22 augustus 2014
Extra English Edition:
All novelties presented at Plantarium 2014
Finding and marketing mutants can be challenging 4 The value of new varieties for the product range 6 List of new varieties 12 Omslag_BKW14-17a.indd 1
14-08-14 14:54
Anti-worteldoek vegers
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Special BOO p2.indd 1
14-8-2014 12:29:44
Omslag: Diseno Vormgeving
Finding and marketing mutants can be challenging
The value of new varieties for the product range
Plantarium shows more than 110 new varieties
Service: Opening hours Plantarium 2014
List of novelties: Abelia - Clematis
Plantarium floor plan
17 30
Finding and marketing mutants
Text: Guus Wijchman
30 Adresses of breeders
ABCultivars About Plants Zundert André Briant Jeunes Plants
List of novelties continued: Clematis - Weigela Adresses
COLOFON Redactie
Schipholweg 1, Postbus 9324, 2300 PH Leiden E-mail: boomkwekerij@hortipoint.nl Website: deboomkwekerij.nl Hoofdredactie Wim du Mortier (071) 565 96 82 Vakredactie Arno Engels 565 96 86 Ketura Haveman 565 96 83 Ron Barendse 565 96 84 Bureauredactie Jenny Mostert, Carolyne de Vries Lentsch, Jolanda de Wekker Vormgeving Diseno vormgeving Fotografie Gerdien de Nooy Directie Elbert van den Berg Secretariaat Linda Laman 565 96 78 Alice Hoogenboom
The value of new varieties
Allplant see: Gootjes-AllPlant Amigra Grasses & More A.N.M. Rijnbeek Anthony Tesselaar International see: Anthony Tesselaar International Ball Ornamentals Bartels Stek Bert Verhoef Nursery see: Bert Verhoef Nursery De Boezem Nursery Botaniska Trädgården Göteborg Breederplants Brent Horvath see: Intrinsic Perennial Gardens Briant Jeunes Plants see: André Briant Jeunes Plants Burpee NL Clematis ródło Dobrych Pn czy (Clematis Container Nursery) ul. CNB Vaste Planten Concept Plants Bronisław Szmit, see: Joanna i Bronisław Szmit Jos Cammeraat Nursery Compass Plants Cultivaris USA Cultivaris Germany Peter M. Dealtrey
Zuidwolde Kleine Heistraat 2C - 4884 ME Wernhout La Bouvinerie - BP 10015 49180 St Barthelemy d'Anjou - Cedex
Netherlands Netherlands
www.ab-cultivars.com www.aboutplants.nl
info@ab-cultivars.com peter@aboutplants.nl (Peter Vriends)
Broekpolderlaan 25 - 2675 LJ Honselersdijk Reijerskoop 281 - 2771 BK Boskoop
Netherlands Netherlands
www.amigra.nl http://anmrijnbeek.nl
info@amigra.nl info@anmrijnbeek.nl
622 Town Road West Chicago -IL 60185-2698 Rietwijkeroordweg 15 - 1432 JG Aalsmeer
USA Netherlands
www.ballornamentals.com www.bartelsstek.nl
Middelburgseweg 1 - 2811 PL Reeuwijk Carl Skottsbergs gata 22 A - 413 19 Göteborg Gravestein 56 - 2804 GV Gouda
Netherlands Sweden Netherlands
www.gotbot.se www.breederplants.nl
botaniska.tradgarden@vgregion.se info@breederplants.nl
Rivierdijk 431 - 3361 AK Sliedrecht
Duchnicka 27 - 05-800 Pruszków P.O. Box 31 - 2160 AA Lisse Brunel 21 - 3401 LJ IJsselstein
Poland Netherlands Netherlands
www.clematis.com.pl www.cnb.nl www.conceptplants.com
clematis1@clematis.com.pl r.hoogeveen@cnb.nl (Ron Hoogeveen) info@conceptplants.com
Zuidkade 105 - 2771 DT Boskoop Jacqueline van der Waalsheem 25 - 2182 ZN Hillegom 1782 Titus Street - San Diego, CA 92110 Rentengasse 3 - D-55116 Mainz The Old Counting House 46 Wantz Road – Maldon – Essex Veenweg 12 - 2432 CA Noorden
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www.cultivaris.com Op www.DeBoomkwekerij.nl vindt u actueel nieuws, marktnieuws, fotoreportages, video’s, blogs en het www.cultivaris.com magazine in digitale vorm. Problemen met inloggen? Kijk dan op www.DeBoomkwekerij.nl/inloghulp. United Kingdom
josh@cultivaris.com (Josh Schneider) garry@cultivaris.com (Garry Grueber)
De Draak Netherlands De Jong Plant: see De Jong Plant Diderk Heinje GmbH & Co. KG Rüsseldorf 6 - D-26188 Jeddeloh 1 Germany www.heinje.de Edens Creations P.O. Box 24 - 8096 ZG Oldebroek Netherlands http://edens-creations.com Druk Netherlands telefonisch bereikbaar van 8.30 – 14.00 uur Empatec Nurseries Bûtenpôle 9 - 9041 VM Berltsum www.empatec.nl Koninklijke BDU Grafisch Bedrijf B.V. Abonnementen kunnen Holter op Feld elk2 - 47638 gewenst Koninklijke BDU Uitgevers B.V., Afdeling Vak- enEuroplant Canders Straelen tijdstip Germany www.beauty-ladies.de Ltd Opgave via deboomkwekerij.nl Oldtown - Stoneyford - Co. Kilkenny Republic of Ireland www.fitzgerald-nurseries.com ingaan. of bij de 25ste jaargang ISSN-nummer: 0923-2443 Publieksmedia, Postbus 67, 3770 AB BarneveldFitzGerald Nurseries Florensis P.O. Box 32 - 3330 AA Zwijndrecht Netherlands www.florensis.com abonnementenservice. Abonnementen lopen auUitgever: Wiljo Klein Wolterink MBA De Boomkwekerij is een uitgave van de Stichting Vakinformatie Siergewassen Florist Holland P.O Box 3 - 1430 AA Aalsmeer Netherlands www.floristholland.nl tomatisch door, tenzij uiterlijk twee maanden voor T (0342) 494 263 en de Koninklijke BDU Uitgevers B.V. Future Plants Turfspoor 53A - 2165 AW Lisserbroek Netherlands www.futureplants.com wordt F (0342) 413 141 GASA Germanyvervaldatum bij de abonnementenservice Delbrückstraße 16 - 47623 Kevelaer Germany www.gasa-germany.de Uitgever en auteurs verklaren dat dit blad op zorgvuldige wijze en naar beste Gebr. Th. en W.opgezegd. Alkemade Rooversbroekdijk 121 - 2161 LP of Lisseper Netherlandsevenwel kunnen uitgever www.gebr-alkemade.nl Dit kan schriftelijk, telefonisch Verkoopleider: Ron van de Hoef weten is samengesteld, en auteurs op geen enkele Gootjes-AllPlant Witte Paal 66 1742 NV Schagen Netherlands www.gootjes-allplant.com wijze instaan voor de juistheid of volledigheid van de informatie. Lezers worden e-mail. Ook voor informatie over een lopend abonT (0342) 494 263 M 06 51 80 63 25 Hammett: see: Keith Hammett met nadruk aangeraden deze informatie niet geïsoleerd te gebruiken, maar af nement kan contact worden opgenomen met de E r.v.d.hoef@bdu.nl Hansabred Radeburger Landstr. - 12 01108 Dresden te gaan op hunGermany professionele kennis en ervaringwww.hansabred.org en de te gebruiken informatie abonnementenservice. Heidezüchtung Kurt Kramer Edammer Straße 26 - 26188 Edewecht www.heidewelt.de Advertentie-exploitatie te controleren.Germany Jaarabonnement: €236,65 (exclusief 6% btw). StuHilst, Philip van see: Philip van Hilst Media adviseur: Gert-Jan Bloemendal Niets uit dezeNetherlands uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geauHilverdaKooij denten en scholieren krijgen P.O. Box 825% - 1430 AA AalsmeerBuitenwww.hilverdakooij.nl korting. T (0342) 49 48 07 tomatiseerd gegevensbestand of openbaar gemaakt in enige vorm of op enige Het Hoefblad 117a - 1426 AJ De Hoef Netherlands www.hethoefblad.nl landse abonnees betalenOostzijde een kleine toeslag. E g.bloemendal@bdu.nl, Internet: bdu.nl wijze, hetzij elektronisch, opnamen of enige Hoekert P.O. Box 24 - 8096 ZG Oldebroek Netherlands mechanisch, door fotokopieën, www.hoekert.nl andere manier,Netherlands zonder voorafgaande toestemming van de uitgever. Algemene Verkoopleider: Ron van de Hoef V.C. HOOFTMAN Boomkwekerij Koetsveld 3 - 2771 AM Boskoop http://hooftman-boomkwekerij.nl voorwaarden:Netherlands op alle aanbiedingen, offertes en overeenkomsten van KoninkHoogendoorn Wijk en Aalburg Engelsestoof 10 - 4261 RA Wijk en Aalburg www.hogendoornholland.com T (0342) 494 263 M 06 51 80 63 25 G. Hoogenraad Wholesale Nursery Rijksweg 30a - 6744 WB Ederveen Netherlands www.hoogenraadplant.nl lijke BDU Uitgevers B.V. zijn van toepassing de voorwaarden, welke zijn gedepoE r.v.d.hoef@bdu.nl Hoogeveen Plants Denemarkenlaan 14 - 2391 PZ Hazerswoude neerd ter Griffie Netherlands http://hoogeveenplants.nl van de Arrondissementsrechtbanken en de KvK. Abonnementenservice INKARHO GmbH Brannenweg 5a - 26160 Bad Zwischenahn Germany www.inkarho.de 10702 Seaman Rd - Hebron, IL 60034-9535 USA www.intrinsicperennialgardens.com Aanvraag (ook via website deboomkwekerij.nl)Intrinsic en Perennial Gardens (IPG) The Ivy Farm P.O. Box 116 - Locustville VA 23404 USA www.theivyfarm.com wijziging abonnement naar Koninklijke BDU UitgeJan Willem Wezelenburg Nurseries Burgemeester Smitweg 59 - 2391 NE Hazerswoude Netherlands www.wezelenburg.nl vers, afdeling Vak- en Publieksmedia, Postbus Joanna 67, i Bronisław Szmit Szkółka Drzew i Krzewów Ozdobnych – 3770 AB Barneveld, T (0342) 494 844, F (0342) Poland www.szmit.pl P chcin - 18 - 06-400 Ciechaów De Jong Plant Alfensvaart 11 - 2771 NM Boskoop Netherlands www.dejongplant.nl 494 299, E abonnementen@bdu.nl. Op werkdagen Jos Cammeraat Nursery see: Jos Cammeraat Nursery Kieft Seed/PanAmerican Seed (Europe/Asia Oceania Region) P.O. Box 63 - 1606 ZH Venhuizen Netherlands
De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
30 Inhoudspagina-BKW14-17a.indd 3
baumschule@heinje.de info@edens-creations.eu p.bron@empatec.nl (Piet Bron) info@beauty-ladies.de sales@fitzgerald-nurseries.com florensis@florensis.com florist@gerbera.com info@futureplants.com info@gasa-germany.de info@gebr-alkemade.nl info@allplant.nl info@hansabred.org info@heidewelt.de info@hilverdakooij.nl rob@hethoefblad.nl info@hoekert.nl info@hooftman-boomkwekerij.nl info@hogendoornholland.com info@hoogenraadplant.nl info@hoogeveenplants.nl inkarho@t-online.de BrentH@intrinsicperennialgardens.com ivyfarm@theivyfarm.com
szmit@szmit.pl info@dejongplant.nl
De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
14-08-14 14:56
Text: Guus Wijchman Picture: Plantipp
Finding and marketing mutants can be A breeder reaps the benefits of hybridisation efforts but nature also contributes to variety innovation, for example, through mutations. Consumers appreciate new products. Is the market really interested in ‘freaks of nature’? For those who have found a beautiful new variety, marketing it is a challenge indeed. Ron van Opstal of the nursery with the same name in Zundert (the Netherlands) describes the impact of a self-discovered variety. Sometime in the 1990s, he was walking on his premises with his dog and discovered the variety that was later to be called Leucothoe axillaris ’Curly Red’. This mutant in a group of ’Zeblid’ stood out because of the curly leaf that changes colour with the season. He started with five cuttings, then
fifteen and slowly built up the stock. He introduced the innovation in 2002. Looking back on the attention the new cultivar received, he says it was a once in a lifetime find. Now ’Curly Red’ is one of the pillars of his company.
