21 August 2013
All novelties of Plantarium 2013
The booming business of licensing agencies 4 18 pages of this year’s novelties 8
Omslag-BKW13-32A.indd 1
15-08-13 13:59
Anti-worteldoek vegers
Standaard en maatwerk elektrovoertuigen
VERKOOP SERVICE LEASE ADVIES DEMONSTRATIE Tel. +31 (0)71 581 30 30 | Fax +31 (0)71 541 61 89 | E-mail: info@verhagenleiden.nl
Basis Special.indd 13
15-8-2013 14:23:20
Licensing agencies: booming business
Nieuwigheden voor het eerst in het Engels Voor u ligt de jaarlijkse extra bijlage bij De Boomkwekerij geheel gewijd aan de nieuwigheden die worden gepresenteerd op Plantarium. Nieuw dit jaar is dat de special in het Engels is geschreven. Dit op veler verzoek van bezoekers aan de vakbeurs de afgelopen jaren. De boomkwekerij in Nederland exporteert verreweg het grootste deel van de productie en dus is het logisch dat Plantarium een internationaal bezoek trekt. Bezoek dat ook graag wil lezen wat er in deze special wordt gemeld. Ook zij kunnen daar nu kennis van nemen. Voor Neder-
List of all novelties
landse lezers is de informatie in de lijst van nieuwigheden veelal goed te volgen. Het artikel op pagina 4 is in een Nederlandse versie te lezen in De Boomkwekerij van vrijdag 30 september. De Boomkwekerij geeft gedurende de beurs volop aandacht aan Plantarium 2013 via de website DeBoomkwekerij.nl. U vindt er nieuws, interviews en fotoreportages. Ook verschijnen extra e-mailnieuwsbrieven, waarop u zich gratis kunt abonneren via onze website.
A novelties special The Dutch trade magazine De Boomkwekerij every year dedicates a special edition to the novelties presented at Plantarium. Unfortunately, due to the international character of the hardy nursey stock industry a lot of Plantarium visitors don’t speak or read Dutch. Over the years many of them have therefore asked for an English edition of our novelties special. And now we have produced one: this is it. We hope you enjoy reading it. Please send any reactions and suggestions to deboomkwekerij@ hortipoint.nl.
COLOFON Redactie
Schipholweg 1, Postbus 9324, 2300 PH Leiden E-mail: boomkwekerij@hortipoint.nl Website: deboomkwekerij.nl Hoofdredactie Wim du Mortier (071) 565 96 82 Vakredactie Arno Engels 565 96 86 Ketura Haveman 565 96 83 Ron Barendse 565 96 84 Bureauredactie Thomas Gerkrath, Marrit Molenaar, Jenny Mostert, Jolanda de Wekker Vormgeving Bert Hassing, John Jennissen Fotografie Gerdien de Nooy Directie Elbert van den Berg Secretariaat Linda Laman 565 96 78 Alice Hoogenboom
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De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
Inhoudspagina-BKW13-32A.indd 3
15-08-13 14:04
Text: Ketura Haveman Photo: Gerdien de Nooy
The booming business of licensing ag en Fifteen years ago, entries for the Plantarium new plant awards were mainly submitted by growers or breeders. These days, new plants are mainly entered by licensing agencies, sometimes in conjunction with a grower. What’s behind the rise of these licensing agencies in the hardy nursery stock industry? „It stands to reason”, says Peter van Rijssen from Plantipp about the rise of the licensing agencies. „We lighten the load for breeders, allowing them to focus on what they do best: developing new varieties.” When a breeder has a promising new variety, he or she can ask a licensing agency to take care of the follow-up activities. The licensing agency will then apply for PBR protection and, possibly in conjunction with the breeder, think of a marketing plan. The agency has to take into account aspects such as how many plants will be released on the market and what kind of growers would cultivate the plant. The agency may also decide to launch the new plant or series of plants as a concept, with an accompanying marketing campaign. The licensing agency will then collect the licence fees for the breeder. Van Rijssen: „For breeders, this involves a lot of very time-consuming work. They would rather stick to their breeding.’’ Furthermore there are many smallscale breeders, or growers that do a bit of breeding on the side, who find it difficult to cope with all that needs to be done to introduce a novelty.
Marketing strategy „Sometimes a breeder or grower will already have his own idea of how the product should be marketed. Someone like that will only ask the licensing agency to apply for PBR protection and collect the licence fees”, says Henk de Jong from CNB New Plants. Generally, however, the licensing agency is also asked to develop a marketing strategy and put the new plant on the market. „That also makes sense, for a licensing
agency usually has a large network and therefore should know what grower would be most suitable for growing the product, both in terms of the cultivation properties and the sales market of the grower in question”, states Sander van Vliet from Van Vliet Young Plants.
A popular choice More and more breeders and growers who occasionally develop a new plant choose to assign their varieties to a licensing agency. But will the agencies accept all varieties offered to them? Van Vliet: „We do make a selection. We always test new varieties for two years. We look at the appearance, of course, but also at cultivation properties. Besides that, we also put the plants in our own garden, so we can see how they do when planted out. We report all our findings back to the breeder, after which we decide whether or not to include the plant in our range.” As well as the cultivation properties, Van Vliet considers the innovative nature of the plants to be very important. „There are lot of plants on the market already. A novelty must therefore always add something extra. This means that it must be truly innovative, or a significant improvement on a product that is already available.” Some licensing agencies prefer to have a working relationship with a limited amount of breeders. „We do get new clients, but we also have a group of clients with several products in our range. The advantage is that we can track products during their actual development and can already see the properties of the new plant in terms of both appearance
and cultivation. It also means that you know what new varieties there are before they are even put on the market”, says Van Rijssen.
Truly innovative Legally protected varieties are not cheap. Van Vliet: „It goes without saying that breeders ultimately want to make a profit. A plant must therefore be truly innovative. If this is not the case, a grower will not want to purchase a licence for the plant. We also take this into account when evaluating a new plant. Is it worth applying for PBR protection? After all, the costs incurred will ultimately have to be earned back.” Although many growers complain about the fact that an increasing
De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
Licentiebureaus Engels BKW32A.indd 4
15-08-13 13:22
Novelties Plantarium 2013
ag encies are given this right, without actually being in competition with each other.” As the agencies also collaborate on an international basis with breeders and other licensing agencies, they can ensure that new varieties from other parts of the world are made available to the Dutch growers. Van Rijssen: „We work with breeders from the States, but also from South America, Africa and Japan. Sometimes we represent them all over the world, sometimes in Europe and sometimes just in the Benelux or the Netherlands. It varies, depending on the preferences of a breeder.” The licensing agencies stay in touch and keep each other up to date, sometimes exchanging new varieties. „If I have a good new product in Europe, I might send it across to an American colleague. And in turn, he or she will offer me an attractive new product by an American breeder, which I can then offer to Dutch growers. In this way, the range of new products for growers is constantly increasing.”
Peak reached More and more often licensing agencies get to accept novelty awards, as did Reinier and Peter van Rijssen of Planttip on last year’s IPM.
number of new plants is legally protected, they nonetheless pay for the licences. De Jong feels there is a good reason why growers opt for legally protected varieties rather than choosing free varieties. „With free varieties, growers are in a market which is competing by price, so prices have to be as low as possible. When growing protected varieties you don’t have this problem, as the licensing agencies control the quantities in which they are released on the market.” „Some varieties are put on the market gradually but, over the course of time, end up being available in larger quantities, whereas other varieties never will be offered in bulk. This also depends on the product. Some varieties aren’t suitable for large-
scale growing, as that would lead to plummeting prices”, says Van Vliet.
