOODS MASTER PLAN TIVERTON, RHODE ISLAND The Tiverton Land Trust Highland Woods was acquired by the Tiverton Land Trust with the primary intent of adding value to adjacent town owned abutting properties. It has great potential for increasing public enjoyment of both Tiverton’s Revolutionary War redoubt, and Fort Barton Woods, the large natural area that abuts Highland Woods to the east. In its own right, the property is an interesting natural area warranting preservation, with native woodlands, granite ledges, and seasonal streams. Bradford Associates compiled base mapping and prepared an Existing Conditions Plan highlighting trails, topography, native plant communities, areas of invasive plants and perhaps most importantly abutting properties and uses. Major components of the master plan include an improved entrance drive, parking, interpretive signage, informal trails for enjoyment, management of the natural landscape and a trail connection to the adjacent Fort Barton. These components were further illustrated with presentation graphics including watercolor sketches.
Highland Road Frontage Area
Upper-Mid Slope
HUNT’S MILLS MASTER PLAN AND PHASE 1 SITE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION EAST PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND The City of East Providence, Rhode Island The Department of Planning and Community Development In Association with PARE Corporation and Edward Connors and Associates The Hunt’s Mills property is considered “one of the City’s finest scenic and recreational assets, a site with unique natural landscape character and fascinating inter-related threads of cultural history as mill site, water pump station, and amusement park”. The site forms the southernmost point of the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor.
Conceptual plan for the Terrace Gardens
The master plan, which provides for landscape improvements to “read” and appreciate the landscape history, includes new circulation systems and parking, woodland and riverside trails, interpretive signage, gardens and performance and gathering lawns. Improvements respect the historic context and protect sensitive natural areas while accommodating the wide range of user interests. The plan, with its well-integrated use of resources, was developed in response to City and community needs, established through stakeholder meetings and serves as a guide for phased development and support for funding applications. Phase I improvements have been completed and construction was monitored by Bradford Associates.
Hunts Mills rendered Master Plan
Conceptual rendering for the Terrace Gardens
Proposed designs for interpretive signage
South Prudence Island State Park was to be the focus of the proposed Narragansett Bay Islands Park System. The 634 acre excessed Navy land was formerly a munitions storage area and is still marked with earth covered storage bunkers and slashed by an imposing grid of firebreaks and access roads but is none the less a dramatic island setting and beautiful natural area. The Master Plan was developed with appreciation of the unique site conditions and recognition of the needs and interests of a wide variety of different visitors. In addition to a camp ground, community recreation area, trails and administration buildings, there are two principal sites and features of the new state park. The old pier area will become the entry to the new park, accessed by the proposed Bay Island Park ferry system. It will include an information and reception kiosk, an aquatic interpretive center and opportunities for water oriented recreation. Inland, a central activity area offers a visitor center, “bunker” exhibit, active recreation facilities and renovated observation tower which will become a prominent park landmark. The park and the Narragansett Bay Island Park system has not yet been realized but this plan presents exciting possibilities for this intriguing site, recognizing it as a valuable resource for appreciation of the Bay and the island’s natural and cultural history.
COVENTRY GREENWAY & TRESTLE TRAIL SHARED USE PATH COVENTRY, RI RI Department of Transportation, RI Department of Environmental Management and the Coventry Parks and Recreation Department In association with Fuss and O’Neill and Prime Engineering Coventry Greenway and Trestle Trail make up a 15 mile rural and urban experience extending from the Connecticut state line, through Coventry to the West Greenwich town line. The multi-use trails run along an abandoned rail corridor and offer exceptional views and access to rivers, ponds, woodlands and mill villages. The project is a good example of state and town efforts to develop a transportation and recreation facility that is sensitive to the natural environment and responsive to community concerns and needs. Bradford Associates’ work includes, visual analysis and interpretation, landscape design and construction drawings for parking areas, special viewing locations and site furnishings. Bradford Associates also prepared color renderings, developed interpretive signage and participated in public workshops. Planting plans were developed for parking areas, steep slopes and disturbed areas, screening and wetland edge plantings. Our park and greenway experience and understanding of native plant communities, were particularly valuable resources for these projects.
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