Keeping it to yourself Opstal applied for the plant breeder’s rights. At the time, PBR protection
was gradually receiving more attention in the tree nursery industry. Some colleagues did reproach him: „You want to keep it all to yourself, do you?” The nursery applied for the PBR in most future cases as well. The only exception are mutants that are mainly an addition to a series, but for which the market opportunities as an individual plant variety were doubtful. Ron van Opstal’s father had passed on an interest in potentially commercially viable mutants at the nursery. Each year he separates ten to fifteen species for further examination. After a year, only a few are still of interest. „Or none, as the case may be”, he says. He regularly introduces a new variety, such as
Leucothoe ’Helloween’ is a new variety introduced this year by Ron van Opstal.
De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Novelty mutanten UK.indd 4
14-08-14 15:20
an be challenging varieties of Abelia x grandiflora. This year, it is Leucothoe ’Helloween’.
Too much of a good thing „Every grower can find potentially interesting mutants at his or her nursery. They just have to be willing to put some effort into it”, says Van Opstal. Regarding the suggestion that perhaps it is just as well that not every variety is launched on the market , Van Opstal has two things to say: „Too many innovations may be too much of a good thing. On the other hand, mutants that are potentially important to the tree nursery product range are not always given a chance.” Van Opstal also points out that hybridisation of sown tree nursery products sometimes occurs spontaneously. This can also generate interesting plants. „Some growers in Zundert do check such seedlings and occasionally select one that is considered interesting.”
Sufficiently different? A mutant originates from an existing cultivar. When a species is launched on the market, it apparently deviates sufficiently in the eyes of the grower and/or the licensing agency to be of interest. Oliver Mathys, however, has his doubts. Since the beginning of this month he works for the ceramics department of D&M Depot in Belgium. Before that he worked as an executive at Javado for several years. At this Dutch export company, he steadfastly promoted offering a broad range of ornamental plants. As far as Mathys was concerned, new varieties were always welcome. He does, however, wonder whether some of the introduced mutants are sufficiently distinctive. He describes the picture of a grower who loves those tiny differences that make a certain new variety different. „Is the consumer actually aware of those dif-
ferences? I find this doubtful.” Mathys also refers to the broad tree nursery range. A new variety would hardly stand out. He also states that exporters are increasingly focusing on mass markets and are swayed by current trends. „When a new variety is introduced, it can hardly be distinguished as such in the shop”, he says. „Not so long ago, growers could benefit from an actual new variety for three to four years. Nowadays, a new plant is soon included with the ’regular trade products’, meaning it has virtually no added value.”
Exclusive seller In spite of his scepticism, Mathys encourages growers to keep an eye out for mutants at their nursery. „If you feel you have something really special and different, you could consider offering it to a single trader. Discuss what he can do as exclusive seller.” Mathys also mentions the importance of growers knowing their buyers and retail channels. Social media such as Facebook are another option. „When growers put new varieties on display on social media, they find out soon enough if there is an interest.” Mathys believes that social media are a medium for growers to come into contact with end users.
Different interests The Dutch based Breederplants company is one of the licensing agencies where breeders and growers launch new plants, including mutants. Ronald Laman of Breederplants indicates these include many variegated varieties. Is the market really interested in the large variety of (variegated) species? Laman is doubtful, but immediately downplays his statement stating that Breederplants focuses on Eastern Europe (countries such as Poland and Hungary).
According to him, they have a different way of looking at new species than in Western Europe. He mentions the Hungarian Elemer Barabit who has a large number of new plants to his name, mostly mutants and from witches’ brooms. He estimates there is little or no interest in these varieties in Western Europe. In Hungary, Elemer Barabit’s plants are greatly appreciated.
Larger scope of agencies Laman advises every grower to first propagate any special plants that are found at the nursery. When after a year or two of propagation the mutant is uniform, they can consider calling in a licensing agency such as Breederplants. Laman: „I assume that a grower does have some idea about the marketing opportunities of a new variety. However, our scope is much greater. For example, we can provide growers and breeders with information on the East European market.” Breederplants always tests new plants in the aforementioned countries. According to Laman, the temperatures in the south of Hungary range from +45°C to -35°C. These tests offer sufficient guarantees regarding winter-hardiness and that variegated species will not be interrelated.
Selection is crucial Laman encourages growers to continue selecting. He makes a comparison with the breeders’ world. „Everyone can put plants together. The selection after hybridisation is critical. This is where the true breeder is able to distinguish himself.” Selection is also crucial to selecting deviating seedlings from sown tree nursery products, states Laman. Only through proper selection do you end up with a ’lucky sho(o)t’. < De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Novelty mutanten UK.indd 5
14-08-14 15:20
Text: Ketura Haveman Pictures: Emiel van den Berg, Gerdien de Nooy
The value of new varieties for the pr Every year new plants are presented at the Plantarium. What is the value of these new varieties to their growers? Two of these growers tell their story.
Léon Hereijgers:
’Our buyers opt for proven species’ Perennial nursery De Noordhoek in
the cultivation phase. This is interesting
species that are no longer popular or
Schijf (the Netherlands) has a wide
to growers of bedding plants, as they
plants that have proven themselves
range of perennials. These are mainly
strive for a cultivation that is as short and
abroad.” <
well-known species that have proven
controllable as possible.”
their value as garden plants. Innovati-
According to the perennial grower, the
ons hardly come into play at this nursery.
quality of the plants is secondary to their
Léon Hereijgers: „We grow plants for a
appearance. „The focus lies on their vi-
demand-based market. We complete
sual characteristics, while the perfor-
planting lists. When creating these lists,
mance of the new plants in the garden is
the selected plants are proven varie-
not taken into account much. Many new
ties. New varieties are not included. This
plants are insufficiently winter-hardy,
means we have no interest in growing
do not return the next year or collapse
new species.”
when in bloom but are marketed as pe-
Hereijgers questions the benefit of the
rennials. There are, of course, those who
many new varieties that are launched.
buy a perennial as a bedding plant or a
„I can understand there may be a de-
bunch of flowers. They have the plant for
mand for something new as a special
a few weeks, it dies and they buy a new
offer, but I doubt whether the end con-
one. There are also consumers who ac-
sumer is really looking for new options.
tually buy the plant as a perennial to add
I think it is probably something growers
to their garden. When such a plant dies
or traders use to entice their buyers. In
after a few weeks or during the summer,
practice, these new varieties are often
it is not good advertisement for our pro-
not really that original. To a specialist, it
may be interesting to see a new Heuchera, for example, with leaves of a slightly different red hue, but to the consumer it
is just another red-leaved Heuchera and
Hereijgers, on the other hand, does
has no added value. They simply want a
not recommend concentrating only on
green or red-leaved variety and are not
known species. „Horticulturists and
looking for a specific hue of red.”
garden designers may tend to opt for known species because they know what
can be expected. This includes the risk of the range becoming very predictable.
„Innovations mainly focus on the vi-
We do point out other options to our
sual market. Breeders and propagators
buyers. Every newsletter features ano-
welcome a new species for its slightly
ther species in the spotlight. This may
deeper red colour or its slightly larger
be a new plant we know can survive in
flowers. The innovation is often that a
the garden or in public areas. The Spot-
species blooms slightly earlier during
light also pays attention to well-known
„The focus of the novelties lies on their visual characteristics”, says Léon Hereijgers
De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Novelty sortimentswaarde UK.indd 6
14-08-14 15:21
he product range Pam Stolwijk:
’New varieties are the crown on our work’ Innovations form an essential part of the product range of tree nursery Joh Stolwijk & Sons in Boskoop (the Netherlands). Pam Stolwijk: „The new species are the distinguishing factor. Without new varieties everyone would offer the same range. New varieties are the crown on our work.” Every year, the Stolwijk catalogue includes new species. These are always licensed species. Sometimes these are bought from licensing agencies, but the grower is also actively looking for new species. „In order to be able to grow new varieties, you must be fully aware of your sources. The Chelsea Flower Show, for example, is an important venue to look for new plants.” Stolwijk does not limit its quest to Europe. „We have contacts in America and New Zealand, who inform us when there are new options. New Zealand, in particular, is a major source of new varieties for us.”
Duration Just how long a new plant retains its value to entice customers strongly varies per plant. „Some species lose their value after two years, while others remain popular for five. Take the Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’ as an example. It has been on the market for a number of years now, but it is still sought after and sells at a good price. That is the mark of a good innovation.” According to Stolwijk the added value of a new variety continues as long as it is not included in the standard range. „Plant licenses are expensive. That is not an issue as long as the plant provides added value. For this, it has to be distinguishable from the existing product range. There are rachides of magnolia species, for example, that cost €10 each. As long as the consumer is willing to pay €48 and not €38, it is not a problem. However, such plants should not end up for
Pam (left) and Johan Stolwijk. Pam Stolwijk believes that a new variety has to be a true addition to the existing selection. sale at the supermarket. Once they do,
Each year Stolwijk is at the Plantarium
you no longer can ask a good price and
and the IPM to showcase the nursery’s
the added value of your new variety is
broad and original range of products.
„We want to distinguish ourselves from
Stolwijk believes that a new variety
other growers at these events.” They cur-
has to be a true addition to the existing
rently do this year round at the Harry van
selection. „It must look different and
de Laar ‘Sortimentstuin’ (Range Garden)
not be similar to something we already
in Boskoop. „We have planted a small
have. Only truly new varieties can make
plot and again our focus is on the wide
a difference. You have to develop a sixth
range of our products but, especially, on
sense for innovative new varieties.”
the new varieties in our selection.” < De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Novelty sortimentswaarde UK.indd 7
14-08-14 15:22
Uw bedrijfsprocessen automatiseren? Javo zorgt voor efficiĂŤntie en inzicht! Kwekerijen over de hele wereld hebben al gekozen voor Javo als betrouwbare toeleverancier. Wij bieden al meer dan 40 jaar automatiseringen op maat voor de vooruitstrevende kweker. Samen met onze machinefabriek Nobels, staan wij in het teken van ontwikkeling, fabricage en advisering van potmachines, trayautomatisering,
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14-8-2014 9:46:27
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Special BOO p10.indd 1
12.08.14 08:36
14-8-2014 12:34:18
Text: Guus Wijchman
Plantarium shows more than 110 new varieties This year more than 110 novelties have been entered into the Plantarium 2014 new plant competition. At this trade fair for hardy nusery stock many of these plants will be introduced for the first time. Others made their debut on other shows or have already proven themselves on other markets such as North-America and Australia/New Zealand. The new introductions that are submitted to the new plant competition are traditionally judged by the Royal Boskoop Horticultural Society. Tough trials will decide which of all these new plants are the best. At the opening of this year’s trade fair the winners will be announced.
Opening hours The 32nd edition of the International trade fair Plantarium takes place at the Plantarium building, Italiëlaan 4 (International Trade Centre) in Hazerswoude/
In this Plantarium 2014 special of De Boomkwekerij all official entries are described. It might be that some plants will not be present at the show. Usually some of the entries are withdrawn at the last minute because despite all (Pink efforts these Abelia ’Abenov41’ Pong) plants are not at their best right now. W/B: Inra/Saphinov. Pink Pong is very floriferous On the other hand propagators andD: growers also introduce over a long period of time (Maynovelties at Plantarium ’14 withoutOctober). necessarily entering It is decorative from them spring onwards due to its big into the competition. violet flowers. Its evergreen copThis all makes the trade fair to an international showcase per purple calyces are attractive in that illustrates the current renewalautumn. and enrichment of the French agency Sapho is markehardy nursery stock and perennialM:assortment.
Opening hours for visitors are: > Wednesday August 27th: 09.00 - 18.00 uur; > Thursday August 28th: - 18.00 uur; Abelia09.00 grandiflora ’Minduo1’ > Friday August 29th: 09.00 - 18.00 uur; (Sunny Charms)
W/B: Nursery (France). > Saturday August 30th: 09.00Minier - 16.00 uur.
D: Evergreen to semi-evergreen
Sunny Charms is blooming from
July to September. Theofflowers Trade visitors can visit the fair free charge by using inside essentially pale yellow, the complimentaryare ticket provided and/or by means punctuated by dark yellow, outside
of digital preregistration. Without the purple pink exterior preregistration, and the copper coloured admission price is €10 p.p.calices.