International As the licensing agencies operate internationally, they regulate the supply not only in the Netherlands but also across the border. Van Vliet: „We sometimes make varieties available to several large Dutch growers which supply Germany, for example. In that case, we don’t give them to their German competitors.” When dealing with novelties, licencing agencies often deliberately form partnerships with several growers. „They are then given the exclusive right to grow the plant for three years, for example. Often, not just one grower but several growers
Although the licensing agencies have enjoyed a huge rise in popularity over the past ten years, this growth is now expected to stabilise. Van Rijssen: „Every year, our range still expands in terms of the number of varieties we offer and the number of breeders we represent. It is still growing, but not as fast as a few years ago.” De Jong: „Sometimes you get a lot of new products on the market, and at other times its a bit quieter. However, in my opinion the peak has now been reached.” According to Van Vliet, this is reflected in the number of new licensing agencies in the last few years. „Until five years ago, several new companies were founded every year. This doesn’t happen as much these days. That’s a good thing, as after all licensing agencies need to handle a reasonable number of products if they are to make a profit.” < De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
Licentiebureaus Engels BKW32A.indd 5
15-08-13 13:22
PlantTrust: fungicide en voeding in één korrel
Innovatieve technologie tegen Phytophthora in container boomkwekerij Speciaal voor de container boomkwekerij introduceert Everris PlantTrust, het nieuwe middel tegen Phytophthora. Anders dan de traditionele gewasbeschermingsmiddelen is de werkzame stof tegen Phytophthora gecoat. PlantTrust wordt vóór oppotten in de potgrond gemengd.
Phytophthora is in de container boomkwekerij lastig te bestrijden. Daardoor is het een groot probleem dat tot forse schade kan leiden en het bedrijfsresultaat in gevaar kan brengen. Optimale bestrijding van Phytophthora vraagt bovendien veel tijd van de boomkweker. Het nieuwe en zeer innovatieve product PlantTrust van Everris biedt een oplossing. Het werkt effectief, efficiënt én veilig.
NIEUWE CRC-TECHNOLOGIE PlantTrust is het eerste Everris product dat gebruik maakt van de nieuwe innovatieve CRC-technologie. CRC staat voor: Controlled Release Controls. Dit is een technologie waarbij werkzame stoffen over een langere periode geleidelijk vrijkomen. PlantTrust is ontwikkeld om planten een krachtige en
langdurige bescherming tegen Phytophthora te bieden. Proeven tonen aan dat het resultaat met PlantTrust aanzienlijk beter is dan de gangbare wijze van gewasbescherming op kwekerijen. Elke korrel bevat naast fungicide ook een hoeveelheid gecontroleerd vrijkomende meststof.
SNEL EN VEILIG Door de korrelvorm is PlantTrust snel en eenvoudig met potgrond te mengen. Eenmalig toedienen bij het oppotten volstaat voor een bescherming tegen Phytophthora tot wel zes maanden, afhankelijk van de situatie. De korrels zijn voorzien van een innovatief coatingsyteem. Daardoor is PlantTrust erg veilig toe te passen.
MAAK KENNIS MET PLANTTRUST Tijdens Plantarium in Boskoop (21 t/m 24 augustus) introduceert Everris (stand 294) het nieuwe product
PlantTrust. Ook uitdagingen met Phytophthora op uw bedrijf? Kom dan langs en laat u informeren over dit unieke product.
EVEROH-3012.indd Basis Special.indd 14 1
13-08-13 11:53 15-8-2013 14:24:00
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Breederplants V.O.F. for growers, by growers
Thuja occidentalis ‘Anniek’
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Grensweg 34 • 7591 NG Denekamp T: 0541 352 000 • F: 0541 350 888 E: info@leuveldboomkwekerijen.nl
Basis Special.indd 15
Legro, let’s start growing...
15-8-2013 14:24:29
New introductions at This Year more than 130 new introductions have been entered for the Plantarium 2013 awards for new plants. It shows the importance of the trade fair in Boskoop to international breeders of hardy nursery stock. It’s also a clear sign of the ongoing innovation power of the industry. Once again ’compact’ is the buzzword in the consumer’s market. Just like ’easy maintenance’. The new introductions are judged by the Royal Boskoop Horticultural Society. Tough trials will decide which of all these new plants are the best. At the opening of this year’s trade fair the winners will be announced.
In the following list you will find all entries for the competition. It doesn’t mean that all these plants have made it to the show. Usually a few are withdrawn at the last minute, for instance because despite all efforts the plants are not at there best right now. <
Abelia grandiflora ’Sparkling Silver’ S: Valkplant bv, Leon van Lint
Boomkwekerij, Boskoop
S: Sent in for the novelty trails by:
W: Leon van Lint Boomkwekerij
W: The novelty was won by, bred by:
D: Stable variegated Abelia. Flowers in August/September.
D: Description of the plant
Compact habitus.
R: Breeders rights:
R: Protected
The texts are based on the details provided by the entrants. De Boomkwekerij does not take responsibility for and cannot be held liable for any errors and/ or omissions in these descriptions. If needed, errata will be published on the website www.DeBoomkwekerij.nl. This magazine is available digitally for subscription holders of De Boomkwekerij via www.DeBoomkwekerij.nl.
Actaea pachypoda ’Misty Blue’
Anemone hybryda ’PKAN’ (Pink Kiss)
S: Plantipp bv, IJsselstein
S: Plantipp bv, IJsselstein
W: Richard Lightly, Mt. Cuba
W: Katsunori Kaneko, Japan
Center, USA
D: Compact. The flowers are light
D: Produces white fragrant flo-
pink in colour. Height 50-60 cm.
wers in May/June, followed in
Suitable for perennial borders
the autumn by white berries
and container on a terrace.
with a dark eye. Maintenance-
R: Protected
free. Height 65 cm, width 65 cm. Compact. Winder-hardy up to -35°C. Suitable as a garden, patio and terrace plant. R: Protected
De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
NoviteitenSpread1.indd 8
15-08-13 14:28
Novelties Plantarium 2013
Astilbe chinensis ’Delft Lace’
Astilbe ’Chocolate Shogun’
S: AB-Cultivars bv, Zuidwolde
W: Mr Nagasaki Teruhisa, Japan
W: Dogger, Emst
D: The leaves are chocolate
D: Whimsical leaves in a range
brown, making it the darkest-
of colours. Flowers as late as
coloured Astilbe. Thanks to this
August. The feathery flowers are
dark colour, ’Chocolate Shogun’
reddish pink in colour.
goes well with plants and shrubs
R: Protected
with yellow/light leaves.
