Dear Friend. Are you tired of searching for a way to start making a Real Income at home, in your spare time? Would you like to make several hundred dollars every week from the comfort of your home by just distributing a huge demand item that I will supply to you. Just for a moment, Imagine, what a difference an extra income like that could make in your life... NO HASSLES, NO WORRIES, NO STRESS! Just a simple, yet, highly effective home-based money-making operation that helps take care of your financial responsibilities and then some. Allowing you the time and means to do all those things you said you wanted to do for a long time. All you need is a real income like this! Today, you have an opportunity for success! Well, NOW IS THE TIME TO START ENJOYING LIFE FOR A CHANGE! Hi, my name is George Richardson, a father of 3 small children and a marvelous wife (Nancy). I’ve always, lived in the low rent district (The Slums), before I accidentally discovered the amazing INCOME MULTIPLING SYSTEM! (IMS) well, today is better. My family and I live a wonderful life! We now enjoy the finer things. It was certainly a stroke of luck when I stumbled on this MoneyMaking Bonanza! After years of let downs and rip-offs, while trying various plans. I lost thousands of dollars on those "Get Rich Quick" plans, I found in magazines, I finally, discovered a True MoneyMaking winner! At first, I didn't realize what I had discovered, I had to really think about it for a while, then it hit me like a ton of bricks! All I knew was I started out with just $75.00 then almost like magic. WOW! I got a $1,000.00 free and clear! I did next to nothing, to make this money! I felt a bit guilty making so much cash, real-easy, amazingly fast! I never was good with math and other school stuff, but, I do know the difference between $75.00 and $1,000.00 and the time it takes to make it! Anyway, I showed my system to my Dear, wife (Nancy) who told me "NO WAY CAN YOU TURN $75.00 INTO $1,000.00 OVER and OVER THAT FAST... UP TO $5,000.00 or More within 30 days! So, I showed her the Cash in My Hands and on paper, how I did it! she looked shocked and said "Well, now that I see it in your hands and on paper, I can see how it works!" she was amazed yet, still a bit skeptical that I could really, flip $75. into $1,000.00 in such a short time. She figured she needed to try it for herself, by her-self in a reallife situation to prove that this indeed was a real money maker that anyone could use to make a fortune. We tested the IMS for 6 Months to see what would happen. Each month she made at least $5,000.00 every Month. I was shocked at first, because we had never made any money, at all before, doing anything from home in our spare time. Back then, no one could had told us, I would make that much money and go on to become extremely wealthy beyond my wildest expectations. You could earn an exceptional income from the comfort of your home! After Making $5,000 plus consistently for 6 Months straight, I no longer was shocked by my results. I feel very comfortable with this system now, Today, I am shocked when I earn less than $50,000 a Month! Your earning could be better than ours or not as good. It's up to you. How much money do you want to make? How many times do you want to flip your earning? The really great thing is you only need $75. to get started. You can get very rich! Nancy and I are happy about our new-found wealth. We have a great time, taking trips, living large and buying things for us and the children, things that we had wanted for a long time but couldn't
afford. That was a few short years ago, we are still using the IMS system today, when-ever we want some extra cash. Can You Really Have Too Much Money? I don't think so. We want to give back and pass on our amazing system to help others. We would like to share our amazing system with you now, giving you an opportunity to get rich as well, and start enjoying life too. Isn't it time you started living a life of prosperity? If not now, when? We are now making the IMS system available to you for a limited time. Now you can turn $75.00 into $1,000., Over and Over, as often as you wish. Make At Least $5,000.00 a Month using my IMS system. Guaranteed! You must make at least $5,000. in your first 30 days or I will give you a refund… NO QUESTIONS ASKED! After you pay your registration fee I will ship you this amazing product Information, that you can distribute to my Special Contacts, earning you up to a whopping fortune! You can start today by simply ordering your Startup-instruction package ($139.95 Pp.) allowing you the opportunity to earn up to $5,000 in just 30 days. You could have my Special Contacts send you up to $1,000. to your door for this product. This mean that for each Amazing unit that you order, you could get up to $1,000 back when you follow my simple instructions! As a member there is no limit to your earnings! THIS AMAZING OPPORTUNITY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH: Stocks and Bonds-Trading ... Commodities ... Mailing lists ... Anything pornographic... or Illegal ... Oil leases ... Grants or Loans... Personal Sales... Computers... Up lines ... Down lines ... MLM... Pestering family and friends...Gifting... or an Envelope stuffing scam! This is a 100% legitimate opportunity to make up to $5,000.00 or more, extra income simply by distributing an amazing high demand and sort after product that I supply you with!