M: Marketed in Europe by French
ting this abelia.
P: PBR applied for.
agency Sapho. Several US-growers supply it already.
P: Plant Patent Applied For/PBR.
Acer palmatum ‘Starfish’ W/B: Piet Vergeldt (Netherlands). D: ‘Starfish’ has deeply incised
Agapanthus ‘Golden Drop’ W/B: Hortex Trees and Shrubs (New Abelia gran
Abelia ’Abenov41 ’ (Pink Pong) W/B: Inra/Saphin ov. D: Pink Pong is very
of an intense red colour. Its W/B: winner or breeder of leaves the novelty habit is compact and erect (height D: Description of the plant200 cm/width 75cm). It should be sited in sun or partial shade and is M: Market situation or marketing of the new plant winterhardy down to -22°C. P: Protection by Plant Breeders (PBR), or Plant M: DutchRight grower Van Son & Koot introduces ‘Starfish’ at Plantarium Patent. ‘14
D: ‘Golden Drop’, a mutation of A.
Zealand). With its golden leaves
P: PBR applied for.
‘Golden Drop’ is equally attractive when out of flower.
Acer palmatum ‘Starfish’ W/B: Piet Vergeldt (Netherlands). D: ‘Starfish’ has deepl
M: In 2012 launched at the UK
Agapanthus ‘Gold
en Drop’
y incised leaves of an intens e red colour. Its habit is compact and erect (heigh t 200 cm/width 75cm) . It should be sited in sun or partia l shade and is winterhardy down to -22°C. M: Dutch grower Van Son & Koot introduces ‘Starfi sh’ at Plantarium ‘14
W/B: Hortex Trees and Shrubs (New Chelsea Flower Show. This year Van Zealand). D: ‘Golden Drop’, a mutation of A. Vliet New Plants introduces ‘Golden ‘Streamline’,
was obtained in New
Zealand). With its golden leaves Drop’ on the European market and‘Golde n Drop’ is equal
ly attractive when out of flowe r. M: In 2012 launch ed at the UK Chelsea Flower Show. This year Van Vliet New Plants introduces ‘Golde n Drop’ on the Europ ean market and submits it too Planta rium ‘14. P: PBR.
submits it too Plantarium ‘14. d by Plantipp. P: PBR.
P: PBR administrate
Anisodontea ‘Briv ingt’ (Coralie) W/B: Yves Le Guenn ec (France). D: Coralie was select
Anisodontea ‘Brivingt’ (Coralie) W/B: Yves Le Guennec (France). D: Coralie was selected from seed-
Astilbe ‘Raspberry Astilbe ‘Raspberry’ ’ W/B: Jan Verschoor (Netherlands) D: ‘Raspberry’ reache W/B: Jan Verschoor (Netherlands) s a height of 25 to 35 cm and has dark-pink plumes. The new winte r-hardy cultivar D: ‘Raspberry’ reaches a height isof an addition to
ed from seedlings in the test green-house from André Briant Jeune s Plants (France). It blooms with pink flowers from March to Novem ber (year-round in mild climates). A compact, evergreen shrub (1,50 m x 1 m) with robust, stocky branc hes and small green leaves. M: Expected introd uction in 2015. PBR.
the Short n’ Sweet
dwarf series from Verschoor. Their 25 to 35 cm and has dark-pink pluheight should make
them suitable for growing in pots. M: Short n’ Sweet astilbes are on the market in a number of countries, including the US. P: PBR applied for (administrator Compass Plants ).
mes. The new winter-hardy cultivar
lings in the test green-house from André Briant Jeunes Plants (France).
is an addition to the Short n’ Sweet dwarf series from Verschoor. Their
It blooms with pink flowers from
Astilbe ‘Versred’ (Younique Ruby Red) W/B:
height should make them suitable
March to November (year-round in
Jan Verschoor (Neth
for growing in pots.
mild climates). A compact, ever-
erlands) Red flowers in June-July and has pale-red to darkpink plumes. The Younique series has earlier bloom time and has a more compact, rounded growing habit. The series should also have an increased diseas e resistance. M: Younique astilbe s are on the market in a numb er of countries. P: PBR applied for (administrator Compass Plants ).
D: Younique Ruby
Astilbe ‘Visions Inferno’ (Inferno) W/B: De Draak (Neth erlands). D: When flowering,
M: Short n’ Sweet astilbes arelargeonwhite
green shrub (1,50 m x 1 m) with robust, stocky branches and small
the long and -pink plume of Inferno
changes to green from the bottom the market in a number of counupwards.
green leaves.
LijstIntro-BKW14-17a.indd 11
evergreen Sunny Charms is blooming from July to September. The flowers are inside essen tially pale yellow , punctuated by dark yellow, outside purple pink exteri or and the coppe r coloured calices. M: Marketed in Europ e by French agency Sapho. Several US-growers supply it alread y. P: Plant Patent Applie d For/PBR.
‘Streamline’, was obtained in New
P: PBR administrated by Plantipp.
M: Expected introduction in 2015. P: PBR.
diflora ’Minduo1’ (Sunny Charms) W/B: Nursery Minie r (France). D: Evergreen to semi-
floriferous over a long period of time (MayOctober). It is decor ative from spring onwards due to its big violet flowers. Its evergreen copper purple calyce s are attractive in autumn. M: French agency Sapho is marke ting this abelia.
tries, including the US.
As a result, the plant looks attractive for a long period . M: Inferno is being marketed by Futureplants, which has also entered the plant for the new plant competition of Plantarium ‘14. The plant was bred by VOF de Draak . P: Plant Patent Apllie d For/PBR.
P: PBR applied for (administrator
De Boomkwekerij
17A (22 augustus 2014)
Compass Plants).
Astilbe ‘Versred’ (Younique Ruby Red) W/B: Jan Verschoor (Netherlands) D: Younique Ruby Red flowers in
Astilbe ‘Visions Inferno’ (Inferno) W/B: De Draak (Netherlands). D: When flowering, the long and De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
June-July and has pale-red to dark-
large white-pink plume of Inferno
pink plumes. The Younique series
changes to green from the bottom
has earlier bloom time and has a
upwards. As a result, the plant
more compact, rounded growing
looks attractive for a long period.
habit. The series should also have
M: Inferno is being marketed by
14-08-14 14:56
Abelia ’Abenov41’ (Pink Pong) W/B: Inra/Saphinov. D: Pink Pong is very floriferous over a long period of time (May-
Abelia grandiflora ’Minduo1’ (Sunny Charms) W/B: Nursery Minier (France). D: Evergreen to semi-evergreen
October). It is decorative from
Sunny Charms is blooming from
spring onwards due to its big
July to September. The flowers
violet flowers. Its evergreen cop-
are inside essentially pale yellow,
per purple calyces are attractive in
punctuated by dark yellow, outside
purple pink exterior and the copper
M: French agency Sapho is marke-
coloured calices.
ting this abelia.
M: Marketed in Europe by French
P: PBR applied for.
agency Sapho. Several US-growers supply it already.
P: Plant Patent Applied For/PBR.
Acer palmatum ‘Starfish’ W/B: Piet Vergeldt (Netherlands). D: ‘Starfish’ has deeply incised
Agapanthus ‘Golden Drop’ W/B: Hortex Trees and Shrubs (New
leaves of an intense red colour. Its
D: ‘Golden Drop’, a mutation of A.
habit is compact and erect (height
‘Streamline’, was obtained in New
200 cm/width 75cm). It should be
Zealand). With its golden leaves
sited in sun or partial shade and is
‘Golden Drop’ is equally attractive
winterhardy down to -22°C.
when out of flower.
M: Dutch grower Van Son & Koot
M: In 2012 launched at the UK
introduces ‘Starfish’ at Plantarium
Chelsea Flower Show. This year Van
Vliet New Plants introduces ‘Golden
P: PBR administrated by Plantipp.
Drop’ on the European market and submits it too Plantarium ‘14.
Anisodontea ‘Brivingt’ (Coralie) W/B: Yves Le Guennec (France). D: Coralie was selected from seed-
Astilbe ‘Raspberry’ W/B: Jan Verschoor (Netherlands) D: ‘Raspberry’ reaches a height of 25 to 35 cm and has dark-pink plu-
lings in the test green-house from
mes. The new winter-hardy cultivar
André Briant Jeunes Plants (France).
is an addition to the Short n’ Sweet
It blooms with pink flowers from
dwarf series from Verschoor. Their
March to November (year-round in
height should make them suitable
mild climates). A compact, ever-
for growing in pots.
green shrub (1,50 m x 1 m) with
M: Short n’ Sweet astilbes are on
robust, stocky branches and small
the market in a number of coun-
green leaves.
tries, including the US.
M: Expected introduction in 2015. P: PBR.
P: PBR applied for (administrator
Astilbe ‘Versred’ (Younique Ruby Red) W/B: Jan Verschoor (Netherlands) D: Younique Ruby Red flowers in
Astilbe ‘Visions Inferno’ (Inferno) W/B: De Draak (Netherlands). D: When flowering, the long and
June-July and has pale-red to dark-
large white-pink plume of Inferno
pink plumes. The Younique series
changes to green from the bottom
has earlier bloom time and has a
upwards. As a result, the plant
Compass Plants).
more compact, rounded growing
looks attractive for a long period.
habit. The series should also have
M: Inferno is being marketed by
an increased disease resistance.
Futureplants, which has also ente-
M: Younique astilbes are on the
red the plant for the new plant
market in a number of countries.
competition of Plantarium ‘14. The
P: PBR applied for (administrator
plant was bred by VOF de Draak.
Compass Plants).
P: Plant Patent Apllied For/PBR.
De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Noviteiten2014-BKW17a nummer 1.indd 12
14-08-14 15:37
Astrantia major ‘Star of Magic’ W/B: Ron de Jong (Netherlands). D: ‘Star of Magic’ is a variegated
Berberis thunbergii ‘Lutin Rouge’ W/B: Pépinière Jean-Pierre
Astrantia. The leaves are dark-green
D: ‘Lutin Rouge’ is compact in habit
and cream. The flowers are red and
(height 40 cm/width 15 cm). Leaves
contrast with the variegated leaves.
appear intensely red in full sun but
M: Nursery Het Hoefblad submits
fresh green in shade. The plant
‘Star of Magic’ to the new plant
should be winter-hardy down to
competition of Plantarium ‘14. The
Hennebelle (France).
plant is marketed by Het Hoefblad
M: Dutch growers About Plants
and Gootjes Allplant.
and Vromans Kwekerijen introduce
‘Lutin Rouge’ at Plantarium ’14.
P: PBR administrated by Plantipp.
Berberis thunbergii ‘Natasza’ W/B: Szkółki Kurowscy (Poland). D: ‘Natasza’ has multicolored leaves
Buddleja davidii ‘Podaras 9’ (Flutterby Pink) W/B: Peter Podaras (USA).
and pink-red stems. New pink/
Flutterby is a new series of non-
red shoots are straight and extend
invasive, compact Buddlejas bred at
upwards. In the next year they
the Cornell University (USA). These
branch out to the sides and bend
hybrids are heavily reblooming as
over. It grows up to 1 m high/wide.
the plant does not put energy into
Twigs on older stems are arranged
seed production. New to the series
is Flutterby Pink.
M: Szkółki Kurowscy released
M: In 2013 Van Vliet New Plants
‘Natasza’ to the market in 2013.
brought it onto the market.
P: PBR administrated by
P: Patent/PBR.
Buddleja ‘Pink Micro Chip’ (Pink Chip) W/B: D. Werner, North Caroline
Calluna vulgaris ‘Katja’ W/B: Kurt Kramer (Germany). D: ‘Katja’ with bright green leaves
State University (USA).
combined with bright red buds, is
D: Pink Chip is an addition to the
adding a new colour to the range of
current Chip varieties. It is just
bud-flowering heathers. The colour
like all the other Chip varieties,
gives striking accents to all autumn
low-growing with a profusion of
flowers. Suitable as a pot plant and
M: Heidezüchtung Kramer launches
for ground cover.
it onto the market as part of the
M: Valkplant is marketing Pink Chip
Garden Girls range. GASA Germany
in Europe and also entered it for
submits it to the new plants com-
the new plant awards.
petition of Plantarium ‘14.
P: Plant Patent and PBR applied for.