S: CNB New Plants, Lisse
R: Protected
Astilbe ’Look At Me’ (Arendsii Group)
Astilbe ’Red Quin’ (Mighty)
S: Compass Plants bv, Hillegom,
W: Mts. Hans van der Meer
in cooperation with Mts Lucassen
Potplanten, Nieuwe Wetering
W: Tom de Bruijn, ’s Gravenzande
D: Bright red Astilbe. Height
D: Deep pink Astilbe with red
up to 110 cm. The leaves show
stems. Bushy flowers stand out
a range of colours at different
neatly above the foliage.
times, the older foliage dark
R: Protected
green, the newer bronze in
S: Compass Plants bv, Hillegom
colour with visible veining. The flowers are red spotted with white. R: Protected
Berberis thunbergii ’Silver Pillar’
Betula pendula ’Globe’ (Magical Globe).
S: Valkplant bv, Dick van Nierop
S: Kolster bv, Boskoop
vof, Boskoop
W: Mr. Colin James, J.F.T.
W: Dick van Nierop
Nurseries, Australia
D: Erect silver-dappled Berberis.
D: Spherically growing birch that
The leaves emerge yellow in
can be produced with various
the spring, turning to variegated
stem heights.
silver and green as the year
R: Protected
progresses, finishing with an autumn colour. R: Applied for
Buddleja ’Hinebud1’ (Bloomtastic! Dreaming Laverder)
Buddleja ’Hinebud2’ (Bloomtastic! Purple Splendor)
S: Breederplants vof, Gouda
S: Breederplants vof, Gouda
W: Hines Growers LLC, USA
W: Hines Growers LLC, USA
D: Flowers throughout the sum-
D: Compact Buddleja produces
mer, fragrant flowers, lavender in
purple-coloured and fragrant flo-
colour with a white heart. Compact.
wers with a yellow-edged white
Suitable as a ground creeper with
heart, which blooms throughout
a maximum height of 45 cm and
the summer. Height of 1,5 m if
a maximum width of 90 cm. Also
trimmed to about 15 cm above
for hanging baskets, rock gardens.
the ground in spring. Winter-hardy
Winter-hardy up to -20°C.
up to -20°C.
R: Protected
R: Protected De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
NoviteitenSpread1.indd 9
15-08-13 13:21
Buddleja ’Hinebud3’ (Bloomtastic! Dreaming White)
Buddleja ’Hinebud4’ (Bloomtastic! Dreaming Purple)
S: Breederplants vof, Gouda
S: Breederplants vof, Gouda
W: Hines Growers LLC, USA
W: Hines Growers LLC, USA
D: A compact deciduous shrub.
D: A compact deciduous shrub.
White cascading flowers. Winter-
White cascading flowers.
hardy up to -20°C.
Winter- hardy up to -20°C.
R: Protected
R: Protected
Buddleja ’Purple Haze’ (Purple Chip)
Calluna vulgaris ’Ella’ (Heideperle)
S: Valkplant bv, Boskoop
S: MVB Plants Worldwide,
W: Dr Dennis Werner, North
Carolina State University, USA
W: H. Lienhop Gartenbau,
D: Sterile. Remains low and
grows wide. Flowers in August/
D: Grows upright and is an
September with dark-purple
orangey-pink button flower.
It flowers from August.
R: Protected
R: Protected
Calluna vulgaris ’Gabriela Zawadski’ (Heideperle)
Calluna vulgaris ’Paulina’ (Heideperle)
S: MVB Plants Worldwide,
S: MVB Plants Worldwide,
W: H. Lienhop Gartenbau,
W: H. Lienhop Gartenbau,
D: Red button flower and an
D: Purple button flower that
earlier flowerer. The ears appear
grows upright. Its flowering
from the middle of August.
period is from August to
R: Protected
November. R: Protected
Calluna vulgaris ’Rilana’ (Heideperle)
Campanula ’PKM02’ (Magic Mee)
S: MVB Plants Worldwide,
S: Gartneriet PKM, Denmark
W: Gartneriet PKM
W: H. Lienhop Gartenbau,
D: Blue flowers. Suitable for
both indoors and outdoors.
D: Pure white button flower that
Its growth pattern is compact;
grows upright. It flowers from
growth blockers are not needed.
R: Protected
R: Protected
De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
NoviteitenSpread2.indd 10
15-08-13 13:21
Novelties Plantarium 2013
Campanula portenschlagiana ’Clockwise Deep Blue’ S: Syngenta FloriPro Services,
Campanula portenschlagiana ’PTB-1100701’ (Ambella Blue)
De Lier
S: Association of growers
W: Syngenta Seeds bv, Enkhuizen
Addenda, Honselersdijk
D: Dark blue flowers with short
W: Schoneveld Breeding bv,
stems. Compact growth habit,
covered in flowers. The plant
D: Spherical and compact growth
flowers a long period, with a
habit. Dark green leaves and
second flush in the autumn.
blue, lavender-coloured flowers.
R: Not protected
Can be used as a house plant and outside. R: Protected
Campanula portenschlagiana ’PTW-1101001’ (Ambella White)
Campanula poscharskyana ’PSDBH1100301’ (Adansa Purple)
S: Association of growers
S: Association of growers
Addenda, Honselersdijk
Addenda, Honselersdijk
W: Schoneveld Breeding bv, Twello
W: Schoneveld Breeding bv,
D: Spherical and compact growth
habit. The buds have a pale blue
D: Slightly upright growth habit,
flush and develop into snow-white
with evenly distributed shoot
flowers. Almost glossy, dark green
formation. Dark green leaves,
leaves. Suitable for use inside and
purple flowers.
on the terrace or in the garden
R: Protected
room. R: Protected
Campanula poscharskyana ’PSDL1100101’ (Adansa Pink)
Campanula poscharskyana ’PSW09102’ (Adansa White Compact)
S: Association of growers
S: Association of growers
Addenda, Honselersdijk
Addenda, Honselersdijk
W: Schoneveld Breeding bv,
W: Schoneveld Breeding bv,
D: Dark green leaves. Pink
D: Dark green leaves. Star-shaped
flowers which are evenly
flowers, snow-white in colour,
distributed across the plant.
with pale green buds. Compact;
The bud initially has a pale
only available in smaller pot sizes.
blue flush.
Suitable for arrangements and
R: Protected
added-value products. R: Protected
Campanula poscharskyana ’PSW1100201’ (Adansa White Royal)
Carex oshimensis ’Everlime’ (Evercolor)
S: Association of growers
Addenda, Honselersdijk
W: Fitzgerald Nurseries LTD
W: Schoneveld Breeding bv,
D: The leaves are green with
a lime-coloured edge, brown/
D: Bears a profusion of white
yellow flowers. Suitable for bor-
flowers. Cream-coloured buds
ders, container on the terrace or
and dark green leaves. Suitable
in a pot.
as hanging plant, for the terrace
R: Applied for
S: Fitzgerald Nurseries LTD,
or garden room. R: Protected
De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
NoviteitenSpread2.indd 11
15-08-13 13:21
Clematis ’Diamond Ball’
Clematis ’Innocent Blush’
S: Clematis Sz. Marczynski, W.
S: Clematis Sz. Marczynski, W.
Piotrowski Szkółka Pojemnikowa,
Piotrowski Szkółka Pojemnikowa,
W: Szczepan Marczynski, Poland
W: Szczepan Marczynski, Poland
D: Flowers 10-12 cm in diameter
D: The plant flowers on old and
and white-blue in colour. Flowers
new growth. Semi-full flowers,
on old and new growth. The
12-18 cm in diameter. Flowers
flowers are distributed evenly
from the end of May to July, with
across the plant in June and July.
a second (less abundant) flush
Continues flowering - less abun-
from August to September.
dantly - into August.
