4 minute read

Jimmie Egan: Learning journey lands award

Rose Mannering

Hawke’s Bay Horticulturalist of the Year Jimmie Egan believes this year’s success represents a recognition of his 22-year journey in the fruit growing industry, which began fresh out of school.

Jimmie is the Apatu Farms pipfruit division manager, working for owners Mark and Paul Apatu.

“I left school early and went straight into the industry. You could say I grew up in it, I suppose,” he reflects. He began his orcharding journey working for Bryan Rich in Southland Road, where he remained for several years, devoting time to furthering his education. “I took an orchard job to earn some money, then really started to see the benefits of an industry I have grown to love. From there I have clawed my way to where I sit today and it’s humbling to get an award like this. I am very honoured.”

Horticentre Trust’s Chris Herries (right) presents the award to Jimmie Egan

Jimmie remembers starting his time at Johnny Appleseed as an assistant manager under Dave Wright. He says the teaching and mentoring he was provided with aided his career ambitions and helped him fast track to orchard manager within the company. In 2018, Jimmie moved to Apatu Farms where he had the opportunity to spearhead the greenfield development of an orchard using 2-D growing structures on the Heretaunga Plains. Land was converted from grapes and field crops like onions into the apple varieties Jugala, Rockit and Envy.

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Jimmie Egan at Apatu Farms’ Dartmoor Road orchard

Jimmie says the establishment of 2-D structures has been challenging but also rewarding. “It has been a thrill to eliminate the use of ladders on the orchard, with platforms used for picking.” The 2-D structures have also enabled a crop to be harvested in the second year. All orchards have been set up the same way to enable the use of platforms for pruning and harvest, as well as multi-row sprayers that can handle three rows at a time. Fertigation ensures targeted nutrient input, the picking platform reduces worker fatigue, and the sprayer reduces ground compaction with only one-third of the passes required in each block.

I have clawed my way to where I sit today and it’s humbling to get an award like this. I am very honoured

Jimmie and his team began observing, recording and measuring from day one. They have been developing a ‘how to’ manual on their 2-D system to ensure repeatability across each block. Apatu Farms covers 135.5 hectares of land throughout Hawke’s Bay employing 17 permanent staff and 102 seasonal staff each year. The company began in 1966 and the pipfruit division was developed in August 2018. A further 45 hectares will be developed over the next two years. Horticulturalist of the Year contest judges Bruce Willis and Graeme Hodges noted that “the future of cuttingedge horticulture is in good hands with Jimmie. He and his team have developed an outstanding apple orchard, with impressive production and presentation of each site.

“Jimmie has an ongoing focus and passion for striving for excellence and challenging the norm to receive stronger results. He credits his success to surrounding himself with the right people, who enhance his skillset so he can reach his personal and career goals.” Jimmie manages the pipfruit business over multiple sites at Apatu Farms, at Puketapu, Meeanee, Korokipo and Karamu Road. “We’re using a different growing system compared to everyone else, starting from scratch and adapting 2-D plantings in Hawke’s Bay. Undertaking this latest project has given me the opportunity to set goals and standards for an industry I love.

“Starting a new system with challenging varieties and really trying to put those all into one component has been taxing but very rewarding.” Jimmie says he’s been fortunate to have inspirational people around him. He pays tribute to Apatu Farms general manager Tim Agnew and owners Mark and Paul Apatu.

Jimmie has an ongoing focus and passion for striving for excellence and challenging the norm to receive stronger results

“They’ve looked out for me and helped me grow as a leader. I’m grateful. Mark and Paul have also entrusted me with such a valuable asset.”

The Horticulturalist of the Year contest is organised by the Hawke’s Bay A&P Society and runs in conjunction with other primary industry awards, farmer, shepherd and farm forester of the year.


135.5 hectares

of land throughout Hawke’s Bay

45 hectares

will be further developed over the next two years


permanent staff employed


seasonal staff employed each year


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