Calluna vulgaris ‘Mary Lu’ W/B: Kurt Kramer (Germany). D: The large white buds of the
Calluna vulgaris ‘Meike’ W/B: Eden’s Creations. D: ‘Meike’ is purple in colour and
bud-flowering heather ‘Mary Lu’ are
should have long life. It is part of
significantly larger than those of
the Beauty Ladies range. Five new
the existing species.
colours in this line will be submit-
M: Heidezüchtung Kramer launches
ted to the Plantarium ‘14 novelty
‘Mary Lu’ onto the market as part
of the Garden Girls range. GASA
M: Europlant Canders is launching
Germany submits it to the new
these Beauty Ladies, including
plants competition.
‘Meike’ onto the market.
De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Noviteiten2014-BKW17a nummer 1.indd 13
14-08-14 15:37
Calluna vulgaris ‘Melina’ W/B: Eden’s Creations. D: ‘Melina’ originates from a muta-
Calluna vulgaris ‘Saskia’ W/B: Eden’s Creations. D: ‘Saskia’ is a red bud-flowering
tion of ‘Veluwe’ and its flowers are
Calluna vulgaris that should be
pink in colour. ‘Melina’ is one of the
very healthy. This plant also has
five Beauty Ladies that will be sub-
according to the breeder a long life.
mitted to the Plantarium ‘14 novelty
‘Saskia’ is one of the five Beauty
Ladies that will be submitted to the
M: Europlant Canders (Germany) is
Plantarium ‘14 novelty competition.
launching the Beauty Ladies, inclu-
M: Europlant Canders is launching
ding ‘Melina’ onto the market.
the Beauty Ladies, including ‘Saskia’
onto the market.
Calluna vulgaris ‘Sylvia’ W/B: Eden’s Creations. D: ‘Sylvia’ is an early bloomer
Calluna vulgaris ‘Vera’ W/B: Eden’s Creations. D: ‘Vera’ is a white early bud-
that has red flowers. The plant, a
flowering Calluna vulgaris that has
mutant of ‘Sylke’ is one of the five
very dense buds. The plant grows
Beauty Ladies that will be submit-
stiff and upright and should have
ted to the Plantarium ‘14 novelty
a very long life. ‘Vera’ is one of the
five Beauty Ladies that will be sub-
M: Europlant Canders is launching
mitted to the Plantarium ‘14 novelty
the Beauty Ladies, including ‘Sylvia’
onto the market.
M: Europlant Canders is launching
the Beauty Ladies, including ‘Sylvia’ onto the market.
Calluna vulgaris ‘Weiße Lena’ W/B: Johannes van Leuven D: The silvery buds of this bud-
Campanula ‘Iribella’ (Iridescent Bells) W/B: Burpee NL (Netherlands). D: Iridescent Bells has dark purple
flowering heather ‘Weiße Lena’
buds and the light sky blue flowers.
change colour early in the season
It starts to flower at the end of May
into the pure white. With this intro-
and continues to flower until the
duction all the main colours are
first frost in the autumn.
now available in the form of early
M: Iridescent Bells will be launched
flowering Summer Line heathers.
onto the market by Dutch grower
M: GASA Germany submits it to the
Rijnbeek en Zoon. This nursery has
novelty competition. Heidezüchtung
also entered the plant for novelty
Kramer launches it.
competition of Plantarium ‘14.
Campanula punctata ‘Silver Bells’ W/B: Walter Blom Plants (Netherlands).
Campsis ‘Takarazuka Fresa’ (Summer Jazz Fire) W/B: Koichi Sakaue ( Japan). D: The flowers of Summer Jazz
D: ‘Silver Bells’ has dark-green/
Fire are Dragon’s breath red with
purple leaves and the pale-pink
intense orange overtones. Just like
bells on red stems which provide
Summer Jazz Gold (see right above)
an attractive contrast. The plant is
the novelty is characterized as ‘Half
compact and flowers profusely.
the size and half the vigour – this
M: Compass Plants is marketing
Campsis doesn’t overdo it’.
the plant with Walter Blom Plants.
M: Ball Ornamentals is marketing it
Several growers around the world
and Hoogeveen Plants submits it to
are growing ‘Silver Bells’.
the new plants competition.
P: Patent/PBR applied for.
De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Noviteiten2014-BKW17a nummer 2.indd 14
14-08-14 15:38
Campsis ‘Takarazuka Yellow’ (Summer Jazz Gold) W/B: Koichi Sakaue ( Japan) D: Summer Jazz Gold has dark
Carex oshimensis ‘Eversheen’ W/B: Pat Fitzgerald (Ireland). D: ‘Eversheen’ has variegated yellow and green leaves with a darker
green, clean foliage and large flo-
green at the edges. This is consi-
wers that start peach-orange and
dered as a healthy winter-hardy
mature to yellow with throats that
(25°C) and evergreen grower.
are orange-red with red veining. The
M: Fitzgerald Nurseries (Ireland)
vining plant is compact and upright.
introduces ‘Eversheen’ as part of
M: Ball Ornamentals is marketing
the EverColor Carex Collection at
it and Hoogeveen Plants submits
Plantarium 2014. Plantipp submits it
it to the new plants competition of
to the novelty competition.
Plantarium ‘14
P: PBR applied for (Plantipp in
P: Patent/PBR applied for.
Europe/Concept Plants in USA).
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Goldfield’ (Woody World Goldfield) W/B: H.C. Hoekert/Eden’s Creations
Choisya ‘Pmoore06’ (Royal Lace) W/B: Peter Moore (England). D: Royal Lace is a compact shrub
with deeply incised lemon-coloured
D: ‘Goldfield’ is a mutant from
foliage. The scented white flowers
‘Snow White’. Its golden yellow
appear in the autumn. It should be
colour sets ‘Goldfield’ apart. The
winter-hardy down to -20°C.
new cultivar is an addition to the
M: It was one of the novelties at
Woody World range.
the HTA National Plant Show 2013
M: Dutch nursery Hoekert is
(UK). Grower About Plants Zundert
launching the plant onto the mar-
introduces it at Plantarium ‘14.
P: PBR applied for (administrator
Clematis ‘Maria Skłodowska Curie’ W/B: Szczepan Marczynski (Poland). D: ‘Maria Skłodowska Curie’ has
Clematis ‘Morning Sky’ W/B: Szczepan Marczynski (Poland). D: ‘Morning Sky’ has pale violetpink, almost circular flowers with
double or semi-double white
pink veins. They (diameter 8-10 cm)
flowers ( June-July) 12 - 15 cm in
become paler in colour towards the
diameter. During cool weather, the
centre. The plant blooms profusely
flowers gain a green colouring,
end of June/middle of August, with
especially at the base. The plant
a second flush until the end of
reaches a height of around 2 m.
September. Height 3 m.
M: This clematis is being marketed
M: ‘Morning Sky’ is being marketed
by Clematis Zródło Dobrych Pnaczy
by Clematis Zródło Dobrych Pnaczy
(Clematis Container Nursery).
(Clematis Container Nursery).
Clematis ‘Skyfall’ W/B: Szczepan Marczynski (Poland). D: ‘Skyfall’ has pale-blue flowers
Clematis ‘Starburst’ W/B: Szczepan Marczynski (Poland). D: The colour of ‘Starburst’ flowers
with irregular splashes of pale vio-
(10-12cm in diameter) is described
let which become paler towards the
as intriguing pale pink-violet tur-
centre. The veins are pink. Flowers
ning white towards the centre, with
10-12cm in diameter. Blooms from
pink veins. ‘Starburst’ should bloom
mid-June until the end of July and
profusely from the end of June until
continues moderately until the end
mid-August and continue modera-
of August. Height 2.5m.
tely until the end of September.
M: ‘Skyfall’ is being marketed by
M: ‘Starburst’ is being marketed
Clematis Zródło Dobrych Pnaczy
by Clematis Zródło Dobrych Pnaczy
(Clematis Container Nursery).
(Clematis Container Nursery).
P: PBR. De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Noviteiten2014-BKW17a nummer 2.indd 15
14-08-14 15:38
Standnr.: 293
Standnr.: 153
Standnr.: 163
Standnr.: 151
Standnr.: 249
Standnr.: 299
Standnr.: 71
Standnr.: 188
Standnr.: 175
Beursplattegrond_Plantarium.indd Alle pagina's Special BOO p16.indd 1
14-8-2014 13:15:22
Special BOO p16.indd 1
14-08-14 12:36 14-8-2014 13:16:04
Clematis ‘Viva Polonia’ W/B: Szczepan Marczy ski (Poland). D: ‘Viva Polonia’ has single, red-
Clematis ‘Zo09045’ (Blue Ocean) W/B: Clematis Nursery J. van Zoest
white flowers (12-15 cm in dia-
meter) pointing upwards and out-
D: Blue Ocean is a winter-hardy
wards. The deep-red anthers should
semi-climbing Clematis (height of
contrast nicely with the lemon-
up to 1 m). The stems are dark pur-
yellow filaments. ‘Viva Polonia’
ple. The flowers slightly scent and
reaches a height of around 2 m.
are a dark, shiny violet-blue colour.
M: ‘Viva Polonia’ is being marketed
Flowers on new shoots.
by Clematis Zródło Dobrych Pnaczy
M: Blue Ocean is marketed by J. van
(Clematis Container Nursery) in
Zoest. Cut flower production exclu-
sively under contract.
P: PBR applied for.
Clematis ‘Zo09087’ (Rosalyn) W/B: Clematis Nursery J. van Zoest
Cosmos atrosanguineus ‘Hamcoec’ (Eclipse) W/B: Keith Hammett (New
D: Rosalyn is a winter-hardy
Clematis (height of up to 2 m). The
D: Eclipse is considered as an unu-
leaves are pinnate and pale green.
sual addition to the Florensis range
The flowers are mostly upright or
of Cosmos. It is more compact, is
slightly nodding, 4 cm in diameter,
more generously flowering and has
spreading and double red-purple.
a darker colour.
Flowers on new shoots.
M: Hammett named in 2014. In
M: Rosalyn is marketed by J. van
2015 it will be brought onto the
Zoest. Cut flower production exclu-
European market by Florensis.
sively under contract.
P: PBR applied for.
P: PBR applied for.
Dahlia ‘Hawaiian Dreams’ (Mystic Fantasy) W/B: Keith Hammett (New Zealand). D: Mystic Fantasy is part of the
Delosperma nubigenum ‘WOWDAY2’ (Fire Wonder) W/B: Koichiro Nishikawa ( Japan). D: Fire Wonder is one of the three
Dahlia Mystic series, including
new Delosperma Wheels of Wonder
about ten colours. The flowers
varieties from Japan. They flower
are an exotic flamingo pink shade
profusely, grow fast and have large
while the leaves are dark.
flowers. Fire Wonder has red flo-
M: Gebr. Alkemade, Remon
Bakhuijzen and Gootjes Allplant
M: Dutch growers Gebr. Alkemade
introduce Mystic Fantasy at
and Jos Cammeraat introduce
Plantarium ‘14.
Wheels of Wonder series at
P: Plant Patent/PBR administrated
Plantarium ‘14.
by European agency Plantipp.
P: PBR administrated by Plantipp.
Delosperma nubigenum ‘WOWDOY3’ (Orange Wonder) W/B: Koichiro Nishikawa ( Japan). D: Orange Wonder is one of the
Delosperma nubigenum ‘WOWDRW5’ (Violet Wonder) W/B: Koichiro Nishikawa ( Japan). D: Violet Wonder is one of the three
three new Delosperma Wheels of
Delosperma Wheels of Wonder
Wonder varieties from Japan. They
varieties from Japan. They flower
flower profusely, grow fast and
profusely, grow fast and have large
have large flowers. Orange Wonder
flowers. This Delosperma has violet
has orange flowers.
flowers with white hearts.
M: Dutch growers Gebr. Alkemade
M: Dutch growers Gebr. Alkemade
and Jos Cammeraat introduce
and Jos Cammeraat introduce
Wheels of Wonder at Plantarium
the Wheels of Wonder series at
Plantarium ‘14.
P: PBR administrated by Plantipp.
P: PBR administrated by Plantipp.
De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Noviteiten2014-BKW17a nummer 3.indd 18
14-08-14 15:39
Dianella revoluta ‘Allyn Citation’ (Coolvista) W/B: Noel & Charles Jupp (Australia). D: Coolvista is a quick-growing,
Dianthus ‘Hilbeanaom’ (Beauty Naomi) W/B: HilverdaKooij (Netherlands). D: Beauty Naomi is an addition to
winter-hardy (-5°C) grass. With
the Beauties series of pot plant
grey-blue leaves giving it a striking
varieties that are distinctive by
appearance the plant reaches some
colour, shape and growing habits.