R: Protected
R: Protected
Clematis ’Kaiser’
Clematis ’Lemon Dream’
S: Clematis Sz. Marczynski, W.
S: Clematis Sz. Marczynski, W.
Piotrowski Szkółka Pojemnikowa,
Piotrowski Szkółka Pojemnikowa,
W: F. Miyata & K. Miyakazi from
W: Szczepan Marczynski, Poland
D: Flowers 10-12 cm in diameter,
D: Blooms early and has large
pale lemon yellow in colour,
flowers. Medium-sized to large
bell-shaped and nodding, with
flowers, always double. The flo-
a grapefruit scent. The flowers
wers appear from May to June.
appear in May, with a second
The plant grows from 1-1,5 m tall.
(less abundant) flush in the sum-
R: Protected
mer. Around 2-3 m tall. Winterhardy. R: Protected
Clematis ’Purple Dream’ S: Clematis Sz. Marczynski, W.
Clematis ’Tra27’ (Succes Lavender)
Piotrowski Szkółka Pojemnikowa,
S: Sapho, France
W: Pépinières Travers, France
W: Szczepan Marczynski, Poland
D: Lavender-coloured flowers
D: Flowers 10-12 cm in diameter.
12-18 cm. Compact shape.
Bell-shaped, nodding purple
Specially selected as flowering
flowers with a grapefruit scent.
pot plants on 60 cm pyramids or
The flowers appear in May with
bamboo supports. Winter-hardy
a second (less abundant) flush
in the summer. Height 2-3 m.
R: Protected
Winter-hardy. R: Protected
Clematis ’Tra415’ (Succes Candy)
Clematis ’Zocoro’(Country Rose)
S: Sapho, France
S: J. van Zoest bv, Boskoop
W: Pépinières Travers, France
W: J. van Zoest bv
D: Pink clematis with a com-
D: Winter-hardy climbing plant
pact shape. Flowers 10-15 cm.
with stems measuring up to 2 m
Specially selected as flowering
long. The leaves are 2-ternate,
pot plants on 60 cm pyramids or
in the normal green colour. The
bamboo supports. Winter-hardy.
flowers are nodding and 4-5 cm
R: Protected
in diameter. The main flowering period is April and May, but it also flowers in the summer. R: Applied for
De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
NoviteitenSpread3.indd 12
15-08-13 13:21
Novelties Plantarium 2013
Cordyline ’Can Can’
Cordyline ’Cha Cha’
S: Van Vliet New Plants bv, Stroe
S: Van Vliet New Plants bv, Stroe
W: Peter John Fraser, New
W: Peter John Fraser, New
D: Fast growing with a healthy
D: Fast growing with a healthy
system of roots. Suitable for both
system of roots. Suitable for both
the garden and in a container
the garden and in a container
on a terrace. The plants must be
on a terrace. The plants must be
protected against serious frost.
protected against serious frost.
R: Protected
R: Protected
Daboecia cantabrica ’Grace O Malley’(Heideperle)
Daboecia cantabrica ’Mary Robinson’(Heideperle)
S: MVB Plants Worldwide,
S: MVB Plants Worldwide,
W: H. Lienhop Gartenbau,
W: H. Lienhop Gartenbau,
D: White flowers and bright
D: Robust, vertically growing
dense leaves, flowers from July.
type of heather. The flowers are
The plants are robust and grow
red in colour and flower from
July. The leaves are dense and
R: Protected
bright green in colour. R: Protected
Dahlia ’Antique’ (Mystic Memories)
Dahlia ’Hawaiian Dreams’ (Mystic Fantasy)
S: Plantipp bv, IJsselstein
S: Plantipp bv, IJsselstein
W: Dr. Keith Hammett, New
W: Dr. Keith Hammett, New
D: Peach-coloured flowers with
D: Flamingo pink flowers and a
an orange and red-flamed lining
dark leaf colour.
and dark leaves.
R: Applied for
R: Applied for
Dahlia ’Starsister Crimson Stripes’
Dahlia ’Velvet’ (Mystic Wonder)
S: Gootjes-AllPlant bv, Schagen
S: Plantipp bv, IJsselstein
W: Hem Genetics, Hem
W: Dr. Keith Hammett, New
D: Bi-coloured flowers red and
white. Not too high, suitable for
D: Velvet red flowers and dark
larger containers.
R: Protected
R: Applied for
De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
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15-08-13 13:21
Delosperma cooperi ’12ROSK1’ (Jewel Of Desert Rosequartz)
Dianthus ’DICZ0001’ (Dixie Deep Rose) (Plumarius Group)
S: Plantipp bv, IJsselstein
S: Syngenta Floripro Services,
W: Koichiro Nishikawa, Japan
De Lier
D: Compact and horizontal
W: Syngenta Seeds bv, Enkhuizen
growth pattern. Bloom from
D: Deep pink flowers. Uniform,
summer to winter. Winter
a short cultivation period and
hardy and resistant to drought.
Relatively small leaves and lilac/
R: Protected
pink flowers. R: Protected
Dianthus ’DICZ0004’ (Dixie White Red Bicolor) (Plumarius Group)
Dianthus ’Dochiba’ (Diadoble Crimson Picotee)
S: Syngenta Floripro Services,
W: Hem Genetics, Hem
De Lier
D: Sturdy, winter-hardy garden
W: Syngenta Seeds bv, Enkhuizen
plants that are suitable for con-
D: White flowers with a red cen-
tainers and larger pots.
tre. Uniform, a short cultivation
R: Protected
S: Gootjes-AllPlant bv, Schagen
period and winter-hardy. R: Protected
Echinacea purpurea ’Purple Emperor’
Erica cinerea ’Gruss an Bremen’ (Heideperle)
S: AB-Cultivars bv, Zuidwolde
S: MVB Plants Worldwide,
W: A. Blom, Oudewater
D: Robust, single-flowered deep
W: H. Lienhop Gartenbau,
purple. The leaf is a glossy dark
green. Low growing, suitable for
D: Light violet flowers. Flowering
large beds.
from the middle of July.
R: Protected
R: Protected
Erica cinerea ’Gruss aus Verden’ (Heideperle)
Eucalyptus gunnii ’Rengun’ (France Blue)
S: MVB Plants Worldwide,
S: Sapho, France
W: Jean Renault, France
W: H. Lienhop Gartenbau,
D: Blue-green aromatic leaves,
red-brown young branches and
D: White flowers. Starts to flower
a compact shape. Suitable for
from the middle of July. Robust
pot on the balcony or terrace,
and grow upwards. The branches
or in small gardens. Copes with
are covered with flowers.
pruning; can be pruned into a
R: Protected
shape or kept small. R: Protected
De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
NoviteitenSpread4.indd 14
15-08-13 13:21
Novelties Plantarium 2013
Euonymus japonicus ’Lankveld03’ (Paloma Blanca)
Geranium ’Azure Rush’
S: Plantipp bv, IJsselstein
Pflanzen, Germany
W: Thijs van Lankveld, Elsendorp
D: Fast-growing, large light blue
D: New shoots in spring are
flowers. More compact than
mother-of-pearl in colour. During
Geranium ’Rozanne’. Flowers
the summer bright green leaves.
from May until the first frost.
