Countdown to New Zealand’s largest census of agriculture Growers across the country are being urged to participate in the Agricultural Production Census to provide an accurate and up-to-date picture of the nation’s growing primary industries. Supplied by Statistics New Zealand Information packs for the upcoming census will be in the mailboxes of all commercial growers by the beginning of July 2022. Growers can make sure they count by completing the survey and ensuring that all questionnaire sections are filled in. Statistics New Zealand conducts the census once every five years in partnership with the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). This comprehensive survey asks growers about their production, land use and orchard practices for the 2021– 22 year ending 30 June 2022. Grower participation is crucial to ensure statistics accurately reflect the reality of what is happening across the sector, so agricultural and rural communities can best be supported, says Ana Krpo, Stats NZ’s manager of Agricultural Production Statistics. “Every operation is different, so every response is important to paint a clearer picture of horticultural activity throughout New Zealand. The census will provide a snapshot of the industry at national and regional levels, as well as provide insights into changes over time. This critical information will enable fruit and vegetable growers, the industry, businesses
and government to make informed decisions. The results will be used in developing programmes, priorities, and policies which help drive productivity and profitability.” Ana Krpo says Stats NZ has made changes to the survey in response to feedback, with the choice of an online option that can be filled out in one sitting, or a paper form. “We appreciate the time invested by busy growers in gathering information on the 2021–22 year’s production to complete the Agricultural Production Census by the 19 July 2022 deadline. It is vital that everyone responds so that all of agriculture is represented, and no one is left out. The more fully completed responses we get, the better informed we all are to support the industry into the future.” All commercial growers should expect to receive their information pack in the mail by early July. Support completing the survey is available through a dedicated Stats NZ email address and freephone number included in the information pack. There is more information at www.stats.govt. nz/about-the-agricultural-production-survey