You Can Start Earning a Real Income! You Can immediately. Began Earning a REAL Income by processing requests for a product that I will supply you with! A Huge Demand Item that sells itself! All you must do is mail this item to your prospects! All, from the comfort of your home in your sparetime. "HERE IS WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE" My INSTANT STARTUP REPORT that shows you how to get started making REAL MONEY IN ONLY 7 DAYS! Everything you need to get started is supplied, including the actual material you will need to turn $75.00 into $1,000.00 Over and Over. People are going to request this item from you. My SPECIAL CONTACTS will rush Up To $5,000 Cash to Your Door! Every Month! You’ll make my Special Contacts aware of you and your desire to make Massive sums of cash! They in turn will support your efforts... sending you money to make your dreams come true! Making Money is very easy! You will get FULL SUPPORT from me each month to ensure that your income will never stop coming in! I will show you how to utilize the IMS to the fullest, to maintain your massive income possibilities! I will supply you with everything, for you to become a huge success in your new business! BONUS! Order within 10 days: FREE DEALERSHIP… You can earn $100.00 per quick-easy sale! YOUR COMPLETE 'NO HASSLE' MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Try this system for 90 days, if you're not earning the kind of money you wanted, simply return the package for a no questions asked refund of the purchase price (less S&H). You either make money or it cost you nothing! Don't worry about the small cost of this manual. Consider, what a lifetime of financial success is worth to you. Much, much more than the cost of this MASSIVE WEALTH KIT. I am sure, most people would gladly pay Ten to hundred times what this cost for true, peace of mind that a steady income from home can deliver! Over a short period of time you could become extremely wealthy! Limited Offer! TURN $75.00 INTO $1,000.00 ORDER FORM _Yes! I am ready to start making a MASSIVE INCOME from the comfort of my home by simply "Turing $75. into $1,000 Over and Over!" Please, Register me in this program right away! I understand I have 90 days to use it and if I don't make the income I desire, or I am not delighted for any reason, I can return everything for a full refund of my purchase price. (Less shipping and handling). Rush $139.99 (One Time $100.00 Registration fee + $39.99 S/H) I am ordering within 10 days, include my special report "How to flip $75 into $1,000 Over and Over and FREE Dealership and the Manual on How to receive… Up To $5,000.00 Delivered to My Door! With this understanding here is $139.99 ___ Cash ___Check ___ Money order.
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USING JUST ONE AMAZING SECRET WORD… and I made $9,681,855 and it didn't cost me a single penny!
Read this brief letter and I'll teach you "THE SECRET WORD" and how to use it. Sounds impossible yet I've done exactly this. I made $9,681,855 without investing a penny, without barely lifting a finger. $9,681,855 using one secret word. And it's just beginning.
I was dirt poor. I'm not proud of it but I'm not ashamed either. I always believed I was smart enough to make it big. I met others I didn't think we’re all that smart who were very wealthy. I just needed a break. That one idea that I could run with and make it big. In retrospect, not all that many people believed I'd ever amount to much. My wife did though. Even when we had nothing. She believed. And now she is a very, very rich woman with everything she ever dreamed of. LOYALTY PAYS OFF BIG! Even If you are flat broke today, you can be a Millionaire a few weeks from now!
It's hard to imagine until you've done it but believe me, it's true. You'll see shortly that I guarantee every word I say. As a matter of fact, I'll supply you with several unprecedented legally binding guarantees. Every statement you are about to read is irrefutable. Proven like nothing you've seen before. I've done these 146 times. It's worked 146 times!
Absolute Success 16 times in a row! That's why I'm so confident. Because this has worked so many times without ever failing. After watching this amazing secret work 146 times in a row, I'm convinced it simply cannot fail. Don't you agree? Seriously, think about it. Is my logic flawed here? This remarkable secret has worked 146 times without ever failing. This one secret word, which I will teach you, is all you need to implement this secret. -
Over Now to See for Yourself How This will work For You… -
Here's Exactly How I Got to $9,681,855. I already told you I've done this 146 times. Now the amount I made using this secret word was different each time. And the truth is, I'm never sure exactly how much I'm going to receive every time I implement it. The least I have ever made was $3,100. However, the most I ever made was $708,950. But
is not that bad considering It takes me less than an hour.
I've averaged $66,314 for every time I've implemented the secret word. And considering it takes less than an hour, I guess I could say I make over $66,3114 an hour. Not bad for something that anyone can easily do. I'm embarrassed to admit I was disappointed when I received the $3,100. But that's because I had already received the $708,950 one time and $533,400 the time right before the $3,100. I got over it quick though. The next time I received $170,160. Once I've implemented the secret word, it's out of my control. But since it's not costing me anything and it's so easy to do, I need to remind myself to be grateful for everything I receive. In all honesty, it's better that. ******* ************************* ***************
Here's exactly how it works! The reason that it costs nothing is because I am piggybacking the Investment of others. Using the 'SECRET WORD', I Just complete a document, stick it in an envelope and then sit back and wait for my check. That's it. It's Simple. It's Foolproof. Anyone can do it. It has never failed.