The shrub is closed, compact,
Withstands intense summer heat.
evergreen and suitable as a com-
R: Protected
S: Gootjes Allplant bv, Schagen W: Jan Schuiver, zu Jeddeloh
pact hedge, garden plant, on its own or combined with others in a container. R: Protected
Hebe ’Branpink’ (Pink Pixie) S: Valkplant bv, Boskoop,
Hebe ’Zeastar’ (Hebegranda Blue)
Bransford Webbs Plant
S: Association of growers
Company, UK
W: Bransford Webbs Plant
W: Gartneriet Kjaergaardsminde,
D: Compact growth pattern. Pink
D: Strong-growing, shrubby
flowers that bloom from May/
Hebe. Dark-blue flower spike,
June onwards. The plant is reaso-
over 10 cm long. Dark green
nably winter-hardy.
R: Protected
R: Protected
Heuchera ’Apricot’
Heuchera ’Cassis’
S: CNB New Plants, Lisse
S: CNB New Plants, Lisse
W: Thierry Delabroye, France
W: Thierry Delabroye, France
D: Apricot/pink-coloured leaves
D: Dark-leaved plant with red/
with red/pink flowers. Flowers
pink flowers. They flower from
from spring until summer. Grows
spring until summer. Grows to a
to a maximum height of 50 cm.
maximum height of 50 cm.
R: Applied for
R: Applied for
Heuchera ’Silver Dollar’ S: CNB New Plants, Lisse
Hibiscus moscheutos ’Tangri’ (Planet Griotte)
W: Thierry Delabroye, France
S: Sapho, France
D: Silver green leaves and pink
W: Pépinières Fleur Du Sud,
flowers. Flowers from spring
until summer. Grows to a maxi-
D: Cherry-coloured flowers which
mum height of 50 cm.
appear from July to September.
R: Applied for
The leaf is carmine red in colour. R: Protected
De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
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15-08-13 13:21
Hibiscus moscheutos ’Tansol’ (Planet Solène)
Hydrangea macrophylla ’Galaxy’ (Magical Galaxy)
S: Sapho, France
S: Kolster bv, Boskoop
W: Pépinières Fleur Du Sud,
W: Vicini bv, Nootdorp
D: Dark red and green flowers
D: Pink flowers with undulating
R: Protected
petals. Flowers from July to September. The leaf is green, with a carmine red reflection. R: Protected
Hydrangea macrophylla ’Kolmaru’ (Magical Rubyred)
Hydrangea macrophylla ’Qufu’ (Magical Greenfire)
S: Kolster bv, Boskoop
W: Hortève bv, De Kwakel
W: Kolster bv
D: Flower dark red and green in
D: Deep red colour, running into
deep burgundy red.
R: Protected
S: Kolster bv, Boskoop
R: Protected
Hydrangea macrophylla ’Rojojo’ (Forever & Ever White)
Hydrangea macrophylla ’Youme H1917’ (Love)
S: Boomkwekerij Gebr. Jonkers,
W: R. Irie, Japan
D: Double rosette flowers that
W: Boomkwekerij Gebr. Jonkers
are pink in colour.
D: Flowers on both this year’s
R: Protected
S: Plantipp bv, IJsselstein
and older growth. White flowers, remains in bloom for an extended period. R: Applied for
Hydrangea paniculata ’Bokrathirteen’ (Magical Summer)
Hydrangea paniculata ’Hpopr013’ (Candlelight)
S: Kolster bv, Boskoop
and Oprins Plant nv, Belgium
W: Boot & Co, Boskoop/Zundert
W: Oprins Plant NV
D: Plumed hydrangea with white
D: Creamy white flowers on
flower plumes that turn pink in
sturdy stalks. During the summer,
the flowers may turn light pink.
R: Protected
The stalks are dark red in colour.
S: Van Vliet New Plants bv, Stroe
Winter-hardy. Vertical growth pattern. R: Protected
De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
NoviteitenSpread5.indd 16
15-08-13 13:21
Novelties Plantarium 2013
Hydrangea paniculata ’Jane’ (Little Lime) S: Valkplant bv, Pieter
Hydrangea paniculata ’Kolmahima’ (Magical Himalaya)
Zwijnenburg jr, Boskoop
S: Kolster bv, Boskoop
W: Tim Wood, Spring Meadow
W: Kolster bv
Nursery, USA
D: Compact plumed hydrangea.
D: Dwarf version of Hydrangea
Uniform flowering pattern.
pan. ’Limelight’. Flowers change
The colours of the flowers run
colour from lime to light pink.
into green.
The plant grows to about
R: Applied for
90-120 cm. Suitable for gardens, containers or borders. R: Protected
Hydrangea paniculata ’Kolmavesu’ (Magical Vesuvio)
Hydrangea paniculata ’Polar Bear’
S: Kolster bv, Boskoop
W: A.J. Bregman, Hazerswoude
W: Kolster bv
D: Compact cone-shaped flowers
D: Compact plumed hydrangea.
in a lime colour that changes to
Uniform flowering pattern.
pure white. Pink in the autumn.
The colours run into deep red.
Flowersize 30-40 cm. Height
R: Applied for
1,5 m (including flower), width
S: Breederplants vof, Gouda
1,5 m. Temperatures of -25/-30°C are not a problem. Suitable as a patio, hedge or border plant. R: Protected
Hydrangea paniculata ’Savill Lace’ (Magical Savill Lace)
Hypericum inodorum ’Kolmiglow’ (Magical Midnight Glow)
S: Kolster bv, Boskoop
S: Kolster bv, Boskoop
W: Boot & Co, Boskoop/Zundert
W: Floribreed, Heelsum
D: Plumed hydrangea, large
D: Carries shiny red berries on
flowers that retain their colour
dark red leaves and is suitable
for a long time.
for the cultivation of pot and
R: Protected
cut flowers. R: Applied for
Hypericum inodorum ’Kolmsea’ (Magical Seasons)
Lagerstroemia indica ’Indybra’ (Braise D’Ete Indya Charm)
S: Kolster bv, Boskoop
S: Sapho, France
W: Floribreed, Heelsum
W: Sarl Lagerstroemia, France
D: Carries brown berries and
D: Medium-sized. The leaves are
is suitable for the cultivation
large and dark green in colour,
of cut flowers.
young shoots and buds are red.
R: Applied for
The flowers, which appear in July, are an intense red colour. R: Protected
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15-08-13 13:21
Lagerstroemia indica ’Indycam’ (Camïeu D’Ete Indya Charm)
Lagerstroemia indica ’Indyfus’ (Fuchsia D’Ete Indya Charm)
S: Sapho, France
S: Sapho, France
W: Sarl Lagerstroemia, France
W: Sarl Lagerstroemia, France
D: Compact. The leaves are pale
D: Medium-sized variety with
green. It flowers early with white
glossy, dark-green leaves. The
to pale lilac flowers.
buds are red, the flowers are
R: Protected
almost fuchsia-red in colour. Young shoots are red. R: Protected
Lagerstroemia indica ’Indyvio’ (Violet D’Ete Indya Charm)
Lantana ’Chapel Hill Yellow’
S: Sapho, France
D: Maintenance-free and
W: Sarl Lagerstroemia, France
drought-tolerant. The growth
D: Large variety with mat green
pattern is low creeping, with
leaves. Flowers early, with violet-
dark green leaves. Yellow flo-
coloured petals, yellow stamens.
wers. Winter-hardy up to -15°C.