60 cm in height with a spread of
The new cultivar has a profusion of
around 30 cm.
large fuschia-pink flowers.
M: In Europe Coolvista was introdu-
M: HilverdaKooij is marketing this
ced at IPM 2014 by Amigra Grasses
plant. Cuttings of this variety will
& More.
be available from September 2014.
P: Plant Patent/PBR administrated
by Plantipp.
Dianthus ‘Hiljagua’ (Sunflor Jaguar) W/B: HilverdaKooij (Netherlands) D: Sunflor Jaguar is an addition to
Dicentra ‘Love Hearts’ W/B: Götenborgs Botaniska
the Sunflor series. It is a compact
Dicentra which reaches a height
plant which blooms profusely and
of around 20-25cm. The leaves are
has fresh, two-tone flowers which
dark blue-grey and are so thick that
are red and dark red. Sunflor Jaguar
they resemble rubber. The heart-
should be very suitable for growing
shaped flowers are yellow-green,
in cold greenhouses.
with a white base and purple tips.
Trädgärd (Sweden).
D: ‘Love Hearts’ is a compact
M: HilverdaKooij is marketing this
M: Compass Plants enters the plant
plant. Cuttings of this variety will
onto the European market. Some
be available from September ’14.
US-growers already supply it.
Dicentra ‘Sulphur Hearts’ W/B: Compass Plants D: ‘Sulphur Hearts’ is a compact
Dicentra ‘Sweet Hearts’ W/B: Akira Shiozaki ( Japan). D: ‘Sweet Hearts’ is a compact
Dicentra with blue-grey leaves.
Dicentra with a profusion of pale-
With the combination of the sulphur
pink flowers. The leaves are grey-
yellow flowers with lilac tips and
blue. The plant flowers for a long
the red stems it stands out from
period, from May until the first
the other dicentras on the market.
night frosts, reaches a height of
It should be winter-hardy.
25-35 cm and is winter-hardy.
M: Compass Plants is entering
M: Compass Plants is marketing
‘Sulphur Hearts’ onto the market.
‘Sweet Hearts’ in collaboration with
Dutch propagator Hogendoorn Wijk
Walter Blom Plants.
en Aalburg supplies young plants.
P: -
P: PBR applied for.
Echinacea ‘Mooodz Cosy’ W/B: HilverdaKooij (Netherlands) D: The Mooodz range, which will
Echinacea ‘Mooodz In Love’ W/B: HilverdaKooij (Netherlands) D: The Mooodz range, which will
be introduced at Plantarium ’14,
be introduced at Plantarium ‘14,
consists of Echinacea which can
consists of Echinacea which can
be grown within a short period.
be grown within a short period.
The varieties develop well-tillered
The varieties develop well-tillered
plants with a uniform and com-
plants with a uniform and compact
pact habit. ‘Mooodz Cosy’ is a pink
habit. ‘Mooodz In Love’ has lilac
M: HilverdaKooij is marketing
M: HilverdaKooij is marketing
‘Mooodz Cosy’. Mooodz cuttings will
‘Mooodz Shiny’. Mooodz cuttings
be available from week 5/2015.
will be available from week 5/2015.
P: PBR De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Noviteiten2014-BKW17a nummer 3.indd 19
14-08-14 15:39
Echinacea ‘Mooodz Joy’ W/B: HilverdaKooij (Netherlands). D: The Mooodz range, which will
Echinacea ‘Mooodz Shiny’ W/B: HilverdaKooij (Netherlands). D: The Mooodz range, which will
be introduced at Plantarium ‘14,
be introduced at Plantarium ‘14,
consists of Echinacea which can
consists of Echinacea which can
be grown within a short period.
be grown within a short period.
‘Mooodz In Love’ has orange flo-
The varieties develop well-tillered
wers with strikingly narrow petals
plants with a uniform and compact
and large flowerheads.
habit. ‘Mooodz Shiny’ has yellow
M: HilverdaKooij is marketing
‘Mooodz Shiny’. Mooodz cuttings
M: HilverdaKooij is marketing
will be available from week 5/2015.
‘Mooodz Shiny’. Mooodz cuttings
will be available from week 5/2015.
Fragaria ananassa ‘Hansawhite’ (Snow White Pineberry XL) W/B: Hansabred (Germany). D: Snow White Pineberry XL – an
Gentiana ‘Blue Star’ W/B: Nursery Boezem (Netherlands). D: ‘Blue Star’ is the earliest flowering Gentiana (flowers from May) and displays azure blue flowers
improvement on ‘White Dream’ –
without preparation. This cultivar
produces larger white fruits and is
should stand out due to the large
self-pollinating, which means that
number of flowers that can be
even one plant will produce fruit.
found on each branch. The flowers
M: Wholesale nursery G.
open fully.
Hoogenraad enters it for the new
M: Boezem is launching this plant
plant competition and is marketing
onto the market in conjunction with
the new variety.
CNB Vaste Planten.
Gentiana ‘Little Pinkie’ W/B: John Moffat and Ed Morgan
with purple-pink flowers. The
Gerbera jamesonii ‘Grand Canyon’ (Patio Gerbera Grand Canyon) W/B: Florist Holland (Netherlands). D: Patio Gerberas are characterized
leaves are a fresh, medium-green
as plants highly suitable for plan-
colour. The plant flowers from May
ting in large pots. Grand Canyon
until October.
has large pompon-shaped flowers
M: John Moffat from Southland
which keep their colour (pink-white
Flowers nursery and ornamental
bicolour) for weeks.
(New Zealand).
D: ‘Little Pinkie’ is a pot Gentiana
scientist Ed Morgan are marketing
M: Patio Gerberas will be available
this plant, together with CNB Vaste
via Dutch nursery Van Lint, among
others, next season.
P: -
Gerbera jamesonii ‘Karoo’ (Patio Gerbera Karoo) W/B: Florist Holland (Netherlands.) D: Patio Gerberas are characterized
Hebe ‘Eyecatcher’ W/B: Leo Vergeer (Netherlands). D: ‘Eyecatcher’ is a compact hebe, a mutant of ‘Mrs Winder’. The leaves
as plants that flower abundantly
are green with a silver edge. The
from late spring to early autumn
colour should be stable and the
and are suitable for large pots.
plant disease-free.
Karoo flowers early with plenty of
M: Dutch grower A.N.M. Rijnbeek is
flowers maturing at the same time.
marketing ‘Eyecatcher’. A few other
The flowers are cream and pink.
nurseries offer ‘Eyecatcher’ in limi-
M: Patio Gerberas will be available
ted numbers.
via Dutch nursery Van Lint, among
P: PBR administrated by
others, next season.
P: -
De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Noviteiten2014-BKW17a nummer 4.indd 20
14-08-14 15:38
Hebe ‘Jewel of the Nile’ W/B: Stephen Burton (New Zealand). D: The glossy lanceolate leaves of
Helenium autumnale ‘Fuego’ W/B: AB-Cultivars (Netherlands). D: The six new heleniums
‘Jewel of the Nile’ are green with
which AB-Cultivars introduces at
broad yellow margins and a very
Plantarium ‘14 are all described
narrow pinkish red outer margin.
as extremely suitable for growing
It blooms from late spring to early
in pots. ‘Fuego’ is two-toned. The
summer, with ruby flowers. This
petals are red with a yellow edge
mutation of Hebe ‘Flame’ originates
around the centre and at the tips.
from New-Zealand.
M: Some of these new cultivars are
M: This year Van Vliet New Plants
already introduced as the Mariachi
brings it onto the European market
series in the US. Plants Nouveau
and submits it to Plantarium ‘14.
supplies the series, among others.
P: Plant Patent/PBR.
P: Plant Patent Apllied For/PBR.
Helenium autumnale ‘Ranchera’ W/B: AB-Cultivars (Netherlands). D: The six new heleniums which AB
Helenium autumnale ‘Salsa’ W/B: AB-Cultivars (Netherlands). D: The six new heleniums which AB-Cultivars introduces at
Cultivars introduces at Plantarium
Plantarium ‘14 are all described as
‘14 are all described as short and
extremely suitable for growing in
robust. ‘Ranchera’ blooms later in
pots. The stems should all grow to
the season, with orange-red flo-
the same length in the pot. ‘Salsa’
has brick-red flowers
M: Some of these new cultivars are
M: Some of these new cultivars are
already introduced as the Mariachi
already introduced as the Mariachi
series in the US. Plants Nouveau
series in the US. Plants Nouveau
supplies the series, among others.
supplies the series, among others.
P: Plant Patent Applied For/PBR
P: Plant Patent Apllied For/PBR.
Helenium autumnale ‘Siesta’ W/B: AB-Cultivars (Netherlands). D: The six new heleniums which AB-Cultivars introduces at
Helenium autumnale ‘Sombrero’ W/B: AB-Cultivars (Netherlands). D: The six new heleniums
Plantarium ‘14 are all described as
which AB-Cultivars introduces at
short and robust. ‘Siesta’ has deep
Plantarium ‘14 are all described as
bluish-red ray petals, surround a
short and robust. ‘Sombrero’ has
maroon and yellow cone to make a
bright yellow cone and even brigh-
two-toned effect.
ter yellow ray petals.
M: Some of these new cultivars are
M: Some of these new cultivars are
already introduced as the Mariachi
already introduced in the US as the
series in the US. Plants Nouveau
Mariachi series. Plants Nouveau
supplies the series, among others.
supplies the series, among others.
P: Plant Patent Applied For/PBR.
P: Plant Patent Applied For/PBR.
Heuchera ‘Black Taffeta’ W/B: Terra Nova Nurseries (USA). D: Heuchera ‘Black Taffeta’ has
Heuchera ‘Cherry Cola’ W/B: Terra Nova Nurseries (USA). D: Heuchera ‘Cherry Cola’ has deco-
large, shiny, black/dark-purple lea-
rative rust-red leaves with cherry-
ves with wavy edges. The flowers
red flowers. ‘Cherry Cola’ belongs to
are pink. It is described as a heal-
the Soda series which heavy bloom
thy, fast-growing plant which copes
in spring and early summer.
well with heat and cold.
M: Terra Nova Nurseries has intro-
M: Terra Nova Nurseries has intro-
duced Heuchera ‘Black Taffeta’
duced Heuchera ‘Black Taffeta’
onto the North-American market.
onto the North-American market.
Compass Plants and Verschoor
Compass Plants and Verschoor
Horticulture do so in Europe.
Horticulture will do this in Europe.
P: Plant Patent/PBR.
P: Plant Patent Applied For/PBR. De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Noviteiten2014-BKW17a nummer 4.indd 21
14-08-14 15:38
Heuchera ‘Fire Alarm’ W/B: Terra Nova Nurseries (USA). D: ‘Fire Alarm’ is described as an
Heuchera ‘Galaxy’ W/B: Terra Nova Nurseries (USA). D: ‘Galaxy’ is a red-brown Heuchera
extremely vigorous Heuchera with
with bright pink splashes on the
leaves, which are bright red and
foliage. The leaves are large and
look leathery. The flowers are
leathery. ‘Galaxy’ should be winter-
pink. The plant reaches a height of
hardy, can cope with heat and flo-
around 30 cm.
wers (white) from May to July.
M: Terra Nova Nurseries has intro-
M: Terra Nova Nurseries recently
duced ‘Fire Alarm’ onto the North-
introduced ‘Galaxy’ onto the North-
American market. Compass Plants
American market. Compass Plants
and Verschoor Horticulture do so in
and Verschoor Horticulture will do
this in Europe.
P: Plant Patent/PBR.
P: Plant Patent/PBR.
Heuchera ‘Glitter’ W/B: Terra Nova Nurseries (USA). D: ‘Glitter’ has glossy silvery leaves.
Heuchera ‘Zipper’ W/B: Terra Nova Nurseries (USA). D: ‘Zipper’ has very curly leaves and
The black veins in the leaves pro-
the contrast between the orange
vide a vibrant effect. The fuchsia
on the top and the magenta colour
pink flowers ( June to September).
on the underneath of the leaves
‘Glitter’ should be winter-hardy.
gives it a special touch. The plant
M: Terra Nova Nurseries has
should be winter-hardy.
introduced ‘Glitter’ onto the North-
M: Terra Nova Nurseries has intro-
American market. Compass Plants
duced it onto the North-American
and Verschoor Horticulture do so in
market. Compass Plants and
Verschoor Horticulture do so in
P: Plant Patent Applied For/PBR.