BEGGARS CAN'T BE CHOOSERS! What I mean by this Is since I am not spending any money, simply piggybacking -More on page 3.-
others by completing a simple document and submitting it as a shadow trade of someone else's investment, I can't control exactly how much I make each time. But who cares? Because I can do this as often as I wish. It never costs me anything to implement. And even at it's worse, the least I've ever received is $3,100. And that was the ultimate train wreck. Wow!!! Only $3,100. It's Revolutionary! By now I think I've probably seen every other income opportunity offered through the mail, magazines, on the web and on television. And guess what, I think they are all a joke. And believe me, I tried a gang of them before discovering this. I failed in Multi-Level. I lost my shirt trading stocks. I got burned trading currencies. I took a bath on commodities. I ran a mail order system straight off a cliff. I proved gambling systems don't work. I know this works because I failed at everything else. Here's something else I know. There is absolutely no chance that you have ever seen my secret anywhere before. I've bought everything I could find to make sure. I've googled this every possible way I could think of. My secret simply does not exist anywhere else. No one has ever formally revealed this to anyone, anywhere before. And to prove it, how's this for putting my money where my mouth is.
This No Strings Attached $1,000 GUARANTEE. No one has ever sold this secret or put it in writing anywhere before at any time in history. And to show how certain I am of this, the first person who can show me a printed version revealing my secret that pre-dates the post mark on this letter will receive a $1,000 Certified check from me by return FEDEX. That's how certain I am that no one has ever revealed this secret anywhere before.
My confidence is unshakable using this secret because it has never failed, no one else has ever revealed it before, you can start making money the day you receive my manual, it costs you nothing to get started and you can make millions the first year you implement it. -This Amazing Opportunity is Guaranteed!You start earning the day you receive my manual!
You start earning the day you receive my manual... 24 HOUR CASH GUARANTEE. Read my manual. Within 24 hours, you can implement the SECRET WORD and start earning fast cash. If not, simply return for a complete refund, no questions asked.
You can implement the program with ZERO START UP COSTS!
ZERO START UP COST GUARANTEE. You can implement my SECRET WORD the day you receive my manual without a single dollar to get started. If not, simply return for a complete refund, no questions asked. And you can earn millions just as I have without ever failing.
$9,681,855 NO FAILURE GUARANTEE. Implement my SECRET WORD and you will earn a minimum of $9,681,855 without ever experiencing a failure on any single transaction. Even one failure before reaching $9,681,855 and simply return for a complete refund, no questions asked.
This really is the one secret that never fails. You can see that my confidence is unshakable. Having just completed 146 consecutive successful transactions implementing my one SECRET WORD and being successful in every instance, I know that no one can fail. You will not fail. Get started today. Instinctually, you know this is different. You know this is the one. And you know if you pass up this risk free offer, you'll have made a mistake you'll regret the rest of your life. All these guarantees cover any risk you could possibly have and it will not cost you a penny to implement the SECRET WORD. Just return the Acceptance Form with a 100% refundable $35 deposit. Upon receipt, I'll rush your manual which includes everything to get started using the SECRET WORD that day. You'll be on you way to your own $9,681,855. Nothing can stop you now. There's no way to fail or I would've failed already in 146 tries. This is your 1st and last chance to get in on a multimillion dollar deal with a spotless track record like this. Sincerely, Michael Ened
P.S. This secret worked 146 times in a row and never failed. Think about that.
Dear Friend, Did you know that by filling out a few simple forms and mailing a few letters that you could be on your way to receiving a hefty check for up to $25,000 or more that you never must pay back?! And, by taking advantage of our judicial system, that you can start receiving huge checks in the mail, thanks to the work of our City, State, and Federal Court Systems? This may sound amazing, but it's true! You don't need a law degree to start pulling in the six-figure incomes lawyers make. We'll show you how to start, build, and successfully operate a super-high income, wealth-building home business from any city or town anywhere in the United States. Regardless of your age, sex, present income or educational background, you can be tapping into millions of dollars in public record bank accounts, once you know how. GET YOUR SHARE OF OUR COURT SYSTEM'S HIDDEN CASH! Imagine sitting at home and getting a check for up to $10,000 by completing a few forms and mailing a few letters. This is the most incredibly easy money-making program you've ever seen in your life. In just a few hours you could start a chain reaction – which could result in up to $10,000 ... $20,000 ... even $30,000 dollars or more being sent to you in only a few weeks - without having a face-to-face meeting with anyone!