R: Protected
R: Protected
Lantana ’Sunny Side Up’ S: Plantipp bv, IJsselstein
Lavandula stoechas ’Wijs02’ (Lusi Pink)
W: Plant Introductions, USA
S: Plantipp bv, IJsselstein
D: Maintenance-free and
W: Robert Wijsman, Boskoop
drought-tolerant. The growth
D: Solid flowers, long bloom.
pattern is low creeping, with
Uniform growth pattern. Disease-
dark green leaves. Yellow-white
resistant. Suitable for transport.
flowers: yellow centre and white
R: Protected
S: Plantipp bv, IJsselstein W: Plant Introductions, USA
edges. Winter-hardy up to -15°C. R: Protected
Lavatera ’Renlav’ (Blue Bird)
Leucanthemum maximum ’Leuz0001’ (Freak!)
S: Sapho, France
S: Blooms of Bressingham, USA
W: J.T.A.E. Renault, France
W: Har Stemkens, Syngenta
D: Small, shrub-like shape and
Flowers, Enkhuizen
grey-green leaves. Flowers from
D: Fluffy-looking flowers, formed
the beginning of June. Pale lilac
by layers of white flower petals.
petals with numerous dark-
Compact branching plant. Dark
purple stripes.
green leaves. Height about
R: Protected
33 cm. Suitable for containers or borders. R: Protected
De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
NoviteitenSpread6.indd 18
15-08-13 13:20
Novelties Plantarium 2013
Leucothoe keiskei ’Opstal50’ (Burning Love)
Ligustrum japonicum ’Briquinze’ (Colombine)
S: Plantipp bv, IJsselstein
S: André Briant Jeunes Plants,
W: Ron van Opstal, Zundert
D: Compact growth pattern. The
W: André Briant Jeunes Plants
fine leaves are red-purple in
D: Compact growth pattern and
colour and look best between
a round shape. The young shoots
September and March.
are red in colour. Golden yellow
R: Applied for
leaves. R: Protected
Ligustrum japonicum ’Briseize’ (Arlequin)
Liriodendron tulipifera ’Edward Gursztyn’
S: André Briant Jeunes Plants,
S: Boomkwekerij Marcel van
Nijnatten, Zundert
W: André Briant Jeunes Plants
W: Lucjan Gursztyn, Poland
D: Compact growth pattern and
D: Small tree with a spherical
a round shape. The young shoots
crown. Slow grower: the crown
are red in colour. Yellow and
diameter of a 15-year old tree
cream leaves.
measures around 2 m. Frost-
R: Protected
resistant to -36°C. R: Protected
Lonicera nitida ’Golden Glow’
Lychnis arkwrightii ’Pmoore05’ (Scarlet O’Hara)
S: Van Vliet New Plants bv, Stroe
S: Plantipp bv, IJsselstein
W: Nijland Siergroen, Harfsen
W: Peter Moore, UK
D: Suitable for borders, the
D: Bright-red flowers and dark
living and working environment,
leaves. Compact and even.
roundabouts and mass planting,
Maximum height 50 cm.
but also suitable for a pot. The
leaves are about 1 cm long,
R: Protected
leathery and golden yellow in colour. Low-maintenance plant that can be thoroughly pruned. R: Protected
Malus domestica ’Rosette’ S: Jos Frijns en Zn bv, Margraten
Miscanthus sinensis ’Gold Breeze’
W: Frank P Matthews Ltd, UK
S: GASA Germany, Germany
D: Red colour of the flesh.
W: Joy Creek Nursery, USA
The tree requires minimal
D: Its height is similar to that of
pruning and is resistant to fungal
Miscanthus ’Strictus’, while its
infections. The harvest time is
leaves has as many stripes as
spread across 10 days.
the dwarf variety ’Gold Bar’.
R: Protected
R: Protected
De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
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15-08-13 13:20
Nandina domestica ’Sunset’ (Summer Sunset)
Nepeta ’Junior Walker’ (Faassenii Group)
S: Breederplants vof, Gouda
S: Rijnbeek en Zoon bv, Rijnbeek
W: Van den Dool Botanic,
and Son perennials export bv,
D: Evergreen with dark red
W: Conrad Pyle Company, USA
shoots. Height up to 1,5 m,
D: Compact with round and uni-
width 1 m. White flowers in
form flowers both in the garden
June and July. The buds are pink.
and in the pot. Flowers from
Winter-hardy up to -15°C.
May to September.
R: Protected
R: Applied for
Panicum virgatum ’Cheyenne Sky’
Panicum virgatum ’Prairie Fire'
S: GASA Germany, Germany
S: GASA Germany, Germany
W: Walters Gardens, USA
W: Walters Gardens, USA
D: Compact variety. The blue
D: The tips of the blue green
green leaves get a red glow
leaves turn a bright red early in
early in summer.
the summer. The red flower ears
R: Protected
can be used as cut flowers, both fresh and dried. R: Protected
Pennisetum setaceum ’Cherry Sparkler’
Penstemon hartwegii ’Arabesque Red’
S: CNB New Plants, Lisse
S: Syngenta Floripro Services,
W: ItSaul & Ronald Strasko, USA
De Lier
D: Variegated leaves with creamy
W: Syngenta Seeds bv, Enkhuizen
white and green longitudinal
D: Red flowers, the flowering
stripes. This plant will get a red
period continues into the
glow when exposed to the sun.
autumn. The plant has a bushy
R: Protected
structure, so no pinching out is required. R: Not protected
Perovskia atriplicifolia ’Lissvery’ (Silvery Blue) S: Plantipp bv, IJsselstein
Phlox ‘Bareightyfive‘ (Early Hot Pink) (Paniculata Group)
W: Peter Catt, England
S: Bartels Stek, Aalsmeer
D: Silver leaves, strong plant
W: Bartels Stek
structure. Flowers from summer
D: Flowers up to 3 weeks earlier
to autumn, with blue purple
than the other Paniculata varie-
fragrant flowers.
ties, with medium-sized bright
R: Applied for
pink flowers. Remains short. Suitable as garden plant or potted plant. R: Not protected
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NoviteitenSpread7.indd 20
15-08-13 13:20
Novelties Plantarium 2013
Phlox ‘Bareightysix‘ (Flame Blue) (Paniculata Group)
Phlox ’Versbicolor’ (Younique Bicolor) (Paniculata Group)
S: Bartels Stek, Aalsmeer
S: Compass Plants bv, Hillegom
W: Bartels Stek
W: A. Verschoor Horticulture
D: Remains short. Suitable
Import - Export, Haarlem
as garden plant or potted
D: Compact, sturdy and florife-
plant. Light purple-blue colour.
rous. 40 cm in height. Light pink
Branches well and is mildew-
in colour with a white centre.
Flower from July to September.
R: Not protected
R: Protected
Phlox ’Versmauve’ (Younique Mauve) (Paniculata Group)
Phlox ’Versoldblue’ (Younique Old Blue) (Paniculata Group)
S: Compass Plants bv, Hillegom
S: Compass Plants bv, Hillegom
W: A. Verschoor Horticulture
W: A. Verschoor Horticulture
Import - Export, Haarlem
Import - Export, Haarlem
D: Compact, sturdy and flori-
D: Compact, sturdy and florife-
ferous. 40 cm in height. Light
rous. 40 cm in height. Dark blue
purple in colour. Flower from July
with a white centre. Flower from
to September.