P: Plant Patent Applied For/PBR.
Heucherella ‘Twilight’ W/B: Terra Nova Nurseries (USA). D: ‘Twilight’ is a new hybrid with thick, velvety leaves that are char-
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Baroque Angel’ (Black Diamonds Baroque Angel) W/B: Wilkes Jungpflanzen
coal/grey in colour. It should per-
form well in full sun and is resistant
D: Dutch grower De Jong Plant
to winter weather. The flowers
has entered three cultivars from
(May to August) are white.
the Hydrangea macrophylla Black
M: Terra Nova Nurseries has intro-
Diamonds series for the new plant
duced ‘Twilight’ onto the North-
awards. ‘Baroque Angel’ has pink
American market. Compass Plants
and blue flowers.
and Verschoor Horticulture do so in
M: De Jong Plant is marketing the
Black Diamonds.
P: Plant Patent Applied For/PBR.
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Dark Angel’ (Black Diamonds Dark Angel) W/B: Wilkes Jungpflanzen
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Deep Purple’ W/B: Schroll (Denmark). D: ‘Deep Purple’ has extremely
dark-purple flowers and dark foli-
D: Dutch grower De Jong Plant
age. The plant should be highly
has entered three cultivars from
resistant to moulds in comparison
the Hydrangea macrophylla Black
with other Hydrangea varieties.
Diamonds series for the new plant
Suitable for indoors and outdoors.
competition. ‘Dark Angel’ has flat-
M: The Danish Hydrangea breeder
tened red and purple flowers.
is also marketing ‘Deep Purple’. De
M: De Jong Plant is marketing the
Jong Plant submits it to the novelty
Black Diamonds.
competition of Plantarium ‘14.
De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Noviteiten2014-BKW17a nummer 5.indd 22
14-08-14 15:38
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘H2002’ (Miss Saori) W/B: Irie San ( Japan). D: Its double flowers are creamy
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Red Angel’ (Black Diamond Red Angel) W/B: Wilkes Jungpflanzen
white with a deep pink fringe.
The colour shades off to white in
D: Dutch grower De Jong Plant
the centre of the flower, forming
has entered three cultivars from
a contrast with the darker leaves.
the Hydrangea macrophylla Black
Flowering on first-year wood. Hardy
Diamonds series for the new plant
down to -22°C.
awards. ‘Red Angel’ has spherical
M: Grower Van Klaveren Plant intro-
red and purple flowers.
duces Miss Saori at Plantarium '14.
M: De Jong Plant is marketing these
P: PBR applied for (European admi-
Black Diamonds.
nistrator Plantipp).
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Kolmamon’ (Magical Mont Blanc) W/B: Kolster (Netherlands). D: Magical Mont Blanc is an addi-
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Vlasveld 02’ (Confetti) W/B: Peter Vlasveld (Netherlands). D: Confetti is compact in habit,
tion to the Magical series of Kolster.
wers profusely. The lightly scented
It has hard white flowers and
feathery white flowers are descri-
grows according to the breeder
bed as striking. It likes full sun or
beautifully compact
semi-shade and is winter hardy
ramificates with great ease and flo-
M: Jos Kolster Nursery is launching
down to -30°C.
this plant onto the market.
M: Peter Vlasveld introduces
P: PBR applied for.
Confetti at Plantarium ‘14.
P: PBR administrated by Plantipp.
Hylotelephium tatarinowii ‘Pure Joy’ W/B: Brenth Horvath, Intrinsic Perennial Gardens (USA).
Lavandula stoechas ‘Bandera Purple’ W/B: Kieft Seed (Netherlands). D: ‘Bandera Purple’ is described
D: ’Pure Joy’ is a sedium variety
as the first commercially compact
with small ice-blue leaves and a
Lavandula stoechas from seed. It
uniform, compact habit. The flo-
displays a natural branching and
wers are pastel pink and form a
does not require pinching.
compact dome just above the lea-
M: Kieft Seed, part of Ball
ves. It blooms from the middle of
Horticultural Company is entering
summer until the autumn.
‘Bandera Purple’ into the Plantarium
M: Cultivaris North America LLC
‘14 new plant competition.
(Germany) is marketing this plant.
P: Fleuroselect Gold Medal 2015 -
P: Plant Patent Apllied For/PBR.
Protection Period: 8 years.
Lobelia speciosa ‘Gencrim’ (Crimson Princess) W/B: Peter M. Dealtrey (UK). D: Crimson Princess has dark-green
Lobelia speciosa ‘Genlet’ (Scarlet Princess) W/B: Peter M. Dealtrey (UK). D: Scarlet Princess has dark purple-
leaves with dark-red flowers. The
red leaves with bright red flowers.
plant reaches a height of around
The plant reaches a height of 50 cm
55 cm and blooms from June until
and blooms from June until August.
August. Compass Plants is entering
Compass Plants is entering this
this new cultivar into the new plant
lobelia into the new plant competi-
competition of Plantarium ‘14.
tion of Plantarium ‘14.
M: Crimson Princess is being mar-
M: Scarlet Princess is being mar-
keted by Walter Blom Plants in col-
keted by Walter Blom Plants in col-
laboration with Compass Plants.
laboration with Compass Plants.
P: PBR. De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Noviteiten2014-BKW17a nummer 5.indd 23
14-08-14 15:39
Lobelia speciosa ‘Genross’ (Rose Princess) W/B: Peter M. Dealtrey (UK). D: Rose Princess has purple-red
Magnolia ‘MicJur01’ (Fairy Magnolia Blush) W/B: Mark Jury (New Zealand). D: Fairy Magnolia Blush has lightly
leaves with bright pink flowers. The
fragrant blush-lilac pink flowers.
plant reaches a height of 55 cm and
The growth habit is compact,
blooms from June until August. It is
upright and bushy. It is evergreen.
one of the three Dealtrey lobelias
M: Fairy Magnolia Blush is mar-
that Compass Plants is entering into
keted in Europe by Dutch grower
the new plant competition.
Van Son & Koot and Anthony
M: Rose Princess is being marketed
Tesselaar Plants in Australia.
by Walter Blom Plants in collabora-
P: Plant Patent Applied For/PBR.
tion with Compass Plants.
Magnolia ‘MicJur02’ (Fairy Magnolia Cream) W/B: Mark Jury (New Zealand). D: Fairy Magnolia Cream has a
Magnolia ‘MicJur05’ (Fairy Magnolia White) W/B: Mark Jury (New Zealand). D: Fairy Magnolia White is an ever-
profusion of highly fragrant creamy-
green that produces its flowers
white flowers in early spring. The
along the stems and not just at the
growth habit is compact, upright
tips. This cultivar is one of the three
and bushy.
Fairy magnolias from Jury submitted
M: Fairy Magnolia Cream is mar-
to the new plant competition.
keted in Europe by Dutch grower
M: Fairy Magnolia Cream is mar-
Van Son & Koot and Anthony
keted in Europe by Dutch grower
Tesselaar Plants in Australia.
Van Son & Koot and Anthony
P: Plant Patent Applied For/PBR.
Tesselaar Plants in Australia.
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Mobri’ (Morning Bright) W/B: Merz Stauden (Germany) D: Morning Bright derives from M.
Nandina domestica ‘LemonLime’ W/B: Richard A. Davis (USA). D: The new leaves of ‘Lemon-Lime’
‘Morning Light’. The plant is more
display a yellowy green colour
compact and the leaves have much
and remain chartreuse in colour in
whiter hues. This provides a touch
direct sunlight, on the outside of
of brightness in mixed autumn
this compact plant. The other lea-
combinations in the garden.
ves turn green.
M: Cultivaris North America LLC
M: Van Son & Koot launches
from Germany entered this variety
‘Lemon-Lime’ onto the European
for the new plant competition and
market and Kolster submits it to the
is also marketing the plant.
Plantarium ‘14 novelty competition.
P: Plant Patent/PBR.
Nepeta faassenii ‘Novanepjun’ (Junior Walker) W/B: Michael S. Dobres (USA). D: Junior Walker is described as an
Nepeta faassenii ‘Publu’ (Purrsian Blue) W/B: Walters Gardens (USA).
abundant flowering Nepeta with a
according to the breeder simply
more compact growth habit than
covered in deep-blue flowers all
Walker’s Low. The plant flowers
season long, from spring right
Purrsian Blue is compact and is
from mid-May to September.
through to autumn.
M: Dutch grower Rijnbeek en Zoon
M: This variety was entered for the
launches Junior Walker onto the
Plantarium ‘14 new plant compe-
European market. In the US several
tition by Cultivaris North America
growers supply this new Nepeta.
(Germany), which is also marketing
P: Plant Patent/PBR.
the plant in Europe.
P: Plant Patent/PBR applied for.
De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Noviteiten2014-BKW17a nummer 6.indd 24
14-08-14 15:39
Parahebe catarractae ‘Avalanche’ W/B: Stephen Burton (New Zealand). D: ‘Avalanche’ flowers from May to
Pennisetum ‘Fairy Tails’ W/B: John Greenlee’s Pomona
September with numerous white
evergreen Pennisetum with abun-
blooms tumbling down the plant
dant inflorescence. Dark wheat-
like the avalanche. It has dark
coloured blooms rise above the
green, leathery leaves. Evergreen
upright foliage in spring and sum-
‘Avalanche’ is hardy down to -12°C).
Nursery (USA).
D: ‘Fairy Tails’ is a rapidly-growing,
M: In 2013, Van Vliet New Plants
M: Dutch propagator Hogendoorn
introduced the plant to the market
Wijk en Aalburg submits it to
and this year the agency enters it
Plantarium ‘14. Empatec Nurseries
into Plantarium ‘14.
grows it, among others.
P: -
Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Hameln Gold’ W/B: Merz Stauden (Germany). D: ‘Hameln Gold’ is a selection
Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Hoogi016’ (Little Angel) W/B: Schuch (Czech Republic) D: Little Angel should have a good
from P. ‘Hameln’. Throughout the
branch structure and remains com-
season, the plant offers long, pale
pact and low-growing. The leaves
gold-green leaves which are mainly
are a pale flame red and the flo-
striking in the spring. It flowers in
wers are white.
the late summer/at the beginning
M: Dutch Wholesale Nursery G.
of autumn.
Hoogenraad entered the plant
M: Cultivaris North America
into the new plant competition of
(Germany) is marketing the plant
Plantarium ‘14 and is also marke-
in Europe.
ting the plant.
Physocarpus opulifolius ‘SMPOTW’ (Tiny Wine) W/B: Timothy D. Wood (USA). D: Tiny Wine is a compact physo-
Potentilla fruticosa ‘Lissdan’ (Danny Boy) W/B: Liss Forest Nursery (England). D: Danny Boy has vivid red flowers.
carpus with dark-red leaves which
The plant is a vigorous grower
contrast with the pale-pink flowers.
which reaches some 40cm in both
It has a profusion of flowers. The
height and width. It should be win-
plant has a low-growing habit and
ter-hardy down to -30°C. It enjoys a
should be resistant to mildew.
place in full sun or semi-shade.
M: Valkplant is marketing the plant
M: Dutch grower VC Hooftman
in Europe and also entered it for
Boomkwekerij introduces Danny
the new plant awards.
Boy at Plantarium ‘14.
P: Plant Patent AppliedFor/PBR
PBR: applied for (European adminis-
applied for.
trator Plantipp).
Rhododendron ‘Microhirs3’ (Bloombux) W/B: INKARHO (Germany). D: Bloombux is a mutant origina-
Rhodoxis ‘HIL200802’ (Fairytale) W/B: Philip van Hilst (Netherlands). D: Fairytale makes according to the
ting from Rhododendron hirsutum
winner a striking plant (25x25cm)
x micranthum. This evergreen plant
for a balcony/patio with its pinkish-
combines abundant soft pink flo-
red yellow-centred flowers (May-
wers ( June) with the qualities of
October). Winter hardy down to
Buxus. Low-maintenance and gro-
wing in virtually any soil.
M: Growers Remon Bakhuijzen,
M: Diderk Heinje (Germany) and De
Gebr Alkemade and Philip van
Jong Plant (Netherlands) launch this
Hilst will introduce the plant at
plant onto the market.
