Stepping towards a sustainable workforce New Zealand’s dependency on productive, healthy primary industries – and perhaps more importantly, its people – has never been clearer. But ironically, the shortage of skilled workers in our primary sectors remains at an all-time high. Nadine Tunley : HortNZ chief executive
As part of the 2022 Budget, the Government announced a further $230 million injection for the Apprenticeship Boost Programme and an extension of the programme until the end of 2023. The funding will go towards training programmes and supporting a further 24,000 apprenticeships.
The funding will go towards training programmes and supporting a further 24,000 apprenticeships
issue: the need for a sustainable labour pool and succession planning. The latest Situation and Outlook for Primary Industries (SOPI) report forecast that horticulture export revenue will rise by nearly 5 percent to $6.9 billion for the year to 30 June 2022. This continued growth trajectory will not be achievable without substantial investment in our people. Attracting New Zealanders into horticulture was always going to be a challenge.
While the apprenticeship boost is a starting point for alleviating skill shortages and labour pressures, it only goes so far in addressing what’s a pan-sector
The seasonal nature of the roles, the rural locations, the family and lifestyle commitments – these are just a handful of reasons New Zealanders are less likely to opt into horticulture than their backpacking or migrant counterparts. Our industry is not alone in this dilemma.
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