started immediately. Work at home and let the system do the rest. We'll even give you the simple forms you'll need to get the cash flowing - right into your personal bank account if you prefer - starting today. Nothing anywhere could be more amazing than this! This program is like an instant FREE Money Gift! This program will show you how to get started, from scratch, and begin making more money than you could ever make at a "regular" job. You could make more money with this program in six months than you could make working for someone else in five years! We'll show you how you could collect up to $5,000.00 in a matter of days. And the best part about it is - it can't end! If our judicial system exists, you can continue to collect huge fees! DO YOU WANT QUICK CASH? Is this the kind of opportunity you've been looking for? To find out, answer these questions. •
Would you like to be in business for yourself?
Does the thought of easily making up to $10,000.00 per week appeal to you?
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Does the idea of having a business with unlimited earning potential appeal to you? Would you like to travel and make money, even while you're away on vacation?
COPY ME AND GET RICH! Just read a few pages of information, write a few simple letters (we'll show you how) and mail a few simple forms (which we will provide) and then sit back and let the money roll in, like clockwork! The work required is minimal and can be easily handled in a few hours a month. With our amazing make-easy-money-at-home system, you could be on your way to up to $100,000 a year or more income, year after year, for the rest of your life. NO PERSONAL SELLING REQUIRED! This is a brilliant and useful idea whose time has come. You're using our judicial system - in your favor - to collect money that's virtually hidden from the public. Once you learn the secret of how to access this money, you'll be amazed at how it works. There are billions of dollars out there - that you can access - and big fat checks can be sent directly to your bank account - or wherever you choose. This is a 100% legitimate operation and requires no investment, no experience, no employees, no office and no stress. You have never seen anything as wonderful as this amazing wealth building system. I absolutely Guarantee your success!
STARTCASHING IN TODAY AND MAKE PLENTYOF BIG MONEY FAST! We'll provide, absolutely everything you need to get
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Have you been searching for financial freedom?
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If you can honestly answer "yes" to these questions, then let's get started! Your future has just gotten a lot brighter! WE'LL SEND YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO START GETTING CHECKS RIGHT AWAY! Send for the complete Court Cash Wealth System today. With it, you'll receive everything you need to get started - immediately. We'll send you all the official forms, checklists, letters, phone numbers, and all the other information you'll need. The Court Cash Wealth System will help you begin making big money now, right from your own home or apartment. No special equipment is needed. You won't need a computer. You won't even need a typewriter. Our system will show you how to get started immediately, part-time or full-time, right off your own kitchen table.
GET STARTED TODAY This is your chance to start your own legitimate high-income business, from scratch. This is a business that could take care of you for the rest of your life. Order this program today and you'll see how easy it is to make thousands of dollars right from the comfort and privacy of your own home. You'll be sent every single item you need to get started today. The complete program should answer any questions you may have. SPECIAL FREE DOUBLE BONUS OFFER We are confident that this incredible money-making plan will help you succeed in a way you have never imagined. However, we may only want to help you make quick cash, we also want to show you how to multiply your profits dramatically as they come in. So, if you order this program within the next 7 days only, we will also send you —free with your order— our copyrighted Government Refund Processor system. With this system, you can add an additional income of as much as $5,000 a week or more simply by processing government refunds. It's simple and we'll include everything you need to get started FREE with your purchase. And there's even more! I will also include my special underground report - THE $100,000 OPPORTUNITY MOST PEOPLE MISS which reveals another virtually SECRET method of making a HUGE CASH INCOME from home! I will reveal private corporations that want to send you checks for unto $1000. $2,000 even as much as $10,000 or more every month just for following a simple protocol! Combine this with the other 2 methods and your income will shoot through the roof in no time! I 100% GUARANTEE YOU WILL POCKET AT LEAST $5,000 IN 60 DAYS USING OUR SYSTEM OR YOUR MONEY BACK - NO QUESTIONS ASKED! That's right! Just put my system to the test and if you don't pocket AT LEAST $5,000 or you're unhappy with it for any reason, simply return the materials and I'll send you a full refund (less S&H) - no questions asked! That's how sure I am that my system will work for you! To get started today, and to take advantage of our special offer, just mail us the reservation form. As soon as we hear from you, we'll start processing your order right away. This program is completely guaranteed to put at least $5,000 in your pocket in the next 60 days or your money back! How's that for confidence? Take a risk-free look today! Fill out the enclosed No-Risk Order Form and start raking in thousands tomorrow! Rush, your order to me today, this is a limited offer. Thank You & God Bless You.