Plantarium '14.
P: PBR administrated by Plantipp. De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Noviteiten2014-BKW17a nummer 6.indd 25
14-08-14 15:39
Rosa ‘G05-52’ (From Far Away) W/B: Rosa Esklund (Denmark). D: From Far Away is a floribunda reaching a height of 60 to 80 cm.
Rosa ‘Evera254’ (Maasland Gold) W/B: Rosa Esklund (Denmark). D: Maasland Gold is a new mini
The flowers are large and full, have
rose with dark green, shiny leaves
a mild fragrance and are apricot
and large ‘golden’ flowers with
pink in colour. It can be propagated
a mild fragrance. They should
in the traditional way (budded), but
retain their beauty for a long time.
it is also suitable for growing on its
Suitable for indoor use, but also in
own roots.
the garden or in a pot on the
M: In 2014, Roses Forever brought
From Far Away onto the market
M: Brought onto the market in 2014
under the Plant’n’Relax label.
as part of the Roses Forever series.
P: PBR applied for.
Salvia nemorosa ‘Salute Deep Blue’ W/B: Bartels Stek (Netherlands). D: ‘Salute Deep Blue’ remains com-
Salvia nemorosa ‘Salute Ice Blue’ W/B: Bartels Stek (Netherlands). D: ‘Salute Ice Blue’ has according to
pact and has dark blue flowers. It
the breeder a striking blue colour
is like ‘Salute Pink’ and ‘Salute Ice
which gives it a beautiful appea-
Blue’ suitable for pot size 15-25 cm.
rance. First-year flowering. ‘Salute
The height of the salvias in this
Ice Blue’ is part of the day length
series varies from 35 to 40 cm.
neutral and first year flowering
M: In 2014, Bartels Stek launched
Salute series, also including ‘Salute
‘Salute Deep Blue’ together with
Pink’ and ‘Salute Deep Blue’.
‘Salute Ice Blue’ and ‘Salute Pink’,
M: Bartels Stek launched ‘Salute Ice
also part of the Salute series.
Blue’ in 2014.
Salvia nemorosa ‘Salute Pink’ W/B: Bartels Stek (Netherlands) D: ‘Salute Pink’ has according to the
Sambucus nigra ‘Obelisk’ W/B: Bronisław Jan Szmit (Poland) D: ‘Obelisk’ is a stiff upright elder-
breeder a good plant structure with
berry that has large green leaves.
intense pink flowers. The novelty is
The clear white flowers are follo-
part of the new first year flowering
wed by dark red berries. It should
and good ramifying Salute series
be very healthy and very winter-
M: In 2014, Bartels Stek launched
‘Salute Pink’ together with ‘Salute
M: ‘Obelisk’ will be launched onto
Deep Blue’ and ‘Salute Ice Blue’, the
the market by Breederplants
two other novelties in this series.
(Netherlands) and Gospodarstwo
Bronislaw Szmit (Poland).
Sambucus racemosa ‘SMNSRD4’ (Lemon Lace) W/B: Spring Meadow Nursery (USA). D: Lemon Lace is a compact
Sedum ‘Blue Pearl’ W/B: Chris Hansen (USA)
Sambucus with bright yellow lea-
leaves, its strong growth habit and
ves. The leaves are more deeply cut
the generous production of deep
than the other current varieties. In
pink flowers. ‘Blue Pearl’ is winter
D: The plant’s characteristics include its robust, rounded purplish blue
more northern countries, it can be
hardy down to -35°.
planted in full sun.
M: ‘Blue Pearl’ belongs to Hansens
M: Valkplant is marketing Lemon
Sunsparkler sedum series. European
Lace in Europe.
agency Plantipp will gradually intro-
P: Plant Patent Applied For/PBR
duce this series in Europe.
applied for.
P: (Sunsparkler) Plant Patent or Applied For/PBR applied for.
De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Noviteiten2014-BKW17a nummer 7.indd 26
14-08-14 15:39
Skimmia japonica ‘Mystic Marlot’ W/B: Van Son & Koot (Netherlands). D: ‘Mystic Marlot’ – a mutant of
Spiraea ‘Lonspi’ (Sparkling Champagne) W/B: Peter Moore (England). D: This new Spiraea has purplish
‘Magic Marlot’ - is a compact
red shoots in spring, followed by
growing Skimmia with silver/grey-
large yellow flowers in summer,
coloured leaves. The clusters of flo-
with a further period of flowering
wers are pink in colour and appear
in autumn. It should be winter
in the autumn.
hardy down to -30°C.
M: Van Son & Koot submits this
M: Dutch grower Lucassen intro-
plant to the Plantarium ‘14 novelty
duces Sparkling Champagne at
competition and launches it on the
Plantarium ‘14.
European market.
P: PBR (European administrator
Plantipp, UK ProVar).
Syringa ‘SMSJBP7’ (Bloomerang Dark Purple) W/B: Spring Meadow Nursery (USA). D: Bloomerang Dark Purple has a
Thuja occidentalis ‘Maria WN’ W/B: Wiesław Wnuk (Poland) D: ‘Maria WN’ is a compact, slow
profusion of dark-purple, fragrant
foliage that should not get burned
flowers and a long flowering peri-
in the summer. It hardly changes
growing Thuja with golden green
od. It reaches a height of around
colour in the winter.
150 cm. It stands out from other
M: ‘Maria WN’ (introduced in 2012 at
medium-sized Syringa meyerii
‘Green is Life’ in Poland) is launched
varieties because of the deep-
in Netherlands by Dutch grower
purple colour of the flowers.
Peter Leenders. Several other gro-
M: Bloomerang Dark Purple is being
wers supply this new Thuja as well.
marketed in Europe by Valkplant.
P: PBR administrated by
P: Plant Patent Applied For/PBR.
Viburnum plicatum ‘JWW 5’ (Kilimandjaro Sunrise) W/B: Jan Willem Wezelenburg
Viburnum tinus ‘Bridixhuit’ (Royal Baby) W/B: André Briant Jeunes Plants
D: Kilimandjaro Sunrise flowers in
D: Royal Baby is a miniature V.
spring, carries in summer masses
tinus (max 1 m), selected as a
of deep red berries and has after
seedling. Growth habit is spherical.
reblooming a red autumn colour.
In autumn white flowers cover
M: Wezelenburg named this seed-
the plant. Young wood is reddish.
ling in 2013. Nurseries in Belgium,
Suitable for smaller gardens and
Germany and Poland supply this
containers. Hardiness: - 15 °C
Viburnum. Van Vliet New Plants
M: This year, André Briant Jeunes
submits it to Plantarium ‘14.
Plants puts it onto the market.
Weigela ‘Slingco1’ (All Summer Red) W/B: Bert Verhoef (Netherlands). D: All Summer Red is a compact-
Weigela ‘WF-2009’ (White Lightning) W/B: Tim Brotzman (USA). D: White Lightning was discovered
growing Weigela with a long flo-
in 2003 by Brotzman as a sport of
wering period and brick-red flowers
W. ‘Variegata’. The unusually broad
with white contrasting pistils and
yellow marginal band in the leaf
stamens. It does as its name sug-
triggered his interest.
gests, flowering all through the
M: PlantHaven International will
bring this Weigela onto the market
M: Valkplant is marketing this
in 2015. French nursery André Briant
plant in Europe together with Bert
Jeunes Plants submits it to the new
plant competition of Plantarium ‘14.
P: Plant Patent/PBR. De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Noviteiten2014-BKW17a nummer 7.indd 27
14-08-14 15:40
Campsis tagliabuana ’Tracamp’ (Orangeade)
Griselinia littoralis ’Emerald’ W/B: Blue Montain Nursery (New
W/B: Nursery Travers (France).
D: The trumpet-shaped flowers
D: ‘Emerald’ has shiny attractive
of Orangeade are a unique colour
large dark green wide leaved
due to the splash effect. On a
foliage. It is described as a
single flower, you can find a
winter-hardy (down to tot –10°C)
splash of orange and bright red
upright growing tree. It can be
colours at the same time.
trimmed to make an emerald
M: French agency Sapho is
green hedge. Height 2,5 m.
launching the plant onto the
M: French agency Sapho is
launching ‘Emerald’ on the
P: PBR applied for.
European market
P: PBR applied for.
Hibiscus syriacus ’Minomb’ (Sup’heart)
Hydrangea paniculata ’Renba’ (Fraise Melba)
W/B: Nursery Minier (France).
W/B: Jean Renault (France).
D: Sup’heart should be an obvi-
D: The panicles are cone-shaped
ous improvement to the classic
and do not have fertile flowers.
’Red Heart’. It grows stronger
The flowers start off white (end
and the plant produces an abun-
of July - beginning of August)
dance of large flowers (which are
and then change colour gradually
around 12 cm in diameter) with
from the bottom to red at the
wavy petals, with a relatively
top. The flowers remain on the
long flower period.
plant for a long time.
M: Sapho is launching Sup’heart
M: Fraise Melba is launched on
on the European market
the European market by Sapho.
P: PBR applied for.
Leucothoe keiskei ’Opstal16’ (Halloween)
Photinia serratifolia ’Rev100’ (Cruchy)
W/B: Ron van Opstal
W/B: Jean-Pierre Faure (France).
D: The leaves give this Photinia a
D: Halloween has intense red
unique appearance. They have a
foliage in the autumn. De plant
curly edge and the young shoots
is relatively fast-growing an fill
are copper in colour and change
the pot quickly.
colour to chocolate brown to
M: Halloween is being marketed
dark green. It retains its leaves in
by the winner, Ron van Opstal.
winter and should have a good
P: PBR applied for (administrator
resistance to mildew.
M: Cruchy is launched on the European market by Sapho P: PBR applied for.
The texts are based on the details provided by the entrants. De Boomkwekerij does not take responsibility for and cannot be held liable for any errors and/or omissions in these descriptions. If needed, errata will be published on the website www.DeBoomkwekerij.nl. This magazine is available digitally only for subscription holders of De Boomkwekerij via www. DeBoomkwekerij.nl//e-magazine.
De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
NoviteitenAanvulling-BKW14-17a.indd 28
14-08-14 14:59
Compleet in teeltvloeren! Bezoek ons op Plantarium standnr. 249
Thuja occ. Smaragd 60 Thuja plic. Atrovirens 80 Thuja plic. Excelsa 80 Thuja plic. Martin 80 Taxus baccata 120 Taxus media Hicksii 120 Taxus media Hillii 80 Taxus Fastigiata / Aurea 100 Cupr. Leylandii 80 Cupr. Castlewellan 80 Picea omorika 80 Prunus laur. Caucasica 80 Prunus laur. Genolia 80 Prunus laur. Herbergii 80 Prunus laur. Novita 80 Prunus laur. Rotundifolia 80 Prunus lusitanica Augustifolia 60 Photinia Red Robin 80
- 225 Kl. - 225 Kl. - 225 Kl. - 225 Kl. - 225 Kl. - 200 Kl. - 200 Kl. - 200 Kl. - 225 Kl. / Co. - 225 Kl. / Co. - 250 Kl ./ Co. - 225 Kl. / Co. -225 Kl. / Co. - 225 Kl. / Co. - 225 Kl. / Co. - 225 Kl. / Co. - 225 Kl ./ Co. - 225 Kl. / Co.