July to September.
R: Applied for
R: Protected
Phlox ’Versoldcerise’ (Younique Old Cerise) (Paniculata Group)
Phlox ’Versoldpink’ (Younique Old Pink) (Paniculata Group)
S: Compass Plants bv, Hillegom
S: Compass Plants bv, Hillegom
W: A. Verschoor Horticulture
W: A. Verschoor Horticulture
Import - Export, Haarlem
Import - Export, Haarlem
D: Uniform cerise in colour.
D: Deep pink leaflets, shading
Compact, sturdy and floriferous.
to white towards the centre.
40 cm in height. Flower from
Compact, sturdy and floriferous.
July to September.
40 cm in height. Flower from
R: Applied for
July to September. R: Applied for
Photinia fraseri ’Oploo1’ (Red Light)
Photinia ’Kolmavoca’ (Magical Volcano)
S: Plantipp bv, IJsselstein
S: Kolster bv, Boskoop
W: Alexander van Oploo,
W: Kolster bv
Van Oploo Tuinplanten, Bavel
D: The young leaves are red
D: Bright red branches and red
throughout the season. The
leaves. Evergreen, winter-hardy
plant branches nicely and is also
up to -18°C. Regular pruning will
suitable for hedges.
keep the plant compact.
R: Protected
R: Protected
De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
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15-08-13 13:20
Physocarpus opulifolius ’Jefam’ (Amber Jubilee)
Pieris japonica ’Opstal 69’ (Pink Passion)
S: Joh. Stolwijk & Zn.
S: Plantipp bv, IJsselstein
Boomkwekerijen bv, Boskoop
W: Ron van Opstal, Zundert
W: Rick Durand, Jeffries Nursery,
D: Mutant of Valley Rose.
Long lasting pink flowers.
D: Leave colours ranging from
R: Applied for
orange, yellow to gold with white flowers. During autumn, the leaves turn red. R: Protected
Potentilla fruticosa ’Orange One’ (Orange Lady)
Prunus laurocerasus ’Ani’
S: Valkplant bv, Boskoop
W: Josza Miklos, Hungary
W: Tim Wood, Spring Meadow
D: Vertical evergreen with young
Nursery, USA
red shoots. Suitable for hedges,
D: The flowers are bright orange.
but also on its own. About 1,5 m
This potentilla remains low,
in height and 1 m in width. The
at about 40-60 cm.
plant is winter-hardy up to -20°C.
R: Applied for
R: Protected
Prunus laurocerasus ‘GRPL 18’ (Green Planet)
Rhododendron ’Henri Nannen’
S: Plantipp bv, IJsselstein
S: Bruns Pflanzen Export GmbH &
W: Guido Rouwette, Valkenburg
Co.KG, Germany
D: This evergreen is winter-hardy
W: Bruns Pflanzen Export GmbH &
up to -20/-25°C.
R: Applied for
D: The flowers are salmon coloured
S: Breederplants vof, Gouda
to creamy pink on the edges and yellow to orange in the centre. The leaves are medium-sized, green and slightly turned. The growth pattern is vertical, round and closed. Winter-hardy up to -26°C. R: Not protected
Rhododendron ’Magic Eye’ S: Bruns Pflanzen Export GmbH
Rhododendron ’Park Bremen’
& Co.KG, Germany
S: Bruns Pflanzen Export GmbH
W: Bruns Pflanzen Export GmbH
& Co.KG, Germany
& Co.KG
W: Bruns Pflanzen Export GmbH
D: Dark purple red, blue-tinged
& Co.KG
flowers with a clear eye that chan-
D: Flowers are salmon to pink in
ges from bright yellow to orange.
colour. Its leaves are medium-
The leaves are medium-sized,
sized and dark green in colour.
light green, shiny, and long to
The growth pattern is compact,
egg-shaped. The plant has a wide
closed, round and expanding.
growth pattern and expands.
R: Not protected
Winter-hardy up to -20°C. R: Protected
De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
Noviteiten8Nieuw.indd 22
15-08-13 13:20
Novelties Plantarium 2013
Rosa ’Evera608’ (Princess Of Infinity)
Rosa ’Relax0001’ (Lady In Red)
S: Roses Forever ApS, Denmark
S: Roses Forever ApS, Denmark
W: Roses Forever ApS
W: Roses Forever ApS
D: Light-pink flowers that live for
D: Ground-covering rose, suitable
over five weeks indoor. Thick lea-
for use as a hanging rose or
ves protect the plant from drying
around a stem. Red, semi-filled
out quickly. Flowers with diame-
flowers around 6,5 to 7 cm
ter of 7 cm, suitable for indoor
in size. Flower continuously
use but also for use in borders
between June and November.
or in pots outside. Winter-hardy
R: Protected
if planted between May and September. R: Protected
Rosa ’Relax0006’ (I Am Grateful)
Rosa ’Relax0009’ (Our Last Summer)
S: Roses Forever ApS, Denmark
S: Roses Forever ApS, Denmark
W: Roses Forever ApS
W: Roses Forever ApS
D: Long-flowering hybrid tea rose
D: Rambler rose that grows up
with bunches of pink-coloured
to around 2 to 3 m in height. The
flowers. The flowers are 6,5 cm
flowers (12 cm) are fragrant and
in size and flower continuously
light pink in colour. The flowering
from June to November. The lea-
period is from June to November.
ves are bright green in colour.
R: Protected
R: Protected
Rosa ‘Ruipe0306c’ (Saturnus King Terrazza)
Rosa ’Ruipe0344a’ (Fragrance King Terrazza)
S: De Ruiter Innovations bv,
S: Ruiter Innovations bv,
W: De Ruiter Innovations bv
W: Ruiter Innovations bv
D: Has shiny leaves and a com-
D: Fragrant patio rose with dark
pact growth pattern. The flowers
red flowers.
have many petals, are bright
R: Applied for
orange in colour and are very gregarious. R: Protected
Rosa ’Ruiph0416a’ (Meteor King Terrazza)
Rudbeckia ’ET-RDB 01’ (Summerina Orange)
S: Ruiter Innovations bv,
S: F.N. Kempen, Mijdrecht
W: Eternal Plant Boijl bv, Boijl
W: Ruiter Innovations bv
D: Result from a crossing of
D: Bright red patio rose, grega-
Rudbeckia and Echinacea.
rious during spring. Branching
Flowers up to 12 cm change in
is good, but the plant remains
colour as they develop. Flowering
begins in early summer through
R: Applied for
to the first heavy frosts. Winterhardy down to -20°C. R: Protected
De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
Noviteiten8Nieuw.indd 23
15-08-13 13:20
Rudbeckia ’ET-RDB 02’ (Summerina Yellow) S: F.N. Kempen, Mijdrecht W: Eternal Plant Boijl bv, Boijl D: Result from a crossing of
Rudbeckia ’ET-RDB 03’ (Summerina Brown) S: F.N. Kempen, Mijdrecht W: Eternal Plant Boijl bv, Boijl D: Result from a crossing of
Rudbeckia and Echinacea.
Rudbeckia and Echinacea.