Ziegelheider Str. 57, 47906 Kempen tel: 0049-2152-89740 • fax: 0049-2152-897410 kontaktpersoon: Paul (spreekt Hollands) mobiel: 0049-172-2125936 • email: info@pflanzen-janssen.de
HOOGENRAAD KWEKERIJEN Rijksweg 30a s 6744 WB Ederveen tel. 0318 571665 s info@hoogenraadplant.nl
Special BOO p29.indd 1
14-8-2014 14:38:11
Text: Guus Wijchman
ABCultivars About Plants Zundert André Briant Jeunes Plants
Zuidwolde Kleine Heistraat 2C - 4884 ME Wernhout La Bouvinerie - BP 10015 49180 St Barthelemy d'Anjou - Cedex
Netherlands Netherlands
www.ab-cultivars.com www.aboutplants.nl
info@ab-cultivars.com peter@aboutplants.nl (Peter Vriends)
Broekpolderlaan 25 - 2675 LJ Honselersdijk Reijerskoop 281 - 2771 BK Boskoop
Netherlands Netherlands
www.amigra.nl http://anmrijnbeek.nl
info@amigra.nl info@anmrijnbeek.nl
622 Town Road West Chicago -IL 60185-2698 Rietwijkeroordweg 15 - 1432 JG Aalsmeer
USA Netherlands
www.ballornamentals.com www.bartelsstek.nl
Middelburgseweg 1 - 2811 PL Reeuwijk Carl Skottsbergs gata 22 A - 413 19 Göteborg Gravestein 56 - 2804 GV Gouda
Netherlands Sweden Netherlands
www.gotbot.se www.breederplants.nl
botaniska.tradgarden@vgregion.se info@breederplants.nl
Rivierdijk 431 - 3361 AK Sliedrecht
Duchnicka 27 - 05-800 Pruszków P.O. Box 31 - 2160 AA Lisse Brunel 21 - 3401 LJ IJsselstein
Poland Netherlands Netherlands
www.clematis.com.pl www.cnb.nl www.conceptplants.com
clematis1@clematis.com.pl r.hoogeveen@cnb.nl (Ron Hoogeveen) info@conceptplants.com
Zuidkade 105 - 2771 DT Boskoop Jacqueline van der Waalsheem 25 - 2182 ZN Hillegom 1782 Titus Street - San Diego, CA 92110 Rentengasse 3 - D-55116 Mainz The Old Counting House 46 Wantz Road – Maldon – Essex Veenweg 12 - 2432 CA Noorden
Netherlands Netherlands USA Germany
Rüsseldorf 6 - D-26188 Jeddeloh 1 P.O. Box 24 - 8096 ZG Oldebroek Bûtenpôle 9 - 9041 VM Berltsum Holter Feld 2 - 47638 Straelen Oldtown - Stoneyford - Co. Kilkenny P.O. Box 32 - 3330 AA Zwijndrecht P.O Box 3 - 1430 AA Aalsmeer Turfspoor 53A - 2165 AW Lisserbroek Delbrückstraße 16 - 47623 Kevelaer Rooversbroekdijk 121 - 2161 LP Lisse Witte Paal 66 - 1742 NV Schagen
Allplant see: Gootjes-AllPlant Amigra Grasses & More A.N.M. Rijnbeek Anthony Tesselaar International see: Anthony Tesselaar International Ball Ornamentals Bartels Stek Bert Verhoef Nursery see: Bert Verhoef Nursery De Boezem Nursery Botaniska Trädgården Göteborg Breederplants Brent Horvath see: Intrinsic Perennial Gardens Briant Jeunes Plants see: André Briant Jeunes Plants Burpee NL Clematis ródło Dobrych Pn czy (Clematis Container Nursery) ul. CNB Vaste Planten Concept Plants Bronisław Szmit, see: Joanna i Bronisław Szmit Jos Cammeraat Nursery Compass Plants Cultivaris USA Cultivaris Germany Peter M. Dealtrey De Draak De Jong Plant: see De Jong Plant Diderk Heinje GmbH & Co. KG Edens Creations Empatec Nurseries Europlant Canders FitzGerald Nurseries Ltd Florensis Florist Holland Future Plants GASA Germany Gebr. Th. en W. Alkemade Gootjes-AllPlant Hammett: see: Keith Hammett Hansabred Heidezüchtung Kurt Kramer Hilst, Philip van see: Philip van Hilst HilverdaKooij Het Hoefblad Hoekert V.C. HOOFTMAN Boomkwekerij Hoogendoorn Wijk en Aalburg G. Hoogenraad Wholesale Nursery Hoogeveen Plants INKARHO GmbH Intrinsic Perennial Gardens (IPG) The Ivy Farm Jan Willem Wezelenburg Nurseries Joanna i Bronisław Szmit De Jong Plant Jos Cammeraat Nursery see: Jos Cammeraat Nursery Kieft Seed/PanAmerican Seed (Europe/Asia Oceania Region)
www.cultivaris.com www.cultivaris.com
josh@cultivaris.com (Josh Schneider) garry@cultivaris.com (Garry Grueber)
Germany Netherlands Netherlands Germany Republic of Ireland Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Germany Netherlands Netherlands
www.heinje.de http://edens-creations.com www.empatec.nl www.beauty-ladies.de www.fitzgerald-nurseries.com www.florensis.com www.floristholland.nl www.futureplants.com www.gasa-germany.de www.gebr-alkemade.nl www.gootjes-allplant.com
baumschule@heinje.de info@edens-creations.eu p.bron@empatec.nl (Piet Bron) info@beauty-ladies.de sales@fitzgerald-nurseries.com florensis@florensis.com florist@gerbera.com info@futureplants.com info@gasa-germany.de info@gebr-alkemade.nl info@allplant.nl
Radeburger Landstr. - 12 01108 Dresden Edammer Straße 26 - 26188 Edewecht
Germany Germany
www.hansabred.org www.heidewelt.de
info@hansabred.org info@heidewelt.de
P.O. Box 8 - 1430 AA Aalsmeer Oostzijde 117a - 1426 AJ De Hoef P.O. Box 24 - 8096 ZG Oldebroek Koetsveld 3 - 2771 AM Boskoop Engelsestoof 10 - 4261 RA Wijk en Aalburg Rijksweg 30a - 6744 WB Ederveen Denemarkenlaan 14 - 2391 PZ Hazerswoude Brannenweg 5a - 26160 Bad Zwischenahn 10702 Seaman Rd - Hebron, IL 60034-9535 P.O. Box 116 - Locustville VA 23404 Burgemeester Smitweg 59 - 2391 NE Hazerswoude Szkółka Drzew i Krzewów Ozdobnych – Pęchcin - 18 - 06-400 Ciechaów Alfensvaart 11 - 2771 NM Boskoop
Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Germany USA USA Netherlands
www.hilverdakooij.nl www.hethoefblad.nl www.hoekert.nl http://hooftman-boomkwekerij.nl www.hogendoornholland.com www.hoogenraadplant.nl http://hoogeveenplants.nl www.inkarho.de www.intrinsicperennialgardens.com www.theivyfarm.com www.wezelenburg.nl
info@hilverdakooij.nl rob@hethoefblad.nl info@hoekert.nl info@hooftman-boomkwekerij.nl info@hogendoornholland.com info@hoogenraadplant.nl info@hoogeveenplants.nl inkarho@t-online.de BrentH@intrinsicperennialgardens.com ivyfarm@theivyfarm.com
Poland Netherlands
www.szmit.pl www.dejongplant.nl
szmit@szmit.pl info@dejongplant.nl
P.O. Box 63 - 1606 ZH Venhuizen
United Kingdom Netherlands
De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Adressenlijst-BKW14-17a.indd 30
14-08-14 15:00
Kieft Seed/PanAmerican Seed (The Americas) Jos Kolster Nursery see: Jos Kolster Van Klaveren Plant (Breeding, Selection, Propagation) Keith Hammett Koichiro Nishikawa Florsaika Breeding Company Kolster Jos Kolster Nursery Kurt Kramer, Heidezüchtung see: Heidezüchtung Kurt Kramer Van Lint Lucassen Boomkwekerij Leenders Plants Liss Forest Nursery
622 Town Road - West Chicago, Illinois 60185
Hoofdweg 149 - 1424 PE De Kwakel
Netherlands New Zealand Japan Netherlands Netherlands
www.vanklaverenplant.nl www.drkeithhammett.co.nz www.florsaika.com www.kolster.nl www. joskolster.nl
info@vanklaverenplant.nl khammett@clear.net.nz
Insteek 4 - 2771 AB Boskoop Oude Zutphenseweg 6-A - 7251 JX Vorden Baarloseweg 45B, 5988 NP Helden Petersfield Road – Greatham – Liss – Hampshire GU33 6HA
Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands
http://vanlint.nl www.lucassen-boomkwekerij.nl www.leendersplants.nl
info@vanlint.nl info@lucassen-boomkwekerij.nl info@leendersplants.nl
Rohrstr. 400 - 63075 Offenbach Poelweg 22 - 1424 PB De Kwakel
Germany Netherlands
UK Netherlands
www.bredbypetermoore.co.uk www.philipvanhilst.com
Bernsehoef 2 - 5171 PJ Kaatsheuvel
P.O. Box 54 - Dodges Ferry - Tasmania 7173 PO Box 3056 - Santa Barbara - CA 93130-3056 Brunel 21 - 3401 LJ IJsselstein P.O. Box 40125 - Mobile, AL 36640 83 Strathcona Gardens – Knaphill - Woking GU21 2AZ Burgemeester Smitweg 90 - 2391 NG Hazerswoude-Dorp
Australia USA Netherlands USA UK Netherlands
www.pma.com.au www.planthaven.com www.plantipp.eu www.plantsnouveau.com www.provarplants.co.uk
amanda@pma.com.au new.plants@planthaven.com reinier@plantipp.eu and peter@plantipp.eu info@plantsnouveau.com
Reijerskoop 281 – 2771 BK Boskoop Rosa & Harley Eskelund - Fiskervænget 9 - 5600 Faaborg Kirstinebjergvej 33 - DK-5792 Årslev Dongenseweg 3A - 5171 NA Kaatsheuvel 12601 120th Ave - Grand Haven - MI 49417
Netherlands Denmark Denmark Netherlands USA
www.rijnbeek.com http://roses-forever.dk www.schroll-flowers.dk www.sonkoot.nl http://springmeadownursery.com
info@rijnbeek.com re@rosa.dk info@schroll-flowers.dk info@sonkoot.nl
24-130 Ko skowola - ul. Kurowska 105 10051 S. Macksburg Rd. Canby, OR 97013 327 Monbulk Road - Silvan - Victoria 3795
Poland USA Australia
Valkenburgerlaan 64 - 2771 DA Boskoop Stroeërweg 45 - 3776 MG Stroe Horsterdijk 103 - 5973 PM Lottum Burgemeester Smitweg 37 - 2391 NE Hazerswoude-Dorp Marcelisvaartpad 17 - 2051 CS Haarlem Insteek 65 - 2771 AA Boskoop Bartenweg 5 - 2182 BV Hillegom 1992 96th Avenue - P.O. Box 137 – Zeeland - MI 49464
Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands USA
www.vipforplants.com www.newplants.nl www.pietvergeldt.com www.bertverhoef.com www.verschoorperennials.com www.vlasveldtuintechnieken.nl www.walterblom.nl www.waltersgardens.com
janssen@vipforplants.com info@newplants.nl info@pietvergeldt.com weigela@xs4all.nl
In der Flora 7 + 10 - 46419 Isselburg-Anholt Reijerskoop 148 - 2771 BT Boskoop
Germany Netherlands
www.wilkes-jungpflanzen.de http://clematisinfo.nl
Mark Jury see: Jury, Mark Merz Stauden De Noordpoel Peter M. Dealtrey see: Dealtrey, Peter M. Peter Leenders Boomkwekerij see: Leenders Plants Peter Moore Philip van Hilst Peter Vlasveld Tuintechnieken see: Vlasveld Tuintechnieken Piet Vergeldt see: Vergeldt Boomkwekerij Plant Growers Australia Plants Management Australia PlantHaven International, Inc. Plantipp Plants Nouveau ProVar Remon Bakhuijzen Boomkwekerij Rijnbeek, A.N.M. see: A.N.M. Rijnbeek Rijnbeek en Zoon Roses Forever Schroll Van Son & Koot Spring Meadow Nursery Szkółka Drzew i Krzewów Ozdobnych Joanna i Bronisław Szmit, see: Joanna i Bronisław Szmit Szkółki Kurowscy Terra Nova Nurseries Anthony Tesselaar International The Ivy Farm see: Ivy Farm V.C. Hooftman Boomkwekerij see: Hooftman Boomkwekerij Van Klaveren Plant see: Klaveren Plant Valkplant/VIP for Plants Van Vliet New Plants Piet Vergeldt Boomkwekerij Bert Verhoef Nursery Verschoor Horticulture Peter Vlasveld Tuintechnieken Walter Blom Plants Walters Gardens Wezelenburg, Jan Willem – see: Jan Willem Wezelenburg Nurseries Wilkes Jungpflanzen Kulturen J. van Zoest
Rijneveld 122a - 2771 XR Boskoop Azalealaan 3 - 2771 ZX Boskoop
info@kolster.nl info@joskolster.nl
info@vlasveldtuintechnieken.nl info@walterblom.nl sales@waltersgardens.com
De Boomkwekerij 17A (22 augustus 2014)
Adressenlijst-BKW14-17a.indd 31
14-08-14 15:00
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