Flowers up to 12 cm change in
Flowers up to 12 cm change in
colour as they develop. Flowering
colour as they develop. Flowering
begins in early summer through
begins in early summer through
to the first heavy frosts. Winter-
to the first heavy frosts. Winter-
hardy down to -20°C.
hardy down to -20°C.
R: Protected
R: Protected
Salvia ’Blue Note’ S: CNB New Plants, Lisse W: Cathy Bernabe Henansal,
Salvia ’Red Swing’ S: CNB New Plants, Lisse W: Cathy Bernabe Henansal,
D: Fragrant Salvias, continuously
D: Fragrant Salvias, continuously
flowering. Suitable for pots and
flowering. Suitable for pots and
gardens. Height: 40-50 cm.
gardens. Height: 40-50 cm.
R: Protected
R: Protected
Salvia ’Salmon Dance’ S: CNB New Plants, Lisse W: Cathy Bernabe Henansal,
Salvia ’Violin Music’ S: CNB New Plants, Lisse W: Cathy Bernabe Henansal,
D: Fragrant Salvias, continuously
D: Fragrant Salvias, continuously
flowering. Suitable for pots and
flowering. Suitable for pots and
gardens. Height: 50 cm.
gardens. Height: 30-50 cm.
R: Protected
R: Protected
Sedum ’Eline’ S: CNB New Plants, Lisse W: Kwekerij Aan de Dijk,
Spiraea ’Tracy’ (Double Play Big Bang)
S: Valkplant bv, Boskoop W: Tim Wood, Spring Meadow
D: Yellow flowers, green leaves
Nursery, USA
with purple veins. The flowers
D: The young orange leaves
appear between August and
change to bright yellow.
September. Branches well and
Pink flowers. Winter-hardy.
will grow up to a height of 25 cm
R: Applied for
and the flowers up to 35 cm. Suitable for borders and patios.
R: Applied for
De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
NoviteitenSpread9.indd 24
15-08-13 13:19
Novelties Plantarium 2013
Syringa ’SMSJBP7’ (Bloomerang Dark Purple)
Nursery, USA
Thuja occidentalis ’Golden Anne’ S: Van Vliet New Plants bv, Stroe W: Hoof Zevenaar vof, Zevenaar D: Compact, fast-growing bright
D: Flowers in spring and autumn.
yellow conifer. Pyramid shape.
Fragrant flowers, dark purple.
Can be used on its own or as a
About 100-150 cm tall.
compact hedge.
R: Protected
R: Protected
Verbena bonariensis ’Lollipop’ S: Walter Blom Plants bv,
Veronica longifolia ’Marietta’
Rijnbeek and Son perennials
W: Aris Horticulture, USA D: Dwarf shape with a vertical,
export bv, Boskoop
S: Valkplant bv, Boskoop W: Tim Wood, Spring Meadow
S: Rijnbeek en Zoon bv and
well branched growth pattern.
W: Ruud Klein, Roelofarendsveen D: Dark blue flowers with striking
Purple flowers that bloom from
stamens. Less sensitive to
June to September. Suitable for
mildew and leaf spot.
pots, containers and borders.
R: Applied for
R: Protected
Veronica spicata ’Versbabypink’ (Younique Baby Pink) S: Compass Plants bv, Hillegom W: A. Verschoor Horticulture
Veronica spicata ’Versbabyred’ (Younique Baby Red) S: Compass Plants bv, Hillegom W: A. Verschoor Horticulture
Import - Export, Haarlem
Import - Export, Haarlem
D: Compact and sturdy Veronica
D: Compact and sturdy Veronica
spicata types reaching around
spicata types reaching around 30
30 cm in height. Pink in colour.
cm in height. Red in colour.
R: Protected
R: Protected
Veronica spicata ’Versbabywhite’ (Younique Baby White) S: Compass Plants bv, Hillegom W: A. Verschoor Horticulture
Weigela ’Bokrarob’ (Magical Robin) S: Kolster bv, Boskoop W: Boot & Co, Boskoop/Zundert D: Low, continuously flowering.
Import - Export, Haarlem
Deep red flowers. Can be grown
D: Compact and sturdy Veronica
in pots.
spicata types reaching around
R: Protected
30 cm in height. White in colour.
R: Protected
De Boomkwekerij 32A (21 augustus 2013)
NoviteitenSpread9.indd 25
15-08-13 13:19
Pumice Grow Mineraal voor een sterkere plant Pumice Grow Mineraal is een lichtgewicht poreus vulkanisch gesteente Geeft een betere structuur aan het substraat Het verhoogde mineraalaandeel geeft een stevigere plant Zeer stabiel als grondstof in substraat Verbeterde lucht/water huishouding Betere doorgroei bij de consument Bezoek onze stand tijdens het Plantarium, standnummer 126
Jiffy Products International BV Tel.: +31 168 41 35 55 Fax: +31 168 41 35 56 sales@jiffygroup.com www.jiffygroup.com
Pieper de piep! Tijdens Plantarium van 21 tot en met 24 augustus ligt de groene loper voor u uitgerold! We kijken ernaar uit u een van deze dagen te ontmoeten.
Basis Special.indd 16
Klant al 25 jaar koning
T +31 (0)172 23 54 44 www.groenvision.com info@groenvision.com
15-8-2013 14:25:29
Plantarium Boskoop, standnummer 35
17 Januari 2013 • 12e jaargang nummer 2 • IPM 2013
Wij maken jaarlijks 9 miljoen Aangeboden coniferenstekken in een groot assortiment diverse soorten gewortelde Rechter pagina tegen een scherpe prijs. Kwaliteit staat bij stek in stekplaten boven aan ons voorop en we leveren jaarrond. Volledigerodesticker voorraadlijsten op aanvraag verkrijgbaarvoorzien van de De stekken worden bij aflevering of kijk op www.hecostekcultures.nl juiste voeding voor een perfecte start van uw teelt.
Kijk op onze website www.stekbedrijf.nl en neem Bezoek ons tijdens de IPM 2013: Hal 12, stand 12A18 gerust contact met ons op.
Voor al uw coniferenstekken Wij maken jaarlijks 9 miljoen coniferenstekken in een groot assortiment tegen een scherpe prijs. Kwaliteit staat bij ons voorop en we leveren jaarrond.Stekbedrijf van Gils Liggend.indd 1
Gommelsestraat 2 • 5074 NG Biezenmortel Tel. (013) 5113396 • Fax (013) 5114183 • E-mail: info@hecostekcultures.nl
Stekbedrijf van Gils
De Hoef 3 5096 BJ Hulsel. Tel 013-5092401 fax 013-5092718 Gsm 06-53172811 info@stekbedrijf.nl
15-8-2013 13:53:01
De stekken worden bij aflevering voorzien van de juiste voeding voor een perfecte start van uw teelt. Kijk op onze website www.stekbedrijf.nl en neem gerust contact met ons op. Stekbedrijf van Gils De Hoef 3 5096 BJ Hulsel. Tel 013-5092401 fax 013-5092718 Gsm 06-53172811 info@stekbedrijf.nl
van Gils GV
Basis Special.indd 17
VZW Florall P3
15-8-2013 14:26:03
Introduc tie tijdens Plantari um stand 29 4 Everris
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15-8-2013 14:26:28 22-07-13 14:17